Jason Capital's High Status Summit 2019 Event with Dan Peña

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make some noise for the fifty billion dollar man [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I haven't seen such enthusiasm since they try to indoctrinate me into the Communist Party in Beijing in 2008 I was guests at the Beijing government back in 2008 prior to the Olympics and they asked me to come over and take a look at one of their sovereign funds they started with a hundred billion and confidentiality doesn't allow me to tell you how it what it was when I got there but suffice it to say they opened up 16,000 companies and they made three exits so if that leads you to believe that 15 thousand nine hundred ninety seven companies made no money you would probably be accurate and they asked me this is the public record now so I can talk about it's ten years later my non-disclosure agreement expired last year so that means and I told him they called me fifteen years too late I couldn't turn it around but I'm not too late for you and I certainly wasn't too late for Jason and for those of you that have seen the transition that he's made the last couple years it's quite remarkable it's quite remarkable I still have trouble trying to understand and I noticed there is a few gray hairs and wrinkles in the audience but most of you are kids and I call everybody kid because I'm either old enough to be your father or grandfather but it's hard for me to believe that there are people like Jason as good as he is and a few others that have to teach you to be self-confident have to show you how to gain self-esteem have to show the guys how to get their willy wet it's it's it's beyond my comprehension I don't understand that people get paid not good money but great money to show guys how to stand up like they had a pair I don't get it me personally I got more ass than a toilet seat at a bus station growing up a few seminars ago a few years ago I said you are in the condom generation I told the kids and I don't know I wouldn't know what a condom looked like the next morning I come into the seminar and there's a shiny little thing on the ground a little bit of piece of aluminum but a circle it looked like a circles inside of it so I'm picking it the is that and everybody and everybody in the audience laughs and so then somebody in the back row says well mr. Penner you now know what a condom looks like at least in the wrapper but the world has changed the world has changed and okay okay now I'm not sure what high-status means to you I know what high-performance means to me and I do know what summit means so but I am the 50 billion dollar man and I'm going to get if I leave here today with you liking me I didn't do my job I didn't do my job and I very seldom leave with anybody liking me so I know I'm gonna do my job and I'm not here to insult your ethnicity but I will I'm not I'm not here to insult your religion but I will I'm not here to insult your gender but I will because in the real world but nobody gives a and political correctness is nothing more than a manifestation of lack of for self esteem you want to fit in you want people to like you why because you've had poor role models and who's your role model mommy maybe daddy an older brother a grandparent how were they made to be put in a position to create high-performance people they have no training yes as Jason said I am the fifty billion dollar man but there's a lot more to it because I created fifty billion dollars with me heads just like you and when I say I don't mean but I mean retards just like you you hang around with cripples you learn how to limp you understand what I'm saying and most of the people that you hang around with our mental cripples and for those of you that are in wheelchairs in the audience I apologize and a one short story I'm in I'm in Fiji giving a speech to the National Association of something-or-other and I didn't notice but the whole front row over wheelchairs they notice that you notice that I'm looking out there and I'm ranting and raving and and and then I look down and I see right like right here a guy in the wheelchair his hands are on the little wheels and I go you stuck you yeah you stuck your foot in your mouth this time Pena so the air conditioning went out there was 3,000 people in the room and I'm perspiring that my suit is soaking wet in this water that's why I have rubber soled shoes on right now the the water formed and I got right out to the edge and I slipped and the last thing I remember is I tucked my knees under under me and I didn't want to hit the guy with a wheelchair and I landed like this and the audience thought was part of the gig I do it again do it again do it again it wasn't part of the gig I was just lucky but I had a belief in myself that I got from my parents I'm like you didn't get from your parents that I could do anything I wanted to do and I was a very bad boy I was a barrio bad boy I'm from East Los Angeles maybe 45 miles from here okay I'm first-generation Mexican my mother and grandmothers swam across the Rio Grande River illegally in 1924 first generation okay I've created more wealth in this country than any other Mexican citizen Moses I used to say JC but I know I'm not gonna say JC Nava this is gonna say I'm talking about Jason JC Tamizh Jesus Christ but anyway Moses strain times are those in which we live when old and young are taught falsehoods in school and the person that dares to tell the truth is called a lunatic and a fool I've been called this for 25 years I'm an overnight success 25 years in the making 25 years in the making I've been doing this but when I decided to give my first seminar in May 1993 at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Los Angeles I had 60 people show up paid $1,000 a head and I thought this was easy money for me to just get up and talk how I made a lot of money I had no idea I underestimated grossly how hard it would be to pull you sorry across the goal line because I thought everybody had self-esteem like I did I thought everybody had self-confidence like I did I thought everybody's dad had a pair I was wrong virtually none of you have parents like that and when we have parents come to the castle and I'm not here to sell him by the way all my product is free on my website I don't sell anything my book my tapes everything podcasts webinars are all free on my website about ten years ago I decided I went from the highest cost product online to zero because everybody complained oh it's too expensive it only cost him ten cents to make a DVD and he's charging us $800 which I was and I said well him him I'm gonna take the last excuse away from the little weenies that they don't know how to because they've never been told and they don't have the information so we start giving it away eight or nine years ago and all the Guru's that no names of contacted me what the you doing Pena you're killing us and by the way when one of your gurus has a Valentine's Day sale or a Christmas sale and everything's half-price right what was it worth the day before all but only do you ever see rolls-royce have sales no but you think you're getting a bargain you get what you pay for kids I decided and I knew this but Jack Welch says it more eloquently than I when asked there are no such thing as work/life balance there are work life choices and they make them and they have consequences I didn't go to a lot of my kids our kids baseball games I didn't go to the Ballet's I didn't go to those things I normally went to school when the Headmaster's called me in because my kids were getting in a fight and they kicked the out of somebody there are people in this audience today I'm not gonna embarrass you by we're asking you to raise your hand there are people in this audience today that have never been spanked by their parents they have never been reprimanded by their parents they have never got in a schoolyard fight they wouldn't say it was in their mouths and you wonder why the country the world's so up I can see and that's why I call you snowflakes because you're melt under pressure I can eat you ten at a time in this room and the guys that are six pass 4% body fat pill poppers I can take 20 at a time [Applause] I'm 6 foot 1 225 twisted steel and Panther piss and I'm still this at 73 when I was 33 I killed the whole room I discovered early on that this was my challenge here's me actually looks like Jason's big nose not mine there's me and then I got to get my relatives by my relatives to find my dreams my goals I got to get my own guilt I got to get by friends I got to get by the pessimists I've got to get by society in general and then general fear how am I going to do that well you can't say families without saying lies your families are your biggest detriment I left the United States in 1981 and I'm Hispanic I left the Familia that's a big deal my relatives hated me some still hate me I wasn't there but I knew I could not achieve my goals from the barrio with a familia impossible how much sacrifice are you willing to make to achieve your goals I'm not talking about getting your woolly wet if you can't get your Willy wet you out of metaphorically commit suicide I have to add meth I have to add metaphorically now because I have people committing suicide metaphor pretend [Applause] most of what you've heard here before about success about personal development about getting your woolly wet is like that big hunk of there it's all that's dinosaur most of the people that have made any money in this business have made money by putting asses on seminar seats writing books DVDs podcasts etc there's very few of us and there's nobody that's made millions tens of millions hundreds of millions billions tens of billions and hundreds of billions nobody yet you still listen to them because they tell you it's easy it's a there's nothing easy about it it was an interesting article written in the New York Times about two and a half three years ago about Jeff Bezos of Amazon and talked about a nice article the first two-thirds and the last third was a hatchet job but they said that 80 hours to keep your job there a week 80 hours a week 85 hours to be considered for promotion considered 90 hours a week