John 5:25 to 6:15 ~ (2013) ~ Rebroadcast picking up at John 5:25

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pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the shepherd's chapel but welcome to this family Bible study are back in our father's word we're going to go take the fifth chapter of John pick it up in about the twenty fifth verse Christ is beginning to open up the ministry in a sense and he just told them that our Father has placed the judgment in my hands this is why and I'm not going to say anything to you that the father wouldn't say or hasn't said or told me to say and therefore if you receive the truth you will receive me now a lot of people had trouble with that because they were trying to say well he's claiming to be the Son of God and they were calling him a blasphemer some of them even wanted to kill him and naturally that's where the seed of Cain begins to work in claim to be of our brother Judah and they certainly were not so having said that that kind of sets the stage for the remainder of this chapter let's pick it up if we may chapter five verse twenty five word of wisdom from our Father and it reads verily verily I say unto you the hour is coming and now is the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live God is not the god of dead but of life therefore what is he talking about here what you can read of it in in first Peter chapter three verses 18 and 19 when he was in the tomb he went all the way back to to Noah's time well why did he do that to give them the opportunity to accept Christ as Savior they had not had that opportunity if they died before Christ's death on the cross this opened up and those that were spiritually dead they have taught the message to them and if you read on in chapter 4 of 1st Peter it'll tell you that a lot of the captives were free why because they believe just like you do our Father does not play favorites with his children from Adam all the way to the end he loves all of his children if they are obedient 26 for as the father hath life in himself listen carefully so hath he given to the son to have life in himself verse 27 and has given him authority to execute judgment also because he is the son of man the son of man means the son of God but man meaning in the flesh the the word became flesh and walked among us Isaiah 7:14 a virgin will conceive and bear a son and you will call him Immanuel which is to say God with us so and this authority to execute judgment came to him and it was real verse 28 not at this for the hour is coming in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice and and so and so it is that they they would hear you know most of the time when graves are mentioned in the Hebrew manuscripts throughout or even in the New Testament held is usually in the manuscripts Gehenna which means the valley of Henan the garbage pit outside of Jerusalem but actually it's always grave okay it means a great and if you're spiritually dead you as good as in the grave but he has the power and the authority to speak and teach as I said you want to make sure that you make a note of first Peter chapter three verses 18 and 19 where he went all the way back to Noah those people were dead though they were living with God in paradise one one side of the Gulf or the other twenty nine and shall come forth they that have done good unto the resurrection of life eternal life they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation I really cannot accept this translation because the word damnation is the same word used as judgment prior so let's read it like the manuscripts actually say and shall come forth and they that have done good unto the resurrection of life and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of judgment in other words we've got a millennium of time in between the resurrection even if we who are alive and remain and the great white throne judgment when judgment takes place so they're going to have an opportunity and no truth it's not a second chance a lot of people with what is being taught they don't have a chance thirty I can of my own self do nothing as I hear I judge and my judgment is just it's totally fair because I seek not mine own will but the will of the Father which hath sent to me you know you're green you have a lot of people in your lifetime sometimes preachers will tell you don't ever say to God if it's his the man that here you that's bad information because if you truly love God if it's not of his will you don't want it anyway hear what I said if you truly love the Father you want to be in his good will and if it displeases him he knows what's best for you and sometimes you don't therefore you want to always pray to the Father if it be his will this is even Christ himself saying I leave it to the will of the Father and and this being a part of that triangle Godhead 31 if I bear witness of myself my witness is not true if all I had to do was to as a man the son of man stand here before you and claim but what kind of witnesses had he presented miracles turning what had wine and healing the sick to Lane oh and and taking up their bed and walking one is paralyzed verse 32 there is another that beareth witness of me and I know that the witness which he witnessed of me is true he's talking here about John the Baptist who was the forerunner prophesied long ago and Isaiah chapter 40 that there would be a voice crying from the wilderness to turn the hearts of the children back to the father's plural verse 33 he sent unto John that's John the Baptist and he bear witness unto the truth I mean he was baptizing people accepting and he had God's hand upon him 34 but I receive not testimony from man these things I say that you might be saved that