Lets Build a Gamer Birdhouse

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so yes tonight is there's more proof that all you need to do is just kind of just be the one guy sometimes maybe like five or four or five days ago somebody in the recommended channel just wrote build a gamer bird house that's like hut huh that's really dumb and then I bought a bird house kid and that's where we are right here that's what we're doing now [Music] this is up this is good this is not this is gonna be really bad this is gonna feel bad I just want to make sure right off the bat your expectations of very love shoe xoxo thanks for the five community subs oh and I've already dropping stuff that's super glue don't want to hit don't want to get that on your lips much beloved why isn't here's like the funny joke for today I'm gonna pretend that this is chapstick at some point dang it if it's superglue my lip so I'm gonna go gonna laugh ripped shirt no it's old this is lucky shirt from 1981 I said ripped shirt or is he wearing a choker no this is a ripped shirt above wearing a fucking choker [Music] okay Holly I feel like a hammer the nails in here but which way to those go so that's the floor here are the side panels like that I'm using the fucking instructional manual alright sort the pieces find the hammer ask an adult if you need to find a hammer they are they've labeled don't use it go fine here you go I've so this is the cool I can't I'm not gonna fucking be stupid and I'm gonna eat this although it is tempting though hmm frosting frosting it's like frosting it's not frosting Jeremy okay I'm good I'm good I'm good okay oh I need like four people for this okay now I need a hammer the nails how am I gonna do that though is it Oh walk disgusting is a fucking worm and my fucking drink I'm taking my fucking time man oh here we go ready you gonna put let's get it in one hip oh no don't do that this is dangerous and you could be you could get hurt don't fucking try this at home yeah I don't build a birdhouse at home that's the fucking dangerous guys hell that's what we really fuck about table dented we're right there where's the table dented right here right here well I'm just realizing right now with a web with the face canvas it's like something fucking huge I got like a tiny head two huge fucking arms well this looks easy enough for me all right Neal ooh ooh right in the front right right there ha so I've got to go like that oh yeah I got it I got it right fucking here that lined up right yeah fucking just squeeze it am i hitting this into cement or Honor to understand [Applause] red I am the nail has been I bent the fucking nail no all right this is much an extra perch for the bird you know I mean because it cool of my head oh yeah having fun yet you know what I mean we having fun yet on the stream no okay fucking one guy wanted to do this you understand that's what we're doing this for one fucking guy all right come on don't don't goofy this do not goofy this it's in the perfect spot to get goofy and I don't want to do that so we're gonna be very gentle very careful okay now I can move the thumb it's going like this hmm whatever I don't have to fucking live here Jesus he's not very smart is he it's a fucking birdhouse these things do you think that you know did you think that do you think if these things are cut correctly no they mass produce 500 fucking million of these and they're all at random specs they're not cut correctly they're not all cut correctly yes they are is says who do you work at birdhouse factory for these pieces of wood are near-flawless for a quarter of a penny really in that cell did that so he's the same piece oh look at that would you would you look at this that's not exact is it a little what happened here what happened there factory hmm what happened here yeah all right yeah what what side of the birdhouse factory did you guys wake up on today fuck I gotta move this way though I'm stuck over here not in the birdhouse I'm talking about in in this life don't talk and do this at your house didn't do anything how the fuck like this oh I just broke the table table broken up Oh Shh it's already a burden here I'm very proud of myself right now this is a accomplishment you know I'm gonna go to sleep tonight and I'm gonna be going just having a couple of nightmares like fucking nightmares like Jason the chainsaw like changed on me and then I'm gonna scream wake up and then go back to bed and then I gotta have like a pretty decent dream but like birds and you know I built that that was fun my neck is too thick for this somebody mentioned choker earlier okay she can't like see this digging into my skin hey uh what's up do you like my new look it's just like digging into my body yeah I'm into like accessories now what do you think now here's the worst part about this I might not be able to get this off so you didn't even leave a mark very clearly it dick just think it's like a fucking for bread life I think neck just drank kool-aid I know I'm done don't care hang it look wouldn't it be better okay listen hear me out hear me out guys just wait don't you think it would be better if more like water in here and it looks like a bird hot tub you know like a birdbath they look at how perfect this is they come in here they could put the towel over there they go right through they could be in the water birdbath take a bath come out and leave this is not a house this is a bird this is shower give me the instructions who ripped them that's what I want to know who ripped them which one of you guys ripped these because I wouldn't I when you get possessed me until I just say old treasure map how do we build the old fucking hooked up my place roof panel G at a 45 degree and on top of panel F matching edges and nail holes there's only one way to put these pieces together this will ensure proper enliven once you've lined up the nail holes remove roof panel G and Ronald thin line on the length okay get out of my head stop it goddamn it it's better it's the shit it was the Gotham okay so here right here are the instructions weren't clear enough for me you can't Jeremy you can't hold it and put it down and then hammer it why does that hurt almost this is gonna end bad it's the only way I can do it that's what I've missed I just hit myself like right in the chest my stomach is too malleable it can't it's not gonna work I have too much like a jiggly stomach why is this not going it's so loud I'm sorry ready I'm gonna try to talk over it so it's not so loud so I'm sorry it's loud that's that wasn't even funny all right here comes the moment of truth don't do it don't do that joke don't do it no one's gonna think it's funny Castlevania just pretended it of Belmont thing alright so do we want the birdhouse staff we got Sonic the Hedgehog here or a Advisor well book Baldy I mean that's like balding or Sonic I understand this is the bird is supposed to sit here what bird is this big this is a bird a bird - not this big is this a replica is this like not supposed to be held anywhere this is a bug house this is gonna be filled with fucking cockroaches and beetles in like six months all right let me show you can I show you the utensil of