to be promoted and that wasn't a company policy that those were rules enforced by the in fellow employees it's one of the fastest growing companies ever I believe it touched the trillion dollars in value Jeff was the richest at 160 billion dollars and now he's getting a divorce who's gonna have to cut that in half I could have a whole seminar about divorce but I'm not gonna do that because kids are not programmed for success why because your parents weren't successful kids don't do what parents tell them to do they do what they see their parents do I still work 60 70 hours a week and I don't even consider it working and I haven't had to work in 35 years but when my dad retired as an LAPD cop 28 years he had 700 statutory day leave days he didn't take now for those of you that can divide divide 28 into 700 he never took a day off in 28 years in those days you could get a check for it now you lose them after one year or two years or three years so I saw a head a father that never took a day off and worked like a dog ie what do I do I don't take a day off and I worked like a dog and what do you do because your weenie vagina parents are lazy you're a lazy and you're going to breathe lazy now there is one exception on this planet and this is our new grandson drue Pena the son of our youngest son Derek it will be hard for him not to be a superhuman person he wears t-shirts like this he's hardwired to be a success when your parents when you were growing up a lot of you kids we're told you can be anything you want that's a load of unless you went to Stanford an Ivy League school Georgetown your Kennedy a Clinton a rockefeller you can't be anything you want that's a load of that's a cheap cliche why do they tell you that so you so you wouldn't have your feelings hurt why do the parents when they when you go off to school in the kindergarten my grammar school is as you go out when you turn out at Los Angeles and you turn right towards Pasadena and then the first stadium way on the other side of Dodger Stadium that's where I come from right there right there okay and the little grammar school doors Place grammar school is the school that I try to kill my teacher in when I was in grant grade school I tried to kill my teacher in the fifth grade I'm not bragging about it if it wasn't by the grace of Allah and he didn't move six or seven inches I dropped an aquarium from the second floor on him 45 50 pound aquarium and he moved and so I caved the shoulder clavicle his shoulder was down where my hip is but if I had killed him I wouldn't be standing here today so I feel that it's destiny for me to drag him sorry across the goal line and I have 50 60 70 things just like that I should be dead right now they can't kill me nobody can kill me that little kid that little is he can be anything he wants to be your parents lied to you and for those of you that are six-pack pill poppers everybody knows a six-pack is made in the kitchen it's what the you eat and why do are there so many pill a pill poppers potion people and guys that teach that because it's easy there's no barrier to entry so you're a physical training so what that's 25 million of them 18 million are out of work just like you you know we're on out there we are brought in we are brought in innocent to this life and then life happens most info given reference success is wrong unless you are lucky which is questionable enough to have a high performer wealth creator as a parent if you were one of Andrew Agassi's or Steffi Graf's children both world-class athletes both Olympic athletes bow at the top of their game it's hard for those kids not to be world-class athletes if they want and what about you your old man whack the out of your mom you know threw up on the weekends drank 101 or 102 beer that cheap beer they probably still sell in Los Angeles and well look I I rest my case it's not a person in this audience that would say they want their kids to grow up like their parents there's probably not too many of you in this audience that would say I want my kids to grow up even like me they don't have a chance self-esteem is built the first seven or eight years of life who are they around again mom maybe a dad once in a while but they're not programmed to build anything show me your friends and I see the JC is copy this show me your friends and I'll show you your future do you want your kids to grow up like the guy you hang with that you kill with Bill Gates doesn't hang he'll on must doesn't hang Warren Buffett doesn't chill Henry Ford didn't chill Steve Jobs who I know didn't chill I don't chill Sally and I were in Verona Italy on the or getting ready to get on the Orient Express eight or ten months ago and we climbed up to some Roman ruin on top of some mountain and we ordered a glass of wine we tried to order a glass of wine we waited 45 minutes and Sally turns me she says I think we're chilling there and I go what do you mean what do you mean I said because we're just sitting here doing nothing we couldn't even order a glass of wine in 45 minutes part of the reason attack Italy's got so many problems but that's a whole other story you know and I'm one-quarter Sicilian my grandfather was born in Palermo Italy it is one thing to study war and another to live like warriors you guys have read all the books and look at you now what good is he got you you've listened to all the podcasts but the greatest respect I didn't know one single speaker on the agenda for this event I told Jason last night not one doesn't mean they're not great guys doesn't mean they don't know what the they're talking about I never heard any of them I'm here as a favor or how did the kid see a salad for Jason and I go around the country four or five times a year and I speak at some of my more successful mentees events I was just in Vancouver Canada with Dan Lok on his TV show okay later on this year I'm going to be with my former recovering dutch movie star Mike Bell check in the Netherlands III do gates from time to time for Brian rose on London real and so I do it I'm not getting paid I got nothing to sell I'm doing two thirds of my time is pro bono and for you that don't know what that means for free for charity I gave a giveback if that's what you want to call but Jason hit it right on the head I don't really give a if y'all died in the audience today okay what I do give a is that I'll touch maybe one two three four five of you to go to my side get all the free material and become big successes and then come back okay I was just on black TV yesterday Brock TV I can't tell you the program because they haven't announced yet brothers black television station and anyway that's a whole other story and the it is a whole other story their station their station is in South Central LA there was a homeless guy standing at the front door and I said my bodyguard driver said mr. Pena I just the right address in me West Pico yeah and I said that I'm sure that homeless guy is just there by accident and maybe he's a doorman or something I don't know idiot but then when I got inside bars on the windows the only thing they weren't doing - they weren't carrying weapons they weren't carrying weapons but anyway I enjoyed the hell out of it and the the theme of the program was there's not enough real men in the black community and I said well I'm here because they're not enough real man in the white community either okay you read all the podcast you read all the stuff so you've been deluded into believing that reading is taking action you've been deluded into believing that listening to a podcast is taking action it's not the only thing that's taking action is pulling a trigger take action [Music] and the reason that you've been the way you are is because you're desperate to fit in and your parents have been desperate to fit in I had a mentee a number of years ago and they wanted me to meet their parents we drove up and this is not only it was alive but it's a truth her mother and father were fighting rolling around in a fistfight on the front lawn and the mom was kicking the guys ass now what kind of message does that send to a daughter nothing good right I can prove to you statistically that at least half of you in this room were accidents not because you're 3 6 12 15 years apart it's been scientifically proven that you can hear from the second trimester on and your mom's coming second trimester that's 4th month on so your biological father comes home and your biological mother was it's tough to not to be you can figure out who your mother is you come out of her so it tells your biological father we're pregnant I'm not a gun I can keep a whole seminar about this worse you're pregnant not we're pregnant okay so we're pregnant and so your biological father tells your biological mother god damn it they're going to repossess my goddamn car you know we're two payments behind in our apartment rambova you heard that and then you wonder why your dad didn't treat you differently growing up now don't go back and ask your mother this question but ask your dad was I on purpose and when they put their head down you know the answer now see if you're trained as a kid like this you have no fear you have no fear people say why am i fearless well I'm going to show you one of the reasons because that's me when I'm 13 years old with Jackie the lion my dad exposed me to a lot of rough growing up because he wanted me to have a pair my mother's off camera here on the left in hysterics screaming and yelling because the lion had just put my head in hits mouth that's the MGM line though you know the one on the beginning of MGM I've been doing stuff like this since I'm a little kid once you become fearless life becomes limitless I'm not going to ask you one of the homework assignments we have it's on line is what are you afraid of some of you have a longer list of what you're not afraid of than what you're afraid of why because you saw what your parents were afraid of you saw what your grandparents were afraid of you saw what your older brother was afraid of etc etc etc what the kids need is leadership you got plenty of brains you wouldn't be at a seminar like this unless you wanted to learn but there's only so much knowledge that you need there's only so many