James ~ 1:21 to 2:14

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our book of James today I'm gonna give it our second lecture here and James I want you to remember is the equivalent in the Hebrew of Jacob the father of the twelve tribes and naturally in verse one we address this to the twelve tribes scattered abroad so this has a special you want to always rightly divide the word of God well exactly what does that mean well I mean who is it written to what is the time sequence this was written about 45 AD and it was written basically as it is written to those that were scattered abroad it what Jesus himself would would at in John chapter 7 verse 36 was he would say he was going to make a trip well is he going to those that are scattered abroad the children you know so basically it was a know one thing that the ten northern tribes had been taken captive in 600 BC and Judah and Benjamin taken in 400 BC and then gathered them back but they were scattered and that's what this is written to and what what James is teaching here James being the brother of our Lord is when you're tried and when you have a few temptations buck up and consider it consider it a compliment from the devil if you would that you're a servant of the Living God and he's trying to aggravate you yes and you can cut it you can plow deep let it be a joy to you when when you are challenged by the enemy and and so it is that that's confidence and that's building self-will confidence but most of all faith and being a here but mostly also a doer that's what James preaches be a doer you can listen all day you can hear all your life but if you never do anything then you see God doesn't pay it doesn't have a payday until you've earned it and he doesn't give paydays just for hearing he said after you I know all things that you have need of and after you do these things I will give you what you need and that's the way our Father operates the quicker you learn that the better off you are because God always answers prayer to those that hear and do and but also wait upon him so having said that we pick it up with them as he would say whatever you do be in the last lecture swift to hear slow to speak and slow to wrath you know always think it over righteous indignation is okay but make sure you know what you're talking about so let's pick it up today as we left it in the last lecture chapter 1 the great book of James Jacob in verse 21 and it reads wherefore lay apart all filthiness of superfluity that means excessive or really bad naughtiness and receive with meekness that's humbly the engrafted word which is able to save your souls do you know what engrafted means it's when you graft something in you know when you when you're let's say example if you're grafting a a paper shell pecan into a native pecan tree when you graph that paper shell pecan in which is much larger than the native but the native tree will support the the larger pecan it becomes a part of that tree and even God Himself in the eleventh chapter of Romans uses this for the tame olive tree and the wild olive tree you can be grafted in in other words the Word of God becomes a part of you you understand you hear it you you you become a doer of it and it's simply a part of your life and as much as it's grafted-in and what does that do saves your souls changes your life gives you a purpose it makes you a blessing to other people why well because you have the presence of God though through the Holy Spirit within you verse 22 but be doers underline that in your mind be doers of the word not hearers only deceiving your own selves in other words you can religion as a strange thing you know there we have a lot of religious people and but religion that is simply by faith is dead there's no work there you've got to see the work before you can see the actual hand of God within it I know that upsets a lot of people do you know something when you go to Revelation chapter 14 verse 13 and you read it do you know that when you pass from this age that is to say flesh into your spirit body and return to the Father do you know the only thing you can take with you it's really written real well in Revelation 14 verse 13 only one thing you can take with you you can accumulate anything you want to but there's only one thing that's going with you it's your work it follows you because that's what you're judged by and that's what your rewards come from okay so it becomes a very important thing hey no works no rewards it's that simple and you know something I think every one if they'll just think about it that's fair that's the way it should be verse 23 to compete to continue and for if any be a year of the word and not a doer he is like unto a and beholding his natural face in a glass it's like a man looking into a mirror what do you see a reflection what's the reflection of it's of you you can see yourself there and I mean hey looks pretty good you know if you've got a sharpened up doing good and but it still is only a reflection it's not the real thing I want you to grasp that I want you to hang on to it it is still only a reflective reflection it's not the real thing it's not really you okay so there you know what happens when you look into that glass and you're beholding yourself there verse 24 listen carefully for he beholdeth himself and goeth his way and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was in other words that reflection is don't you gone that's what your religion is if it's just a reflection if you're just a here and not a doer all you are is a reflection in life what kind of rewards does that pay Zippo not a know-nothing so well I'm just wonder why God never blesses me my that's pretty obvious you only this was with you all religion is is a reflection of what you'd like to see not what you actually do what you believe and what you take