Jesus The Peace Maker - Sunday Service

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this is going to bless you grab a pen a paper send a text over to a friend let them know that we are going to talk about jesus the peacemaker jesus the peacemaker and i'm going to begin a series of sermons on jesus and righteousness because i've discovered that people don't take hold of everything that's been made available to them because they don't understand they don't understand jesus they don't understand the significance of jesus in our lives they don't understand righteousness they don't understand the significance of righteousness in our lives and as a result of it we're just all over the place and so i want to take some time over the next month or so and we're going to dive deeply into understanding jesus and what he has made available for us understanding jesus and what we have and and how to take hold of it by faith but i want to i want to teach it in in a practical way so that you know how to apply these things to your everyday life so father we do thank you for this another opportunity to minister to these your precious sheep thank you that revelation knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanical demonic force speak through my vocal cords think through my mind none of me and all of you it's in jesus name we pray and everybody say it amen well if you have your bibles go with me to the book of luke chapter 2 verses 8 through 14. jesus the peacemaker what is that all about jesus the peacemaker one of the reasons i want to start here is because you know jesus uh has been under such attack in our society people have been working overtime to try to get people to you know let jesus go and and you need to let him go because he's the white jesus or he's the black jesus i don't care what color his skin was he's the jesus that was responsible for bringing peace between mankind and god and i'm gonna tell you right now don't you fall for any of that stuff because listen the only way to the father is through jesus christ and so i i want to teach this today so that you can understand the significance of jesus in our lives the significance of of jesus in the past in the present and also in our future and so this is very very important take good notes check this out and i'll show you how to apply this in your life luke chapter 2 verses 8 through 14 he says in and there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field keeping watch over their flock by night and lo the angel of the lord came upon them and the glory of the lord shone round about them and they were so afraid and the angel said unto him unto them fear not for behold i bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people for unto you was born this day in the city of david a savior now he's talking about jesus and he tells you right here that jesus was born to be a savior and he tells you who it is in the city of david a savior which is christ the lord so christ the lord born to be a savior all right and this shall be a sign unto you you shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothing lying in a manger and suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host talking about there were angels there and they were praising god and here's what they were saying glory to god in the highest peace on earth good will towards men here's what they were saying we are thanking god that there is now peace on earth there is peace on earth between god and man now most of the time people just look at this you know as a christmas celebration uh scripture but there's something so much more going on here they're thanking god that there's peace on earth and so if they're praising god that peace is on earth and referring to jesus as being you know the the the the peace that's on the earth then before there was peace on the earth what was on the earth before they decided there's peace on earth and good will towards men well i want to look at this and we'll talk about that answer that question matthew chapter 1 and 21. now notice what they say here about jesus he says and she shall bring forth a son and thou shall call his name jesus for he shall save his people from their sins all right so we just read that jesus was a savior and he's gonna save people from their sins so jesus the savior saving people from their sins but now how's he going to do this and what is the deal about this peace on earth you see they were announcing that uh that peace they were saying peace is here peace is here and and good will towards men from god there's good will that's now coming towards men from god you see god was at war against man's sin when adam and eve sinned in the garden sin is is just enmity to towards god and and god and man's sin there was a battle there uh there was a wrath there and also there was judgment from god he says we're going to move from judgment from god to get some good will from god you see when adam and eve sinned in the garden god had to judge it or he wouldn't be just and so in the old testament you see a god of judgment there were certain things that sin brought to pass because man committed sin and that sin on his life was enmity towards god and god now had to become a judge and judgment came from god because of man's sins there was judgment against people in the old testament because of what happened in that garden of eden because of man's sin but i need you to understand that when jesus showed up as the peace offering and the angels declare there is now peace on earth now god's going to give good will towards men you've got to understand that there was a wrath and judgment from god against people in the old testament that is now totally unjustified and wrong in the new testament so now why would it be wrong for god to be judged in the new testament and judgment comes from god to man in the new testament well here's the reason why because jesus ended the war between god and man because of sin jesus made all of the difference jesus became the game changer and listen you know you got to be careful when you listen to people that talk against jesus and leave jesus alone and don't have anything to do with jesus you remember when uh jesus was on the earth and and he was talking to them about revelation revelation knowledge he said who do men say that i the son of man am and they began to talk to him and he said that and peter opened his mouth and said thou art the christ the son of the living god you remember that and jesus you know congratulated him in front of all the the disciples said flesh and blood didn't reveal this to you but my father revealed this to you and all this rock i'll build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against thee and jesus began to talk to them about him how he must come to die and then peter opened his mouth and said you don't have to die and then jesus said satan i rebuke you what peter went from revelation knowledge from heaven to speaking as motivated by the devil now there are a lot of people in the world today that are speaking as motivated by the devil somebody says how can you say that because when you're saying something that is against god's