The Capture (1950) Western | Colorized | Full Movie

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CAPTURING How are you, friend? I want to eat and a place to sleep. I can pay. You don't speak Spanish? English ? An American. Take care of him. Come in, sir. Want to wash up? Your husband does not eat? He has already eaten, sir. He has to go to town. It's the kind to have to go to town. - You're not staying? - My plans have changed. When your husband brings the police back, tell him I couldn't wait. Thank you for everything. - What is it, my son? - Nothing. - You are American ? - Yes my father. What do you do with the chickens? - I was resting against this shelter. - This is for animals. The house, her is for men. Come. - It's nothing. - We'll watch this. Call Tampico. Collect the money. Stop fools, he has his hands up! He has no chance. - What is it ? - You were dreaming, my son. You were screaming. Sorry to have disturbed you. Men cry in their sleep, when they are in prison, in battle or when they are chased. What do you want, a confession? - I want you to be at peace. - Then leave me alone. Like you want. Dad... I'll redo your bandage, the pain must have bothered you. No, I barely feel it. You saw it yourself, it's nothing. But, here's the problem, because of this injury or... I can't move my arm nor lift it. You mean get up, like a man should do it for surrender... to the police ? It's been two days and two nights let them chase me. They will be there tomorrow morning. That's it, it stops there. Even the police are not always so ruthless. I have already seen another man who couldn't lift his arm... He was up at dawn in a secluded place... And someone fired. - Someone who... - Lie down, my son. - You don't have to talk about things... - Yes, I must. I must know the answer, my father, I don't have much time anymore. It all started a year ago. To see me it's hard to believe, but I was in charge of an oil field. Lin Vanner! I have news, Lin. Take me to Southfield, Herb. There is a problem there. You should go to the office first. Do you know what day it is? Wednesday. The ghost must come this afternoon. Are we having pay issues? Another flight? They had to come by plane like last month. They didn't have a plane. Earl Mahoney, of Headquarters, had to bring it himself in the process. The vice president of a bank In a train ? He must have been crazy! It was brave, he knew it was vital after all our troubles. He wanted to be personally responsible. Don't take it so badly we are insured. Great ! And my men, I pay them How? 'Or' What ? With seashells? They need money. Money, let's see... Out of twelve paychecks, three are stolen from us. Where is Mahoney? - In the office. - Go ahead then. - Who is it ? - Corporal Valdez, the head of the guards. - Is he the only guard left? - That's what they say. - Call the doctor. - He's on his way. I want to be able to ride, that's all, even if it's not my shoe size. - Good morning, Vanner. - Hi, Mr. Mahoney. - We have a little problem. - We'll get the money back. We'll have this guy before tonight. - Are you leaving? - And how ! The police send a unit to track him. I imagine they will have need me. I can do something before I go? Yes, tell me exactly what happened to my report. - Lin, a call from Tampico. - I'll call them back in five minutes. It was a heavy blow. We were in the middle of a turn, at the parade level, where do you see? A guy was on the tracks. We wouldn't have slowed down if he hadn't had a badge of the company. He looked American. He was your size, and tough. I thought he had been sent to meet us. Then suddenly it started shooting. Three guards were hit, and I fell off the wagon. It saved your life. Surely I will put everything in writing upon my return. Good luck. Tampico, please. - Miss is waiting for you. - Do you have a cigarette, Herb? Hello Darling. What are you doing here ? I couldn't wait at the ranch. It's all too exciting. Picking your pockets too. Why not... Hello. Yes sir... All the pay. I imagine the insurance will be terminated, nothing can be done about it. - The doctor takes care of the corporal? - He takes care of it. Let him report and he comes to see me. - Are you drinking anything? - Nope. I don't want to hold you back. - I'm going somewhere ? - Looking for the thief. Not me ! You're kidding ! They will think what a wet hen you are! So what ? This Earl Mahoney will have all the honors of capture. - He won't catch it. - But, the research expedition... It's not an expedition, it's police with a few gringos. Moreover, expeditions do not catch nothing but a cold. Neither does this