Drawn (February 19, 2014) ~ Rebroadcast on the Topic of being Drawn to the Holy Spirit

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we want to talk about drawing and the etymology of this Greek word is as drawing the etymology in the metaphoric sense drawing like a magnet okay that's the way our Father does those that he loves through the Holy Spirit you can hardly help it you feel that draw that pool even the word can be translated tugged where he can tug at the reins of your heart and your mind to let you know this is a truth this is a way and I am that way so open your Bibles if you would to st. John chapter 6 Saint John chapter 6 and we read in verse 43 of st. John 6 and Jesus therefore answered and said unto them murmur not among yourselves they were complaining a little bit okay they just they couldn't accept what was going on here verse 44 no man can come to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him there's our word except our Father draw him and I will raise him up at the last day what day is that the Lord's Day of course you know this is written in multi-levels for God's elect it means I'm going to draw you out and use you at the last day which is to say the Lord's Day but what's the Lord's Day the Millennium of course verse 45 it is written in the prophets and they shall be all taught of God every man therefore that hath heard and hath learned of the Father cometh unto me do you know where that's written it's written in Isaiah chapter 44 54 rather correction as they have 54 and you know it's written to those that would remain barren when Antichrist came that would know and recognize him as the fake the false one and our father would say in verse six five and six for thy maker is thine husband not some fake but he's the real thing but the reason we came here was in verse was the fact that the children would all be taught and so it is verse 13 and all thy children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be the peace of thy children and when you have the truth in your mind you do find that peace what's it called peace of mind when you understand that our Father is in control then you know and understand and attain that peace of mind words rich we're it you attain it you treasure it but you know most of all you're drawn to it you can't go there unless the father draws you okay and and there you have it it is written when Christ would say that you always go to the Old Testament when you pick up on it you learn and you understand from it verse 46 returning to John 6 not that any man hath seen the father save he which is of God he has seen the father if you've seen the son you've seen the father if you love the son you love the father barely really is truly truly I say unto you he that believeth on me have everlasting life that's what it's all about you know I really want you to know how simple he makes it so many people would have you say well now if you're going to go to heaven you've got to do this and you've got to do that and you've got to do this and you can't have done this and you can't do no it said if you love me if you believe me you're going to have everlasting life what's the opposite of that hell he didn't say all those don'ts and dudes like a lot of people would tell you why because there's a Christian when you repent they're erased they're gone he doesn't even want to hear about it anymore and you're clean clear through and therefore you have that is so simple so easy to love the Lord and to repent talk to him that's what prayer is is simply talking to him not some big written statement by some scholar talk to him from your heart let him know you love him and he always forgives that's his way and so it is but that's how easy that you attain everlasting life is to love him and as best you can do his Commandments 48 I am the bread of life born at Bethlehem what does bethlehem mean in the hebrew tongue house of bread and there you have it okay he is there was a reason for everything and he is that bread from heaven your father's 49 your father's did eat manna in the wilderness and are dead they protect of that angels food and that's exactly what it was it was angels food from heaven but it didn't give you eternal life verse 50 this is the bread which cometh down from heaven but a man may eat thereof and not die but to find that every lasting life 5:51 I am The Living bread which came down from heaven If any man eat of this bread he shall live forever and the bread that I bring is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world now this takes a little understanding you got to think spiritually not in the flesh okay what is he talking about well if you go back to John chapter 1 verse 14 the word became flesh and walked among us so what do you protect a Covey's body the word and when you pull that word within yourself it gives you eternal life it gives you peace of mind it gives you understanding is the best advice you can receive anywhere instructions on how to do what is right and to find eternal life and quite frankly live forever in the eternity that's how simple it is he came to clear that way for you to clear that path so that you can attain that so that you can master it so that you can have that Mel turn with me to the 20th chapter of the same book 21 make it John 21 the bread of life has been crucified he has risen and he's about to make his third appearance to the children after resurrection let me repeat that he's about to make the third appearance after he rose from the dead well what what are the children doing as he is waiting their verse 3 Simon Peter Peter said unto them I go efficient they say unto Him we also go with thee they went forth and entered into a ship and immediately that and they and that night they caught nothing now let me tell you something what is why are the disciples supposed to be fishers of men you're supposed to be fishy to bring truth to people to give them hope so that the Lord can tug at them so the Lord can draw them so the Holy Spirit can touch them that's what it's about that's what draws as a magnet to the