Leviticus ~ 24:17 to 25:46

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's Word Pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we invite you to get your Bible and join us if you care to we're gonna pick it up today Leviticus chapter 24 we're gonna pick it up with verse 17 and we've just gotten the law of the blasphemer and the judgment has been made but the judgment has not yet been carried out as we'll see in the next few verses we've got a lot of ground to cover today let's ask that word of wisdom and Yeshua's precious name father we ask you to open eyes open ears this day as we pick it up with Leviticus chapter 24 verse 17 and it reads and he that killeth any man shall surely be put to death now this law already given Exodus chapter 21 verse 12 well actually Exodus chapter 21 of the Ten Commandments thou shalt not commit murder that actually reads kill but it should have been translated thou shalt not do premeditated murder now the law had already been given this what this is doing here over the next several verses is expanding the commands to cover not only Israelites but also sojourners that are that's foreigners who have moved and are living among the Israelites verse 18 and he that killeth the Beast shall make it good beasts for beasts if you accidentally kill one of your neighbor's livestock a sheep or a goat you're responsible and you have to replace it God preparing the people to move in to the land and and have an orderly society the Golden Rule love your neighbor as you love yourself or I like to say do unto others as you would have them do unto you applies and that's what God's trying to make very plain verse 9 19 and if a man cause a blemish in his neighbor as he had done so shall it be done to him and this blemish to is to inflict bodily injury in other words if someone walks up and and punches you in the nose the return is a punch in the nose now this is not talking about self-defense if someone comes up in contact you know and and and confronts you and gets in your face you have a right to defend yourself that's not what this is talking about this is saying if someone does harm bodily injury to their neighbor the same thing is to be done unto them but again this is not talking about self-defense verse 20 breech for breach or fracture for fracture I for eye tooth for tooth as he have caused a blemish and a man so shall it be done to him again and does that seem fair to you well it certainly seems fair to me you know what what goes around comes around is what we say in Arkansas verse 21 and he that killeth the Beast he shall restore it and he that killeth a man he shall put he shall be put to death and people are responsible for their actions and they're also responsible for the actions of that which they own Exodus chapter 21 verse 28 and the following verses we learn there that if a man has an ox that Gore's a man or a woman and kills them but the the owner will not be held accountable then the next verse though follows that if the owner had knowledge that that Fox had gored someone else in the past and did not take precautions to keep the animal where it couldn't do it again the animal the Ox was to be put to death as was the case in the first case and the owner was to be put to death so we have we are responsible for our actions verse 22 you shall have one manner of law or judgment as well for the stranger this is a foreigner living among the people of Israel as for one of your own country for I am the Lord your God the sacred name utilized for emphasis all to be equally all residents of Israel to be treated equally under the law verse 23 and Moses spake to the children of Israel that they should bring forth him that had cursed out of the camp this is the one who committed blasphemy against God and stoned him with stones and the children of Israel did as the LORD commanded Moses now that seemed harsh well you know that was God's judgment and I'll tell you what if we would carry out God's judgment for certain crimes today we would see a lot less crime in our country can you imagine anyone who witnessed this individual being stoned to death and then they tell somebody and then they tell somebody it wouldn't take long for word to get around you don't want to blaspheme God you don't want to commit murder because the penalty for murder is death as well chapter 25 brings to a close those the laws statutes and ordinances giving to Moses on Mount Sinai that's go with chapter 25 verse 1 and the Lord spake unto Moses in mount sinai saying now this chapter we're going to be talking about the statutes of the sabbatical year we're going to be talking about the establishment of jubilee and what is to be done on those occasions verse 2 speaking to the children of Israel and say unto them when you come into the land which I give you then shall the land keep a Sabbath unto you unto the Lord and of course Sabbath means rest Hebrews chapter 4 now the time that this is occurring would be about 1490 BC so when did Israel come into the land well we had that little matter of the people of Israel tempting God 10 times as he was trying to get them into the Promised Land you can read about that in numbers chapter 14 and God sentenced that generation 40 years the all the adults would pass away in the desert no Promised Land for them maybe your children God said we'll learn to appreciate the land of all the adults living at this point in time that this these events happen the law was given to Moses on Sinai only Caleb and Joshua would be allowed to enter the promised land verse three six years now shall sow thy field and six years thou shalt prune thy vineyard and gather in the fruit