Horse Shelter Heroes | S2E8 | Full Episode

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in this episode of horse shelter heroes it's the one i know you've all been waiting for it's the auction rescue episode a whole lot happens we rescue a lot of horses and well this happens this hurts really really bad i hope it's not broken but [Music] male ladies here delivering our amazon wishlist packages you get them from around the world it's absolutely amazing and she's got a lot of them today well we got all our packages for today there's been 12 delivered this morning so we know this week is gonna have a lot of amazon packages uh to open so it's gonna it's gonna take us a bit we are moving the horses out of quarantine it's a very exciting day we're just getting all of their weight and see how much weight they've gained and also deworming them so hope has gained 25 pounds that is pretty awesome for her there for a while it was hit and miss we weren't sure if she was gonna make it or not she kept going couldn't get back up we had to keep getting her back up but her spirits are definitely back and she's gaining weight and we're so excited for her all the horses are out of quarantine they're in their new pastures and we're just excited that they're all gaining weight and feeling a lot lot better sawdust has arrived this is the quarantine barn and we just had it all cleaned out and now we're going to put the fresh soda shavings in here [Music] and we're done there's all the sawdust hey y'all it's sarah behind the camera not only is it auction day and we've got 19 horses coming in this morning we also have the guys here to do the grounds where the bet the vet barn is going in um but we have a little surprise and i wanted to show you i know y'all are gonna love it so uh yeah come with me and uh see the little surprise we come in here okay you may be able to guess what i'm about to show you alrighty there's mama this is the mayor that was in the last auction she was very pregnant when she came in and we knew she was gonna have her baby very very soon well there's her baby it's a girl and anyways the baby was born this morning it's a little girl and we're very happy that everything went well and she's doing okay so far that we can tell getting ready to drive over to the auction to bid on the horses and save some lives i have no idea how many i'm gonna save tonight hopefully it's a lot i would love to save 20 maybe 25 but we're just gonna have to see how it is i understand auction slaughter prices up quite a bit so i'm just hoping to be able to save a lot of precious lives tonight we're coming right up to the auction this trucking trailer in front of us has a uh i saw it earlier it has a horse or two in it probably selling it [Applause] [Music] john i got you 675 dollars this man right down here the horse auction's over you can hear the chicken auction going on right next door but the horse auction is over and this evening we were able to rescue 19 precious lives you know as i was in there bidding i was just shocked prices for horses the uh the bottoms meat price has just gone way up these these are three uh just three horses out of the bunch here's a little we got this little donkey walking by he's also in the group that we saved and the one looking over i believe is one we saved so again thank you guys so much it looks like spring out there but it's actually 34 degrees this morning it's uh quite chilly uh we're excited to get these horses out of the auction and get them back to our shelter where they can be seen by our veterinarian and intake team and get everything they need i'd just like to thank everyone so much for your support that's made this rescue mission possible we're here this morning to get all the horses we rescued we rescued 19 last night just so excited and so grateful for your all support it takes a little bit of a process when we're here at the auction we're evaluating horses we're taking notes uh to send back to our vet and intake team and we're also taking intake pictures because when these horses are at the auction they have their auction tags on they um they're identifiable on the receipt and then a lot of times in transport they lose their auction tags then we have a hard time matching up their coggins papers and everything so uh we're just going to get busy with that and get on the road cold i'm very thankful for my jacket it's freezing it's freezing cold hey babies you'll be all right yo donkey hey yo donkey hi hey you angela has the glove warmers this is very nice we uh really appreciate our our fans and supporters getting us these uh glove warmers we use them all through the winter time and even though it's almost may we're going to be using them again i'd like to say a huge shout out to synutra for donating sinchill for this month's auction rescue and all our supporters who donate it it really helps the horses here uh they've been through so much and it helps them relax and stay calmer anxiety is not good for anybody especially horses so sin chill we're able to give it to them and it helps calm them right off the bat and really makes the rest of the day much better for them so every horse that we can handle will be getting sinchill as part of their intake process here at the auction with their photos hey baby we're gonna get you back yes