will when you're saying something against god's plan if you're saying something against what god has said and what god has established then you're speaking something that is against god's will and and jesus called it satan jesus called him the devil because of what he was saying uh because of what he was what he was speaking and uh so uh let me let me see if i can that's a that's a powerful scripture i i think that as we begin to to look at what's going on here you'll begin to see what i'm saying today how we cannot allow our lives to be subject to people who don't know god and when people don't know god they'll open their mouths up and they'll say something that that uh that they don't understand in verse 22 he says then peter uh matthew 16 verse 22 then peter took him and began then peter took him took jesus and began to rebuke him now why was he rebuking jesus just stay with me for a moment verse 21 from that time forth began jesus to show unto his disciples how that he must go into jerusalem and suffer many things of the elders and the chief scribes and that he will be killed and he will be raised again the third day so jesus was saying this 22 then peter took him and began to rebuke him saying be it far from thee lord this shall not be unto thee well jesus just said this was going to happen he said it's not going to be unto thee but he turned and he said unto peter get thee behind me satan thou art an offense unto me for thou savior if not the things that be of god but those things that be of man this is coming out of peter's mouth and jesus is recognizing that is not from god that is not from god and so you're going to hear people talk about oh well you ought not to have anything to do with the bible because it's a white man's book you have people to use the bible to manipulate folks but it's not a white man's book it's a book for human beings you understand and if you buy that that fable that well jesus is a white man leave jesus alone and and people cursing jesus you're you're going against the only one that can help you he's the only one jesus is the peacemaker he is the maker of peace and so jesus ended the war between god and man and he made all the difference so the gospel is the good news that god isn't angry with you the gospel is the good news that god is an anger at you that he loves you and that he wants uh to extend all of his blessings towards you that god loves you that god forgives you god's not angry at you god's not angry at you god's not angry at you and god wants to spend his time releasing his blessings towards your life that's the good news of the gospel jesus paid the price to redeem us to restore us to restore the friendship between god and man before adam and eve sinned jesus paid the price so that could be possible to stop god's wrath upon sin jesus paid the price so today we can have a father and not someone that's going to judge us and pass judgment towards us uh not now in this period of grace and and he's gonna be a father that that's not mad at you and please understand god's not mad at you please understand god is not mad at you god is no longer angry god is not even in a bad mood because jesus is the peacemaker let me show you these scriptures real quick first john chapter one verses one through two jesus paid the price to redeem us and to stop god's wrath somebody said well god's mad at you that's why you had to correct god's mad at you that's why you got cancer god's mad at you that's why you lost your baby and people live under that kind of condemnation that's that's not so that that's not so in the new testament now look at this first john listen y'all first john chapter 2 verses 1 through 2 he says my little children these things right unto you that you sin not and if any man sin we have an advocate with the father jesus christ the righteous underline that jesus christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world so he says jesus is the propitiation what is that word propitiation what does that mean jesus is the compensation or jesus is the payment for our sins jesus is the propitiation or he's the compensation or he's the payment or he's the peace offering the angels begin to declare peace on earth because of jesus because jesus was the peace offering between between god and man's sin and so you need to understand that jesus is the compensation and the peace offering between god and the wrath that he had with man's sin and the judgment that would come because of man's sin and the anger from heaven because of man's sin and jesus began was the payment he's the compensation for that so that won't exist anymore so here's the good news jesus is your compensation jesus is your payment for all of your sins you notice he has provided the payment for you look at this in saint john chapter 1 29. see you can't do this without jesus god can't even that reconciliation would not be possible if it were not for jesus and then it crazy how people are even today attacking jesus trying to tell people don't believe in jesus he said the next day john seeth jesus coming unto him and saith behold the lamb of god referring to jesus which taketh away the sins of the world so jesus is not only the compensation and the peace offering for you know the sins of people who are in the church right now but he has paid for the sins of the whole world now that's powerful he's paid for sins of the whole world you got to understand that in this in this age in this time in the time of the new testament god is not going to beat people down strike curses on you make you sick throw you in a ditch somewhere to get you to change your mind and be saved god's going to use goodness to bring people to change their mind and repent god's going to use goodness look at romans chapter 2 and 4. god's going to use goodness he's going to he's going to use goodness god's going to be good to people who are not even saved so he can get you to change your mind god is going to use goodness to get you to change your mind about things look what he says in verse 4 or despise thou the riches of his goodness or the forbearance and the longsuffering not knowing that the goodness of god leadeth thee to repentance that word repentance means to change your mind literally to change your mind so i don't know where where your mindset is maybe you have a mindset that says i don't believe in god maybe i have a mindset that says i don't have anything to do with god or or i don't have anything to do with the church and i don't want to have anything to do with the bible i don't want to have anything to do with jesus i don't have anything to do with white jesus i know what your mindset is but i'm going to tell you something if anything good has happened in your life that was god because god said that goodness of god is going to lead you to change your mind you're going to look back at all the things that could have should have and would have happened in your life and it didn't happen and you know that the goodness you experience is not because of you the goodness you experience is because of god and he says i'm going to use this goodness to bring you to repentance so god is just but jesus paid that