Romans 16:1 to 16:27 ~ Rebroadcast picking up at the book of Romans 16:1

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you saved welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are back in our father's word we're going to finish the book of Romans today the ABCs of the gospel Paul giving the salutation here in the sixteenth chapter it's kind of important that you note the names that he mentions those that do the church work even back at the time of Paul's time and certainly we have many people that wonder the important thing is when God calls somebody I don't care who they are to serve they're going to serve but let us always give credit where credit's due that way you obtain God's blessings doing it God's Way chapter 16 the great book of Romans and verse 1 let's go with it it reads I commend unto you Phoebe our sister which is a servant of the church which is at cenchrea now what what this means is Phoebe means bright or pure and she's the one taking this letter to room got trusted her for that so let's let's read on here another verse verse 2 that you receive her in the lord as becometh saints whoa that that means to set aside one that's one of like a remnant of god's ELAC in that you assist her in whatsoever businesses she hath need of you where she has been a secure of meeting and of myself also now it's important that you analyze let's take that word secure what to what exactly does that mean what did this Phoebe do in the church well secure in the Greek tongue tongue is pro status and from the prime of pro is to me it means to stand in front of well let me see you a moment you know who stands in front of the church one is teaching oneness leading so Phoebe was a leader in the church now I know that maybe it upsets a few pastors that always try to put women down you can't go there God uses whomever he chooses just because there is one little you know when people are uneducated in the manuscripts and it says a woman should be silent in the church and that word silent in the Greek tongue is chatter a woman man-child nobody's supposed to chatter in the church Phoebe was not a Chatterer she was a protester she was a leader she was a teacher and with her abilities Paul says I view and learn from her she's even helped me she secured me so you want to be careful when you start judging people kind of leave whom God calls God will use verse 3 to continue greet priscilla and aquila my helpers in christ jesus now why why would Paul put a Priscilla's name first her husband's name is Aquila and you you would find also in second Timothy for verse 19 that Paul calls a Priscilla Prisca it's why because she was the one teaching in the family Aquila assisted her again I'm saying this this might upset some people but the word is the word and the Word of God faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God so we have Priscilla who was a fantastic teacher for who have for my life laid down their own necks and they stuck their necks out for me Priscilla as well as Aquila under noon not only I give thanks but also all the churches of the Gentiles they were fantastic workers and in the Church of the nations verse 5 likewise greet the church that is in their house I mean they had a church right at home salute my well-beloved at finatus who is the firstfruits of achaia unto christ and and so it is that verse 6 greet Mary here's another girl who bestows much labor on us she was Marian was a great helper to the group verse 7 salute Andronicus and Junia Junia another female my kinsman Paul was had woman ken that bec wine because his father was a Roman citizen and my fellow prisoners who are of note among the Apostles who also were in Christ before me these were not prisoners from robbing a bank or anything of that nature there were prisoners because of teaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ verse 8 greet and pilots my beloved in the Lord verse nine salute urban and here we have a Latin name which would be Roman okay our helper in Christ and stachyose my beloved them verse ten salute al Tellez son and and here we have a Greek name approved in Christ salute them which are of Arista kabbalists household the whole house salute them and here we have this salutation and taking note what a beautiful book this this book of Romans that all are remembered and were created as given credit is due verse 11 salute herodion that's a hero type my kinsmen greet them that be of the household of narcissus which are in the Lord and those that serve Him greet them let them know verse 12 salute trying he not and try folks ha who labor in the Lord those are two women those are female names labor in the Lord they do what they labor in the Lord salute the beloved Paris Paris which labored much in the Lord that's Persian so you see how many different names have gathered in Greek Roman Persian like with the Latin of course all gathered in and all working for our Heavenly Father verse 13 salute Rufus there get another Latin name chosen in the Lord and his mother in mind and appall was claimed her as a second mother spiritually speaking and was quite fond of her in the work that she did in serving the Living God again you know this entire gospel the ABCs of the gospel and how to bring it for us how through this word comes faith and faith by hearing and hearing by what the Word of God the word produced by these citizens these that labor in the church a church is a place where God's Word is brought forth and apparently multi languages being served in that ministry whereby many were enabled to take that word then back to their own people so that the word was taught in more languages than one where by ken faith comes by hearing and by hearing the Word of God with understanding verse 