people out there that are worth a and this the rest of the talk is about mentorship I am the way I am because the mentorship that my father gave me and then the three or four mentors that I found subsequent to my father I saw in something where they were and I wanted to be there in today's time even though they may have been 50 60 70 years old mentorship command allows no intimacy it's lonely at the top and one of the reasons that the current generation is so up is because they want to be everybody's friend it's lonely at the top kids Warren Buffett only has one friend Charlie Munger Bill Gates has one friend Melinda Gates Steve Jobs had no friends Ray Kroc head Ray Kroc is McDonald's had no friends and look at you you got a plethora of friends or people you call your friends now I don't have to tell you the world's up now anyplace you go they're rioting and it's interesting what generation is rioting it's not my generation it's not even the generation yet one younger than me it's mostly the kids because the kids have figured out the world is up to their credit now when I was growing up if my dad talked I just put my head down than say anything a lot of generations like that now you hear your parents talk you go Google into this old man's crazy he's not that's the law that the law says this and the dad had added up I drove by a college today and I spent a lot of time on University campuses and I yelled boo 35 people went to the hospital chef 734 needed crisis counseling 429 needed a safe area or room and classes were canceled for a week [Applause] [Music] if your adult child needs a safe space to avoid offensive words you've failed as a parent you failed as a parent if anything in my seminar offends you blame your parents for raising a [Applause] now remember self esteems built the first seven or eight years of life when you're six eight months old unless you've got a dirty diaper they're happy kids are happy when they're three years old they're still happy when they're seven years old they're still happy then something happens fifteen years old they say it's hormones but it's really life and your parents and then they're really pissed off and then they're like this what's happened you saw your parents fight maybe not like the couple that was rolling around and I saw with my own eyes rolling around and the old lady was punching the guys lights out but you saw them argue and if love got the job done you wouldn't be in this room today love just doesn't get the job done we're going to talk more about that American symbols of manhood my dad's generation and your generation what the [Music] men back in the days and men today it's a sad commentary I think the reason why the Martians or whoever is out there hasn't come because we're not worth the why bother with us now this is a real slide from one of my mentees from Paris he's so ashamed to be in a snowflake and being raised by snowflakes they have a society in Paris they go once a month and they beat each other like this that's a real slide many in this room should have been beaten like this a lot of you are ashamed in this room about being a snowflake you laugh about it but laughing is a coping mechanism you don't like being you know you don't like it having a dry weenie and you don't like being a you know it jason has to be is one of the best at what he does and if you notice the picture in that slide it's JC if if love got the job done most parents would have produced high performance it doesn't that was JC at the council seminar a couple years ago when I told him get rid of the ear rings and all this other now if you think that you're gonna blend into society looking like a freak whatever you're taking if it's not if it's not an addictive give me some of the I mean so so I can hallucinate as well now Gallup did a poll in 2016 87 percent of the world is unhappy 87% of the this is of the 7.5 billion people 87 percent of the people are unhappy with their lot in life 87 percent of the people have checked out they're just marking time and I'm not just talking about the people that are living paycheck-to-paycheck hand amount they're unhappy they come they came from unhappy childhoods who came from unhappy childhoods so 13% are okay I contend that the personal development business which I'm not in is the 87 cuz you're not happy if you had made up a reasonable amount of money if you were getting your willy wet at that you wouldn't be here you wouldn't be here and you know it life expands and contracts with courage to pain being successful at anything for those of you that played sports in high school or college or whatever you know the better trained teams normally won best prepared teams normally won how do you get prepared to practice sweat etc right life business being an entrepreneur is no different you've got to practice being successful I went over this sim I could give this seminar in a coma I went over for every minute that I'm up here I practiced 10 minutes and I'm a world-class speaker can you say the same when was the last time you practiced being successful if ever now part of the reason that I am Who I am is because of this man my dad he's not a movie star about he was a rough mother he had a 56 inch chest 28 inch waist and 18 inch arms and he never lifted weights a day in his life I'm gonna say that again for you pumpers 56 inch chest 28 inch waist 18 inch arms he was a gymnast he was the first alternates 1936 Olympics on the pummel horse in rings and then for 1665 years he didn't make the Olympic team and I kind of ended his athletic career he never did a push-up after that he smoked between five and six packs of cigarettes a day no filter and he drank between one and a one and a half bottles of well he went from scotch to - vodka - gin back to vodka towards the end of his life when he was 83 years old I got a phone call and my kid brother my kid brothers the number two deputy a fire chief for the LA County Fire Department a high performance guy he says Dan dad's out of control he tried to kill the doctor this morning now where do I get to trying to kill people I wonder where I get it from and he says you got to get here as soon as you can so I took me two days to get there he was at Eisenhower Hospital in Palm Springs and one of the doctors had led my dad to believe that he could get out in two three days and when you tell my dad something two three days he means two or three days he doesn't mean ten days two weeks or four months and so my dad apparently pulled up pulled off a scalp a scalpel out of a tray and went after the doctor he was going to cut his heart out and shove it up his ass now I wonder where I get it he was bad and when my daddy said he was gonna you up he was gonna you up your wife up or they call him old ladies in those days you're a kid you're goldfish everybody was going to go to the morgue now this is not much of an exaggeration what he looked like and I used to just look up when my dad says stand there and don't move short of a tsunami knocking me down I didn't move when he said when my mother said I want you to do such-and-such and I said now I'm not going to do that and I says well I guess I'm gonna have to wait and tell you down when he gets home we don't have to get dad involved exactly mom what did you want me to do again what was it and so and that's how unfortunately kids fear works it's a shitty thing to say but fear works Mao tse-tung's gets Hitler proved that Stalin poot and I can go down the line the Ganga's Khan I mean fear works he was not a great dad but he was an extraordinary man's man which most of you in this room can't say about your dad most people come to me because they got daddy issues either on the surface or as the psychiatrist a sub rosa what that means is you had no role model father I'm the alpha male dad you never had and believe me I don't need any more kids that's a sad commentary that you got to come and listen to a psychopath guy in his 70s who's made a ton of money because you didn't have a dad that discipline you you didn't have a dad that was a good role model that's sad I'm indebted to my father for living I just figured out what these things are here I'm indebted to my father my father for living but for dill my teacher for living well Alexander the Great that teacher was his mentor we are shackled by our dad's sins when one has not had a good father one must create one Nietzsche children begin by loving their parents after a time they judge them rarely if ever do they forgive them this is not new but nobody's teaching it are they I have no book I have nothing I don't want your money I haven't had to work in 35 years but I still have more fire and passion than probably anybody in the room that is easier to build strong children and repair broken men one of my brother's there Frederick Douglas Sigmund Freud said it best being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise we are never so defenseless against suffering as when we love I cannot think of any need a child in childhood as strong as the need for father's protection and for those of you that were raised it's my mom ie you didn't have it and ie where are you my father didn't have a father his dad died a few months before he was born so my dad served in two wars second one war on Korean War I mean he raised me like the military ie then I volunteered I saw my dad volunteer twice so I volunteered during Vietnam you do we're not what your parents tell you to do you do what you see them do I worked still somebody I used to work 100 hundred twenty hours a week I saw my dad I never take a day off in 28 years just think if your kids are pattern themselves after you what a sorry bunch of that's going to be yes 25 years I've been doing this and when I do it over again no I grossly underestimated how hard it was how insecure how insipid how limp you were but once I got into it I said well I'm gonna be the very best I'm gonna change the industry it's really the qlae is really and the qlae stands for quantum leap advantage GQ LA is really the psychology of the high performer and I've been blessed to be around some of the greatest performers we've had in the last 50 years a couple years ago you guys even though the materials free on the site I don't know where