Heavenly Father they didn't mention let's pray about it they just said let's get in the boat and go they even after all they've been through they left Christ out of the equation don't ever do that in your life I don't care what you go to do ask his blessings okay verse 4 but when the morning was now come Jesus stood on the shore but the disciples knew not that it was Jesus still quite a ways out there over 100 yards they couldn't quite make out just who it was verse 5 then jesus said unto them children have you any meat and this is what what kind of meat are we talking about here ok meat of the word and they answered him nope now you want to fish for men listen carefully verse 6 and he said unto them cast the net on the right side of the ship and you shall find always fish to the right never to the left they cast therefore and now they were not able to draw there's our word okay to draw it for the multitude of fishes when you put Christ in your boat when you fish the way he tells you to you can't draw you can't hold it all it's overflowing and you know this is what it is in your Christian walk be very careful that you fish out of the right side of the boat what's over on the left socialism and communism and they will try to drive you away from God they will try to draw you in a different direction than to the Father and do you know what that direction is it's away from God and when you go away from God you're going to draw up an empty net it was so full they couldn't draw it verse 7 therefore the disciples whom Jesus loved said to Peter that be John it is it's the Lord now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord he Girt his Fisher's coat upon him for he was naked from the waist up and did cast himself into the sea he was excited I mean this this will be the third time and the other disciples came in a little ship for they were not far from land but it was but as it were two hundred cubits dragging the net with fishes about 100 yards you know at our measurements nine as soon then as they were come to land they saw a fire of coals there and fish laid thereon and bread did the Lord need their meat no he didn't you already had meat he already had fed thousands the day or so before in verse 10 jesus said unto them bring out the fish which you have now caught and Simon Peter went up and he drew the net there's our word again on it this time it's drew okay the net to land full of great fish in hundred and fifty three and for all there were so many yet was not the net broken in other words there's always room for more Christians so many people will get jealous and so forth of truth and try to eliminate certain people don't ever do that you're not a judge the church will always hold as many as will as long as you teach truth and as long as you do it God's Way and God will take care of the calling you don't have to worry about it okay there's always room for more especially in Christianity how precious it is and you live in a generation when you want to be prepared for that day it's coming now there there is an opposite to this you can find it in the great book of Acts Acts chapter 20 next book / Acts chapter 20 verse 27 let's pick it up there and concerning the teaching and the spreading of the word the Living Word it reads in verse 27 for I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God I haven't helped anything back verse 28 take heed this means you be real careful well what am I supposed to be careful of well listen take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock over the which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers this is especially you that plant seeds and you're made an overseer that means one that helps spread the word to feed the Church of God that's the way the word spreads which he has purchased with his own blood what a price to pay didn't come free friend it didn't come free at all and even freedom today many of us have shed blood on foreign soul that we can have these freedoms and people still fight this day for that freedom but Christ paid the ultimate freedom is not free and you're supposed to oversee but he's saying you be real careful why verse 29 for I know this that after my departing shall Grievous wolves enter in among you not sparing the flock if they can you're going to have some false teachers and preachers they're going to come in the name of Jesus claiming to be Christian preachers you want to be careful verse 30 also of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw there's our word again but in the opposite direction just like a magnet will cast off in an opposite direction to draw away disciples after them to deceive them to give false teachings and so it is 31 therefore watch and remember that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears and so it is and he continues that warning today you want to watch my friends about false teachers verse 32 and now brethren I commend you to God and to the word of His grace which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified that's what the word does for you it when you're down you're down you know most of us can have some bad days the word the word of what God's word it builds you up it'll strengthen you it'll make you feel good because He loves you and that love draws it tugs he pulls that chew unless God taking you into his arms and comforting you right into the sanctuary which he paid an awesome price to rip that veil of the Holy of Holies so not just the high priests could go in but it was rent as he was on the cross from top to bottom so that you could go in and talk to the Father tell him your problems and be blessed by him that's that's what he did for us but beloved don't you ever help well how can I I'm not really a deep Bible scholar you might say how can I know of a certain that someone's really a false teacher if they can't prove it in the Word of God it's not so now everybody can read and the Bible is so simple a child can understand that if you'll just let the Bible speak if you'll let the Word of God speak rather than some man it's so simple so clear he