you're so pretty this horse is in such horrible condition it's amazing it's even able to stand there's really nothing left of it looks like it's been through another auction i can see a tag clip up there on its main and that is from usually from another auction that we've gone to they use it for their coggins identification so i'm guessing this horse has been through multiple auctions this is what you call an emaciated horse there's patches of hair that are missing a lot of times when horses just get so so skinny uh it's easier for them to just i mean there's hair just falling off like their body can't even maintain themselves um you see literally every bone and it's just so so sad what she's been through she's just so so skinny i'm gonna take a peek at her teeth and see how old she is so she's got she's got teeth in there i was expecting not to see anything but gums um but we'll have our vet look at her and get a age on her i'm thinking she's probably 19 late teens early 20s so it's really sad to see her in such a rough condition she does have a huge ulcer in this eye also this one is also skinny but not as skinny as the last one so donkey's very confused this horse is also very skinny come on baby get you out of here we sort them out into different pens so um they can ride comfortably together this horse has a lot of anxiety it looks like it's been a big lick horse uh his tail is kind of off to the side like they cut the tendons in the tail for show and also his demeanor is very nervous which uh you know big like show horses are not used to sail barns and basically just living in a stall because they were stacks a lot of times so we see them pull the stacks and send them to auction a lot of times when they they're not worth showing anymore i guess anyways i'll see if i can get a hold of him if hey are you a girl you a boy come here baby you're okay you're okay you're all right good baby good baby here okay it's okay all right good baby you're just a little scared mom just a little scared it looks like a young horse you're all right good baby yeah my first one in the pen uh it's very scared and jumping around but settle down really good you're all right for horses like this essential is very important because uh has a lot of anxiety and it'll just help this horse relax and stress isn't good for anybody there you go and especially with rescued horses when they've been through so much it they're so much more um susceptible to getting all kinds of diseases they could pick up here at the auction so if we can get their bodies to relax and their mind to be like okay everything's not bad this isn't the end of the world um it can help their rehab and quarantine process at our facility just kind of a little boost to help keep them healthy right off the bat this horse really liked the donkey so we're going to be putting them back with the donkey and since the donkey's little and this horse is young and the little pony in here we're going to put them all together and see how they how they travel hopefully they they'll do really well the pony has freeze branded numbers on its back which is is kind of um rare i don't know it must have been in some type of program it looks like it says seven three six we losing a shoe here it's half falling off oh easy baby there it goes source just lost a shoe this is it's a freeze brand uh so it's a standard uh racehorse the kart racing horses so we should be able to look up the brand and see who this horse is i'll give you some let me give you some sin chill hopefully this sin chill helps him calm down he's still shaking pretty bad he's nervous and cold and he's probably been with the amish wait so the donkey's done he's probably been living with the amish for quite a while a lot of these standard red horses after the track the amish get them and they'll spend thousands of dollars to get a good standard bred horse for their buggies and then when they're no longer working for them usually they end up in the auction but during those years they spend a lot of time with the amish and they hear pennsylvania dutch as their primary language with humans so it's a little bit different when they come out of the amish and then they they're back with english speaking people and it's it's a bit of a change for them just command-wise so it's confusing i'm sure so this little donkey uh probably is not halter trained very scared so we're so we're just gonna take pictures of him in the pen and then run him out down with his friend the black horse hi baby i'm not gonna hurt you can you smell me you're gonna be okay good baby yes so this horse has a lot of discharge coming out of its eye uh angela's over there taking notes it's also got some a little growth there one's eye hopefully it's not cancerous those horses got a runny nose uh pretty nasty runny nose so it's very sick um i don't it acts like it hasn't been handled before so it'd be more like a feral horse [Music] so we're just going to take pictures of it and not handle this horse because we don't want to cause more stress on this horse and also safety for us we don't know if this horse is a kicker or um you know it's very beautiful we just need to get back to the shelter and get it evaluated and get it healthy and this horse just wants love so please take me out of here you're gonna be gone out