part in you are a participant in the Word of God engrafted in you graphed it in where it becomes a part and you're a blessing to basically many people that you come in contact with why because you've got the truth that's what the truth does for you graphed it in take it in and don't ever walk away from it don't ever turn your back on it and have the real thing not just a reflection verse 25 to continue but whoso looketh into the perfect law of Liberty that's the word God and continueth therein stays in it he being not a forgetful here I mean he kind of remembers it can't remember everything but he takes in what he can but a doer of the work now what was that again a doer of the work this man shall be blessed in his deed and whatever you're doing God's going to bless you listen a lot of people that wonder why God doesn't bless them need to absorb this it is so simple a child can understand it and and God's not just puffing smoke here God always keeps his word if you want a blessing follow these rules and be blessed you don't follow these rules if you're just a reflection and it's gone and you're all going into the ways of the world hey forget it you haven't got anything coming because you haven't done anything therefore simply you know one of the greatest things you can do to please our fathers to let him know you love him because that's why he created you for his pleasure and what he wants most from you is your love that's just a natural thing and when you let him know that you love him and you peer into that law of Liberty which is to say the law of God that sets you free it doesn't handcuff you it doesn't entrap you it sets you free will well dear brother you don't understand the law will just tie you up and people in churches will say if you have if if you have done this that or the other you move to the back well I you know what if I were you I wouldn't go to a church that doesn't practice repentance if someone truly repents in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and some character bring the sin up again they're an abomination and their church is an abomination the beauty of Christianity and the law of Liberty is repentance and forgiveness from the Living God where peace comes upon the congregation which peace comes into the community because that law of that wonderful law of Liberty is grafted into your very being and into the body of Christ and how precious that is that brings blessings from our Heavenly Father verse 26 If any man among you seem to be religious I want you to first coming out the gate what does this mean right here what does this word in the Greek mean it means a ceremonious pious belief okay not that law of Liberty we were speaking of in the prior verse and bright earth bridle not his tongue but deceiveth his own heart this man's religion is vain if if you have this pious and it's all a ceremony instead of the wonderful beautiful Word of God chapter by chapter and verse by verse you're playing you know simplicity in the way Christ taught as he taught through his own brother James here Jacob in the Hebrew tongue to the 12 tribes your shortchanging yourself you're really I mean you're not only robbing yourself but you're robbing all the people that you should be a blessing to you should be in a position where you can help them where you can share that law of Liberty by teaching truth by living truth by having a belief that isn't ceremony or putting on the dog as we would say in the south I mean trying to make a show of things but living a normal life being doing others as you would have them do unto you and loving the Lord Jesus Christ and receive his blessings you see without God's blessing you're not going anywhere you're not going to ever you will never ever find total happiness and peace of mind without doing it in God's Way with that precious law of Liberty and and which is to say the Word of God directing you again you know this is pretty obvious you you've ever been around one of these holy Joe's that are goody goody two-shoes don't bother them and boy you go away i beer I'd be a saint of God just don't get too close to me now you know that's a turn-off if you ever saw one I mean what kind of example does that set of the humble meek attitude of our Lord Jesus Christ in bringing salvation to the world there is no resemblance whatsoever there is no reflection whatsoever of the saving hand of Almighty God in that type of actions our Father opens that law of Liberty to whomsoever will therefore even though this is written to the twelve tribes there to be a blessing Abraham was to be a blessing to all nations nations as ethanol's that means with even the Gentile ethnic people there to be a blessing to everyone through the ultimate of salvation which is to say Immanuel God with us Christ Himself well what could you say about that don't try to play Church be AB the truth grafted in and live it be a hear and a doer and you'll be you'll do just fine because God will protect you verse 27 pure religion and undefiled before God and the father is this to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world that's pretty easy to do but do you understand what it's really talking about do you know why you rightly divide the word so that you understand what's being said what was verse 1 who is this written to the 12 tribes scattered abroad who are they and what are they well they they don't know who their father is they they call themselves whatever whatever country they're in that's what they are they don't realize they're the children of God those ten tribes that went north over the Caucasus Mountains were called Caucasians settled Europe later Canada America and blessed of God beyond means and and yet they are you might as well say orphans because they don't know truly who they are so what is God telling you here teach him