price look at first corinthians 6 and 20. god is just but jesus paid the price jesus you i i want to i know i'm being repetitive i hope i'm not going too fast but i need you to understand that you know he is the peacemaker take jesus out of the equation we are all doomed to hell we're all under a judge look what he said verse 20 for you are bought with a price stop right there i need you to know you were bought with a price you were bought with a price therefore glorify god in your body go ahead and give thanks to god in your body and go ahead and give thanks to god in your spirit which are god's why you were bought with a price jesus is that compensation jesus is that peace offering jesus is that payment for all of your sins you were bought with a price if you understand that say amen so he totally changed the way god deals with man jesus did jesus totally changed the way that god deals with mankind and that's what these angels were singing about peace on earth now there's going to be good will towards men instead of wrath of god on earth and you know judgment coming as a result of what they did wrong a curse upon them because of what they did wrong now look at second corinthians chapter 5 17 and 18. let's get into this now second corinthians chapter 5 17 through 18. notice what he says here he says therefore if any man be where in christ now what he says if anybody got born again if you're now born again and you're saved you're in christ so he says if any man be in christ or be saved or be born again he says now that you're born again you're in christ he's a new creature he says the old things are passed away behold what all things are become what new verse 18 and all things are of god if you're in christ god who hath reconciled us to himself to reconcile means to restore back to friendship to restore the relationship that was once broken and hindered he said god who hath reconciled us to himself how did he do that how did god reconcile us to himself he said by jesus christ he see even god could not accomplish reconciliation except that be a jesus christ he says by jesus christ and hath given to us he said he gave to us the ministry of reconciliation and so now my job is to go and announce to people hey peace is on earth jesus has come through jesus we can be reconciled with god god's not mad at you anymore god's not gonna get you god's not gonna cause you to have a car wreck god's not gonna kill you god's not gonna get you back for something that you did come on back to god that's the ministry that we've been called to in in in essence uh because of what jesus has done now to reconcile again is to simply make friendly or to bring back into harmony god is not upset i keep saying that i'm gonna say it a lot because i i know a lot of people who quit praying who quit coming to church who quit listening to the word because they think god's upset with them listen to me carefully now you know i used to preach that if god didn't judge america he would have to apologize to sodom and gomorrah but now i understand that if he did judge america he'd have to apologize to jesus because of jesus god is no longer not at this time during this period of grace because of jesus christ there's peace on earth good will towards man and so if god if god did judge america harshly and rain down fire and all that other stuff a lot of people a lot of people think that the pandemic is from god a lot of people think that that's god's judgment it came from god and god's gonna show you he's gonna kill a whole bunch of people and a whole bunch of people gonna die of covet and god's gonna get you and god's gonna get you no no no no no because of jesus god can no longer deal with man like that because of jesus god is no longer a judge he's a father and if he judged america like some people say he would have to apologize to jesus because jesus made the difference in the way god relates to mankind and this is what the angels were praising him for jesus made the difference in how god relate to mankind now you go back you go back in the old covenant and you go look at how god dealt with man before jesus came oh it was bad it was bad i mean thousands of people died uh in israel wondering and folks died all the time rain the rain of fire came down and and burnt up a whole lot of folk people died man i mean a lot of people died because of the judgment of god that came because that's how god dealt with uh man at the time but not so jesus changed the way god dealt with man now let me show you something real quick second corinthians chapter 5 21. i'm going to make this statement and i want you to get a hold of it second corinthians 5 21 jesus's righteousness made us right with god jesus's righteousness made us right with god now how do you do that how do you say that well look at this scripture for he hath made him he has made him to be sin for us who knew no sin he has made him to be sin for us who knew no sin who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of god in him now notice here he made jesus sin who had never sinned so that we could be made righteous and we've never been right wow we didn't become righteous we were made righteous because of jesus you see here's what happened jesus is righteous he came in and and it was a compensation for our sins and so heaven said if you believe in jesus you can get in him and i'll see you as righteous as i see jesus he says i'm not calling you righteous because you're right i'm calling you righteous because you believe in jesus and i see you through jesus and i see you righteous through jesus and i see you holy through jesus he ain't got nothing to do what you did it's got something to do with what he did and so he said uh i'm gonna have jesus to take all of your sins and he's gonna look like sin on the cross uh but he but he'd never sinned before just so you can look like you righteous and you've never been right before see you take jesus out of that equation none of that can happen in order to be reconciled to god we had to be as good as god that ain't never going to happen because of the fall in the garden how in the world take jesus out and the requirements are in order to be reconciled to god we got to be as good as god how's that going to happen when we got sin all in our lives and our lives the only way that can happen is for the righteousness of god to be imputed unto us the righteousness of god to be imputed unto us the word in puke means to charge against and so the only way we can be righteous is we believe god and they just say you're righteous let me show you this scripture he did that to abraham romans 4 20 and 25. see i'm not righteous because i do right i'm righteous because i believe in jesus and he said i'm righteous because i believe in him i've been made righteous see the church continues to think they're righteous because of what they do you're not righteous because what you do you're righteous because of what he did notice here he staggered not at the promise of god through unbelief but was strong in faith giving glory to god next verse and being fully persuaded that what he has promised he was also able to perform [Music] and therefore it was