one. They believe that this guy is going to the coast... This is not the case ? - He's an American. - Where is the report ? An American would stay on track so as not to leave a trail. It would go on all night and into the morning, it would rejoin the road by a defile. The Parade of El Tajon for instance. Let's see... That would be the best way. It's arduous, but he would join the road. That's what he would do, Lin. If he knew the area well And that's the case. - He must have planned everything. - That's for sure ! But if you caught this thief, since you understood everything so brilliantly, what if you brought him back alone... It's true that I'm crazy enough to ask me if I'm right. Well spoken... Call my father's foreman at the ranch. - A moment... - I'm having a horse prepared for you, darling. Tell him to catch the one that daddy rides. - Do you have a weapon? - To do what ? It doesn't matter, we'll get one at the ranch. Let's go Sheriff, let's not keep this bandit waiting. Let's go ! This horse was used to rocky terrain. He followed the trail all night like if he had eyes in his feet. Me, I was wondering what I was doing there. I must have been crazy to be went on an expedition like this, like a kid who wants to prove to his girlfriend that he is a man. We weren't playing thieves it was for real. It would be a duel between me and this stranger lurking in the mountains, struggling to move forward. I had no doubt that he was there and that I would find it... and I didn't like it. Something was wrong. Maybe I was scared. Not for me, but compared to what was about to happen, at this crucial moment which was to happen soon. He was determined since a long time, and I couldn't stop it no way. Father, I try to justify myself, to explain what happened. But I can never really explain it. Suddenly I saw him. Hands in the air ! Both above the head! In the air ! shoot a man with hands up. I said, hands up. I was trying to tell you one of my arms was ruined. Where does did I touch you? It's nothing, maybe I'm lucky. Pick up this coffee pot. You weren't working for Bolsa Grande? - Exact. My name is Sam Tevlin. - That is what I thought. And I know you, Mr. Vanner. You are here like at the factory. Get ready, I'll take you back. - Why ? - You know why! I didn't take the paycheck if that's what you're thinking. - How do you know? - We'll talk about that later. If it's me, where is she? Hidden or on me? - Search me... - If it's on you, we'll find it. If it's hidden, we'll find it too. Everything in its time. Let's go. Coming down, I felt surely weaker than him. I was shaking and feeling bad, because deep down I knew which I had shot too soon. I didn't give him time to explain for his arm. I felt sorry for him. You've been behind a desk for too long, Mr Tracker. You are rather soft. I didn't plan to carry you on your back! But we are friends, right? And the friends help each other, especially when one shoots the other when he had his hands up. - You're lying and you know it! - Truly ? maybe it's me who should carry you! Is there a car waiting for you? Yes it's possible. Surely it's no use I say I didn't take the paycheck. You will say it to the competent authorities. It doesn't surprise me about you. If these guys from the company hold me, I have no chance. Give me a chance, let me go. I'll get by if I can keep the horse. I can't, Tevlin. I was tempted to give him a chance, but it was too late. I had to finish this job as I had started. It's beautiful work! - You will get the reward. - An award ? Headquarters decided it last night after your departure. - $2,000. - Congratulations, Lin! hey, $2,000! never climb with a friend's boots! My boy, I congratulate you. It was a good job. I'm not sure it's him but he's at least the number one suspect. Lieutenant, my company has an interest major in this case. allow me to ask a few questions to the prisoner? No sir, go ahead. - Where is he, Clark? - In the back office, boss. Let's see if we can learn Something. Thank you, Lt. What's going on in there? I guess it's called questioning. It's him, Lieutenant. He won't talk, but I can formally identify it. My department will take care of it, Mr Mahoney. - How is he ? - Very bad. I'm going to give him an injection. Can you stay with him? I suppose that... It's no use to tell you that... I didn't take that paycheck. It's cold... Really cold... Your mother is coming. She is on her way. Thank you. In his state, an interrogation was real torture. - That didn't kill him. - What killed him?