thereof again when you come into the promised land after that 40 years was 1450 BC and you're to farm for six years verse four but in the seventh year shall be a Sabbath of rest unto the land a Sabbath for the Lord thou shalt neither sow thy field nor prune dive-in iord no agriculture work to be done at all on the sabbatical year now a couple things and by the way the first sabbatical year would have heard occurred on 14 44 BC six years after they arrived in the promised land and and go through 14 43 the sabbatical year began on the Day of Atonement the tenth day of the seventh month Tishri on the Hebrew calendar now don't be confused there are different calendars that the Hebrews went by one calendar began at the spring equinox with with back when in chapter 23 we were talking about the Passover being the 14th day from the spring equinox that was one calendar the sabbatical year I just mentioned that year began on the Day of Atonement there was another year which began a week later approximately five days after the Day of Atonement with the Feast of Tabernacles that when the priests were assigned to be on duty through certain courses or weeks throughout the year that began at the Feast of Tabernacles not at the month of Abib verse five that which groweth of its own accord of thy harvest thou shalt not reap neither gather the grapes of thy vineyard undressed for it is a year of rest unto the land now anytime you harvest land you're gonna have some seed that isn't gathered in the harvest it falls back to the ground that's what this means that it grows of its own but you're not to sow a crop in the sabbatical year now this is just good agriculture management successful farmers can tell you that you don't grow the same crop every year excuse me every year a year after year on the same land you just don't do it it's not good for the land and it's good to not plant anything on the land occasionally it lets the land rest just as God rested on the seventh day the Israelites were to rest on the seventh day the land was to rest every seventh year verse six and the Sabbath of the land shall be meat or food for you for thee and for thy servant and for thy maid and for thy hired servant and for thy stranger that sojourneth with you in other words you don't harvest what grows of its own or the grapes that come out without being tended to but it's okay to eat them just don't reap or harvest verse seven and for thy cattle and for the beasts that are in thy land shall all the increase there of B meet the what grew of its own became common good for man and beast and you know the land belongs to God you know you might say well I own a hundred acres or a hundred square miles of land and and so on so forth but let me ask you in 100 years are you gonna own that about five hundred years are you or any of your heirs still going to be owning that land God owns the land and he allows us to live on it and draw energy meaning our sustenance from it verse eight and thou shalt number seven Sabbath's of years and now we're going to be talking about the jubilee unto thee seven times years of 49 years and the space of the seven Sabbath's of years shall be unto the forty and nine years so after 49 years that would be a seventh year so there would be no agriculture on the sabbatical year the next year the fiftieth year is Jubilee there was also not to be any agriculture on the Jubilee year as well well what kept the people from starving to death if you didn't plan anything to eat for two years hang on a minute verse 10 and let me do nine and then shalt thou cause the trumpet the shofar in the Hebrew for the Jubilee to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month in the day of atonement shall you make the trumpet sound throughout all your land and the Jubilee and the Hebrew yo bale and it means the blast of a horn and the sound of a trumpet was the signal of the descent of the Lord on to Mount Sinai back in Exodus chapter 19 and 20 the first Jubilee year based on the numbers we've been using with the the first sabbatical year 1440 for the 1443 b.c would be 1401 through 1400 BC verse 10 and ye shall hallow the fiftieth year and proclaim Liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof it shall be a jubilee unto you and he shall return every man unto his possession and ye shall return every man unto his family it was a tremendous year of grace a year you know when Israel came out or went into the Promised Land they drew lots this is written in the book of Joshua and God assigned the land to the different tribes of Israel that was to say stay the same and if anything got out of whack in the over the course of the 49 years it was set back right in the fiftieth year if someone became so poor that they had to sell themselves into bondage they were to remain in bondage for seven years Deuteronomy chapter 15 verse 12 as well as the book of Exodus will back that up but if someone went into bondage let's say at the 45th year five years remaining till Jubilee in other words they would be at liberty to go free in five years rather than seven years the year of Jubilee everything was set back the way God established it verse eleven a jubilee shall that fiftieth year be unto you he shall not so neither reap that would grow it of itself in it nor gather the grapes in it or of the vine undressed on the seventh sabbatical year followed by the year of Jubilee would be two years that no crops were to be sowed nothing to be reaped again what kept them from starving to death well we'll see here in a minute no farming for two years verse 12 for it is the Jubilee it shall be holy unto you he shall eat the increase thereof out of