Shepherd's Chapel ~ I Corinthians Chapter 5:1 - 6:11 ~ (2012)

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them is understanding God's Word Pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our back in our father's word 1st corinthians chapter 5 do not paul here teaching it's some a doctrinal book telling you how to and how not to to be blessed of god and that's what's important in life do you want his blessings or do you not it comes down to that naturally if you want his blessings you obey him even when you mess up all of us kind of do at times were none of us perfect then on repentance he counts that as pleasing and that's what brings his blessings so that's what corinthians is about is receiving god's blessings and and being loved by him and returning that love what a wonderful world it is when you leave the junk to other people and nations and you enjoy life that's what it's all about chapter five verse nine and we read this is reported commonly that there is fornication among you and such fornication as is not so much as naming as named among the gentiles not even they do it that one should have his father's wife and of course here we were going this is incest of course and this is as it was even all the way back to the time that ham brought forth canaan as you read in leviticus chapter 20 verse eleven to uncover your father's nakedness is to lie with his wife but that is uncovering your father's nakedness is to sleep with your mother or stepmother in this case and naturally it wasn't no no it's mentioned again in 2nd corinthians 712 but he said you're allowing this to happen there verse two and ye are puffed up and have not rather moon that he that had done this deed might be taken away from among you that it could be taken out of the church you you are so proud and boastful you're hard up for membership you'll take anything that comes along now again there's nobody perfect but the beauty of Christianity is forgiveness and repentance but to let something like this happen that's going a little bit far one because God will bless it God will punish many over that that are not not your congregation itself but those that are supposed to do something about it verse 3 for I verily as absent in body I'm not really there but present in spirit have judged already I've already made up my mind I'm spiritually discerned as though I were present concerning him that hath so done this deed I'm not going to put up with him that's what Paul is saying here you're not going to have him come into the body and and rest at ease there verse four in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ when ye are gathered together in my spirit with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ and that's a lot of power my friend Christ gave gives us power to overcome the enemy and when you refuse to use it that that's a sad situation verse five to deliver such an one unto Satan you let him go to Satan all the way to the bottom of the ditch for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus in other words there are some people that you have to kick them out and let them go all the way to the bottom let's Satan have them you know you might take a take a lesson from the prodigal son he was a big shot let me have my liquidity my traveling money here daddy I'm going on the road and he took all of his liquidity and he went into town and had all kinds of friends as long as his money lasted when his money ran out he ended up feeding hogs he even ended up eating with those hogs because he had nothing and it let him go all the way to the bottom finally he woke up and he said nah my dad's servants eat better than this but my dad treats his servants better than this and then he went home to his father but this is what Paul is saying there are some people you just you just have to let them destroy themselves so the flesh can die that means freed what it can do before the spirit body we all have two bodies can take over with common sense and steer the old Christian vessel right into the proper port that's the way you have to do sometimes it's like even in second Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 5 even a family member that will not cooperate with serving God you don't treat them as an enemy but you have nothing to do with them you put them to the side let them grow up and you don't help them you don't feed them you let them work it out on their own and then maybe they'll come back again so there was a tough love is a tough little thing but that's what Paul is talking about here let him go to the devil fix your glorying is not good you think you're doing so good there and you got this happening know you not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump you know leaven is a strange thing you can have a nice pan of dough you put a little bit of loving in there and it goes through the whole loaf the whole dough and here it rises that's what sin does you leave somebody like that in your church the young people are going to see it it's going to spread and it's going to spread throughout the whole church necessarily not that particular sin but sin itself you let it grow instead of being blessed by God you don't want to go there verse 7 purge that means get rid of purge out therefore the old leaven that you may be a new lump you have unleavened for even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us you know it is a strange thing that many Christians over read that one little statement Christ is our Passover and many people wonder why does Shepherd's chapel always celebrate Passover because Christ is our Passover you know so many people go to Acts chapter 12 verse 4 where it says each star which is a pagan holiday that's not what the manuscripts say in Aramaic or in Greek it doesn't say Ishtar Easter was placed there by