Jojo Siwa Comes Out & Karens Are Mad

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hi guys welcome back to my channel so for today's video we have a very very exciting topic and this jojo siwa has come out as a member of the lgbt community i feel like we really should not be surprised her whole like vibe or whole theme is like rainbow sparkles like she's been trying to tell us for a while i feel just joking just joking i know i'm just joking in all seriousness a couple weeks ago she did come out as a member of the lgbt community we'll get into it we'll talk about it we'll talk about it i post videos twice a week on my channel so if you guys are not yet subscribed go ahead and do that right now i'll wait for you are you done thank you very much make sure to follow me on instagram twitter and tick tock to keep us up to date with me as possible also i have a patreon if you'd like to donate to my channel the link for that is down below as well i'm like so out of breath i'm talking way too fast like calm down i'm just so excited about jojo what can i say also before we get started i want to let you guys know that a portion of today's video is sponsored by scentbird so thank you very much scentbird we'll talk about them a little bit later and yeah with no further ado let's get right into today's video i feel like at this point most people know who jojo is i think she has like 12 million subscribers on youtube like 10 million plus followers on instagram she's very popular and i feel like it's for a good reason you know she's all about being yourself being authentic to who you are and being totally unapologetic about it and if you guys know my channel you know that's something that i'm very passionate about as well you know being unapologetic and just being yourself and loving yourself blah blah blah she got her start i believe on dance moms which i never really watched she was never really my cup of tea you know i kind of grew up before she was really famous so i didn't really like you know i was already kind of old but that being said if i was younger like if i was a little kid right now i feel like i would watch her i feel like i'd be like her super fan maybe not maybe i don't i don't [ __ ] know she's also star i believe on nickelodeon she has her own youtube channel like i said and she has like this whole empire like she's created a literal empire around like her personality basically all of this drama i mean i guess i wouldn't really even call it drama i feel like everybody's been pretty accepting except for the few karen's that we'll talk about later but this whole coming out process you could say started a few weeks ago when she was featured in a pride house la pride house la she was featured in a tick tock with pride la i don't what is it called she was featured in a tick tock by the pride house which is like a you know like those content houses for tick tock sway house type house all those people um basically it's like that but it's like an lgbt content house so when they posted that video with her in it everybody was like is this her coming out like why would she be in this pride house lgbt house tick tock if she wasn't lgbt i don't even think that that was her like attempting to come out i think that she was just like wanting to post a tick tock with them because you know maybe she's friends with them i know god forbid somebody posts a video with lgbt people and not be lgbt themselves i mean it does make sense to be honest it does kind of make sense instead of like coming out and just like saying like yeah i like girls like yeah you're right blah blah she kind of teased us she was like well i'm not gonna like confirm or deny yet but you know i'll just give him a little something something you know speaking of jojo teasing her fans before we get on with the rest of the video i do want to take a moment to talk about today's sponsor so like i said today's video is sponsored by sunfer thank you so much scentbird sun bird is a fragrance subscription service that sends you new fragrances every month to try out at a fraction of the price of like the original perfume or the original cologne they don't send you those knock-offs that like smell like this and they compare to that they send you the authentic real life perfume not only do they come in these cute little bottles but you can actually pick from over 600 different oh my god i'm like knocking them over sorry you can pick from over 600 brands including designer brands including little indie brands some of the top names being prada gucci versace sorry you say it versace versace and if you're anything like me 600 brands like that's a lot that's a lot to choose from but they actually have little quizzes on their site and based on your results from that quiz as well as based on your results from your previous purchases they'll recommend new fragrances and new scents for you to try out i know i'm saying perfume but they also have colognes and different scents for men women everybody in between everybody beyond if you want to skip a month like say you have one that you really like and you're like no i don't need another one this month i'll just i'll skip it i won't pay the the 15 this month that's fine you don't have to cancel your subscription or anything like that you can just skip a month and then join back in next month or the month after and yes you heard me correctly it's 15 a month when i first transitioned perfume was one of the first things that i got to like really help me feel more feminine and more like myself it wasn't something super obvious or super like flashy it was just a little something something to make me feel a little bit more girly and a little bit more you know confident they come in these reusable bottles you can just twist it up like that and then period ready to go oh my god it smells so good you can pull it out and see what scent is on here and you can also see how much you have left this is the sicily paris isaiah i don't know how to pronounce these names i'm so sorry they also picked out this one for me which i also really really like it's called the harmonious guiding water i know i'm sponsored by them but for real like i've been throwing these in my purse in my bag in my car like you can just keep them everywhere so yeah if you guys are interested in checking out scentbird definitely check out the link down below they'd make an awesome valentine's day gift not just for a girl for a boy though for you know a non-binary person whoever whoever everybody likes to smell good so yeah if you are interested make sure to click the link down in my bio and use my code for thirty percent off thirty percent off thank you so much senpai for sponsoring this video and now let's get right back into mr jojo siwa so like i said jojo did not just like outright say whether the rumors were true or whether they were not true she decided to have a little fun with us first i feel like this is something i would do like if i was going to come out like make it fun make it interesting you know spice it up a little she posted this tick tock on her own account singing to born this way by lady gaga and not just like some random line she literally lip-synched the line um it's shaded by lesbian trench and her life i'm on the right track baby i was bonus of that i can't sing i'm so sorry she also has flashing rainbow lights all around her which may be a hint but may also just like be her you know what i mean she's all rainbow sparkles like i said it's maybe not that big of a hint but i took it as a hint again her comment section was filled with speculation filled with like is this it did she just come out is this her officially confirming