Satan's Bargains

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we're ready to get back in our father's word another topic today Satan's bargains you know to really you really need to know his MO that's to say his method of operation even in the garden itself when he said to Eve oh go ahead and take of the tree aw - which is the backbone of the body or a dish which can be an opening or closing of the eyes you'll be like eyes it'll be fine you know he'll always give you what sounds real good but I guarantee you if you're looking for a bargain with Satan there are none he will destroy you and he will take your soul and rough it up and sometimes you know the the wonderment is there are some people that are so stubborn you have to turn him over to him and by the time he gets through chewing on them and within their life they're ready to have a change so Paul would do that on more than one occasion but with Satan there really aren't any bargains but you need to know from God's Word how to prepare yourself to keep him out of your life okay Christ did us one of his greater favors was those that have faith he gave the power and the authority to control Satan and his demons he gave us as it is written power over all our enemies that includes Satan so to ease into this to kind of pick up on the tone Matthew chapter 25 when the 10 virgins were waiting for the wedding spiritual virgins that is five of them didn't have they made it they were Christians right up to the end but they didn't have enough oil in their lamp that's olive oil all elliya and it means they didn't have enough truth sealed in their mind they didn't have the seal of God totally in their mind make it all the way to the end you don't want that to happen to you but we're not going to talk about that right at this time I want to pick up on another point beginning with verse 31 listen to the teaching a word of wisdom from our Father in Yeshua's name verse 31 reads and this being Satan's bargains when the Son of man shall come in his glory and all the holy angels with him that's what we're kind of waiting on isn't it then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory right here right here on earth okay 32 and before him shall be gathered all nations that means all the ethnos everyone all-inclusive and he shall separate them one from another as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats it's going to happen those that have it those that don't verse 33 and he shall set the sheep on his right hand but the goats on the left okay verse 34 and then shall the King say unto them on his right hand come you blessed of my father inherit this is important inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world what a deep statement that is can you grasp it some may not have eyes to see it that's fine but God's election as it is written in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 were chosen before the foundations of the earth okay the inheritance prepared before the foundations so this is why the separation of God's elect and all the nations and all those that believe upon Christ they're the Sheep you can imagine who the goats are okay those that didn't love God those that go to the other side of the Gulf naturally 35 Jesus continues for I was hungered and you gave me meat I was thirsty and you gave me drink I was a stranger and you took me in you know not naturally this is going to confuse him when did we do all this verse 36 naked and you clothed me I was sick and you visited me I was in prison and you came into me here was think of Peter and and Paul and meaning that were arrested locked up for what not for stealing but for teaching God's Word 37 then shall the righteous answer him saying Lord when wind saw we thee an hungred and fed thee and or thirsty and gave thee drink question when did we do this verse 38 and when saw we thee a stranger and took the in or naked and clothed thee when did this happen 39 and our when saw we thee sick or in prison and came into the question 40 and the King shall answer and say unto them verily I say unto you in so much as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren you have done it unto me you've helped me through then verse 41 then shall he say unto all so then on the left hand depart from me you cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels now you see the reason you might say well why would you cover this as one of Satan's bargains because Satan will use Scripture Satan will visit you in Christ's name he will visit you claiming to be Christ and many Christians that read these beautiful passages will save nursed this along I must please him in other words you've got to have the oil in your lamp to make it all the way to the end and not be deceived you will have many many that come in Christ's name by that I mean claiming to be Christian preachers that will come to your door or your meeting and want you to take up an offering for them or put them up or support them all because they're a stranger in the night and Satan will allow someone to come in that way claiming to be from Christ and they will destroy your work that's the Satan's method of operation Satan no scripture unfortunately better than most Christians and he knows how to take the instructions of God through the son and turn it to his favor you know many people say well Satan sure likes to work in them bars and dance halls no he'd rather work from a pulpit there easier you can deceive church people easier than you can somebody in a dancehall maybe why because in quoting scripture you may have a hold a man Deacon section and you won't find a Bible scholar among the whole bunch that will know come here from Sikkim as to whether somebody's quoting scripture right they'll say Amen brother and they have no idea what was said I've heard it I've heard it agreeing to era and I'm not judging anybody and I'm not criticizing anybody I'm telling you how Satan works and you might say well wonder why my church got all tore up and they were just fighting like they were the dancehall down there because of Satan and his method of operation oh if Satan's