the field whatever grew up of its own was pretty much common for the man or beast to eat even the poor or the needy or the Sojourner anyone who one needed it could help themselves verse 13 in the year of this Jubilee you shall return every man unto his possession and that doesn't mean that you go back to your possession that means that if you lost your land and sold the produce off of it you couldn't sell land it it was yours to be forever according to the way God divvied up the land you could however sell the increase the produce of the land up until the Jubilee year then the land went back to the original owner everything set back right verse 14 and if thou sell aught unto thy neighbor or biased aught of the thy neighbor's hand you shall not oppress one another this means you're not to shortchange or cheat your neighbor and this is talking about any Israelite that owned land you're not - for example if you were selling the produce and you told him well I made ten thousand bushels of wheat off of this land last year and you only made five thousand bushels that would be oppressing one another it means to be fair is what it's talking about verse 15 according to the number of years after the jubilee thou shalt buy of thy neighbor and according unto the number of years of the fruits he shall sell unto thee it's kind of confusing and it's really not complicated though if you were let's say it was thirty years until the Jubilee and you sold the produce of that land for thirty years up to the Jubilee for a set price the way it worked out was that you had the right at any point in time to redeem your land in other words if it you had thirty years till Jubilee when the deal first deal was made and then in fifteen years you came upon the money to redeem the land you could do so but you had to pay the other person for the 15 remaining years that he could have used the and the produce of it up until the jubilee verse 16 according to the multitude of years thou shalt increase the price thereof and according to the fewness of years thou shalt diminish the price of it for according to the number of the years of the fruits doth II sell unto thee and so basically the land wasn't sold the arrangement was that the land would be leased and the produce from the land would be from the work used by or sold by the person who was leasing the land verse 17 you shall not therefore oppress one another but thou shalt fear thy God Revere him by being fair for I am the Lord your God again encouraging the people of Israel to love their neighbor as they love themselves do unto their neighbors as they would do unto themselves verse 19 or 18 wherefore or on the other hand you shall do my statutes and keep my judgments and do them and you shall dwell in the land in safety this means to be secure it means to be free from worry it means to be free from anxiety now if you didn't treat your neighbors as you asked to be would like to be treated yourself then you would have this feeling or let's say you caused one of your neighbors cattle to die and then you would have a feeling of guilt hanging on over you so God saying if you'll do things my way you'll dwell in safety you won't have any worries verse 19 and the land shall yield her fruit and you shall eat your fill and dwell therein in safety this is a promise from the Lord and as most of his promises there are conditions attached do things his way and things will go well for you verse 20 and if you shall say what shall we eat the seventh year behold we shall not sow nor gather in our increases the Lord saying are there any doubting Thomases out there is there anyone that's saying every seventh year we can't plant we're going to starve to death verse 21 then I will command my blessing upon you in the sixth year and it shall bring forth fruit for three years in other words and you think God has the power to do that you know I know he does he has the power to make the court the crop threefold of what it normally is this was talking about if you had the seventh sabbatical year the 49th year no agriculture then you had the fiftieth year no agriculture what this is saying is the sixth year prior to the sabbatical year and the Jubilee God would create a crop threefold of what it normally is that would be sufficient to last three years verse 22 and you shall sow the eighth year and eat yet of the old fruit until the ninth year until her fruits come in you shall eat of the old store in other words in the sixth year you're gonna be able to put enough enough crops in the barns to last for three years the sabbatical year the jubilee year then the next year you would be able to sew but you wouldn't be able to reap until those crops came to maturity so you're gonna have plenty to last through the three years until the next harvest 23 the land shall not be sold forever you can't sell the land for the land is mine there the Lord says it for ye are strangers and sojourners with me well that I would do away with the need for realtors and real estate lawyers wouldn't it and you know God doesn't care for those who would sell their inheritance what what was God's problem with Esau he heats traded his inheritance for a bowl of red pottage it's written in Malachi in the book of Romans Jacob I loved Esau I hated 24 in all the land of your possession you shall grant a redemption for the land now this they're gonna be three ways that the land could be redeemed two of them didn't have anything to do with Jubilee one of them did have to do with Jubilee but what this is saying well let's go at the next person then we'll talk about it verse 25 if thy brother be waxing poor and have sold away some of his possession