John 9:1 to 9:41 ~ (2013) ~ Rebroadcast picking up at John 9:1

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he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are back in our father's word a book of st. John st. John presented Christ as king king of kings and Lord of lords and so it is that we find that rather fitting as we completed that eighth chapter we said before Abraham was I am and then we know as Melchizedek he walked with him so with a new thought chapter nine verse one word of wisdom from our Father and it reads and as Jesus passed by the he saw a man which was blind from his birth and and it's important that you know that says blind from birth he's going to give this man sight but this is predestined and you're never going to have a better picture of God's elect of how some people have a destiny and a purpose because in as much as he was born blind no one can say well he's just faked it okay when the healing that is to say verse two and his disciples asked him saying master who did sin this man or his parents that he was born blind now there are many different kinds of blindness you can have people that can see with their natural eye but spiritually their eyes are blind in a bat as far as seeing God's Word with understanding and that's what Jesus is going to be bringing forth here three jesus answered neither hath this man sinned nor his parents that the works of God should be made manifest in him that he is an illustration God brought him forth for one purpose to illustrate the power of the Lord Jesus Christ that is to say manual God with us so many people believe in pre-existence it actually exists this document said that God would choose this one and to prove this point that's how important it is you might say well how would he know because you're still being taught it today his his witness and illustration is taught around the world yet to this day verse 4 I must work the works of him that sent me while it is day well it wasn't still light the night cometh when no man can work in other words the Prince of Darkness is going to be turned loose and Christ will be on the right hand of God the Holy Spirit with us but the Prince of the air and his evil spirits loose as well make it a lot more difficult to reach people and to teach people with that having come to pass verse 5 as long as I am in the world I am the light of the world and that is the light that brings truth and and sight that light that when you absorb it you can see into God's work spiritually speaking the example you know that Christ became the Living Word the word became flesh and walked among us and when you put a cup that flesh which is to say the body of Christ which is the word the Word of God then you grow and you begin to would you gain more understanding and certainly it immediates many anxieties that you're going to run across in this life it makes a man or a woman or a child of God view that is useful to our Father verse six he had thus spoken he spat on the ground and made clay of the spittle and he had wanted the eyes of the blind man with the clay what does this mean I mean you know for Christ to be able to work with you you have to be pliable you can't be old hard brittle clay and can't give any here or they any there you have to be able to listen to see you with your spiritual eyes which may have been blind I'm speaking of spiritual eyes here but now are opened and have sight because of the light and so here was man being clay he reforms and there you have it verse seven and he said unto him go wash in the pool of Siloam which is by interpretation sent sent just what the word means he went his way therefore and washed and came seeing it gave him his sight I don't want you to read over this without doing a little research on it where does this pool of Siloam get its water where does its water originate from its water originates from the pool of the virgin well who is the proved virgin that's representing Mary who would bring forth the Christ child in other words the life giver and the word Siloam sent the waters were set forth from the Virgin's pool and with this you see in the spiritual sense the Savior that offspring that a woman Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 a woman shall conceive bear a child and you shall call him Emmanuel which is to say God with us so here you see within this scope you see the very action that Christ brings forth for us and what a lesson what a lesson in both history and actual fact verse 8 the neighbors therefore and they which before had seen him that he was blind born that way said is not this he that said and beg we saw him begging near everyday he's walking around he's got sight I'm some said this is he and others said he is like him but he said I am he I'm the one I'm the bigger that was there that he negates any doubt ok verse 10 therefore said day unto Him how were thine eyes open never been done before does somebody born blind was given sight 11 he entered and said amen amen that is called Jesus made clay in and won in my eyes and said unto me go to the pool of Siloam and wash and I went and washed and I received my sight do you see the illustration in that he did exactly as Christ ordered him to do ifs no ands no maybes I don't know how do you handle Christ's word how do you handle Christ's instructions as they apply in a spiritual sense he left nothing amiss he did it exactly that in itself shows faith faith in the men that told him to go there verse 12 then said they unto Him where is he and he said I know not I don't know verse 13 they brought to the Pharisees him that a 4-time was blind here goes trouble okay I mean you take him down to a bunch of scripture lawyers and you learn from Chapter eight there's a lot of Kenites mixed in with