Jerma eats a whopper with chat (and a chicken sandwich + fries)

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i don't really eat fast food not a fast food guy i don't really like it i find it to be um it's not for me so i'm not sure i'm gonna like this i really don't think it's gonna be something i enjoy uh not a fast food guy me mm-hmm don't eat it very often so i'll give it a try though i'll try it we're gonna start with the whopper uh this is the whopper with cheese i don't know about this i don't know if i'm gonna like this let's see what it looks like okay it doesn't look that bad it looks okay this is the whopper i don't know about this i'll try it i'll try a bite and we'll see okay i'm gonna go for a bite oh my god my god it's so good oh my god it's good it's it's okay it's good um let me try another bite and find out oh my god oh my god oh my god it's so good [Music] hmm you can't see me [ __ ] i already ruined it it was so hard to do that hi i took two bites i knew i was going to [ __ ] the whole thing i'm sorry somebody wrote in chat i shouldn't look to chat at all somebody wrote why the [ __ ] is he doing this and there's no capitals it was it was just a random name oh my god i couldn't even get through two bites of doing it ah i [ __ ] hate this but i'm all right let's go this is it it's not bad it's okay um oh my god okay i can't do it anymore i'm not gonna do it oh my god anymore actually like burger king sauce went through my nose burger king sauce went into my nostrils and out of my nose and coke at the same time that sucked that was not fun that was horrible um anyways let's just hold on i do like wipe my nose i have whatever's on here coming out of my nose please stop this let me describe how it tastes okay i love the what i really love about this the most is definitely the the cheese it's got this ooey gooey cheese on it that just melts and gets all over the patty and the pickle perfect amount of acidity it's acidity it's actually pretty good i i don't hate it let's grab the cheese with some adjectives um thin a sliced um american fresh patty that one wasn't for a joke this one was real you're describing yourself was the right amount of acidity exactly um i don't know just enough where you get the little sourness you get the the vinegar flavor potatoes they're perfectly crispy they're a little gross but they're they're pretty good i actually like burger king fries 10k people are watching this cursed garbage all i want all i wanted out of this was that first scene of the oh my god because i want i want you to use it wherever you want say ushi no and you guys seriously you wanted me to do that the entire time i ate this [ __ ] hamburger there's no way i would have done that every single time i take a bite i was supposed to do that you i took two three bites and i went to a full meltdown i couldn't do it i can't do that what would you use that for i don't know for a [ __ ] school project you can use it as a school project is it weird that i like find this part to be disgusting and i don't want to bite that part you know what i mean yeah oh my goodness it's like in my nose bite that part i i don't like tomato and [ __ ] i don't like there's too much stuff on here i'm a part your hair down the middle no okay a little bit of sourness why is the toothbrush still there because i feel like i want it there you know actually i'm actually uh excited to try the chicken sandwich stop looking at me in the eyes when you chew what you don't do that when you're hanging out with your friends you go to a restaurant you don't do that is it weird that i do that so i when i let them out at the restaurant i usually do this i usually take a big bite of the food like this i don't want to make a mess [ __ ] god damn it oh whoopsie it's kind of weird but it's not that bad i don't do that to what are you this is we're just having a fun routine here oh this is gonna this bite right here that's gonna be his zoink bite zonk bite he's absolutely zombed this is what is this zoink what do you guys say how's the sauce it's it's pretty good it's kind of a combination of um although i will give i'm gonna give doc some points here on the whopper it's a little runny i don't like runny sauce so this this is a little runny once you get to the middle here yeah that's too runny that's too runny you get minus one full letter grade put on predictions for what what is this man gonna die i mean like eventually and like probably like hopefully 50 years predicted if you can eat the whole burger in one more and one more minute the whole rest of the burger in one minute um no actually you know what i could probably do it let me take can i all right hold on one minute it's a long time you can do it you're far the rest of this in one minute wait i can wait money off the debt if i get to do this in one minute why do you not need to predict i could do it i know i can 100 million that's no no no it's not worth it i'll have diarrhea in like [ __ ] four hours uh no none of this is worth it nope not doing that i'm just gonna enjoy it you eat a hamburger as fast as you can guys you're going to [ __ ] your pants you're going to go it's going to be horrible if you eat a full [ __ ] cheeseburger in less than two minutes you're going to have diarrhea it's going to happen it doesn't matter what from what restaurant you can make it your house on yourself i'm sorry sofa or a sewing machine you can make it in your own house and it's still going to happen okay the french fries are still got the crisp get a look pretty decently salted okay i'm dripping [ __ ] all over me hold on what a pound of beef quarter pound is way better yeah you want my you want my review of the burger king whopper quarter pound is 100 times better done done like that's it do i need to give this a score quarter pounder is way better okay yeah that's my review quarter pounder is better yep your camera's off center i'll fix that but now the chicken sandwich i'm going to give a minute though jeremy eat a salad you're getting fat good that's what i want i want to just grow in size i want to be i told you i was trying to put weight on i told you that i was like 130 pounds like five months ago six months ago i've put on like 25 pounds of pure absolutely fat there's none of its muscle i haven't really worked out at all i've been trying to do some walking lightly oh it's all fat all of it but i've been getting weight i want to top out somewhere around like 155 that's where i'm like all right slow down and no and