Jerma Goes Full Psycho (Harvester Highlights)

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it's time to get like banned from twitch i don't even know how this game works this was a highly requested game and we're going to play it for a while all right so this is harvester harvester [ __ ] limb boys that twitch staff is here now examine the dre this is harvester we're going to start harvester examine the dresser i missed the intro all right well we could just pretend like we already watched the intro anything else we need to see examine the bed old stains on the mattress well that's just that's disgusting all right let's just walk out here examine the closet seven flannel shirts matching blue jeans okay examine them and examine the mirror no no no no don't operate get out of there walk out the front door we gotta get some gameplay here what the [ __ ] you can just punch people what who are you who am i where am i in the doghouse if you keep bugging me cuz i'm sick and i'll tell mom if you don't let me watch tv what does this take place sick tv mom bye you're my brother no duh so i have an amnesia listen i don't mean to uh bug you but i can't seem to to remember anything will you please just tell me who you are mom steve is bugging me steve he like just sang that now so this is my mother well you're a lousy boy what did i do to you you went and got all mushy on that girl and now you're lighting out on me well if that's the way you're gonna be then you can drop dead acting is their passion all right well bye good finally well hello there how about some cookies there's plenty of rejects in the trash who are you to eat cookies from the trash your mother you're my mother that's right sometimes i get treated like the hired help around here i don't remember you of course you don't until you need your socks washed no you don't understand i can't remember where i am or even who i am man's sake stop your joshing won't you oh come on what come on i wrote a whole thing you guys would have loved it oh you got it now the context is not there this is what i was writing come on what a thing to say to your mother was that an invitation now that your father is out of action what what maybe later dear right now i have housework to do so you can watch if you want don't forget to put the papers out for jimmy you know how he gets wait wait a minute okay bye mom got a little weird there at the end [ __ ] you jimmy let's take a look outside another person hey his name is jimmy this kid's got a gun what the [ __ ] just happened i don't have any saved games we have to start the whole game over there i am i'm going to need something i'm going to need something besides this if we're gonna play this game i'm gonna i gotta get a real drink i i suggest you do the same i'll be right back like i'm gonna go get a drink this just got [ __ ] out of control i'll be right i'm gonna if you're over the age of 29 grab yourself a drink strap in that's some kentucky bourbon here if you're if you're over the age of 27 or whatever it is whatever the legal drinking age is in your whatever country you're in i feel like i'm gonna need this it's good stuff i'm gonna be drinking out of this little sippy cup i'll be drinking out of a little like espresso sippy cup okay big little baby hey look at my little baby cup [ __ ] idiot well i think i think that what i think i guess coal or something sounds like a grenade all right uh but let's just go right to it hey how come you haven't been putting the paper out for me in the morning uh i i'm supposed to i don't remember yeah we'll try to remember will ya how'd you expect the working joe to make an honest living you don't put the paper out i'm out of a job so what you don't get paid for picking up papers anyway that's smooth all right uh well there's like a frisbee up here a day glow lima space disk stuck on the roof don't i'm not saying it i'm holding back a lot of stupid [ __ ] references by the way first i was gonna say bitcoin then i was gonna say breaking bad pizza not doing them tonight you're getting fresh material your house general store post office barbershop missile base hey honey can you can you walk down the street to the missile base and grab some milk why would you live this close to a [ __ ] missile base let's go to the general store we can we can talk to our first side character alice from the brady bunch okay um examine the ad [Music] only one adult magazine and like poison coffee poison [Music] and adult magazines the only thing a quarter will buy you is an adult magazine a girly magazine why steve i'm surprised at you i'd expect that sort of thing from deputy loomis but never from you 7 get out of here well will you sell me one you're gonna get in big trouble let me just save it save frequently like they said otherwise like everybody apparently is armed in this community even to children so now i got a dirty magazine i hate calling it that that's i hate that i think we've talked about this before i think i hate the word porn pornography it just sounds so awful can we wait there's not a better name we can call that doesn't sound like that just doesn't sound gross or no like no give me give it it's got to be something nicer sounding i hate the way that word sounds i'd like a large application i was just looking at logic sorry youngster we're out of applications right now come on you must have one around here somewhere well i do have the master but you can't write on that and i only make copies once a month on the button regular give this guy the porno magazine and he'll give it to me well can i go get one at the lodge instead come on it won't kill you to make a blousy copy it's not the effort son it's the principle we must adhere to our standards they're all that stand between civilization and chaos i can't i'm not gonna kill this guy all right let's say uh [ __ ] don't mumble son can't understand don't mumbles all right we can't do this it's over pete swells deep don't you pull my old leg now this game is a mess i need a game guide what are you talking about that's what you guys are here for today i think you should talk your father into buying something he can afford it and i can't stress enough the value of some really fine aluminum siding stop running around now okay look he looks like he looks like a guy that i know right now he does that's a guy's face that i know in in reality let's write his full name in his address mr parsons hello there youngster you say them aliens i was telling you about well they came back last night you have this guy at the point on that circle how come i never seen none of them saucers clam do you think this guy's into the porno just one one of these guys isn't definitely gonna cross the intergalactic board without learning a trick you know what pastor really did yesterday he gets an alarm system protect his pole only he don't know how to rig it so now it's all arrived oh the guy that can't speak english communicates through the porno stay away from this shop sure enough he's gonna like point to the naked people and be like he's gonna be like like a pair of boobs that's like b he's trying to say like no no b b o o boo happy halloween all right the lodge is the next actual i believe place to go i need to talk to a certain okay this is not what i thought this is going to be talk to the sergeant-at-arms may enter the hall of the order of the harvest move did you say something dr claw from inspector do you like to carve up bodies give me an application applications are available at the post office postmaster boiler disseminates them to the uninitiated so the guy the post office gives them my hands can i just fill it out and return it to you or what i need to get your application too difficult to obtain an application is your application all right so this plate this is a cult it's going to be about how i'm going to cult and i do cult things and go to the missile base just to see like the this guy is in half who are you so aliens mr monroe commander of the harvest nuclear missile installation keeping america safe from those who would dire flag red white and pink these are nuclear missiles actually every one of them ready to reign death on their nuclear nuclear codes the price of vodka goes through the roof along with the vodka where would vodka go i suppose you have you know safeguards against safeguards don't be such a weak sister there are no safeguards safeguards this is the 50. oh we just figured out the time period then you have sole control of the uh missiles those people just in washington one day i'm not gonna i'm not gonna give this guy the porn magazine he doesn't have a penis i left my legs in dusseldorf not gonna happen they owed me the button there's a button why are you asking about the button son i'm just a little nervous about it i mean suppose an accident happens don't get your panties in a bunch mister the button is perfect i'm gonna like end up pressing the button i keep it on my person all the time that's really close to no commie bastard if he leans forward we all die no siree bomb no one initiates a nuclear holocaust and harvest except me all right real americans wave their rights oh whoa whoa that's not whoa would you i sure i would for this great country of ours he'll know i refuse to stroll like this is that we have to that we this guy's gonna shoot us so i have to like we have to play his little game here for the great country you talk a good game mister but so does your average commie bastard the kremlin teaches its agents to talk their way out of a scrape oh god what do you think about that son communists can hardly be said to hold a monopoly on an intellectual discourse you should have watched more tv and read less dostoyevsky if you wanted to pass for an america how do i run red how do i run [Music] [Music] why what you don't shoot that weapon with one hand one bullet hit me in the face oh yeah yeah where was that saved like everybody died can you give me any reason can i give you any reason no not really i appreciate your honesty see that's what you want over here no god damn it no i don't think i can do this oh it's a lot more okay meat plant tv stick holy [ __ ] okay this is a lot more than i thought was gonna be around here johnson residents let's go to the johnson residence what does he have he's got like a shoelace how much does it take to [ __ ] get rid of an old man i just heard the legend of zelda ocarina of time chicken sound this is dragging out i'm gonna leave let's talk to him oh steve holy [ __ ] this is a dead guy having no memory this guy's dead right his eyes are like glazed over god