Healing Confessions and Prayer for Peace

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i hope all is well and uh i hope you guys are ready to to share with the word today we're gonna get you prepared for your day i'm gonna wait to some of you log in good to see you this morning good morning john good morning carol and doug listen uh everybody just just hope everything's going well for you this uh this two will pass and it'll pass soon and we're just looking forward to you know what god is getting ready to do in in our lives and and i'm just i'm just excited about it excited about all the things that are getting ready to happen and um i'm just really encouraged this morning you know i i woke up this morning we just finished our prayer on the prayer line and i'm excited about uh the frequency of prayer and the sound of of prayer and that and that people are now understanding that you know we are holding on to really the only thing that you can really hold on and trust and that's god and that's god's word and so uh this morning we're going to um i'm going to share a word concerning peace for your heart today and uh then we're going to establish our life in psalms 91 with the declarations and then we're gonna make declarations over your physical body uh we've been praying for members of our church we had some breakthroughs last night some people that came through uh some folks in new york who we've been praying for on a daily basis and you know praise god you know he's a healer and so we we believe that he's a healer praise the lord uh well let's go ahead and get started this morning and uh thank you guys so much for joining me and uh i want to i want to share a scripture with you from um from the book of colossians chapter 3 and verse 15 colossians 3 15 and he says and let the god of peace let the let the god let the peace of god let the peace of god rule in your hearts to which also you are called in one body and be thankful that's colossians 3 15 and let the peace of god rule in your hearts to the which also you are called in one body and be thankful so here's one of the things i want you to recognize here about about this scripture um you have peace available to you and i want us to pray i want you to pray this prayer with me concerning this scripture we just read let's pray lord i don't want to let my emotions get the best of me today so i ask that your peace would rise up like a mighty umpire and referee in my heart my mind and my emotions help me recognize those moments when unhelpful emotions try to sneak up on me i ask you to teach me how to put those emotions aside and release your supernatural peace that is resident in my heart the peace that is always ready at every moment to moderate every thought and emotion that tries to pass into my life i pray this prayer in jesus name amen so i'm praying that prayer for you i want you to receive that prayer in the name of jesus that uh you have peace today so in fact let's make this confession over over this scripture say this out loud witness say i confess that god's supernatural peace dominates me when i am tempted to get upset and my emotions [Music] try to take control of me i put these emotions aside and i allow the spirit of god to release a supernatural dominating moderating peace to rule my heart my mind and my emotions i declare this by faith in the name of jesus amen so i declare peace peace peace in your life number one then i declare grace grace grace in your life so that every mountain every uh rough situation every you know big circumstance is being reduced today right now to a plateau grace grace over you in jesus name peace peace over you in the name of jesus so let's go ahead and establish psalms 91 over your life repeat after me i declare that i will dwell in the shelter of the most high god i declare that i will find rest in the shadow of the almighty i declare that god is my refuge and my fortress i declare that you are my god and whom i trust and with great confidence in whom i will rely i declare that god will rescue me from every trap and protect me from every disease i declare that i am covered and protected by his outstretched arms i declare that god's faithful promises are my armor and my protection i declare that i will not be afraid of the terrors of the night nor of the arrows that fly in the day i declare that i will not dread any disease that stalks in darkness nor disaster that strikes at midday i declare that because god is my refuge and the almighty god of my home no evil can befall me and no plague can come near my dwelling i declare that god has ordered his angels to guard defend and protect me and my house i declare that god's armies of heaven will keep me from falling i will walk unarmed and kick anything that is evil from my path i declare that because of god's love for me i will call upon him he will set me above all my troubles he will deliver me from all my fears and he will honor me with his presence and his power i declare that he will reward me with long life and he will show me his salvation amen i declare it so in your life i agree with you right now in the name of jesus this too shall come to pass amen praise god now let's make confessions uh over our physical body and this morning we're going to speak to gross tumors arthritis heart and blood issues and we're going to believe that we have what we say the bible says decree a thing and it shall come to pass the bible says let the redeemed of the