made it so easy that if you have the faith and if you believe it'll bill you up it will strengthen you and you'll have an inheritance which means what you inherit heaven you inherit that eternal life one more time let's go to the great book of Hebrews you all remember the tenth chapter of Hebrews it's where Christ would say lo I come in the volume of the book to pay that sacrifice for one in all times doing away with the statutes which are the rituals of the Bible not the law he did not do away with the law but the statutes which have to do with blood sacrifice because he came became our sacrifice for one in all times and and so it is that he would go in once for all of us and it would be sacrilegious for you to try to offer blood or sacrifice blood anymore because he was it for the Christian that ended the ritual of blood sacrifices so that's what this tenth chapter was about up to this point we're going to pick it up and pick and pick it up if we may in in verse 15 where he continues after that wherefore the Holy Spirit also is a witness to us for after that he had said before 16 this is the Covenant that I will make with them after those days saith the Lord and I will put my laws into their hearts and in their minds I will write them where did we read that what we just did in Isaiah 54 13 remember it's a promise that God makes to his election that he will lead you you may not even know what to pray for is it's written in Romans chapter 8 but he will intercede in your life as one of his elect and guide you verse 17 and their sins and iniquities will I remember more you want to be real careful a lot of people make a bad mistake here they repent of a sin and they keep bringing it up that's an insult to him he doesn't want to hear about it it's forgiven it's erased it doesn't exist so why would you keep bringing it up to him pretty soon he'll get tired of it and he'll dump the whole wagon on you okay you don't want that so don't bring up sins to God that you've repented of no no verse 18 now who are we mission were there forgotten of the these is there is no more offering of sin why they don't exist 19 having therefore brethren boom this you can be real bold to enter into the holiest by the blood of Christ He shed that blood he rent that veil you don't need some priest or preacher to talk to God for you you can talk to him yourself he loves you he wants to hear from you so you can tell is that prayer yes it is when you talk to him and just whatever visit with him through the day you don't even have to say it out loud for he knows what you're thinking verse 20 buy a new and a living way which he had consecrated for us through the veil that veil that was rid that is to say his flesh and that veil was his body he paid that price and is open to us if you believe upon him and having an High Priest over the house of God a high priest forever after the order of melchizedek okay the king of the righteous let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with a pure water and and then we find in in that twenty second verse let us draw okay there's that tug there's that word us draw near with a true heart don't try to con him okay don't don't get all mixed up I mean be honest with him let him know you love him and he will draw you Hilter getcha that Holy Spirit will say you're welcome I love you come on in even to the Holy of Holies his very presence and and in full assurance he draws okay and having our hearts sprinkled within evil conscience it's all gone 23 let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering for he is faithful that promised don't ever forget that so many people really wash out their lives bye-bye you know what it is they can't forgive themselves they think they're so special that they could never have fallen short well you did when you did it you did it and well I thought I was too good for that well you weren't okay so once you've repented that's it it's done over forget it forgive yourself you're not perfect well I thought it was well you're not so many people have trouble with that and the reason I'm bearing down on that is don't get caught in that old trap okay once it's forgiven it's over you're fresh you know something it's like it never happened it's gone okay let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering for he is faithful 24 and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works look out for each other build each other up not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the Day approaching don't ever you know a lot of people would say well how do we assemble together do you realize right we're going around the world you know where this this ministry is not just for the group that is here but we gather together all the way around the world 300 and almost 50 television stations and all satellites we gather together to talk to him to talk to him shortwave around the world even nil as God protects as God leads many miracles happen he said you'll do greater things than this little crowd I've got here and and so it is that we do gather together and you're a part of that you make it possible thank God praise God God loves us and when you use his word to uplift others build them up when you see someone suffering given the kind word help amount and you know I mean all of your streetwise you know who you can help you you cannot help without offending or getting in trouble and and so it is that we do this now not forsaking that assembling as you see the Day approaching what day is he talking about that's the last sentence of that verse we just read you got to lock in on it beloved as you see what day the day of the Lord what's the day of the Lord well how long is a day with the Lord 2nd Peter chapter 3 verse 7 a thousand years of our time it's called the Millennium it's coming it's approaching and if you're one of God's elect do you know what happens at you if you do it happens to you if you do forget that verse 26 for if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins this is God's elect that are delayed before the Antichrist on that day or just