got all kinds of bargains for you oh let me in let me let me help you it'll be all right everything will be just fine and they letting me in in the name of Jesus that's one that's one of the main things that Christ warns you about many don't be deceived many shall come in my name you you want to be geared for that you want to be set for it anyway that one method is probably utilized more in this nation today in in preachers that think the world owes them a living when they're not really preachers of God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse okay so let's back up to Matthew chapter four let's get another way that he you want to stay alert okay it's really best if you're familiar with the scriptures because do you know what Satan uses to deceive people Scripture Christ picked a time that it was time for him to go into the wilderness only he did it a little different because he's so much stronger than we are he fasted 40 days and 40 nights 40 being the number of probation he was hungry to show us he could do it hungry he could he could withstand Satan's onslaught and do you know what Satan would use to tempt him scripture you better be on guard my friend Satan's bargains they're out there they're ready for you chapter 4 the great book of Matthew verse 1 and it reads then was Jesus led up of the spirit what spirit the holy spirit of course it's for you into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil you know Christ set a path and we're supposed to watch it and we're supposed to take it as an example of how to be successful devil ever tempted you well beware watch how Christ handled it verse 2 and when he had fasted forty days and forty nights he was afterward and hungered and and there you caught it in that wilderness forty days and forty nights let's watch how he handles it verse three and when the tempter came to him that Satan he said if thou be the Son of God if that's a yu-er command that these stones be made bread not understand this Christ hasn't eaten for forty days he said I know you can do it if you really the Son of God make this turn this into bread and eat you're hungry and of course the Satan's using Scripture here okay so Christ enters with Scripture you know you got it you got to be familiar with the scriptures pretty well to follow along with Satan's method that's why it's important because Satan will quote scripture but you'll always twist it and you've got a big Deacon board they'll all say Amen brother they don't know it was twisted because they're not students of God's Word they're Amen deacons I'm not judging anybody I'm telling you be on guard verse four but he answered and said this is what Christ said it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God Deuteronomy 8 chapter 3 I'm sorry chapter 8 verse 3 Christ quotes back to him okay and and so it is it is written how many questions Christ would answer when he walked the earth haven't you read it it's it's written in the Old Testament that was the only Testament there was at that moment haven't you read it why are you asking me it's there but naturally we could go in a later into the into the Minor Prophets and we could take the Book of Amos and we would learn in the eighth chapter that the hunger especially in this generation is not for bread but for hearing the Word of God chapter by chapter and verse by verse every word verse five and then the devil taketh him into the holy city this Jerusalem taking him right down town and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple I mean we're up here in in God's house well then we're we're up in a high pinnacle of it here I mean you can't get much holier than God's house right okay verse a it's according who you were there with got it verse six and saith unto him if thou be the Son of God you see that's what he always wanted to be that's why he instead of covered protecting the mercy seat he tried to sit on it he wanted to be the son of God that's that was de-facto cast thyself down for it is written Satan quoting scripture here do you understand now if you'd be a Christian do you know if he's quoting this right or wrong let's read it and see Satan says it is written he shall give his angels charge concerning thee and in their hands they shall bear thee up lest at any time don't you let those words escape your mind lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone okay now God doesn't put on any sideshows let me ask you a question and utilizing common sense everything God does has a purpose to it okay now if you're going to do something stupid like go out here and and jump off of a five-story building what's going to happen using God's law utilizing God's law in common sins if you go up in for no reason at all go in a five storey building and jump out what's gonna happen gravity is going to take over and you will smite thyself against the earth it will kill you wise people don't do such a thing and God doesn't put on sideshows Satan twisted that scripture that's not what it says we'll talk about that a little more later on what did Jesus say verse 7 Jesus said unto him it is written again you want to play with Scripture Christ I can do it with you he was the Living Word it is written again thou shalt not tempt the LORD thy God and that's all that would be is strictly just tempting you know you'll have people you'll have Christians today and I'll just slip this in here maybe somebody needs it God if you're a real part this little stream for me so that I can walk over just to know that you're real that's stupid absolutely stupid God if you'll do this I'll just know you're real if you don't know he's real already by the word hey just push on off go find something else to do Satan's already got you in his little sack of bargains your father is a very very intelligent being utilizing common sense and that being the base of that that is natural and anything aside from that is perverted shun it stay away from it and let's continue on here verse 8 again the devil taketh him up into an exceedingly high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world not heaven of the