Leviticus ~ 25:47 to 26:29

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we're gonna pick it up today Leviticus chapter 25 verse 47 and in our last lecture we covered the laws of the sabbatical years that the Israelites were to allow the land to rest every seventh year and then every seven sets of seven years over at 49 years the year following that would be the year of Jubilee you know it was the failure of Israel to observe the sabbatical year and letting the land rest was partially the reason for Judah going into captivity to the Babylonians second chronicles chapter 36 verse 21 the ye'd length of time that Judah spent in captivity to the Babylonians was based on the fact that they had been failing to observe the sabbatical year seventy years the time that God said they would be in captivity and then as we ended our last lecture we covered the statutes or laws concerning and Israelite selling themselves in the bondage to another Israelite we're going to pick it up today verse 47 through fifty five of this chapter 25 having to do with an Israelite selling themselves into bondage to a foreigner in other words a non Israelites so got a lot of ground to cover today let test that word of wisdom and Yeshua's precious name father ask you to open eyes open ears this day Leviticus chapter 25 verse 47 and it reads and if a sojourner this simply means a foreigner or stranger wax rich by the becomes rich and thy brother an israelite in other words that dwelleth by him wax poor and sell himself unto the stranger or Sojourner by thee or to the stock of the stranger's family now it's a little bit misleading and Israelite could not sell themselves totally to be a slave what we're talking about is they put themselves in bondage for a specified period of time and they were basically to be treated and paid as a day laborer this word stock here check it out in your Strong's Concordance it means a naturalized citizen so we're talking about someone who is not Israelite but is a resident within the boundaries of Israel can also be translated a transplanted person verse 28 after that he is sold he may be redeemed again one of his brethren may redeem him his relax could always be redeemed it was just a matter of paying what was owed to the person who paid the bond money to begin with in other words it was set up to be fair but it was set up to wear an Israelite if he could a brother a relative this word redeem as a legal term it's gay all and Gaul in the Hebrew tongue and it means a kinsman redeemer and at any time during the bondage if the the redemption money were paid the person went free verse 49 either his uncle the uncle of the person who sold themselves or his uncle's son as cousin in other words may redeem him or any that is nigh of kin unto him of his family may redeem him or if he be able he may redeem himself at some point if his finding you know something happened that his financial situation changed and he was able to pay the ransom himself the redemption money himself that was allowed as well verse 15 and he shall reckon with him that bought him from the year that he was sold to him until the year of Jubilee and the price of his sale shall be according unto the number of years according to the time and hired servant shall be it be with him in other words you calculate the number of years remaining until Jubilee when the person would have been made free regardless of Redemption money being paid for example if we said that the selling price were thirty thousand dollars for easy figuring and there were ten years left on well let's say he the the time was ten years for the thirty thousand till till the next Jubilee that would be three thousand dollars a year so if the person worked five years and then could come up with it in other words it would be five years till Jubilee times three thousand a year if the person or a relative could come up with fifteen thousand dollars to pay the person who bought him to begin with then he would go free it's basically the same setup as the land that we covered in our last lecture you couldn't sell your land but you could leased the land and if it were to be purchased out of redemption money then it was based on the number of years until the next Jubilee verse 50 one if there be yet many years behind according unto them he shall give again the price of his Redemption out of the money that he was bought for whether many years or few years the price was determined by the number of years that were on the agreement and then again how many years it was until the next Jubilee verse 52 and if there remained but few years unto the year of Jubilee then he shall count with him and according unto his years shall he give him again the price of his Redemption and again that's just as the land which could not be purchased but you could purchase the produce off of the land and that was covered in in previous lecture again verse 53 as a yearly hired servant shall he be with him and the other shall not rule with rigour over him in thy sight you know this is a yearly hired servant in other words as a a day laborer who had been hired for a term of years and with rigour means that they're not to be treated a bond person was not to be treated severely or oppressively and in thy sight this is addressed to the whole nation of Israel and God saying you won't tolerate bond people from mistreating those that are sold and bondage to them it just it's not to be tolerated verse 54 and if he be not redeemed in these years or by these