before that day that you're to let the Holy Spirit speak through you if you refuse that's the unpardonable sin for its blasphemy against the Holy Spirit if you don't have if you don't understand that don't worry about it put it on the Shelf it'll be fine okay but this is not some simple little sin that you commit that is that lets take even divorce divorce is not the unpardonable sin it's forgivable okay but the unpardonable sin is for one of God's elect that know better that have the truth to know he's the fake Christ Antichrist is to give in to him and refuse the Holy Spirit to speak through you that my friend is unforgivable is it not is it going to happen I don't think so I know God's elect pretty well and I think they all if anything we'll have a hard time tell them to they want to tell Satan what they think about him okay in so many words and you're not to premeditate you're supposed to let the Holy Spirit speak continuing 27 but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries now everybody when they had a fiery indignation against whom adversaries not Christians adversaries those that are against God's people okay He loves us he's not angry at us he doesn't get up every morning and say I wonder which one of my little children I can zap today he doesn't do that he loves you but he is very strong against that adversary verse 28 he that despised Moses law died without mercy under two or three witnesses it's different now though Christ came of how much how much sorer punishment suppose ye shall he through thought worthy who has trodden under foot the Son of God and hath counted the blood of the Covenant wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing and hath done despite unto the spirit of grace what's the spirit of grace Holy Spirit you can't turn down the Holy Spirit that's what draws you that's what needs you that's what tugs at you and he he wants you to assist him in planting those seeds that save souls other people some of you have a destiny and a purpose and you've known it since you were a child that there was more to God's Word that's enough for we know him that hath said vengeance belongeth to me I will recompense saith the Lord and again the Lord shall judge his people we're not going to judge them but he is it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God you do not want to do that you know why man can kill your flesh body God can kill your soul okay I mean he can write you out of the eternity but call to remembrance the former days in which after you were illuminated he endured a great fight of afflictions 33 partly what you were made a gazing stock by both by reproaches and afflictions and partly whilst you became champions companions rather of them that were so used you saw others it happened to others and so it happened for we had compassion for ye had compassion on me in my bond while I was still in prison you still loved me you cared for me and took joyfully the spoiling of your goods knowing in yourselves that you than having a better in a more enduring substance in other words you lived a good Christian life and you set a good example cast not away therefore your confidence which have great recompense of reward you can't imagine the reward beloved God says I know what you have need of and I'll add it to you if you'll do my work for you have need of patience that after you have done the will of God you might receive the promise and he made a lot of promises you can receive all of them if you'll claim them he said remind me of them you talked to me about them that way I can justify you he said okay let's talk about it he said isaiah 43 verse 37 for yet a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry there's going to be an end the hourglass is tipped the Figtree generation has time upon it and that's the final generation 38 now the just shall live by faith but if any man draw back there's our word draw back if you pull back from the tug of God my soul shall have no pleasure in him you're not the type that pulls back when God speaks to you it's just not you verse 39 but ye are not of them who draw back that pull away unto perdition but of them that believe to the saving of the soul not only your soul but you have compassion on your brothers and sisters that their souls know the truth also now in the very next book after this one is called James I want to go to James to wrap this up in chapter 4 and we're going to pick up on two little verses here and then we're going to decease verse seven and eight don't ever forget them it's the crown of this message to draw as a magnet verse seven submit yourselves therefore to God not to somebody else resist the devil and he shall flee from you so many people are so afraid of that that is negative Christ gave you power over Satan in his name be a horse and use it you don't have to take stuff off anybody Satan will what he just picks on me well then he get rid of him don't put up with it verse eight to complete draw there's our word tug pull draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you cleanse your hands you sinners purify your hearts you double-minded don't be a double minded thinker think singly we have a savior and to follow him as he life eternal that he loves us that he blesses us double mindedness will create doubt and if you're not careful that leaves room for one of those wolves to slip in and you know something we use the terminology wolves and evil that's not the way they talk the false teachers oh you know what I can tell by looking at you you're one of the sharpest things God ever created I can tell you're a really above average that Satan taught friend you know yourself don't ever let some soothsayer come into your life and twist you down ask him some time where's that written in God's work because I was a sinner up until I was saved by the Lord Jesus Christ were you getting all that stuff back them off okay and put them down the the evil what why are you saying this because a lot of people don't realize that Satan is one of the most beautiful creatures in the world in Satan's mo is to build