it but like again she did not outright say it so people were like well what's the deal [ __ ] i shouldn't say [ __ ] i'm so sorry this is a jojo siwa video i cannot be swearing i'm so sorry but then finally on january 22nd she posted this photo to her twitter oh my god so after she posted this people were obviously freaking out kind of like congratulating her celebrating the fact that she had come out rightfully so this is a you know a great moment for her and then the next day january 23rd she went live on her instagram to thank us i say us like i was like she's thanking me like you're welcome jojo she went live to thank everybody for being so supportive and just expressed how happy she was that she had finally come out and that she could finally share this part of her life with us so i do want to take a second to just watch a little bit of the instagram live just the points that i thought were not only important but just like it just made me feel good so we're just gonna watch it hi i wanted to come on here and just talk to y'all for a second say hi say what's up say thank you because for the last what would it be now 48 hours 72 hours i have gotten the most endless amount of love now that the world gets to see this side of my life it makes me really really happy i've been happy in this land for a minute now and now though that i just got to share that with the world it just it's awesome there is so much love in the world there's so so so much love and it is so incredible and so amazing it's wonderful in my career i've always been like super super happy my career has always made me super happy you know like being on tour has always made me super happy new products have always made me super happy videos have always made me super happy songs have made me always super happy but like personally i have never ever ever been this happy before somebody said what label are you um you know i have thought about this and the reason why i'm not ready to say this answer is because i don't really know this answer um i think humans are awesome i think humans are really incredible people i right now am super duper happy and i you know wanna i wanna i wanna share everything with the world i really do but i also want to keep things in my life private until they're ready to be public right now what matters is that you guys know that no matter who you love that it's okay and that it's awesome and that the world is there for you there's so many people that are there for you and i know that you know everyone's situation is different and it might be harder for some people and it might be easier for some people uh to to come out or to be themselves but i think coming out has this stigma around it that it's a really really really scary thing but it's not anymore there's so many accepting and loving people out there that it's okay it's of course it's people are gonna say it's not normal but it's your normal nothing is normal literally not one thing about anybody is normal and it's okay to not be normal it's okay to be a little different it's okay to be a little weird it's okay to be a little strange it's okay to be different and i think a lot of people are afraid of being different and that's something that we should never ever ever be afraid of it's something that we should be proud of and that we should celebrate as you can see super super sweet like i'm just so happy for her honestly but what i really wanted to point out to you guys is the fact that she was not only saying like it's great to be yourself it's great to be you know whoever you are but i love the fact that she was so open about not wanting to label herself as anything because she doesn't really know i think that for a lot of people they sometimes struggle to come out because they don't want to you know make a mistake or they don't want to you know change their mind down the road and have everybody be like oh i told you solo oh i knew this i knew that blah blah blah it's so so important that we give people the space to explore and you know find out who they really are i know that labels just help people understand i just help people like you know categorize people but like why why do you need to categorize everybody she's happy she's dating a girl that's all you need to know period okay so i know you guys saw the title and karen's are mad [ __ ] karen's are mad they really are mad honestly i'm not going to focus too much on the hate because like it's stupid we don't need to focus on hate we need to focus on love in this world okay cheesy but true basically somebody commented on her coming out post or some post whatever that they were not gonna allow their child to watch jojo anymore because she came out as lgbt and she just responds okay that's exactly what i would expect from jojo she's always been unapologetically herself she's always brushed off the haters and you know bounced back like a boomerang it's not like her line you know she's like i don't care about no haters i'm a boomerang what's the line i don't know and now you're probably not thinking this but if you are thinking why does this matter who cares if joe joseph came out i'll tell you why it's important for so long she's been this icon of being unapologetically yourself and you know doing what really makes you happy and just not caring and this is just one more element that she can shamelessly be and another element that she can inspire other people to shamelessly be this person tweeted if you don't think jojo siwa coming out as gay is a big deal i know this shirt said that she was gay but in the instagram live she didn't specify some maybe you don't see the it's whatever this person said just remember that there are lgbt kids that watch her videos that may have felt so alone with their identity and seeing the person they look up to coming out makes them feel safer and more comfortable with themselves couldn't have put it better myself i talk about it all the time but representation is so important seeing yourself in media being able to look up to somebody that you know represents you is so crucial not only does it help people figure out who they are but it shows them that it's okay to be who they are and to not be like ashamed of it but y'all know that you all know how important representation is and i'm sure that if you guys are watching my channel you are so proud of jojo just as much as i am but okay you guys i think that is going to be it for this video if you guys did like this video please make sure to give it a big thumbs up down below make sure to say congratulations to jojo it's a very big moment for her i'm just so so happy so happy that she's happy you know what i'm saying comment down below coming out story that meant a lot to you like i said earlier i post twice a week on my channel so if you guys are not yet subscribed and you'd like to be make sure that you do that thank you again to cenber for sponsoring this video make sure you guys go check out the link in my description download their app all that kind of stuff and yeah other than that i think i'm going to go so thank you guys so much for watching and i will see you in monday's video bye guys [Music]
Channel: Samantha Lux
Views: 332,698
Rating: 4.9754515 out of 5
Keywords: transgender, jojo siwa, jojo siwa comes out, jojo siwa came out, trans girl reacts, transgender male to female, trans, lgbt, lgbtq, boomerang, karens are mad, reacting to karens, samantha lux, samanthalux, reacting to jojo siwa coming out, born this way, samantha lux jojo siwa, jojo siwa gay, jojo siwa girlfriend, jojo siwa gf
Id: Zl6J0DwXDIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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