imputed to him abraham for righteousness so righteousness was imputed to abraham he said to abraham you're righteous and and abraham was righteous because god declared him righteous all right now it was not written for his sake alone that it was imputed to abraham to be righteous to him but for us also to whom it shall be imputed righteousness will be imputed to us also god has charged righteousness to us the only way we could be righteous is if he declared us righteous oh my god it's kind of like a king who who takes this guy who's not in the bloodline of a knight and the and the king declares that guy uh a knight and that's the only way the only way he can be a knight is the king declaring him a night not because of what he did not because of his bloodline where he came from but the king declared him a knight so likewise you and i are righteous because jesus we are we've been declared righteous i'm righteous because god declared me as righteous and and i'm righteous because i believe in god and he says you're righteous abraham believed and the bible says you're righteous please get that in your head you're only righteous because god declared you righteous you're the righteousness of god because he said so you're not the righteousness of god because you go to church all the time you're not the righteousness of god because you help the poor you're not the righteous of god because you you do good or goody things now some of you here hear this as well that means i can do no i'm not you just stick with me right away you know isaiah 61 and 10 he says he had covered me with the robe of righteousness the only reason i'm righteous is that he put a robe and covered me with the robe of righteousness i'm righteous because he covered me with the robe of righteousness and so notice what happened philippians chapter 2 go there verses 5 and 6. so how does jesus accomplish this there god is a just god and so he cannot do anything if the issue is in order to be reconciled to god we must be as good as god then how do you do that how does how does a man come before god and be as good as god well remember jesus was born as a man so he could be a representative for all mankind and the bible says in verse 5 let this mind be in you which was in christ jesus verse 6 who being in the form of god thought it not robbery to be equal with god oh so jesus now is is is the representation for all man no man from adam could have possibly fulfilled the requirement of being as good as god so reconciliation could take place but jesus was jesus now was the representation for man jesus was was was all man but he was all god at the same time the word became flesh and dwelt amongst us jesus died as a man he was born as a man praise god and and the bible says that he thought it not robbery to be equal with god and so jesus was the representation for mankind that could stand before god representing a man and reconciliation could take place and peace could be on the earth because of jesus again take him out of the equation look at where it leads us so jesus paid the debt for sin god's wrath is appeased now man may not be reconciled to god in other words reconciliation is available men who have not accepted that they may not be reconciled to god but god has been reconciled to man his wrath is over and he's given us to the ministry of reconciliation god's not mad at you his wrath is over so the gospel speaks of how god placed all of the punishment for our sins upon jesus so as a judge sin had punishment in the old testament there was punishment for sin so in spite of our sins our relative unworthiness and needs christ paid the price for us justice demanded our punishment justice demanded our punishment there was sin there had to be punishment for that sin that was justice so what happened was is that jesus took the punishment for us my goodness jesus took the punishment everybody watching me right now every we we were all we all have sin come short of the glory of god justice demanded a punishment so that we wouldn't receive the punishment jesus was punished in our place jesus took the punishment now god's wrath has been forever satisfied he's not angry with people that might be they time i said that he's not angry with people when the tornado hits and destroys things that's not god anger at people when the fires in california break out that's not god's anger with people and people keep saying that's an act of god no he is not angry with people anymore jesus paid the price and all we must do is receive that payment jesus paid the price all we have to do is receive that payment i received that payment how i received that my sins have been dealt with i received that god is no longer mad at me i receive that i have been made righteous i am righteous i am forgiven praise god now ladies and gentlemen that's good news think about it you sinned you sin and justice says you need to be punished for your sin but you know what god says jesus paid the price so i can have mercy and so i can be a father and so i can teach you that's the gospel that's the gospel people are still thinking that matthew mark luke and john is the gospel part of it is in those things but the gospel is that good news that god is not mad at us and jesus has taken care of our sins and all of our sins have been forgiving past present and future sins look at second corinthians chapter 5 and verse 19. he said to wit that god was in christ what was he doing in christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses unto them look at there the the word impute charge against so god says that he was in christ reconciling the world how could he reconcile the world he said i'm not going to hold your sins against you i'm not going to hold your trespasses against you what does that mean he says when it comes to healing you i'm not gonna not heal you because i hold your sins against you when it comes for blessing you i'm not gonna not bless you because i hold your sins against you he says the only way this is going to work is i'm going to have to uh not hold your trespasses against you and so he says to wit that god was in christ reconciling the world and to himself not imputing their trespasses unto them and have committed unto them the word of reconciliation so it's almost like he's saying i don't hold your sins against you you don't hold yours you don't hold sin against other people but that's not so in the church we're so quick to get away from people who have missed the mark and and we forget that you missed the mark but god says i'm not going to hold your sins against you and we love the whole sins of other people against them and so he says i won't hold your sins against you i want you to enter into this ministry of reconciliation don't allow your love not to be shown because you're holding somebody sin against them don't don't don't allow your love not to be not to be demonstrated because you're holding their sins against them oh you don't want to have anything to do with them because they're in the wrong lifestyle oh you don't want to have anything to do with them because you know they they they've taken drugs or you don't want to have anything to do with