them you had just a few Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus that believed on the Lord that were members of the hiset high sin he'd be under verse 14 and and it was the Sabbath day when Jesus made the clay and opened his eyes oh here we go again 15 men again the Pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight and he said unto them he put clay upon mine eyes and I washed and do see and therefore said some of the Pharisees this man is not of God because he keepeth not the Sabbath day and others said how can a man that is a sinner to such miracles and there was a division among them you want to make note of that the real truth if you're convincing enough will always cause a division and give you time to reckon order and to pull out that that God would have you reach from the disbelievers so that's that's always an action that you can take advantage of when when teaching or when sharing truth love them are beginning to believe hey that was a miracle 17 they say into the blind man again what to say Estelle of him that he had opened on eyes and he said he's a prophet verse 18 but the Jews did not believe concerning him that he had been blind and received his side until they called the parents of him that had received his sight Christ knew if this was a man that had gone blind but he picked one and God sent one that was born blind from birth so this mediates any doubt verse 19 and they asked them the parents saying is this your son whom you say was born blind how then death he mouths a question verse 20 his parents answered them and said we know that this is our son and that he was born blind that we can swear to that success those are factual 21 but by what means he now see if we know not or who had opened his eyes we know not he is of age ask him he shall speak for himself in other words they're passing the brook hearing rightfully so he was a grown man he could take care of himself neutrally they're afraid of being excommunicated from the Sanhedrin the synagogue that is to say 22 these words spake his parents because they feared the Jews for the Jews had agreed already that if any man did confess that he was Christ he should be put out of the synagogue we're going to excommunicate them get him out of our midst and our Christian that follow Christ well there's an we see here the fear of the majority brought upon those even that God himself uses to bring forth the truth 23 therefore said his parents he is of age can they think they wanted they know they're no doubt within dev delighted that their son now his sight 24 then again called a the man that was blind and said unto him give God the praise we know that this man is a sinner now you know they're they're kind of Immanuel God with us and they're in a sense calling God a sinner the sentient fly very well for them you don't blast them against Almighty God without there being a little correction in the works verse 25 he answered and said whether he is a senior or no not I don't know one thing I know that whereas I was blind now I see that's a absolute no ifs ands or maybes I was born buying blind all my life begged right here in the corner everybody saw me and now I bet I know 26 then said they to him again what did he pay to thee how open he nine eyes how did he do this first of all they couldn't do it they would like to have the gift that's for sure boy they could maybe add a few members to their congregation but because of because of the stiff headedness and necks of people there they couldn't do it and God would not naturally bless them with that twenty-seven he answered them I have told you already and you did not here wherefore would you hear it again will you also be his disciples now here you have the blind man that was the Eggar dressing down on the hierarchy of the church this is going to cause them to explode they're not going to take kindly to this but he stated facts the simple truth and facts as it truly is verse 28 and they reviled him they stormed him and said thou art his disciple but we are Moses as disciples and we know that God spake unto Moses as for this fellow we know not from which he is well now if they really knew what God said to Moses they would know what is written in Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 15 because if we're told of this one coming that was able to give sight speaking to Moses saying I will raise up a prophet of your own kind meaning in the flesh that shall walk among you and be able to do these things you can read it for yourself Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 15 through about 18 and here they claim they follow Moses rules no they don't they had no conception they had their own little hierarchy and so it was that they would go with that this is one of the reasons you want to be kind of for me pretty well familiar with our fathers word the way you can discern if someone is false or true is by the very word itself and that is to say the Word of God that is why Christ became that living word and the word walked among us in flesh teaching in such a way that in the simplicity in which he could only teach that children could understand if you listened to him if you listened to the traditions men they'll make void the Word of God that's very scriptural I'll say it again if you listen to the traditions of men they will make void the true Word of God you'll lose it and so it is they will add to God's Word and even add words which are not in the manuscripts in the original language there are no more original manuscripts that we do refer to the original languages that we have and thank God for it but it's always good to have a working knowledge you might say well can you document that for me shuriken or when Satan took Jesus into the wilderness to tempt