what is the what is with these background sounds listen to the background sounds it's like there's animals being killed at first it was chickens being shot now it's like dogs getting beat up like what the [ __ ] is going on here okay stop hitting your [ __ ] dog man i don't like that sound in the background okay sorry steve after i'm through here i've got cleaning to do rush rash right uh you want the porno magazine sorry steve let's go in the firehouse this is the fire station dog stop stop it how do i stop dog would you like to give him the [ __ ] porn once it gets barking a good piece of meat is the only way to shut him up oh no oh there you go spa so steve bet you don't remember me like separate cutscene like i'm fire marshall sparky head of your fire department uh then why are you sketching a nude men in the fire department please it's not the subject it's the process that's so funny don't be touched we're talking about our is that like somebody's foot we haven't had a [ __ ] that was like somebody's foot with an ankle paper building that was a terrible drawing this guy's awful woman's place there's one big accident waiting to happen isn't that right okay uh spots spot that's a dandy watch dog but like the rest of us he has one awful vice none of us can resist a nice coat of meat so what if we're drawing a nude man so what if all we ever draw is the nude man or the fame this guy's not nude by the way this guy is very clearly meat plant oh goodness this is not good this is a [ __ ] cat over there there's gonna be cat meat in this meat plant guaranteed a red brick building with a horrible stench coming from it all right well let's see what's inside the meat ply yeah yeah and there's gonna be this cats and [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] why do they have why there's just a cat steve how's your father they eat cats here they eat cat meat same i guess but red meat is one of the presents is cat red meat i don't think cat is even classy about his red hair does it matter the end product is all the customer cares about steve and we only carry the finest meat only the juiciest yeah once you take over the business if i lose my lives stop showing me this [ __ ] while cutting costs we know what we're doing here they keep cutting to the same image would the lodge use us to cater their affairs i'm sorry if you're eating right now all right uh the medic memorial school the school myself i temper discipline with love okay quality time can be such a warm sharing experience after just a few sessions you'd stop this amnesia nonsense and become a productive member of society and that candidate for the lodge i just walked into like a kid's classroom and i the children look stunned and zombified this is like freaking this is honestly the sound it makes when you press a button accidentally on windows 98 or like windows xp if you hit like xxx my goodness class this is i don't like where this is going i really don't corporal punishment we don't practice corporal punishment here i've never believed in that old adage spare the rod and spoil the child a rod is too thin but a baseball bat that bridges the generation gap quite [Music] whoa whoa what are you doing with that lady you hitting kids with a bat if an a-bomb hits what good is it gonna do to duck and cover don't do it my stars that was exciting they had to add like the tweety bird [ __ ] [Music] wow bye [Music] let's go so like uncanny valley surreal weird [ __ ] man tons of people in line too busy drinking and smoking they ignore you and people are waiting for like the new iphone or something whatever this is children watch your show don't you think this is bad for them violence is as american as apple pie and low sat scores where would that be right now if the cowboys hadn't gone out west and butchered innocent people to steal their land answer me that mr know-it-all oh oh [ __ ] on the sticker room how did that happen that guy stepped in a pile of like like [ __ ] he was acting like he stepped in [ __ ] well uh i feel like there's a feeling like there's a message in there oh what no we're going like vince mcmahon's backstage w-h-a-r war hey sport this is a private office yeah i know mr ignite i own and operate this station have you brought me some news for tonight's broadcast or i've lost my memory that's news the hell it is you always were a hitter steve what why does everybody say that real news oh he like he's a huge fan he's a huge fan of this tv show look at this look what i got steve you're watching the show don't you think that guy's [ __ ] cool what what about this big whoop big whoop a poor magazine is gold are you serious all right creepy like pastor cutting humans up the messy remains of some poor soul steven who are you i am daniel moynihan mortician and proprietor of the wayward hotel most people ask me why i don't remember their names well you always were a kid steve this bake sale is a joint effort of the harvest pta parent teacher associates yeah the parent teacher association sort of like this human being harvest did we go to the we didn't go to the diner this is the last possible place all right well here's the oh out out out sheriff's here take it see what he says oh my george oh bye jiminy here's the real thing oh can i have it what are you gonna give me sure oh oh thank you steve excuse me kiddo i gotta go check the jail for clean tiles don't show him masturbating please don't do it thank god okay what's on the desk the draw is unlocked go what do we got a note a barely legible note take it what else is in here a key key to the evidence room got it and a checkbook the sheriff sheriff dwayne's checkbook got it progress progress finally all right some weird like doll uh santa hats dart boards oh yeah yeah i examine the shelf a little a nifty little evidence shelf toast somebody killed somebody with a piece of toast doll tainted evidence this guy okay don't need to even read the rest of that don't open the refrigerator dartboard santa hat gas can it's empty use gas can on the scene put it away i got a gas can now lawn dart sneakers got the sneakers for the kid hello steve where's loomis [Music] let me stab you wait no no this is out like a dog place like wolf owl what note uh sheriff if you think i'm going to leap paying this forever you are crazy new year light lim but i can't read this chicken scratch and nonsense that was not that hard to read yeah it was that was excuse me excuse me that was difficult to read let's check this neighbor's house oh okay we got like a fat guy perfect okay i think this is this is my wife's house right squeezing meat talk to mr potsdam there he is my future son-in-law and how's he doing today what brings him to the potsdam household huh huh i've lost my memory what a card would i kid about something like that why won't you believe me well you always were a kidder steve well those are all definite cons of what you've done i was like barely paying attention i got here just in time for the sex scene no you didn't this is that's not gonna happen so take a picture of a gas can hey you like gasoline let's huff it together are you making some no don't i'm kidding would you like an autograph from your favorite tv superstar or a lube a jar of extra strength or lube great for getting in and out of tight spots i'm getting a lot of items cold medicine geez i'm like rating their entire [ __ ] cabinet morning yeast disinfectant not to be used for baking cookies butter vitamins jesus tampons toothpaste i'm getting a lot of [ __ ] items floss band-aids well here we go oral lube and tampon well that didn't work tampons on a shovel tampons and shoes tampons on the gas can take a picture of the tampons write a note about the tampons write in your diary about the tampons give the tampons vitamins a picture on the wall is hanging a hit crooked i'll break the wall oh boy oh boy she's putting on clothes it's okay [Music] she's she's putting clothes on we're fine she was just getting dressed sorry you know he keeps that gas can in the evidence room at his office i'd be really grateful to whoever could fetch me that can i already be thankful enough to provide him with a lodge application there it is oh and steve you'll keep this to yourself if you're smart uh yes i have the gas can right here oh my god i can't believe it after all this time progress where's my application boyle here take it with my thanks you know this morning as i was making my rounds i noticed an awful lot of television aerials on the roofs seems like more and more each day he's in the middle of the sneezing he's about to sneeze into that one or two seconds before sneezing uh how often do you want to uh sit three times a day first name steve middle name i don't know nobody will tell me any of these things i don't know what my street is i know i live in harvest do you have any physical disabilities that prevent you from sets lettuce yeah no do you use a triangle no do you enjoy the circle of banjo waiting yes can you climb a repel yes are you where did look look at the guy when they're following i have a hey hi i can't read that i don't know if you had any promising no i don't even know what that is see neither do i in 50 words or less tell me how you would benefit the cult i feel i am help i hear a worker and especially seasoning to think i'd got ghost for the lodge and i'm not good i made whatever the [ __ ] that means all right ma'am ma'am it's just that demonstrates resourcefulness a desirable trait for prospective members do the slow zoom out you know back like 20 years ago this was very very impressive oh somebody's always looking at the bathroom who's peeking through the wall to see in the bathroom be changing what's going on oh the horror a double quarter pounder from [ __ ] dominoes all right okay yeah take the sneakers swell here's the keys to the broom closet 345 that's where they meet every day about 3 45 as soon as everyone has gone home sometimes i hide in there beforehand daddy oh i see some stuff that's real man this is jesus christ take it from me you made a good swap see you later alligator thanks for the swap so now i have the key to the broom closet i need to go there at 3 45. can i [ __ ] kill this guy find a combination safe manual this is like cartoon music in the background i didn't do that i didn't do the rest of that i did not do the rest of that i have the combination what in the time it took me to come out of the menu i cut the guy's head off there is in harvest a man named it is his pride and joy i should like you to put a scratch in it okay a scratch as i said a lot of prank pranked him don't