³ The ball... There. But, she scratched it! She crossed the pulmonary artery, resulting in internal bleeding. Sorry, but I didn't know anything of a reward by going there. I don't have to be paid for bringing him. It's not getting paid! It's like a prize an honor that is due to you. Think what $2,000 can represent for us. I do not want it. call it like you want, conscience or superstition. I call it madness. I understand that you don't want borrow money from the company. But now let them give you some, you refuse! Think about my point of view? How should I feel? Without wanting to be rude, I don't think that's your business. I thought so. It looks like it's me who gave you the idea, right? It's between me... Your precious conscience! If you had been found guilty after investigation, it would be different. I disagree, Lin. I have already accepted a lot without flinching, but that's too much! - Are you breaking off our engagement? - No, it's you with your attitude. I waited, hoped and tried to see your point of view. You made me walk, you didn't never intended to marry me. All that money stuff is just an excuse. You were looking for an alibi, a reason to break up with me. You got what you wanted and I will not change my mind. It's over between us ! - You're screaming. - I want to shout ! - Lin, what's happening to us? - I do not know. I guess we got away with it realized at the same time. We will never get along. I love you so much, Lin. And I know that I will never understand you. Reminds you, she is on the table. I would like you to keep it. What gallantry! That's exactly what needed to be said. But I let her. You might want give money to a blind man! Tampico, 324. Mr. Vanner for Mr. Hubble. If he's not there, try at home. Mr. Hubble, Lin Vanner speaking, sorry to bother you but... yes, it is quite urgent. Sorry to put you off from the wall, but I quit. I know it's abrupt... Give me a ticket for 100 pesos. - Which destination ? - I'll take the first train. Want to change scenery? Do you care where? That's it. How about Los Santos? It's a nice little spot. A coffin will leave, in which case you also have to buy a ticket. Everything is paid. It's in order, but today, no one uses the ticket. I take it, thank you. You're welcome sir. You save me trouble. Be kind enough to give this to the porter in Los Santos? OK. There was only one death to leave town that day. But, I didn't care. I could accept it from Sam Tevlin... This ticket to a new life. Besides, we already had traveled together. A new life awaited me. I left nothing behind. I I kept saying I was lucky. Why not ? I was still quite young, pretty beefy and this new life could be a lot of fun. I just had to give papers to a porter, after which, the last thread that bound me to the past would be broken. I could go where I wanted do what I wanted. Then it came to me another thought. Someone had paid to do bring in Sam's body, and that person would be on arrival. I didn't want to see her whoever she is. I was done with everything this story. I decided to leave this station. Carlos, friend! - You're getting fat ! - What are a few kilos between friends! And you know I will always pay a drink to a hero. I read an article about you, that a guy of your team sent. It was in Vera Cruz's diary. Bolsa Grande executive Lin Vanner catch a thief alone. Keep it in mind. I wouldn't have thought you capable of it. I was lucky. Luck ? We have many. The largest oil depot discovered years ago. Right here, a few 50 kilometer(s) from Los Santos. maybe i should take my part. There will be some for everyone. You should have seen the first geyser. Geyser? No matter the accent, there was for 50,000 barrels per day. And what quality! Why don't you come and throw have a look with me tomorrow? compadre, it's a date. So I got a job on the new well. I quit after of a few months. I kept telling myself that I had to go in Los Santos to find someone. I did not think only to this person. You guessed it, it was the woman interviewed at the station. Tevlin's widow. That's all I knew about her. Then I found out where she lived. Ultimately, I had myself driven there. It was the first time that I saw the ranch. He looked clean and comfortable, but there was this air of sadness proper to a place without a man. We felt that there had been hope, the will to build something. Then people give up and are beaten. A woman lived here, I wondering what had brought me there. My part of her secret, or she, her beauty, her personality... That I did not know and that I was only guessing? I hadn't thought about how I could explain my visit. I was just gonna knock on the door, and I'll see what happens. Miss Tevlin? Please come in. Sit down. Your name