Jesus the Peace Maker - Episode 2

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this program is brought to you by the partners and friends of creflo dollar ministries coming up next on changing your world when christians proclaim if you sin god won't accept you you've been imputing people sin unto them if you go tell people if you sin god won't accept you you have been holding people's sins against them you're also demeaning and decreasing the value of jesus's sacrifice when you do that when you do that you're decreasing the value of everything that jesus did everything that jesus sacrificed for us in reality you're saying your sin is bigger and more important than what jesus did on the cross [Music] [Music] this is your world so let's vow to make it a better place let every heart that means [Music] i'm gonna make this statement and i want you to get a hold of it ii corinthians 5 21 jesus's righteousness made us right with god jesus's righteousness made us right with god now how do you do that how do you say that well look at this scripture for he hath made him he has made him to be sin for us who knew no sin he has made him to be sin for us who knew no sin who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of god in him now notice here he made jesus sin who had never sinned so that we could be made righteous and we've never been right wow we didn't become righteous we were made righteous because of jesus you see here's what happened jesus is righteous he came in and and it was a compensation for our sins and so heaven said if you believe in jesus you can get in him and i'll see you as righteous as i see jesus he says i'm not calling you righteous because you're right i'm calling you righteous because you believe in jesus and i see you through jesus and i see you righteous through jesus and i see you wholly through jesus he ain't got nothing to do what you did it's got something to do with what he did and so he said uh i'm gonna have jesus to take all of your sins and he's gonna look like sin on the cross uh but he but he'd never sinned before just so you can look like you righteous and you never been right before see you take jesus out of that equation none of that can happen in order to be reconciled to god we had to be as good as god that ain't never going to happen because of the fall in the garden how in the world take jesus out and the requirements are in order to be reconciled to god we got to be as good as god how's that going to happen when we got sin all in our lives and our lives the only way that can happen is for the righteousness of god to be imputed unto us the righteousness of god to be imputed unto us the word in puke means to charge against and so the only way we can be righteous is we believe god and they just say you're righteous let me show you this scripture he did that to abraham romans 4 20 and 25. see i'm not righteous because i do right i'm righteous because i believe in jesus and he said i'm righteous because i believe in him i've been made righteous see the church continues to think they're righteous because of what they do you're not righteous because what you do you're righteous because of what he did notice here he staggered not at the promise of god through unbelief but was strong in faith giving glory to god next verse and being fully persuaded that what he has promised he was also able to perform [Music] and therefore it was imputed to him abraham for righteousness so righteousness was imputed to abraham he said to abraham you're righteous and abraham was righteous because god declared him righteous all right now it was not written for his sake alone that it was imputed to abraham to be righteous to him but for us also to whom it shall be imputed righteousness will be imputed to us also god has charged righteousness to us the only way we could be righteous is if he declared us righteous oh my god it's kind of like a king who who takes this guy who's not in the bloodline of a knight and the king declares that guy uh a knight and that's the only way the only way he can be a knight is the king declared him a knight not because of what he did not because of his bloodline where he came from but the king declared him a knight so likewise you and i are righteous because jesus we are we've been declared righteous i'm righteous because god declared me as righteous and and i'm righteous because i believe in god and he says you're righteous abraham believed and the bible says you're righteous please get that in your head you're only righteous because god declared you righteous you're the righteousness of god because he said so you're not the righteousness of god because you go to church all the time you're not the righteousness of god because you help the poor you're not the righteous of god because you you do good or goody things now some of you here hear this as well that means i can do no i am not you stick with me right away you know isaiah 61 and 10 he says he had covered me with the robe of righteousness the only reason i'm righteous is that he put a robe and covered me with the robe of righteousness i'm righteous because he covered me with the robe of righteousness and so notice what happened philippians chapter 2 go there verses five and six so how does jesus accomplish this there god is a just god and so he cannot do anything if the issue is in order to be reconciled to god we must be as good as god then how do you do that how does how does a man come before god and be as good as god well remember jesus was born as a man so he could be a representative for all mankind and the bible says in verse 5 let this mind be in you which was in christ jesus verse 6 who being in the form of god thought it not robbery to be equal with god oh so jesus now is is is the representation for all man no man from adam