was his title G was y'all have a savior meaning if you believed upon him you could be saved into eternal life and never deceived by the false one verse 35 he was a burning and a shining light and you were willing for a season to rejoice in his life John brought it forward he really he taught he preached I mean Jesus would even say in one place what did you go out there to hear a reed shaken in the wind that is some men that will talk this way five minutes and another one no straight on I mean straight on from God he talked no ifs ands or maybes verse 36 but I have greater witness than that of John for the works which the father hath given me to finish understand that word finish means I'm going to complete it the same works that I do bear witness of me that the father has sent me that's the miracles resurrection of the Dead who can do that you can't but our Heavenly Father can the Holy Spirit can that's the witness and that's the proof the supernatural power of our Heavenly Father which is super love because he does love his children verse 37 and the father himself which hath sent me hath borne witness of me you have neither heard his voice at any time nor seen his shape but he said a witness well how did he well Psalms 22 the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ a thousand years before the fact and again I'll repeat the one I just mentioned in and Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 the Virgin is going to conceive what she did her name being Mary and brought forth the male child and you shall call him Emmanuel being in France translated being translated God with us and so it was so God witnessed this is my son in whom I am well pleased and even that doves descend from heaven symbolic of the Holy Spirit upon him verse 38 and you have not this word abiding in you he has sinned here you believe not and so it is you just you don't believe me you see there was these ones in the back you know you remember in the beginning of this fifth chapter they learned to kill it I mean a nice religious community huh they really wanted to kill him and and but did not have that opportunity way back in the eighteenth verse of this same chapter therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him because he not only had spoken of broken the Sabbath but said also that God was his father making him equal with God and they they went to kill him continuing on then verse 39 listen carefully search the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me what even back to Moses time dude Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 15 what does it say because that I will raise a prophet like you that means in the flesh and if he would be the Messiah it was written long long ago verse 40 and you will not come to me that you might have life you won't do it 41 I receive not honour from men verse 42 listen carefully but I know you but do you have not the love of God in you that's pretty strong talk but who is he talking here to let's that's going over to the eighth chapter you you're not going to have it but you can turn there and read it we're going to pick it up with verse 42 who is he talking here that knows him not and he's already told them in verse 32 if you'd learned the truth that had set you free there's 42 reads jesus said unto them if God we're your father you would love me for I proceeded forth and came from God neither came I of myself but he sent me verse 43 why do you not understand my speech even because you cannot hear my word it's impossible why couldn't they hear his word 44 ye are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father ye will do he was a murderer from the beginning now how sharp for you who was the first murder Cain was so we're talking to Kenites here absolutely the offspring of the serpent he was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaketh the lie he speaketh of his own for he is a liar and the father of it that's why you would make sure you never get over in that camp you want to stay straight on with the witness of the Living God 45 and because I tell you the trick you beiieve me not you convince with me of sin they couldn't he was intercepted and if I say the truth why do you not believe me and then he answers 47 he that is of God heareth God's words ye therefore hear them not because you are not of God so this is who he's talking to now do you understand what the true beauty of this is we're hearing here from the Savior he always speaks the truth it's very blunt sometimes and it's direct the tears of Mark 13 which that's who this is talking about the Kenites if they leave their father the devil and begin to love Almighty God for he created their souls if they will love him then they automatically become children of God not of the devil so even the Kenites can attain salvation through Messiah that was his duties as he was sent here and he will not maybe not perhaps he will finish it so then returning to returning to this fifth chapter of John not you know he has identified and we'll get to that eighth chapter soon you'll learn more about it verse 43 in chapter 5 I am come in my father's name this Jesus is Yeshua java-based Savior and you receive me not if another shall come in his own name him you will receive that's the Antichrist or instead of Christ you're all geared locked and loaded and ready to accept him the liar of all Liars your own father basically you'll listen to him but you won't hear me well he answered that in the eighth chapter verse 44 how can you believe you see honor one of another and seek not the honour that cometh from God only you have 2:45 do not think that I will accuse you to the Father there is one that accuses you even Moses in whom you trust even