14 salute as sang Critias and Pella mom helped a leg on her mas Pat robust Hermes and the brethren which are with them salute them all and give give a shout out to them that we care verse 15 salute by Lu agus and Julia there's an another female Nereus and his sister of course would have been workers in that church and Olympus and all the saints which are with them and many of these called Saints set aside once why because they loved the Lord because they were in the Lord's word and if you ever need direction if you ever need a touch from our Heavenly Father where does it come from it comes through faith and this is why when Christ praise for someone's I will pray that you faith because if you have faith the word will come alive for you because you're a believer and when you believe that word you put it into practice in your life that's what's important that you put it to practice in your life whereby even living that life it sets an example for others that they see in that they hear and they are drawn to it why because everyone wants the blessings of God and the blessings of God come forth you know when when you follow God's command it brings blessings you go against as this word is brought forth laying the law out even from the beginning of how that you're supposed to stay away from from perversion and when you have states that vote perversion yes there's going to be hurricanes what these terms there's going to be all sorts of things that are going to come in they're gonna wonder why why are we having these unusual things happen to us and they never for one moment realize it's from that God is in control and you need to pay attention to him verse 16 he continues salute one another with an holy kiss the Churches of Christ salute you this is a Christian hug as we practice today and and and it continues verse 17 now I beseech you brethren mark them which cause division and offences contrary to the doctrine which you have learned and avoid them this is very important it's very specific it's especially direct in the language what what does this mean well when you start a ministry I want to be very careful what comes into it make sure that the doctrine is the doctrine that God brings forth not the version not somebody else's teaching saying all perversions okay you know you know what this word mark means it's important that you know we'll just spend a moment on it hear the word mark here is in in the Greek tongue is Scorpio it basically means the same thing in Greek as it does in English to scope you put the magnifying glass to it you put the magnet scope to it to observe them that closely if they come bringing some different doctrine some different way you better get the scope on it that's what that's what that Martin you mark it well you scope it out you observe and you observe what they are bringing in heresy trouble you know well how do you handle trouble you nip it in the bud you get rid of it that's why you said avoid them that you have nothing to do with that the the Word of God is sufficient unto itself you do not need some expert to come along and add to the doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ you do not need someone to add to the doctrine that Christ brought forth in setting a path in the simplicity of serving him and letting Satan go hang himself you do not give Satan the time of day so you mark our scope yo you scope them out real good especially if it's somebody that already has the mark of the beast that is to say that are full of deception and have been misled mistaught and are looking for a while any moment or something rather than staying in the field as these people have doing God's work standing in before needing guiding and directing and so that's a very stern warning there and very specific when it comes to you put the you put the magnifying glass to it you scope it you analyze it that's not to be that's not to mean that you're judging someone it means when you see something wrong fix it verse 18 for they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ but their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple the simple means those that are innocent that they they're there they're hungry they want to be taught so you want to make sure you don't let a false teach her claim to be one of the gospel bringing forth the gospel that's the good news the good news is that God saves us through the son not some man okay God didn't send some men and save you here and to bring a whole new message he gave us the message of old and God is the same yesterday he is today and he shall be forever so there are innocent ears among you make sure that they're not dented or or certainly their innocence he is not carried away by thoughts teaching and false doctrine you know when you allow false doctrine into a church you especially if it has to do with the end times Keifer and Satan has won but oh you're not going to make a stand against the false one because you don't even know when you've been missed taught as what is commonly the main miss leader of all things you don't even know that the false Christ comes first so they're not in any position to stand before or to help lead or to help direct souls into the true Christ not to fake so Satan has the heyday with that he loves it and makes his day so you you will always protect the innocent for if you are one that needs if you are one that God has showing the truth then he gave it to you not to be selfish with but to share let's go with the next verse please verse 19 for your obedience is come abroad unto all men I am glad therefore on your behalf but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good and simple concerning evil I want you to note be wise to the input to the innocent