means that have been previously discussed then he shall go out in the year of Jubilee both he and his children with him may be set free at the year of Jubilee it's easy for us to see why it was such a joyous time among the people of Israel a year of liberty is what it was called by many and things suck right according to the way God established them I look forward to the day when Jesus returns to earth and sets things right once again and the earth will be rejuvenated at the end of the millennium when God's throne comes to earth that's when things are really going to be set back the way God created them Revelation chapter 21 the first few verses will document that verse 55 for unto me the children of Israel are servants they are my servants whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt I am the Lord your God and they're my servants and therefore I can say to you don't treat my servants with severity or oppression and with that we end the law and now we're getting very close to the end of the law being given to Moses on Mount Sinai God's preparing the people of Israel to move in to the promised land now in chapter 26 we're going to have the blessings and the curses of God some people have a difficult time saying that God will curse his children well if you call the opposite of blessings whatever you want to call it but it is cursing and the God's saying here in chapter 26 and by the way this is a parallel chapter to Deuteronomy chapter 28 but God's saying if you want my blessings do the law that I just gave to Moses on Mount Sinai if you don't want my blessings don't do the law the choice is yours let's go with chapter 26 verse 1 you shall make you no idols nor graven image graven images pestle in the Hebrew it's a wood or stone carving neither rear you upstanding image matzah ba in the Hebrew a pillar such as a Sun pillar neither shall ye set up any image this is my Keith in the Hebrew it means a sculpted or painted stone in your land to bow down unto and there you go that's the key don't worship rocks and sticks for I am the Lord your God and the supplies even if you are sold into bondage to a foreigner you don't practice idolatry why exodus 34:14 god's name is jealous and when you go worshipping other gods small G or worse than that a rock or a stick it hurts his feelings he has feelings just like we do when well you don't understand pastor Murray we we wouldn't worship idols we have today what I like to call modern-day idols idols of this generation and an idol doesn't have to be a rock or a stick an idol can be anything that comes between you and your relationship with your heavenly Father if you're having to work two jobs to keep your mortgage paid and it doesn't give you enough time to worship your heavenly Father you've got an idol it could be a motorcycle or a boat anything that comes between you and your relationship with your heavenly father verse 2 you shall keep my Sabbath's and reverence my sanctuary I am the Lord I am the Lord the sacred name adds emphasis and solemnity now there are conditions to God's promises if you don't meet the condition you can't claim the promises verse three if and there's a condition you walk in my statutes and keep my Commandments and do them James chapter 1 verse 22 and we learned that you can't just be a hearer of God's Word you know if you just hear the word and you don't do it it does you no good whatsoever you've got to walk the walk you can't just talk the talk you have to be a hear and a doer of the word and this word walk as interesting in the Hebrew it's yah like it means to grow and you know it compares with another Hebrew word Halak which can be translated to be conversant so what this verse is saying is if you will grow in the Word of God and and study the word so that you can become conversant in the word then and be a doer of the word not just to hear then you can claim the following promise verse 4 then I will give you rain in due season and Deuteronomy 11 we learn of the former rain and the latter rain the former rain which causes the seed in agriculture to germinate the latter rain then brings the plant to maturity where it can produce fruit you can't think of it both physically and spiritually and the land shall yield her increase for produce and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit you know if you will grow in God's Word if you will learn to be conversant in his word and be a doer of his word not just to hear of his God will see to it that you want for nothing and again this doesn't just apply physically you can apply this very much so spiritually God provides the seed we plant the seed but then it cause it takes that former rain to cause a seed to germinate for a person to see the truth in other words and then the latter rain when the person learns to study on their own and becomes conversant in the Word of God and then they're able to produce fruit on their own they produce fruit for God verse 5 and your threshing this is - in the Hebrew threshing time or season shall reach unto the vintage the vintage is the time that the grape crop comes in which is in the fall what this is saying is that if you'll do things God's Way then your threshing which begins in the spring will last throughout the summer and to the fall and the vintage the fall shall reach unto the sowing time that's in spring and you shall eat your bread to the full and dwell in your land safely you'll have plenty to eat throughout the year spiritually what is the bread bread of life is