you up as he pulls the rug right out from under you tell you how great you are you know and a piece of work man I mean he's a piece of work but he will sure sweet talk to you right into hell if you let him so be on guard don't be drawn away from the truth the Word of God Heavenly Father thank you Father for the for your body the word father for becoming the word that walked among us the body that we partake of father that Living Word that gives us peace and truth and leadership father let each of these be a blessing to all they come in contact with father we ask it in Yeshua Jesus precious name Amen the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastoral Marie takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravid arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan the stroke of death at one time and that's when this happened was that so not necessarily because God can take anybody he wishes anywhere he wants to at anytime he doesn't do that very often but it does happen and in Paul's case it did so it was Paul himself and floral Paul as on the road to Damascus he was blind and and then while he was in that third heaven age he asked God if he could remove the thorn that was in his side left there and I've always felt as my opinion that it was his eyesight because he always had to have a scribe to do his writing for him in one book he signs off he said see you can see by this large letters that it's me signing this off and and so it was but he still functioned well because he had good help dr. Luke was with him most of the time pastor Murray Marlene from Oklahoma my question is unicorns explain to me what happened to them and why are they not here on earth today well it's because they they never existed okay when when what I want you to do is take your Strong's Concordance and we're the word unicorn the example as it is given in Psalms 22 and run it back to the Hebrew and what do you think it's going to say the word that was in the manuscripts was wild ox a wild out ox ain't no unicorn okay I don't know it seems that linguists and writers and copiers like to play the field sometimes and that's what happened there's no such thing as a unicorn Rick from Texas please tell me what this means if a foot or hand offend thee cut it off of when I offend thee pluck it out and we really enjoy watching you television well Rick and Judy it's we're glad you're with us what it means is God would never want us to injure our bodies okay what it means is all the various groups make up the mini membered body of Christ and if you get some group over here that maybe does the work of the hand and they're they're getting wilder than a bunch of banshees okay I mean they're miss teaching God's Word they're playing loose in the field and they're going to hell we don't want them to take the rest of the family down with them so we cut off that group from us there are divisions when when some of all churches play various parts in that body but it doesn't matter what the part is that they play or supposed to if they cross over and start working for Satan you cut yourself away from them what that means is you separate yourself you don't allow them to contaminate the true Word of God that's what it means it does not mean to injure your body whatsoever Margie from Pennsylvania what does the Bible say about patriotism and you know every nation was supposed to have a DJ did Jill in the Hebrew tongue is a plague we got one right here it's the American flag and we got it one back over here that's the Christian flag it's a standard that's patriotic and God would say in numbers chapter two verse two every family will have their own flag for patriotism and that standard will fly okay and then in in Isaiah chapter 62 10 he says you will fly the standard of all the people that's this Christian flag and and those flags when Israel marched those flags and standards flew we have always been extremely patriotic it's part of God's Word there's your scripture there's the Hebrew word and that is your standard and there's your flag do you know why the Christian flag is our main standard because Christ is our standard and we raised him before us he was raised on that pole that tree that cross he paid that price for us he earned the right to be our standard bearer and so he is very patriotic Sharon from Connecticut I've read revelation 12 and I would like to know if the woman in Chapman the chapter is Mary the mother of Jesus not in you know chapter 12 in revelation covers a longer period of time than about any other book in the any other chapter in the Bible it goes all the way back to the first earth aged mother Israel there and into Mary and into Christ let me see in verse 12 it says Walter the inhabiters of the earth and the sea for the devil has come down and unto you having great wrath because he knoweth that he had but a short time is this when the millennium starts no that's when the Antichrist sets foot on earth and there's a there will be another five-month period or two and a half month period then the Millennium will start because that isn't Christ that returned there was Satan the Antichrist many people will think he is Christ because they're unlearned be real careful Joyce from Illinois I would like to thank you for all the years 24 to 30 I've been watching you and really learning well you're so welcome I'm hoping you can help me understand about the reason we are all here I understand that there are the elect 144,000 and super elector 7,000 think I understand that there are still one-third of the angels who followed Satan now let's listen listen I think I can help you not you see the people were divided up into three groups two-thirds one-third two-third and three thirds which makes the full complement but God's elect are Saints do you know what the word Saint really means so that we can understand means set aside one's God's Saints and elect or set aside from from the thirds as they're made up the fallen angels are even set aside they're not a part of the third they're just people they're just God's children a third of them