who they are and mother Israel herself when she loses who she is she's a widow but through the Lord Jesus Christ we have each I in the Hebrew tongue which is to say a husband that is to say Almighty God for that great wedding that's coming someday it's upon us and you want to be ready for that that's what the real church is is teaching truth we're about everyone realizes their wonderful beautiful relationship to Almighty God you know it is a strange thing but you go into some houses calling themselves houses of God and they would have this picture of a person that's got a pitchfork and ready to throw you right into a burning fire forever I mean they absolutely almost paint Satan as God it's Satan that has the pitchfork beta this is figuratively in the horns revelation 13 eleven not God our father is a father of love and understanding he doesn't wake up every morning and look out to find somebody he can zap he's there to help you remember in the last lecture I told you don't you ever forget Jeremiah 23 don't you ever say what burden is God got for us today because God doesn't send burdens and if you accuse him of it you get a burden all right heel heel thump your gourd big time so that's what the true word is is letting people know God loves them and you can find salvation by being a here and being a doer that's loving God chapter 2 verse 1 my brethren have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ the Lord of glory with respect of persons don't you play favorites okay God is not a respecter of persons he doesn't want you to be and and you shouldn't whoa what what does what does this mean well you know well let's read on verse 2 for if there come until your assembly a man with a gold ring look at it in goodly apparel sharp money money okay and there come in also a for man in bow Raymond verse 3 and you have respect to him that where the gate clothing and saying to him sit thou here in a good place you take the best seat in the house and say to the poor stand out there or sit here under my footstool that means under my 40s what it means figuratively don't ever be a respecter of persons in that sense do you know something some of the richest people in the world may not have a but the reason they were rich is there a servant of the Living God and love him and it reflects from them their mirror walks around with them they're a blessing to all the people they come in contact with because you can see the grafting of Almighty God the law of Liberty within them and there are here and a doer and maybe they don't have a dime now which is the bigger blessing to your assembly the gay character in the clothing that is to say wearing gay clothing with the big rings and everything who will be the better help to receive God's blessings I think the answer is pretty simple don't be a respecter of persons Almighty God is not first for are you not then partial in yourselves if you allow that and our become judges of evil thoughts double minded you're one of those characters from chapter 1 verse 8 is double minded they're worthless you know a double minded person you never know for sure who you're going to be talking to they'll change from one day to the next it's according to who they're talking to who's their friend you know instead of honest straightforward who in whom ever loves and serves Almighty God to be to be loving and understanding and recognize faithfulness to the Living God and be able to recognize the law of Liberty grafted into one because it reflects from them in the very light that they put forth in the reflection of the light which is to say the Lord Jesus Christ you only have anything to do you know you you have anything to do as a double minded person that you have to put responsibility on them you're wasting your time you're you're bringing yourself a headache you want the person that you can depend on that you could trust that is honest that you know what he's going to be this morning and you know what he will be tomorrow morning then you can trust that person and God will bless whatever that Duty that you're trying to perform brings forth God will bless it verse five hearken my beloved brethren hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom they own it all which he hath promised to them that love him that those that do what those that were the gay clothing those that have the big gold ring know those that love him I wouldn't I want to make it real clear there's nothing wrong there's no sin in being rich with God's blessings as long as you love God and God has loved you enough that he's seen that you are rich because because God has God promises his blessings of richness if you obey Him if you're a doer of his word and if it is necessary in your service to him to be rich he'll make you that way and don't ever apologize for it that's blessings of God but don't ever be riches in the ways of the world that sinful greed lies bad contracts ripping off people lying to people that's what this world is about it isn't the honesty and straightforwardness of the face of a child of God but you can love and trust and know that they're they're real and again value as far as monetary his concern has really very little to do with it it's what's in your heart your mind your soul verse six but you have despised the poor do not rich men oppress you and draw you before the judgment seats they'll drag you right out of there they'll they'll draw you they put all they care about is get in the head well what in the world could you do about that well if if you were a real Christian you would you and your partner would find an arbitrator where you wouldn't go where you had to have some slick lawyers to take whatever funds are available in this Agreement they're gonna rip you off and get it anyway but if you have a Christian or betrayed err neither of you lose anything