Jesus Christ verse 6 and I will give peace this could also be translated prosperity in the land and you shall lie down as livestock whether it has plenty to eat they don't have to wander around all day looking for enough to eat you'll see them in a plenteous pasture around noon laying down and that's what this is resting like the flock of sheep lie down when they've had sufficient to eat and none shall make you afraid and I will read evil beasts these are beast of prey out of the land neither shall the sword go through your land this word sword is K Reb in the Hebrew it means a drought or a sword but you do things God's Way you grow in his word you learn to be conversant in his word and you do his word then you can claim these promises from your Heavenly Father and you shall chase your enemies and they shall fall before you by the sword and symbolically the sword is truth the tongue of Jesus Christ in Revelation chapter 1 verse 16 that two-edged sword that cuts both ways verse 8 and 5 of you shall chase an hundred and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword when God is on your side or better said when you are fighting in God's army you have the victory you are going to win and think about that five putting a hundred of the enemy to flight and hundred putting ten thousand of the enemy to flight certainly the opposite of Isaiah chapter 30 verse 17 when Zedekiah ran to the Egyptians for help when the Assyrians came knocking on their door they didn't depend on God for his help they went running to the Egyptians didn't do him any good verse 9 for I will have I will have respect or I'll turn unto you and make you fruitful and multiply you and establish my covenant with you this word established in the Hebrew is Combe it means to make good to keep and God always keeps his promises he always keeps his covenants it's it's man who breaks promises and breaks covenants you can think of a covenant as a contract verse 10 and you shall eat old store and bring forth the old because of the new this is an agriculture sense this is saying that you'll fill your barns up but next year when it's time to bring in the new crop you'll still have old crops left in the barn that you're going to have to eat up before you can fill your barn up again in other words nobody's going hungry look look at the USA in Canada today we produce grains sufficient to export by the tons and there's actually and don't misunderstand what I'm saying I know there are people who go hungry in the United States but there is no need for people to go hungry in the United States we're blessed with a lot to eat and this is going to be taken on a spiritual level - what is the opposite of plenty to eat well it's not enough to eat and spiritually not enough to eat Amos chapter 8 verse 11 the famine of the end times is not for food or drink but for hearing the Word of God verse 11 and I will set my tabernacle this is God speaking I will dwell among you is what he's saying and my soul God himself shall not abour you this means to detest or reject and I will walk among you and will be your God and you shall be my people in other words after you you come into the Promised Land God's saying if you'll do these things grow in my word and learn to become conversant in my word and do my word not just hear my word I'll walk among you you know I'm not gonna be behind the veil on the Ark of the Covenant we're gonna grow ever closer and closer in our relationship and fellowship together if man had kept up there into the bargain that would have happened unfortunately man did not as usual keep up there into the bargain verse 13 I am the Lord your God which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt that you should not be there bondman and I have broken the bands or poles of your yoke and made you go upright and here God comparing those who are in bondage to an animal that's that's bowed down and over under a yoke working for someone else and God saying I broke the poles of your yoke now we've been talking about how good things can be if you grow in the word if you become conversant in the word if you'll do the word now we're going to hear what happens if you don't do those things verse 14 but if you will not hearken unto me and will not do all these Commandments and this word hearken and the Hebrew is Shama it means to hear intelligently which means to hear with understanding it does you no good if you hear something but you don't understand it and what we're talking about will not do all these Commandments we're not talking about one single sin we're talking about overall contempt for the Word of God in other words the those who reject God in his word verse 15 and if you shall despise my statutes Malachi chapter one verse 6 the priest despised father's very name or if your soul abhorred my judgments so that you will not do all my Commandments but that you break my covenant and again this means to violate his covenant to break the contract the agreement if you don't meet the conditions you can't expect the positive promises you're about to learn the negative the cursings of what happens if you don't do things God's Way but again I don't want to get in on a guilt trip we're not talking about a single Saints in we're talking about overall contempt for the word and we're gonna see four phases of rebellion against God for phase 1 is verse 16 and the following verses I also will do this unto you I we will even appoint over you terror consumption the burning AAG that's a burning fever