concerning evil how evil can slip in if you're not careful verse 20 and the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly ice of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you amen know that there's a lot of teaching in that if you'll receive it now why would Paul what was that again and the God of peace who is the God of peace is our Father shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you however how is it one lion would God allow that to be taught when we're going to fly away phrase that if you were going to fly away why would God say you're going to bruise Satan under your feet shortly do you know what it would mean if you had not understood that verse you would have to go all the way back to the beginning of Genesis in chapter 3 in verse 15 know what it meant to breathe Satan under your feet to know your duty to know the plan of the day if you don't have a copy of the plan of the day through this word you're in a heap of hurt because you don't know where to go what to do or which direction or who's who so let's see if we can analyze because God told us in the beginning what that statement meant repeated by Paul chapter 3 the great book of Genesis verse 15 I'll read it to you and God speaking I will put enmity between thee and the woman that's between Satan and ye and between thy seed and her seed that's to say between your children and her children it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel we're gonna we're going to put his head right under our feet and so it is and that was a that was the first prophecy coming out the gate and naturally how did he bruise the heel they nailed Christ's heel to the cross and we shall in the end as the church the many membered body of Christ being the head we will bruise Satan because Christ gave us power over him in teaching the truth the true message to know well how are we supposed to do that well he's told you over and over then he continues next verse please in in this great last chapter 21 Timothy asar Timothy as we called him my work fellow and Lucius you know new Lucius is that's Luke the writer of Luke and Jason and so Scimitar my kinsman salutes you we all do here we're gonna find out who's writing this who's described for Paul in writing this Paul rarely ever wrote his own one because his his site I believe was very bad after he made that trip to the - with God and so he usually had a scribe that road of course Paul did too speaking I tirsia that's the correct pronunciation of this name in the Greek who wrote this epistle salutes you in the Lord and so he's the writer of it but Paul usually gives the Salyut ation that's the completion 23 Gaius mine host and of the whole church salute you erastus the chamberlain of the city salute you and court us a brother verse 24 the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all amen hey it doesn't get any better than that if the grace that's the unmerited favor of the Lord Jesus Christ is with you then it's going to be well one because when you repent even though you don't near it it he greets you forgiveness and favor favor well I'm not very good at this Lord well in his favor he'll make you good at it he will assist you whereby you get the point across you may be really awkward and very clumsy in it and yet at the same time he will elevate the thought and the way and the path because of his grace just to say his unmerited favor why if he loves you he will never leave you he will never forsake you he will always be near you verse 25 now to him that is of power establish you according to my gospel in the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery which was kept secret since the world began now see there Paul is placed in another obstacle to some what is he talking about what is this mystery here the world began that takes us all the way back to the first Earth age how can we explain that well it's real simple the teachings of Christ explain it in mark chapter 13 that that is a mystery from the foundation of the world it goes back to Matthew chapter 13 verse 35 what does it say that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Prophet saying I will open my mouth in parables I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world that word in the Greek the noun is cuttable it means the overthrow these things are secret from the overthrow of Satan and the first Earth Age minister fulfillment there up that should get your attention if you're a true leader of a church if you're a true leader of your family if you're a true leader of your own very soul to see that you scope out the Word of God with the clarity and understanding verse 36 Jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house and his disciples came into him declaring to us the parable of the tares what are you talking about Lord kept secret from the beginning of the world verse 37 and he answered and he said unto them he that soweth the good seed is the son of man that that's Almighty God he created the son of man is Christ in the flesh and if you've seen Christ you've seen the father he brought forth all the souls into this earth age not the first verse 38 the subject is this earth age listen to it carefully 38 the field is the world and that's not complicated is it the field that we were talking about that seat being so on it's this world feet are the children of the kingdom that's that's God's children no mistaking that but the tares are the children of the wicked one now let me think the tares simba symbolize the wicked ones children okay there that's not complicated this was kept secret from the foundation of the world yes it was up to meaning verse 39 let's see if he gives us an answer the enemy that sowed them is the devil the hope no wonder