could have possibly fulfilled the requirement of being as good as god so reconciliation could take place but jesus was jesus now was the representation for man jesus was was was all man but he was all god at the same time the word became flesh and dwelt amongst us jesus died as a man he was born as a man praise god and and the bible says that he thought it not robbery to be equal with god and so jesus was the representation for mankind that could stand before god representing a man and reconciliation could uh take place and peace could be on the earth because of jesus again take him out of the equation look at where it leads us so jesus paid the debt for sin god's wrath is appeased now men may not be reconciled to god in other words reconciliation is available men who have not accepted that they may not be reconciled to god but god has been reconciled to man his wrath is over and he's given us to the ministry of reconciliation god's not mad at you his wrath is over so the gospel speaks of how god placed all of the punishment for our sins upon jesus so as a judge sin had punishment in the old testament there was punishment for sin so in spite of our sins our relative unworthiness and needs christ paid the price for us justice demanded our punishment justice demanded our punishment there was sin there had to be punishment for that sin that was justice so what happened was is that jesus took the punishment for us my goodness jesus took the punishment everybody watching me right now every we we were all we all have sin come short of the glory of god justice demanded a punishment so that we wouldn't receive the punishment jesus was punished in our place jesus took the punishment now god's wrath has been forever satisfied he's not angry with people that might be the time i said that he's not angry with people when the tornado hits and destroys things that's not god anger at people when the fires in california break out that's not god's anger with people and people keep saying that's an act of god no he is not angry with people anymore jesus paid the price and all we must do is receive that payment jesus paid the price all we have to do is receive that payment i received that payment how i received that my sins have been dealt with i receive that god is no longer mad at me i receive that i have been made righteous i am righteous i am forgiven praise god now ladies and gentlemen that's good news think about it you sinned you sin and justice says you need to be punished for your sin but you know what god says jesus paid the price so i can have mercy and so i can be a father and so i can teach you that's the gospel that's the gospel people are still thinking that matthew mark luke and john is the gospel part of it is in those things but the gospel is that good news that god is not mad at us and jesus has taken care of our sins and all of our sins have been forgiving past present and future sins look at second corinthians chapter 5 and verse 19 he said to wit that god was in christ what was he doing in christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses unto them look at there the word impute charge against so god says that he was in christ reconciling the world how could he reconcile the world he said i'm not going to hold your sins against you i'm not going to hold your trespasses against you what does that mean he says when it comes to healing you i'm not gonna not heal you because i hold your sins against you when it comes for blessing you i'm not gonna not bless you because i hold your sins against you he says the only way this is gonna work is i'm gonna have to not hold your trespasses against you and so he says to wit that god was in christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses unto them and had committed unto them the word of reconciliation so it's almost like he's saying i don't hold your sins against you you don't hold yours you don't hold sin against other people but that's not so in the church we are so quick to get away from people who have missed the mark and we forget that you missed the mark but god says i'm not going to hold your sins against you and we love the whole sins of other people against them and so he says i won't hold your sins against you i want you to enter into this ministry of reconciliation don't allow your love not to be shown because you're holding somebody's sin against them don't don't don't allow your love not to be not to be demonstrated because you're holding their sins against them oh you don't want to have anything to do with them because they're in the wrong lifestyle oh you don't want to have anything to do with them because you know they they they've taken drugs or you don't want to have anything to do with them because they're divorced and you don't want to have anything to do with them look at us we're not we're not operating in the ministry of reconciliation that's not what that is god said that i am not imputing their sins against them and we are so sin conscious it's just hard for some people to to believe that we we somehow think that if we don't preach sin all the time and if we don't hold sin against people then we're not preaching the gospel you are so wrong that's not the ministry of reconciliation that we've been called to we've been called to walk in love um with with sinners that's what you see jesus doing jesus ate with with sinners he he talked with publicans uh uh prostitutes were out he's he didn't hold their sin against them and and he continued to show his goodness there was a woman who was caught in the very act of adultery pulled out sheets and awe jesus didn't hold his goodness from her because of her sin get this in your head he didn't do that now listen to me very carefully here in uh well ii corinthians 5 19 notice god was in christ not imputing that