Full Highlights From Erzbergrodeo Red Bull Hare Scramble 2019 | Red Bull Signature Series

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[UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYING] SAL MASEKELA:<i>A foreboding mountain,</i> <i>chiseled and quarried for its precious iron ore</i> <i>as far back as the 12th Century.</i> <i>But for one weekend a year</i> <i>the machinery that mines this mountain</i> <i>is silenced and replaced</i> <i>with the roar of 500 two-wheel motocross machines.</i> <i>This is Erzbergrodeo Hare Scramble.</i> And you're watching the Red Bull Signature Series. [THEME SONG PLAYING] [UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYING] SAL:<i>Wilkommen</i>, everyone, to the Red Bull Signature Series. I am your host Sal Masekela, and we are here basking in the shadow of the Iron Giant. Eisenerz, the mountain village that is nestled in this alpine valley, literally means iron ore. Now this mountain also known as Erzberg is an ever-working, transforming mine. The landscape changes each year, it's a very different mountain and course since the competition began 25 years ago. And it has evolved into what has become one of the most grueling races on a motocross bike. Now, unfortunately, the USA's best hope of finally having a competitor that can bring home the rock has been dashed with a recent injury to Cody Webb. He'll have to wait until next year. But there are others that are up for this challenge, including young gun Manuel Lettenbichler, Germany. South Africa's Wade Young. The Spaniards, Alfred Gomez and Mario Roman. And the Brits, Johnny Walker and Billy Bolt. Now, one man that you can never count out in a race like this, his nickname says it all, the silent assassin, Graham Jarvis. At 44 years of age, this dude is not slowing down. He is the elder statesmen of the sport of hard enduro. He might not be fastest off the gate, but he is meticulous at running down and hunting his competitors, reeling in one by one, and navigating the treacherous parts of this course with impeccable trial skills. The chase is underway right now, let's send it over to Jack Nicholls and Grant Langston for the call. JACK NICHOLLS:<i>Thanks, Sal. It's a beautiful day</i> <i>on the mountain today,</i> <i>but it hasn't been over the last month or so.</i> <i>Heavy rain earlier this week, and before that snow.</i> <i>So, conditions on the mountain</i> <i>are really, really going to be challenging.</i> <i>So, let's take a closer look at this 25th running</i> <i>of the Erzbergrodeo Red Bull Hare Scramble.</i> <i>For the anniversary, Karl Katoch, the course designer,</i> <i>has made the toughest course ever</i> <i>and ground its dust down at the bottom in the pit.</i> GRANT LANGSTON:<i> Yeah, 35.2K is about 22 miles.</i> <i>The start very wet this year because of all that rain.</i> <i>Series of climbs getting out of the mountain,</i> <i>then heading back through water pipe.</i> <i>That's the first very technical section.</i> <i>Then, through the forest, very slippery,</i> <i>a lot of roots exposed and moisture in there</i> <i>making these hill climbs extra tough.</i> <i>See, they get near the top there.</i> <i>Quite a bit of elevation, a lot of climbing in the first half.</i> <i>Then it gets a little more open in the midsection here.</i> JACK:<i>This is where it gets key at Carl's Dinner,</i> <i>one of the most famous parts.</i> <i>That's where it's technical, you have the huge boulders</i>. GRANT:<i>Absolutely, and let's not forget about Green Hell,</i> <i>the one that's decided so many of the races.</i> <i>Heading into the final stretch through checkpoint 23, then Dynamite.</i> <i>They'll drop down to Lazy Noon,</i> <i>descending down to the finish line.</i> <i>And 500 riders have qualified.</i> <i>1,500 showed up. Let's see how many finish.</i> JACK:<i>Well, 1,500 came to qualify.</i> <i>Only 500 get to start the race, ten rows of 50 riders.</i> <i>There are 27 checkpoints in total.</i> <i>The first to the finish wins.</i> <i>The first 10 checkpoints the public can help the riders.</i> <i>But from checkpoint 11 onwards, they're on their own.</i> <i>They can help each other out, that's all.</i> <i>Right now, it's Manny Lettenbichler,</i> <i>who is leading the way, the young 21-year-old from Germany.</i> <i>He's the youngest ever rider to finish Hare Scramble.</i> <i>His father, Andreus, was the 2015 champion.</i> <i>Manny finished third last year.</i> <i>And, actually, if it hadn't been for his incident in the Green Hell,</i> <i>he may have won.</i> <i>So, he's out for victory this afternoon.</i> <i>And he's approaching checkpoint 11 now, Machine,</i> <i>as he swings it through the right</i> <i>and starts this tricky part where Tina Dixon is waiting.</i> TINA DIXON: I'm at the base of Machine right now, and coming up behind me is the leader, Manny Lettenbichler. And he is looking solid at this point. Guys, keep in mind, that in the past he's come out of the gates very fast but lost energy near the end. Him and his father Andreus have been preparing meticulously for this event and so far making nice work of this section. JACK:<i>Yeah, it's a new slower entry for this year as well,</i> <i>meaning they don't have as much speed</i> <i>getting up to the top, making it harder to get out.</i> <i>The next rider now is approaching, Tina.</i> Coming up is second place right now. It is Johnny Walker, chasing down Manny Lettenbichler, who's in the lead. Now, I spoke to Johnny earlier. He said his body feels strong. Remember, he's coming off of that right wrist injury, but so far doesn't seem to be affecting him. JACK:<i>There's Johnny Walker.</i> <i>He's got Wade Young coming up behind him.</i> <i>But that wrist injury for Johnny Walker</i> <i>is surely gonna come to bite him soon.</i> GRANT:<i>You would think so.</i> <i>He mentioned in the first two hours usually it's okay.</i> <i>It's later that affects him.</i> <i>You see stalled the bike, hit the electric start.</i> <i>And with that slower entry these riders having to use</i> <i>a little more throttle and clutch.