don't cut this guy's head off with a shovel that's what you're saying oh okay sure did i do it right did i do it correctly you know it don't even like we will i whatever caught you red-handed oops excuse me you're busting what screwing in the school broom closet what will people think they'll think nothing you little bastard you have no proof of your allegation camera and we'll be sure to avoid this broom closet in the future quick come miss whaley cameron not likely now thanks steve [ __ ] open the door camera take a picture of him gotcha again you stay right there snap you busted huh what screwing in the school broom closet what will people think i can't believe we went back again and again all right maybe i should maybe i could use a good solid batter boy take the bat and we'll take the photo where they take the photo though ever will i keep the children in line now i have a spare i can bring in tomorrow unless you prefer a chainsaw this time leave me alone have you noticed that your show is in black and white what else well i doesn't know so i'm from the 90s and i'm back in the i'm back in the 50s and there's a time travel aliens sucking up into a ship and put me down here and sure i'm supposed to kill everybody it's a test to see what humans will do put in a situation little kids shouldn't watch violence [Music] you happy yet what's what did you like lock you up resting that's it is that it no we're pulling up [Music] what were you thinking attacking someone like that with so many witnesses around you'll have plenty of time to think about it boy i'm still holding the bat what are they gonna do somebody help me dude i [ __ ] murdered three people what do you people want from me tonight for that boy ain't a sergeant sergeant like i was thinking about what he had for lunch today okay so if there are consequences for killing people good to know well how come i didn't get in trouble for killing the tv executive i i slit the tv executive's head off his shoulders and i didn't get into trouble at all zero this is it for me tonight i understand you witnessed miss williams discipline at the school and she thinks you may be uh feeling a might bent about it the woman that insane woman cripples children um i feel like we need to play it cool here that's always the wisest course boy sticking your nose where it doesn't belong can get you in a world of trouble especially if you're a gynecologist who says that in a conversation like oh yeah he's sticking his nose vaginas we didn't even go there you went there all right what do we got we got this thing the deed what do you think about this sheriff well look at this fresh from the subject w-h-a-r i guess you killed mcknight to get this man uh yeah i offed him all right no a nice fairy left it under my pillow yeah i killed him no big loss what do you got to say it just means i don't have to split the prophets with him anymore you're probably thinking this is evidence of my negligence my failure to properly investigate the newspaper fire it is maybe even complicity since the newspaper and the tv station were rivals sure now they don't never cross my mind well i'm glad to hear it in that case you'll return my property right this has got to be worth a lot to you sheriff you're welcome to have this evidence with my compliments it's gotta be worth a lot steve when you blackmail someone you never bring the originals along if you do your target can take them away and then where are you i made good lies are you that brought them along no speed i got a shovel i think i'll just that's fine i got a shovel [ __ ] you buddy let's what hey somebody help me why what where's the coffee machine make copies wow the general store doesn't this cost money copier free cup free copies you got it uh yeah he's dead you're probably thinking this is evident uh the idea never crossed my mind well i'm glad to hear it uh this has got to be worth something dude yeah it is i tell you what you bring me the original and i'll give you one of my special get out of jail free cards that can come in handy especially if you're up to no good or are going to be up to no good in the near future i turn over the original and you'll let me go if you catch me perpetrating a crime do we have a deal what hold on so i can kill people i should i get i want more get it to jail free card who cares so who gives a [ __ ] i can't get more out of this i want more oh steve i wish you'd been reasonable about this now you've left me no choice hey wait you can't risk this coming out your price is too high the price is too high i don't feel good about this deal anymore guess i'll have to take my chances hey wait a minute you're gonna zap me in the electric chair here's the original brought back the original ownership papers huh don't get excited i made copies as insurance now i believe you said something about a get out of jail free card fair enough you're a piece of work steve mind if i ask you a question how is it killing that guy killing mcknight so [ __ ] fantastic great it could get to be a habit did you look into his eyes when he crossed over i love doing that i seen it all but in the end it's always you looking into nothing and nothing you put there son you might ought to think about a career in law enforcement after you get into the lodge of course thanks a lot scary guy i'm not the one with amnesia then you believe me well you always were a kid or steve you should be grateful that she's making copies of the get out of jail for yeah he doesn't understand i'm gonna go right to the [ __ ] coffee machine and like uh talk to karen hi what's your name hi karen karen what are you doing playing my mom is working so i gotta stay out of her hair wanna play not now maybe that's a natural okay they got actual actual kid actors actual kid voice work in interesting what about the beehive lady should i just [ __ ] kill this lady what about like you need like a salve or anything yeah you want something like [ __ ] a d oi i have you need like tampons lady i'm just like the town tampon guy i have all like but what's the point of killing her there's no reason to kill her she didn't do anything let's see what happens i took her i took her head off the bat so she was a wasp can i eat her sandwich no i'm i'm going to need her later i know i am she she's going to serve a purpose at some point right oh just because she's an alien she has to die yes yes are you serious if you found out that some lady down the street was an alien and she had like a wasp [ __ ] huh and she had a giant stinger and she was like i yeah i'm so evil huh she's an alien my memory is gone alien spaceship sounds are everywhere i've been teleported out out of my out of my home i've been teleported back to here and there's a wasp lady alien lady right first of all like like solid block of wood alien lady okay we've got an alien lady in our [ __ ] town punch your [ __ ] head off like that easy as pie oh didn't even hurt oral bald shut up there was another manhole wasn't there oh [Music] here it comes oh where's his car what [ __ ] how do i how do i scratch his car it's inside of his fortress wait a minute manhole manhole manhole manhole manhole oh [ __ ] you a small passageway at least the sewer is going shovel damn it oh man oh baby boy we got ourselves an indentation it's a regular piece of wood ladies and gentlemen not a big deal and we've got a one two three ooh there's that [ __ ] this that's the the the the guy that's the guy's dog the guy's wife the guy's the husband the husband of the guy's wife there he is what are you doing here at this hour mr potsdam see that guy's crap i'm burying our cat she passed away and i'm burying her go away and mind your own business then where's the cat i goofed come on i've had like i've had like three i've had three cuppies worth of whiskey tonight you know that three how much is that how much is three cups worth of whiskey i don't know how much that is it's like at least like five or six shots something like that i'm especially surprised with how upset you were about some old ladies wasp [ __ ] i live in the 21st century if aliens come down that means that i mean we're we're all dead uh you know what i mean that like say if we were just an alien experiment which is possible you ever see prometheus uh based in reality not fiction excuse me who are our creators like that remember the mayans the mayans have like sculptures of astronauts go look it up it's on [ __ ] wikipedia that's how you know it's real aliens have already came like they already came here like [ __ ] six thousand years ago go look it up type in type in mayan astronaut sculpture but we're all dead they're gonna come back who built the pyramids the aliens built the pyramids how did aliens land on a flat earth that's a great [ __ ] question please don't talk [ __ ] about germa's gaming ability this guy refunded assassin's creed origins on stream he does have a point myself what the [ __ ] is going on i have the stream open here what this is not happening on my screen why is this happening going on this is not the same thing i'm seeing this is not happening on my screen all right why is this happening does that have a point i don't have a question and i beat cuphead in four and a half hours what streamer did that which one of your favorite streamers like www dot favorite [ __ ] my favorite streamer would have taken like 12 hours to beat the [ __ ] game i beat that game in four and a half hours www i find another better streamer than this guy yeah break cheer cheer cheer friendly reminder that german 985 is the best streamer see this guy gets it what do you think about the face cam should i keep should i delete it should i ever do it again i feel like i'm like just barely like ugly enough where like like i'm like i'm not like on that really weird verge of like like you could be attractive but you're ugly you know what i mean like from this angle like i don't know from this angle i don't know depends what angle i can have like the right angle not the right [ __ ] angle i'm not attractive enough to be a [ __ ] face camera streaming is drunk and fishes for compliments give them to me all right we'll get we'll read the rest of those at the end of the stream because we've got we've got like murdering innocent people we've got to kill like innocent like townspeople and like with a baseball bat so come on actually got me hey gabby you got my game use the arrow keys i mean use arrow keys wait i can like walk up and down the 3d plane i did not know that all right he's dead what was the point of this better all of you [ __ ] better vote for me most handsome