Moses wrote of him Moses wrote of him and as I quoted earlier in in Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 15 God touched Moses his heart and Moses stated very clearly God's going to raise a prophet up among our own kin flesh he will would be Messiah that was that was promised and Moses always came forth after receiving the very law itself on the Mount that he believed 46 for head you believed Moses you would have believed me for he wrote of me and again Deuteronomy 18:15 to complete 47 but if you believe not his writings how shall ye believe my words if you if you don't believe the words of Christ if you don't believe the writings of the Old Testament that look forward to the coming I mean this was God's plan of salvation was God's plan to give life to the world that would believe and certainly he was refused by the can i and me and he pretty well explained that Satan he likes to Satan's plan has been to destroy the manchild that is to say Savior coming out the gate that's why he had the fallen angels to come down and mess with the daughters of Adam were by this seed the seed called Messiah could not come forth and God had to destroy the earth at that time with no flood and there was only one pure family left that had a perfect generation that means pedigree and I'm quoting from Genesis chapter 6 and that was Nolan's family they had an inner mixed with the fallen angels and through that seed came this Messiah umbilical cord umbilical cord chapter 6 and verse 1 after these things Jesus went over the Sea of Galilee which is the sea of Tiberias which is this jinnah surrett by most it's called the garden of the prince a lot of things happened here you might make a note of it verse 2 and a great multitude followed him because they saw his miracles which he did on them that were diseased he saw those miracles of the he had never seen anything like this before they were praising God for having done it how precious it was that they had this this one if you just simply believed in him and he touched you were healed it's a miracle and only someone from God could accomplish that so there are many that are following and believing verse 3 and Jesus went up into a mountain and there he set with his disciples they kind of pulled off to the side there a minute in a higher level where he could overlook and be heard for and the end be Passover a feast of the Jews or of Israel was nigh and it was coming close and naturally to make a long story short as it is written in 1st Corinthians chapter 5 verses 7 and 8 Christ became our Passover because he's the bread of life he used to Passover bread and that's what we were about to feed the people here it's a great miracle and it is done by none other than he that became our Passover for the highest holy day in Christianity verse five when Jesus then lifted up his eyes he saw a great company coming to him he saith unto Philip when shall we buy bread that these may eat reminder there Philip knew this area and but that's not the point he wishes to make verse six and this he said to prove him for he himself knew what he would do he knew beforehand seven Philip answered him two hundred pennyworth the bread is not sufficient for them that every one of them may take a little $40 would not buy enough bread for each one of these to have a little part $40 at this time was was a men's verse eight one of his disciples Andrew simon Peters brother saith unto him 9 there is a lad here had five barley loaves and two small fishes but what are they among so many what good would that do now the lad of course is symbolic of God's truth barley both loaves five is Grace you know what barley loaves were this poor man's bread barley ripens in the spring before week does and it doesn't make as good a bread as wheat does so it's called a poor man's bread but the number five is great and you don't want to look over that and to fish and that's the anytime you have the fish it's symbolic of the father and the Son and the this is why that the very word fish in the Greek tongue the cypher stands for Christianity it is I owed Akai they use of yes yes yips along epsilon anti Saviour which is being translated Jesus Christ son of God Saviour that's what the word fish that's the and that's the reason it all is always comes forth and why is symbolic of Christianity so the signs are all there and let's see what happens verse 10 and Jesus said make the men sit down now there was much grass in the place so the men sat down in numbers about 5000 Christ won't deal with a mob to break bread you're going to do it in order you make them sit down and he would have them parceled out and the point I want you to note here many people to both Jesus fed all these people no he didn't Jesus is not going to feed these people provide the material and the disciples are going to feed their children it means even today you child of God and one that knows truth Christ is not going to feed them right now you've got to do the feeding naturally you do it in his name knowing he provided the bread and he provided the meat but it is your duty to see that you share that to some hungry person but let it be done in order not a mob not hollowing not our but with the countenance of the holy spirit president let the feeding then began so and here you have the very title within this Jesus Christ son of God Savior verse 10 and Jesus said we got into that one okay there was five thousand you get that and if you have five thousand men if their families are with them think how many that is considering only four to the family verse 11 and Jesus took the loaves and when he had given things always do that think the father for it's poor man's bread thank the father for it distributed to the