</i> <i>You can see spinning the rocks are also</i> <i>changing conditions constantly.</i> [MOTORCYCLE ENGINES REVVING] JACK:<i>Here's a look at the start of the race.</i> <i>You can see how just wet it was at the start after all that rain.</i> <i>And splashing through that water was not ideal.</i> <i>And there was a new narrower start point here as well.</i> <i>So, while the front guys made the hole shot,</i> <i>there was a fall in the middle from Ryan Sipes.</i> <i>And that caused chaos.</i> <i>From here, no one can go anywhere.</i> GRANT:<i>You see this every time in Erzberg.</i> <i>That's why the top guys are so keen to get out quickly.</i> <i>Nice shot here from the front there. Riders charging.</i> <i>They know it's important to clear track.</i> <i>You see how quickly it separates once you get out of the Iron Giant</i> <i>and head back into the woods.</i> <i>Teammates all going for the same piece of real estate.</i> JACK:<i>Yup, three KTMs leading the way going into that first part.</i> <i>This was with Ryan Sipes.</i> <i>He was the guy who fell</i> <i>and then caused all the chaos behind in that early part.</i> <i>When you've got these riders trying to get on top of you</i> <i>it must be very difficult.</i> <i>And this was Graham Jarvis, who dropped back at the start</i>, <i>doesn't always get quick starts.</i> <i>And he was held up in that chaos at the first turn.</i> <i>Let's see how he's getting on now with Tina.</i> [MOTORCYCLE ENGINE REVVING] He's coming up right behind me. This is Graham Jarvis. And he is already making his way through the course picking off the other riders. He did not have a good start, but we've seen in the past he doesn't have good starts. But he will make up ground. Keep in mind, Carl's Dinner is still to come. That's where he shines. JACK:<i> 44 years of age now, Graham Jarvis.</i> <i>He's in fourth place.</i> <i>Fifth there is Billy Bolt.</i> <i>Behind them, we've got Mario Roman, the Spaniard.</i> <i>But Jarvis, as we saw, not getting the greatest start.</i> <i>But he's able to climb back towards the front of the order.</i> <i>Meanwhile, here's Manny Lettenbichler,</i> <i>currently finishing checkpoint 12, the Sleeping Beauty Forest,</i> <i>and moving onto checkpoint 13, which is Devil's Kitchen.</i> <i>And looking pretty strong at the moment.</i> [MOTORCYCLE ENGINE REVVING] <i>Now, this is how he took the lead.</i> <i>Josep Garcia was the man who got the hole shot</i> <i>and pulled away through checkpoint four.</i> <i>This is on board with Lettenbichler</i> <i>following him through one of these higher speed hill climbs.</i> <i>There we go. Up the inside, and he's up into first place.</i> <i>And Josep Garcia now is dropping back a little bit.</i> <i>That's how Manny Lettenbichler took the lead.</i> <i>Now Josep Garcia coming through.</i> <i>Oh, and struggling a little bit.</i> <i>Got the hole shot, but with the technical stuff</i> <i>he's not having such a good day.</i> GRANT:<i>Well, different riders have their strengths and weaknesses.</i> <i>Some coming from a trials background</i> <i>really excel in these sections.</i> <i>Garcia there, obviously, struggling with the rocks.</i> <i>And they're big.</i> JACK:<i>Race leader, meanwhile, is at checkpoint 14, Elevator.</i> <i>Lettenbichler leading, Walker 2nd,Young 3rd.</i> <i>And this 25th running of the race is the toughest yet.</i> <i>It may be the same mountain,</i> <i>but the size of the event and the mountain itself</i> <i>are almost unrecognizable from when it all began back in 1995.</i> [UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYING] ALFIE COX: The first time they did it was exactly the same format. The prologue first up the hill, and then they put us into rocks that we've never seen before. And I'd say it was as tough as it is now, was about 25 kilometers. If you look on top of the mountain there you'll see that spike is where we finished. [UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYING] MAN 1: When I came here for the first time 18 years ago, first Erzberg as a privateer, it's quite funny to listen, you know, the young talent. They would say, oh, no, but, no, no, that's completely different now. No, that's the same mountain. My bike had two wheels, some nuts, and underbar. And it was about climbing and having some sanction of rocks. Karl was already mad at that time, and I mean, it was more or less the same race. [UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYING] <i>More Erzbergrodeo Hare Scramble when we return.</i> <i>You're watching the Red Bull Signature Series.</i> SAL:<i> This is Erzbergrodeo Hare Scramble,</i> <i>and you're watching the Red Bull Signature Series.</i> JACK:<i>This is the current leader</i> <i>of the 2019 Erzbergrodeo Red Bull Hare Scramble, Manny Lettenbichler.</i> <i>He's coming up to checkpoint 17 at Burping Stones.</i> <i>He's got Wade Young following him,</i> <i>at the moment about 10 seconds behind.</i> <i>But you can see there's some snow on the course here,</i> <i>as we're onboard with Lettenbichler.</i> <i>This is gonna be really tricky conditions, Grant.</i> GRANT:<i>Every time these riders have to try and figure out</i> <i>what tire compounds do you use?</i> <i>I'm sure many tire companies scratch their heads</i> <i>figuring out what works on tree roots,</i> <i>rocks, gravel, dirt, snow, mud.</i> <i>I mean, talk about all the elements.</i> <i>And going down these hills through that snow</i> <i>makes things very unpredictable.</i> <i>You see Manny, not taking his time,</i> <i>but being methodical about each and every line he selects.</i> JACK:<i>Dropping down a little now,</i> <i>you see Wade Young is chasing him on the right hand side,</i> <i>the South African, about ten seconds behind at the moment.</i> <i>This is how Johnny Walker lost second place meanwhile.</i> <i>He was running well early on,</i> <i>oh, but then just struggles to get up here.</i> GRANT:<i>You can tell right there. I mean, basically, vertical.