streamer 2017 in the streamer awards [ __ ] be furious if you don't like most security devices there's usually more than one trap to stop intruders breaking into my own house it's my house it's my house you're gonna give me the electric chair for putting a screwdriver in my window i don't believe it okay steve consider your get allergy [Applause] is he tucking me in so that's not how you're supposed to do that ah dolly dolly dolly dolly on cabinet get it there it is there's the electric device security alarm turn it off you turn off the alarm system perfect now let's go look at our [ __ ] dad let's go look at her like darth vader dad you dismantle the bars from the window with the screwdriver and now get in there what what why did i lose i saw uh okay watch ready i'm gonna click once i didn't you saw my hands are in the air i didn't do anything i didn't skip it watch i'll do it again watch my [ __ ] hands here's one hand here comes hand number two i'm gonna click and then hand number two now that you've scratched the tucker you may proceed to your second task you doesn't sound so bad i'll do it come back to me with your third task and i will reward you accordingly i got it i can do it next time gadget next time i [ __ ] told you i could do it give me 10 seconds with any video game and i will get a [ __ ] i will get it done easy as that so [ __ ] talented it's unbelievable conceited streamer no i'm you know i did yeah how i don't know about you guys but how often do you guys do this how often do you guys like scream in the mirror that you're like not worth it i do that like at least once a week i look in the mirror and i just like grab the mirror and i shake it by the neck and i'm like you're not [ __ ] worth it all right well i can go in the window now right oh [ __ ] i'm going to death no leave that there if any of it turns up missing marv what's going on in there go go i'll i'll kill i i got you man i'll kill her two swings of the bed like this ready one across the chin blink chin gets dislodged on the way back one across the eye socket six feet under i got you dead what are you doing in there it's me mercy got mercy misery misery misery i'm gonna break your legs [ __ ] piece of wood i'm gonna put your ankle on it and i'm gonna go and you're gonna scream just like ted danson does in the movie misery hold on what can i do well you always were a kid or steve just don't make me laugh now all right marv hey marv i've got a slip for you here so your father okayed the meat up how's he doing not good that psychotic [ __ ] has him sliced to ribbons good good glad to hear it here's your meat son you run along now a new shipment of animals has come in and it's time to start cutting [Music] hunk of meat okay that's uh that's something that you know when you're in a conversation and you can tell the other person's not paying any attention it's kind of like a way to determine if they are listening to you like if somebody's like on their phone and you're trying to get their attention and you're like hey dude uh so like the concert tomorrow yeah yeah yeah concert oh hey like i uh my my my father's like chopped up by my mother oh yeah that's cool glad to hear it man cool that's how you can you know i mean like that that's what just happened he's on his [ __ ] iphone let's go dig up the grave though think of any other circumstance oh no whatever oh let's go dig up that person's grave you've been in there for a long time karen god i found you are you all right karen i want to go home could you take me to my mommy's store or to the policeman do i have to use the dolly she's gone [ __ ] diner diner diner diner diner diner diner diner dash diner dash diner dash is she here there she is bye bye okay let's talk to edna for a second oh my god karen thank god check if she's in your inventory she may have been in my inventory you whoa uh that i that i did not know about that's uh okay i don't believe it uh well i saw i there comes the ocean again yeah i know what that crazy little bit said but it's not true i was at home that night mrs potsdam will vouch for me isn't that right mrs pottstown that's right mr potsdam hello steve carey to stay for some pot roast forget the pot roast mother pot roast isn't for backstabbers for persecutors i won't share my meat with you my meat my meat is the foundation of any decent society everyone needs at least three servings of red meat a day and anyone who's gonna say otherwise is a commie don't eat red meat three times a day don't eat it three times a week part of the family too you should not be eating red meat more than like once or twice a week i want kind of makes up for not getting into the life turkey turkey [ __ ] better vote for me number one handsome streamer i'm looking at you guy in the [ __ ] that hasn't said a goddamn thing the whole stream guys sitting there lurking the whole stream david hey yeah you better [ __ ] vote for me buddy dave smith yeah get it together dude how do you know that one person right i can look over here i i have analytics guys like look i can see over my analytics right now you guys don't you're talking about like you know like like information i can see right here let's click over here okay i can see dave smith there's there's nine dave smiths here one from washington one from wyoming one from oregon one from california two actually three from california one from the great lakes and one from sweden also i can see ah okay rest of you guys have pop-up blockers smart cons what you're done don't do that why do they do that here you go here's your meat say that's that's a nice cut there steve did you bring it for me uh yes or no sure you can have it steve you're a real champ what a son-in-law you'd make if it isn't my does it give me anything what the [ __ ] oh god damn it now we gotta listen to this [ __ ] idiot again i just gave it to him for free no remember if you're good at something they never do have a ring is it true you found karen yeah just in time too he'd molested her and buried her alive he couldn't bring himself to kill her out right how would she know he just decided to stick her in the ground and let fate take its course why would she know who who would do that to her dad he's gonna be so pissed say that's that no i want you to take a look oh you've got a mean streak in you steve what are you teasing me for showing me that put it away and leave me alone get your [ __ ] feet off the table before i bash your head in with an axe fire alarm [Applause] okay all it takes is just to do it in front of the principal just use the fire alarm in front of the principal fire axe yes i will take a fire axe i have a lot of just random weapons what am i supposed to do with all these weapons pick up the ladder what do i do with the ladder now stop hitting your [ __ ] dog man oh [ __ ] why is he just covered up geez what are you doing why is this guy's under a sheet standing here waiting to be drawn spots barking wakes the firemen and they call the sheriff no no no no we're not using it here okay no no no no no no get out of here [ __ ] you don't kiss me in the forehead like a [ __ ] creep here i don't care soiled it soiled it meat to the dog then talked a guy mmm when that yummy hey who's underneath the magician's tent you [Applause] i just wanted to see what was gonna happen it wasn't for real i wanted to see i'm we're gonna reload the game don't worry just i got it there's the cloth back to the cult leader i'm gonna head back to the sewer after this that is making me hungry forget about all these terrible pieces of imagery i i'm like [ __ ] hungry for a hamburger what time is it one 1am i might just kill this guy because i don't [ __ ] care is it weird that i want to like just chop this guy's head off with the axe and like just go in the sewer all right so i got to break into the store steal the barber pole and bring it back what kind of mundane [ __ ] tasks does this guy want me to do oh yes i forgot to do the voice how do you do the voice [ __ ] i forgot how to do it i'm supposed next time i don't know how to do it i had it nailed like an hour ago you heard it i wonder if this guy talks to his kids like this what happened you got a d in math unbelievable you're grounded for two weeks no chocolate declares for a month your little [ __ ] [Music] well that didn't work oh man that's way more gruesome with the axe and unlock didn't celebration here's my idea hey lady wow okay that's enough of that oh my lord i was trying to i was trying to hit the lady [Music] wow i'll be in here if you need me i'll be in here just don't mind me so somebody like farted in the car oh my god jesus christ jesus christ oh my god okay i don't even i forget where the barbershop is i'm like okay there it is i can't believe you can do that in this game what a [ __ ] that is [ __ ] insane okay you laughed your butt off at a kid running into a wall in a horror game [Music] i think there's a very large difference between like doink oh some uh-huh and like whack yo difference whoa wrench on the door it's not a professional tape on the door why did i do that are you serious i taped up the window and smashed it didn't that kind of go against everything [Music] what oh [ __ ] you no no no no no no no god damn it how do i turn off the power that's it i just have to turn the l i have to turn the light switch off yeah okay that's kind of that's kind of really dumb oh yeah skip no i need to see the hamburger one more time one more time yeah death robe that's right death robe d-robe d-robe death robe come on i can smell it already it's got pickles lettuce onions to all beef patties lettuce sauce chickles cheese it uh and a sesame bun chicken jiggles two all beef paddles lettuce sauce how does it go to all beef paddles pickles cheese lettuce sauce on a set no [ __ ] you it's wrong jeremy get it right you do it right or you're not gonna get [ __ ] voted best streamer [Music] [Music] two all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on a sesame seed bun mcdonald's two all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese on a sandwich bun i wanna i no i don't stop it go out leave leave go to the lodge okay wise ass i warned you i gotta take him out i gotta take out the kid here's your paper please don't murder me hey steve you've been doing a swell job putting the paper out in the morning you just keep doing that and we won't have any problems that's not much to ask is it an unfortunate side effect that pastorelli was electrocuted don't laugh why am i laughing ah this is [ __ ] a comedy show now you got electrocuted to death jesus christ your final