disciples and the disciples to them that were set down and likewise of the fish as weenie as they would now again I want you to not read over that Christ did not feed the people he passed it off to the disciples and the disciples gave it to them that were set down if hey what if somebody wasn't sit down they didn't get paid do it by Christ's rules in order with love and certainly it lets you know that God furnishes through the son the truth he was he was the word that became flesh and walked among us we are to take that word and that it spring to life come alive and teach it in that way so that somebody can so all people that we have used to hear can understand the beauty and the miracles that God produced through the son always in order and always by the hand of God verse 12 when they were build he said to his disciples gather up the fragments that remain that nothing be lost now there will them be an interesting thing happen in this because the lesson he will teach them and he's teaching a lesson within this and I'll say a word or two on it anytime you have a large group of people together and you pick up fragments of what is said here they're young and everywhere you got a mess and he would tell them like in Matthew 16 I didn't warn you about not having bread because you didn't bring the fragments I was warning you to be careful of the doctrine of the Pharisees and the Sadducees it's false doctrine that you want to be very careful of you gather it assemble it and cast out what doesn't belong you only teach what he gives you to be taught to the children that way you have the blessings of God upon it and it will always be successful so beware when you have a large meeting or gathering where of the fragments of the Ratchet jaws in the background they fancy themselves to be somewhat verse 13 therefore they gathered them together and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves which remained over and above unto them that had eaten what what does this mean it means that you should always share the word he doesn't give anything personal to you unless he makes it very specific that it is personal as duties but when they fed this multitude there was still one basket left over for each tribe of Israel the message being when you are dealing with God's Word there's enough for everybody there is enough truth enough wisdom enough salvation enough love everyone in the world every soul God ever created they believe and if they follow from the word however many you feed there's always enough left over you don't have to worry about it God is not a respecter of persons and when you serve Him he will bless you 14 then those men when they had seen the miracle that Jesus did said this is a truth that prophet that should come into the world in other words from Deuteronomy 18 in Genesis 49 this is him no doubt 15 when Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force to make him a king he departed again into a mountain himself alone in other words he did not tolerate the fact that they would make him something that he was not he was the savior of the world he was not a king never pretended to be a king except to be king of Israel when Israel came into its being king of kings and Lord of lords wasn't time but how precious it is to have the word steep into your life Moses to have the truth guide you and lift you that's what God's Word does there's always plenty to go around alright bless your heart do this in a moment - please second book of Moses called Exodus this fantastic book of the law witnesses God keeping his promise to Abraham that he would deliver Israel out of the Egyptian captivity the type established by God delivering his children out of bondage in Egypt is readily seen as the way out of the confusion of this world for Christians today that is to say our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the Hebrew word exodus means in the names in exodus we also learned the names or seed lines through which Jesus Christ would be born in the flesh exodus has taught by pastor Arnold Murray is available on audio cassette tape or VHS tape the 13 audio cassette tape set is our item 126 and the suggested donation is 52 dollars or if you prefer the eleven VHS tape set it is our item six seven one point one three and the suggested donation is two hundred and seventy five dollars Marshall tape set orders are welcome and there we are back here has had the 800 number please a 1-800 6-4 three four six four five that number is good from porto rico throughout the u.s. alaska hawaii all over Canada if the spirit medicine you have a question you share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular reverend denomination or organization we're never in judged people you know we have a judge he's he's on the job full-time and night and day so it leaves no room for you to become a judge at this time so we let him do the judging don't ask us to judge those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and urine answer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address it's always a pleasure hearing from you now I've got a prayer request and you do not need the number and you don't need an address why god knows what you're thinking right now he does and he loves you for that that's why he can be such a perfect judge he even knows what you're thinking so let him know that you love him and ask his blessings on yourself your family and your friends because he hears you when you're honest with him and you always ask in his will let's go to his throne father around the globe we come rest that you need God rick father touch in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father amen okay what what does Yahweh jari mean it means let me correct