a man who knew not what he was doing the word in the manuscripts is Pascal which is Passover and that's what you're supposed to celebrate not some pagan holiday called Easter which is a fertility egg rolling every spring about Passover time of fertility and quick like a bunny that's what each star celebrates and work that into our church when Christ is our Passover do you know something he is the one that makes the Death Angel Passover your family that is to say the negative this evil stuff like this when you love him he must pass over you because you are in Christ and Christ is in you when you have the new lump and you start over with repentance I don't care how many times it takes you cut it in during new low a new person and you have God's blessings and when you have God's blessings you have the power that he stills with he instead within you to cast out that that is evil so don't ever forget that that Christ is our Passover that's so very very important it's it is the high holy day of Christianity don't be robbed of it don't let someone talk you away from the high holy day of Christianity that's Christ himself as our Passover it's you know it's real easy for you to prove me wrong you go to Acts chapter 12 verse 4 and there it says it says II star right there says it but it's in English okay then I want you to take your Strong's Concordance or any good Greek or Aramaic manuscript of what it actually was written and you'll find it's Pascal has nothing to do with Ishtar it was placed there by human being not with God's blessings that being said and this is how things work into the body of Christ and Christians can lose the blessings of God in its totality in in its companionship in its perfection on repentance let's go with the next verse please verse 8 therefore let us keep the feast what feast is that Passover keep it don't you get somebody take that away from you not with old leaven not with that old teaching old John but what is written in God's Word not man's traditions neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth that truth is what sets you free that truth is what lets you know we're East are that you wouldn't let some individual pull that junk on you and I know that may have been something for me to say that but that's what it is ality nah deal in facts in fact sets the record straight whereby you have the blessings of God where you celebrate that feast day we're just to say Passover the Lamb of God being given for one in all times that whole High Holy Day of Christianity that causes blessings to flow and people to be blessed with truth and sincerity what was it his body he gave it for you verse 9 I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators you know it's you let immortality immoral people slip with us away side you don't you don't fellowship with them I don't want you to be one of these goody two-shoes that you're too good to even talk to them if you are one of these goody goody two-shoes it's just too too good to even talk to them how are they ever going to hear the truth you are not to socialize with them I'll say that one more time you it is not that you're not to talk to them but you're not to socialize with them where it would seem that you're giving approval to what they're doing verse 10 yet not altogether I mean you can talk to them with the fornicators of this world or with the covetous the the other sin or extortioners or with idolaters for then must ye needs go out of the world in other words the only way you could keep from being around them is to leave this earth they're here so you can't leave them all together but that doesn't mean you're to socialize with them don't you do it same time don't be a goody goody two-shoes that you're too good to even talk to them else that's what you were sent for is to pass plant seeds and to let truth go on but do not give approval or let it even seem that you're giving approval to any of those wicked things that that is in other words you stay in a position where you bring them to yourself which is to say the Word of God rather than you going to the devil tree that they deal in verse 11 but now I have written unto you not to keep company that means socialize associate yourself if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous or an idolater or a or a drunkard or an extortioner with such an one no not to eat in other words don't fellowship with them again I reported earlier 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 5 tells you how to if it's even if it's a brother how to deal with one you you don't treat him as an enemy but you set him to the side you don't eat with him because you're not going to feed him you're not going to be an enabler for a wicked person you're going to let them take care of themselves grow up verse 12 for what have I to do to judge them also that are without do not ye judge them that are within in other words it would appear that you don't judge anyone you let God do that but you do discern who is within such as such as this ancestor is a affair that you should discern and do something about otherwise don't judge the people out in the world God's judging them it's written in the book of life right by their name God is well aware of it you don't have to add your little two cents to it if you have anything at all to do with them is to plant seeds that they might hear the word of God and give them hope in the true Passover which is to say the Lord Jesus Christ verse 13 to continue but then that are without God judgeth he keeps a record therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person you get rid of it but it putting then we're talking here about the church now okay not not that's all you have to do not let him associate in the church why if you have openly approve some people see it it's like it's like a