what he really means there he means exactly what he says don't you ever go around trying to translate what God makes clear through the mouth of Christ especially you said he that planted them was the devil period end of story the devil planted them the harvest is the end of the world and the Reapers are the Angels as therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire so shall be so shall it be at the end of this world that of course is after the very Millennium that God loves his children enough that he will wait until the end of the millennium because there will be much teaching in that day of the Lord which how long is a day with the Lord boats a thousand years second Peter chapter three verse six and seven you're there going to be taught the truth well mine was this kept secret well so that God could know who's going to choose him over Satan if somebody does not love our Father enough to scope his word look at it to analyze it in the simplicity that he brings it forth well he he makes it so complicated subdivs complicated that the devil planted seed on this earth and God Himself way back in the beginning said I'm going to put enmity between your seed that's the Serpent's seed in the woman's seed that's the Kenites and God's children that's that's no great mystery there's no mystery to it if you scope it out if you look at it if you analyze God's Word to know that there is wickedness in the world it comes basically from Satan but he has workers best of who they are and you best know how to to evaluate and have the grace of God the unmerited favor with you that you receive the blessings and the knowledge and the wisdom in the simplicity God's Word is never complicated true wisdom is to take that that man must is and simplify it were by a child can understand that's the true Word of God and the simplicity for the innocent whereby they can understand God loves his children and he doesn't wants a messing with them you will either listen to the Word of God and follow him or you'll probably listen to some yo-yo that will tell you you're going to fly away somewhere and it's not written in God's Word but they'll still do it and you'll probably worship the first Messiah that comes along unfortunately it's the wrong one it's the Antichrist that's what Paul the same writer would tell you in second Thessalonians chapter 2 where he said when I talked to you about our gathering back to Christ it's not going to happen until after the son of perdition Satan the sower of the wicked seed stands in the holy place claiming to be God come to fly people away people are geared to receive truth how many people are geared to receive the simplicity of the message of the Living God well it's real simple to enter those that have ears to hear and those that have eyes to see now continuing on in this sixteenth chapter the great book of Romans verse 26 but now is made manifest and by the scriptures of the prophets according to the commandment of the everlasting God made known unto all the nations for the obedience of faith faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God that those scriptures would be taught throughout the world that those scriptures that truth would come forth one more verse to finish the book verse 27 to God only wise to God only wise be glory through Jesus Christ for ever amen and naturally this would be taken by Phoebe to Rome to be shared by the church there how precious the book of Romans how simple the ABCs of God's Word that through hearing that word your faith is strengthened whereby you have the simplicity of that truth that you are not deceived and you shall put Satan under your feet and overcome and victory forever through the name of the Lord Jesus Christ all right book of Romans hope you enjoyed it listed in a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravid Arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number good from Porto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Mexico oh and good for Alaska Hawaii and all of Canada if the spirit moves in you have a question you share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular reverend or denomination one of them judge people God is the judge he does not need our help you know he's been doing it for a long time he's real good at it let him do it you have the right to spiritually discern truth from untruth and you go with that you'll always be blessed when you pick truth now those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address and always a pleasure we've got a prayer request you just need the numbers don't need an like God knows what you're thinking right now he does you need to share that with him you need to let him know you love him that's what he wants more from you than anything else is your love that's why he created you for his pleasure so let him know that you love him and make your petition and listen to him pray for wisdom of his word father around the globe we come rest that you need guy direct father touching your shoes precious name thank you Father amen okay and I will announce dennis is going to take over for a while and and take a book and and I hope you enjoy it I'm gonna take a little tractor time and get the place laid by through the winter and you don't don't anyone need an ask of a lot is he okay I'm dandy fine God's good and real good okay question time James from California wow you do offer a lot of CDs well I've been teaching a lot of years all right what what was the name to use for father when praying for financial blessing you hold a jury I mean that's really that's that is the biblical name of the God that provides okay Jackie from New York in my King James Version Ezekiel chapter 13 verse 20 it is worded just a little bit