followed Satan and actually worshipped him the other two-thirds one-third could care less if it rained or shine when it comes to spiritual things just let me go hunting like Esau and the other third that we're good people like to get along with the neighbor just let me go fish in there were once in a while and and naturally I'm trying to so that you can fix classes and types of people today and they make up those one-third two-thirds and three thirds the full body is you still got that third who would be last that worship Satan and the first Earth Age living now this is why morals have declined greatly in this generation of the fig tree it's because those that fell before they're falling again they will not listen but don't worry they will and so it is so separate the elect away from those groups and that will help you Jerell from Alabama does Christ reign during the Millennium who would it be why would it be necessary for the to rain with a rod of iron it simply means discipline day well he's a shepherd and a shepherd has a staff or a rod and he uses it for many things but mainly he uses it to protect his sheep okay and that the the analogy is a real good one it sticks and that's as it is you can count on it it is so ok the first time he came at the first advent he came as a babe worn married to be crucified he's coming back this time with that staff of the shepherd he's going to reign he's going to rule and they will still Satan will be released in a short time at the end the staff will be needed Morris from Illinois where in the bible can i find a powerful scripture that will deliver me from drugs well first of all make a note of first Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 but then remember the word sorcerer and you might go to Revelation 21 and see what happens to the sorcerer do you know what a sorcerer is a sorcerer is the word in the Greek is form Athiya kai these uses drugs to get on the spirit and they go to hell I mean talk about a bad trip it is really a bad trip and then go back to first Corinthians 10:13 and know that God will never have let anything happen to you that isn't common to a lot of people he will never test you over what you can cut but he will always show you way out now you get crackin I want you to read mark chapter 13 and understand that you must stand against the false Christ and you can't do it if you're druggy nobody listens to a drunk or a druggie so you get crackin and you you toughen up discipline yourself why destroy yourself when you have a beautiful eternal life right there the doors open walk in that's the scripture walk in present yourself to Almighty God as a servant Dennis from Florida would you please explain the scripture that says those that are dead shall rise and those that are alive shall meet them 7th Trump for in teens 1552 wink of an eye glass Trump out that's the farthest one out the seventh Christ returns we are change all flesh has changed instantly into a spiritual body which those that have already died are already in there not out here and a hole in the ground okay we have two bodies and that's what you want to pick you want to back back up at first Corinthians 15 verse 35 and start reading about a little grain of corn what happens to it that's what happens when you plant these old flesh bodies in the ground a beautiful new plant springs up at your spiritual body but it happens instantly it doesn't get planted in the ground roots for Michigan what is the key of knowledge and what is the key to the kingdom and what is the key of David the key of knowledge you will find in first proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 will give you the key of knowledge and the keys to the kingdom are the key of David and the key of David is to know David's genealogy through him who came from the stem of Jesse and umbilical cord umbilical cord would come the Christ child and and that key knowing the genealogy of David you know who Kenites are that key that you know there was only two churches that Christ was pleased with mana and Philadelphia in revelation 1 of 2 & 3 chapters 2 in chapter 3 and they both taught the same thing do you know what they taught that Christ was pleased with they taught who the children of the synagogue of Satan was that came to be of our brother Judah giving him a heap of trouble but they do lie in or of the synagogue of Satan truth churches teach that or Christ is not pleased with them and if you're in a church that doesn't teach that key of David that to the Kenites are sons of Cain they're here today you're supposed to know and not follow false teachings but if you're teaching that fact and who Satan returns to of course his own children then if you don't know that you don't have the key of David and you're kind of the heap of hurt but you can fix it do you know how by studying God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse maintaining the scriptures up or mentioned that's the light that shows you the way Christ Daniel from Kentucky what is the meaning of Amen was a men in the original text of the Bible what are your thoughts on that well my thoughts are what it actually says yes it was in the original Bible and it means that's that very final what it means is that's the way it is like it or lump it that's as it is that's that and you don't argue with it you don't abuse it what God says I've given it to you what are you going to do with it that's that that's the way it is so amen means quite a bit it's very final Michael from Kentucky pastor Barry I am interested in studying the Bible more in depth what text resources do you recommend and where can I find them also you mentioned some cassettes or CDs of your teachings I've looked online and they're not available can you tell me where to find them what you dial that number you see on our screen and request a tape list okay they'll send it to you and we have you would find the text that we recommend in in our library books in our library and naturally I highly recommend the companion Bible the one we carry okay Gale from California thank you pastor