poison plant it spreads it grows it takes root and you cannot have that I wish I could say that all things in life are perfect they're not wish I could say that there's a if there is perfection everywhere you go there isn't but you have to strive for it and work at it in receiving God's blessings it doesn't matter what the world does it's what you do because you and God make a majority when he's ready to act you and our Father make a majority you don't need anyone else when God's ready to utilize you to accomplish something you don't have to worry about it and you will accomplish it one because God sees to it but you have to be in authority to the point to know you cannot put up with incest in your church and still have God's blessings is this not what happen that's really just common sense and what you do you put them aside pray for them and let them go to them down the tube maybe it is straighten them out sometimes Satan that's the sad report but Satan's got to get hold of some people to show them how he can trump on them to finally wake them up that they need the father chapter 6 verse 1 dare any of you having a matter against another go to law before the unjust and not before the Saints what one of you you see here you have a little problem with a brother with a member of the congregation and you work it out within the group you don't go to a court of law where there are not even Christian let's say let's set up an example let's say that something happens that you damage a brother's property two hundred dollars owed and you both get hot well I've hired me a lawyer right away and then we'll take out I'm going to say I'm going to take this to court and here you got a bunch of unbelievers that are going to make judgment on you now first of all the lawyer is probably going to charge you about five hundred dollars an hour cutting so there goes five hundred bucks right out the window even if it was only one hour long you're going to have court costs and one of you the other is going to have to get him a lawyer there's another 500 and then there's court cost here and then there's the judgement the court expenses there and there goes another three four hundred bucks okay and this was all over two hundred dollars and it's cost both of you I mean a bunch why because you went to unbelievers to settle something that you could have had a church orbit rater somebody that was familiar with the law of God that could arbitrate and come to a decent it wouldn't have cost you anything other than to try to set the record straight quite frankly these two that I just gave you an analogy of would have been better off to have lost the 200 bucks and forget the thing a Christian way rather than to be out thousands of dollars using your head a little bit goes a long ways pause this is real straight stuff why do you want to go to courts of unjust people unchristian and let them settle your affairs verse 2 do you not know that the Saints shall judge the world and if the world shall be judged by you ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters you can't take care of that you know what he's talking about he's talking about Ezekiel 44 verse 23 we're in the Millennium God's elect that's the priest of the doc that suggests that's God's elect do you know you're not going to have it I'm going to read it to you I mean we're all in spiritual bodies here Satan is in the abyss we're in the Millennium and this is what you do as one of God's elect in the Millenium verse 23 and they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and the profane and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean verse 24 and in controversy they shall stand in judgment just to say God's election in the Millennium and they shall judge it according to my judgments and they shall keep my laws and my statutes and all mine assemblies a little you do it by God's law not man's and they shall hold my sub us and so it is they will so naturally in the Millennium God's elect will do some judging that's what he something here you mean to tell me you're one of God's elect you're going to be helping God judge the world in the Millennium and you can't even take care of a little $200 thing not having God's law right before you and having arbitrators in your group you've got wise people like know right from wrong and you can't let that hint let the church handle it and so it is that's what he's saying here you said just you compute a ting me handle the little things how are you going to handle the big things there let's go with the next verse please returning to chapter 6 the great book of 1st Corinthians and verse 3 reads know you not that you shall judge angels more things that pertain to this life if you know naturally why are they judging angels because we're all in spiritual bodies as the angels in the Millenium that's the way it goes and it's talking about Ezekiel 44 among other places 23 and 24 and so it is if people make such a big deal out of life and you know what usually causes its temper I'll just show them Oh will you will get your pocketbook out friend get your checkbook out because your pocketbook probably won't reach it and you had God's answer all the time verse 4 if then you have judgments of things pertaining to this life set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church you don't go outside the church take I mean you don't even have to you have the dullest knife in the drawer that means you have the least wise person in the church will do a better job then somebody outside of the church if they're honest and are a Christian okay verse 5 I speak to your shame he's kind of shaming them is it so that there is not a wise man among you you don't have an arbitrator no not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren every church has an orbit rater within it