to start we created QA for dummies free on the site first you do this then you do this then you do this then you and you still we still get emails oh I'm stuck on number three and cam or a cat or one of my assistants eh why don't you just go to number four oh is that what it means retards and then at the end of the Q&A for dummies we have the secure LHS the success tests the optimism tests the pessimism test and the snowflake test these tests have not only a 95% probability of being accurate we predict 95% whether you're a loser for life or there's any chance for you take that's the results at your own peril do the test at your own peril you'll be shocked you'll yourself 96 and a half percent of the people to take a snowflake test forget about it it's irreversible metaphorically and when you stick it up there make sure it's up against the roof of your mouth so it takes the top of your skull off qlae and I learned early on it's called extension extension learning it's overcoming fear by positive experiences for those of you that are afraid of things you can't overcome it I used to be afraid of traffic and I constantly would run out in the street and you know my dad said well I'll cure you of that so he decided that we had an old Willie said Willie's had a runner boards like you know the runner boards on the side of the door and he I'm on my bicycle and so he took the car and he kind of nudged me with a car to knock me off my bike but he didn't notices there's a piece of chrome sticking outside the runner board and the piece of chrome went through my knee I'm six years old through my knee outside this knee and drugged me on the street I never walked in traffic again I wouldn't get out there I mean if this was the curb right here bad happens in the street but it worked it worked my mother again like with a lion picture she's in hysterics Manny Manny Danny's hooked to the bumper that just keeps driving then what gets measured gets accomplished most of you are not more successful not just most of you but most people in the world is because they don't hold themselves accountable you come up with an excuse why I didn't get this done for those of you that have children the kid did this the wife did this but and you wind up your 25 30 35 then you're 60 and 70 and then your life's over to self-esteem has to be earned with scar tissue you have three million pores in your body I've been in every pore twice at least twice in a bad way the program war Action Plan is we focus on growth working capital financing internally but the real real gist of the program is it's easier to buy revenue than it is created how many of you in the audience have started a business okay your first thousand dollars in revenue is geometric growth your next five thousand dollars in revenues geometric growth your next 50 thousand a hundred thousand five hundred first million is geometric growth because he started from a zero base everybody get that Microsoft when in his heyday that was all geometric growth and now it's just a big conglomerate the same you can say for Facebook the same for Google and then they become these big monolithic Neanderthals it doesn't have to be that way when you buy revenue you're due the acquisition cost because you don't know how much money the other guy or the other guys spent creating that first fifty thousand a hundred thousand five hundred thousand first million so your de-risking it roll ups consolidation plays General Motors IBM Microsoft Facebook they're all part of the same game the challenge is nobody's teaching it other than my side for he because it doesn't create a lot of fees for banks because it's a debt driven model not an equity driven model and you really don't need any investment advice startup cash out repeat startup cash out repeating now 25 years later The Wall Street Journal says the future of everything is quantum leap 25 years I've been pounding my chest I don't feel good that the Wall Street Journal agrees with me it's probably means that I'm doing something wrong now for me personally my quantum leap in life is I started in the barrio that's my house that used to be where I'm saying I'm trying to do my best imitation of a Mexican troll Oh in front of funder mile where my house used to be that lot is where my dad built a 800 square foot house after World War 2 the house got torn down because it would be turned into a crack Haven and that a picture of me in 1993 that's when I became an officer and a gentleman by the act of Congress which was the first high-performance thing I ever did the only high-performance thing I ever did before is I was real good an dad fighting beating people up rolling drunks rich guy in a suit like this he stumbles out of a bar whack him in the head take his wallet I was prints doing that I was bad one of my best friends had serving life for murder in Florida right now that I was raised with now we were really bad not like the current crop of when we said we were going to rip your head off and down your neck we minute and to get a guy's shoulders after you got his head off and to try to crap down his neck it's not easy it's not easy normally Ruben and Walt had to hold him since hold him still goddammit I'm gonna down his chest I want to down to the neck when I graduated from high school in 1963 we're sitting in the quad it was locked down he couldn't leave campus lockdown were sitting there we're eating McDonald's hamburgers and the Vice President the enforcer the guy needs to beat you guy named Hank Leeds may he rest in hell today he comes by and says where'd you get those hamburgers and I said we had them delivered there was no delivery system in 1963 it meant that we had left campus and brought him back and says get your sorry asses in my office after lunch so we went in there and he handed us our diplomas three weeks before graduation he says get the off campus we don't want you here we took him to put him in our pocket then we went over to a pool hall and start shooting nine ball about between 10 and 15 pitchers of beer later the intellect of the three of us Walt said hey we got rights Martin Luther King's Martian we went back to campus we broke into the office of the boys vice principal we took our diplomas into him in his face say you we're going to go to school every day and I said I'm going to burn this school down now these are the kind of students we were at my fifty year high school reunion which my wife's alleys in the audience could attest you they came up to me this was a few years ago they came up to me he said we want to reenact the corporal punishment corporal punishment means that teachers could beat you I in May 1963 was the last legal beating a high school student in the state of California got I was me so they wanted me to reenact it for the brilliant and I said there's no way nobody's gonna beat me that's out of the question they said no we just want to reenact it within Asia with these paddles big paddle than they used to drill holes in the paddles so the paddles could go faster but I was the last kid 17 years old to get beat legally in the state of California and I should have got beat more I should have got beat more and then the last high-performance thing a couple years ago a year and a half ago the Queen in her infinite wisdom bestowed upon me the member of scene genre which is what he called part of the Knights Templar the guardian of Christ's bones so from the barrio to the Queen of England nobody nobody could have thought that but I had I had a dream not unlike Martin Luther King so I've created millions with you tens of millions hundreds of millions billions tens of billions and the largest deal in recorded history five hundred billion dollars with me heads just like you Jason maybe not like just like these guys maybe a shade or two about these guys but meatheads anyway there's nobody out there I have created more money than the entire industry since Moses cumulative Lee and I'm still going strong [Applause] thank you now you're not here because I've met five presidents you're not here because I've met five secretaries of state you're not here prime ministers secretary-general NATO governor's senators ambassadors generals and admirals because all that doesn't mean but I'd ask you who are the other speakers man sir but there's these people you cannot not meet these people and learn you'd have to be a bigger meathead than this audience is to not learn anything from all these people by the way the most prestigious president that I ever met and my judgment was President Nixon tricky dick he was regal now you're not here because I made some of the great economic calls in the last 50 years in 2014 when I was $110 a barrel I said when people were saying it's gonna go to 200 I said it'll go to 40 before it goes to 200 it immediately went to 26 dollars a barrel and it's currently a $50 a barrel which was I was the only one in the United States or in Europe they called the decline in oil when I was on the Joe Rogan show I told him how to pay for his wall with a whap owes money and now Ted Cruz and now even my buddy Chuck Norris is saying it's their idea you go back and listen to the tape of me and Joe Rogan in March of 2017 I said how to pay for the law just take all the drug money that we've confiscated but one of the great calls I made is a year ago when bit was that $19,600 I said it's over smart money sell half keep ass my man cheese lost billions because nobody listened to me we got some bit I can tell too bad shows you the stupidity shows you the stupidity and I know who's behind Bitcoin and ain't some Japanese gonna cave I know the guy and when that comes out you heard it here first Bitcoin is going to zero zero when it comes out zero some of you are here as when I spoke at Oxford I was privileged to speak at Oxford in two and a half years ago and in the front row like right here there was a kid sitting about where you are ma'am and said he had read 700 books I didn't know there were 700 books on the subject I really didn't I said well that's nice but then a guy about where you are he said to this person who would you rather have advising you somebody that read 700 books or somebody that's done 700 deals that's a no-brainer it's a knock I mean it's beyond a