them because they're divorced and you don't want to have anything to do with them look at us we're not we're not operating in the ministry of reconciliation that's not what that is god said that i am not imputing their sins against them and we are so sin conscious it's just hard for some people to to believe that we we somehow think that if we don't preach sin all the time and and if we don't hold sin against people then we're not preaching the gospel you are so ignorant you are so wrong that's not the ministry of reconciliation that we've been called to we've been called to walk in love um with with sinners that's what you see jesus doing jesus ate with with sinners he he talked with publicans uh prostitutes were right he didn't hold their sin against them and and he continued to show his goodness there was a woman who was caught in a very act of adultery pulled out sheets and all jesus didn't hold his goodness from her because of her sin get this in your head he didn't do that now listen to me very carefully here and uh over the second corinthians 5 19 notice god was in christ not imputing that means to hold against he was not imputing sin isn't the issue your sin isn't a problem with god sin isn't the issue your sin isn't a problem with god now i know some of you well i'm going on sins if it's not a problem with god see if you really knew god you wouldn't even say something or think something dumb like that i'm trying to show you that you have focused too much we have focused too much in the church on sin sin isn't an issue your sin isn't a problem with god see you need to you need to compare and contrast these two things number one making light of sin versus making light of jesus making light of sin versus making light of jesus and i think what happens is is you make light of jesus when you make big of sin and if you're going to make big of what jesus has done you got to make light of sin and we can't figure that out we're so we're so focused and we we're so busy enlarging sin issue that we find ourselves you know making little what jesus did what he did what he did was amazing it was it was awesome it was the greatest thing ever in the world this is the only time a man can can have this grace even if he sins and god forgives him because he won't charge it against him and and you walking around spending more time making people sin conscious instead of spending time making big of what jesus has done we've tied we've tied god's ability to our goodness listen to me we've tied god's ability to our goodness in other words we say that based on how good i am is gonna determine whether god can do something for me we've tied his ability to our goodness uh well god's not gonna heal me because i hadn't been good see you've tied his ability to your goodness well god's not going to prosper me because i hadn't i hadn't been acting like i should act you tied his ability to your goodness and god's ability is not tied to your goodness his ability is not tied to your goodness we've got to we got to recognize we've been reconciled to god god's good to us because of jesus we're righteous because of jesus we're forgiven because of jesus and you still think that what god can do in your life and versus what he can't do in your life is tied to your goodness so man if you hadn't been good enough then you know god can't use you to pray for sick if you haven't been good enough then you're limiting god because you keep saying well god can't do nothing for me because i'm not good enough people don't go to hell ladies and gentlemen because of their sins ah that's right all my life every church i've ever gone through you're gonna go to hell because of your sins people don't go to hell because of their sins they go to hell because they rejected the payment for sin they go to hell because they refuse to receive the savior you go to hell the only way you can end up in hell is that you reject jesus you reject the payment you reject the compensation that's why you go to hell i don't know it blows people's mind but that's why you go to hell if anybody goes to hell for sin then everybody's going to hell for sin yup i said it you don't go to hell for sin now that's not an excuse to sin but that's what people have used they've used hell to put fear in people and people were so sin conscious and so fear conscious and so death conscious that you don't understand as soon as you have faith in jesus christ that the holy spirit is going to come in and start changing your heart and you're not going to want to sin because he's going to take that desire out of you but we we just had to the only way we can get people to live right is to preach sin have you noticed you've been preaching sin all your life and people still sinning sin is not the issue you got to get them focused on jesus and focus on the savior and receive him as your lord and personal savior when christians proclaim if you sin god won't accept you you've been imputing people's sin unto them if you go tell people if you sin god won't accept you you have been holding people's sins against them you're also demeaning and decreasing the value of jesus sacrifice when you do that when you do that you're decreasing the value of everything that jesus did everything that jesus sacrificed for us in reality you're saying your sin is bigger and more important than what jesus did on the cross do you think that do you think your sin is bigger and more important than what jesus did on the cross it's not you're seeing it bigger and more important than what jesus did on the cross god was in jesus not imputing man's sin unto them god was not in jesus imputing man's sin he was not imputing man's sin unto them sin is not the issue it is all a matter of what people are doing with jesus stop making sin the issue and make jesus the issue if you make jesus the issue he has is the one that's taking care of the sin and he will change your heart from inside out if someone doesn't receive jesus as their savior they reject the only payment available for sin if you don't receive jesus christ as your savior you reject the only payment for sin i'm sure you think well listen uh i just don't believe well if you don't believe you go to hell because you didn't accept jesus as your as your payment for sin and then then you're trying to say well i'll pay it myself and then you work real hard trying to be good and then you work real hard trying to do everything that you think will imply will please god and honey god's already pleased because of what jesus did listen to me this is the gospel i'm preaching to you man look at this in uh saint john 14 verse 6. saint john 14 verse 6 he says jesus saith unto him i am the way i am the truth i am the life no man coming to the father but by me can you see what the devil's trying to do now trying to get jesus out of your life trying to get jesus out of your attention because jesus is the only way to the father the way to the father is not by doing your thousands of good deeds the way to the father is not counting up at least 100 days at a time where you've been perfect or flawless no no that's not the way to the father i mean you do everything you can to