</i> <i>Got some wheel spin on that tree root.</i> <i>And now the struggle begins.</i> <i>How do you get that bike up? Do you backwards?</i> [GRANT EXCLAIMS] <i>Another faller.</i> JACK:<i>That's Young coming up and past him,</i> <i>but going down as well.</i> GRANT:<i>So, this is one of those slow but intense battles</i> <i>for podium positions at the moment.</i> JACK:<i>Here is the descent I was talking about.</i> <i>Covered in snow, Manny Lettenbichler, race leader,</i> <i>gets there first.</i> <i>Wade Young has really reeled him in.</i> <i>And at this point, it's going to be how easily can you descend.</i> <i>And Lettenbichler falls.</i> GRANT:<i>And you can see how slick it is. That bike isn't gonna stop.</i> JACK:<i>It's going down by itself.</i> GRANT:<i>Wade, obviously, saw what happened and figured,</i> <i>hey, here's my opportunity.</i> <i>Learn from the leader's mistakes.</i> <i>He caught right up and watched Lettenbichler make that mistake.</i> <i>Wade Young, a different approach, but doesn't matter.</i> <i>Doesn't have to be pretty, just need to get to the bottom.</i> <i>Throwing in the snow element really changes it for the riders.</i> JACK:<i>Yeah, so, Wade Young got off his bike.</i> <i>Lettenbichler tried to stay on it and ended up falling.</i> <i>So, Wade Young, the South African, is now the man in the lead</i> <i>of the Erzbergrodeo Red Bull Hare Scramble</i> <i>after that very, very tricky descent.</i> <i>Manny Lettenbichler was in the lead and fell.</i> <i>And this is on board with him.</i> GRANT:<i>He just tries to go around and loses his balance.</i> <i>Obviously, being on the side of a hill there, mountain, he goes down.</i> <i>Then watch this. Enjoy the ride.</i> <i>He's probably figuring,</i> <i>at least it's the right direction.</i> <i>He gets his bike going quickly.</i> <i>But you'll see Wade Young, different approach.</i> <i>But gets it done, takes the lead.</i> JACK:<i>Now he's taken the lead.</i> <i>He's actually starting to pull away quite a bit from Manny Lettenbichler.</i> <i>For more on our race leader and what's up for grabs</i> <i>here on the mountain, here's Tina Dixon.</i> South African, Wade Young, he has come very close to the podium here. But the last two years has finished in that fourth-place position. I talked to him earlier and he said a podium would be nice. But I'm here to win. And if he does, he will take home a piece of the mountain in the form of a first place trophy. JACK:<i>He's gotta keep that first place first of all.</i> <i>He's had a bit of trouble in this snow section.</i> <i>And that means Manny Lettenbichler is back right with him.</i> <i>And just coming into view at the top here is Graham Jarvis.</i> <i>He got past Johnny Walker</i> <i>in the troubles we saw Walker having earlier.</i> <i>Now it's Wade Young leading.</i> <i>He's just about managed to get out of that snow pretty quickly.</i> <i>But another sketchy moment.</i> <i>There's gonna be a lot through the rest of the race.</i> GRANT:<i>Well, I do believe that the snow coming into the entrance</i> <i>to the base of this mountain robbed all their momentum and speed.</i> <i>So, it's allowed riders to catch up.</i> <i>And they're starting to back up.</i> JACK:<i>This was how Jarvis took that downhill section.</i> <i>He's decided to stay on the bike rather than get off it.</i> <i>Whoa. He's just going quicker and quicker.</i> [GRANT LAUGHS] GRANT:<i>I'm sure with... Oh!</i> <i>Probably had front and rear brake on full lock.</i> <i>You can see sliding.</i> <i>He was gaining speed down that hill faster than he wanted.</i> <i>Look at that, he threw his goggles.</i> <i>That'll be interesting later in this race,</i> <i>especially behind these riders on some hills with rocks and roots.</i> <i>It'll be very challenging.</i> JACK:<i>Well, that was a frightening moment there for Graham Jarvis.</i> <i>He's still in the race.</i> <i>Young is leading, but Lettenbichler is in hot pursuit.</i> <i>Graham Jarvis is closing in on them as well</i> <i>as they approach Carl's Dinner,</i> <i>as much an iconic part of the event as the champion riders.</i> [MOTORCYCLE ENGINES REVVING] [UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYING] TADDY BLAZUSIAK: There's definitely some history between me and this mountain. [MOTORCYCLE ENGINE REVVING] I showed up here in 2007 as a privateer, and ended up winning this race. Been a hell of a ride since '07. We've won this race five times on the way. [ALL CHEERING] GRAHAM: It's important to forget what's gone before and just focus on that race. JACK:<i>Graham Jarvis has been disqualified three times in a row,</i> <i>twice as the man first past the finish line.</i> GRAHAM: Unbelievable. JACK:<i>But in 2013, he finally accomplished his goal</i> <i>of winning the Erzbergrodeo Hare Scramble.</i> GRAHAM: A huge relief to get that first win after so many disqualifications. [ALL CHEERING] If I stop now and I've got four wins I think I can be satisfied with what I achieved. But it would be nice to win this race and to get five wins to equal Taddy's record. [CROWD CHEERING] [UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYING] JACK:<i>Welcome back to the Styrian Mountains of Austria</i> <i>and the Red Bull Signature Series.</i> <i>This is the Erzbergrodeo Hare Scramble.</i> <i>And while we've got the professionals out in the lead at the front,</i> <i>500 riders take to the course.</i> <i>And a lot of them are amateurs.</i> <i>And it's a real, real challenge for them.</i> <i>If it's a challenge for the best,</i> <i>for these guys, it's almost impossible.</i> GRANT:<i>What's really interesting with this event</i> <i>is even for amateurs</i> <i>they get ride the exact same course as the pros.</i> <i>You don't often see that at many extreme events like this.</i> <i>And you can tell just how gnarly and tough it was.</i> <i>Believe it or not, people come from around the world</i> <i>to enjoy this punishment.</i> <i>And they come back year after year.</i> JACK:<i>Meanwhile, our leaders are in the iconic section</i> <i>known as Carl's Dinner.