no-brainer even for retards like you the whole industry hasn't done 700 deals and actually I'm at 2,000 deals now the whole industry hasn't done 700 deals I'm gonna say it again the whole industry hasn't done 700 deals why do you listen to them because you're engaging self-sabotaging because you low self-esteem you think you're a and you act like a because you are kind yes I am the guy that took a turn around and turn it into 450 million in a collapsing market no money the beauty about qlae is you don't use any of your own money it's like monopoly money the two biggest levers in life or OPM other people's money and other people and again not like you guys but with regular folk 50 billion dollars I've got teenage multimillionaires there he is Kevin demon with 17 he's 21 now he's long in the tooth and there is in this jet plane what were you doing between 17 and 21 other than jacking off in front of your computer you got to be a embarrassed 17 does that resonate with you idiots this was his roommate when he came in 2015 rich kid made a million euros last year which is no big deal but he's a college student still and when I was at Krakauer University in Poland speaking and he was in the audience and I told the audience about this big and now and I said yawns stand up until the high huh after the talk not one single person in the audience could went up to him to ask him how he made a million euros now one in the audience because they're embarrassed another one of my kids mapped opiate somebody may know was the first teenage multimillionaire three years ago came the seminar kids from Austrade these kids turned twenty million dollars down for their 5 percent of the company 20 million they've been in curation since 13 Oxford kid left the seminar went to Silicon Valley made three or four hundred million bucks when I was at Oxford not one Oxford student asked me what his name was again his name is Chris Joseph's awaits why don't they ask me his name cuz they're embarrassed just like you look embarrassed right now okay came to me a grease monkey is that a mechanic of grease monkeys a mechanic yeah a grease grease monkey from Topeka Kansas a Mexican a Latino lazy piece of that's his jet plane and if you can get a fender holder in the jet plane you can get any and for those of you who ask some of the brown-skinned kids what a pendejo is had grease in his nails huh his name is Gonzales and there's Josh in his and josh is half asian he's a Korean but you can't really tell okay and that some of you will say well that's why it's successful because he doesn't look like an Asian you come up with reasons the largest deal ever and the plan at 500 million dollars Saudi Arabia that's my mentee on the Left Klaus Kleinfeld and sally saw this more recently we have a half-breed from Costa Rica no education I'll read what I wrote just closed his first deal he said ten months after the seminar I turned twenty thousand dollar investment that's the cost of the seminar for him the twenty million equity for me and ten million equity for my team for a forty five-year-old minority kid with no education I'm walking on the top of the world when he came into the bar at the low hotel in New York City you know how back to the future of those skateboards afloat it looked like he was floating it didn't even look like his feet were hitting the ground he was so happy took 20 grand and turned it into 30 million in ten months half-breed I wish I could say he was the illegal alien but he's not make a better story but he's not next time I give the speech I'm gonna make them illegal alien and of course then there's Mike eating the pizza boy who now makes movies major motion pictures he came to me with pizza dough under his fingernails and there he is making movies with Robert Duvall but these guys had a dream these guys were willing to work 100 120 hours a week these guys made sacrifices mostly their families some of them their God there's a hip-hop black guy a motivational speaker says I forget his name every way but yeah yeah he says if you want success as much as you want air in your lungs that's where you got to be we're currently at six hundred and sixty five billion I've created what jerks just like you closing in on a trillion with no money I'm gonna say it slow no money success leaves Clues just like failure leaves closed we can write a whole book on failure in this room no doubt but for me there's no compression algorithm for experience the coders have not figured out how to write an algorithm for experience you cannot write an algorithm for my 50 years of experience you cannot rewrite an algorithm of the tens of thousands of deals I've looked at you can't write an algorithm for the thousands of financial presentations I've made there's no algorithm for that and currently in the industry there's nobody that is the sweat on my balls I lost taking a this morning more financial acumen format financial brains then the industry has currently on planet we don't have to make every single mistake now I know this is talking to Jason last night at dinner I know you're trying to you're trying to make every mistake in the book but you don't have to you don't have to honest-to-goodness what differentiate formance people it's not a journey it's a process you find somebody that's out there a lot of you have picked Jason rightfully so who is where you want to be in certain areas of your life I'll let you won't be here okay and your model what he has done and what he's teaching you coaching you and mentoring you to do I copied mimic model Andrew Carnegie I'm not the one that disappeared this all out Andrew Carnegie the little wee Scotsman who comes from right down the road from my castle he came up with this methodology in the late 1800s but it's not being taught anyplace the investment banks don't want to use it because there's hardly any fees associated to it and there's nobody teaching it but me 20 25 years ago I told Sally in five years they'll be copying me and then five years past and then ten years passes in 15 years passed and twenty-five years pass and nobody's still teaching it one of the reasons is because nobody's done the deals the other is that people that know how to do it don't want you to know how to do it because then you compete with them a lot of my mentees wouldn't talk to you the one piss on your face if it was on fire because they're selfish I'm on board pull up the gangplank does everybody understand I'm on board you can ground a few of the mentees are willing to share but you don't have to look for them to share all you have to do is go on my website and it's free mentoring successful people never reach their goals alone I'll tap athletes even even singers and performers have coaches mentors even okay says a mentor you all know it Hill it is Warren Buffett but and this should make you feel better I didn't put the slide in here to make you feel better but the number one trait Warren Buffett Zuckerberg Elon Musk and Bill Gates all share their introverts just like you 98% of the high performance people on the planet are introverts their beta males not alpha males there's only two percent of its loudmouth obnoxious I'm at that end in case you hadn't noticed but 98% of all the high performance people on the planet are just like you hopefully not just like you I hope they get their willy wet at least mentorian has been around since Socrates Plato and Aristotle and I was just featured in a Greek newspaper a couple months ago being compared to Socrates in Aristotle which is I think a little rich but because I was with the Onassis group for many years and one of my mentors was Konstantin carrasco's who's the CEO of an ass's group who was a the right-hand man and longhand right-hand man of aristotle onassis for 60 years so there's been around a long long time today I'm not going to teach you about but lead you based on my 50 years of experience coaching and mentoring kids these are the best the best practices my site is updated weekly were the best the best practices we changed it all the time you kids will find something out that works a little different for example right now the SBA Small Business Administration in the last year has changed their their their rules for how you borrow money for those of you in the United States it's a like a license to legally steal SBA Small Business Administration the limit is currently five million to seven million that the government guarantees alone for you it's a no brainer but hardly anybody uses it hardly anybody uses it I had the privilege of coaching mentoring active duty active duty Army Navy Marines Air Force and many many students more recently a few weeks ago I was the Naval Academy way privileged the kids the midshipman's that were there and I asked the kids because there's girls who why you called Midshipmen nobody had an answer because obviously Midshipmen miss ship gal I don't know what you supposed to be called but anyway the it was a great honor for me to speak there and now I also called athletic teams this is our the I didn't realize how big I was compared to some of the smaller rugby players this is University of Kentucky national champs that I helped her earlier late last year and the get him pumped up to win the championship what they did I think they beat Alabama I was privileged enough seven or eight weeks ago to be asked to do a transitioning talk to Navy SEALs special ops Green Beret Army Rangers fighter pilots why they asked me SEAL Team six I wasn't a seal I was army officer infancy drained why didn't they ask one of the other dudes you listen to on a podcast huh why cuz they're and they waited seven of us a leadership had a pair I blew him out of the auditorium me that's the other guys you listen to me transitioning them from SEAL team to civilian life me not the rat bastard did you listen to you got to be ashamed they're giving money away free we have the lowest interest rates in 5,000 years the lowest interest rates in 5,000 years to get this the lowest interest rates in 5,000 years what are you going to tell your children and grandchildren 25 years from now gee daddy gee grandpa what the were you doing when the world changing they were giving money away all those in have your thumb up your ass I think