that shall consume the eyes the eyes are the light of this life and cause sorrow of heart and you shall sow your seed in vain for your enemies shall eat it in this contrast with the preservation from illness and sickness that God promised in Exodus chapter 15 verse 26 where he actually says I will heal you if you will do things my way Exodus 23 25 also promises that God will deliver you from illness if you obey the law this will you'll sew your seed in vain for your enemies shall eat it that came to pass very much so judges chapter 6 verses 3 & 4 we're introduced to media excuse me we're introduced to Gideon who what was he doing when we first meet Gideon he was in a wine press trying to beat enough wheat or barley from a little bit that he'd got to make some bread so his his family would have something to eat why you don't you don't Thresh in a wine press why was he down there because the media Knights who Israel had thumped their gourds some 200 years earlier were robbing and stealing the people of Israel blind they would plant crops but the media nights would come and steal the produce verse 17 and I will set my face against you and he shall be slain before your enemies they that hate you shall reign over you in other words those who defeat you are gonna reign over you and you shall flee when none pursue with you in verse 36 we learned that the sound of a rustling leaf will cause you to run when no one pursues you paranoia quite a comparison to verse 8 where we learned that if you do things God's Way five of you can put a hundred of the enemy to flight a hundred of you can put ten thousand of the enemy to flight if you do things God's Way don't do things his way and run at the sound of a rustling leaf and if you will not yet for all this hearken unto me then I will punish or chastise you seven times more for your sins and again we're talking about habitual sinfulness verse 19 and I will break the pride of your power this word pride in the Hebrew is gone it means the arrogance I will make your heaven as iron and your earth brass and that's in comparison to the latter in the former rain that God will provide if you do things his way how much water are you going to get out of a heaven that's made out of iron zero there's going to be no rain I'll make your earth as brass you can't plant seeds much less germinate seeds and and harvest crops from ground that's as hard as brass there's 20 and your strength shall be spent in vain this means emptiness for your land shall not yield her increase neither shall the trees of the land yield their fruits now we come to step two or Phase two if you not only do what the stated in these verses here's what you got coming Phase two and if you walk contrary unto me even further apostasy and will not hearken unto me I will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins 22 and I will also send wild beasts among you which shall rob you of your children and destroy your cattle and make you few in number I'm going to cause your women to be barren and your female livestock to be barren and your highways shall be desolate no bustling commerce no booming economy things are going to be like a wilderness as what desolate means now we go to Phase three of the apostasy and if you will not be reformed by me by these things but will walk contrary and to me then well I also walk contrary unto you and will punish you yet seven times for your sins that's a lot of seven times seven you want that much of God's wrath and you know what at anytime if they changed and realize the error their way and repented you would go back to the beginning phase one verse 25 and I the Lord speaking will bring a sword upon you that shall avenge the quarrel or the breach of my covenant and when you are gathered together within your cities in your fortified walled cities I will send the pestilence among you and ye the survivors who don't die of the plague shall be delivered under the hand of the enemy covenant forfeited that brings vengeance from the Lord for you're breaking his covenant no more blessings verse 26 and when I have broken the staff or the support of your life of your bread 10 women shall bake your bread in one oven normally there would be one of and per each woman this is saying you only need one oven for 10 women why there's no nothing to make bread with and they shall deliver you your bread again by weight in rations and you shall eat and not be satisfied spiritually speaking how are you being fed are you being fed well from God's Word or are you starving to death verse 27 this is the fourth phase and if you will not for all this hearken unto me but walk contrary to me four stages here comes the severus of punishments then I will walk contrary unto you also in fury and I even I will chastise you seven times for your sins it's a lot of 7 times 7 times 7 Jeremiah chapter 21 verse 5 Zedekiah went running to jeremiah concern the king of Babylon Jeremiah told Zedekiah Jehovah himself will fight against Israel in anger in fury and great wrath that's one group you don't want to be in having God fighting against you in anger fury and great grass 29 and ye shall eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat this also came to pass johor 'm the was the king of Israel and you can read about this in 2nd Kings chapter 6 verses 28 and 29 Benna dad had laid siege to Samaria the capital of the northern tribes Israel and it got so bad that two women had agreed that they would eat one of them son one day and the other ones son