him what did he use to tempt Jesus with Scripture I would dare say that there are very few Christians know what Satan did with the scripture he quoted it was Scripture Psalms 91 Deuteronomy 6 and 8 he's a scripture lawyer but you have to understand the real scripture to know Satan twisted it right at the end about 90 degrees at least 45 to make it a lie now if he tempted you as the false messiah he can quote that scripture would you know the difference that's why it's important that you have a working knowledge don't listen to this man or any other man without checking them out in the Word of God because the word doesn't you know it will explain itself the word will stand on its own this is word it's what you want to listen to the word is what the Savior was and if you want to be saved you will have the word the Living Word the body of Christ verse 20 the man entered and he said unto them why herein is a marvellous thing that you know not from whence he is and yet he had opened my knives this is it is a marvelous thing 31 now we know that God heareth not sinners but if any man being worshipper of God and doeth his will him he heareth gettin kind of a Bible lesson here how could he have worked this miracle if he was a sinner this man says I can see my sight which no man could do I was born then and what do you saying is you should be really a little careful what you call him then it's amazing to me 32 since the world began was it not heard that any man opened the eyes of one that was born blind it never happened before what he's saying here it has happened I'm living proof of it I wouldn't jog your memory a little bit how could this be how is it that this man who was a beggar and blind and speaking for Christ told you he said I put him here for a purpose Sanders parents haven't sinned he's got a destiny and when he's ready to bark and skin the knees and shins of those that would lie about my word he has the will of Almighty God God will use him ever he chooses and here he chose this bigger to dress down the hierarchy of the church and boy it was true right to the word letting you know and examine it in examining it that it came from the holy spirit it was of the Father and Jesus lets you know I will use this man as an illustration do you think for a moment that that man probably he volunteered for that I had would have very little doubt that he thought he volunteered from the first Earth Age to do this and the second year Earth age naturally when it came to pass Christ and our Father uses whomever they choose verse 33 if this man were not of God he could do nothing and that's Boyd that lays it right out where the rubber meets the road and let's see what they do with it 34 and they entered and said unto Him thou wast altogether born in sins and dust thou teach us and they cast him out they excommunicated him best thing had ever happened to him he was in the service of the Living God designated and illest and chose as an illustration by the Living God on the throne to set this example forth and when they s communicated him out of that filthy church it was the best thing that ever happened to him that they would be so judge Mindel that God chose this beggar to teach the hierarchy the common sense in the simplicity that only Christ can teach with if he was a sinner if he was something he claimed not to be he couldn't have done this never happened before and so it was that god again only illustrate uses whom he chooses let's go with the next verse please verse 35 Jesus heard that they had cast him out and when he had found him he said unto Him thus thou believe on the Son of God now you see they had no power to designate whether he was going to heaven or not or whether he was in the graces of God or not they were playing Church and and that just won't cut it this is the real man saying do you believe verse 36 he answered and said who is he Lord that I might believe on him I cut my sight you know I know he did it and Jesus said unto Him thou has both seen him and it is he that talketh with thee in other words you're looking at him and this one I'm sure was knowing but he had this sight and there had to be because he was predestined to fulfill this role no sin in his life or his parents so there anybody could blame anything on anyone they were perfect no sin so they couldn't blame the fact that he was blind or anything other than God caused the birth to happen that way and then you come then and know that it was as an illustration that God can use whomever he wants whenever he wants and he can choose but you know that God instilled in this mind the correct teaching and words and let's get it down where the rubber meets the road common sense because all you have to do to defeat the hierarchy is to have common sense because they don't have any and certainly that makes them very easy to overcome they're so annoying the scripture and knowing who the true Christ is cuts a lot of slack and you're able to go a long way and serving the Living God by having that truth but he was ready to believe upon God next verse please verse 38 and he said lord I believe and he worshiped him that can bring to a conclusion this wonderful thing an example set forth there's a great deal of wisdom in that that God uses whomever he chooses many people have a destiny and a purpose and they've known since there was a child there was more to God's Word and they'd been taught so how do you gain it you get in it yourself you have the tools to work with it whereby you can gain and you stick with the Word of God and he will always stick with you verse 39 and Jesus said for judgment I am come into this world that they which that they would see not might see and that they which see might be made blind it's a great deal in that in other