you go like this it's the lowest interest rates in 5,000 years money is free but many of you been taught that you shouldn't be like the only thing you know how to snore to the line of coke you know why because you were told money is dirty it's not important to us other values more important how many you know I'm telling you the truth you know who tells you that poor nobody that's got a any kind of net worth whatsoever tells you the money's dirty money's not the root of all evil poverty is the root of all evil [Applause] do you surround yourself with those that are on the same mission in you probably not for those of you to go to sports bars Sally and I sadly went to her first sports bar last year we were someplace that figure where it was and you know they got all the TV screens and all kind of sporting activities and Sally says why are they all watching all these screen that says honey it's a sickness I can't explain to you but if you're going to sports bars drinking beer belching and farting you'll still be going to sports bars belching and farting 25 years from now show me your friends and I'll show you a future remember Bill Gates and all these people are just talk they don't hang they don't chill you do not see Bill Gates at the Super Bowl you will not see Elon Mouse cat at the World Cup why show me your friends and I see Jason has copied this letting me show me your friends and I'll show you a future now is that what you're free now this is what my friends look like when I had some this is what they look like and I was the little I was the weak link they used to send me into biker bars and I used to piss on a bikers boot and run back outside and the four or five of the guys are out there in the parking lot I'm the smallest of the group and the bikers had come out we made a mistake of doing that with a bunch of Marines we got the kicked out of us at one time out in the valley there used to be a bar on the corner of Reseda Boulevard and ben-tor Boulevard well I got beat up and then they ripped all my clothes off and they they hammered him in the wall behind the bar and left me in the street bleeding and I came I got my dusted myself off the best I could I went right down I just jumped on the biggest and hit him with a picture of beer my dad said those star fights but make sure he ended and when he's down and killed his brains are coming out of the skull you keep beating him why we have Bachchan at the seminar now some of you guys are watching think that they're all pansy-ass I'd like to see you in there with some of those guys that hit like trains see how you put up with those guys when they cook we've had concussions cracked ribs we don't put that on YouTube okay Association is power look around you or don't look around you and pushing us pushing us rubs off being the snowflake rubs off you hang out with monkeys your life becomes a circus success is like being pregnant everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were so we're now we're born limitless we have limiting beliefs mostly from our parents we released those not gaining emotional baggage we want we want learned can be unlearned we stay away aware of limiting beliefs of others get in touch with your emotions and get Mentors because that's not what we want man back in the day and what happened look at us now look at us I exfoli expected to see one of you in here one of these okay and then the guy they say we're protesting because Donald Trump is not mentally stable give me a break I can't get a job because jump in the races gimme a break and then kids as Pope John the second said totus twists it's all in your hands thank you [Applause] my name is Vinh 23 years old okay how can I help you my background very easy I am NOT back up against the wall I don't have a lot of pressure I am very comfortable my parents did raise me where I'm very soft so what's your best advice is someone and a lot of guys are in that same situation here how can I put myself against a wall answering your question but for all of you if you're a comfortable life one of the things is that we tell the kids to do is find something that scare you scares you and do it every day I'm gonna give you three or four things that the kids do skydiving is a big deal no big deal but they do that swim swimming with sharks without a cage there's no big deal they do that we've got guys that go wearing a nappy or diaper in their Starbucks in Chicago you could get arrested for that the if the people that you're your Mediate surrounded surround you now are weak soft got to get rid of them you got to get rid of them martial arts doesn't work unless you're in a full-contact really where you're getting the kicked out of you I like boxing better than any of the martial arts I mean where you when you're coming away with a concussion and bloody face that kind of martial arts not the the like you see in the movies but I mean find somebody that is as a hard-ass bastard and in the ask him or her because there are hard ass as well to be your mentor okay very good next sir hello mr. Pena absolutely my absolute honor to meet you okay I came here from Canada and my question to you okay your name age my name is allele 1 and okay go ahead yeah and I'm from Canada and my question to you is for me I'm a bus driver it used to be a bus driver and then last year September I meant to Dan lock and then it was just one of your greatest meant to you like crazy and ever since then I quit my job and then I want to do the email copywriting with JC and also I want to do the high tech high tech the close down lock piece of my seafood okay so for someone like me who has an old background as a marketer or no experience in business coming from with zero you know starting from scratch how can we be successful like a JC okay it all starts with the first step that's a cheap cliche okay but most of you the people that are surrounded with are not role models they're they're negative role models and I mean is starting with your family's a shitty thing to say and especially for Asian I mean you know it's hard to kick people to the curb I mean but who's more important you your future or spending I'll use a real Outlanders you're spending Christmas with your family you have to surround yourself with tougher people dan and Jason are good role models a good examples but I would tell you you got to focus on the few high performance people focus on the few it won't be two things you can get away with but some of you are involved in five six seven eight things you've got to extract or subtract the three or four things prioritizing one through five or one through seven and just do the top two or three thank you sir okay you're welcome yes sir mr. Pena it's an honor to meet you so I hear you speak today my name is Arvin Darrell come from Singapore I'm 22 years old my I've got two questions first ones real quick what does your suit piece say like fifty billion dollar man that's dope like that's the UM second question okay so for me I feel like the foundation like where you build your foundation is like the most important thing to everything you do I just wanted to ask like we come here we can feel your experience we can clearly tell that's the base of like how you inspire all of us here but aside from that what do you feel like is like closest and most true to your heart that you are able to like show to us well the closest to my heart is my wife she's sitting Sally where are you oh he's in the green room okay it's right is my wife the but my wife in my in my three kids and my two grandkids but I'm a shitty parent my kids have to call to make an appointment to talk to me on the phone and they have to give one of my four assistants and agenda time is money kids times money you can make money back but who never get time back I'm gonna say it again slow cuz I could see the shock in your eyes my daughter I have one daughter she phones emails one of my assistants than once she's closest to that thinks that she can slip her into my schedule they were raised that way since they're this big to my our children are highly successful professionals way again above the curve for their age they're well disciplined they're focused and look at you when my father used to argue if that was a wrong terminology talk to his brothers and sisters about how hard he was on me my aunt my uncle you say Manny that's my dad's name you're off a cuff on Danny I mean and dad would look at his sister and say well how is your crack daughter doing with your program and how is your heroin addict son doing with your program so don't tell me about my program my son lives in a castle and met at that time three presidents so I mean you are who you hang around with kids and these kind of these deals other things you Jason I mean these aren't networking deals where you know you circle-jerk and you yes and I'm not against swapping bodily fluids I don't to believe me but that's not what this thing's about it's not I mean the way most of your address I wouldn't let you in to one of my other talks you got to look like a person I wouldn't even let you in do you understand and that's that's the real word if you want to create generational wealth wealth that normally takes 20 to 25 years and three to seven years you're not going to be looking like you look this generation and a half has learned to make money online like a and you have no social skills you have no need of personal skills you have no verbal skills you're you've got to change the whole environment and it's painful I had a kid who was an ex-convict back in the 90s in those days they had blocked phones you know the big big bricks and I said he says you know what's the easiest way for me to do away with all my associates and some of his were criminal and I said just change the number on your phone and say if you don't have my number you you're out of my life a year later fast forward I a passing him in London walking out of a restaurant I was walking in - hi - go unless you need to call you and he says that worked like a charm but my mother cried because he cut his mother out of his life because most moms love doesn't get the job done once you're past seven there no most mothers are neurotic and when it's the empty nest syndrome when the