Marie I have learned so much will God create turmoil in your life if you are one of the elect how do you know the difference between God creating term world or are your life just getting out of control I want you to make a note of Jeremiah chapter 23 along about verse 34 God can create a little action in disciplinary ways but what you want to be careful of and you're knocking on the door because don't you ever say what burden does God send on us because God doesn't send burdens and I kind of I kind of sense that in the way you put that we bring them on ourself and if you read Jeremiah 23 starting with 34 you know what God tells you there don't ever let some preacher wake up in the morning and say oh I wonder what burden God is going to send today because God doesn't send burdens me and bring them on themselves and God said if you say that and if you claim I'm sending burdens I'm going to dump the whole wagon on you I'll see that you get burdened alright so that's a good way to get in a bunch of trouble so record I recommend that you read it and pray about it and then Antoinette from Kentucky pastor berry I enjoy your Bible well thank you if your husband cheated on you and you get divorce you got divorced would I be a would it be in a sin if I start dating again well if you repent and Christ forgives you you have a whole new start it's I know that that isn't commonly taught in some churches but Christ forgives sin divorce is not the unpardonable sin and certainly you weren't the one that committed adultery he was and Christ will forgive you for that and you aren't free to not only date but to remarry if you so choose Sharon from Tennessee is it against Jesus will to be cremated it is not against Christ will you know when you are cremated your spiritual body is already with him anyway as it is written in Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verses 6 and 7 instantly your spirit intellect soul returns to him but your flesh goes back to dust it doesn't matter how it gets there you're through with it why would you want it when you have the beautiful body you've got that is your spiritual body no problem at all ok Melvyn from Colorado the leaders in the last day shall be minds of children what scripture cannot find that in Isaiah chapter 3 verse 4 Isaiah chapter 3 verse 4 God stipulates very clearly that you mess up like that and I will put children as your leaders God always keeps his promises that is especially when he has given you the right to choose those leaders Mary Marie from Indiana if your child is 18 years old and won't obey you and his rebellious what should I do she lives with me well you're the head of the house it's your casa you need to lay down some laws children love discipline whether they raise sand about it or not and you are the head of that house you're responsible and now that she's 18 she can do what she chooses but not in your house not in your casa okay that's that is your right and she should respect you as her mother for that do it wisely gently and always explain why you do it okay and do it God's Way well we're out of time again I love you all because you enjoy studying our fathers word most of all God loves you for it you know what it's the letter he's written to you and when you study it chapter by chapter and verse by verse it makes his day and when you make his day boy is he going to is he going to give you a good one why because he loves you let him know that you love him in return once you do that one thing we're brought to you by your ties in your offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that when you bless God he will always bless you but there's one thing that's very very important and it's this like that seventh chapter today remember you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus Yeshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five twenty four-hours-a-day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77-36 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you John three letters written by the Apostle John that disciple whom Jesus loved the tenderness of John's writings is marked by the number of times he begins the exhortation z' and warnings with my little children or little children in fact little children is written seven times in the First Epistle alone the contents of the First Epistle are practical teaching and the light of the love of God God is life is light his truth is righteous is love and we have fellowship with him through the Lord Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit the tenderness and love of John's writing continues in the second epistle as he encourages the elect lady and her children to love one another he also writes this is love that we walk after his Commandments after these words of encouragement John warns us that there are many deceivers entered into the world and explains how to identify these deceivers don't miss this opportunity to study the epistles of John with Pastor Arnold mark you from gravid Arkansas mrs. Shepards Chapel with Pastor Arnold Murray join with us now this pastor Murray takes you on a book by book chapter by chapter line by line study in God's Word now here's pastor Murray all right good day to you god bless you welcome to the shepherd's chapel hey welcome to this family Bible study our we're going to complete discernment but something you really must become skilled at especially in this generation that is to be able to discern good from evil good spirit from bad spirit good advice from bad advice to discern which road you take in life and God
Channel: Shepherds Chapel Bible Studies
Views: 63,100
Rating: 4.8344069 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel Bible Study, Pastor Murray Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel Topic, Shepherd's Chapel Drawn, Drawn to the Holy Spirit, Pastor Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Drawn to the Holy Spirit in the Bible, Shepherd's Chapel Video Topics
Id: xZFAmHrFjX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2014
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