words my teaching will give spiritual eyes to see Joseph what your physical condition is you'll have spiritual eyes to see the Word of God and the beauty in which he works he chooses people he will use people as illustrations for the betterment of all mankind and here we still teach about this young man born blind all these years but Christ would still use him to this point to shake up the synagogue well he was excommunicated lucky him you know there are a lot of churches you'd be better to be excommunicated out of than to be in them if they don't teach God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse and you're wasting time unless it's an evangelist and I'm not judging anybody Christ came to judge who should see and those that should not see if someone refuses to see if they're to stiff neck then they are spiritually blind and I'm going to say one more time many times you have to close your physical lives think on it meditate to have your spiritual eyes open because he's on the throne he chooses people he uses people he used this beggar and this beggar got it dead he put them to shame with his knowledge which was the simplicity the common sense that only Christ teaches let's go with the next verse please verse 14 and some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words and said unto him are we blind also well that's that's quite a question 41 jesus said unto them if you were blind you should have no sin but now you say we see therefore your sin remaineth because you claim to be able to see meaning you claim you know better if you were innocently ignorant you would have no sin but you claim to be church people you claim to be the hierarchy of the church even excommunicating certain people then let me ask you a question were they sinners well let's analyze it just a little take just a moment think about this they picked a beggar that was born blind and the Savior was good enough to give him this site chosen by God and this group put him through the ringer in in questioning him and when it came right down to it they after hearing the logical answer they asked community they threw him out of the church so was that a sin when you throw somebody when you accuse a person that is innocent something they didn't do you don't get to that that's a sin you're judging the person they judged him and judgment belongs to the Father you mean God did not choose man to judge me that's God has a full-time job of doing judging because he even knows what you think therefore they were sinners indeed because they took an innocent person and cast him out of their myths when they could have gained so much by listening to the illustration that the Living God placed in their very myths alright don't miss the next lecture bless your hearts you listen a moment won't you please the Book of Ezekiel what a fantastic study this book of ezekiel the book of ezekiel that covers if you would then Svea khals those circular discs in the hebrew it states very clearly that that whirlwind with the color and burden traced back to the hebrew highly-polished bonds what an exciting thing that god's word and forms us on all things Ezekiel one of my favorite prophets of the Bible probably more written not probably but absolutely more written on what will happen in the millennium age than even the book of Revelation Ezekiel guiding you through it what God will expect at the final battle Armageddon and Haman Gog recorded in this great prophecy I know you're going to enjoy it The Book of Ezekiel and there you are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good for importantto miko throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii all over Canada if the spirit moves and you have a question share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular reverend or denomination or organization we're not gonna judge people that's our Father is the judge and he does not need our help in that you do have the right though to spiritually discern truth from fiction it is your obligation to be able to do that how do you do that by utilizing the Word of God that he letter he sent to you to keep you out of trouble you ever use it that's what it's for just to bring his blessings on you and your family and to and to serve Him as you should those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address always a pleasure you got a prayer request you don't need to number you don't need an address why god knows what you're thinking he is known as the car do know where he knows your heart you don't even have to say it out loud no one can ever prevent you from pray even in school wherever nobody can prevent you because you don't have to open your mouth you just talk to him mentally he hears you like you're his child and he loves you father around the throne we come West that you need guy direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name Thank You Father amen okay question time let's go with them this would be Joetta from oklahoma and thank you for your comment I have a question how come the children nowadays can't have a Bible lesson in schools I did when I was going to school my teacher always taught my class about God and read scriptures from the Bible my writings not too well it's not too good I can can't see but you do you do real well and you sure got it said now also when I went to school we had Bible classes and there are still schools and I'm not really mentioned names that have arranged to have Bible classes to the consternation of meaning but it's because that Satan puts a move on and utilizes certain people which we have in this great nation freedom of religion they have a religion and their religion is to try to destroy all other religions you cannot have freedom of religion and have somebody like that