</i> <i>This is Manny Lettenbichler in second place.</i> <i>And just look how big those rocks are. It's unbelievable.</i> GRANT:<i>Very challenging section.</i> <i>I remember years ago Travis Pastrana and Jeremy McGrath came and did it.</i> <i>It started raining.</i> <i>They said that section was impossible,</i> <i>even with their talent and skill.</i> <i>This section did them in.</i> JACK:<i>One of the hardest sections of the race.</i> <i>You need an awful lot of stamina.</i> <i>There's a new entrance and exit this year.</i> <i>A slightly different challenge to previous years,</i> <i>but Graham Jarvis is the man leading the way.</i> <i>Didn't get a great start but has hauled himself into the lead.</i> <i>He's a four-time winner of this event, won it last year as well.</i> <i>The record is held by Taddy Blazusiak,</i> <i>who's won it five times.</i> <i>And Jarvis is looking to match that</i> <i>as he fights his way over these rocks.</i> <i>And even the guys spotting for him are falling over on these ropes.</i> GRANT:<i>Absolutely, and these rocks will still move.</i> <i>They are pretty big and sturdy,</i> <i>but there are some that roll and really change the dynamics.</i> JACK:<i>This is how Graham Jarvis took the lead.</i> <i>First of all, Manny Lettenbichler didn't take a pit stop</i> <i>when Wade and Graham did going into Carl's Dinner.</i> <i>That moved him into first place.</i> <i>And this was him struggling on the rocks.</i> <i>And Graham Jarvis was able to come up</i> <i>and make a fairly slow speed overtake.</i> GRANT:<i>Jarvis is so strong through these sections.</i> <i>I mean, it's very difficult. We call him the old man.</i> <i>He's been around a long time,</i> <i>but he's very crafty, very wise, very good at picking lines.</i> <i>Watch his line selection,</i> <i>generally a little bit different to the competitors.</i> JACK:<i>This is Wade Young who's now in third place,</i> <i>who was briefly in the lead a couple of moments ago.</i> <i>But now he's dropped back into third spot.</i> <i>And Mario Roman is trying to chase him down,</i> <i>his teammate there in the background.</i> <i>So, that's the fight that is going on for third place at the moment.</i> <i>And Wade Young still looking to try and get his first podium finish here.</i> GRANT:<i>Wade Young does not want to get passed</i> <i>and end up in fourth.</i> <i>Once again, that's probably the one spot he would not want to finish.</i> JACK:<i>Billy Bolt, meanwhile, is back down into seventh,</i> <i>and he's had a really stressful time coming into this race.</i> <i>He's injured his left leg, broke his left leg.</i> <i>And so, he's going to be really struggling.</i> <i>Watch him how he's putting and using that left leg.</i> <i>It can't be easy.</i> GRANT:<i> Well, just freshly off his injury,</i> <i>it sounds like he's not full strength or fitness.</i> <i>It also sounds like there still maybe some nerve damage in that foot.</i> <i>So, make it even tougher for him.</i> JACK:<i>This is Alfredo Gomez, two times winner of this event</i> <i>in 2015 and 2017, the man from Cercedilla in Spain.</i> <i>And he is currently lying in fifth spot.</i> <i>And Johnny Walker has dropped back to sixth now,</i> <i>the other British rider nursing an injury this time on his wrist.</i> <i>And he got a quick start was running towards the front early on.</i> <i>But now, he's starting to slip back a little bit.</i> GRANT:<i>Wondering if that wrist injury is not coming into play at this point</i> <i>going through these rocks.</i> <i>They're also very jarring on the body.</i> <i>When got that little close-up of his face,</i> <i>he looked like he's in some pain.</i> JACK:<i>Graham Jarvis though is out</i> <i>of the main section of Carl's Dinner then.</i> <i>So, once again,</i> <i>Graham Jarvis absolutely carving through those rocks.</i> <i>And he's making his way up through the final ascent.</i> <i>Still Lettenbichler running in second place.</i> <i>And this is the battle for third spot,</i> <i>very close actually.</i> <i>And Tina Dixon's down there.</i> TINA: We can see right now that is Wade Young. And in fact, Mario Roman just passed him. So, now Wade Young has been pushed back to fourth place. Now, the last two years he took fourth. He does not want to finish there again. There's still a couple big technical sections and time for him to make a pass and move up into those podium positions. JACK:<i>So those two making their way still through Carl's Dinner.</i> <i>Graham Jarvis is out of it.</i> <i>You can see how slow.</i> <i>It's almost like a game of chess,</i> <i>when going at these speeds.</i> <i>And this is Billy Bolt,</i> <i>and he has got the front of the bike stuck down between two rocks.</i> GRANT:<i>Yeah, that's gotta get hard to get out of there.</i> <i>And this is also, once again,</i> <i>not what he wants nursing a leg injury.</i> <i>That left foot, putting it down,</i> <i>physically having to pull the bike up.</i> <i>That's why many choose to ride two-strokes.</i> <i>They're lighter, a little more nimble, easier to manhandle.</i> <i>In other forms, or extreme enduro</i> <i>you'll see more riders on the four-strokes.</i> <i>But not here at Erzberg.</i> JACK:<i>Yeah, not about flat out power here at Erzberg.</i> <i>It's all about this technical stuff</i> <i>that Lettenbichler in second place</i> <i>is just about to come out of Carl's Dinner,</i> <i>about six minutes behind Graham Jarvis.</i> <i>Last year, his race fell apart at the next checkpoint</i> <i>known as the Green Hell.</i> <i>It's become a race-deciding section of the course,</i> <i>most notably, back in 2015.</i> [UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYING] 2015, a bit of a strange situation. We was all feeling pretty tired, realized there was nothing we could do alone. So, just had to team up and get up any way we could. COMMENTATOR:<i>The top four all banding together to finish all as one.