you have it spelled a little wrong here is the awful day to read which means yah provides or yah gets it done it is in Hebrew dictionary the word 3070 that's pretty easy to remember isn't it I mean that's the lord of blessings it's one number and that you want to remember your whole a jury god that gets it done God that provides for those that serve Him that's what it means John from California concerning the Fallen Angels my understanding is that the preaching from the chapel is that we come from the Fallen Angels false that is not true I don't know how you could possibly in other words we are the fallen angels and then reborn to save our souls no the Fallen Angels cannot be reborn they're locked away in Chains as Jude so aptly reports why because they left their place of habitation you see they were in spiritual bodies and they knew better they knew what the penalty was and they knew they sealed their faith so the fallen angels there's only seven thousand of them and they are locked in Chains as the great book of Jude so declares and that's why it is written in Revelation chapter 11 that when the tree witnesses rise from the streets of Jerusalem 7,000 that Satan brings with him they're going to die instantly and it means a spiritual physical soul death they're gone banned from Maryland pastor when we die and lead these flesh bodies do we have to have a funeral what it used to customary to - for not for yourself but for your family but it's still a personal choice and if you want to cut there are many ways to to simplify a funeral you can have a graveside service which is sufficient and honored by God and it protects the family and gives them an acceptance of the fact that you have gone on to the Father but if you literally do not wish to have one then there is nothing in God's word that says you should Rebecca from Oklahoma my dad recently passed away and I'm wondering where he is right now is he in paradise is he with the Lord thank you I would like to know I miss him well naturally you do to be absent from this body as present with the Lord that's second Corinthians chapter five verse seven and eight you go instantly to the Father and you're going to be on one side of paradise of the other and as much as you loved him he must have been a good father so I could probably safe with pretty well the shoes he was on the good side David from Texas what book and chapter tells me where God named Cyrus thank you well you'll find it in Isaiah chapter 45 verse but you know the miracle this is god named sour cyrus about let me my computer go here about a hundred and thirty-five years before he was even born and yes he was not an israelite he was the king of persia but you'll find the fact that god chose him and nature named him gave him a surname and he had another name but certainly this was a surname you'll find it in isaiah 45 for linda from ohio pastor another example to teach you thank you i just heard you say pastor amery that you don't agree was receiving body parts such as heart one and i wish you would explain why my ex-husband and my only son and only daughters has diabetes i do pray there or believe in did you misunderstood i and i've seen you even quote me as saying that to be able to give someone an eye and have eyesight it's a beautiful thing i said my own personal choice if i had to have lungs and a heart to hold smash i would just assume go on home okay that's my personal choice but there's no sin in receiving a heart from a person or even lungs from a person you must listen closely it and certainly in this case with diabetes usually it would be a kidney sooner or later that's that's a wonderful gift to give to give people life all out of stating was my own personal choice alright and has nothing to do with law or and you they else Michelle from New York my question is is it wrong to be just a mom and a housewife or should I have a real job do you know what being a mom and a housewife is a fantastic job it's a huge job when you take care of the whole family and take care of them you've put in a lot of hours yeah it's a job that is fantastic moms are just real special they always have been always will be Anna from Illinois Pasteur if I pass and go to heaven can I get to go into my garden and plant my seeds and stuff because that's what I love to do the most I'm 81 years old and I love to hear it over the air my life has changed so much I love you and your son and the staff well thank you and we love you in return you know when the North Pole goes back where it's supposed to be and we get rid of the jet stream the teratoma that they rather the funnyman goes back where it is you cannot imagine how fertile and how precious in our travels of documentaries i have found i have found palm trees on the top of the mountain in arizona that's a desert beautiful palm trees lush green foliage of course they were petrified from years gone by but how precious and perfect this earth is when God puts his cloak back over it and returns rejuvenates it back where it was and you are going to have a heyday planning promise from Mission Michigan pastor where can I find the description of the word man number 123 76 21:45 which one would it be if hot dog you see your f Haddam is three words it's not you're not going to find it all in one word it's three words and 120 would be correct but you have to put the article to it that's a different word it o e th H a in the Hebrew time two different words Sarah from South Carolina where can we find Mary's genealogy you will find Mary's genealogy in Luke chapter three you will not find it in Matthew chapter one it will tell you that Matthew chapter one is the genealogy of Jesus Christ but it's not Christ's genealogy as Joseph it's