please. Lindley Brown. We've seen each other before isn't that Mr. Brown? No, I do not think so. I didn't expect that someone responds so quickly to the ad. Did you understand the conditions? I don't pay, but I share profits after the sale. I see. I was not sure for the salary. I thought that was clear. It's here. "Cooperative Ranch Foreman" you should have understood. I believe it will. There are between 300 and 400 heads, the pasture is good. I have someone who helps me. But I can neither collect, nor mark or sell. It must be hard to care both of a house and livestock. Even for someone accustomed to cattle, and I am not. I often thought of giving up and return to the United States. But, I decided to try again, hold on a little Longer. My husband and I bought this place with our savings, and he worked there when he had free time. Now my husband is dead. You are right to keep it, it is important to have a place of your own. my husband was working for an oil company. Have you already worked in an oilfield? Where I'm from, cattle and oil are fighting for the same land. I know how to be a cowboy if needed. Look at those boots he's not a cowboy! Mike, this is Mr. Brown, my son Michael. Hello, Michael. You're right, these boots are worth nothing, but I had others. And I can roll my cigarettes. You understand what the job is and are you able to? things are abandoned and it won't be easy. I would like to try. - Will he stay, mom? - We do not know yet. If he stays, I move. Listen Michael, I'm looking for work and your mother needs help. How about I stay a while to help your mom? Alright, if it's whatever you want, mom. Alright, let's try and see. Are you going to get your things? - Yes. I will come back tonight. - I'll show you the room. Now I understood. She needed someone for the ranch. With Sam gone, it was normal. The announcement should have been his last resort. For me, it was a godsend. I was only sure of one thing: my presence here had nothing to do with the late Mr. Tevlin, only with Mrs. Tevlin. I came because I saw a woman on a station platform. After talking to him, I was determined to be by his side, even if Sam Tevlin came out of his grave to stop me. - Hi. How are you ? - Good. I am always fine. Is that your horse? Yes, but why did you attach it? He likes to be let loose. You may want to put him a saddle and ride around. I can't. There are Indians around. That is true ! And sometimes they attack and me, I have to take care of mom. It's good. Take care... See you tonight Mike. Mr. Brown asked you to go with him? I could not. There is an attack. Bolsa Grande executive Lin Vanner catch a thief alone. We saw traces and we followed them. And, shortly after, Mike heard a calf moo. He was really making a racket. He was stuck with his mom in a dry creek bed. But, we got them out of there, is not it ? Next week I will a dam so that there is water. Lin says I can swim there. It's good. But it's time To lie down. A hero must know how to rest. Can I play a little with Lin? Not tonight, darling. Mr. Brown has work to do. Go ahead. I'm here to read you a story. I was gonna help her with that bridle that he makes. But that can wait. It will have to wait. There is something else than I would like you to do. Can you accompany me, please ? A colt broke the fence. I want you to fix it. - I'll take care of it tomorrow morning. - Do it now. It's a bit late to repair a fence. When there is work, you do it if you want to stay. She had a genius for finding this kind of job. Every night after work, and the day if I had a break, she found something else. Often she found an excuse to stay and watch me work. If she could have had a whip, it would have made him even happier. I almost quit a hundred times. But, I was holding back because I knew something that was smoldering inside her was about to burst. I wanted to know what. So I accepted everything waiting for the sequel. Hi. You want to try ? Come. How do you put your fingers? The first ones, like that. Not bad. A little further back. Press harder. - Do it yourself. - Already tired? OK, what do you want to hear? The one you were playing. You like her ? - Have you ever been to Wyoming? - No, but I always wanted to go. If you went there, would you come back? Yes of course. Besides, I will surely not go. What is death ? what is that does it mean to be dead? It means you're not here anymore. When you are no longer what you are. And you become something else? Surely. I do not know much about it, like most people. - My mother does. - Truly ? Yes, she told me that my daddy wouldn't come back. - I'm sorry. - It's okay. He is