existing in your midst so the this must be stopped sooner or later it will be people are coming around okay Kevin and Michelle from Michigan question if spiritual bodies do not reproduce how did Satan impregnate Eve and how did the Fallen Angels impregnate women the Fallen Angels impregnated the daughters of Adam in Genesis chapter 6 let me ask you a question what did God say when he created fr Don he said let us create man in our image including himself this is why when you see Christ you've seen the father know Adam was able to impregnate Eve if you were created it is very difficult to put the hebrew translate it fully to the english you can even use the word thank them meaning exactly alike even to the point that manna that fell in the wilderness is angels food angels food that sustains the angelic spiritual body also sustained flesh bodies why because they're just alike only a different substance there for additional great wonder as to how the impregnation took place Barbara from Illinois please explain the parable of the fig tree and Wiccan I find this in the Bible well Christ said in mark 13 he didn't say maybe you should learn the parable of fig tree he said learn it and he meant it if you do not understand the parable of the fig tree you likely would be deceived by the false messiah because the fig tree and it's parable starts back in the garden when Adam and Eve covered their private parts with fig leaves that symbolic of the hidden and then in in Jeremiah chapter 24 it lets you know even when the final generation would be because Christ would teach him in mark chapter 13 that when the generation would come to pass that was the parable of the parable of the fig tree generation all prophecy would be finished so you go to Jeremiah 24 and it states a there was two baskets of FIGS one very good and the other was not fit to eat and he's talking about the people that would settle Jerusalem you've got two types one good one bad and it should take you back to yesterday's lecture on those that claim to be of our brother Judah in or of the synagogue of satan' that's don't paint that with two right of brush there's not that many of the fallen ones but they can eyes but they're there but it lets you know that the time that Israel would be inhabited again as a nation by both the good and the bad that that generation would not pass away until all things would be complete that happened in the year of our Lord 1948 this will become a nation again since the first time since Christ 70 AD Raymond from Illinois please tell me about the first creation why God destroyed it and where it is in the Bible and so I may share it with my my family I'm a disabled Vietnam vet thanks for your service and thanks for yours the first Earth Age is it's very easy to follow in the Word of God in the beginning verse 1 chapter 1 Genesis God created the heavens and the earth period didn't say when it was millions of years ago and then verse 2 in the Hebrew is then the earth became void and without form twinklebell moogle in the Hebrew tongue not what that it was that way it became that way why because of Satan's rebellion in his ego 24:28 brother verses 18 and 19 he's turned to ashes and he fell and certainly that lets us know that there wasn't but probably the destruction of it one of the best illustrations is right in the Word of God and you can read it in Jeremiah chapter 4 begin reading with about verse 18 and it said my people are just a little bit's oddish do you know what that means being translated my people are a little stupid they don't know that there was an earth age before this and that I destroyed everything and if you mess with me I'll do it again that's what God's message is there and naturally if you want to read of the three earth ages and heaven ages they are they're simultaneous they run together you can read them in 2nd Peter chapter 3 it gives you all three of them Scott from Mississippi question 4 pastor Murray when we die and our souls go to the other side of the Gulf does the Bible state that we the souls are actually doing what they're doing or they being preached to converse with each other you you can't keep a bunch of people quiet naturally they're talking with each other they're very conscious no no one dies your spiritual body instantly goes to the Father from which it came the Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 6 and 7 for second Corinthians chapter five verse seven and eight to be absent from this flesh body is to be present with the Lord there there but Simon as Luke 16 declares some of them are on one side of that gulf and the others are on the other side some overcame some didn't and it's hell for them to have to sit there and know hey I blew it but then in the Millennium we'll see what happens to them okay Laurie from Arizona what's the scripture that says God has plans for your life and what scripture talks about free will what if you feel you've made bad choices and messed up the plan God has for your life did you get do you get another chance how many times did Christ say forgive somebody for sinning seven times seventy 490 times God will never leave you he will never forsake you you know Paul persecuted the church something pitiful excuse me he never quite forgave himself for that God did and so I'll repent and be happy don't don't God's not going to take anything away from you and he's sure not going if you had a destiny you will fulfill it okay naturally many people have free will if they were not chosen as one of God D they have free will to stand against Satan to love the Lord that's what this earth age is about that's why God sent the Savior is to save people Tony from Illinois thank you for your comments I was wondering about the great men of the by let's in like