world in the glory of them he was the Prince of the err Prince of the night and it was his hour it was basically his if he could take it alright that is to say if he could con somebody verse nine and he saith unto him to Jesus all these things will I give thee if thou will fall down and worship me that's what I want you to do it's all yours all you got to do is do that verse ten and then Jesus then said Jesus unto him get thee hence Satan for it is written again it is written thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve deuteronomy 613 true Scripture and when Christ told Satan to get behind him there he still sits to this day in heaven guarded by Michael until the time he'll be booted out on this earth but he's he's got a lot of bargains verse 11 then the devil leaveth him and behold angels came and ministered unto him that is to say Christ boy he's he's you know I don't know how well are you founded in the scripture to know how much Satan lied because some of that is just about 90 degrees away from what God really said in where it's written so you see that puts a Christian to quite a task if you don't have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ the Living Word the word became flesh I don't know can you be had can you be deceived if some scripture lawyer comes along and starts quoting scripture do you do you know when to say enough or can you behead I mean Christ showed us the way that's what and he hungered 40 days and 40 nights to be at a very weak state for for him to make it kind of even to show us he could still cut it he could still do it well how did Christ answer Satan by scripture by the Living Word God didn't go off and leave us defenseless he gave us authority over all of our enemies and that includes Satan or any of his followers unless you can be had through deception okay no what did Satan say there at any time Jesus will protect you and those angels will pick you up and eat you up that's not what the scripture says go with me to song there's a hold your place here in Matthew basically but go with me back to Psalms 91 let's go back and see what was really written you know that's why you want to always check it out or you could be had Psalms 91 as you're turning there and and we're gonna pick it up if we main with verse 11 it's all good but for the sake of time I'm gonna drop down to verse 11 where Satan you know he a new scripture you've got to know that and you better know it Satan is very good with the scriptures only he's a liar he cannot help himself but to change it so in verse 11 Psalms 91 here's what God actually said for he shall give his angels charge over thee they're gonna be watching out for you as it's written in Matthew chapter 18 verse 10 you're your angel will have the face of God at any time he's needed if you be one of God's set aside ones okay you heard my qualification he will give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways did it say anything there about at any time that's a whole big difference in all thy ways who is the way Christ is the way Christ is the path when you're doing it his way God's angels will always down take hold and see that you make it through but not like Satan says at any time it's got to be on the way and the way is Christ and he was trying to tempt Christ that chance he had of that even after 40 days you know what 40 means don't you that's probation he went the full line of probation to show you that he could do it and then giving you the power in the authority to spot lies of Satan and to stay in the right path to stay in the right way always not at any time but to tempt him to put on a circus I don't know have you ever well what do you mean brother a circus you mean you have a television and you're watching me now Ana sometimes when you're surfing around you didn't see a circus and a church don't give me that and again I'm not judging and I'm not knocking anybody but you you familiar with Satan's bargains that's why we're teaching verse 12 of this psalms they shall bear thee up in their hands lest thou dash thy foot against the stone you see Satan quoted that pretty good except for one thing he left the way out of it and said anytime you want to say his circus booty don't do you know my Satan wanted Christ to fall the next verse tells you this is what had Satan really bothered and that's why he would quote the scripture 13 now shall tread upon the lion and adder you know what an adder is that's a snake a serpent Satan was one the young lion and the dragon that Satan shalt thou trample under feet that's the way it is and that's what Satan was worried about Satan was told by God himself the first prophecy in the Bible in the book of Genesis Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 I will put enmity between thy seed and the woman seed the woman seed was Christ and his seed was Cain through which was of the Serpent and the Kenites altar this time and very serpent himself at the end as the dragon I will put enmity and he you shall bruise his heel and his heels were nailed to the cross but he shall crush your head trample on your head scripture Christ knew it did you you see Satan is sharp he's slick he knows how to deceive people especially if you play Church don't playing Church is a dangerous thing if you're not familiar with God's Word then you want to keep plowing until you are basically and pray for guidance pray for his leading in your life the way and don't get off the path we all do at times but we're human but then he picks us up and he protects us carrying that word forth Oh Satan loves dearly to turn back to Matthew 24 Matthew 24 is again where Jesus would warn you of how it would be in the final generation and and you won't to have it but as you're turning there this is not where we're going to start but this was the first warning when he gave us the seven things which are inclusive of the seven trumpets the action telling you exactly what's going to happen and what he warned about was Satan's bargains he stated in verse three these things will happen at the end and this is how you will know my coming and then he says in verse