in paradise. Heaven... I bet it doesn't happen not much up there. It seems not bad. Angels look like ladies. Are there angel men? I guess there are both. They have spears. I saw them in the photos. I too had a spear, but I lost it. Mom, I'm outside with Lin. - Go home, you have to sleep. - I'm coming. I wish I hadn't to have lost this spear. I also lost my bow. He was good. My dad made it for me. If he comes back... But he won't come back. Do you know how to make a bow? I guess I can try. - Tomorrow ? - OK tomorrow. Thanks, Lin. Go back now. - You won't forget the bow? - No, I won't. - You're a real friend, good night. - Good night, son. Son... There I was, in uncharted territory. I found myself a family all done, and I liked it. Except that Ellen didn't change behavior towards me. At least when we were alone, in front of Mike, she was adorable. - Can I go shoot, mum? - OK. - Are you coming, Lin? - Yes, I'll help with the plates. Plates, no! I don't need help, thanks. How long should we continue like this ? I don't understand. We are like strangers who rub shoulders against their will, - and who don't know what to do. - What do you propose ? We could be human sometimes. At the table, you only say to me: give me this, give me that. The meal is over, we don't have time for nothing, I go to work, Mike is going to play, and you... We could chat a bit, Drink an extra cup of coffee. If that doesn't mean anything to you, we could go to town. In the evening, we could take a walk in the square, go to a concert, look at the windows. Maybe even see a movie, Mike would like that. We do not have money to waste. But we have to do Something. - Even though we were arguing... - Why would we argue? For anything, we would show at least we're alive. Now the days go by I don't know where... It's like a disease. We are motionless. You feel it too. You know what I mean. - Even hatred would be better... - Hatred? What do you know? - Not much, thank God. - Hate can be sweet. Did you hurt yourself. A scratch. Can we go swimming, mom? I thought today it was a great Indian war. It's Sunday, you said that we could swim at the dam. You can't go it alone, and I can't come. Paquito knows how to swim, he will teach me. Lin dug ditches very deep irrigation. - Alright, go ahead. - Thank you. I understand them. What warmth ! It's always like that during this season. If not swimming with the kids, I don't know how to fix it. I can use the swimming pool, like Mike yesterday. You are welcome. I have your gracious permission to dive into it? - I don't care what you do. - You are too kind, I take advantage of it. I worked on a steamboat in the Caribbean, when one day we have been quarantined for a few weeks. There had been a case of typhus on the boat. Maybe we were lucky or it wasn't typhus... When we suppress the sea, the captain let us go swimming. It was a wonderful feeling. You know what ? Today was the same. This old barrel is perfect for a Sunday dip. You should have more room In the Caribbean. Have you read this one? - Take him to your room. - No, it's fine. I will read here. - Would you like to listen to me for a moment? - Listening to you is a waste of time. You didn't waste your time when you searched my things. You saw me at the station, you wanted to know if my name was Brown. You found out not. I found out you were my husband's murderer. Murderer ? It's a serious accusation that we only do after an investigation. Usually a lawyer present the evidence, the jury examines them and the judge decides the sentence. Are you all of these? Did Sam Tevlin have a judge, a jury and a prosecutor? He stole the company that I worked for! That's what everyone believed, including me. Truly ? How could you be so sure? He told you he was the thief, or did he not have time to say it? There wasn't enough time for... Carry on. What do you know? You speak As if you were there. It was you who started to ask questions. Here is one: why did you shoot when he had his hands in the air? There was only one in the air, I screamed and... - But no one knew that. Except... - Except you, Mr. Vanner. You and Sam. But Sam is dead, then you are all alone. You are right. I didn't read it in the article. You want to know how did I learn it? Sam told me. They sent him home. You have to remember that, you traveled with him for free. I looked at his body. A woman must do it if she does not know not how her husband died. I saw where the bullet entered, just below the chest muscle. His arm was up since the muscle descended on the hole and sealed it. That's why there was internal bleeding. Yes, Mr. Vanner, I know How did he die. You were a real hero. You were so brave that morning at dawn. Go now. Ellen, it's all true. I think I shot too soon. He shouted something, but I couldn't understand it. - I thought it was a ruse and... - And you were scared! You were a coward and you killed out of cowardice. Cowards shouldn't look for men. They should clean pigsties, crawling in the mud. That's what I did, I thought you knew that. I will send you your share after the sale. I will find someone else to round up the cattle. We were talking about Sam. I was with him when he died, and he didn't ask after you. - He asked after his mother. - Why are you telling me this? 