I can't believe this anime game exists... (WTF Japan)

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has gonna run this the anime man welcome back to another brand spanking new episode of the show that features some of the weirdest strangest most mind-boggling and unbelievable things that come straight from the heart of this wonderful wacky world of ramen and anime tv's land bless Japan now I know it's been a while since the last episode of what the [ __ ] Japan and I apologize for that my boys you know when your last episode gets demonetised and age-restricted you get a little bit scared to upload anything new into the series but [ __ ] the system I love this show you guys love it too and I get so much support for every time I get so many requests for more episodes of what the [ __ ] Japan so I am back with another episode talking about this particular thing now unlike the last couple of episodes of what the [ __ ] Japan that involved things specifically to do in IRL Japan like the best of all or even the weird vending machines that I visited and spent all my money at the thing I'll be covering in this episode of what the [ __ ] Japan is going to come back to the roots come back to the anime world and by anime I mean visual novels and by visual novels I mean one specific sub-genre of visual novels that YouTube summer really discourages people on the youtubes to talk about or even bring any sort of attention towards irrigates era gates for those of you who don't speak we Bernie's is the Japanese word for erotic games or more colloquially known in the West as hentai visual novels now if you're one of those connoisseurs of snooped around the internet for long enough and especially stuck your grub your little nose into the wacky and wonderful world of hentai then you'll know just how limitless and all-encompassing the world of error guys actually are there are really no shortages of kinks and fetishes that have been covered in the Eriko world and let's just say that if someone is into something out there in the world there is most likely an era gay for them I'm not afraid to admit here on camera as I have many times that I have been a longtime connoisseur of the arrogate world and unfortunately with the nature of my job which you are currently watching right now I haven't been as in tune with the arrogate world especially in the last couple of years but I do also try to stay as focused and as on top of the game as I can when it comes to new areas that have come out some areas that have become infamous some the famous some that had just plain [ __ ] weird and in doing so I have found an era gay that is a that's a it's a doozy and is one that I will be talking about in today's video and the title of this era gay school let's go braces those my little sister can't possibly have a hemorrhoid I am sad that I lack the talent to make this [ __ ] up I mean first of all can we all just stop and admire how amazing that title is because it's clearly a huge [ __ ] you to the famous light novel turned anime series my little sister can't be this cute or or a emo and the fact that it's straight up using the subject matter of hemorrhoids to make fun of said anime just perfectly describes how my experiences were when watching said anime or emo was so painful to watch in my opinion that it might have possibly given me hemorrhoids luckily I only managed to escape with a plane hammer Ridge but you get the point so upon hearing this amazing title of an era gay I really wanted to give it a go because who can resist and thankfully the lovely folks over at [ __ ] ooh hooked me up with this game they sent it over to me and they said you're curious here you go you can play it so first of all big shout out to the boys over at [ __ ] you're awesome links to their website in the description below and so with the game fully downloaded I strap myself in for an era gay of a lifetime and listen I've played all sorts of air gazing kuso games in my lifetime but my little sister can't possibly have a hemorrhoid is easily it easily tops my list for the most hilarious and disgusting era gays that I have ever played so the game starts off with this really standard run-of-the-mill setup of the protagonist which you play as describing his blood-related little sister and how [ __ ] amazing and awesome she actually is and I [ __ ] you not this [ __ ] explains every single small-minded detail about his little sister for like a solid 10 to 15 minutes like if this entire era gay was a book the first chapter would just be this painstakingly detailed description of how amazing and sexy and this little sister isn't how much the protagonist just wants to get into a tiny little pantsuit like this [ __ ] was going on for so long I actually legit said out loud can we can we hurry up and just get to the hemorrhoids I said that out loud a sentence nobody would have ever imagined to escape out of somebody's lips in that particular order I said that [ __ ] alone in my room playing this game because that gave me wrong this whole concept of a big brother having a huge boner for his blood-related little sister is not a new thing I mean that exact concept is what made Oreimo famous to begin with but I like Auriemma over here this game or a hammer I'm just gonna call that from now on it has this looming atmosphere of hemorrhoids in the background at all times sounds gross because it is gross so after the infinitely long monologue