four and jesus answered and said take heed that no man deceive you you be careful for man will deceive you for many verse five for many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many I'm a Christian preacher I come in Jesus name open your door and let me in let me preach to your congregation Satan's MO when Christ's warning you in the end it would be worse than it was in the beginning kind of sad in a way is it not how that man will do now let's let's go down to verse 21 knowing that okay that Satan's tribulation he's going to deceive a lot of people not maybe not perhaps it's going to happen and he is coming first we studied just recently in the two tribulations his is first verse 21 of Matthew 24 and it reads for then shall great shall be Great Tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time no nor ever shall be that's how it's gonna be the deception that's when he said be careful of those that come in my name claiming you get the word yourself and you understand it for yourself 22 and except those days shall be shortened there should be no flesh saved but listen carefully but for the elects sake those days shall be shortened they were shortened from three-and-a-half years to five months period that's that's Revelation chapter 9 gives that to you okay it's God's promised he would shorten it revelation 9 the words of Jesus tells you how much verse 23 then If any man shall say unto you lo here is Christ or there believe it not now do you know what that means that means that in that tribulation somebody's going to come and say he's in the desert he's over here go see him go talk to him here is preaching he's a fake he's spurious which is to say he's illegitimate don't believe it as long as this is real simple then perhaps sometimes I oversimplify but when the real Christ comes at the seventh Trump you're changed from these flesh buddies into a spiritual body and as long as you're in a flesh body if you can pinch yourself and it kind of smarts it's he's a fake hasn't happened don't believe it don't be deceived when your destiny is to stand against that one not to be taken into the nest with him and be impregnated spiritually where you're no longer a virgin waiting for the true Messiah verse 24 for there shall arise false Christ's did he say maybe no shall absolute teachings of Christ do you believe Jesus or do you believe a bunch of you know what people that come in his name claiming to be Christian teachers or do you believe the Word of God for there shall arise false Christ's and false prophets and show great Sun shall show great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect oh the risks are easy all he's got to do is come and say I've come to rapture you out of here be Supernatural snap his fingers as it's written in Revelation 13 and lightning come down from heaven in the sight of men they'll go nuts just to put it quite plainly they'll go nuts with his power and his authority at his revival where he is preaching the Word of God only just twist in it and the Deacon board will say amen brother amen be careful my friend of Satan's bargains Christ is warning you verse 25 behold I have told you before but where did Jesus tell us before all through the Word of God you don't need another prophet you don't need another visit from an angel all you need is the Word of God it is written to know and to understand that you are not to be deceived that you are a child of the Living God and God is jealous I do mean your father is very jealous you go whoring around after a spurious Messiah and worshiping something else it infuriates our Father it bubbles his wrath right up to the to the top until it spills over and that's when the seventh Trump be had with Scripture you know I put on any time you see a three-piece suit to your face light up and say we're good to have a Bible study do you mean to tell you how do you know you're gonna have a Bible study when somebody brings this forth and lets it do the speaking the Word of God that's when you're gonna have a Bible study not from some three-piece suit apparel won't cut it it's the word and the word only that we'll call it allow you to survive in this generation without embarrassment I don't know how you fixed friend study God's word I do not teach this manner to frighten someone for many have trouble memorizing the word just stick to it and pray for knowledge God will never deceive you and he will never place more upon you than you can handle then you can cut but don't be taken in don't be taken in by Satan he's going to make a great try at it it's written tribulation worse than there has been since the beginning of time that's pretty bad friend but it's all a lie don't as Jesus said don't believe don't go there as he said in verse 23 it's going to happen you're told beforehand how can you be fooled if you're told beforehand that the fakes coming first I'd say they'd be pretty hard all right hey don't miss the next part of this lecture in in the next broadcast okay it's something we all need to be aware of and on guard all right satan's bargains i don't know can you be had can you bargain or and do you know what's fake and what's true it's really it's real simple there's nothing difficult about it stick with god's word do it as he teaches you to do and you'll stay out of trouble whatever you do don't be so slow that you allow Satan to use the tactics that Christ tells us to utilize to get in your camp okay you're it's like a wolf among sheep they are and they'll do anything to get in your camp you be on guard be on guard probably one of the greatest tricks that Satan likes to utilize we find a real short report of it in Matthew chapter 16 let's go there if we may verse 21 you're going to see here where Satan actually utilizes someone's love for Christ to go against them chapter 16 verse 21 the great book of Matthew where the wisdom from our Father in Yeshua's name and it reads subject Satan's bargains from that time forth began Jesus to show unto his disciples how that he must go into Jerusalem unto Jerusalem and suffer many things he was going to do it of