and a good arbitrator is going to do what is fair because he will do it by the law of Liberty that is to say what is just and what is right so don't let people drag you out of the assembly into the ways of the world and rip you off mock you degra date you in the world itself take care of business do it God's Way with the law of Liberty don't judge people 7 do not they blasphemy that worthy name by the which ye are called they they unfortunately will bless them even Christ they will mock Christianity they will giggle and snicker if you make a Christian statement in some nations today it is very dangerous even for a Christian Church they will walk in and gun down everybody in a Christian Church in certain parts of the world today it happens quite regularly at this time and I'm speaking about in Egypt and in other places Christians in Iraq are being murdered churches I'm talking about so you see it when but don't know don't worry God takes care of these things God takes note and so it is but the the point being use God's knowledge and wisdom and stay clear whereby you can be a blessing and a service and accomplish what it is that God would have you do you do it by following him verse 8 if you fulfilled the royal law according to the scripture thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself you do well that's one of the oldest Commandments and the word do as others as you'd have them do of you what is this royal law well how many kings of Kings do you have okay there's only one it's his law his word that is his word and do your neighbors you would have if it's possible get along with your neighbors I'm neighbors it's impossible but try verse 9 but if you have respect to persons you commit sin and are convinced are convicted of the law as transgressors never show respect of persons treat everyone the same especially if you're in the assembly do that intuitively you know by spiritual discernment the value of a person basically that's not judging that simply discerning and finances have nothing to do with that and when it comes to dispensing the royal law do not play favorites it goes to all verse 10 for whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend in one point he is guilty of all and that's the way it is you know if you you you well let's go one more verse 11 for he that said do not commit adultery said also do not kill that's fun yawns do not murder commit a criminal homicide in the Greek now if thou commit not no adultery and yet if thou kill thou art become a transgressor of the law in other words if you're going to go totally by the law then then well if you break one you've broken them all why me if you depend on the law for your salvation then naturally if you break one you're not going to make it but we don't depend we depend on the law as a governor keeping us out of trouble these things you should not do you do them you're going to be in trouble but then when you do repent and get God's forgiveness if that be possible because the law of Liberty or what does that law say it says if you repent you have a change of heart and change of mine seven times seventy 490 times repent you'll be forgiven so and it's according to what degree of fun yawns you commit as to whether there were certain that demands capital punishment if it is a capital plenty of murder for no reason whatsoever no jealousy no law of passion involved just simply a wicked person God wants them up there but the point being if you break one law you break them all if you're depending on the law to get you to heaven why not depend on the Savior himself and the Royal law of forgiveness of repentance of salvation and you will do a lot better first twelve let's continue so speak II and so do as they that shall be judged by the law of Liberty what is the law of Liberty then it's forgiveness it's the New Covenant verse 13 for he shall have judgment without mercy that hath showed no mercy and mercy rejoice it against judgment in other words mercy Trump's or are it Trump's you might say judgment it does it triumphs over it love does love for what love for the word love for the father and his forgiveness and with that we have that repentance and how precious it is I want to go one more verse 14 what does it profit my brethren though a man say he had faith and hath not works can faith save him one more 15 if a brother or his sister be naked and well we'll stop there we'll pick that up there in the next lecture faith and works go together because if you love Almighty God if you are not a respecter of persons if you serve under the law of Liberty then you're going to do the work of believing and of witnessing planting a seed when you have the opportunity or but most of all letting God know you love him that's what brings the that's what brings the blessings is your contact with the Living God letting him know that you love him so that his mercy of bounds in your life it triumphs over all of the things while you're his child and being a child of God then God will always bless you don't miss the next lecture all right bless your heart you listen in a moment won't you please the Strong's exhaustive concordance of the Bible is an invaluable tool to the serious Bible student the Strong's Concordance lists every word used in the Bible in every passage where the word utilized may be found in the scriptures with the assistance of a reference numbering system the English reader may easily translate anywhere back to the original Hebrew Chaldea or Greek in which God's Word was written the companion Bible is unique Study Bible in addition to the text of the King James Version Bible an extra wide margin contains a wealth of information not found in other Bibles a system of structures or outlines employed by the companion Bible will allow the readers to rightly divide the Bible the use of these