lord say so and whatever we say praise god it is so let's begin this morning ready jesus bore the curse for me therefore i forbid growths and tumors to inhabit my body the life of god within me dissolves growths and tumors and my strength and health is restored growths and tumors have no right to my body they are a thing of the past from delivered from the authority of darkness every organ and tissue of my body functioned in the perfection that god created it to function i forbid any malfunction in my body in jesus name father your word has become a part of me it is flowing in my bloodstream it flows to every cell of my body restoring and transforming my body your word has become flesh for you sent your word and it healed me your word is manifested in my body causing gross to disappear arthritis is a thing of the past i make a demand on my bones and joints to function properly in jesus name heavenly father i give voice to your word the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus makes me free from the law of sin and death your your life is energizing every cell of my body arthritis you must go sickness you must flee tumors can exist in me for the spirit of god is upon me and the word of god is within me sickness fear oppression have no power over me for god's word is my confession praise god now let's speak to our heart and bone in our blood this is what i did when i was diagnosed with cancer uh i i spoke these words i there's power in the spoken word there's power in your confession and as we speak the word we're we're releasing the frequency of the spirit we're we're releasing the power of god's word you'll have what you say you speak to a mountain and and it shall be removed and that's what we're doing right now somebody says y'all just wasting your time no no no no we're speaking the powerful word of god and we have the authority to speak his word and to have what we say ready thank you father that i have a strong heart my heart beats with the rhythm of life my blood flows to every cell of my body restoring life and health abundantly my blood pressure is 120 over 80. the life of god flows in my blood and cleanses my arteries of all matter that does not pertain to life my heart beat is normal my heart beats with the rhythm of life the life of god throughout my body restoring life and health abundantly i have a strong heart every heartbeat floods my body with life and cleanses me of disease and pain i command my blood cells to destroy every disease germ and virus that tries to inhabit my body i command every cell of my body to be normal in jesus name every cell that does not promote life and health in my body is cut off from its life source praise god praise god it's cut off from its life source praise god every cell say it again that does not promote life and health in my body is cut off from its life source my immune system will not allow tumorous growth to live in my body in jesus name i am redeemed from the curse of the law and my heart beats with the rhythm of life the spirit and life of god's word flows in me cleansing me and cleansing my blood of every disease and every impurity for with his stripes i am healed praise god now stretch your hands shorts or scream father i thank you there is no time or distance in the spirit and i stretch my hands towards every person that i'm speaking to at the sound of my voice i declare body you line up with the word of god we have spoken the word and i command you to line up right now in the name of jesus every virus you die right now people who've contracted the covet 19 you go right now in the name of jesus people who are stressed out stress you get out of here in the name of jesus and father i speak healing right now i speak healing right now put to my brothers and sisters and my sons and daughters i speak healing in jesus name and in jesus name i declare you are healed so by faith receive that right now and i declare right now this this virus stops right now in the name of jesus stop right now in the name of jesus and then praise god hallelujah praise god hallelujah i i want to share one more scripture with you and i'm done thank you so much for your time this morning but i just wanted to get you going i want to let you know that you are the redeemed of the lord i want to share this scripture and i want you to use it today and jude there's only one chapter verse 20 he says but ye beloved building up yourselves on your most holy faith praying in the holy ghost praying in the holy ghost spend some time today praying in the holy ghost why he says you will build yourself up now yourself consists of your spirit your soul and your physical body when you begin to pray in the holy spirit you begin to release supernatural forces that will build you up in your spirit build you up in your soul having peace in your mind building up in your body where whatever's hurting whatever's going on will be built up by praying in the holy spirit and uh man i tell you what i praise god for you you're gonna have an epic day today you're gonna have a peaceful day today you're gonna be healed today with his stripes ye are healed in the name of jesus christ i love you taffy and i love you remember jesus is lord i'll see you tomorrow god bless you awesome day today
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 13,697
Rating: 4.9741025 out of 5
Id: lD1lsyqU6QQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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