assignment is okay ah jeez that's no minor prank that's arson forget it all right you get any suggestions i suggest you succeed maybe the body has that's fine i thought that [Music] oh do you now this is wait a minute wait wait wait this is part wrong face cam [Music] somebody's looking to the people i think the dad is looking through the people [Music] [Laughter] ah the deed is done just with my fire axe i have to [ __ ] with my fire axe in my hands it's really important this is the only way i can get off but mr pastor rally the barber he's dead i know you are way behind here lady then like a full two or three weeks where the rumor is behind i didn't mean to kill him i just wanted the pole oh my god steve that was no little prank a man died i'm not gonna lie i'm not a wife i'm not a liar that's all right guys he was just made out of chocolate it wasn't even a real mr potterson the real model that mr protestant wasn't made out of caramel what does it like when i do it to her some people are some people are not killable i think she's one of them no she is she is one of them [Music] no there's the guys out of the guy's body that's terrifying you just woke up to a stream well that means it's really late nightfall descends here we go time to burn down the diner let's at least burn the diner down do i have to do the tape gag again of course i do okay burn this place to the ground the goal before going to bed is burn down the diner so matches matches only grease fire where is it open the grease fire okay now toss in matches one major deterrent to the art of arson is to make sure no fire alarms are [Music] functional somebody said the cake cover oh god how would you even see that [ __ ] right on there you apply the glue to the rim okay there it is finally the throw up bucket done burn this place to the ground now what the grease fire is on so now just leave right yes i probably should leave okay with eddie's diner blaze your task is complete you carefully make your way home to avoid any possible witnesses she hung herself as soon as she realized what had happened to her beloved establishment a true answer so i don't have to even do anything if people kill people like died even if i don't do anything i had no idea she'd do that now this place is [ __ ] up what wait why why why is there what is this why would she be there too jesus christ all right uh ladies and gentlemen uh thank you all so much for watching i really appreciate it how you guys doing am i going to do face cam i don't think so not tonight i have a piece of trash tonight we'll talk about why i actually woke up like 98 seconds ago bear with me here oh [ __ ] you know like if sort of like cuts you off and you pull up you know somebody cuts off in front of you and pulls it you got you guys pulled to the same red light and you look over it they look over the inevitable awkward like that like i'm rolling my window down you know what the easiest the best thing you could ever say to somebody but that's doing that to you that's like hey [ __ ] you you suck one there you go you save right back to him yeah yeah that's great that's great hey dude you're as [ __ ] boring as unsweetened iced tea and then like step on the [ __ ] gas and pull oh my computer crashed because who [ __ ] drinks unsweetened iced tea who likes unsweetened iced tea nobody does not one person does they just say they do so they think do you think that you're there like health conscious trust me yeah i do no you don't no you don't you act you actually don't like it i drink it every day you don't you know you don't i don't believe that guess what i'm drinking right now unsweetened iced tea what a shitty joke that i'm not making a joke i don't even like it this is all i have in the house right now it was yeah you know yeah it was an accidental it was an accidental unsweetened iced tea by it was i'm not going to pretend i'm i'm a genius uh you know you go to the store and you grab they're all labeled the same damn thing you walk up and you [ __ ] grab one accidental unsweetened iced tea bye they put them there so you accidentally [ __ ] buy them if i look like a [ __ ] piece of crap right now i don't care who cares but playing the i'm gonna harvester a t-shirt out of this uh i had no idea that she'd do that you bastards you made me a murderer i had no idea come now anyone who spoke with her for five minutes would have known what a tragedy the destruction of her diner would be still you sought to torture a diner and torched it is you have proven yourself a worthy candidate for this is just a [ __ ] bib get this for testing your initiation into the mysteries of the harvest will soon begin in the how i recognize this sign you will know hockey equipment from the 30s that's what they used to do now you don't need to have any leather helmets just wear paper towels son that's better i'm just wearing swimmies i bet you're going to pool mom what the [ __ ] is going on here okay well i think this is where we're supposed to be hey when you hey that feeling when that reaction when wtf when you can use your shirt as a little bit of a spittle device examine the picture of the man of the house squeezing his feet gross wash your hair i just woke up look listen to me i didn't want to turn the camera on i just woke up i was taking a nap and my hair is going to be disgusting this is how it works when you have disgusting greasy [ __ ] smelly body you get like this and the way that the the with the sun the way that the indoor sun is hitting me in the head i took a nap i vote i went to bed at like 6 15 and woke up at like 6 58 and came down here i woke up at like 7 o'clock this morning yes i can forget about the meat huh what do you mean your dad must have pulled some strings be sure and check stephanie's pillow you lucky bum check them what the hell are you talking about [ __ ] tooth fairy you'll see once the sheriff gets here stephanie stephanie things will never be the same now guess i'll be watching tv nights okay you can come in now son what what oh my god is that what i think it is she is a i can see a resemblance but i can't be sure more pie sheriff pie don't you realize what's happened oh indeed i do it looks like seth with farley just hear the tongues waiting at the pta was it suicide never heard of anyone pulling their own spinal cord out before off the record i'd have to say no no all in all i'd say this was death by natural causes that's by natural causes natural causes what the [ __ ] you can't live without a spinal cord son nothing unnatural about that no you cannot take a whale have some more power this is the end of the game did i beat the game i can't believe this this is horrible believe me you get to the point to where this is routine so the eating pie is made out of the only clue we got is that card on our pillow it's the lodge take a look at it harvest food is steve mason stone mason northern practically a confession confession to us huh murder isn't that what you're here to investigate i'm sure you will [Music] don't mind if i do what is it so i guess you're not getting married after all don't think so shut up you little [ __ ] i guess i'm going to a funeral instead don't hold your breath i'm not sure it's her uh let's go with number two good one steve i'm glad you're not a total doof so was it pretty gross i hear she was all tore up with an eyeball hanging out uh you're disgusting i'm not telling you anything yeah rip jesus did you cry girly tears you saw all that stuff that used to be inside her throat on a bed like garbage did you wonder this is an actual kid reading this line this [Music] shut up [ __ ] you're no fun anymore you need to loosen up watch some more tv or you're gonna know what's just gonna why are you sitting in front of that blank tv someone burnt down the tv channel there's nothing on nothing wrong honestly hank you're acting like an alcoholic i told you all that tv would hurt you watching tv don't hurt me mom but not watching gives me strength that's bad if i find out who burnt down the tv station should i say it was me i'll make him wish he was one of those damn indians hello i just heard what happened to stephanie would you like some toast from our brand new crandall toaster with otto browning control okay i couldn't eat i don't know why they had to do it because what was left of her it was horrible i'm sure it was dear i guess this reshuffles the deck doesn't they but they do that with the nice snapchat filter for going across and mr potsdam must be so disappointed going to the bathroom we'll never want to check out one of our new [Music] toasters [Music] what okay don't touch it you don't call an ambulance [Music] as good as new that tarantula she ate must have had wasp eggs in it i can still rear my brood this is a sign steve i got that like synthetic purpose chills down my spine no you know what a sense of pattern call a priest in any pattern dressed as a police officer who's currently volunteering as a firefighter sure [ __ ] that one up but you don't need to call a priest we took a black island he's dressed as a police officer volunteering as a firefighter i can't you know when people die when i i hear other voices i can't talk big speech so you that would have been in the video is there going to be a video for this maybe you'll see all right here it is lodge invitation looks like a cassette tape you received the invitation but you have not brought it elixir i don't understand the invitation looks like he was like putting on 3d glasses like oh like looking through a kaleidoscope it must be presented to me i allow you to enter it's not here did they stuff her in the trunk where where is she i have to go to the morgue probably i would assume right why is everyone in this game because this game is [ __ ] this game is just messed up disappointing in a way i got i might have gotten some paying customers i stuck my hand in a wire and i got like wire goo on me hold on wow okay wow tree climate i have a ladder in my inventory um all right shovel pitchfork wrench all right we just had to use is it did i throw it did it do what i wanted to do no all right let's go hello combat we just got caught what is this dog all right am i gonna have to fight like a bunch of dogs now there there it is spinal cord and skull pick it up was being protected by a dog an evil dog that's it how's my health all right stoned i'm good okay i'm ready here you go spinal cord ah you have done well oh wow it is clearly cardboard sprayed with spray paint you are you supposed to help me or get me killed are you supposed to help me here man i'm starting you on the path of