somebody that is familiar with God's law rather than the traditions of me do you know what gets you in trouble in a civilian court and you have some good Christian lawyers and you have some good Christian judges they're far between but they they have to go they're handicapped they've got their arms tied behind them because they must judge by precedent they cannot judge by common law common law is what our very law comes from from Great Britain is what our fathers word comes from God's law from common law Britain which our government basically is copied from as far as laws are concerned and common law and Great Britain came from the King James Bible does law but since that time they judge by precedent which means what they never go to the real law then what some judge over here decided against what some judge over here decided what did that Judge know what was that judge a Christian what did he have any knowledge at all of what God's true law is or is he going by pressing the traditions of men that make void the word of God you see that's what you're up against because you're going to be judged in civil courts by precedent and and so it is in and law it doesn't matter what man does is not certainly not perfect God's Way is perfect next verse verse 6 and we continue and it reads but brother goeth to law with brother and that before the unbelievers I mean there's they're laughing at you basically if you start trying to bring God's law into it they're going to smirk unbelievers you're going to allow them to judge you verse 7 now therefore there is an utter there is utterly a fault it's a loss among you because you go to law one with another why do you not rather take wrong you'd be better off to forget about it suffer the loss why do you not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded you're a lot better off than to let unfriendly court unbelievers make your decisions for you I'm going to say that again what kind of Christian is it when it is a small matter or a matter that a good Christian arbitrator can handle and you would rather go out spend all the money in among unbelievers lawyers judges witnesses juries and be you'd be better off on most of those matters just to say hey let's just call it even forget it let's don't go there it's so much better for Christians to get along and no someday you're going to have to judge angels and you the church is going to have to live up to it then as well as sounds very complicated to me no it's right here it's God's law not statutes and is not ordinances as God's law you know many of the blood sacrifices and ordinances have already been done away with you don't judge anybody by those but a person that understands God's law knows which law must be utilized to bring about peace and tranquility in the church thus bringing the blessings of God which prosper the church and get God's Word taught throughout the world you handle things yourself you don't let a bunch of unbelievers have a way with any members of the church you stand your ground and you use common sense verse 8 to continue may you do wrong and defraud and that your brethren you simply you lack charity and justice doesn't love and to do what's right it's it's always so much better to do that verse 9 know you not that the unrighteousness shall the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God that's what you're dealing with be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves with mankind if you do not know what a feminine is we Romans chapter 1 verse 27 it will educate you there's no way that you're going to enter the kingdom of God and participate in those things but you can always repent and come out of it that's what truth and facts will do for you that's what the love and and the a charity true charity and loving justice can do for you simply do what's right using common sense and and avoid those things again I'll repeat if you don't know what effeminate means read Romans 127 verse 10 nor thieves nor covetous that's always what and what your neighbors got nor drunkards this is not somebody that sips a glass of wine for Health's sake but a guzzler nor revilers troublemakers nor extortioners always conning people out of stuff shall inherit the kingdom of God that's to come that's just the way it is and certainly when I inherit it why your father and it's his inheritance verse 11 and such were some of you but you're washed but you were sanctified that means set aside but you're justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the spirit of our God what is the spirit of our God it's the Holy Spirit it's God's own spirit that touches you that washes you that when you rise above confusion and nonsense and and dealing with unbelievers when you have brothers in Christianity that can rightly decided thing by God's Word how precious it is when you allow him into your life get rid of the old leaven come in with that new lump and know Christ is our Passover don't ever let anyone take that away from you alright bless your hearts listen to moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravid Arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from Porto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii all over Canada if the spirit moves you got a question share it please never ask a question about a particular reverend denomination or organization we do not judge people we let God do that judging and discernment is a very precious thing beloved to discern right from wrong that you is a gift from God and you are supposed to do that now those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address again always a pleasure now you got a prayer request you don't need a number or an address why God knows what you're thinking you know he gave us authority and power through the Passover the Lamb of God to have prayers