be flawless and perfect that's not the way to the father the way to the father is through jesus christ it's through you accepting jesus as the payment as this peace offering as the savior that's your savior you can't go to the father you can't get to the father through buddha you can't get through the father through mohammed you can't get to the father through through whatever jesus is the only way you get to the father and if you've got a problem with jesus because satan has filled your thoughts like he did peter and your opening mouth satan has filled your thoughts think of that you're saying that because satan has filled your thoughts and i told you before you don't have to debate with me keep your letters to yourself because you're going to die one day and i'm going to die one day and when that time comes you will see that jesus is the door he's the only way in he's the only way out he is the door so if they don't accept the payment for their sins the lord jesus christ they'll be rejected and cast into hell not because of their sins but because of rejecting jesus in hell they'll be held accountable and somehow have to pay for these sins but the truth is all of the sins that you went to hell for have already been paid by jesus that's the real torment of going to hell you go to hell for sin that was already paid for but you didn't accept it you didn't have to go to hell so you think you're going to hell for your sins but if you've accepted jesus christ as your payment and your lord and your savior glory be to god you see how tormenting that is you said man all i had to do is believe that all i had to do was receive that my sins were paid for and i wouldn't be in this crazy place you're going to go to hell because you're so doggone smart that you you believe all of this humanistic junk these fables that people are preaching and you decided i'm not going to have anything to do with jesus i i don't want to have anything to do with religion i don't want to have anything to do with religious religion but i want jesus is my everything jesus is my everything wow man wake up wake up get a hold of this now therefore sin isn't really the issue the issue is what are you going to do with jesus now at this point you have to look at everything and receive god's love the lord wants you to stop focusing on sin and start focusing on his love jesus did everything he did because he first loved us and if you could ever get a picture of the price jesus paid for your sins you'd fall head over heels in love with him if you could ever get a get a picture of what he really did and since faith works by love galatians 5 and 6 your faith would shoot through the roof if you could understand how much god loves you god loved me so much he became sin god loved me so much he paid the price for my sin god loved me so much that he went to hell for my sins god loved me so much that he was raised from the dead for my sin god loves me so much if you could really get a hold of how much god loves you and faith worketh by love your faith will shoot through the roof first john chapter five and and uh and two and three says something and i want to i don't have time to teach on this but i want to make sure you you understand what i'm what i'm saying first john 5 2 and 3 he says by this we know that we love the children of god when we love god and keep his commandments now he's talking he's not talking about keeping the mosaic law he's talking about keeping his commandments what are his commandments uh in verse 23 uh in first john chapter 3 verse 23 he says and this is the commandment that we should believe and this is his commandment and this is his commandments well what is his commandment that we should believe on the name of his son jesus christ and love one another as he gave us a commandment to love this is not saying keep the commandments to get god to love you he's talking about his commandments we're not here not talking about you're going to love your brother so you can get god to love you you're going to believe on his name so you can get god to love you now it is saying if you understood the love of god you would keep his commandments if you understood the love of god you would believe on the name of his son if you understood the love of god it would be no problem for you to love your brother look at second corinthians chapter five and nineteen second corinthians chapter five and nineteen i mean we we're going all out man we're going to we're going to let that devil know we are not going to allow you to deceive us out of believing in who jesus is second corinthians 5 19 he says to wit that god was in christ doing what reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses unto them hath committed unto us what the word of reconciliation this is the word that the church should be preaching we should be preaching god is not angry we should be preaching he's not even in a bad mood he loves you he's paid the price for you receive him receive his love this is what we should be telling people but instead we are saying to people stuff like god's going to get you god god's going to judge the country you better repent because the wrath of god is coming upon your house before noon time that's not what we should be preaching you see second corinthians 5 20 we are an uh an accuracy an accurate representation of who jesus is ii corinthians 5 20 says now then we are ambassadors we are chosen representation representatives ambassadors for christ as though god did beseech you by us we pray you in christ said be reconciled to god so i'm an ambassador doesn't just go over to other nations and proclaim whatever they want this ambassador must be in touch with their home country so that they can accurately represent their nation as believers we're supposed to be doing the same thing we're supposed to be representing god we're supposed to be having the same ministry jesus had and god in christ did not impute man's sin unto them we should have that same thing he went and he ate with publicans with harlots and with other sinners the religious system had condemned these people so much that they wouldn't even want to have anything else to do with god and as ambassadors we're supposed to to be ministering his message saying what he told us to say in his word my faith i've come to understand it works by love i i i thought of this illustration that uh if somebody somebody were to fall dead right in the middle of the church that fear wouldn't stop you from from doubting god's ability but it'll stop you from doubting god's willingness to use his ability through you because you know you may not be worthy and that's why i'm preaching this god got so much he wants to do through you [Music] but you're so afraid that you're just not worthy you're just so afraid that you're not good enough you're just so afraid that you've messed up too much and god just can't use you well i want to remind you he used he used some murderers in the bible he used moses he murdered a man yeah he did he used the apostle paul he murdered a man yeah but he still used them he used them he can use you he used king david he murdered a man he can use you see you can't