initiation to a very special very exclusive dude exclusive i am merely the administrator almost as exclusive as whether you view me being a sub but no i was making like a sub like twitch streamer joke where like you oh it's an exclusive club man no you paid five dollars i appreciate every [ __ ] sub no you guys know that i'm just kidding around right we got look we got disc three we're getting we're moving on disc three oh god now now we got real interesting what the [ __ ] are you talking about ah you're here excellent you'll find them through that door well that's that's the best guy you are the exterminator are you not no in that case i'm afraid you'll have a hard time of it sir recently the lodge has become infested that's the guy from the barber shop yes they need exterminating orb to be blunt sir they need killing and plenty [Music] uh what's the quickest way to the second level the second floor sir the entrance is hidden but a little reflection should reveal the answer to find the key to the second floor deep within yourself i don't know all right we got we got we got some busts here this bust is of beethoven there's doubt at you this is of thomas jefferson okay uh benjamin franklin i would pick that one if i were you george washington barbara bush well they had to be topical about it like so these are all presidents president brad this oh george bush was in office so this is barbara bush plus busty barbara bush that's it has to be barbara bush how do i activate barbara bush what what happened why am i sliding that somebody's intestinal throat right now what i was leaving the lodge do i still have the item good all right now we're inside of somebody's stomach just got way way more interesting now we're doing i would just like cause moses jones inside of cthulhu i get it i've already seen this movie i know how it ends news flash all the white blood cells like take over they [ __ ] eat all the diseases well we found another fallout enemy examine the growth a tumorous growth erupting from its fleshy prison a polyp grows all right we gotta kill this thing with this is the worst weapon in the game i don't think i'm that healthy what a terrible weapon you couldn't give me a sword version of this why does it have to be like a tiny little disc now we have an eyeball baby i literally saved all the combat for the last like 40 minutes of the game oh there it is with a backhanded slice we open up our next assignment togo [Music] operate the toga the cloakroom attendant warns you not to touch anything so just just [ __ ] murder this guy it's that easy this is still this is the last supper is judas there's jesus this is how it played out that's what i am i'm benedict donald i did this oh here's the chef is chef gonna come after me with a knife i hope you're proud of yourself killing my clientele ever since the monsters invaded this level the members have taken to dining with the grand cuba upstairs the grand poobah actually i have to admit my last few meals haven't been up to snow the problem is the freshness of the corpses or lack thereof see the supply has dried up the sergeant-at-arms always used to insist that bodies killed in the lodge be disposed of without trays and so the members would bring me their business for preparation and dissemination uh all right do you know anybody named stephanie you'd need to talk to the membership director up on two can you tell me anything that might help me not really is even the meat all right well i i took i i just took somebody's torso and put it in my inventory that's good chef ramsay would have a field day without arms head head and hand in kitchen wait i i what happened i was reading chad what happened what did i do what happened why did i what what happened to my body acid so i have to where the hell am i now this is like a saloon i'm gonna okay wait wait i gotta figure out the acid puzzle because i'm gonna die acid puzzle acid acid acid acid i need i need an anti i need an antacid i need to take a tums quick radio operate the radio heavy metal heavy metal it's the only station they have they have creepy piano music and heavy metal what a [ __ ] up town i need five dollars oh a cash register the cash register is locked oh give me a [ __ ] break where the hell am i okay there is there is a super [ __ ] mario plan plants blocking your way and watch this well i can guarantee you that don't happen in [ __ ] marty's odyssey like you that scream i swear to god that scream this on is in every halloween toy god damn it nobody left a five dollar bill like a tip for the waitress without going over here i'm not gonna do anything i'm not going near this no there's nothing here damn the pod it's like an alien pod play the piano i can't play the piano there's no money nothing head in the pot head in the pot what do you what i mean head in the pot i need to go in the all right all right all right all right all right hold on i got it i have to drink beer examine look this is the only one that can be touched extra strong beer you take the beer and drink it the room spins and your vision blurs momentarily so that's how you get five dollars what the [ __ ] is that do i have to fight is this this i was going for the legs guys i was going for the knees is that a metaphor or is it that i actually lose yeah that was link versus dark link come on sakurai you can do better than that you mother don't accidentally hit that because that's dangerous i almost just put my [ __ ] hand straight down on this i almost just [ __ ] went like you oh that would have been a scream moment stop stop going that far wait wait wait wait wait wait got it right searching the body you find a small key head in the kitchen pot i'm not putting my head in a kitchen pot there you go five bucks examine the 200 examine the five dollars hmm okay so make sure i give him the five dollars not to the 200. taking your money the cloakroom attendant cleans the acid off your clothes [Music] he wasted a long time he gave me at least a few seconds to try to get away i want a gun we're killing this guy i don't care what the repercussions are i want that gun give me your gun you actually i got it i actually do have it i got it wow are you serious [Music] nice [Music] how do i reload the shotgun [Music] okay give two shots i'm gonna use that on the evil guy it's right here it's all right i don't care this guy might be like an integral part of the game but i don't even give a [ __ ] it could be anybody and he's dead so i can take this i can take the toga operate the peg [Music] oh what [ __ ] up puzzle is this gonna be was there like a number or do i have like a postcard or something to tell me where it is sandwich is there a note in the sandwich i hate the same should i not have eaten the sandwich i don't know how do i keep it open how do i keep this open there it is i got it i got it i figured it out i didn't know i thought this was like an acid toga i thought i was gonna have to put it on and that's why i didn't want to use it everybody calmed down i'm jump jump getting there i just woke up like an hour and 66 minutes ago okay there is a box of shotgun shells like rare gems these shotgun shells have been secreted in this hidden room by someone who knew their value secreted or secreted i'm not sure how many shells is it 15 shells oh boy now we're hunting rabbits look at that way he's walking that's the elmer fudd walk [Music] simple exam on the side this side gleams harshly beneath the bare bowl okay we have a side now hat box there's something to do with the hat box right switch some kind of switch [Music] i what it opens the door it opens the door like door the door is open oh no look out [Applause] okay i can do that better we're gonna do we're gonna put the side on i don't wanna waste bullets why would i waste bullets for the stupid skeleton bird enemy this thing's got good enough reach we're gonna use this shotgun because that guy's hard okay it's hard all right we understand now that that guy is difficult now we're not gonna [ __ ] it up we know that that guy actually can hurt you very very very very much so how deep how do you miss why did you shoot in the air go back don't think there's anything else for me to do oh now of course a slime zombie is gonna come get me meat at the bubbles is this going to work all right well this is what we cheated um sink someone must have mistaken this for a toilet somebody's [ __ ] in the sink i've been there before it's not pretty all of toned slime runs down these bowls obviously the product of a vegetarian with the runs okay here comes a toilet flush puzzle a lot of vegetarians here in lieu of toilet paper please avail yourself of the lodge's own bidet the fluid leaking from out of the out of the order toilet a little patience and a good aim that's gross honestly in like all right in what world does sitting because look when i sit on the toilet and i go to the bathroom i don't imagine that water shooting up into my [ __ ] is going to clean me i'm going to want to get in the shower after that it's going to run down your legs how does that make any sense i'm thinking of like a garden hose that has like the big spray jet setting and you sit over it and it just that's going to make a [ __ ] mess and you're gonna have to re-clean yourself that's why would you want to use that what do you you take you you you relieve yourself and then you press the button and you send a as if you knocked a hydrant off the street just use toilet paper you're trying to eat somebody just said i'm trying to eat during this game aft after just talking about the vegan diarrhea you think i'm the problem you think it's i'm the issue here holy [ __ ] man i'm i'm trying to eat tell me more about like that vegan [ __ ] that's in the toilet like diarrhea and blood and piss and babies eyes coming out of their skulls a cool refreshing fountain operate the fountain [Applause] [Applause] we need to see them all right yeah that's good that's a good thumbnail hold on i gotta get out of the way for this thumbnail no wrong thing here we go there's your thumbnail on the wall moving on the wall i would have never [ __ ] seen that [ __ ] how uh how okay this game is going through an ingest server into twitch being pulled down to like four just over just over four thousand uh kilobytes right i streamed at like 42 4300 kilobytes so you guys are getting a degraded version of this and you saw that before i did jeez i gotta get my [ __ ] glasses checked [Applause] don't ask me why these are here all right going against diablo one diablo [Music] good thing i had these on operate the rope ending cutscene bad guy if