entered when you're sincere so sincerely and in truth let us approach is throne father around the world we come West that you lead guide direct father answer these wonderful prayers we ask it and you're sure Jesus precious name Amen and we get into the question time we go Linda from Pennsylvania three eight twelve you said a cherub did not have free will Satan was a cherubim ezekiel 28:14 can you explain please linda you misunderstood what I said we were talking about the soy and zoo which are the link for living creatures that God created to guard the throne after the cherubims bullet okay in that same chapter you spoke of Ezekiel 28 the zoo and the soy that's the four living creatures to put that one of those as Hebrew the other is Greek they appear in both the old and the New Testament there are four of them they do not have the ability of freewill when God created them to guard the throne after Satan blew it they do not have the ability to go against God that's why he created them and to protect that throne until the life of eternal life and then they are no longer there they're not needed James from Texas I I wonder if you view from the first day of Genesis 1 to the time of Noah's Flood as the first earth age with with us since living in the second earth age and then the third heir age being the millennium age or could it be that you are viewing an earth age previous to the creation account of Genesis absolutely there was an age you know Genesis was only about 6,000 years ago that is to say the of this earth age this first one but there was an earth age before that there was millions of years old I mean we can document that through science and other methods okay artifacts and many things found Noah's Flood was not the cat abode the overthrow of the first Earth Age completely you can read of it in his in Jeremiah chapter 4 beginning with verse 18 I mean at the total overthrow I mean there was not one soul and Noah's Flood he allowed the two of every flesh to survive the flood because of the ark but this particular cat to bowl that first flood not one being survived it again you can read of it in Jeremiah chapter four and to not understand and then of course the Millennium the Millennium that's the Lord's Day is a part of this earth age and at the end of the millennium then begins the third earth age second Peter chapter three pretty well gives you all three heaven ages and all three earth ages and naturally they run in sequence for heaven and earth mark from New Jersey one time on your program you get a letter from a girl named Christina waiting to get a lung and she wants to plant a seed tell her she did with me god bless her and I hope she got her lung well bless you you know God uses Christina and many others in planting seeds and I'm glad mark that we have you with us because of her she'll be happy to know that Gary from California on the sixth day God created the races on the eighth day God created the man Adam in which the seed line Jesus would come through my question is at the time that Adam was created there was no original sin yet so why create a seed line for Jesus to come through you know here's a case where Gary is totally as binders own too first Earth age where the sin of Ezekiel 28 happened was much the sin was so bad in the world that a third of God's children in the first Earth Age followed Satan until the sin was so bad that God simply destroyed the first Earth Age and then you think there wasn't season in this world until Adam and Eve besides Satan was with them as the serpent that's one of Satan's names he was more subtle than any of the living creatures I properly translate the Hebrew then any other being what did how could he be more subtle he was deceiving them naturally it is true until God passes the law there is no sin but the sin do not protect the tree of the knowledge of good and evil with Satan's body they for took of it okay you got it you got to take off the blinders and realize there was an earth age before this and it was for what happened there that God destroyed it and gave us this to be born innocent of woman here to make your mind up to love God or Satan but you cannot are you running along with blinders not to know there was an earth age before this you would never know why we were even here okay rod from Maryland my question is is it wrong to or sinful to write in the Holy Bible like that I don't feel like I'm doing wrong because I use my Bible like a textbook well you should there is nothing wrong with putting notes in your Bible as a matter of fact this is what makes it Bible you want to buy a Bible usually that is onion skin pages so that it last a long long time so that your notes are there if you buy a an inexpensive Bible not onion skin paper then it's not going to last long and your notes are going to be gone so it's very there's no sin in putting notes in the Bible it's to help you familiarize yourself and to remember and certainly all students do that that are truly students of God's Word basically angel from Tennessee Matthew 27:46 did this mean that God just turned around not forsaking but turned as to not watch this being done to His Son Jesus Christ no no no no no Matthew chapter 27 verse 46 is where Jesus would be on the cross and he would say 'hey i ll Amish a baktun a being translated my God my God why hast thou forsaken me God did not forsake Christ Christ never ever when he spoke to the father called him God but what was he doing and he was quoting Psalms 22 1 to give you a Bible lesson the entire twenty second song then goes written by David my God my God was though forsaken me David thought he had been and then it goes on and gives every aspect even down to the Roman soldiers gambling for his clothing at the foot of the cross a thousand years before the fact that what was happening