tie god's ability to your goodness you got to let it go most of us believe that god moves in our life only when we're worthy we've tied his ability to our goodness the moment you do that listen the moment you have the attitude that god only moves in my life only when i'm worthy the moment you do that satan will defeat you your own heart will condemn you and let you know that you don't deserve it this is not the message of jesus christ he's not imputing sin against man he told us to tell people god isn't mad at you anymore so don't settle for cancer because you're thinking well you deserve it god's mad at you now this doesn't mean that it's all up to god you and i must believe to receive you don't have to be holy and do everything right but you do have to believe that is the prerequisite for everything that god promised in his word you have to believe your sins are gone your sins are forgotten about look at this uh verse 21 second corinthians 5 21 he says for he that hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of god in him so god sees you righteous god sees you holy god sees you pure now i don't know how you've been seeing yourself but god sees you righteous god sees you holy god sees you pure your sins have been obliterated your sins have been taken care of your sins have been cast into the sea of forgiveness he has forgotten them look at psalms 103 verse 12 your sins have been cast into the sea of forgetfulness he has forgotten them look at what he says verse 12 as far as the east is from the west they ain't never gonna touch so far have he removed our transgressions from us he's removed our transgressions from us he's removed it you either believe it or not i told you you either believe it or not i believe it i believe you believe it amen god isn't looking at your sins he's not dealing with you based on the way you deal with yourself let me show you this scripture this will be my last one i think hebrews chapter 9 28 in the new living translation hebrews chapter 9 and 8 in the new living translation 9 28 excuse me now look at this he says so also christ was offered once for all time as a sacrifice to take away the sins of many people he will come again how many you know jesus is coming again he will come again not to deal with our sins but to bring salvation to all who are eagerly waiting for him now look at this scripture notice he says that jesus has already died for the sins of many people in other words he has already taken care of the sin issue sin is not an issue to god he's already taken care of the sin issue he says he's going to come again but he's not coming to deal with your sins he's not coming to deal with your sins why because your sins have already been dealt with your sins have already been dealt with jesus dealt with your sin jesus was the was the payment for every man's sin past present and future sin he's already dealt with your sin he's already dealt with you now i'm sure somebody will bless god i don't believe in that listen i ain't listen i believe in word and when i find out that the word says something and i just and then i realize i've been believing something contrary to what it says i don't try to change the word i allow the word to change my thinking i allow the word to change how i used to think about a thing and i get into it and i dig into it well the bible contradicts itself it does not contradict itself you just don't know how to rightly divide it and once you learn how to rightly divide it you'll find that it is a book of harmony that does what needs to be done he said he will come again but not to deal with our sins but to bring salvation to all who eagerly are waiting for him i'm waiting for him i'm waiting for him i i'm not going to be caught up in this world system i'm not going to be caught up in this world's way of thinking i'm not going to be caught up in this world's belief system i'm not going to be caught up in the in these things that people talk about i'm just not going to do that i've got too many years of experience that this word works i've got experience with meningitis this word works i got experience with cancer this word works i got experience with poverty this word works i've got experience with extreme depression this word works it works for anybody that will work it this word works and so i need you guys to understand me today i need you to understand me today it's time to get back to this word it's time to to to look at jesus it's time to don't let nobody cause you to lose your focus on jesus he is the way he is the truth he's the life he's your way in your way out don't let jesus down don't let jesus go because of what some people are saying fables is all they are you've tried the rest now time to try the best jesus is the best there is no other name higher and greater than the name of jesus and you know what he's coming back again he's coming back again but until he comes i'm gonna cry loud like a like a trump and i'm gonna cry loud like like john the baptist did in the wilderness i'm gonna preach this jesus and i'm not gonna let racism separate me from jesus i'm not gonna let the color of what somebody said jesus i'm not doing none of that i know jesus because he lives in me you ask me how i know he lives he lives with me i know him i i talk to him he talks to me i know him you can get to know him today if you want to i don't know about you but it should be a big relief for you to understand that everything's on him it's on him now there's going to be a time where this this spirit of grace is going to be over with this is a period where god almighty is doing an amazing thing that he's offering life and he's offering freedom and he's offering deliverance free of charge and it's not based on what you do but it's completely based on what jesus has done how do you reject him how do you reject him accept him today maybe you're here maybe you heard this message and i'm going to be preaching on this until until you're just full of it until you understand you're the righteousness of god until you under understand how to explain it and you until you understand that you don't have to debate with people over this there will be a peace that'll pass all understanding are entering into your heart why don't you let him in today why don't you let him enter into your heart today if that's you would you pray this prayer with me heavenly father i realize that without jesus i'm nothing but with him i can do all things come into my life save me i receive jesus as my savior i receive him as my compensation and my peace offering i accept what jesus has done for me now father by faith i declare that i receive what the blood has caused happened and what your body is called to happen and i declare i'm saved right now because of jesus it's in your name i pray thank you lord for saving me in jesus name amen praise the lord if you prayed that prayer with me then i want you to text the key word i'm saved that's one word to 51555 provide your name your email address and we'll send you a free ebook as a gift to you today jesus is your everything don't let him go he got you he got you he will work in you some amazing things yeah but what