different than how you say it but it means the same as you teach it we're for thus saith the Lord God behold I am against your pillars were with you there hunt the souls to make them fly and I will tear them from your arms and we'll let the souls go even the souls that you have to make them fly it doesn't say anything about tearing anything from knuckles now you have to go to the manuscripts you know people have tried to change certain people Kenites of course to change these scriptures the scripture prior to that 20th verse that says that so kerchiefs the word actually in the Hebrew is bands to all arm holds the word arm holds is not in the Bible say manuscripts the word arm holds is not there even if you look in your key your Strong's Concordance look up the word arm hold it's blank because it wasn't there what was there I'm going to do it for you you have two words for the word arm holes in the manuscripts the first one is 679 in your Hebrew manuscripts and I'm going to say it again 679 it is a table it and what it means is it means joints or knuckles and and the second part of it is your den now what is yad yad to start out with is this is the smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet and it's shaped like this you know why because it means hand yad means hand but yah debt as it is used in in 30-27 write it down 3027 it not only means yad hand it means open hands then what is God saying I'm against you that so bands that try to cover my out reached open hands every knuckle of them they're saving hands teach people to fly to save their souls when God is there to save them all the time I'm going to repeat this so that there's no air those of you that would like to go a deeper study into it if it is worth your and if you can your your your Hebrew manuscripts in the Greens interlinear go to Ezekiel chapter 13 and it will lay it out for you these Hebrew words where you can read it for yourself there's no need in one being deceived in these end times so I'll say the numbers again first would come 679 that's every joint and every knuckle of God's out reached hands for salvation don't what God is saying don't mess with my saving arms to teach some doctrine this false okay it's that simple now you bite you at the NIV Bible and now it doesn't even talk about teaching your souls to fly it talks about birds flying how did that happen I mean seriously ask yourself a question how did it happen that God's Word was changed from God's out reached every knuckle saving arms and hands to birds flying who would do a thing like that I would hope you would know Satan's actions through his children the children we were speaking of earlier in the clothes of Matthew chapter 13 will let you know Kindle age 9 from Oklahoma why did Judah and Israel split up thank you for teaching my mom and dad and myself Jesus's words well you are so welcome Kindle the the reason they were split up is the ten northern tribes were taken captive by the Assyrians you left the other Tuesday and he took captive the ten northern tribes which makes up the house of Israel the two southern tribes Judah was left and became the house of Judah and they would be taken captive 200 years later by Nebuchadnezzar Loretta from Tennessee and question you spoke of adultery with crops well it's for you it's where you you're not supposed to plant cucumbers bye-bye cantaloupe why would you plant cucumbers by can't they'll cross it's God's Word that you're supposed to plant your crops yeah one of the best agriculture books written is God's Word it really tells you how to adultery means to mix okay and you're not supposed to mix crops you spoke of hybrids in the first Earth Age but said there was no place there were no hybrids in the first Earth Age the hybrids came in this earth age when the helium Fallen Angels impregnated the daughters of Adam and Libra were born giants that those were the hybrids okay are we doing the mark all our life when you say that first in the field are taken by Satan well if you're one of the first ones in the appeal taken by Satan and you certainly got to his mark it means to be deceived by false teaching you see Satan's messages I've come to haul you away and unfortunately people are not taught that we've got to make a stand against him Mike from Indiana I have been this is a comment I have been to many churches listening to many preachers on television and radio read a ton of Christian books and most of which led to confusion you sir have inspired me to study for myself and in so doing brought me to the knowledge of the truth I love you and I pray for you every day god bless you and all that those around you well we have a fantastic crew and it is God's Word that does it it's complete and if if people teach God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse then it blesses everyone because it strengthens everyone thank you for your comment Helen from Illinois I learned I have learned more from your teaching than I did going to church and you're the best well thank you the word is the best okay in Genesis 6:14 no one made the ark out of gopher wood what kind of wood is that there no one knows exactly and I will go for wood but we do know one thing from the language it was a resinous wood so you got pine and you got Cypress it would be one of that family pine or Cypress that he made the ark gin is from Louisiana why is there a place of hell when the scripture tells us the wages of sin are death and Romans 6:23 and Ecclesiastes 9:5 the dead know not anything you see you are a little bit confused by not understanding the scripture supposed to rightly divide the word of God it is true that he pleased the estie's chapter 9 verse 15 the dead know nothing there never heard of again they're