means to hold against he was not imputing sin isn't the issue you s your sin isn't a problem with god sin isn't the issue your sin isn't a problem with god now i know some of you well i'm gonna go on since if it's not a problem with god see if you really knew god you wouldn't even say something or think something dumb like that i'm trying to show you that you have focused too much we have focused too much in the church on sin sin isn't an issue your sin isn't a problem with god see you need to you need to compare and contrast these two things number one making light of sin versus making light of jesus making light of sin versus making light of jesus and i think what happens is is you make light of jesus when you make big of sin and if you're going to make big of what jesus has done you got to make light of sin and we can't figure that out we're so we're so focused and we we're so busy enlarging sin issue that we find ourselves you know making little what jesus did what he did what he did was amazing it was it was awesome it was the greatest thing ever in the world this is the only time a man can can have this grace even if he sins and god forgives him because he won't charge it against him and you walking around spending more time making people sin conscious instead of spending time making big of what jesus has done we've tied we've tied god's ability to our goodness listen to me we've tied god's ability to our goodness in other words we say that based on how good i am is going to determine whether god can do something for me we've tied his ability to our goodness uh well god's not gonna heal me because i hadn't been good see you've tied his ability to your goodness well god's not gonna prosper me because i hadn't i hadn't been acting like i should act you tied his ability to your goodness and god's ability is not tied to your goodness his ability is not tied to your goodness we've got to we got to recognize we've been reconciled to god god's good to us because of jesus we're righteous because of jesus we're forgiven because of jesus and you still think that what god can do in your life and versus what he can't do in your life is tied to your goodness so man if you hadn't been good enough then you know god can't use you to pray for sick if you haven't been good enough then you're limiting god because you keep saying well god can't do nothing for me because i'm not good enough people don't go to hell ladies and gentlemen because of their sins oh that's right all my life every church i've ever gone through you're gonna go to hell because of your sins people don't go to hell because of their sins they go to hell because they rejected the payment for sin they go to hell because they refuse to receive the savior you go to hell the only way you can end up in hell is that you reject jesus you reject the payment you reject the compensation that's why you go to hell i know that blows people's mind but that's why you go to hell if anybody goes to hell for sin then everybody's going to hell for sin yup i said it you don't go to hell for sin now that's not an excuse to sin but that's what people have used they've used hell to put fear in people and people were so sin conscious and so fear conscious and so death conscious that you don't understand as soon as you have faith in jesus christ that the holy spirit's going to come in and start changing your heart and you're not going to want to sin because he's going to take that desire out of you but we we just had to the only way we can get people to live right is to preach sin have you noticed you've been preaching sin all your life and people still sinning sin is not the issue you got to get them focused on jesus and focus on the savior and receive him as your lord and personal savior when christians proclaim if you sin god won't accept you you've been imputing people's sin unto them if you go tell people if you sin god won't accept you you have been holding people's sins against them you're also demeaning and decreasing the value of jesus's sacrifice when you do that when you do that you're decreasing the value of everything that jesus did everything that jesus sacrificed for us in reality you're saying your sin is bigger and more important than what jesus did on the cross do you think that do you think your sin is bigger and more important than what jesus did on the cross it's not you're seeing it bigger and more important than what jesus did on the cross god was in jesus not imputing man's sin unto them god was not in jesus imputing man's sin he was not imputing man's sin unto them sin is not the issue it is all a matter of what people are doing with jesus stop making sin the issue and make jesus the issue if you make jesus the issue he has is the one that's taking care of the sin and he will change your heart from inside out if someone doesn't receive jesus as their savior they reject the only payment available for sin if you don't receive jesus christ as your savior you reject the only payment for sin i'm sure you think well listen uh i just don't believe well if you don't believe you go to hell because you didn't accept jesus as your as your payment for sin and then then you're trying to say well i'll pay it myself and then you work real hard trying to be good and then you work real hard trying to do everything that you think will imply will please god and honey god's already pleased because of what jesus did listen to me this is the gospel i'm preaching to you man look at this in uh saint john 14 verse 6. saint john 14 verse 6 he says jesus said unto him i am the way i am the truth i am the life no man cometh to the father but by me can you see what the devil's trying to do now trying to get jesus out of your life trying to get jesus out of your attention because jesus is the only way to the father