about saying what about sin now what about jesus jesus will take care of of of behavior problems he'll take care of all that you just stick with him hold to him learn about it take this joke upon me for my yoke is easy my burdens of life he said learn of me learn of me we invite you to continue to study with us as we take the gospel of jesus christ and show you how vital it is for you to implement it into your life and watch these different things go away because of jesus amen well it's offering time it's time for us to honor the lord with our substance it's time for us to give because god's goodness and how he's given to us and um you know the faith it takes to preach to an empty room and cameras and um and chairs but i just have to keep believing that the holy ghost is in here and i got to believe you're on the other side of the camera somewhere and you're listening and god's touching your life some of you the presence of the holy spirit is is where you are right now i have to believe that i have to believe that this word is making a mark in your life that cannot be erased second corinthians chapter 9 verse 6 says but this i say he which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully every man according has his purpose in his sword in his heart so let him give not grudgingly don't give of necessity for god loveth a cheerful giver and god is able to make all grace abound towards you that you always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work as he is as it is written he has dispersed abroad he's given to the poor his righteousness remains forever now he that ministers seed to the sower both minister bread to your food and multiply your seed sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness being enriched in everything to all bountifulness which causes through us thanksgiving he said he says i'm going to cause you i'm going to cause you to walk around and give me thanksgiving as we worship god and give not out of necessity and give not grudgingly in other words i want to i want to worship god with my offerings i want to worship god with my seed i want to be a part of giving him thanksgiving for what he's already done that's what this is for so at this time if you're giving through the text you can text world changers space and the amount to 74483 you can call 866-477-7683 and you can get that assistance there you can also give online credible dollar ministries or world changers church you can give online or you can mail to burdette road college park georgia uh worship god in the beauty of his holiness give glory due unto his name complete your worship today bring an offering and praise his holy name amen well we thank you so much uh blessings of god be upon you and just go over this again just just listen to this again my prayer is that you get revelation from these series of sermons that we're about to preach and god is just so good to you so so good to you amen at this time check out our announcements [Music] good morning world changers nation we thank god that you're joining us online for service now we know that there is no distance or time in the spirit and your dedication has not gone unnoticed we know that we have the best members in the world but first we have a few announcements to keep you in the know to all the men tuning in yes you when you hear the phrase man up it usually refers to being tough or telling a man not to express his emotions well at this year's mentality men's conference we want to bring a new meaning to that phrase by dealing with the issues that men face with solutions based on god's word find out what biblical manhood really means from three dynamic speakers that's creflo dollar toray roberts and michael smith we can't wait for this unfiltered raw truth to bring about a revival of manhood this year's conference is entirely virtual so register today to reserve your spot by texting mentality five five five again for those in the back that's mentality to five one five five five we'll see you online we are looking forward to connecting with ministers and leaders around the world for our 2020 ministers and leaders conference so join us online for an impactful experience from october 6th through the 8th for three days of transformational teachings on making adjustments for the new age this year's dynamic speakers are creflo dollar taffy dollar kenneth fuller and damon davis so register today by texting i lead to 51555 and we'll see you online it's called life is back this unique web series by ministers for ministers is all about the life of leadership now you don't want to miss bishop fuller in this month's episode it's part two of last month's health we're losing our youth to the pandemic joining us as we discuss how this new normal is affecting our young people are john and deborah carr now don't forget to tune in via facebook or youtube on september 24th at 7 pm if you text icl to 51555 we can send you reminders about new it's life episodes right to your inbox calling all parents of teenage girls pretty girls rock better known as pgr is a mentorship organization for teenage girls and we have changed our meeting times to adjust to students academic schedules pgr will now be held every first and third saturday so simply contact constance adams c adams or you can call 770-210-5839 for more information are you a single mother with a teenage son what we want you to know about the lion's den an all-male mentorship organization that meets at 7 p.m on zoom now young men you can text lion's den to 51 555 and receive the link to join the call mothers if you want guidance simply email clusboro that's c-l-u-s-b-o-u-r-g-h world changes dot org or you can call 770-210 to schedule a consultation you're not alone in this moment world changers nation it's time to voice your vote your vote matters and we're here to help you prepare for the polls so text wcci vote to 51 555 now to confirm your voter registration status now november will be here before we know it so get registered and make sure that you know your polling location now don't miss this moment to make your vote and your voice count even though we can't be together in person we can continue doing the work that god has for us so don't miss out on any of our events continue to contact the ministry at 770-210-5700 with any of your questions or concerns we want to hear from you so connect with us on facebook instagram or twitter throughout the week well praise god conduct yourself accordingly we pray that uh you heard something that you'll be interested in and uh we just thank god for what's happening in our ministry well we love you guys god bless you uh enjoy your labor day weekend be safe and wise amen now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the almighty god be glory majesty dominion and power both now and forever and everybody said amen god bless you
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 52,221
Rating: 4.8766799 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: 2ZL1t7Hq6BE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 39sec (4239 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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