but for them Christ being crucified was scriptural recorded in Psalms 22 and was taking place then so we would have salvation God will never leave nor forsake anyone that loves him especially not his son for that is Emmanuel God with us he cannot forsake himself Diana and Jerry from Florida in the end the int in the end time pastor Marie said the famine will not be for bread but for hearing the Word of God does that mean shepherd's chapel will not be on TV anymore well god bless you that's I I take that as a compliment that we will still be on the air as long as God permits but but the world not even play listens to Shepherd's chapel and there are churches all over the world how many of them are truly teaching God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse you be the judge of it you've been in some of them and you know they're starving for the truth and the reason our growth is almost more than we can even take care of and which is good problem it's a blessing to have problems like that it's because we teach the truth it's like it's like the old saying if you feed them they will come and when you feed if every pastor would feed his sheep the flock from the Word of God chapter by chapter and verse by verse it would burst the building out they're starving for to hear the word of God and as much as we teach it like I stated we can hardly keep up with the growth Gordon from California what is aconite cat is a hebrew word that means sons of Cain it is a race of people they are with us today they are the offspring of Cain and as God so said there as when you read to check them out in the Bible now I'm saying ke and ite I'm not saying Canaanite okay a Canaanite is a totally different person that's the offspring of Canaan the incestuous offspring of Han in the book of Genesis but ke ni te is the offspring of Cain himself the offspring of this bad seed the serpent seed of of Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 where God the first prophecy in God's work were stated I will put enmity between thy seed the Serpent and the woman seed he's going to brew your going to bruise his heel he nailed him to the cross but he's going to bust your gourd okay and so it is but you can find cannot registered even in your King James Bible 1st chronicles chapter 2 verse 55 why was the cannot mention there he was keeping books for Judah Judah is the Royal lying if you've got a kid not keeping books for you you better double-check your books that means God's Word patty from Michigan if we ask God to forgive our sins right before we die we will still be judged on Judgment Day well absolutely but what do you think judgment is judgment is making something right giving it everything it's got coming to it giving every person if you repented of all your sins your judgment then is the good deeds you've done are still on the book and it's a reward for you people want to put themselves on guilt trips and think that judgment is always negative it's not you know I look forward to judgment I've to receive rewards and certainly I repent for any shortcomings I might have to erase those from the book but Judgment Day is your rewards it's what you got coming to you for for doing for loving a father that's your inheritance that's what happens on Judgment Day the main thing you want to inherit is eternal wife Patricia from Georgia will the two witnesses arrive on earth before or after Satan just out of heaven and how long will they prophesy well we know that as it is written in Revelation chapter 11 they're supposed to prophesy for 1,260 days which is three and a half years but we know that that time has been shortened Satan's 42 months two to five months 42 months is means Satan's prophecies are always given at night that means move the darkness and forty two and a half months is shorter than days because days are solar but the two witnesses will appear and naturally they are supernatural they'll have no problems with 30 well you know a person that's a student of God's Word you know that those two sons of all that are given in Zachariah chapter four in as much as God had a very special thing through the Sun happened in in Matthew chapter 11 the three that went with Christ to a secluded place and then who appeared with Christ and they were illuminated because they were all transfigured it was Elijah and Moses and the Lord Jesus Christ and I feel very strongly that Moses and Elijah are the two witnesses they are supernatural and as it is written in revelation 11 they have supernatural powers that they will bring with them they will have no problem and God's elect will be blessed by them all of us Danny from Texas think you're so welcome since all souls are the same age and we appear as young men and women and spiritual bodies will the four fallen angels and two witnesses that come before the Antichrist appear as young men and our women or will they take over a flesh body well the two witnesses we must say one thing they were transfigured and and they readily appeared and were recognized by by the three apostles that were with Christ so we'll leave that but it doesn't matter but in spiritual bodies everybody is young for a very simple reason an adult because age has nothing to do on an eternal body it just it's does not apply it has no effect whatsoever okay we got this is Lois from Florida if you did not stand up for God in the first Earth Age can you be God the elect in this earth age maybe I was wrong or weak in the first earth age all I really want today is to stand up to Satan for God please tell me how I can be certain I am one of God's elect you've already proved it first of all you know Satan is coming first do you know how many Christians know Satan comes first today most of them say we're going to fly away like a big bird why because they've been lied to later