the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed and be raised again the third day period now when Christ speaks you want to listen he was preparing them for that event now naturally Peter loved the Lord Savior he was you know he was an old fisherman and he had been hard against it many times no doubt as they were traveling across country putting people in their place even as he would at the betrayal he drew his sword and sliced an ear off of Malthus one of the temples boys you know that takes a pretty good swordsman to slice an ear off without cracking a head just to show somebody you mean business to spin a little bit so Peter can handle himself alright with the sword or whatever and he loved the Lord 22 jesus said I'm going there I'm gonna be crucified I'm going to be killed I'll be back in three days verse 22 then Peter took him and began to rebuke him saying be it far from the Lord this shall not be unto thee not gonna let this happen 23 but he turned and said unto Peter get thee behind me Satan thou art an offence unto me for thou savourest not the things that be of God but those that be of men you're letting your own heart take over here and you don't love is a strong strong thing and when you love somebody you naturally want to protect them but God's plan must come first okay and Satan had certainly taken over Peter at that moment to rebuke the son of God in other words Satan used Peters love for Christ to accomplish that you want to be real careful my friend in your daily life and even among those you love you want to be real careful what is written Satan drives some pretty bad bargains because there's not a bargain in the whole stack he's a dead man going somewhere to happen and he wants company so don't listen to him now having said that lets go to the writings of Paul and second Corinthians 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 and here Paul let you know how Satan was to deceive you how even refers back all the way to the garden how he seduced Eve in the our second Corinthians chapter 11 let's pick it up with verse one would to God you could bear with me a little in my folly and indeed bear with me I'm really the Greek is I'm really want to talk to you from the bottom of my heart I want you to understand this verse 2 for I am jealous over you with a godly I repeat godly jealousy for I have espoused to you that is I have engaged you you are the fiance to one husband that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ now what is he afraid of he's afraid of them losing their spiritual virginity he said I want to present you I don't you to fall off to someone else who verse 3 but I fear this is what I'm worried about lest by any means as the serpent that's to say the old devil Satan this is just one of his names as it was in the garden beguiled Eve the word beguiled in the Greek is a spotty oh it means only one thing to hold these siddhu's so you know you just take any doubt of if you have in your mind that's the only meaning of the greek word seduced Eve through his subtlety so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ hey don't go for Satan's bargains okay he's coming first and he's going to have a wedding and Paul's saying here I've already got you exposed to Christ himself I don't want you to be taken in by the fake verse 4 and if he that cometh preaches another jesus and there will be another the spurious whom we have not preached or if you receive another spirit which you have not received an evil spirit a lion spirit or another gospel which you have not accepted you might well bear with him this is not what it really says it says you seem to swallow it hook line and sinker you seem to love it super preachers verse 5 for I suppose I was not a whit behind the very chiefest apostle that word I was learned as any of them that's what he's saying you talk about your super preachers I won't take a back seat to him verse 6 though but though I be rude in speech yet not in knowledge in speech in the Greek tongue he was spoke colloquial Greek and it was a little rough around the edges sometimes perhaps could be considered rude but he studied at the feet of got me added one of the greatest Hebrew scholars aside from Christ Himself warned of woman yet not in knowledge but we have been thoroughly made manifest among you in all things we proved this over and over and over that I have God's blessings verse 7 have I committed an offence in abasing myself that you might be exalted because I have preached to you the gospel of God freely but I did not take anything from you for teaching it 8 I robbed other churches taking wages of them to do you service 9 and when I was present with you and wanted when I got hungry I was chargeable to no man for that which was lacking to me the Brethren which came from Macedonia supply and in all things I have kept myself from being burdensome unto you and so I will keep myself I will continue that and I always will that's what are you sing and that's the way Paul was 10 as the truth of Christ is in me no man I repeat no man shall stop me of this boasting in the regions of Akai yah that is to say teaching truth 11 wherefore what's he boasting about we're poor because I love you not God knoweth I do is what saying I do love you verse 12 but what I do that I will do that I may cut off occasion from then which desire occasion that we're in they glory they may be found even as we in other words every time one of those super preachers brings something out I'm going to jerk the rug right out from under them I have that ability that's what Paul is saying a lot of people might say well that sounds arrogant to me well no it isn't it's a fact you can't you can't go against facts alright verse 13 listen carefully this is why we came here for such are false apostles they're liars misleaders deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ this word transforming is not should not be translated transforming it should be disguised they come disguised as preachers of Christ you know Christ himself warned you in the last lecture beware of men that say I come in the name of Christ I'm a Christian