of the protagonist describing her little sister we actually get to see his little sister and you know what else pleasantly surprised she's actually this like really cute animu girl standing looking but hey I can see why the protagonist has a massive boner foe but alas thus often bubbly feeling for this cute anime go vanishes faster than Athan oh snap after she admits openly to her bigger brother aka you playing this game that she has mad hemorrhoids and the little [ __ ] goes into this painstakingly excruciating detail as to how she came up with the conclusion that she might possibly have a bleeding a noose look I already knew from the beginning even before I started writing up this video that there's no way this shit's gonna be monetized so let me allow you to do a dramatic reading of an excerpt of the little sister's monologue as to the process of how she came to the conclusion that she might possibly have a bleeding my butt hurts it's been like this for about two weeks I first noticed when I you know because it hurt it only stung a little bit at first but it started to get worse it's really painful now I thought I might have a hemorrhoid so I looked at it in the mirror but I didn't see any lumps or anything it's starting to hurt all the time now though so when I have to you know it's like I'm picking up it's like I'm picking out a wound and plus when I wiped my butt this morning there was blood on the toilet paper it wasn't period blood either it was from my butt I'm starting to get worried that I might be sick [ __ ] you she could have just said I might have hemorrhoids I need to go to the doctor but of course not you just had to explain everything to me in the most subtle of details because clearly I am before you're all playing this game who doesn't know what the [ __ ] ham roads are so then the protagonist suggests to the little sister to go to the doctors to get it checked out if it is hemorrhoids it because holy [ __ ] that's the most sane thing that this [ __ ] has said in this game so far but then this little sister just straight-up denies that ideas saying that I would rather die then get a male doctor to look at my butt hole ever heard of a female doctor also how are you ok with telling your brother who secretly faps to you every single day and has just finished a 10 to 15 minute monologue of how much he wants to get into your pants even though your blood related to each other and yet you can't go to a professionally trained practitioner of medicine to look at this serious problem in the most professional eyes listen these [ __ ] don't go through nine years of medical college to get sexually repressed by an animal girl with a bleeding okay so after some more [ __ ] dialogue that really doesn't add any substance to the game whatsoever the brother ops to go to the drugstore to get some medicine for her and in doing so we as an audience get to experience what I believe to be the best example of Japanese to English translation that I have ever seen in any video game so the brother comes back from the drugstore with some preparation age which for those of you who don't know is a very common and well-known brand of hemorrhoid medicine but instead of just calling it preparation-h in the game maybe because you know it's a whole brand name and they don't have the license seems to use that brand name the genius is over at [ __ ] to translate said medicine into preparation-h II honestly that one translation has just made up for the entirety of this game GG [ __ ] GG but unfortunately what was to come next has once again Thanos snapped my happiness away so after the brother comes back with some preparation age or I'm sorry the sister goes to take care of a business but instead comes back immediately afterwards to tell us that she can't do it by herself and she needs her brother to do it for her because era gay logic and the next 30 minutes of gameplay if you can even call it gameplay is this situation of the brother struggling to stick some Preparation itchy into a little sister's butthole all whilst you hear this really creepy monologue of the protagonist thinking how cute and sexy it is the fact that her adorable blood-related little sister is showing her bare naked butt towards him like I think the one who needs a doctor is the protagonist not the little sister and after he finally does stick it in with the most disturbing sound effect that I've ever heard in an era game he goes back to his room and starts to jacket to the image of her little sister's bare naked hemorrhoid filled butthole I'm sorry but is this game trying to turn me on cuz let me tell you I don't think I've ever been more soft while playing a narrow gay as I was playing or a hammer because shockingly the whole pretense of hemorrhoids doesn't really appetizing in the slightest how am I supposed to concentrate on this cute and adorable little animal girl when the only thing that I can think of is you trying to shove some preparation H into a bleeding butthole like who asked for this listen I ain't here the king shame or even make fun of people who actually have hemorrhoids like [ __ ] if you do actually have hemorrhoids or you were a positive victim of hemorrhoids I feel so [ __ ] bad for you and if you do currently have it and are struggling with it I pray to animu Jebus that you go to a doctor and you get a professionally fixed and for you to just be rid of this horrible and inconvenient thing because it