Jon Stewart Devours the Fast-Food Industry Pt. 2 | The Daily Show

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're about halfway through the program and you know what that means time for me to settle in for my nightly midow snack tonight I'm going to do something a little special I bought myself a sandwich from the local uh Subway a sandwich chain not the restaurant obviously not the transportation system their sandwiches are they're good but they always put too much urine you can never go wrong eating fresh big changes for the world's largest sandwich chain this morning Subway announced it's removing a controversial chemical from its bread controversial we mean like controversial like the NFL isn't ready for a gay player controversy or like Subway bread chemical collecting our phone metadata or does this chemical want to build a mosque at Ground Zero I mean what chemical are we even rovering about the chemical we are talking about here aodi carbonide I I see the problem here uh if you change your font size um you could fit that on just one screen you could because anytime you're using what appears to be 8,000 Point text it it is going to take up your whole studio tell me about this azodicarbonamide supposedly it helps make the bread look whiter and puffier but it's also found in yoga mats and in the soles of our shoes yoga mats huh maybe that's why every time I eat it Subway I always end up in the bathroom in the Lotus position oh oh oh all right fine you know what that's why I always bring a backup snack I'm going to treat myself instead to a nice homemade sandwich I know what's in this two slices of bread L Mayo slice of classic American craft singles cheese B bam craft Foods is cutting artificial preservatives from its top selling individually wrapped cheese slices craft is replacing sorbic acid with something it says is a natural mold inhibitor I'm so hungry CRA wait a minute a mold inhibitor craft American singles don't need mold Inhibitors they don't go bad by definition because they're American as a matter of fact my grandfather gave me these slices when I was seven I just love my country's cheese desperate times call for Des Desperate Measures people I'm actually going to have to dig into my emergency food Reserve hello hot pocket hello Hot Pocket trusted friend your time is finally boy I hope they go to a roll Nestle USA issuing a voluntary recall of certain Hot Pockets food company says they contain a small amount of recalled beef oh my God I had no idea they put actual beef in these I thought the insides were just stuff they found in their [Applause] pockets well maybe it's not the variety of Hot Pocket that I buy maybe that hasn't been recalled maybe it was just the queso chicken variety or BBQ with beef variety or pepperoni pizza variety or their new ham and bottle cap or lint and Canadian penny a as long as it's not my darling Philly cheese steak the Hot Pockets effective a Philly steak with cheese and croissant crust Philly steak and cheese croissant crust Philly cheese steaks yeah it's a great idea combining the classic Philadelphia street food with a bread it would like to beat the out of hey what are you a croissant how about you come over here and I'll beat your French ass that's a sort of a Philadelphia accent so uh Dare I ask what is wrong with this beef the company says the products may contain meat from Rancho Feeding Corporation which is recalling nearly 9 million pounds of beef that Regulators say came from diseased and unsound animals unsound unsound cows cows that are losing their marbles like the kind of cow that would shoot Reagan to get Jodie Foster's attention she's not impressed cow my guess is most cows who are asked a hoof in a slaughterhouse environment are going to exhibit some unsound behaviors well I guess now I have to mail my hot pocket back for the recall luckily you don't have to buy a separate envelope you can just [Applause] last night I was perusing uh the internet um and I guess my my question to you is uh did I die um cuz it all seems very I died um it was uh no it's very weird it's a an overwhelming day here as you can imagine and people have been asking I'm I'm I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do next but um and I'm not trying to brag but uh some offers have have been coming in even fast food chain Arby's got in on the fun tweeting John feel free to reach out to us at careers you know what I actually you know what working there might be fun um I guess my only question as a as a future employee would be uh to work there would I have to handle serve touch eat or even look at what you so generously describe as food that's right Arby this mother thing ain't over I do not accept your peace offer we shall always be enemies for while you are a Worthy the adversary you will be vanquished Arby's come for the tweets run from the meats they're actually very nice people they're they're very nice people and I think I I may have had the food when I was younger I it's it's truly an invented beef the mine not you know what I'm saying not easy to find that type of person to take a thankless fast food job now F5 an employee at a local Taco Bell has been suspended for a picture he posted on Twitter please don't be a picture of someone peeing on nachos please don't PE a picture of someone peeing on nachos that picture appears to be of an employee at a Taco Bell urinating in a Nacho Bell Grande no not a Jo B Grande unless is that what makes them Grande I don't speak Spanish all right let me see no actually that's a fake unless this person has learned to pee out of his knee and by the way quick editorial note reporting this story pains me deeply not only because Taco Bell is a major sponsor of this program but because nacho B Grande are so [Applause] delicious there's a problem with social media it's easy to forget the whole world can see what you post not to mention your identity the Fort Wayne Allen County Department of Health confirmed that employee is Cameron Janowski I'm told he has since been suspended wow I got to tell you I didn't know who did this but that's the kid I would guess did this that picture is basically just him saying yeah beting your nachos now if you'll excuse me I'm taking your daughter out for a night of bong hits and street racing and don't worry Pops I brought condoms here have some nachos by the way the kid didn't actually pee in the nachos it was apparently Mountain Dew and he was just pranking his friends leading to this new Comedy Central prank show janking it janking it ironically also sponsored by Taco Bell life's short except for you you're mortal eat six times a day Li M [Applause] woo but before we go any further crisis in the Heartland denied McDonald's customers a [Applause] fair did somebody scam McDonald's yes fast food giant McDonald's seen here for the first time on The Daily Show without its Windows being smashed by European protesters has been victimized by fraud 8 people have been arrested for allegedly defrauding McDonald's out of more than $13 million in prizes by rigging the popular Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and Monopoly game promotions McDonald's was devastated by the news while a stunned spokesperson for Parker Brothers had only this reaction doesn't know at a press conference in Washington Attorney General John Ashcroft gave reporters a sound McNugget as you can see this fraud scheme denied McDonald's customers a fair and equal chance of winning we want those involved in this type of corruption to know that breaking the law is not a game Ashcraft added now yatsi that's a game not a fun game but it's a game today an embarrassed McDonald's published an open letter to its customers apologizing for the Scandal it read in part we want you to have what belongs to you that includes a chance to win and a chance to win big I was wondering where my chance to win big was I thought I put it right next to my jar of Hope [Music] [Applause]
Channel: The Daily Show
Views: 1,879,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the daily show, the daily show episodes, comedy central, comedians, comedian, funny video, comedy videos, funny clips, daily show, news, politics, fastfood, jonstewart, subway, arbys, tacobell, mcdonalds
Id: azkc_IOJRKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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