and if any of his kin come to redeem it then shall he redeemed that which his brother sold we talked briefly in verse 15 and 14 about if you sold the land for thirty years and fifteen of that past and before the Jubilee and then you have the money to redeem it you would have to pay the original purchaser for the produce for fifteen years for what he had already paid for up through Jubilee is what this is saying verse 26 and if the man have none to redeem it no one or two poor and himself be able to redeem it his hand found sufficient then let him count the years of the sale thereof and restore the surplus unto the man to whom he sold it that he may return unto his possession and again only could charge what he paid for the one who originally leased the land had to take the equal amount of what he paid for he couldn't say oh no I've got the under my control now so if you want it back I'll sell it to you for $1000 a year more than what I paid you for it that was a no no that was opressing one another verse 28 but if he the original seller be not able to restore it to him or to himself better then that which his soul shall remain in the hand of him that hath bought it until the year of Jubilee and in the Jubilee it shall go out it shall be be free again as what this means and he shall return unto his possession the buyer lost nothing by this arrangement the seller lost nothing by this arrangement in other words if you make a deal stick with the deal but God also making it to where you could not sell your inheritance in the promised land verse 29 in if a man sell a dwelling house in a walled city then he may redeem it within a whole year after it is sold within a full year may he redeem it now houses within a walled city in a city that would have walls would have to be considered could be sold but if the seller changed his mind within one year after the sale he could pay the same amount that the buyer paid him for it and redeemed the house verse 30 and if it be not redeemed within the space of a full year than the house that is in the walled city shall be established forever to him that bought it throughout his generations and it would be his - having to hold from that day forward it would be his heirs after he passed away in other words houses could be permanently sold as long as they were in a walled city different for houses in the countryside as will learn in verse 31 but the houses of the villages these would be houses outside of walled cities which have no wall around about them shall be counted as the fields of the country they may be redeemed and they shall go out in the Jubilee houses in rural areas were regarded just as the land they were a possession and you couldn't permanently sell your possession in the land verse 32 notwithstanding the cities of the Levites and the houses of the cities of their possession may the Levites redeem at any time now the cities of the Levites were talking about when the the someone was convicted of murder they were called cities of refuge as well as cities of the Levites there were six established three on the east side of Jordan three on the west side of Jordan but the Levites were also distributed among all the tribes of Israel and they weren't given a possession in the land but they certainly had to have houses verse 33 and if a man purchase of the Levites then the house that was sold and the city of his possession shall go out in the year of Jubilee for the houses of the cities of the Levites are their possession among the children of Israel so we have an exception even if it is a walled city and a Levite sells his home then it goes back in the year of Jubilee cannot be permanently sold verse 34 but the field of the suburbs of their cities still talking about the cities of the Levites may not be sold for it is their perpetual possession now and the walled cities the Levites and the priests included were given a certain amount of land and it was determined by the size of the city the distance of the wall whatever the wall was you added a certain distance to each corner and the land that was surrounding the walled city was for the Levites to keep their herds and flocks 35 and if thy brother be waxing poor and fallen in decay with thee then thou shalt relieve him yayyyy though he be a stranger or a sojourner that he may live with thee and this word relieve is to strengthen him work to help him the word brother here is Ock and it's brother in the widest sense it means someone who lives in Israel with you whether it's even a stranger or a sojourner and what this is saying is that if you're able to help someone who falls on hard times do it verse 36 take thou no usury of him not to charge interest or increase but fear thy God that thy brother may live with thee and if he repaid he was only to repay the principal owed not any increase on the interest verse 37 thou shalt not give him thy money upon usury nor lend him the victuals for increase now victuals be food supplies if you gave someone who had fallen on hard time let's say 20 bushels of wheat when it came time for them to repay you wouldn't collect 25 bushels of wheat you only collect what was borrowed 20 verse 38 I am the Lord your God sacred name which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt to give you the land of Canaan and to be your God God saying I redeemed you out of bondage in Egypt you redeemed those who fall on hard times if you're able to so verse 39 and if I brother that dwelleth by the bee waxen poor and be sold unto thee thou shalt not compel him to serve as a bond servant now in verses 39 through 46 we're going to be talking about if an Israelite sold himself into bondage