the next day and the woman came to the King johar 'im and was complaining that the agreement had been made but then the second day came and the woman hid her son so they couldn't eat him ahora rent his clothes at the terror of this but that's the way it is you know this is only makes sense to a lot of people go well boy that's awful a mean of God no he tells you if you do things this way you get blessings if you do things this way you receive cursings anyone with any intelligence at all should be able to figure out that's fair and you get what you deserve the ones who don't have very much intelligence are the ones you get to phase for and don't realize the error of their way and look up to heaven and say father please forgive me because we're gonna learn in our next lecture that's all you have to do is say father please forgive me and the curses are gone you're back in good stead with your father but you got to repent and you have to mean it from your heart we'll come back and finish this Book of Leviticus in our next lecture we've got a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it's getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I afore told you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived and pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the telephone call is free the CD is free no shipping and handling just call 864 340 645 to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also mail your request to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 Graf in Arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan welcome back to the Shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please eight hundred six four three four six four five that number good throughout Puerto Rico the US and Canada excuse me if you have a biblical question that you'd like to be answered on the air feel free to call that 800 number and leave your question please don't pass questions about a specific individual denomination or organization by name we try and teach God's Word in a positive format throwing out negative about others especially our brothers and sisters in Christ serves no purpose we won't do it well that God's Word do the teaching the correcting and the healing if you're studying via the internet somewhere around the world that's unable to use that 800 number your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address quite alright to mail your questions in as well got a prayer requests we can do away with the telephone number you don't need a telephone you don't need a mailing address your heavenly Father is there for you 24/7 I encourage you to go to him at least once a day make time to talk to your heavenly father you don't have to go through some fancy rigmarole of getting down on your knees and clasping your hands and closing your eyes you can talk to him anywhere anytime and you know what he loves to hear from you he is your father he's the closest relative that you have and you should be able to talk to him just like you do your flesh father we do have these prayer requests father we come United as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ father we ask you to look upon these you know their needs father financial difficulties marital problems father you know if it is your will a special blessing on each of these well so lift up our military troops and our law enforcement officers who are in harm's way around the world father watch over God direct protect touch heal and Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father all right let's get to some questions and see what's on the mind of folks first up today mark from Oklahoma what is the role difference between the evil spirits around us and the Kenites why two influences we appreciate your business well all make up the locust army of Joel chapter one and Revelation chapter nine they all work for Satan Sandy and Missouri the Lord led me to you long ago it wasn't by accident he knew what I needed what I was waiting for what a blessing your teaching has been well we're glad you enjoy the the Bible study will God be disappointed in me if I don't go to the other side to try to help my family to come to Jesus I have told all my friends and family the way to be saved some listen and others think I am brainwashed I just tell the unbelieving someday they will remember my words from God I will do what the Lord would have me do I love them all I pray daily they will have an open heart your opinion please this has become a real problem to me I just don't want to be away from my Lord for any amount of time help please well and of course what Sandy's talking about is that in the Millennial temple those who participate in the first resurrection will be allowed to leave the temple for a period of time to try and help an immediate family member who didn't make the first resurrection nothing written in Ezekiel 44 concerning the elect having to leave the temple but sani God's elect are normally a characteristic that's common among all them is that they're compassionate people I think most will want to go to their immediate family members who didn't make the cut to try and talk some sense into them and you know you know if yeah I'll leave it at that let's go with Bill in Missouri you answered a question about a gay person teaching the word that they were not to teach because homosexuality is an abomination to God bill I don't know what you heard but you know you've never heard me say that a gay person should not teach the word you have