if they don't have any other gospel other than Christ they're phony phony baloney okay verse 14 and no Marvel don't marvel at this for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light do you realize that we have some people that are so ignorant in scholarship that they utilize this to preach that all people will be saved all people will say why even Satan himself will be transformed into an angel of light but that's not what it says it says he'll come disguised as an angel of light he's anything but an angel of light that's one of his best bargains if he can sell you on that he's already gotcha 15 therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness they're not they're liars whose end shall be according to their works and so it is you're going to have the false messiah come disguised as the angel of light the morning star as messiah himself that's what has been coming out the gate and if you haven't gotten unto that by now after covering Ezekiel chapter 28 that he was the bright and morning star that he is that God gave him the full pattern and that he wanted the mercy seat himself he wanted to be Messiah then you're cruising my friend for deception you this this hinges on the fact when he would say I have espoused you to one husband and I want you to be there as a spiritual virgin this is why it's written in mark 13 woe to those that are with child and that gives suck when Christ returns why it means they've been unfaithful they're no longer a virgin it's speaking spiritually there's no sin in a mother carrying a child in her womb that's natural Satan puts out some good bargains in these end times you know it's written in Daniel chapter 11 verse 21 that the vile person which is Antichrist is coming in peacefully peacefully having a revival to betray people to mislead them and in Daniel 8:25 it states there that he's coming in prosperously also hey come with me I'll pay your house off you don't have anything to worry about it's all yours friend Oh on your car no problem come on down love me worship me you're paid for it just like you did Christ you worship me I'll give you the world I don't know can you be had you want to be careful we're in the last generation we're in the generation of the fig tree The Book of Daniel makes it very clear that's the Old Testament minor prophets that he's coming disguised as an honorable person but he is evil and he only wants your soul he's going to hell he's already been promised to go there he's eco chapter 28 verses 18 and 19 and he wants company you want to go within hey have a good trip but it's your choice now there is one place that God himself through Paul makes it very clear exactly how we're going to meet back with Christ how it's going to happen Satan's going to throw some rough bargains at bargains at you and I guess the second Thessalonians chapter 2 there's not one of you that are studied with this ministry very long that doesn't know what that means but to cap off Satan's bargains we have to go there 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 one of the greatest bargains Satan has dreamed up I mean all entailed within this one little chapter 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 1 let's read it now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto Him and what did that say it said I want to beseech you I want to talk real serious to you about Christ's second coming and about our getting back together with him and here comes Satan you don't have to worry you're gonna be driving down the highway in the car and zip oh presto bingo you're gone you're raptured out of here you don't have to worry thing is that what this says is that what God's Word says that you're gonna fly away I think if I remember reading God's Word and I have a pretty good memory of it then in in Ezekiel chapter 13 along about verse 23 through 25 it says God is against those that teach his children to fly to save their soul just a bunch of malarkey what he says I know it offends some people but the rapture doctrine did not exist until the year 1830 and it's deception if anything will lead you into satan's camp that will do it because that Satan's message you want to hear it from the Bible listen says I want to talk to you real carefully about Christ returning and our getting back together with him let's see how it actually happens verse 2 that you be not soon shaken in mind I don't want someone to deceive you or be troubled neither by spirit don't you let some evil spirit especially nor by word some man's tradition like fly away doctrine nor by letter as from us don't you let the first letter that we wrote to the Thessalonians lead you astray in chapter 4 where we talk about gathering back to Christ at the last Trump in the spiritual body okay don't let that bother you as from us as that the day of Christ is at hand now he's going to tell you exactly how it's going down verse 3 let no man deceive you if you got that let no man deceive you by any means that means by spirit letter tradition fairytales rapture doctrine anything for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first do you know what the word first means it means that before we gather back to Jesus Christ that's the subject there's going to be a falling away the word in the greek is apostasy the definition of apostasy is for one to give up their professed belief bang just like that simply being a christian and then see the false christ and jump into sack with him spiritually speaking falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition who is that you know you you don't have any guessing room there's no abc's find a better choice there's one son of perdition do you know what the word perdition Apulia means that Satan's name apollyon it means he who perishes and there's only one entity named we've got some fallen angels that are in the group but only one named the son of perdition and that's from Ezekiel chapter 28 verses 18 and 9 to perish to turn to ashes from within you you don't have any guesswork you don't have any slack to pass it off to something else that's who we're talking about the false