of here real soon the kill buyers were paying top dollar for horses last night and this is a horse they would have really liked to get because it is a very healthy horse weight wise compared to a horse like that is more lean and thin they will export even skinny horses to mexico but they'd much prefer to buy these horses that are ready to ship not ones that might need to be fattened up for a little bit or something it has shoes on the front [Music] i'm gonna get the horse's number [Music] okay it kicks oh i just got kicked by a horse that horse kicks keith be careful i'm going to have a good bruise on that one oh yeah yeah it's not broken i don't like being kicked nobody does that is one thing um for people that want to go out and rescue horses you know horse didn't show any signs of kicking me it's just trying to get a picture but uh you know they they can come here because they've sent people to the hospital and that's the uh the dangerous part of our job so oh it's gonna take a minute and hope the pain stops hurting yesterday i had a migraine all day and now i'm going to be limping around so not a good day so i feel like i want to lay down for a little bit man that hurts the problem is like it came at me it didn't move away from me like it started moving and i jumped away and then it it came after me and got me so last night i guess somebody was here and got a horse uh sent him to the hospital um i guess the person ripped their their face got ripped open or something horrible um yeah they fell off a horse into a trailer fell off a horse into a trailer and got 22 staples i think two staples last night everything goes in waves hopefully this is the end of the uh the dangerous way yeah that horse has shoes on that was a direct kick with a shoe oh oh maybe oh ouch ugh not gonna be a fun day we're gonna put a red tag um on this horse so when we get back to the shelter um we'll know that this is a dangerous horse um so hopefully it doesn't hurt anyone else so they're going and uh bringing horses up angela's taking notes and i'm uh doing a visual inspection to see what the horse may need if it needs x-rays or i see something wrong um i start shaking every little bit um but we go through this and we'll get these horses safe it looks like he has some issues with the time left leg probably going to take x-rays does it have a tattoo keith yeah there's a tattoo yeah she is okay so she's probably a racing injury or something can't read it very well 291 is all i can get one so it's really really bad i hope it's not broken but um i just don't remember other horse kicks hurting this bad and then kicked plots but this one's hurting really bad this is a rough auction day it's freezing cold i'm injured but i'm just thankful that these horses that we do rescue today i mean rescued last night and moving back to the shelter that they are safe um but ugh it's a rough day well we're pretty far back in the auction barn and i'm not going to be able to help with loading so i'm going to we're going to load you i'm going to get loaded so um i ever had the gooseneck fine right no so this heart's really bad so we just got to go slow let's see wow cj's maybe you come on this side or oh okay i am this is a really bad way to be taken out out of the auction oh that hurts yay was very painful that was a very painful thing the truck's gonna come over here closer because it's got a back up here anyways to load and uh i can get in the truck easier then because he'll be closer jason's gonna back up we're gonna load tony up first and then we're gonna load horses and i will be in the truck working on sending pictures and stuff to back to the shelter so we will uh we'll make it today oh hold on so i think it's better over here because then i can put more weight on oh all right thank you goddess just makes it more comfortable for the horses to ride it absorbs from the urine and feces get some better traction on the rubber and then we're going to want to get a couple bags out for the other chair so getting the horse in here that uh kicked tony and we're gonna load him up with some friends in the front of the trailer so that we have so we can minimize the amount of interaction that we have with them at this point and get them back to the shelter and continue the evaluation process clean the gate angela come on guys time to go time to go let's go so we are on the road um unfortunately i am not going to do a video um today i got kicked really really bad punctured the skin i can i can't put weight on my leg really at all um anyways it hurts really bad but um we're enroute back to the shelter and we are um you know have the vet there the intake team and get these horses uh all the help they need and um i just i really need to rest instead of making a video because my leg really really hurts but anyways part of the rescue life is uh taking a kick every once in a while but it's not fun [Music] how are you feeling my leg works but we made it back [Music] how could anyone understand [Music] i could is you all [Music] well the horses have arrived safely back the shelter and uh they're all good i'm gonna go take care of myself now we have a great team here that's gonna take care of the horses all the intake and that's what's great about having this organization with so many awesome people is because if one of us does get kicked and can't function in a working environment everyone else is here to pick up that slack and i've got a lot of computer work i can do so i'm going to go do that okay and then you write it really big on it because on the back i think we're somewhere in our 20s so our scale is broken so we're just going ahead and using the weight tape this time [Music] 468. [Music] 293 i can't really get through it very good [Music] he's three four fifteen hands 765. 