only you imagine coming to a stream and seeing a guy play a point-and-click adventure game with [ __ ] gunner optics on i can see every pixel it's so much better it's so much easier to play they people think i'm such a [ __ ] tool how many of you guys just walked in the stream like five seconds ago and how how annoyed are you that i'm wearing these oh yeah i gotta have your gunner optics on dear calibre calibrate the screen refresh rate for a harvester your real fans know you're a tool oh yeah hey didn't even need to look what's this one gunner optics activate got him didn't even need to [ __ ] look i just i i'm having trouble shooting this guy i don't understand what's the problem here redo redo this is for the video uh i just i i don't understand what the problem is there's some issue that i'm not understanding i just i can't figure it out what the problem is god [ __ ] you i tried to aim you know the uh i i just don't understand what the issue is i feel like i'm lined up correctly in the right coordinates i feel like there's something that there must be something missing i'm not sure what that is it could be gunner optics download them today i mean i um i'm having an issue i'm not sure what the problem is that it's something about the fact that uh maybe wowee shove them up your ass oh boy that's not good that's i not good broke something i think i [ __ ] up my thing what oh [ __ ] me i'm so sorry another corvette boom thanks for the one dollar a dollar for my favorite vine sauce streamer the [ __ ] did you just say bring me the book and i'll help you how will i know which book oh you'll know it he's not an avid reader i got that written down all right is mr kane the high school teacher that during halloween wears a terrible costume and is he's like a magician or something right like mr king and these this is this is the math book he's he very clearly is doing very extreme low effort halloween but you love him anyways he's a wicked nice guy he's super funny he's super entertaining he makes like a lot of jokes and everybody respects him give me the book that's not the right guy he's holding a giant book mr kane hey buddy give me a break will you keep up the floor [Music] uh he just had dialogue that i missed all right buddy [Music] [ __ ] over here come on man [Music] come on why would this have this much knockback here's mr kane should we not even ask any questions just get rid of him yes i know how to play chess in that case wait i have to check mate him okay how do we play chess i think it's so this the horse can only move in one direction where's his that's his king so it's right here right because he that means yeah he can't move if it's over here is a civilized game how sad that we must resort to a less civilized form checkmate that wasn't checkmate that was too many things there for me to comment uh that was some beauty in the beast [ __ ] first and first and foremost second of all what hit him in the head he just got axed in the head somebody hit this guy with an axe examine these chairs exit out operate the body oh my god oh god i'm trying to eat yeah remember the guy that's remember remember the people that were saying earlier that like don't talk about like [ __ ] and bidets yeah but you'll look at the inside of a guy's like grapefruit skull like that's all right but i can't talk about a bidet who is this who's [ __ ] andre the giant my flies up all right that's what we all that's what you know what are you eating right now eating spaghetti that's what spaghetti looks like on the inside are you eating beef are you eating chicken that's what they look like that's what a cow's head looks like when they crush it to make your hamburger they rip it open like this and they take take out all with the tongue in the brain and that's what's in your patty right now that's what it looks like just being real vegan what are you talking about that's what the inside of a broccoli looks like too you've seen if you look at a broccoli head it's like well the [ __ ] it's like exploded you can see like the brain issue you cut it off and there's like blood and stuff in there coming from somebody apparently that's never cooked in their life you have a slice of asparagus they scream that like little crunch you hear it's like that's what that's a scream that's not a crunch that's a scream why is this the [ __ ] last boss he's so hard he just goes like ball punches okay i found a book all right yeah i know i'm going to give the key to the lady i and watch here's what's going to happen nothing you guys ready are you guys ready for nothing to [ __ ] happen i was just i'm gonna drag i'm gonna drop the key on the lady and she's gonna go i don't know what the [ __ ] that is if i can get the [ __ ] out of this like mess of a goddamn hallway system how do i get out of here here we go here we go everybody hold your [ __ ] breath hold your breath oh i don't i don't know what that is can i help you i want you all to apologize all of you just kill the janitor everybody wants the janitor to die so bad go kill that [ __ ] janitor look he's got it coming apparently here comes the boss fight hi janitor you guys wanted this you think all right i shot too many times i need to shoot this guy once i'm not even going to give him a chance to speak [Music] why did he not die is there actual damn this damage fall off this damage fall off he can't hit me oh my god i can't believe it [Music] why [Music] i don't know how he died but he did he he bled to death i'm not giving him the dollars that's my money [Laughter] good [ __ ] chainsaw in that room a shotgun would come in handy right now that's for sure syringe clown upgraded of course it's a [ __ ] clown all right just be ready right grabbing the chainsaw you add it to your inventory hoping it will come in handy you also find a cubie doll and something that looks like a key we got our cupidol from inside of this disgusting clown it's a red rocket they're really why am i wearing these take them off people are actually going to come into this stream and be like [ __ ] this guy why are you wearing those i don't i hate when people wear those when they play games that are not necessary for them i'm just gonna look like a shill implying i wasn't a shill excuse me [Music] when have i ever pushed a pro that's a new that's a new viewer i've never pushed a product on stream ever or on a youtube video in my life ever hey gamers enthusiasts what are they as good as german like the best if you want to have the advantage over other players you get to raise your death at her no sponsored content from this [ __ ] i can guaran damn to you but these are comfy and they feel good on the face smell good too hmm i would recommend those for a dollar or two [Music] intelligence activate okay switch box a power fuse box a power meter box apparently we're about to dive we're diving we're going like 30 000 leagues under the sea i can't take this anymore i can't take it anymore please turn it off it sounds like it's out of breath it sounds like it's out of breath oh okay well that didn't work ooh look at that we made a slinky broken pipe what oh [ __ ] god damn it man come on ceiling what are you talking about the ceiling what do you mean the ceiling like my ceiling i don't know what the [ __ ] you guys are talking about i forgot my face cam was on i just see like oh my god the [ __ ] ceiling is caving in like the ceilings came in what look up at the ceilings like right here oh it's like indeed it's been indiana jonesing me this whole stream and i look up and i'm just like oh [ __ ] it's like closing down i have to like snake over there and get out of the room all right where's the are you [ __ ] kidding me how do i stop it how do i stop this from happening the [ __ ] ceiling is indiana jonesing me that's interesting uh i think we're gonna get crushed because i don't [ __ ] know how to stop this glue damn it nail it somewhere there's one flag on a cement base here's the other flag on this base bingo now we're fine now it's not going to come down and crush our head this is the temple of the mystery of abstinence do not eat of the food or you will be punished all within are hereby bound to a vow of absolutely abstinence let's get operate the hamburger this is a human [Music] the central mystery is thus those who advocate absolutely are those who possess the most it is to their advantage that you obey not to yours the meek shall inherit the earth when the strong are finished with it advance initiate and remember what you have learned [Music] wait what that dude was wearing some gutter optics he had gunner optics on that's how he could get so many good shots god damn it man and some mothers complain that their children don't come to see them shocked this is the mystery of motherly love everyone says motherhood is fulfilling when in reality it's training oh yes i'm such a pessimist what you must think of me you don't know the half of it what is it what no no no no thank you no thanks kids no thanks kids no thanks kids oh god i'm gonna have to use a pool cue for this one those are those are just small people okay those are small people those were not other than that those small people don't talk about the days jeremy don't talk about the days whatever you do that's disgusting she just like went down an elevator that wasn't dude that's not even her body his mercy anoints us all and where does he dwell the lord and all of us heretic what you have not seen that's what it is he's in all of us john here if we must shut them first if we need to open your eyes we're going to shut your eyes first this guy's dragging me okay this is clearly like somebody's like son as an extra [Music] i was going for a bill clinton thing there and i just didn't have an opportunity to all right where the hell am i going this is just this is just grotesque a metal on the gas can operate the gas can examine the can ashes the door is locked from the other side where am i wait wait hold on you think it's that simple huh just passing through well my family was just sitting around and look where it got them what is this the temple of the mystery of morality my country paid me to kill and then when i came home i was out of a job they expected me to stop reloading is that what they wanted a paycheck today jail cell tomorrow am i a criminal or an entrepreneur hey let's find out i feel like this is going to be hard oh god damn it we're all the way back a naked [ __ ] fat we have to do this again did i not save after this [ __ ] i didn't save after this god dammit this guy is the hardest enemy in the game my chainsaw is not i have