the way to the father is not by doing your thousands of good deeds the way to the father is not counting up at least 100 days at a time where you've been perfect or flawless no no that's not the way to the father i mean you do everything you can to be flawless and perfect that's not the way to the father the way to the father is through jesus christ it's through you accepting jesus as the payment as this peace offering as the savior that's your savior you can't go to the father you can't get to the father through buddha you can't get through the father through mohammed you can't get to the father through through whatever jesus is the only way you get to the father and if you got a problem with jesus because satan has filled your thoughts like he did peter and your opening mouth satan has filled your thoughts think of that you're saying that cause satan has filled your thoughts and i told you before you don't have to debate with me keep your letters to yourself because you're gonna die one day and i'm gonna die one day and when that time comes you will see that jesus is the door he's the only way in he's the only way out he is the door so if they don't accept the payment for their sins the lord jesus christ they'll be rejected and cast into hell not because of their sins but because of rejecting jesus in hell they'll be held accountable and somehow have to pay for these sins but the truth is all of the sins that you went to hell for have already been paid by jesus that's the real torment of going to hell you go to hell for sin that was already paid for but you didn't accept it you didn't have to go to hell so you think you're going to hell for your sins but if you've accepted jesus christ as your payment and your lord and your savior glory be to god you see i told me that is you said man all i had to do is believe that all i had to do was receive that my sins were paid for and i wouldn't be in this crazy place you're going to go to hell because you're so doggone smart that you you believe all of this humanistic junk these fables that people are preaching and you decided i'm not going to have anything to do with jesus i i don't want to have anything to do with religion i don't want to have anything to do with religious religion but i want jesus is my everything jesus is my everything wow man wake up wake up get a hold of this now therefore sin isn't really the issue the issue is what are you going to do with jesus now at this point you have to look at everything and receive god's love the lord wants you to stop focusing on sin and start focusing on his love jesus did everything he did because he first loved us when you think of god do you think of someone sitting high on a throne looking down and judging you do you feel like god is angry with you well in creflo dollar's liberating series jesus the peacemaker receive a revelation on how god's gift of jesus christ produced peace between god and man for a love gift of just 25 or more you can receive this series where he shows how jesus paid the price for us to be at peace with god start seeing god loving you with an unconditional love stop trying to find reasons why it's not enough and that god doesn't want to help you and bless you and and prosper you understanding righteousness will cause us to reign or to rule in life when sickness comes you rule over it when lack comes you rule over it when depression comes you rule over it when you understand righteousness you will rule in life call the number on your screen or visit to order today creflo dollar ministries tv app brings you live church services direct to your smart tv and much more you'll also get access to changing your world network streaming grace messages and exclusive content 24 hours a day right in the app get unlimited streaming through roku amazon and apple tv absolutely free visit your app store download the creflo dollar ministries tv app now to start streaming for more information visit [Music] the bible teaches us to give generously with a cheerful heart not out of necessity but out of a cheerful heart and that's why i'm so grateful for the friends and partners of this ministry who freely and cheerfully give financial offerings to support us you understand our vision you know that when people understand grace they're empowered to change their lives for the better thank you for supporting us with your financial donations and every time you give you're being used by god to stop misfortune in someone else's life and for that we say thank you god bless you if you want to honor the lord by sowing financial seeds into creflo dollar ministries call the number on your screen or log on to creflo ministries download and stay connected with the changing your world podcast with creflo dollar keep the word of god at the forefront of your mind with these powerful and uplifting messages with each message that you download and stream you gain revelation of the fullness of god's grace the changing your world podcast brings you life-changing wisdom right at your fingertips no matter where you are subscribe today on apple podcast spotify or your preferred podcast platform join us online as we bring you praise and worship from the world changers church family and the word of god from pastors creflo dollar and taffy dollar because of you creflo dollar ministries is providing a new understanding of grace and empowering change in the lives of millions of people every day thank you partners and friends your love and financial support makes it possible to bring this message into millions of homes all across the globe [Music] you
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 509
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: lzT7yYD3Bwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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