to another Israelite then in verses 47 through 55 the remainder of this chapter we're going to be talking about if an Israelite fell on hard times and sold themselves into bondage to a foreigner there were different rules applied verse 40 and the saying though you're not to treat them as a slave but as in hired servant as a day laborer and as a sojourner excuse me he shall be with thee and shall serve thee unto the year of Jubilee there will be an exception to that Exodus 21 verse 1 and the following verses I managed mentioned in the book of Deuteronomy also limits the years of bondage to seven years what this is saying though is if he went into bondage in the 45th year before a jubilee and then Jubilee came he would go free in five years rather than seven years you remember might remember Jacob served his uncle and was wanting to marry Rachel and while he ended up with the wrong chick he got Leah and then he ended up having to work another seven years for laymen to take Rachel to wife verse 41 then shall he depart from thee both he and his children with him and shall return unto his own family and into the possession of his father shall he returned now if he were married and had children while he was in bondage the children would not go home with him they would be considered the property of the one who he was in bondage to there was also means that Israelites if they were happy with the arrangement living with their master that they could renounce their Liberty and there's a procedure listed in Exodus 21 verses 5 and 6 that they would basically take an awl and pierce the ear of the bondman and that would be a sign that he was a permanent servant to his master and had renounced his Liberty verse 42 and they are my servants which I brought forth out of the land of Egypt they shall not be sold as bondman not to be treated Israelites not to be treated as slaves thou shalt not rule over him with rigor but shall fear thy God you'll revere God by not treating the bondman with severity both thy bondman men I should say the servants in other words and by bond maids which thou shalt have shall be of the heathen or foreign natures that are round about you of them shall ye by bondman and bond made you can have slaves but they're not to be Israelites 45 moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you of them shall ye buy and of their families that are with you which they begat in your land and they shall be your possession and passed on as heirs one more verse and we'll stop for today and you shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you to inherit them for a possession they shall be your bondman for ever but over your brethren the children of Israel you shall not rule one over another with rigor again rigor being severity your your de treat them as day laborers not like slaves and we'll come back and finish this chapter concerning if a israelite sold themselves into bondage to a foreigner we'll also get into chapter 26 which is the curses and blessings of God got a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it's getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I afore told you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived and pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step-by-step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the telephone call is free the CD is free no shipping and handling just call 864 340 645 to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also mail your request to shepherd's chapel peel bucks for 16 grab in Arkansas 7 to 7 36 don't be deceived by Satan welcome back to the Shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please 800 6 4 3 4 6 4 5 that number good throughout Puerto Rico the US and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to pose to be answered on the air feel free to call that number and leave your question please don't ask questions about a specific individual denomination or organization by name we try to teach God's Word in a positive format throwing out negative about others by name serves no purpose we simply won't do it well that God's Word do the teaching the correcting and the healing fully capable of all three if you're studying via the internet somewhere around the world and not able to use that 800 number your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address quite alright to mail your questions in being the point got a prayer request when you do away with the 800 number you don't need a telephone you don't need a mailing address your heavenly father is there for you 24 hours a day seven days a week and you know when he sees you studying the letter that he wrote to you the Bible and then you talked to him on a regular basis he owns everything he owns the land he owns the air he owns your food and he loves to share what he owns with his children that love and serve him so I encourage you to consider your actions and talk to your heavenly Father let him know that you love him and when you have major decisions in your life you'll find no better counsel then your heavenly Father we do have these prayer requests father we come united as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ father we ask you to look upon these you know their needs illnesses and Families we ask that touch of healing and Yushu his precious name father we also lift up our military troops and our law enforcement officers father than our harm's way around the world we ask that you watch over guide direct touch heal in Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father all right let's get to some questions see what's on the mind folks we have Norma from Nevada first up today