so you first have the main mark of one of God's elect you know the truth and the truth is what sets you free so my guess is that you probably are one of God's elect but anyone that has free will should make the stand also so there you go let God take care of that part Katherine from Texas where I live almost everyone believes the raptures doctrine I have learned to plan the sea not to go all out it just makes them angry this is a good there is a good chance I will be delivered up how will I know if it's the Holy Spirit speaking through me you will know you intuitively will know and it is true when you're planting seeds you don't dump the whole bucket on it okay it doesn't matter how much you know is that you must plant a seed that will bring them up to where you are if that seed will sprout but only God can make that seed sprout we can't and so that is that's God's nature then God God knows who he wants and who he doesn't want right now he wants all of his children to love him but there is a sacred order of things Clinton from Kansas you welcome for him well I enjoy the teaching several years ago you baptized me in a little creek not far from the church during the baptism I couldn't help but notice several little fish jumping out of the water it seemed like they were celebrating I couldn't help from feeling that it was the presence of the Lord well he's always present in a baptism the Holy Spirit is always there that's why we always anoint before baptism it's a sacred thing my question is did God create us in the first world age at all at the same time or do we believe we were done through one no if he did it's probably read proverbs chapter eight wisdom speaking and it pretty well documents it okay for you that would be proverbs chapter eight where wisdom speaks wisdom was with God from the beginning wisdom is something you never want to lack if at all possible the beginning of wisdom and knowledge is to love God Indy from Minnesota my wife and I have been learning so much from your probe would find it very hard to go without your ministry well thank you I appreciate that we are both in our 50s and feel we have missed so much by not knowing what the Bible truly says thank you for helping us understand God's letter as it should be intended well thank you when Jesus was in the wilderness being tempted by Satan was Satan and spiritual or flesh body in his natural body Satan has a natural body he is a cherubim and earlier in this lecture the lady had it spotted and in Ezekiel chapter 28 it declares he is a cherubim okay is the Lord's Day immediately following the death of Satan no no he's second Peter chapter 3 verse 7 8 be not ignorant of the Sun thing that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years with us okay so the Lord's Day is during that time when the Lord returns for 1,000 years the truth is taught and all that did not have an opportunity to learn truth this is not a second chance they didn't have a chance to start with they are all taught and God's elect will teach them that's what we were talking about God was talking about earlier when said you're going to teach angels father in angelic bodies their spiritual bodies and but Satan doesn't die until the end of the millennium Revelation chapter 20 in the very last verse and I'm out of time then that begins the new age you'll read of it in Revelation 21 it's perfect there's no tears why Satan is gone and everybody this that deserves it out of time I love you all because you enjoy studying God's Word most of all God loves you for it makes his day and when you make his day boy is he going to bless you you can count on it father does love his children he loves you and and want you to return that love we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that you bless God he will always bless you he wants you to love him most important though you listen and you listen good you stay in his word every day in his word it's a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus Yeshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding the Shepherd's chapel post office box for one six grab it Arkansas 77-36 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for one six grab it Arkansas 77236 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Donald Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravid Arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan the solar you know that's kind of the obligation and the duties of God's children mr. soll to sow seeds in the agriculture terminology is fantastic because basically you get a deeper understanding you know it's amazing to me you know if you truly are a farmer what kind of seed do you sow the very best you have a lot of times you'll have a lot better luck fishing or sewing or planting if you plant those very chosen seeds they'll grow a lot better I will never forget what roped me in what brought me into the word and it was when a man at a very time that there was trauma and my family walked by and says isn't it wonderful to know where we America's mentioned in the Bible as it is and he walked on out and I thought what do you mean what was that that was a sea
Channel: Shepherds Chapel Bible Studies
Views: 39,803
Rating: 4.7974682 out of 5
Keywords: First Epistle To The Corinthians (Religious Text), Religion (TV Genre), Shepherd's Chapel I Corinthians, Shepherd's Chapel I Corinthians Chapter 5, Shepherd's Chapel I Corinthians Chapter 6, I Corinthians Bible Study, I Corinthians Chapter 5, I Corinthians Chapter 6, Pastor Murray I Corinthians, Pastor Murray I Corinthians Chapter 5, Pastor Murray I Corinthians Chapter 6, Pastor Arnold Murray I Corinthians, The Shepherd's Chapel (Place Of Worship)
Id: AOeHk3HSfYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2015
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