Christ Satan the old serpent apollyon the dragon the vile person the little horn on and on that his roads go false prophet Morningstar only the fake son of perdition big you know in your Greek dictionary it's 684 from 622 Satan's name you shouldn't have any trouble with it really that's what's in the manuscripts verse 4 listen carefully of concerning this vile person man of sin who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God showing himself that He is God in Jerusalem claiming to be God claiming to be the Son of God hey you want to run down there huh you want a real good bargain I mean he was he'll take care of any bill you might have if you'll just love him and worship Him or he'll take away even the persecution that people will be bringing upon you at that time for not falling in with him you know your own people some of them are gonna really turn on you he can alleviate all that and you can have it made for about that long and then it's a trip to hell that's up to you I mean he's gonna make it good for those that want to be in other words what have we learned so far I want to make this real clear there is no way on this earth that Christ is returning to us until after first must appear the son of perdition Satan and he's going to sit in Jerusalem to show the whole world that he's God but he's the son of God that he can save you he wants that mercy seat one of the hardest bargains that will ever be put to a Christian and I feel sorry for I don't feel sorry for Christians that haven't done their homework that's their problem you know but it's gonna be tough when I'm in the Millennium I guarantee you there's gonna be some discipline verse 5 Paul says then you know as they would sit around campfires and things he said remember you not in verse 5 that when I was yet with you I told you these things we talked about them verse 6 and now you know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time do you know where the kid nights are do you know who the kid nights are sons of King verse 7 for the mystery of iniquity justice eighth of the lawless one death already work only he who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way now in as much as this verb is transitive then you must the object is must revert back that you must transfer the value of the object back to the person were discussing well who are we discussing Satan the Antichrist he's the object so well only who letteth will let until he be taken out of the way well how you know you're going to hear a bunch of uneducated so-called professors tell you that this is talking about the church and then you'll have other uneducated professors that will tell no it's the Holy Spirit no it's Satan that's who it's talking about you know it isn't it doesn't take much of a scholar to know what a transitive verb is and it doesn't take much of a scholar to know who now let's that is to say until he be taken out of the way where is Satan he's in heaven that upset some people but it's biblical do you believe the Bible or do you believe man you know you better be believing God's Word because we're in the final generation it's too late in the day for you to go along with crazy traditions you will read exactly who letteth if you read Revelation chapter 12 verses 6 through 7 for it is Michael who has the war in heaven and throws or let Satan out and cast him to the earth to appear as that transformed disguised so called spurious Messiah spurious meaning illegitimate that's no step for a stepper to understand that or do you listen to men well my preacher said what God says that counts if you want to make heaven you want to pay attention to your father's word else Paul does certainly right he said hey I have betrothed you to one husband I don't want you falling off of getting deceived with Satan's bargains this is the time for him it's going to happen to a lot more people than those that it won't the whole world will wonder after him that aren't written in the book of life to know and have studied God's Word to know the chronological order of events that transpire that can consummate the end of this age how are you fixed for in how are you fixed for truth I might say there were ten virgins house you're all tank running friend oil is truth in that particular case and I'm making reference to Matthew 25 verse eight and then and not until then I will say and then will that wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth what spirit of his mouth the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit that wants to speak through you that have a destiny to be delivered up before the spurious Messiah as it's written in mark 13 Matthew 24 Luke 21 from his mouth and shall destroy I repeat destroy with the brightness of his coming meaning it is not until been that he comes that he arrives at the second Advent after the evil one stands in Jerusalem claiming to be God verse nine even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders tells you right there it's one of Satan's roles Satan plays many roles and you'd better know most of them again son of perdition spurious Messiah instead of Christ and as it is written once the bastard shepherd an idle Shepherd that means illegitimate spurious even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders it is written that he will perform miracles and the sight of people snapping his fingers and lightening foss coming from heaven in the sight of men you know people in this generation will go ape over a guitar player a rock singer Delta I mean you push the right button and get the rocking and they'll forget God and start rocking there they're ready Satan's got a lot of bargains friend I don't know can you be had you know we're dealing here with your eternal life and your eternal lives is it's the most valuable thing in the world that your father that created the heavens and the universe for you to share to be and to enjoy not just for a little while not for a flesh lifetime but forever do you want to be robbed hey there's a robbery running around out there his name is Satan he's got a lot of bargains for you I know I've asked it a dozen