Jesus died when he was 33 years old he when he returns he is supposed to have been gone for 2,000 years does that mean he could possibly be returning in 2033 well I don't know where you're coming up with he's supposed to have been gone for 2,000 years I don't think it's written anywhere in God's Word how long it's going to be from the time he was crucified till the time he returns in fact he warned us no man knows the hour that I'm coming back only my Heavenly Father when Jesus walked the earth Emmanuel God with us that's how you translate Emmanuel and Jesus said if you've seen me you've seen the father we assume he meant he was God in the flesh could he have meant he was just as the father is that is to say good truth love etc now in John chapter 1 verse 1 in the beginning was the word that's logos in the Greek that's Jesus and the Word was with God and the Word was God you'll also find in in the New Testament that by Jesus Christ were all things created he is with the father you follow with another question now that was the second question alright let's go with Rebecca in Texas and thank you for your teaching the Word of God I enjoy the lessons I am truly learning things I never knew were in the Bible and you know it's amazing what you can learn if you study you know open your Bible and read and not some quarterly published by men or the traditions of men being taught but study the traditions of God my question is when we accept Jesus and repent of our sins we are forgiven and the sin is wiped out forgotten what then is in the book of life that we are judged for and determined if we are worthy or thrown into hell to be forgotten well it's the lake of fire and that's a permanent deal it's the death of the soul you know judgment can be punishment which appears more Christians the only thing they think of when they hear the word judgment is punishment but it's not just punishment judgment can be rewards many of you have a long list of righteous acts next to your name in the book of life and you're going to be rewarded for those on the other hand if you've got a lot of bad stuff written on next to your name you're gonna pay for those so judgment can be punishment or rewards and of course those who are written in the book of life the important thing there are more books than the Book of Life you mentioned the book of life specifically those who are in the book of life are judged into the Eternity at the the kingdom of God if you will after at the great white throne judgment of Revelation chapter 20 if your name was not in the book of life you go into the lake of fire with Satan and those who choose to follow him Ted in Pennsylvania did we partake of the leaves of healing in the first world age if so where is this in the Bible it's not written I know we will partake of those leaves and the Third Earth and heaven age how do I know because God's Word tells us that Revelation chapter 22 verses 1 & 2 if you get saved are you filled with the Holy Spirit right then and yes if Jesus is in you and you in him the Holy Spirit is in you as well and I know there are churches that tell you you have to do this or you have to do that to prove that the evidence of the Holy Spirit most of them have someone stand up and speak a bunch of gibber's a gobbledygook that no one can understand but they have to have an interpreter stand there next to them and tell you what they said that's bunk and I know that offends some people I'm just gonna let the chips fall where they may on that one though Acts chapter 2 is very specific it states that there were people there from all over the world and they spoke different languages but when the Apostle spoke that cloven time that is true evidence of the holy spirit everyone understood even down to the county in which they were born even the dialect or the accent that they spoke with now that is evidence of the Holy Spirit not someone speaking a bunch of gibberish and then having someone tell you have to tell you or interpret what was said linda in texas i hear this response often when a person let's call him bill does something wrong in the wrong as a legitimate legitimate wrong such as stealing and his friend let's call him jack tells bill that you're doing what you're doing is wrong bill's reply is judge not lest you be judged is telling someone that what they're doing is wrong considered judging what is a biblical definition of judging and let me give you some scripture linda ezekiel chapter three verses 17 through 19 ezekiel chapter 33 verses 7 through 9 tells us that if we warn people what they're doing is wrong and they continue in their ways they're gonna die in their sins but you have saved your soul on the other hand if you don't warn those who are doing wrong then not only are they going to probably likely die in their sins god's going to hold you accountable because you didn't tell them what they're doing is wrong 2nd thessalonians chapter 3 verses 14 and 15 tell us that were to admonish our brothers not treat them as a as a as a imbed now i forgot the word there but not to treat them badly you're supposed to treat them as a brother but it Mohnish them warn them what their doing is wrong but it says separate yourself from them as well Debbie from Oregon why does and I'll spell it je h o VA h jehovah represent the sacred name in the King James Version instead of Yahweh well there are many bad translations in the King James Version Bible the word in all caps L Ord is usually 99.9% of the time yaha they in the manuscripts so you know I feel fortunate I think Debbie that you know the sacred name you know that there are no J's in the Hebrew language and therefore there couldn't