13 3. the wind blew that back on my cheek no no it's not it's not i i had a bunch of it earlier too oh hey this is not a bad i'm gonna go we're over 20 i think but the quarantine barn is all clean and ready for the horses and we got our first horse to be put in the quarantine barn nice and pretty for you and it's a 15 year old girl says don't touch my mustache [Applause] raise your lips up like how [Music] unless they just tarnished baby teeth so two years old we'll cheer for you yeah just this time if if i'm running around down there with the horse loose come rescue look at that that's where the scar is but that's not in a joint it's tendon that's where the bone damage is he hit that bone bone heal is pretty good though better than most people think like somebody cleaned it up more at one time if that's me i'd be bragging about those scars but she may not like them [Music] down to the bar and they go i'm good and then me watching him out there i was wondering about something with his right hip he just sends off i think he's torn a ligament in his knee you usually can't do this with a horse what do you think doc i think he's got some flaws but not yet okay not yet see how he does with his training evaluation yes okay let's put him through that [Music] 38-14 thorough red issue with left hind leg x-rays tattooed registered the lower part of the leg is swollen the lower the pastoring area yeah pastor and pet lock it is swollen 980 980 16 hands [Music] he's going if this is what y'all do to horses you like i just assume you hate me 7 55. do you want to turn him out then either way we have to run her down anyway is it cold sarah yes it is my muscles hurt but doc seems to be enjoying life in there ducks in the stall three or two is 302 is 38.66 she's got some two major tooth loss did you see her eye static this is the last horse of the day it is a gelding that is in his 20s it had strangles at one time but gladly that's already burst so he's on the mend and doc's just checking them out to see if there's anything else going on with them we're very thankful that we're able to rescue 19 of these horses and we can't wait to put weight on them and to love them and just let them enjoy their 30 days in quarantine [Music] so we're on our way to urgent care to get my leg checked out and i'm just hoping my leg is better than it feels uh it's it's pretty bad probably hopefully just a lot of muscle damage [Music] well i'm here at urgent care getting my leg checked out um hoping for good news i just got out they checked my leg i'm gonna come back tomorrow for uh x-rays uh they don't have an x-ray technician here but that's middle tennessee in the middle of nowhere so that's normal um but anyways i think i'm gonna make it [Music] it's sarah and shelby and tommy's not here today because yesterday we had auction intake and she got kicked by a horse and she's in quite a bit of pain right now so we told her stay at the house get some rest get better quick so she's resting we hope that she gets better but before we get started with opening all the amazon packages you can see we cut quite a bit so thank you guys for all that um went on our amazon wish list and got some great things for the horses we really appreciate it we're going to talk a little bit about sin chill now essential is something that we give the horses when we're at the auction it is a fantastic product it calms them down it's amazing and they actually reached out and are sponsoring us and they sent us this little box and inside are some little packets and these these packets are going to be given to each one of our adopters this right here is an example of the original adoption packet so when our doctors come and they pick out a horse this is what we give them this little folder right here will have all their information some pamphlets on what our organization does and sometimes we'll put little stickers or little treats and just little random things in here but since sinchill or sinnotra sent over these packets we're going to start adding these to these bags here so we're really excited about that and again thank you so much to sinchill and for sending these over we really appreciate it and we know that our doctors are going to love it too alrighty so let's get started on all these amazon packages all righty is that it do we have a retail okay thank you guys so much guys so much for sending these out i wish the table's gonna buckle i think with all the treats but thank you guys so much for tuning in and watching wherever you are we really appreciate you guys going on our amazon wish list and uh purchasing these things for the horses i know they're gonna be very happy about all these apple treats stuff and again thank you so much to sendchill for sending these adoption packets over i know the horses and the adopters are gonna love these so thank you guys