'Cause this loyalty number marriage, I do not believe it! Sam wasn't thinking of you at the time of his death, looking for some comfort. Don't men turn towards their wives in these moments? I don't know, it depends on the man. And of the woman, and their life together. It may be nothing but that's part of the feeling that I have about Sam and you. It's hard to put it, but I think that you were like strangers. Am I wrong ? We can be married, have a child and buy a ranch like you, without really loving each other, or even know each other. Given the place, he must not have passed a year here as your husband. It was funnier to rob the company and make love to dancers. Wasn't it like that between you? Yes, that was it. But some women would kill you for saying that. Not you, killers are punished, and you don't want to be punished. Your head is in charge not your feelings. Knowing who I was, you made me Work because you needed me. Besides it was so fun to take advantage of me, right? It was wonderful. And I couldn't hit you and disappear for 6 months like Sam. It's not with me that you have learned to hate men, it's with Sam. You resent all men and you took revenge on me. You won, Mrs. Tevlin. Our association is over, and keep all the benefits if any. With my compliments. This is how are you saying goodbye? Unless it's hello. Hello Lin. I don't know what love is, father, if only one person recognizes another. Or a great experience who breaks down all obstacles. But we had it, Ellen and I. We started where most people do not achieve: with final explanations. Such explanations are paid for, but there are also rewards. Yes father, we found the greatest of rewards: Our marriage. I could barely follow the words of the priest, because I was repeating myself "now she's mine". That day, I said to myself that the demons that haunted me since I killed Sam Tevlin, were gone forever. But, they weren't done with me and I was about to find out. - Give me the rice. - Not now. Michael, you have been a wonderful best man. - Thanks for your help. - It's okay, I have something for you. Good luck, compadre. What is that ? Ellen look at me this wedding gift! - They are superb! - Can I try them now? I chose the size with the other boots. I am going anyway to try them. Let's see... Perfect! Do you like butterflies? They have real ones. These are the best boots that I have ever seen. They are splendid. - Did we talk about a party? - It is a surprise. There needs to be a party after a wedding. - A reception ? Who is coming ? - Juan made the invitations. They are those of the Country Club. - You think they're having fun? - Yes a lot. Juan is reckless with this champagne from Milwaukee. Come on, compadre, it's mine. No, that's our job. Go hold your husband's hand. You are an angel Carlos. It would please me although we hold hands. I hid two full plates home for us. - What a smart woman! - And a good cook! - I did the cooking! - You, you cut! - Our first party! - What a life ! For many it's a joke, and yet it can mean so many things. You made me understand that I was alive, but not living. Even the hate I had for you was a lie. I couldn't admit that I loved you. You love Me ? Tonight, it's as if all the nights and days to come were wedding gifts from you ! You also helped me and you Know it. How ? I stopped running away. Were you running when you came here? Why ? You know. Not anymore... You don't feel guilty anymore. No, I do not think so. But, it's strange... I only thought of it tonight. I take over from Sam. It's like a loop and we turn around. Sam's wife, his son... So you always run away... You have to understand that Sam is Sam. There is a little boy who loves you. And your wife is a girl who was never Sam's wife. As you told me. But, it's really yours. There is no past, no memories. It's just you and me now. - Listen to these children... - It doesn't look like a game. Looks like an argument. What is happening ? Honey, bring the others