guys i'm not eating i'm not eating like burger king [ __ ] whoppers every day to get to gain weight no i'll give you an endorsement here this is the endorsement of time of part of the stream those heels i got that heal for a reason i drank that [ __ ] every day morning and night to try to put on some weight and it's not it's not like bad calories they're not like there's no dead calories in that uh it actually helped a lot uh being able to take the extra calories with liquid that's not just junk and there's no soy in that stop saying it i keep seeing that in the chat room and it's making me very upset there is no soy in huel it's soy free and i know you linked a bunch of [ __ ] but the ones i have don't have to sowing them there's no soy in heel you're upsetting me okay uh predict predict it no no no no don't predict it this is you could just game this okay do you guys we have a french fry how many folders we got here in the chat how many folders we got we got folders in here how many folders we got right how many folders we got that's what a serial killer does how many serial killers are here if it's too big like you have to like spring it in there you can't fold little ones how many guys are when you get the little thin ones you go like this like kind of like a bunny rabbit i mean i know nobody's when i know nobody's watching i do that how many of you guys are are just uh our false followers you know we've got folders we have chompers what about swallowers you know you just it's gone and you see some sometimes you're hungry this is dude i choked and [ __ ] i'm so glad i got out of the camera cameras away like 10 minutes ago i've read it i read that chat message saying like why the [ __ ] is he doing this and i i hope did i get down fast enough i get down there fast enough before like this liquid start coming on my nose i hope so what about splitters oh dude the thing that everybody on your onion ring i got an onion ring burger king just got a half of a point right there you always get one onion ring treasure chest buried in the sand of french fries that's a huge moment that's a huge moment um i'm kind of freaking myself out because why would how does that happen i didn't like hit the ground or anything right why does that happen they use the same vat okay it's not like a weird scenario where like they just like fell all over the counter and somebody was like just scraped him in you're paranoid don't look cigarette [ __ ] i'm gonna try the chicken sandwich already hate it already hate it oh it's getting everywhere i already hate it i don't know about this one i know what a chicken is like and um we'll see we'll see it's a little sloppy the lettuce is not perfectly packed let's give it a try i'm going to give it a solid bite it's not even close to the chicken not even close the outside has this weird texture to it where it's like they tried to make it crispy like a pretend crispy it just kind of tastes like you're chewing on bread crumbs no make chicken's ten times better nice try though nice try burger king nice try not even close the king is in chat you got king whatever clown in chat no it's just not as good you know what burger king the all right i have to give points if we're going to be real here these these are these if they're fresh and they're hot and they just came out these are better than mcdonald's i have to be honest but almost everything else and i mean burger king has onion rings and you get an onion ring treasure that's a big deal but i i i don't want to oh well it's here might as well just play with it for a little while hey everybody how are you doing um this sounds like i have the filter turned on but i don't this is just me normally talking and there's something really wrong stuff startup boardy morty morty hey uh morty what are you we got an adventure to go on board nobody heard that good i almost puked though like i'm so glad i got out of the way and stopped when i did i almost [ __ ] puked on stream just like not because it was food was bad because i was like joking i can't read chat when i eat you guys just [ __ ] do it to me 12.4k people here watching you do this what okay yeah that's fine right so there are more than 12 000 people here watching this but this wouldn't happen every day if i just ate like mcdonald's and burking and wendy's every day on stream do you think he'd really stick around for that long would you really stick around for that long you uh yeah you say you would but in a week half of you guys just be like this [ __ ] she keeps doing this i'm done i'm out of here i would watch you more you say that but like in two months when i've eaten like the 30th mcchicken on stream you'd be like all right i'm gonna find somebody else to watch he keeps doing this and by the way these are too big like these are huge where do you where do you put these i mean i like it but these are too big you mean small how much liquid is actually inside of here this is a large coke i feel like the two liter bottle is in here okay uh final review the burger king whopper it's gonna get out of ten it's somewhere in the sixes it's uh like six point four six point yeah six point four i think so a quarter pounder is honestly a quarter pounder is not very much better but it is but it is but i know it is i would give a quarter pounder like a seven and an eight seven point eight three quarter pounder i just like mcdonald's better arbitrary numbers okay so something's in here i can like feel it like blocking my nasal passage i'm gonna like go into the sink and go and like a [ __ ] french fry's gonna come up it's it's a worm it's not a [ __ ] worm what about chuck e cheese what like this but that's pizza they don't have burgers at chuck e cheese do they move out of the way for auto all right let me clean this up i've eaten that was the uh oh my god uh the the burger king of chicken gets five it was i don't like it i can't believe i almost puked on stream when i was setting this up i was like there's no way i will like puke on stream no way it was really close all right i'll be right back all right let me clean up best puke of 2021 will be the only puke of 2021 all right i'll be right back we're gonna we're gonna go back to that little console figure that was the best thing to do today so i'll be right back we'll get started see you in a minute
Channel: Mr fat man guy Lel
Views: 27,590
Rating: 4.9788136 out of 5
Id: _0tH_NcP_cE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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