kids leave the home what do the mothers have to do just get more neurotic and you all know maybe nobody in this room has lived through menopause with their wife it's a they go bunk or even crazier that's what you you got to cut that it's like cancer you got to cut all that out of your life what is that it yes sir man please shake your hand okay you're walking yes sir plus I mean you mr. Payne you thank you my name is Bert Lee Leonard 38 years old from Chicago thanks for selflessly coming out here you're welcome so I've been in business for about five years out of a construction company I recently just signed three million dollars worth of contracts I want to figure out how to scale business well how to scale is you need people and we talked about this on the side it's all free you need people that have scaled businesses to 50 million to 100 million and you need to have them part of your team we call it a dream team on the website and you're not paying them a salary you're paying them based on equity in the transaction so they have skin in the game they have a reason to make sure that the deal happens and that its construction is a great business infrastructure I mean everything's a great business now you know whether you like them or don't like and president Trump has changed the financial world forever more don't I mean Jesus Christ don't you get it unemployment out of love for blacks Browns Chinese bank account has high taxes that a low he's done away with 3/4 of the bureaucratic paperwork and if he does away with inheritance tax death tax I will kiss his fat ass in front of the White House and give my year to draw a crowd because that personally means hundreds of millions of dollars to me not totally I totally you're right but you it's easy Chicago is a great time for business but as they say in Chicago vote early and vote often okay yes sir I plan on attending okay Terry Castle very good I look forward to mr. Pena thank you for coming to speak to us today okay my name is Joseph Gary I'm from Virginia and 25 years old I'm working on starting a family office with my dad and my older brother we want to do apartment syndication so we take on investors and we purchase equity in apartment complexes the way your model works would you recommend that we do the same what I would recommend is you go find low-hanging fruit you go find people that are already in the business started the business 30 35 years ago now they're 55 60 65 years old they have no succession plan their kids don't have anything to do with the business all they're going to do is die with the business and pay inheritance tax you're going to be their Savior you're gonna go buy their business make them part of the solution instead of part of the problem because you take equity investors you have to worry about securities laws and I don't know the securities laws are in that in that particular statement for example in this day you need to be a credit investor having a net worth a liquid of at least a million you can only take 35 investors or less and there's a and you need to have put together a ppm a private placement memorandum which nobody wants to spend the money on which is either 5 10 20 25 grand depending on who does it the more you pay for it the better chance it is to hold up in court and the but other people's money I like but I mean you can get started with debt financing taking out already existing players that went out and they've got no way out other than very good how's it going pain yeah thank you my name is Rolando I'm 21 from New Mexico and New Mexico or Mexico New Mexico everyone thinks Mexico like I know now we're in New Mexico yeah las cruces my dad was born in Deming I was just like right there yeah like all the green chile yeah yeah go ahead so I just wanna start off by saying throughout this whole seminar I've had like a lot of breakthroughs but yours have gave me like a very big epiphany okay I've kind of went through what you went through as a child you know rid of coal and abuse and everything and because of that I never wanted to settle and to this day I'm like not settling I'm pushing I'm grinding but I don't really see any results and I just want to know from all your cure leis from the top performers that you have had what it's sort of like the similar things that you have seen that they have done that's really given that be the biggest car breakthrough the biggest breakthrough is a kid have the kids have is when they realized that when you become fearless your world opens up and when you stop worrying about what other people think of you say about you like I was with some people I was on that black TV show I was on yesterday we're talking about how kids get slammed on facebook and commit suicide that's so beyond my comprehension how somebody would kill themselves just because some said something not nice about you on Facebook I don't get that I mean that's outside my world but what what it is is when you don't care it's not that you go out a way to be a okay but when you stop worrying about how they feel and you start worrying about how you feel because you're the most important thing in your life not somebody else your whole life changes the whole dynamics change when you're a goal remember that thing of the goal and you're the family and the pessimist and all those things you got to go through when you that goal is for you as them as long as it's legal moral and ethical when that goes the most important thing in your life happens you move mountains I gave an example for parents those of you who have kids if somebody put a gun to your kid's head and said you got to come up with $25,000 in the next month or next week I'm gonna blow your kids brains out you'd get 25 grand somehow you find it right absolutely okay well I mean I've lived that way for 50 years 50 years I interviewed Tom Cruise's assistant a few years ago I was going to open an office here in Los Angeles I didn't as it turned out and I sat down with a kid and he said how was it that worked for Tom Cruise and he says every morning he gets up like he never made a movie he never made a penny he never had a successful film every single morning he gets up with hunger in his eyes in his heart in the stomach he works like a dog 80 90 100 120 hours a week that's no different but see to him it's not work just like what I'm doing is not working you've got to surround yourself with people that have the like mind that you want to be like those lines that were hunting are you all on the same mission if you're not all on the same mission then you got them on people around you okay good luck to you thank you young man hey Dan thank you so much for everything my name is Carlos Martinez [Applause] I love it so I'm a first-generation Mexican like yourself I have immigrant parents they divorced and I'll be honest my dad raised me like a thank God I had a stepdad that raised me with he had a militant background and an uncle that like really kicked that out of me but I feel like there's still these thoughts that are like to always gonna be there and the part of the reason is because the generation today it permeates the air okay it's not a Chinese water torture they drop a million drops of water on you it's not the 20,000th drop that makes you crazy it's the 500,000 drop that makes you crazy okay when you around nothing but snowflakes and you're around people that really like to have a new Monopoly game now the new Monopoly for Millennials it came out last year has no real estate in it because you can't afford it and it's got all these shits I couldn't believe it okay how can a 30 year old guy live at home with his wife do you take turns your parents one night in the the next night I mean I mean you can't you can't help but be when you're inundated with this material it's like the ozone the suppose is all this I mean it gets to you everything you watch on television the news does have a liberal bias you know I'm not saying that Fox is the answer if you want to really hear unbiased news listen to Al Jazeera the Arabic station they tell more truth than CNN CNBC and Fox put together they do I'll GameA praise Allah I mean thee but I mean you've got to go out of your way and it's not easy kids every day defaults the you're gonna go back your home's default mom dad wife girlfriend brother sister they're not in the same on the same treadmill as you are and you got to immerse yourself I mean listen to all adjacent go to my side and it's all free download it's 20 gigs or some on my side download it all and listen to it and just listen to it when you get up in the morning when you go to the gym on the way to work but defaults a so you can't stop working on it alright okay to me I said mono okay good hello hello Laird dan from where did you appropriate the qlae system from andrew carnegie no no not the QA system the buying without using equity and only using debt that's the Andrew Carnegie what did you learn about it from I studied is acquisitions he didn't like equity because equity from other investors would reduce his ownership that's why he liked debt when you get in to buy companies your ownership is introduced and it was just it was it was a selfish thing he didn't want to give up equity in his businesses you mentioned in your Boston University lecture that even a with 300 cold calls a day Greg can make a million no problem correct and you also on your site emphasize that all selling comes down to cold calling correct is internet outreach and marketing a waste of time to your stay no it's not a waste of time its internet marketing and SEO I believe is a waste of time okay search engine optimization I think is jerking off but okay Google Ads work but we used to be one of the largest advertisers on Google 100 million a year and Google has now instead of winning 100 million dollar year advertisers they would rather have a hundred $1,000,000 a year advertisers and they change the algorithms for the masses okay you cannot it's very difficult to make it's impossible to make billions online it just is okay you can make tens of millions I have mentees making five six seven eight million a month today as we stand here online with various models most of them are subscription models okay they borderline and my