back. Come on, what do you have? It remains between us. Something must have happened. - They said something. - About you? About your mother, about me ? About my dad. He was playing with the kids and, one of them said he was Tevlin's son, the "bandido". It's awful! I did not want let him learn it that way. How best to present it? I don't know, but it will take let's talk to him about it one day. To tell him what? - The truth. - That his father was a thief? I thought we didn't know the truth about it. Lin, you can't go back. - You can't change the past. - No, but you can look for facts. That way we know who It's been working for me for a year! how i held sam going down the parade... Why would he steal that money? He was not a criminal. He could still work in the oil fields. I bet he was on his way to Bolsa Grande looking for work when he crossed the train which conveyed the payroll. If he met her... Indeed... Why the militia and the police have they been trained towards the coast rather than towards the mountain, where did I go? At first I took them for idiots, but that was hiding something. There's someone on this expedition who did not want him to be captured. There's a man somewhere who took this pay and which caused Sam's death. I want him to be punished. you can't forget, is not it ? I don't want it to be always above our heads. Go ahead... Then come back to me. So I left where I had come from. But this time, I paid for my ticket. I went to the company and I went through all the files on the theft. By the way, do you remember the name of that guard who had been injured? There must be a connection of the doctor. It must be somewhere here. - Valdez. - That's it. Here it is. Corporal Valdez. Juan Valdez. Corporal. Hurt by gunshot in commissioned service. - You don't remember me? - You are not a stranger to me, but since my injury my memory is not so good anymore. I know about this injury. I was with the Bolsa Grande when you were brought. It was I who brought doctor. Was it you? I would like to chat a bit. Can we sit down? A cigarette ? I am happy you get well. I have serious news. My pension? She stops ? This I do not know. But the investigation on the flight is reopened. - I have some questions. - It was so long ago. My memory is bad. I will try for you refresh it. Sit down. You and your 3 men were Mahoney's escort and money. In the mountains, you crossed an American walking on the rails. The report says he had a submachine gun. Remember: did the gringo have it with him or did he take it from a guard? He had it with him, sir. He was walking around with a submachine gun! And no one noticed when you slowed down. Surely she was not in his pocket. He was perhaps hiding her under his clothes... Or was I wrong, he took it from a guard. Yes that's it ! You lie, Valdez. Another that this American had this weapon and he used it against you. You weren't to survive. So, he wanted you to shut up. He threatened you and then bought you. This is how you receive a pension. Since then, you have lived in fear. You even have nightmares, right? You dream of this man pulling about you and your comrades. Who are you protecting, Valdez? who stole the pay from Bolsa Grande? I must... I have to ring the bell of the mission. OK. I'm waiting for you here. I felt sorry for Valdez and his act of desperation, but he had left my plans as up in the air as him. He had been my only witness, and he was dead. Now I had to find another approach. I knew it was a crazy bet, a sword in the water. It is forbidden to drink here. What do you want, sir? Ten minutes in your files. Sorry, that's not possible. Maybe a bottle opener... Sorry, no exceptions! It's disappointing. This beer is hot. I go look for ice... For 10 minutes. Here is the folder directory. It is locked. The keys are in the desk drawer. Don't touch it! I would like to see Mr Mahoney. Come in, sir. Is Mr. Mahoney there? It is booked. Alright, I'll wait. What is it about, sir? Talk to him, I want an answer by noon. You will have it. - You wanted to see me? - Hello, Mr. Mahoney. - Lin Vanner, it's been a long time! - How are you ? Well, I have nothing to complain about. I noticed. Mahoney Enterprises... What can I do for you ? Come. Don't bother me. - Nice place ! - Not bad, right? I bought it from the estate of General Ibera. Sit down. It's nice of you to come and see me. A drop of Cognac? No thanks. I will go straight to the point. I have a statement here. I would like you to read it. - Are you trying to raise funds? - No, just a few facts. Payroll Theft Facts of Bolsa Grande, last year. Tell me... - Have you gone mad? - Why ? Is