a game in the box here did you tend to look at they gave are you ready for this here's how you're supposed to paint the birdhouse red roof yellow roof white roof blue roof I ain't gonna it's got a hyung it's gonna be one color I think I think I like blue roof but that's just me because then we could blue and then blue white blue sonic and blue yellow no I'm not me gonna start the hedgehog birdhouse smart click the go fart now it looks like blue is get don't click my face blue is winning by a lot yeah he's distracting me well it was such a Tom looking at the get away from me get out of here a lot of Fred use it the color of the roof is gonna be blue please select the color please select the color of the front panel here the front what color is the front going to be oh it's blue okay blue it's it's blue or white this is tough if only if only like a massive amount of you guys if weren't clicking this spot right here blue up top blue on the back white in the front so then what about this what about the side panels side panels what are the side both they have to be the same side panels really the whole thing's gonna be fuckin blew the whole thing is gonna be blue except of the way okay what would you like the bottom the base to be what is the base oh we're getting a little bit of different story here for red this is spider-man house oh no it's red shoes for Sonic the fucking hedge ugh give me that house no this is for the birds this is not for you not for me either it's for next week's recycling so what if I got German 985 is absurd is it did Jeremy 985 what's what's his name on twitch yeah I know you had it right bit you watch that guy yeah I mean I check his stream out every now and then they come since he's playing something cool or he's doing something I'm like oh yeah I'm at a fan oh really what's he doing now oh dude probably something really fucking cool like yeah you'd have heard him before no never I did but what is it yet I'll check him out yeah right now he's uh I just saw what he was doing oh no you know I may not uh you know the time dad you want to get in a lobby and like play off or watching something man no no I'm gonna check this guy oh you're like a fan of him yeah I want to see what he's doing yeah I know man like I'm a deletion like Oh buddy I gotta go oh my god agent do you want free steam game yeah do free steam yeah what are you talking about yeah oh just pick a game that you want and just like don't open that page because it's like I think twitch is fucking broken or something which is fucked up don't rush it this is not a video game this is one of this is one of those experiments guys where we have to have patience okay sometimes you got to bring yourself back to reality not everything can be done by opening up a Google Doc okay looking good looking good Jeremy have you been practicing sing-off stream the paintbrush to make sure you didn't make a fool out of yourself no no I didn't buy five birdhouses and build them all five times to make sure I knew exactly where the pieces went okay I got original doom OST I'm not putting on fucking do oh my god do you want to put on doom for this shit you want me to put that on is that all you guys listen you guys listen to any I thought that was an animal on my camera I looked over at the at the OBS preview and I thought this I thought this was an animal in my room fucking satan screaming whoa what if I made out of plastic I swear to God I don't look like this I don't look like this that's so strange ah this is something to do with the lighting I can promise you I'm not like racing this is my fate let's just faded by bad that's what I did I painted my face this is a cute little birdhouse don't you think so [Music] Oh what thankfully the blue is gone after this plenty of yellow toucan eyes make his whole body yellow you guys not really gonna care that much no one is gonna care that much if his body is fucking yellow no no no no all right my god and why do I care it like the bird that's gonna live in this house it's not gonna worry about if his house looks like Sonic the Hedgehog he doesn't know what that is he's a bird birds don't play video games no matter what Falco tries to tell you it's Falco's house no it's not Falcon well it could be guys are you starting to realize that every fucking video game character is the same color scheme are you figuring this out yet think of a video game character right now in your head are they are they red and blue yes they are no no doom guy doom Caius red and blue Captain America blue and red spider-man blue and red Thor blue and red Ironman red with a little bit of blue and a small orange of for his eyes [Music] Heinz tomato ketchup German on a five Louie you probably think in Germany your colors are not oh wait they're blue and red they're like teal and they're like a version of that yeah whites in the front well blues in the back duh I'm out of fucking pig why wouldn't they give me like triple the amount that's in here who made this I did I meant me I did I did get me I get it it's a whole other side that I have to do and I don't have any more blue we're gonna have to desperate times call for desperate measures because this is not gonna work anymore like this [Music] gotta get the underside here or do we really even need to Oh fuck-you Jeremy you touched it and it's ruined now how am I ever gonna win the fucking birdhouse contest though that the music will hit them so hard when they land in here that'll make them say oh my lord and then if they go to bird church they'll be blessed I'll take the - to use for that was preferable his nose is inside of his mouth I can fix it hold on you've just created a perfect home for chickadees nuthatches and finches or any of those in Las Vegas I don't think I don't think there are any well they look birds that we have here in Vegas or scorpions put the hooks down for a second Jesus Jason well real name fuck [Music] get in the fucking hole it's really just too it's too thin it won't go through good end hey I'm Jim hey stupid fuck no I'm getting it everywhere god damn it this stupid face it's a clue that's not gonna dry I'm blacker it off oh it's ruined I've ruined it look at the side of the fucking house look at that it's ready all right now we need to like put stuff in it to pretend as a burden they're here how can I do get wet in there see it's like a little bird okay I gotta make a family and see how they like it in there okay this one okay get the baby bird see it's like a little baby bird right see wait how how am I gonna get that out of there now that it this stuff is just in there this is bad I gotta get I gotta get rid of that [Music] the fuck does your reality look like don't me get it leave me again they get like a little bit more juice on it okay that should be better nice this thing is fucking powerful what the fuck whoa what the fuck
Channel: 2ndJerma
Views: 494,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jerma, jerma985, stream, highlight, bird, house, doom, red, plastic, sonic
Id: c91AwAFqNJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 20sec (1880 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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