must be must be horrible i can never imagine my my hundred percent whole condolences to you but this game it's just [ __ ] nasty dog like this is legitimately the first time i've played an era game made in japan where i was soft as a pillow the entire time and the worst part the worst part of all of this is that the relationship between the hemorrhoid sister and the [ __ ] up brothers just escalating every day within the game I'm obviously not gonna say how it escalates because a spoilers and more importantly I don't think you even want a human talking about it or going into excruciating details about it but I'm sure you can imagine what happens if you played enough areas if you don't know let me give you a little hint let's just say that the protagonist PP forgets that his little sister's androids gross so yeah let me just say that after all of that that's one chapter out of four yeah there are three more side stories to this [ __ ] up game but honestly the rest of the side stories are really not that much more interesting like one of the side stories is about how you convince like your sisters best friend to also get in bed with you and your hemorrhoid filled sisters somehow I I play through and I still didn't see the logic behind how she managed to get in there or agree to this [ __ ] and then the other side stories are just about you and your sister just you know getting kinky and kinky with the day because apparently being blood-related doesn't matter in this world honestly I just can't believe this game exists like obviously of course this game exists because it's a narrow gate and it's a kink and if there's a kink for it there's a narrow gate for it but I just I just can't believe that this game existing is okay in the slightest especially coming from Japan as well I mean like hemorrhoids might not seem like a disease or a thing that is common to a lot of people watching this video but in Japan it's actually a really common and serious issue so much so to the point that if you watch Japanese TV occasionally there will even be attachments promoting stuff like preparation-h and like coal centers and doctors for people who are victim to hemorrhoids but like who in Japan saw those ads and was like you know what would be [ __ ] awesome and arrogate about that yeah that'd be hottest book I just can't imagine how that business meeting would have gone I'm guessing someone at the dev team was like nah your emotional meat bôla' like no bad [ __ ] idea Japan bad bad Japan no bad slap on the hand for that one Japan bad No so yeah again look shout out to the folks over at [ __ ] you for sending me this game if you are just so curious that you would like to play the game for yourself then you can get it over at [ __ ] links in the description to the website again shout outs to them they didn't pay me for this this isn't a promotion or anything the game is just on there and someone at [ __ ] you was just kind enough to send it to me so so so shout outs to them big big thank you for that but my god with the existence of this game it just made me realize once again just how limitless and how insane the world of era games can actually be when you do a deep dive into that world every fetish and every kink has an arrow gay for it and I think this hair gay right here is a perfect piece of evidence for that fact but regardless of if you thought it was gross Oh hilarious I think we can all collectively come together and say the [ __ ] Japan so yeah that's my overall experiences and trauma let me know what you guys think about it would you like to play this game for yourself perhaps and if you think that you've seen an era gay or a visual novel that is even weirder or stranger than that and would like me to talk about it in the next episode of what the Japan you can leave it down in the comments below or the better bet is to go over to my Twitter follow me there and use the hashtag WTF Japan and link it to your boy and if I like what you link me then I might include it in the next episode of the veggie pan if you like to watch the rest of the episodes then I've left a link to the playlist in the description below or it's at the end of this video during the end cut if you want to stick along and hey while we're at it why don't we do a special thank you to our lovely patrons for this month and god nah I created this for Joey and it's very long chewy Shira Merc ball that's getting weirder every day block boy sama shoe rim mph halt on dead Lucy first little thimble hunt Givens Stefan sanneya instigate ryx krisann Shia Steve Lam and everybody else my patron who supports me every single month if you'd like to check out the script to this video as well as a bunch of other cool rewards like podcasts secret videos and even possibly a shout-out at the end of this video like the lovely folks I just mentioned that all of that and more can be found over on my patreon patron home slash the anime man if you enjoy it then make sure to support your boy there any guys thanks for watching and I'll see the next one like favorite if you enjoyed subscribe for any ivenna keep watching anime Jonny [Music]
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 1,029,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman, I can't believe this anime game exists..., WTF Japan, Oreimo, OreHemo, eroge
Id: 4rLMOqRfjvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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