David for instance is there even were in the Bible that says where they are and that died before Christ's coming I hope you can help me with this washer can is real simple first Peter chapter three verses 18 and 19 while Christ was yet in the tomb he went back to all the people that had died all the way to the time of Noah and preached to them God is always fair they did not have the comfort of the Savior until he paid the price on the clause so naturally in God being fair he gave that same opportunity to them and if you read on in chapter 4 of 2nd Peter you find out that many of them were freed and took advantage of that opportunity this is Susan question from Susan North Carolina is the term locust and honey an actual diet or is it meant to be symbolic of John the Baptist plain non indulgent lifestyle no they they their even to this day in that part of the country locust are on the diet they roast them dry on frying ball and they consume rickards in Georgia what was what ways are there to honor your mother and father that would be approved by God well start by being thankful that they gave us you a lot of people or maybe even abuse but they still brought you to us you can honor them for that okay that's the first that's the first promise of God's word of longevity is to honor your mother and dad Exodus chapter 20 Margaret from California who is Moses mother and what was her name Moses's mother was yucca bad yucca bed and she was the mother of both Moses and Aaron and you can your documentation is in Exodus chapter 6 verse 20 Exodus 6:20 jack Abed it means in the Hebrew tongue not praises to Yahweh Jack from Texas was joseph of arimathea genis the jesus' uncle or how was he related to Joseph and Mary he was Jesus is great uncle he was Mary's uncle he was not even related to Joseph except by married you or if you prefer a modern term in law because and so it is Alice from Tennessee why was Jesus earthly body taken to heaven when ours returns to earthly dust why didn't the earthly by body return to dust what would people have said if Christ whose body had to be entombed what would people have said he did not raise he did not resurrect this is why the Mount of Transfiguration took place before the crucifixion so you would know exactly what happened because Moses and Elijah appeared with him Elijah and ever having died and I feel Moses didn't God took him these bodies that they were not left on earth Acts chapter 2 will give you a little bit about that even David's body perished and dirt but not Christ because too many people would say the resurrection was a fake if that were the case Jay from California the one rural system gets its first wound how much time does it say between because receiving the room and the false christs all in the same verse it lets you know that in Revelation chapter 13 verse 4 that the political one world political system men all must get it together and then it blows up for some reason it receives a politically deadly wound you know we see a lot of those in our little government and our governments not a world government they get a lot of wounds but not getting anything done but it states very clearly then that the dragon heals that by the appearance of the false messiah Candace from Tennessee and David my husband and son are both Marines and I have much respect for you what are the race of the Kenites and when they when they were were they scribes and Pharisees Egyptians Romans they mixed in everywhere okay and so they were they're not their race is simply their name when you say the word Kenites it means sons of Cain that's who they are and that is their race and simplify right back to your salute and proud of your family Sarah from Pennsylvania pastor Bernie I have a picture of our Lord Jesus in my home my son says I should not have any graven image or pictures hanging no that's a bunch of malarkey okay I mean I'm not degrading your son what Institute's a image those to say an idol there's something you worship you don't worship a picture and you you don't worship you worship Almighty God spiritually speaking so that little picture is not going to harm you one iota because you do not worship it it's so people get so confused and like to make so many no no's and don't do and dudu still thought only knows it's bad enough to be a Christian when you have to oppose Satan but as long as you don't worship it you'll ever hang in there until the little feller blessing Linda from New Jersey in Matthew chapter 10 verse 7 neither can a comedian from Jesus to his twelve disciples my question is is he speaking only to the twelve or is it meant for his Saints also well what what is it about it's telling you how to go out and teach is to take the gospel forth and it's very present to this day if we didn't have the Holy Spirit leading us guiding us assisting us in in research and listening to him would be in a heap of hurt so don't ever let anyone tell you that the Holy Spirit has left us and it was just for the twelve and they're all dead okay first of all it wasn't just for the twelve secondly they're not all dead they're with the father very much alive in their spiritual bodies and and and the teaching is very much for us today on how to go out and take the Word of God okay and it still applies Joel from North Carolina my name is Joel I am five years old my mom and I watch shepherd's chapel every day and I have a question I am looking forward to when Satan is cast in the pit and one would like to know how big the pit is that he will be in thank you well Joel you were all right have your mother turned to Isaiah chapter 14 and take verse 15 and 16 and what do you find there find that Lucifer the son of the morning falls from heaven and he's cast into a pit many people will walk up to