not Mary's it's Joseph Joseph was not the father of Jesus so the bloodline given in Matthew one is not the bloodline of the Lord Jesus Christ there is one change that is very different and you find that in Luke chapter three you find out many things in Luke and Luke chapter one you find out that Elizabeth was a daughter of Aaron meaning she was of the Levitical priesthood married to a priest and when Mary conceived she ran to her cousin Elizabeth well now wait just a minute if she's a cousin and she's a Levite what's going on here it's really very simple mary's mother was a Levite his father was hallo of the tribe of Judah therefore God after the order of melchizedek reals welds together the priests line and the cane line into 1b king of kings and Lord of lords it's a beautiful thing you can see that Stephanie from Kentucky in Revelation chapter 9 verse 14 when those angels are released from the Euphrates does that mean we are in the sixth Trump we're approaching it I mean we're knocking on the door we are so close to it but there are many things that must happen within that sixth Trump as it solidifies keep tuned Larry from don't know where he's from if you can get to heaven excuse me if you can get to heaven upon death why would you not go to hell at the same time well it's really simple there you instantly go to heaven for what purpose to be judged well now let me think for a moment when it's the great white throne judgment well it doesn't happen until after the Millennium a thousand years so what's the great white throne judgment that's what determines whether you go to heaven or hell okay so you've got a whole lot that takes place within there and there is nobody that will not wait until the great white throne judgment you see God still on the throne and he doesn't just miserably throw somebody around that let's say that a person was handicapped they did not have the ability to put truth together and they sin and not perfect Barney do you think God would send them to hell or do you think he would bring them resurrect them in a spiritual body where they had all their knowledge and teach them and give them that opportunity that's what the Millennium is about that the way to judgment Helen from Georgia pastor you of different world ages does this mean that we all have been here before please explain I do not understand it's real simple of course there was a first Earth Age Satan grew a third of God's children away and and rather than kill his children he destroyed the earth age and brought us into this one have you never read Ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 what does it say there I chose you before the foundations of this earth age on the first God chooses his elect from the first Earth age why because when Satan rebelled there they stood against him so when he chooses his election he knows he's got some people that have a little salt to them and they will stand against the false one and and so it is Jeremiah chapter one how do you explain that if you don't understand the three earth ages God says to Jeremiah I need you before you were in your mother's womb while you were in your mother's mean I've chose you as a prophet so you see foreknowledge is a wonderful thing preordained as it is written in the eighth chapter of Romans but your three earth Ages are made very clear by one of the greatest apostles or Mahler's Peter that old fisherman second Peter chapter three he gives you all three heaven ages in all three earth ages the word to help you a little bit the word world as it is used in that chapter is Eon it means times ages Donna from Pennsylvania when you repent for your sins do you have to say you're sorry for each and every one that you have committed or can you say for the father forgive me for all my sins in Jesus name all your sins in Jesus name is sufficient if you're sincere you know if you have an unction or an urge or a commitment that there's one specific one you should repent for do it then but basically saying all your sins is sufficient because you've become a new creature and if you sin again you repent again Denise from that does not give you a license to sin but God loves his children he knows were not perfect Denise from Canada I heard pastor Dennis say that Satan who never had a material body and will never have one how are we going to witness against him are we supposed to see his face to face is he going to have a spiritual or flesh body when he is throwing to him through the earth he already has a spiritual body he has the body he has there but he'll never have a flesh body I'll say that one more time Satan will never have a flesh body because he will never be born to women but he will be cast from heaven and don't worry he has a body that is supernatural and he's the biggest liar of all times and we will have a chance to witness against him you might say how did the fallen angels impregnate the daughters of Adam because they have their spiritual bodies which are they're not flesh but we're made in a perfect copy so they were able to impregnate Hobart from Hobart from Tennessee god bless you and your staff and your wonderful program I must confess that I have become addicted to your program if all churches followed your format I believe there would be a more people in church well thank you appreciate that question will the people who have been deceived by the false teachers and ignorant preachers be able to be saved when Jesus comes Christ wold you have everyone an opportunity for truth that's what the Millenium is about and that's that's why it's so wonderful that we have a loving God God doesn't wake up every morning say I wonder who I can zap today he's just the opposite of that who can how can we save