so much and we hope you have a great rest of your day night wherever you are and thank you guys so much for your support bye guys this is the newest addition to the horse plus family his name is phantom and he's watch him he's gonna jump up there in a minute well come on come jump up there kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty there you are what are you doing [Music] hey buddy he's definitely a lot more uh get up and go than sully he likes to keep moving i haven't met one quite as nervous i'd say as he is well i'm wondering see with his tail doing that yeah i wonder if he's got some nervous central nervous system issues yeah i'm not sure he didn't eat for a couple days when he got here so but he's he started eating i was really worried about him with that but um he's on four two scoops of alfalfa pills and two scoops of senior right now um and i think he's going to be too high energy for him this is why i was looking at her first before you guys got him because i know you said she was really calm she's so sweet thomas mayor everlay she paused a little bit if you quit loving on her well that's that's what i think we're looking for is someone to put in with him i mean they do go in the big herd um but somebody that's he can just be calm with not what i was expecting he's gorgeous though hi she has been through a lot since she's been here but she has come through i can't believe it's pregnant at her age went through a lot of infections and you know gaining her weight back obviously she still has a lot to go doc gave her a med a medicine because of her infection and so she she had a really bad allergic reaction to that so she's just growing her hair back is tawny doing okay after getting kicked yeah she's gonna go get some x-rays of it today she hasn't gone yet but she's doing better than what she was yesterday good lord i watched y'all's video last night all right she's going to adopt jade oh that's so exciting yes well thank you all right you guys take care thank you again jade was just adopted when jade came in she had just recently lost her baby and she was depressed and sad and she had a lot of internal infections and everything so she's seen the vet a lot and we're very happy to say that she is finally healthy and well and over those infections and her spirits are up and we're just so thankful that she has family found a new home that will just love her just the way that she needs to be loved while i'm back it's day two and i'm gonna get an x-ray on my leg see if there's anything majorly wrong the x-ray technician took x-rays i did ask to see the x-rays uh because she couldn't tell me whether it was broken or not and it's not broken from like what i can see i look at a lot of horse x-rays so thankful for that um doctor called me back later confirming that but there is significant muscle damage um but it's just gonna take a lot of time to heal and i'm gonna be in a lot of pain for a long time so this is jessie you'll be working with her today she's got a few different horses for you guys to look at this is moonshine gets nervous if you're really high strung with her okay but once you take her out and get her down the trail or roadways she settles and walks slower than some non-gated horses so she isn't real soft on the mouth i i don't have an english bridle because i know sometimes they do better if that's what they're used to i don't think they rode her outside much from what i could tell riding her out [Music] the one thing with her i'd say don't get into feeding her lots of treats she gets very mouthy [Music] the more work you put in the better they get right most of tom that's the idea and we had the little kids on her because i do have nieces and nephews so yeah they love my horse but of course they're gonna love any other horse you got a big head yes you do she's very quarter horse to me yes she does have slightly of a small head but everything else looks much quarter horse to me yeah so do you guys think you want to adopt patricia and her all right something in the dot patricia and tahara well that is so awesome awesome we have a couple little things in here one is from a sponsor sinutra and um they give you some sinchell little samples in there there is patricia's information thank you guys so much we hope you enjoy your new courses and it all works well too [Music] patricia and sahar are on their way to their new amazing homes we're so excited for them we cannot wait to see their new adventures in their new home hey guys um it's caitlin and i might sound a little different today because i'm not feeling the greatest but it's not covered so not to worry i'm over here working on the grant program though because we have so many grants coming in and we're so excited to be helping so many horses all around the country through our national safety net program already this year and it's only the middle of april we've already helped over 40 different rescues help horses in all different parts of america over 210 horses that our grant program has helped just this year [Music] you
Channel: Horse Plus Humane Society
Views: 145,531
Rating: 4.9105635 out of 5
Id: EMaiZnK5iko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 47sec (2387 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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