times and I do it purposely can you behead don't ever ever let Satan deceive you through the works of man and I tell you again he likes to work through pulpit smore that's why judgment begins at the pulpits at the altar at preachers and it should be if a man is going to set himself or a woman as a teacher of God's Word then it had better be God's Word and not some some rag sheet it's better read this word that's what people are starving for in this generation is the real truth whereby they are not deceived next verse let's go with it verse 10 and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness it's evil in them that perish you don't want to perish because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved they'd rather be deceived then rather play Church Oh amen brother get a big Deacon board down there say it amen to the traditions of me and making as though lies are okay and what our lies are ready to you calling people liars well if it's not true what is it if you're selling souls into the lake of fire I call that a liar verse 11 and for this cause you better listen carefully to this our Father loves you but and for this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they shall believe a lie hey if you want to be deceived God will help you in it he will allow the delusion to really get with it verse 12 to complete that they all might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness who had pleasure and allowing yo-yo to pay off your bills to worship Him to be confused but my preacher told me I don't have to worry about reading revelation or the Word of God because I'm going to be gone anyway well listen week we covered 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 could you tell me where it says you're going to be gone it's talking about our gathering back to Christ I don't read one single thing hint that we're going to go anywhere but we're going to stay right here and observe the false one disguised as Christ the question is can you be had can you be deceived we've only got another minute and I want I'm gonna go to Revelation chapter 13 you're also very very familiar with it I'm not even going to tell you about the cover the part of Revelation 13 the first 11 verses which have to do with the one-world political system which you're seeing begin to rise up in this world today crooked as a dog's hind leg should never be allowed on the shores of any land but it is unfortunately ours but I would just want to cover again because we're talking about the false one I want to go with 13 verse 11 listen to it carefully this is the second beast he's religious and he's going to hold a big revival you go into his camp verse 11 and I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth why he was cast to the earth by Michael back in Revelation 12 and he hath two horns like a lamb looks like the lamb slain looks like the Savior the Lamb of God and he spake as a dragon really deep inside he's not Messiah he's the devil he's the dragon that's why his voice sounds like Satan is 12 and he exerciseth all the power of the first beast that's the one world system before him and causeth the earth and them which dwell their own to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed he's going to heal the one world political system saying I'm Savior I've come back to bring peace to the world and prosperity got any builds bring him in worship me they're paid for verse 13 and he doeth great wonders so that he maketh Fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men how do you think that'll be handled friend because that's actually going to happen snap his fingers lightning come you know that's power right here in the Word of God it warns you beforehand it's the fate that does it verse 14 and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the Beast which had the deadly wound did live don't go there okay you have a destiny for Almighty God as we have learned to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through you not to premeditate what you will say beforehand give Satan his bargains all right do you know that in Luke 21 it stipulates that when the Holy Spirit speaks through you that even the gainsayers will be convinced power real power talk about wonders and you have an opportunity to be part of that don't get robbed don't let someone take you birthright don't let someone steal your inheritance God wants to use you it's a dangerous world out there as far as deception has come especially you some might say well I don't know I didn't think God would allow deception he said hey I'll keep it on I'll I'll help bring that deception right upon the people that they won't if they want it let's give it to them let's fly away even though Ezekiel 13 God says I am against those that teach my children to fly to save their souls when I have my out reached arms there to save them in the idiot so Kurt he didn't really say idiots he said in the 18th verse there's oddish in Jeremiah for that means just a little bit stupid okay that they so kerchief over my out reached arms to believe fairytales now I don't know I hope that doesn't fit anyone I know I hope you're all able to grasp truth and do not be deceived Satan's bargains bunch of them out there friends really today you got people Satan's got little people working for him let's take the God out of our Pledge of Allegiance I'll be a sweet person there creds I mean they're trying to destroy the work of God that brings blessings to this nation it's Satan's bargain you want to go with them well we have to practice political correctness no we don't that's a bunch of junk you must practice correct morality be fair to all religions and people's but we don't take nothing off nobody when it comes to serving our God we won't go for the bargains that's it Satan's bargains you want
Channel: Ican Seeclearly
Views: 41,401
Rating: 4.8506222 out of 5
Keywords: Deception, Lies, False Promises
Id: dMDuSg5n540
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 33sec (4113 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2015
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