structures help the reader follow the subject matter and therefore they are critical to an understanding of God's Word the 198 appendices found in the Bible cover a wide variety of topics and information which will enlighten your studies the companion Bible and strongest concordance are a must for the serious Bible student and there you are back again must have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 hey that number is good from Porto Rico throughout the US Alaska Hawaii all over Canada the spirit moves you got a question you share it won't you do that please never ask a question about a particular Reverend or denomination we do not judge people we have one judge and he does not need our help you do have the right to discern spiritually who you should listen to who you should fellowship with but be not a respecter of persons as our Father so instructs those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure having you and hearing from you your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address now you got a prayer request you don't need that number you don't need an address why well God God's your father he knows what you're thinking he's a Cardian or meaning he knows your heart you don't even have to say it out loud so let him know you love him that's what he wants from you Hosea chapter 6 verse 6 I do not want your burnt offerings I want your mercy your love so give it to him and he returns that love with blessings he's your father let him know you love him once you do that father around the globe we come we ask that you need guide direct father touching Yahshua's precious name thank you Father Amen okay in question time we're gonna go with Paul from Florida and Paul says ask if you get divorced can you get married again or is it considered adultery this is one of those matters divorce is not the unpardonable sin now if divorce is not the unpardonable sin then naturally that means it can be pardoned if you repent even if it was your fault on repentance it's wiped clean now there are on the other hand even by God's law the law of Liberty reasons for a legitimate divorce okay and I won't go into that it's a different time for a dozen for a different time but beside the point the most beautiful thing of Christianity is that when you do have a change of heart when you do have a change of mind and you ask him to forgive you it doesn't exist anymore and naturally you're free to remarry because in a sense once it's forgiven you were never married to start with Timothy from I don't know where Timothy's from can you please explain why you said when him uncovered the nakedness of his father means he had sex with his mother thank you it's it's God's word that is a figure of speech a metaphor a Hebrew idiom I want you to read Leviticus chapter I'm gonna read it Leviticus chapter 2011 it seems I get this question quite often and it seems like people just cannot absorb it what is uncovering your father's nakedness do you believe God's Word then listen to it Leviticus chapter 20 verse 11 and the man that lieth with his father's wife that means no explanation I hope hath uncovered his father's nakedness that's what it means both of them shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them and naturally in as much as it happened with him it was the original and the law was not in existence at that time but God still considered it so well brother you don't understand you see technically it says there that they walked backwards and covered their fathers nakedness but again what is their father's naked their mother that's why they walk backwards out of respect and dignity I really think that ad Leviticus 18 8 2 that that's God's law okay it's not my saying that that's the way it is that's the law of Liberty Ella from Connecticut my question is about communion or are we supposed to do it together or should staff members do it first while others follow I would like to know what God's Word says about it thank you well I can only tell you I'm not going to judge what other people do because many people have different methods of taking the lord's table but at shepherd's chapel I don't care if there's 4,000 present we pass the bread to where each of the four thousand has the bread in hand including myself and we all partake of that bread at exactly the same time and then the cup is passed to 4,000 people and once everyone is served and not until 4:00 we are not respecters of persons and then we each take a cup including myself and we partake of that cup at the same time because we're one assembly one family so that's the way we do it I'm not going to judge how other people do it you have to make your own mind up about that and so be it Sam from I don't know where Sam may be Sam's from Sam Hill maybe that's what it is we'll see here ok I agree that there is no rest without you're about out of paper aren't you dude I'm telling you it's that's pretty small I agreed that there is no rest without Christ as far as how the Sabbath goes but my question is this why did Jesus say pray that your flight be not in the winter or on the Sabbath day that's real simple what what is the I mean this is harvest time let's say you're quoting from mark chapter 13 your your when is harvest well sure not in the middle of winter c'mon you would say come on that's a Greek word it's summer don't be what saying is is don't be harvested out of season which means don't be harvested by the Antichrist wait for the true Christ but how about pray that it's not the Sabbath well the the point is getting out of Jerusalem because that's where God says there's not going to be one stone left standing atop another after the Antichrist appears there you need to get out of Dodge that's what he's saying though many of us will be delivered up but it is again a figure of speech you could not go over