the edge of that pit and look upon him so it's it's small enough that we can still see him they say is this the ish is this demand that deceived the whole world so that's how big the pit is and maybe your mother will explain that to you thanks for the question Charles from Oklahoma do you think it's possible for one of God's elect to commit the unpardonable sin what if they used regions and the spirits there but have since come into the truth and know Satan comes first can and elect lose their salvation I don't think so I don't well that could lose their salvation if you went bad enough Christ's question is not going to leave you but you can sure leave him but as far as the elect being deceived by Satan that is to say to refuse the Holy Spirit I can't see it I can't buy it I know God's ELAC pretty well I know a lot of them and if anything they won't talk too much Christ said let you be quiet and let the Holy Spirit do the talking they're ready to go and I don't think any of them will commit the unpardonable sin which is to refuse to hold Luke chapter 12 verse 10 to refuse the Holy Spirit to speak through you when you're delivered up before the synagogue of Satan Linda from Arizona we're in Scripture does it say for us not to eat pork Leviticus chapter 11 also many people are deceived by not thinking in first Timothy chapter 4 verse 3 don't let any man judge you in marriage or partaking of food that God created to be received now there's the catcher that God created to be received he did not create scavengers to be received they'll make you sick it will continue on and say all animals are good and they are for the purpose God created them for they clean scavengers clean disease off of this earth but you don't then you don't partake of that scavenger or your eating the dirt that came off the earth so you eat what God told you to he created these bodies he knows what makes them tick that that God created to be received Chris from Georgia my question today is on false teaching why defaults teachers seem to be so prosperous and get away with us teaching for so long I know the Bible teachers that teachers will be held I know that teachers will be held accountable but are the students today just as responsible especially since we now know we have our own Bibles to study whereas the believers prior to having Bibles were dependent on the priest reading they everybody is responsible okay don't we're all responsible because we do have our own Bibles don't worry about preachers that seem to be prosperous their days are chalked off read read Ezekiel chapter 13 the first 20 verses it'll help you I'm out of time here I love you all because you enjoy God's Word most of all God loves you for it you know it makes his day when you study his word the letter he sent to you when you make his day boy is he going to make yours we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that breath God he will always bless you most important though you listen to me you listen good you stay in his word every day in a good day even the trouble do you know why because Jesus Yeshua he is the living word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Arlen Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written bible study a tape catalog and a list of britain reference works available through shepherd's chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post-office box for one six grab it Arkansas 77236 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you three letters written by the Apostle John that disciple whom Jesus loved the tenderness of John's writings is marked by the number of times he begins the exhortation and warnings with my little children or little children in fact little children has written seven times in the First Epistle alone the contents of the First Epistle are practical teaching and the light of the love of God God is life is light his truth is righteous his love and we have fellowship with him through the Lord Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit the tenderness and love of John's writing continues in the second epistle as he encourages the elect lady and her children to love one another he also writes this is love that we walk after his Commandments after these words of encouragement John warns us that there are many deceivers entered into the world and explains how to identify these deceivers don't miss this opportunity to study the epistles of John with Pastor Arnold mark from gravid Arkansas mrs. Shepards Chapel with Pastor Arnold Murray join with us now this pastor Murray takes you on a book by book chapter by chapter line by line study and God's work now here's pastor Murray all right good day to you god bless you welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our say we're going to go into a special subject today and there you have it on your screen discernment it's very important that you be aware and have the will even call it a gift of discernment discernment and judgment walk along hand in hand that's not to say that you are to judge someone but let's say let's take spirits as an example you had better be able to judge whether a spirit is good or evil that is to say to discern whether the spirit is good or evil they run
Channel: Shepherds Chapel Bible Studies
Views: 21,495
Rating: 4.8005867 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel Bible Study, Shepherd's Chapel Gospel of John, Shepherd's Chapel Book of John, Pastor Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray Gospel of John, Pastor Murray Book of John, John Bible Study, Gospel Of John (Religious Text), John 9, John Chapter 9, Gospel of John Chapter 9
Id: Tk7mSLeBQH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 03 2014
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