</i> It was a special moment competing for all of us. Normally, you race to win by your own. GRAHAM: It's a bit disappointing 'cause I was in the lead, but it still counts as a win. So, it's no matter. MAN 2: We all just finish together. COMMENTATOR:<i>To crown four champions of the Iron Giant is awesome.</i> <i>Has never happened in the history of this event.</i> [CROWD CHEERING] JACK:<i>Welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series in the Iron Giant</i> <i>for the Erzbergrodeo Hare Scramble.</i> <i>It's man and machine versus the mountain</i> <i>here at the 25th edition of the Erzbergrodeo Hare Scramble.</i> <i>And this is the race leader Graham Jarvis</i> <i>coming up to the Green Hell section.</i> <i>So many fans have packed out this part of the course</i> <i>because they know this is where it's won or lost.</i> GRANT:<i> This is usually the decider.</i> <i>We've seen it before.</i> <i>Once you get to this point, you can see Jarvis mentally preparing.</i> <i>It's wetter. It looks like they've had some mudslides down</i> <i>even in the tunnel they went through.</i> <i>He gets that power down and look at him.</i> <i>This is one of the best in the world showing these fans.</i> <i>Oh, and even he makes a mistake to the roar of the crowd.</i> JACK:<i>It looked like he was going to make it there.</i> <i>Got a really good run up, but now was run into trouble.</i> <i>Meanwhile, Lettenbichler in second.</i> <i>He has caught up with Graham Jarvis.</i> <i>It's his turn now to have a run</i> <i>and see how far he can get up into Green Hell.</i> <i>This is where it all went wrong for him last year, on board we go.</i> <i>The course swings right.</i> <i>Oh, and then he finds Jarvis there.</i> <i>Nowhere to go.</i> GRANT:<i>Absolutely nowhere to go, going for the hill.</i> <i>They try to go around.</i> <i>But Jarvis, maybe a little strategy there.</i> <i>Put the bike sideways, create a bit of a road block.</i> <i>But, well, you're watching the battle for the lead</i> <i>in one of the toughest sections of the toughest races late in the day.</i> <i>These guys are physically exhausted.</i> <i>Now they gotta figure out the best line to the top.</i> <i>We talked about it with the weather, the rain.</i> <i>It's changed. It looks different from last year.</i> <i>Probably trying to figure out where to find traction.</i> JACK:<i>So, last year, this was pretty much the top.</i> <i>They exited to the left as we look at it.</i> <i>But now, they've got an even higher climb to try and get up.</i> <i>So, that's why you can see them trying to come towards the camera.</i> <i>That's where they've got to climb out of.</i> <i>90 meters long this part of the course.</i> <i>And look, Graham Jarvis really struggling</i> <i>to find any traction anywhere</i> <i>because you're basically on tree roots here.</i> GRANT:<i>Oh, yeah, traction is not at a premium.</i> <i>Also too, after going through all those rock gardens,</i> <i>the rear tires, the knobbies are non-existent.</i> <i>See that wheel spin. That's chewing up the tires.</i> <i>So, even their grip has gone away throughout this race.</i> JACK:<i> So, Graham Jarvis in front then.</i> <i>He's just trying to get it up over the root.</i> GRANT:<i>I thought he may fall back down the hill.</i> <i>That would not be fun. Man, this is just incredible.</i> <i>The world's best riders really getting put to the test.</i> JACK:<i>There he's just digging in the rear tire</i> <i>to give himself a place to stop the bike rolling back down the hill</i> <i>before he then starts and goes for it again.</i> <i>And if you're Manny Lettenbichler</i> <i>you're actually at a reasonable position, sitting, having a rest,</i> <i>watching how to get up the hill, and then copying almost.</i> GRANT:<i>That's one way to do it.</i> <i>And at this point, there may only be one optimal line.</i> <i>Jarvis is trying to get it.</i> [MOTORCYCLE ENGINE REVVING] <i>You can hear the fans trying to coach their riders</i> <i>hearing him work the clutch, the throttle.</i> <i>Now digging a bit of a hole.</i> <i>He's won't roll backwards, but it'll make it harder to get out.</i> JACK:<i>You're not allowed physical help</i> <i>in terms of lifting the bike and pushing the bike.</i> <i>But they're scooping out a little bit of mud</i> <i>to try and make that climb easier for Graham Jarvis.</i> <i>He's really struggling to get anything going at all there.</i> <i>And Manny Lettenbichler on the right, just watching,</i> <i>just waiting, hoping that they're gonna create</i> <i>a nice, clean path for him.</i> GRANT:<i>Jarvis might be getting himself stuck in a hole, literally.</i> <i>That hole's getting bigger.</i> <i>He gives it everything, but he can't quite get out of there.</i> <i>This is where the endurance,</i> <i>the rider's strength, the overall training.</i> <i>These riders do a lot of training off the motorcycle as well</i> <i>to keep up their strength and endurance.</i> <i>This is the time they need it.</i> JACK:<i>He's switched sides now, Graham Jarvis.</i> <i>He's not the tallest of the riders out there.</i> <i>Now he's on the other side and up the hill.</i> <i>He can get maybe a bit more purchase. There he goes.</i> <i>He can push the bike a little better.</i> <i>And Lettenbichler now is following him on as well.</i> <i>And is he gonna get out this time, Jarvis?</i> <i>Oh, just rolling back to the position he was in before.</i> GRANT:<i>Wasn't sure if he stalled it,</i> <i>if he's trying to get another run at this.</i> <i>He's on the bike, so that's usually a good sign.</i> <i>If you look at the handlebars on both sides</i> <i>he actually had what seemed to be like energy bars strapped there.</i> <i>The crowd roars as he makes it up.</i> <i>But I saw the energy bar on the throttle side is gone,</i> <i>so he probably had a little snack out there.</i> JACK:<i>Graham's dinner, as Manny Lettenbichler next up then.</i> <i>So, he's seen what Jarvis has done.</i> <i>But, as there are more cheers,</i> <i>I think Jarvis is almost getting out of there at Green Hell.</i> <i>But seeing what the guy in front does</i> <i>doesn't mean you can easily copy it.