three mile on the Sabbath and that is not far enough to escape the destruction of Mount Zion when God cleanses it but then we don't have to you you want to realize you don't have to worry anyway because at that instant we're all changed into spiritual bodies and it would have no effect upon you anyway okay Sharon from Minnesota I have been listening to you for over a year okay thank you and you learned so much in that year thank you my question is this my mother says one way to tell the in Christ from the true Christ is by the nail marks in his hands could you come in on this well I would I would want more proof than that because Satan is able to to fudge to make it appear that he even has nail marks it is true that Christ will still have them Revelation chapter 1 documents that what long about verse 7 somewhere along there but the fact is what happens at the seventh Trump when he returns we're all changed into spiritual bodies so probably one of the better things to remember as long as you're in a flesh body and they tell you he's in the desert or somewhere else don't go it's the wrong one as long as you're in a flesh body the true Christ has not I mean absolutely unequivocally has not returned it's the fake and the fake always comes first so you can't go too far wrong on that Adam from Arkansas and Adam wants to know will you please explain what it says you know where it's what where it says young men will see visions and dreams well it's written in Acts chapter 2 and melech and and as well as in Joel chapter 2 acts 2 Joel 2 what it is is when you're delivered up before the false messiah the Holy Spirit is going to speak through you as it's written in mark 13 but it's not only sons and young men it's old men but it's women also God's not a respecter of persons he uses men and women to witness against the false Christ Dale from Oregon when the people are delivered up in front of the Antichrist will it be the people who are left on earth or is that everyone rather than or dead or alive well it's those that are on earth it's those this is why it is written and many people are confused by it the first shall be last and the last shall be first oh just exactly what does that mean those that were first chosen in the first earth age will be in the last generation to make the stand against Antichrist well why would that be because God knows he can trust them God knows they will stand they're not gonna run they're not cowards they're not wimps they're gonna stand against the false messiah and and allow the Holy Spirit to speak through them and that brings him down that's the reason and that's the beam okay and then comes the Millenium and many in Paradise will return to earth Michelle from Michael rather from Florida I was wondering how you get the information on Joseph of Arimathea and him being the uncle of Jesus well he was the kinsman redeemer in other words that that gives you a legal reason to be able to claim the body a pure stranger can't run in and say I'd like that to be my grandpa I claim that body and the real family might shoot you I'm not shoot you but they'd be very upset you have to be the nearest of kin to claim the body Joseph of Arimathea claimed and rightfully so by law was able to claim the body of Christ because he was as nearest of kin at that time present and and besides that in history as you've heard me say in Glastonbury there were 10 ma that's why Joseph of Arimathea was a rich man he went to Glastonbury England and he had mines there for ten and brought that ten back you you go to Glastonbury today and you would have the Glastonbury thorn which is tied into this you would have signs even of a boat with a little lad in the front of the the bow of that little boat and a man at the tiller the man is Joseph and the child is Christ and then you would have the cross and and many many proofs of this it's it's history his story Francis from yes we have a book called the traditions of Glastonbury it would help you a lot if you wish to have what is written princess from Tennessee who is Melchizedek well what does what are you saying when you say Melchizedek no claw in the Hebrew tongue is king and the deck is the just or the upright or God's elect in other words the king of the elect well who is the king of the elect well I don't know how many kings you got we have own as a Christian you only have one and when you read Hebrews chapter 7 verse 3 it will tell you that Melchizedek was as the Son of God why because he was he was as as Christ because he was Christ that Christ that would be that's why that Abraham would tithe to him even in the Old Testament Christ the Holy Spirit was with God even in the creation of this earth age and even the one before David from Ohio did the flood of Noah last 40,000 years absolutely not it was exactly one solar year from the time they entered till they came out we just taught Genesis and if you'll go back and check your notes I would would teach that and you would a note of it a Carmen from Michigan I thought that we Christians would be gone up with the rapture and then the Antichrist would come is that the way it is I've got some bad news for you Carmen the word rapture is not in the Bible somebody's been pulling your leg okay there's no such thing as the rapture it's not written do you believe me in or do you believe God's Word that's what you got to make your mind up now we're where most people get this rapture doctrine in his first corinthians verse thessalonians chapter 4 beginning with verse 14 what does it say you know a child can understand that there's no needing being confused about it certainly the word rapture is not there what does it say in the fourteenth verse it says if you believe Christ rose from the dead and surely you do or you wouldn't be a Christian you know he did you know he ascended back to the