heard me say that homosexuality is an abomination to God but you're misquoting me when you say that I said that they can't teach the Word of God Nancy from Tennessee if Satan knows about the elect could he not decide to not call them up to testify God's Word states that his election will be delivered up before the synagogue of Satan you can count on it it is going to happen the elect will be delivered up how do I know that so sure for sure because God Word says so Tom and Alabama God's sacred name you have a URI how did that name become if there are no J's in the Hebrew language and jury translated into English is jir eh that is though a transliteration that's not in the original Hebrew properly pronounce the name you mentioned is yah have a URI with the Y and it means the Lord will provide it's utilized in Genesis chapter 22 verse 14 when Abraham was instructed to take his son Isaac his only son at the time Isaac to Mount Moriah and offer him or sacrifice Abraham was faithful and he was going through with it but God stopped him just as he was about to make the sacrifice and he provided a ram from a bush thus the name yah have a URI you called it his sacred name his sacred name is YHVH yah have a URI I think what is it in the companion Bible appendix 4 I think that's right it has the various names of God and it's there are a lot more than one that apply to our Heavenly Father Betty and Wyoming today you mentioned two dates 1948 in 1967 I understood 1948 but what happened in 1967 the Six Day War took place between June 5th and 10th of 1967 Israel's decisive victory affected land in the areas of the Sinai Peninsula the Gaza Strip the West Bank and even Jerusalem so that was the event that happened in 1967 I believe 90% that we're talking that 1948 was the year that the fig tree shoot was set out that was the year that Israel became a nation once again it's possibly though 1967 I we throw that in because it's a possibility Marion Mississippi I need a Bible verse to give my granddaughter she thinks she likes girls okay well if she reads the Bible and believes the Bible is God's Word I would share Leviticus chapter 18 verse 22 chapter 20 verse 13 states that homosexuality is an abomination to God some folks say well that's old well they're New Testament scripture as well Romans chapter 1 verses 24 through 27 first Corinthians 6:9 and first Timothy chapter 1 verses 9 and 10 Robert in Louisiana why would it take a thousand years at the end of time when it only took Jesus three days when he was in the tomb second Peter chapter three verse eight don't want you to be ignorant of the fact that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day that's the reason that the Millennium the thousand years is called the Lord's Day in so many places will it be a thousand years our time and one day and the Lord's well we'll find out Carol in Florida how close are we to the sick Trump I know we are in the fifth Trump that's correct also what Trump do the two witnesses come the two witnesses come before the Antichrist just before so they'll come at the end of the fifth Trump that what happens when the sixth Trump's ounds the Antichrist is here again the two witnesses Revelation chapter 11 tell us that the two witnesses arrived a little bit before the Antichrist Peggy from Alabama I sat under your father's teaching for almost 20 years well god bless you thank you for keeping him alive through video tapes without the two of you I would be ignorant and totally deceived thank you well you're welcome we're glad you enjoy studying the Word of God my question is keeping cash at home a mistake will it be useless in a short time from now please help me know what to do well the the one world system you can be assured will establish their own monetary currency you see telltale signs of that in the euro which is a common monetary currency for a bloc of Nations in Europe I'm not saying that is the one world system don't misunderstand it's a type though for sure keeping money at home is probably a mistake number one if you keep everything at the home and somebody breaks into your house and robbed you you've lost everything I would keep some precious metals on hand as what we recommend because money is going to be useless anyway you're not going to be exchanged able to exchange your US dollars for the one world monetary currency why because to do that you would have to worship the Antichrist and unless you take that mark of the beast you're not going to be able to buy and sell because you're not going to have their one-world currency that does not mean that you won't be able to trade and if you have some precious metal I prefer silver and it's valuable but it's not as valuable as gold my point is it would be hard to give someone enough gold to go get some groceries for my family but silver that's another story and then you should also have some non-perishable food on hand and not only for the tribulation of Antichrist but if you had a if you're in a city and you had a trucker strike for two weeks how much food would be on the shelves in your local grocery store probably very very little so always good to be prepared Brian and Pennsylvania greetings sorry I don't know but you're talking about there I've developed another question during my study in Revelation chapter 18 Babylon the Great is fallen and the merchants mourn because no one is buying their goods verse 11 the chapter goes on to reveal their merchandise and grief verses 12 through 19 in verse 23 it states that