</i> <i>And there you can see</i> <i>Manny desperately trying to push that bike up.</i> <i>Someone else is arriving. I think this is Mario Roman.</i> <i>He hasn't quite managed it on his first run.</i> <i>So, he's going back down to take another run</i> <i>at getting up Green Hell.</i> <i>Those two did a great job</i> <i>to even get where they got to first time round.</i> GRANT:<i>You can see if you don't get a good run at that hill</i> <i>at the very beginning,</i> <i>you may as well just start over.</i> <i>You need to get right near the top before you get stuck.</i> <i>If you're getting stuck halfway up, it's gonna be a nightmare.</i> <i>It'll take you forever.</i> [MOTORCYCLE ENGINE REVVING] JACK:<i> Lettenbichler wrestling with it.</i> <i>Looks like he's nearly out.</i> <i>I can't believe how many fans are here.</i> <i>There were maybe 10 or 15 people last year.</i> <i>But now here's Mario Roman, the Spaniard in third place,</i> <i>and he's got up to where Jarvis and Lettenbichler just were.</i> <i>The crowd gives you huge encouragement.</i> <i>Everyone is cheering.</i> GRANT:<i>Oh, absolutely. And at this point of the day,</i> <i>I think these riders need that encouragement.</i> <i>It's so easy for your body to want to shut down</i> <i>and even give up.</i> <i>But these guys put way too much into it.</i> <i>They have teams behind them. They want to do them proud.</i> JACK:<i>And Jarvis is out then.</i> <i>Graham Jarvis out of Green Hell and off on his way.</i> <i>He's heading to Dynamite, the next checkpoint.</i> <i>And that is good news for him.</i> <i>And we'll see how quickly Manny Lettenbichler</i> <i>can get out of Green Hell and start to chase him.</i> [MOPTORCYCLE ENGINE REVVING] GRANT:<i>Back to Green Hell.</i> <i>This is the battle for third,</i> <i>Roman, Young, and Gomez all going for it,</i> <i>using the Jarvis line at the left there.</i> <i>So, I'm sure, as we said, no physical help from the outside.</i> <i>But these people are coaching these guys where to go.</i> <i>They're making a bit of a groove.</i> <i>So, I don't know if that's gonna make it easier or more difficult</i> <i>with each rider that passes.</i> JACK<i>It's so slick up here after the rain over the last couple of days.</i> <i>That's what's causing the problem, too.</i> <i>And there goes Gomez past Wade Young then.</i> <i>And Alfredo Gomez moves up into fourth place</i> <i>as Young still trying to</i> <i>get off that tree root there on the right-hand side.</i> <i>Almost got his leg up, pushing himself off the tree.</i> GRANT:<i>He's got that bike high centered.</i> <i>Oh, and a mistake.</i> JACK:<i>Gomez falls.</i> GRANT:<i>If you're Wade Young, do you take a shot at this hill</i> <i>knowing that there's a rider down in your line</i> <i>just a few feet ahead of you?</i> <i>It's a lot of strategy as well.</i> JACK:<i>These guys continue to struggle in Green Hell,</i> <i>but there are only three checkpoints left for our leaders.</i> <i>Can Graham Jarvis hold on for a fifth record tying win?</i> <i>Or, will Lettenbichler catch him to become the youngest ever winner.</i> <i>We find out when we return to the Red Bull Signature Series.</i> JACK:<i>Welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series</i> <i>for the Erzbergrodeo Hare Scramble.</i> <i>Our leaders nearing the penultimate challenge</i> <i>of our 22-mile course around the Erzberg iron mine.</i> <i>Checkpoint 25, Dynamite.</i> <i>And it is Jarvis in the lead at the moment.</i> <i>He's the man on the white bike there, the Husqvarna.</i> <i>You can see on the right side down at the bottom,</i> <i>that's Manny Lettenbichler in second place on the KTM.</i> <i>And here is Jarvis trying to get out of Dynamite.</i> <i>Looks like he's gearing himself up here.</i> GRANT:<i>Yeah, Dynamite definitely not the toughest section on this course.</i> <i>But late in the day when you've been through everything else,</i> <i>this is very tough.</i> <i>And Jarvis is gonna get there. Nice.</i> <i>That was important.</i> <i>Each time he clicks off these</i> <i>he knows he's just getting that much closer.</i> <i>And now we start going down.</i> <i>And this is...</i> JACK:<i>This is trickier than it looks.</i> GRANT:<i>Exactly. It's very easy to get carried away, carry a lot of speed.</i> <i>Then once you start to get the wheel lock up, or you get off that line,</i> <i>very easy to go down and potentially damage yourself or the motorcycle</i> <i>and not be able to finish.</i> <i>Manny trying to get through this section.</i> <i>He saw Jarvis.</i> <i>He's got a visual, knows just how far ahead he is.</i> <i>If he gets this clean, makes up some ground.</i> <i>There's still a chance.</i> JACK:<i>So, here he comes then to this final hill climb section of it,</i> <i>just focusing, getting a few words of advice from Andreus Lettenbichler,</i> <i>his father, and the winner in 2015.</i> <i>And there's a shake of the head from Manny.</i> <i>But spotters play such an important part.</i> <i>Don't know if I'd be great having my dad telling me what to do</i> <i>in that particular relationship, though.</i> <i>Oh, Lettenbichler, he's just got off the side a little.</i> GRANT:<i> No, if your dad is a former winner,</i> <i>I guess I'm gonna take his advice over most other people.</i> <i>But very handy for him to have his dad at his disposal.</i> JACK:<i>And Manny makes it up and out of Dynamite then.</i> <i>So, only a couple more checkpoints to go for these leaders.</i> <i>And he'll now start his sprint to try and catch up with Graham Jarvis.</i> <i>And he now starts the descent</i> <i>that we saw Jarvis doing a moment ago.</i> [MOTORCYCLE ENGINE REVVING] GRANT:<i>You can see just how steep that is going down.</i> <i>Pretty much a single track.</i> <i>And then, Mario Roman, he looks like he is potentially stuck.</i> <i>He is.</i> <i>Breaking traction now, trying to not go off course.</i> <i>And you can just see the physical exhaustion kicking in.</i> JACK:<i>It's full of loose boulders</i> <i>this 60-meter long section of Dynamite.