Father then it says you better believe also those that sleep in him have risen also they're not out here in some hole in the ground they're already gone if you believe Christ resurrected you better believe they have also there in paradise and then it continues on until it gets to the seventh Trump and if that's the last that's when Christ returns but the sixth Trump is when we stand against the Antichrist and you're going to be there if you're still alive at that time and it's going to happen in this generation you're either going to stand against the Antichrist or he's going to take you with him one of the other do you know what the Antichrist message is and we'll fly you away you're gonna go on a long trip and I'm right with you I am Messiah only he's lying and God told us over and over he will come first he will lie and deceive many people see that it doesn't happen to you I've got some bad news for you when it says we'll meet him in the air that word era means the spirit of life body meaning not in the atmosphere but in our spiritual body we meet him because at the seventh Trump were changed into it and they as well as they and we're all in that same dimension that's always talking about you know it is really pretty simple I suppose some people would say well it would really take a scholar to see that and understand it really wouldn't if you would just go by the laws of language and forget what man has said and what Satan has instilled in churches and read what God has to say and let it flow it says there is no way that we who are alive and remain can precede those that are dead well how could that be because they're already gone you cannot proceed somebody that's already there okay it's that simple a child can understand it I'll say it again I know that that takes some people off when I say that but nevertheless it is so simple that you'd have a hard time not seeing the truth of it if you will erase the recapping that church after church has played upon the old casing until it's kind of hard to get to the truth listen to what God says for yourself no one will be between you and God on Judgment Day it's just you and he wrote this letter to you you read it Jody from Illinois you and your staff or the best well thank you we appreciate that Pastor just just reading the word but you all read the word chapter by chapter and verse by verse then explain it god bless you keep up the good work question pastor I always say since I was a child that if you love the Lord with all your heart and and obey his word it will be just as easy to do right then as to do wrong am i right or wrong I listen I'll be listening for your answer it's true that it makes if you if you study God's Word and it is engrafted in you it makes it a lot easier to do what's right yes of course Mary from North Carolina what do you mean by saying that it's a sin to teach God's people to fly and what does the fly mean it means to rapture that's what it means and that's not me saying that that's biblical I'm gonna read it again we get this question over and over and over and sometimes it helps if I just go to the Book of Ezekiel Ezekiel 13 and if I go to verse 20 I can go to verse 18 where it says what are those that sow pillows over every digit that means index of my fingers of my outreach saving arms were and try to snow people about true salvation that's verse 18 and will you pollute me among my people four handfuls of barley and four pieces of bread to slay the souls that should not die to save the souls alive that should not live by your lying to my people that hear your lies this is talking to preachers we're four thus saith the Lord God behold I am against your pillows that's to say those things you sew over my hands we're with you there hunt the souls to make them fly and I will tear them from your arms and we'll let the souls go even the souls that you hunt to make them fly your kerchief also while I tear and deliver my people out of your hand and they shall be no more in your hand to be hunted and you shall know that I am the Lord he's against it I don't know why people insist on believing it and especially if you get a newer version of the King James they've changed this to where it's birds flying you know what well who would change this to birds flying the Kenites they're Satan's little disciples and naturally they're going to change it if they get a chance well Christians maybe don't understand they don't if they don't study that's why God sent you the letter to read it for yourself and understand but that's what it means God's against teaching people to fly to save their souls when he is out reaching arms are there and I am out of time I love you all because you enjoy studying our fathers word most of all God loves you for studying the letter he has sent to you chapter by chapter and verse by verse whereby you are well grafted into the law of Liberty makes his day when you make his he makes yours we're brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you and bless God he will always bless you most important though you listen to me good now you stay in his word every day and his word is a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus Yahshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas seven two seven three six once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box four one six grab it Arkansas seven two seven three six we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 5,373
Rating: 4.9499998 out of 5
Keywords: Holy Bible, KJV, Chapel, Pastor, Arnold Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Shepherd's, James, Bible, Shepherd's Chapel, Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Book of, Shepherds, Arnold, Book of James
Id: TpD4X96owFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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