to use the pool cue on that guy five six seven eight eight you find nothing usable on the body but there he is mr potsdam the mystery of flesh steve have a bite mr potsdam the mystery is this sometimes in conclusion to get some meat they wouldn't let me in until i demonstrated my worthiness my invitation came after i buried karen alive that showed initiative you should have gotten your dad to hire me on that way you could have been the boss like me because i'm the final boss i'm the last boss see i knew it he has like [ __ ] cabal spears let's go buddy final boss another naked fat guy i'm seeing a theme well i win thanks for playing everybody hello handsome looking for a good time at a reasonable price all right that'll that'd be 200 you call that a reasonable price here's 200 bucks whoa wait a minute thanks for stopping by stud you shouldn't have picked crystal though she hasn't been feeling well i'd be sure to get to a doctor if i were you these diseases can have pretty horrible effects you know uh you're a little vain you insult my beauty you feel the pain from the hooker's disease does she have a machine gun no she's gonna call me would i have any gunny guns nail gun right yeah no nope not nail gun side the game the game crashed like a hard crush [ __ ] damn it i just shot the ground why am i walking forward game just kill me because like the game i just [ __ ] this sloppy ass like clicking it that that was not supposed to [ __ ] happen she did nothing wrong yes she did she exists in this universe that's something wrong that's being wrong all right off with her head save it again how many more people do we have to kill in this place welcome initiate to the temple of the mystery of history the mystery is thus the simple manipulation of nerves may break one man and yet leave another unmoved isn't gonna break this guy's physiology is the same he is going to drag that yet the results differ i invited worst massage ever ah damn it i killed him oh whoops [ __ ] god damn it lord in [ __ ] heaven it's just so it's just roll the dice if you're going to hit someone i you have to save scum so much in this game because it's it's like almost impossible to hit anybody with a [ __ ] item holy [ __ ] that's pretty good flow's pretty good oh my [ __ ] god game crashed should i say i see your point ugly glasses [ __ ] i told you someone was gonna come in here and say that they're off for good you can't answer correctly i can't i don't think i can beat this can i leave as part of your initiation you'll be required to execute this should be pretty easy i i am going to put up a fight here for that week but my retirement death will advance yourself hold they're begging you for mercy it's just a bubble tape commercial dude yes it's six feet of bubble gum for you not them i was doing it i was doing it i was doing it i said yes i i picked i picked the wrong one apparently uh no then finished it the last is the mystery of mercy life is a competition and mercy of perversion of the match i thought giving mercy was like mercy killing like yes i will give you like the mercy of a swift death have you never seen game of thrones joffrey said that i win what's going on here just spawn this guy spawns enemies okay you spawn minions dudes no [ __ ] way this is not possible anymore it's impossible can't walk through the door i soft locked the game on myself i don't have any more bullets i don't have any gun i don't know i just have to get spawned on and just hope i can just is there what's crouch is can you eat the whole thing and feel refreshed all right i got full health now we're in a good spot now time to win time to [ __ ] win this is not possible without a gun it's just impossible without a firearm i've lost the game there's no winning i'm gonna i'm gonna try to get him in against this wall dude they made this game [ __ ] impossible without a firearm in this spot right here you can't kill this guy he's not beatable unless you've gone i'm just gonna [ __ ] cheat i don't even care what do i have to do when i type what do i type right now to get infinite [ __ ] money and [ __ ] thanks and you know what you're the first victim i don't [ __ ] [Music] don't even matter welcome to the inner sanctum big guy principal hair principle did it within the inner sanctum you will address me as vice mark herald second in command to the grand muckety mock he of the fez and buffalo helm the secret handshake the funny passwords only fitting given that my role has always been that of an educator and harvest is one big classroom reveal big reveal you'll have to kill me to find out what he means i killed them both five get these [ __ ] doors open this is always a great moment when the initiate passes i believe you have something for doll ring the bell and win a prize for the lovely lady or is it win the lovely lady as your prize he's thinking like am i saying this right now strange this is the words that are coming out i'm not saying them am i i don't know each time you climb to the rope you caused her pain but you always hurt the ones you love i went i saved i saved the girl okay is that all you require i want an explanation of course you can just close on and yet you've killed monsters everything in the harvest is just slightly askew this is because as it paints dissolved technology is we cannot make the sim any better than this the subject's subconscious always warps it in unpredictable way i'm in a computer simulation satan face sam this is nothing more than a virtual reality designed by the harvesters to test potential members having successfully completed the program for jewry have earned the right to become a harvester what the hell is a harvester the hand that grips the knife that stabs the ones who move amid the crop and harvest the fruit what you're talking about killing people again it was like a terrible like middle school poem i believe the technical term is serial killer the heart that's why he looks like that because he's like really concerned like hope he buys this this is total [ __ ] i hope he gets this though you want me to become a serial killer [Music] this entire reality has been engineered to break down your resistance to desensitize you to violence or stay in peace with young stephanie and spend the rest of your life in the construct known as harvest so i gotta get out of the matrix what is the real world at this point right now you are suspended in a sensory deprivation tank wired to a vr it really is later join us we will terminate your life support so you just die it will be okay we're going to become a serious last minutes however will seem like a lifetime lived in harvest you will marry stephanie and die peacefully of old age you're presuming a lot just as you are i assume you'll want to spend time together if i stay of course those in the town as you intended and enjoy your victory if on the other hand you wish to join us the cost of exiting the lodge is the same what's the cost of entering the law get it out a skull and spinal cord [Music] so she has to die what no you couldn't kill me these harvesters they put people through this torture to give them a taste for killing the way to beat them is to deny them to live out your life here with me what if this is a ploy though what if she's if you kill me here i'll die for real and i'll feel all the pain all the terror because i'm real well oh boy this is getting really tight this is getting really [ __ ] up now and then [Music] is the same thing that my cat does when she wants to get fed it's not you're not very convincing i mean like you're just like putting your claws onto my arm which is the right one kill stephanie marry stephanie all right so looks like all right we're gonna we're gonna kill stephanie we're gonna marry the guy the the fat guy that took his shirt off and we're gonna [ __ ] this guy [Music] don't do this please no no please somebody help me no [Music] why not he'll kill him i'm double crossing him wow that was neat that was neat welcome to our order brother it's a double double cross you can't have a real car here there's a fake car why can't you not have a real car pull up why is it to be fake where are you going nowhere what is he doing okay i thought he was like doing a sex act nowhere at all so this is how this is how serial killers are made playing harvester that thing i looked at it the other day the very thought breeding serial killers it's disgusting now we're getting meta it's cool it's cool bob you write your mind playing games like that don't you know people who watch violence become violent themselves that's [ __ ] mom killed mom no it isn't why do you think they started cutting the violence out of those road runner cartoons road runner cartoon road runner cartoon [Music] community [Music] there's a big twist there that he ate a finger [Music] that's how that's the end of the game ah the big big reveal this guy's eating a finger [Music] runner cartoons what the [ __ ] [Music] [Music] like they were too violent to begin with wiley coyote just drops off a cliff like a dozen times a week like every episode he falls off of a mountain wow [Music] all right well there it is i guess i could you know here let's let's see the other ending [Music] he's he's the guy that made it married to you i thought we were gonna forget everything and wake up and not have like the scary cult leader make us the you know the [Music] priest where's the baby please don't have your eyes pop out again [Music] they died two days later [Music] what a waste this kid could have been something never looked back we got two more to plug in there's got to be a better way to develop these serial killers this is scientific you want we should go back to the old way what old way good breeding what was the old way what was the old way he said there was a well that that ending is way worse than the other one so i'm glad we did the other one first there you go harvester's done i would probably ah that was worth playing it was i enjoyed my time in it except for the parts with like all like the bad deaths that's what the whole game is for what am i talking about oh no i liked it except for when people died i didn't like that very much i much rather when people live i would have married stephanie in that [ __ ] [ __ ]
Channel: Pythanoc
Views: 349,901
Rating: 4.9400954 out of 5
Keywords: Jerma, Jerma985, Highlights, Streamer, Funny, Horror, Psycho, Edit, Long Edit, Jeremy Elbertson
Id: DPstP3L2l5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 22sec (8842 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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