</i> <i>And that's where it's changing for each rider as they come through.</i> <i>Carl's Dinner, those big rocks aren't moving.</i> <i>Just gotta get over them.</i> <i>But here, the ground is changing underneath you as you're going up.</i> GRANT:<i>Yeah, at times it's almost like riding on marbles.</i> <i>Where your eyes and you want to go is not always where the bike ends up.</i> [JACK LAUGHS] JACK:<i>So, here comes Roman up to the last part of it,</i> <i>trying to haul the bike up. Oh.</i> <i>Almost wheeling his way up.</i> GRANT:<i>These riders have great bike control.</i> <i>They do that on purpose, pop the front wheel up</i> <i>and basically do a 90-degree turn and pick their line.</i> <i>When it's very technical like this,</i> <i>you end up having to zigzag your way up there.</i> <i>And look at that. There really is not an optimal line.</i> <i>It's trying to navigate...</i> <i>Basically wanna avoid the big boulders in front of them.</i> <i>See him making his line to the left where a little more dirt and gravel.</i> [MOTORCYCLE ENGINE REVVING] JACK:<i>Here is Alfredo Gomez.</i> <i>He got a good run up there.</i> <i>That was nice and smooth.</i> GRANT:<i>That was really well done there.</i> <i>This is that corner. We've seen a few riders getting hung up.</i> <i>Hard to turn on the side of a mountain.</i> <i>The bikes wants to fall down the hill.</i> <i>Ooh, that was a bit of a scary moment there.</i> JACK:<i>Gomez a two-time winner of this event.</i> GRANT:<i> Yeah, I'm just trying to--</i> <i>I think he'd shoot across there.</i> <i>But now looking to get back into that main line.</i> [MOTORCYCLE ENGINE REVVING] JACK:<i>And this is Johnny Walker, on board with him</i> <i>as he comes into Green Hell then.</i> <i>So, he's a long way behind the leaders up that first run.</i> <i>He's ground to a halt there,</i> <i>even before the Manny Lettenbichler's and Graham Jarvis' of this world,</i> <i>which were able to swing right pretty easily...</i> <i>Not easily, but made more progress there than Johnny Walker did.</i> GRANT:<i>Johnny gotta be feeling that wrist injury now,</i> <i>pushing that bike, manhandling it,</i> <i>maybe questioning why he decided to show up at this race.</i> <i>But we say it before, this is the one that everyone wants to win.</i> JACK:<i>Graham Jarvis up Lazy Noon.</i> <i>Can he get it done one? Yes, he can.</i> <i>That was the last major hill climb, really, for Graham Jarvis.</i> <i>And he swept up it as if it wasn't there.</i> <i>Absolutely superb stuff from the Englishman.</i> <i>And he is now heading towards the closing stages of the race.</i> <i>That was smooth.</i> GRANT:<i>Super smooth.</i> <i>Jarvis known for that, this guy is just incredible, what he can do.</i> <i>He's been doing it for many years. And what's nice for him...</i> <i>Look at that rock chasing after him.</i> <i>That could've...</i> <i>Imagine getting whacked from a rock when you're close to home.</i> <i>That can happen in this event.</i> <i>When you think you got it, things like that happen.</i> <i>Nice for him to come out of the check point</i> <i>not having Manny right behind him.</i> JACK:<i>Mario Roman in third place then. He completes Dynamite.</i> <i>Can he hold onto third?</i> <i>Alfredo Gomez is still trying to chase him down,</i> <i>as he now makes his way towards Lazy Noon.</i> GRANT:<i> To see that rear wheel full lock,</i> <i>these riders negotiating the hill really well.</i> <i>This is one of those sections that starts bedding in.</i> <i>So, the riders coming later on</i> <i>will have more of advantage through there.</i> <i>So, some sections help being first, and some maybe hurt a little more.</i> JACK:<i>Here comes Manny Lettenbichler.</i> <i>He hasn't got a lot of momentum coming up there.</i> <i>Can he get across the checkpoint in one go?</i> <i>Legs are out, legs are down, but he's done it.</i> <i>Or has he? Right up to the top.</i> <i>Just about managing to make it through.</i> <i>When you compare that run to Graham Jarvis'</i> <i>it's a different world. He's in a class of his own.</i> <i>But Lettenbichler still trying to chase him down.</i> <i>And Tina Dixon is waiting for the winner.</i> This is the closest we have ever seen the leaders hit these final checkpoints. And when you see the winner cross this finish line, you'll see the look of focus go to smile and excitement as they realize they have just conquered the Iron Giant. JACK:<i>At the moment, it's Graham Jarvis leading the way.</i> <i>If he can complete these closing stages without drama,</i> <i>he will take that record equaling fifth victory in Erzberg</i> <i>that he is so desperate for.</i> <i>Manny Lettenbichler won't let him have it easy.</i> <i>When we return, someone will take home a piece of the Iron Giant.</i> <i>You're watching the Red Bull Signature Series.</i> JACK:<i>Welcome back to the stunning scenery of Austria</i> <i>and the Red Bull Signature Series.</i> <i>We're about the crown a champion</i> <i>at the 25th edition of the Erzbergrodeo Hare Scramble.</i> <i>But for anyone outside of the top 20,</i> <i>even getting to the end is not really a possibility.</i> <i>But, for one man, the struggle is pretty much over.</i> <i>Graham Jarvis, who's won this event four times previously,</i> <i>is about the equal the record and take a fifth win.</i> <i>He's getting this final checkpoint check now</i> <i>into this stadium section where the crowd have gathered.</i> <i>A few little obstacles to show off,</i> <i>but nothing compared to what he has just endured on the mountain.</i> <i>And it is Graham Jarvis who wins</i> <i>the 2019 Erzbergrodeo Red Bull Hare Scramble.</i> <i>And he is pumped with that.</i> GRANT:<i>Yeah, that is incredible.</i> <i>Five-time winner here at the toughest race in the world,</i> <i>phenomenal job.</i> <i>This guy is like a fine wine, just gets better with age.</i> <i>But he also knows the window's closing.</i> <i>These youngsters are getting quicker each year,</i> <i>nipping at his heels.</i> <i>But what a great ride from this guy.