gone but what dead is it talking about that's to rightly divide the word you've got to identify what it is that is dead and is gone it's the flesh body it's not your spiritual body means that your flesh body goes back to dirt from which it came your true with it it doesn't go anywhere it doesn't know anything this is why that 9th chapter starts out by saying a living dog is better than a day lion because you know a lion is supposed to be a king of the jungle king of the animal kingdom here but if he's dead he's a chunk of meat going back to Dirk and the dog still got metabolism going so you see you're not rightly dividing the word of God go on then in the same book of Ecclesiastes which is written to the man in the flesh that walks under the Sun telling you how to be happy in these flesh bodies and find wisdom and understanding when you go into that twelfth chapter it states very clearly there that that as soon as this flesh dies the silver cord parts your spiritual body goes back to the Father from whence it came Elsie from Alabama I have a handicapped son that is 52 years old that does not talk and has never been baptized as he need to be baptized he's in his innocency he is fine you don't don't baptism is something that a person that is sound must make their own individual mind up about if it would never it would not even if we were to take somebody that did not understand what baptism was about and dipped him a hundred times it would not be worth anything because that person did not make their own mind up to be baptized but God understands and he's covered in innocency you don't have to worry about it okay Donna from Arkansas pastor my sister wants to know about Satan being a cherubim could you please give me scriptures so I can show her father's truth I pray in Jesus name Amen and thank you for all you do you are so welcome Ezekiel chapter 28 verses 13 and 14 you will find God speaking to Satan he's called the king of Tyrus and then the Prince of Tyrus he would in the day that God created him it says he made him the full pattern but but then in that fourteenth verse he will say you are the cherub that covereth me he was a cherubim that was supposed to cover the mercy seat okay that's that's where it's written Charles from West Virginia what is your belief on unwed mothers dedicating their children to God's beautiful sea Charles you are misunderstanding what a man's are is the man's R is as you know the sins of the parent didn't fall off on the child Jeremiah chapter 31 verse 29 there's no way that that that sin will fall off on him and a child but and so what do you need to do is take your Strong's Concordance and go to Deuteronomy 22 check out the word that's got you all messed up there and and it'll tell you a whole lot you can find it out for yourself God does not discredit anyone even aconite that's a child of Satan if they change and love the Lord Jesus Christ and are saved the kind of child of God pillar from Texas my fiance he has a problem he my question is is this he wants to know is that is it that easy to make a pact or deal with Satan just by calling out to him or is there more to it than that thank you in other words he made that he made a cry out to Satan and you're worried about it say you have if you're a Christian you've got power over Satan any anything you might have said in ignorance is forgivable so repent for having said it in the first place until Satan to get out of your life you got power over him you tell your fiance to read Luke chapter 10 beginning with verse 18 and 19 beliefs the Lord the Lord gives him power over all of his enemies use it stand up and be the man in music tell Satan to get out of your life and don't be gentle about it get him out Elizabeth from California Matthew chapter 13 verse 41 could you please explain that verse and reference to what it says all the things that offend well isn't it strange we were teaching that in today's lecture when I went to the 13th chapter of Matthew and told of Satan planting seed here on earth and then in my closing statement I said this the tares are not gathered until the end of the millennium into the millennium if the tares do not accept Christ at the teaching of the election through that thousand year period they're going to hell but God is a loving God he's going to give them every opportunity to change where they are not offenders but if you're still offending at the end of that thousand years you're a goner to end from years oh no what does the Bible say about persecution why does this happen to some more than others well you need to you know read God's Word ask His blessings but don't let people person you don't go around people that persecute you necessarily the wiser than the serpent but as gentle as a dove Kevin from Pennsylvania when a person is called to serve the Lord and then when they return he is rebuked by his family can he still go to heaven your family doesn't D doesn't have the say-so of whether you go to heaven or not only God can decide that only God is the judge of all things I kept in I have no idea what you mean of when you were called to serve the Lord and you returned that something is - there for me because it's an honorable thing to do but I would your family rebuking you has nothing to do with your going to heaven no that's in God's hands John from Louisiana this cremation ok according to 1st Corinthians 15 verses 5 through 52 absolutely there's nothing wrong with cremation we were talking earlier about the book of Ecclesiastes these flesh bodies go back to dirt it doesn't matter how they get there we're done with them you have according to 1st Corinthians 15 - bodies your spiritual body returns to the Father these flesh bodies which we borrowed them just be