be Jehovah but it is yah have a it's locked in the acrostics four times in the book of Esther and once in the Book of Psalms and I don't have a who this is from I don't like to take questions they wish to remain anonymous now let's go I am a Christian but I still living like whatever I still do a lot of bad stuff like cursing and rebellion against my parents my prayer life is weak God has Martin me with a mental problem and no children I also struggle with lust do you have any advice i watch your program every day thank you for being around and telling the truth just like your dad well and I don't have a name to even respond to that let me say this the flesh is weak what we do is repent and pray for strength and then you put your spirit man in charge sounds like you're letting your flesh man run the show and what you need to do is put your spirit man or a woman in charge and things will go a lot better for you don't get on a guilt trip though your it sounds like you're being very very critical of yourself and be aware we all fall short but that's what repentance is for Sarah and Pennsylvania my son thinks the fallen angels are already here because of all the evil things that are going on what do you think of this theory I think Satan's spirit and the spirits of other evil spirits are here on earth don't believe the fallen angels are here on earth yet but they will be how do I know because Revelation chapter 12 verse 6 in the following verses tell us that Michael the Archangel and his angels war against Satan and his angels those are part of those are the fallen angels and Michael winds and boots Satan and his angels out on earth you can read about that in 1st Corinthians chapter 11 to Betty in Florida Genesis 4:15 the Lord set a mark on Cain lest any should kill him that mark meant Cain's progeny would continue to have a mind set to work for Satan therefore father right it would be difficult if not impossible to receive salvation through Jesus Christ for them question mark well difficult I'll agree not impossible I don't care if you are a can i they descended of Cain that's ke and ite not the Canaanite with the C Kenites are descendants of Cain but if they accept Jesus Christ as their Savior they become a child of the living God Stephanie in Washington how do you calculate by using the solar calendar the three high Sabbath scriptures please well we just covered that in Leviticus chapter 23 if you're interested you might order a CD by Pastor Arnold Murray called God's calendar there were three major in gatherings that the Israelites the men all went to Jerusalem Passover Feast of weeks and the Feast of Tabernacles but I would call you know I would only call Passover a high Sabbath I don't know where you came up with all three of these would be a high seventh other than the fact that that we're the the major in gatherings would be a better way to put it than high Sabbath we have one high Sabbath in my opinion and that is the Passover Bobby in Texas my question is about the many membered mansion in God's house I have heard people say when I get to heaven God's got a new mansion for me a house to live in would you please explain this well then first let's look up the word mansion as it's utilized in John chapter 14 verse 2 in your Strong's Concordance you'll find that it's the Greek word mone which means to continue it also means to abide with and you know you don't have to wait until you die to mansion or abide with Jesus Christ he is in you and you are in him that's called man Ching that's Monet another form of that word is me no Martha in Georgia could you please explain Daniel chapter 12 verse 2 and you have in quotes sleep in the dust and it's put for a low estate such as the serpent in the Garden of Eden was to go on his belly in the dust and that's what that is talking about Lucy in Missouri do angels have wings I think I heard pastor Marie say they don't have wings if not where did the idea come from and who started the saying no angels do not have wings we are were created in their image Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 God said let us make man in our image who was he talking to he was talking to the Angels of course the cherubim protecting the mercy seat had wings and the what was the the responsibility of the cherubim it was to protect the mercy seat and the wings were symbolic of covering the mercy seat in protection and we have James in Michigan please explain the oneworld system does man bring it about or to Satan at the 666 events in Revelation well the first beast in Revelation chapter 13 is a one-world political system man brings it about the it encounters a deadly wound that's when Pretty Boy Floyd Satan shows up as the Antichrist and saves the day that's when he returns I'm out of time I want you all to know that I love you a great deal because you enjoy studying the letter God wrote to you the Bible we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you now pus keep coming to you once you do that and to reach out to others who are lost in this world of darkness one thing most important though and it's this you stay in his word every day every day in your father's word is a good day even with trouble do you know why it's because Jesus is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,645
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherd's Chapel, Murray, Arnold, Book of Leviticus, Book of, Leviticus, Shepherds, Chapel, Pastor, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Arnold Murray, Shepherd's, Pastor Murray
Id: QlcBIa3J8uU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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