</i> JACK:<i>A handshake with Karl Katoch and his mechanic Damo there,</i> <i>as Graham Jarvis enjoys his celebrations.</i> <i>Manny Lettenbichler will take his best ever result on the mountain,</i> <i>finished third a year ago.</i> <i>He's had a strong race.</i> <i>It has to be said, he'll be one of the favorites for next year.</i> GRANT:<i>Without a doubt, he's been strong.</i> <i>Back to back years.</i> <i>A little closer this year than last,</i> <i>but I'm sure he's just thinking, man, that Jarvis guy is just so good.</i> <i>But he's young, getting better.</i> <i>Got good advice from his father.</i> <i>Got a good team behind him. You can see he's happy.</i> <i>But he won't be satisfied until he gets that win.</i> JACK:<i>Less than half of Graham's age.</i> <i>21 years old, compared to Jarvis' 44.</i> <i>He comes through his final checkpoint now,</i> <i>and he is gonna get a lot of applause on the KTM,</i> <i>home hero, I suppose. Maybe.</i> <i>Not Austrian, but German.</i> GRANT:<i>Same language.</i> JACK:<i> Exactly. Same language, on a KTM.</i> <i>He's gonna be a popular guy to come across the line</i> <i>and take second place.</i> <i>Manny Lettenbichler, a strong performance.</i> <i>Pushed Graham Jarvis most of the way to be fair.</i> [CROWD CHEERING] <i>And that will be a very, very pleasing result for him.</i> [MOTORCYCLE ENGINE REVVING] <i>Here's Lazy Noon then.</i> <i>And we have got Alfredo Gomez who's in fourth place at the moment,</i> <i>just coming up to complete it.</i> <i>He's won this event twice before,</i> <i>but I don't think he's going to be on the podium today</i> <i>because Mario Roman, the other Spaniard,</i> <i>looks like he's going to have a third place finish.</i> <i>And he takes it nice and high on these final obstacles.</i> <i>He is the man who completes the podium</i> <i>at the 2019 Erzbergrodeo Hare Scramble.</i> <i>Those are the first three.</i> <i>Jarvis, Lettenbichler, and Roman.</i> [CROWD CHEERING] <i>The crowd standing, applauding.</i> <i>A huge crowd that have turned up to watch this.</i> <i>And Mario Roman is very happy with that.</i> GRANT:<i>And it's also pretty warm</i> <i>after the rain and weather they had.</i> <i>This is the hottest it's been. The riders feeling it.</i> <i>The fans came out in full force.</i> JACK:<i>Here is Taddy Blazusiak, and he's just completing Dynamite.</i> <i>We haven't seen much of him.</i> <i>He's gone from 23rd up to sixth place,</i> <i>a man with an incredible history around here with his five titles.</i> <i>Retired a couple of years ago as well.</i> <i>But, now, that record</i> <i>of winning the Erzbergrodeo Red Bull Hare Scramble five times</i> <i>has been matched by Graham Jarvis, who's at the finish line with Tina.</i> Graham, the look on your face crossing the finish line was absolutely priceless. Five-time winner now. How much more does this one mean? Well, to equal Taddy's record, that was so important. After all the disqualifications, I kinda looked at Karl just to make sure that it was all good, the checkpoints were good, and we're good to go. We can celebrate, and it's happy days. TINA: 44 years old, competing against riders half your age. Is there any concern with that? Yeah, I mean, I doubted myself. You're feeling tired. It'd been a long week, aches and pains. The young guys are getting better, pushing hard. I know people doubted me, I doubted myself. But we did it. Cheers. TINA: You absolutely did it. A huge congratulations. Thanks, cheers. JACK:<i>Jarvis has been disqualified three times over his history here.</i> <i>But not today. He takes the win.</i> <i>Manny Lettenbichler second.</i> <i>And Mario Roman in third place.</i> <i>Alfred Gomez and Wade Young completing the top five.</i> <i>Another intense, grueling, and ruthless</i> <i>Erzbergrodeo Hare Scramble comes to an end here in Austria.</i> <i>So, let's send it back to Sal Masekela.</i> Thank you, Jack. And thanks to all of you for joining us at the 25th Erzbergrodeo Red Bull Hare Scramble right here in Eisenerz, Austria, the home of the Iron Giant. Congrats to our podium. Mario Roman in third and Manny Lettenbichler in second, as well as all 16 riders that were able to finish this incredibly grueling course. But only one man gets to take home the rock today, and it is the silent assassin, Graham Jarvis. Another bad start for the legend of hard enduro. But Jarvis made his way through a field of riders almost half his age, going from 14th into first, all while making the historically difficult Carl's Dinner look like a drive in his front yard. Huge congratulations to the five-time winner of the competition. And today, of course, he gets this signature moment. Congrats, Graham. The Red Bull Signature Series continues in the mud, dirt, and rocks from the alps of Austria to the heartland of the USA. Two and four-wheel drive off-road truck racing, battling it out and trading paint on one of the most famous courses in history. This is the 50th anniversary of Red Bull Crandon World Cup, from Crandon International Off Road Raceway in Wisconsin. Thank you for joining today, and be sure to follow us wherever you get social. On behalf of our entire crew, including Jack Nicholls, Grant Langston, Tina Dixon, and myself, we will see you next time. [UPBEAT MUSIC CONTINUES PLAYING]
Channel: Red Bull
Views: 1,654,455
Rating: 4.8349724 out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, action sports, extreme sports, red bull signature series, red bull motorsports, motorsports, dirt bike, red bull signature series 2019, red bull bike, motocross, red bull hare scramble, erzbergrodeo, Erzbergrodeo Red Bull Hare Scramble 2019, erzbergrodeo 2019, erzberg, erzberg rodeo, red bull straight rhythm, red bull hare scramble 2019 highlights, red bull hare scramble 2019, graham jarvis, world enduro super series
Id: m5ixPRj--y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 16sec (2656 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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