here in go back to dirt why was Christ resurrected in this physical body he was resurrected in a transfigured body there's a difference transfigured read about the Mount of Transfiguration understandeth that Moses and Elijah were there with him in transfigured bodies Richard from Georgia what scriptures are there that warn us about how eventually we lose our rights as given in the US Constitution especially open worship what we're not going to do that there is no where we're going to lose our right to worship as we see fit because we're Americans and many of us have fought many of us have shed blood yours truly is shed defending this nation and our rightful freedom to worship as we choose even to the point that I have license to broadcast around the world I paid a price for that a lot not in myself personally but many men and women have so we're not gonna let it happen were strong people nobody it's going to take that away from us nobody marry from Georgia where does it say Moses grave can't be found because I have read otherwise in the Old Testament where the grave is no you haven't you have read in Deuteronomy chapter 34 along about verse 6 that God buried him near well in a certain Valley but then at the same time as you read the book of Job even Satan can't find his grave because nobody knows and yet at the same time remember Moses was transfigured God would let me in touch him man didn't bury Moses and that should tell somebody a lot any different Florida is it wrong to salute the flag and bow down to another guy it is an honor to salute the flag of the United States of America if you're in uniform you're on duty you you salute that flag it is not bowing down it is showing respect to all that has gone on before us of the people that have fought even back to the 13 colonies original to all the battles and all the wars and all the people that have fought to give us these freedoms of religion to worship the true God not some other God there's no connection between the two Rodney from Florida we're in the bible does it say why do the wicked prosper you know I think if you listen to my teaching a great deal you know that if you have a companion Bible in the 37th psalm there is an acrostic there are three verses set aside that answer the question why does it seem like the wicked always get ahead you find out in that acrostic that they're going to smoke on a pit in the smoke and grew up forever and ever they're not going anywhere okay I'm out of time hey I love you all because you enjoy studying our fathers word most of all god loves you for it hey you know what when you read his letter and love it it makes his day and when you make God's Day boy is he going to make yours you can count on it it pleases him greatly let him know you love him don't you do that we are brought to you about your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that you bless God he will always bless you now most important though you listen to me you listen good you stay in his word every day and his word is a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus Yahshua he is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning separates chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 six four five twenty four-hours-a-day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77236 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box four one six rabbit Arkansas 77236 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you the Strong's exhaustive concordance of the Bible is an invaluable tool to the serious Bible student the strongest concordance list every word used in the Bible in every passage where the word utilized may be found in the scriptures with the assistance of a reference numbering system the English reader may easily translate any word back to the original Hebrew Caldera Greek in which God's Word was written the companion Bible is unique Study Bible in addition to the text of the King James Version Bible an extra wide margin contains a wealth of information not found in other Bibles a system of structures or outlines employed by the companion Bible will allow the readers to rightly divide the Bible the use of these structures help the reader follow the subject matter and therefore they are critical to an understanding of God's Word the 198 appendices found in the Bible cover a wide variety of topics and information which will enlighten your studies the companion Bible and strongest concordance are a must for the serious Bible student the palm just plain old palm tree do you realize that the palm tree stands for victory and for peace and it's very shape is often mentioned in the Word of God as stately as its little crown but you know the beauty of it is if any tree is a type of the Tree of Life there are about 300 uses for the know that nomads and other people use for the date palm each tree alone produces a good tree under normal conditions will produce about 600 pounds of fruit within that fruit is protein sugar fiber and it's just something that is no man can just about live off that tree alone why well the fiber the leaves make the booth
Channel: Shepherds Chapel Bible Studies
Views: 19,687
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Keywords: Shepherds Chapel Book Of Romans, Pauls Letter To The Romans, Book of Romans 16, Book of Romans Chapter 16, Pastor Murray Book Of Romans, Letter To The Romans, Book Of Romans Bible Study, Shepherds Chapel Romans, Romans Chapter 16, Epistle To The Romans, Pastor Murray, Shepherds Chapel Bible Study, Shepherds Chapel, Romans 16, Pastor Arnold Murray, Book Of Roman, Pastor Murray Romans
Id: 6gmDrlChp2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 02 2014
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