someone today that's why the word is written that's why the word is shared just to bring salvation to whomsoever will Joseph from organ when the two witnesses come back to earth what type of body will they be in if they are in flesh then Satan can kill them but if they are if they then being flesh cannot be in heaven I am confused Wow have you ever heard of Enoch I'm sorry have you ever heard of Elijah who showed up on the Mount of Transfiguration their bodies were transfigured you know a lot of people say well Moses died well who buried him think long and hard and pray on that long how could Moses show back up at the Mount of Transfiguration died and and but listen to take part as one of the two witnesses you have to know he didn't and that's why he was chosen when Moses is the law and Elijah the prophets that's why it's so very important and and they they never died it is even written and I know a lot of people really come down on me saying this says very clearly in the last chapter dude Moses died and God would let no one bury him he took in this self and as it's written in the book of Jude even Satan argues with God for the bones of Moses well why can't he find the bones of Moses because most still alive that's why so those two will fill the mill they'll get it done Elizabeth from California pastor is it okay for me to send my grandchildren a Bible and a concordance so I can do Bible study with them their daddy is incarcerated there their daddy he said that he wanted to study the Bible please tell me any Scripture that may help my other son is not in jail but he's doing drugs would that be okay if I brought him honey you can buy of course you want to set a good example for them and if your son the would even incarcerated wants them to study the Bible all the more reason God would never penalize you for sharing his word you you get it done that's all right coming from Kentucky will you people will you please reveal who you believe or the two witnesses spoken of in Revelation and thank you for your comment well I don't I just answered that did I not I think it's Moses and Elijah and I think that's what God meant when he had them up here on the Mount of Transfiguration yeah I think that's kind of a cut-and-dried thing they are able to perform many miracles they come before the sixth trunk or right at the beginning of the sixth trunk and they will be here longer than Satan will be okay about a very few days and quite frankly for the student is the difference between solar and lunar in days I'm out of time hey I love you all because you enjoy studying the letter that our Father has sent to us he expects you to receive that letter it's from him because he loves you well if you really want to be blessed return that love to him don't even know today that you're loving and he will bless you it makes his day and when you make God's Day boys are going to make cures we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you need help us keep coming to you once you do that bless God again he will always bless you most important zone listen to me good you stay in his word every day and his word is a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus Yahshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity arkansas 77236 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for one six rabbit Arkansas seven two seven three six we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you three letters written by the Apostle John that disciple whom Jesus loved the tenderness of John's writings is marked by the number of times he begins the exhortation and warnings with my little children or little children in fact little children has written seven times in the First Epistle alone the contents of the First Epistle are practical teaching in the light of the love of God God is life is light his truth is righteous is love and we have fellowship with him through the Lord Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit the tenderness and love of John's writing continues in the second epistle as he encourages the elect lady and her children to love one another he also writes this is love that we walk after his Commandments after these words of encouragement John warns us that there are many deceivers entered into the world and explains how to identify these deceivers don't miss this opportunity to study the epistles of John with Pastor Arnold myrrh from gravid Arkansas this is Shepherd's chapel with Pastor Arnold Murray join with us now this pastor Murray takes you on a book by book chapter by chapter line by line study in God's work now here's pastor Marie all right good day to you god bless you welcome to the Shepherd's chapel hey welcome to this family Bible study I know what we're gonna kick around the latter days a little bit in this particular lecture following the latter rain that we covered in the last lecture and certainly we asked the word of wisdom from our Father that he enlighten us on some of these terms that we find scattered throughout God's Word which mean a great deal more then oftentimes is written we concerning the latter days never confused it with the last day
Channel: Shepherds Chapel Bible Studies
Views: 27,569
Rating: 4.8215961 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel Bible Study, Shepherd's Chapel Gospel of John, Shepherd's Chapel Book of John, Pastor Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray Gospel of John, Pastor Murray Book of John, Gospel Of John (Religious Text), John Bible Study, John 5, John 6, John Chapter 5, John Chapter 6, Gospel of John Chapter 5, Gospel of John Chapter 6
Id: xrJTdgUNWEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 03 2014
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