the merchants were the great men of the earth with the use of the term great men connect the merchants of the modern-day descendants of the ghee burn know that you're misunderstanding there there are no modern-day descendants of the Nephilim which are called deburr in the Hebrew tongue God destroyed the first batch of them with the flood of Noah's time there was however a second influx of the fallen angels as early as Genesis chapter 12 where they're called Canaanites but they were the ones that were responsible for the Giants of David's time Goliath he was a big one what was God's plan to destroy the giver the descendants of the fallen angels the second influx the sword of Israel there are no modern-day deburr great men simply means they're well thought of and prosperous George and Rhode Island how should one observe the Sabbath I've heard pastors preachers and priests tell parishioners to observe it but not one is yet to tell the Assembly or listeners or viewers how do we pray and read the Bible all day do we cook all that day do we bathe shave work in the garden what do we do question all right well George Sabbath means rest and here at Shepherds Chapel we teach that chapter four of the book Hebrews is very clear that Jesus Christ is our rest and we don't put our rest in Jesus Christ one day each week we put our rest in Jesus Christ seven days a week and he became our high Sabbath first Corinthians chapter 5 verses 6 & 7 where we learned that Christ became our Passover Yogesh and Georgia may God bless you and all your staff thank you for remembering our staff those that believe in the rapture and they pass away before the actual appearance of the Antichrist will they not have to prove themselves at the end of the Lord's Day when Satan is released a short season isn't it possible that during that season when Satan is released those rapture believers who are good to go into the eternity may be tempted to follow him since they would have in the flesh when he was upon earth those who pass away believing in Jesus Christ appears in the they are good to go into the kingdom of God that's what God said I'm ok with that candle I believe in Georgia and when my daughter was on life support and how I was out of town I didn't have my vial of anointing oil with me and I bought a much larger bottle and asked father to bless it there is way too much oil just to pour out how may I use it and to not be disrespectful or must I pour out the large bottle my daughter lived by the way praise the father and I say hallelujah that sounds like mission accomplished with the oil it's not the oil of course it's the power is in with our Heavenly Father there's nothing wrong with disposing of anointing oil that has served its usefulness oil does go bad after a period of time and there's nothing disrespectful about pouring it out I like to pour it out in on the ground but I would not use oil that you have asked father to bless anointing oil in a common purpose such as cooking or something of that nature that I think would be disrespectful and that's my opinion don't ask me to document that is not written irma from Minnesota after listening to the CD about most asked questions about the thousand years that's called the millennium is that the millennium could is it that the millennium could only be one day according to the scriptures in 2nd Peter chapter 3 verse 8 yes and that is why the thousand years is reference to the Lord's Day in so many places was your father a modern-day prophet I believe he was he would not have wanted anyone to he did not claim to be a prophet he would not anyone what he would not want anyone to refer to him as a prophet Urim and Thummim what is that talking about it was kept in a pouch are they considered an idol what are their purposes well Urim and Thummim were not idols they were a means for the people of Israel to inquire of the Lord when they had major decisions to make Urim by the way if you translate it means light Thummim means perfection and when Israel were for example they were considering going to war they would consult the high priest would reach in the pouch and pull out and where they were able to determine whether God's decision was yes go to war or no don't go to war how that is exactly is not certain what is certain is that the high priest did inquire of the Lord using the Urim and Thummim and I am out of time I love you all a great deal why because you enjoy studying God's Word in depth you know when he looks down and he sees you studying the letter that he wrote to you it makes his day you make his day he's gonna make your day blessings will follow we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you and to reach out to others who are lost in this world of darkness one thing most important though and that's this beloved you stay in his word every day every day and father's word is a good day even with trouble you know why Jesus is the living word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalogue and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 - 7 36 once again that's shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,965
Rating: 4.9200001 out of 5
Keywords: Chapel, Arnold Murray, Murray, Pastor, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Arnold, Book of, Shepherd's Chapel, Book of Leviticus, Leviticus, Pastor Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray
Id: bzuUuHYwztk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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