there an inaccuracy? You say I prepared and executed Bolsa Grande payroll theft, that I killed 6 men and injured Corporal Valdez, and then hid the money. And that I had a worker accused American, who was in the mountains... Sam Tevlin, I admit that it was not planned. But he facilitated your plan. All of this makes me laugh. Did you invent it all on your own? Not quite. I did some research. Your oil business were going badly. Your financial company was almost bankrupt. You had an option on a field who could save you, but not the money to buy it. Two days after the flight, you have it bought and you got rich. Here is a copy of the memo of your own records. One day I was poor and the next one, rich, so what? What's so strange? Do you believe that with this kind of evidence am I going to sign you a confession? Yes I think so. You have guts. I like it. What do you want ? I want to wash dead on suspicion. It's worth 5,000 pesos. This is the last price. - It's not enough. - 10,000. It won't cost you anything Mahoney, except a ticket to leave the country once this paper is signed. I suggest you leave quickly, and that you never come back to Mexico. This country doesn't like Americans who disobey its laws. What if I don't sign? I changed my mind for brandy. Serve yourself. Vanner, you're tough, but you leave me little choice. I will have to play the game. Stand up. Come on, get up. That's right, it was self defense and I should have called the police and I should have surrendered and tell them everything. It would have been so simple. I even had to think about it. But I couldn't. I couldn't think logically, except that to make sure that I will be armed if they caught me. And I didn't have intend to be captured. - He doesn't want to be disturbed. - He told me to iron. You know what you are doing. Mr Mahoney? To all units, are looking for Lindley Vanner, suspected of murder... I wanted to go through the paths mountain and return. I wanted to see Ellen and Mike again. Maybe we could find a solution. But the next day the police found my trail and cut me off. They must have been at the ranch. Madam, we have to search the house. They are watching us for a week. Why did they wait tonight to search the house? Because they think they know something thing, but they don't know anything. Where is he ? When they are gone, go to the priest at the foot of the mountain. Pretty horse ! He is wounded. Father, you can't do anything do for my arm? My son, I will help you if I could. I know it. We talked all night. It was also dawn that day. The day when... I made my mistake... Look. They are there. A very bad decision for a smart man. I want to live, father. If I go out, they kill me. Circle it! Captain, we have a prisoner. Bring her! Winnow. Do not pull. There is someone with them. It's a woman. We hold it. Bring him this message: it has 2 minutes to get there, otherwise, we shoot. Whether you are there or not. It's Ellen! Ellen, you shouldn't have come. Now they have a hostage. It's not serious. You have to surrender. - I can't. - It is the only way. - You're hurt. - It's nothing. He can't lift arm to surrender. So we have to make them understand that you are hurt. It's no use, Ellen. My love, listen to me. I know you killed Mahoney in self-defense. You can convince them and get justice. No. You do not understand ? The circle is closed. It was written from the start. It had to end like this. It's a scratch but I can not move my arm... I can not move... It's been 2 minutes! Go over there ! Father, what can we do? He wants to destroy himself. And it's not his injury. He wants to destroy himself because of something he did. I've seen it in other men. It's in his head. Are you hurt? I fell, that's all. Your arm... You used it... This is the answer. We won. We can live be together again. What have we won? If I... If I go out... If you want to be again with your wife and son... You must try. I go out ! If he's smart, shoot. Hands in the air ! - Come with us. - Have faith. © DMC 2020
Channel: Cult Cinema Classics
Views: 4,970,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinema, classics, movies, old movies, public domain, films, B movies, classic film, cult film, The Capture, classic movies, full movie, the capture 1950, the capture, lew ayres, the capture full movie, classic movie, full movies, western movies full length, classic western movies, free western movies, western movie, yt:cc=on
Id: 0ujMMYFdJ9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 53sec (5393 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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