judgment they borderline on MLM multi-level marketing which I'm not a proponent of but yeah right now you can buy bricks and mortar for no money you can buy revenue it's almost impossible to buy an online business because it's very difficult to substantiate the revenue stream and all of a sudden you buy it for $10,000 or $100,000 or five hundred thousand the revenue disappears in the fourth week because you can't track it it's very it's not impossible to track if your Nassau you know maybe you can track it so what I'm saying is the kids I showed I could show you 25 kids that made between five and twenty five million dollars last year online but those businesses can't be sold I'm here to create generational wealth where you build something in exits not build a lifestyle business online business at most are lifestyle businesses getting back to your 300 cold calls I don't care if you're selling toilet paper or bricks you make 300 cold calls a day and a cold call is not leaving a message a KOCO is not the talking to the secretary in leaving them is a cold call is talking to the owner the principal the decision maker 300 cold calls and you will lead the nation I don't give a what you sell but nobody wants a cold call do you want to Coco do I can tell you on your face of course not as a retired like me can't do anything better than then model what works ok well then do Coco okay go ahead I'm mr. Pena it's a lifelong dream to meet you my name is John I'm from Vancouver I'm one down lakh students I just have a really off-base question I am a dating coach in Vancouver dating dating coach I have the most times that to get your willy wet that's that's correct Cody Roach okay I'm sorry for that but I have the most student testimonials in the world I want to talk about competition and how to take them out like Ganga's condom I have a company that's very unethical okay they're the most famous they're like to McDonald's they have funnels that they're good advice videos and they're not helping minorities I feel like is my mission because one in five agents we never procreate in the future in its they're just gone and so what's a question the question is how do I take out that competition well these are the unethical ones the unethical ones they have big team okay well I mean unless they're breaking the law and unless they're in a country that has a rule of law and a lot of these guys and gals are not in countries that have rules of law because they're they're in third and fourth world countries it's it's it's with great difficulty I mean other than you know and I'm not suggesting this other than metaphorically speaking you go break their knees you know I mean but that's it you know just focus on my basis step now you know you focus on what works most of you are you know if you're working on by the way the big-time marketing guys the Revlon the Rolls Royces guys are online they spend between five hundred and a thousand dollars testing an idea five hundred and a thousand they write a title for a book that doesn't exist or they write a title for a car that doesn't exist or they write a title for a watch it doesn't exist they spend between five hundred and a thousand dollars if that title doesn't get impressions drive traffic get conversions next you some of you in this room have spent hours days weeks months and even years on your model and they don't work and you continue to finger with them the professional marketing people like me spend between five hundred and a thousand dollars per idea and if the doesn't work and 90 to 180 seconds next the beauty about the Internet is the information is instantaneous don't you get it why do you finger with the same model that doesn't work just because you like it doesn't mean somebody else is gonna like it just as your mother likes it doesn't mean somebody else is gonna like just cuz your husband or significant other like it doesn't mean anybody's gonna like it and nobody will tell you the truth I look at these deals next neck I mean as God as my witness next next Oh put that on we'll look at that more next that's how that's how ice cream deals online deals it takes me about one millionth of a second so I don't even spend the 500 to 1,000 bucks because you're engaging the self sabotaging activities you wonder finger with it for weeks months and years because that keeps you from having to help come up with another idea okay step in yo it's not gonna meet you mr. Pena thank you you're welcome my name is Nicolas nu I'm 21 I'm from Connecticut and I'm getting ready to open up my first business and one thing that I always see lacking is you know for someone who wants to also do something just like you people that I talk to and I try to get them on what I'm doing and how to do it right it just like goes over their heads they don't listen okay most of you guys to join choice Toastmasters because most of your shitty public speakers okay you can't convey a message okay if you're stepping on your dick while you're talking you only have two times to make a first impression the first time is how you look and you all basically look like Pig okay so that's the first effect the second impression is when you open your big mouth most of you can't speak English I mean or whatever language it is okay go to Toastmasters go to improv the and because getting if it goes over their head it's because you didn't explain it right most people are me heads okay there are bigger meatheads even than you so if they don't get it you're either talking to the wrong person or persons or you're not saying it effectively it's one of the two or a combination of both now people will ask why do I use such graphic language and graphic example cuz it works nobody ever misunderstands what the I'm saying never never when I 1991 I got the Distinguished Alumni Award the smartest the greatest alumni in the history of the university and their CBS Connie Chung is interviewing dr. Shirley Teeter who's the school dean of School of Business this is a school I flunk on University three times and I came back after the military and they said dr. teeter you've known Danny Pena a long time what have you seen changes in him in 25 years she looked straight into the camera now this is the woman a very peachy I believe from Stanford she said the only thing has changed with Danny Pena is his accomplishments have caught up with his big mouth she I never heard of a swear word ever ever but I you know when Mohammed or leave us in I'm the greatest I'm the greatest remember there are people that say I'm the great and they are the greatest so I've been talking since I'm a kid and so my accomplishments have caught up with my big mouth so I mean you got to be a better communicator and you got to get the message across better and just because your girlfriend knew your mother understands what you're saying doesn't mean the masses and that's why I tell everybody to to join Toastmasters okay next thank you for your time sir yes thank you my name is Liam I'm 20 years old and I must come to your seminar boot camp in Scotland not a boot camp but okay go ahead I heard you call it a boot camp one time yeah well no no I okay no I said you guys wouldn't know a boot camp of a in the dick that's what I said boot camps are where they beat you Dan Luke reminded me two days ago when I was in Vancouver with him I was still choking and beating people when he came he says Dan's not lying yeah I mean I used to ride around with a riding crop and if I if he look like you're going to sleep boom I'd hit you in the face with it we had a lady psychiatrist pass out and crack her head on the wall I just kept rolling we had people their pants in the seminar I just kept rolling I've had people piss their pants in the seminar I just kept rolling when I was at the Naval Academy just a few weeks ago we had a guy he'll go into seizures and convulsions I just kept rolling cuz that's life guys and gals nobody gives a about your sorry vagina nobody and if you're hanging chilling with people they give a you're hanging and chilling with the wrong Bill Gates doesn't give a if you live or die don't you get it Dalai Lama how many of you went to the Dalai Lama's 80th birthday party I didn't think so okay I wasn't invited either but my mentees were and it's closing speech when he's looking for money he's got his hands out like this he says meditation is wonderful spirituality is wonderful prayer is wonderful he went through seven or eight things but taking action action action is the best of all that's from the dolly pull that trigger run towards a gun fire kill every out there thank you you're welcome mr. dan pena so we meet again pardon my name my name is Sheldon Hilton from okay Laura we actually met our last encounter was actually in Gainesville and the event universe in Florida yes of course of course and I was actually a situation there similar to this where I was actually two people behind and the event was shut down when I had this question to ask you then so now is the opportunity so I'm taking full advanced uh deaiing your materials for about like two years now also ready to book your first 100 mill which has given me opportunities in life as well so as a result of that I've been able to connect with a business partner and also had build up a dream team and as a result that we were able to buy a company that was on decline for 11 mil and take that company to 33 mill great and my question to you is what does your day look like because I know that high performance a lot of it has to do with your daily routine your habits and what is going on inside of the mind of you this is a guy that used the model listen to me about an hour and a half right quarts and got a company 411 rating they took it to 30 something right i I don't remember him from the I remember Gainesville but what happened and the but the works okay my my daily schedule isn't going to be what yours is but listen motivation gets it started good habits keep you going I have extraordinary habits I have the same habits I had 50 years ago 40 years ago 20 years ago ten years ago the last thing I do at night as I say my affirmations and my prayers I fall asleep saying my prayers since I'm six seven years old I still say my prayers affirmations are the bedrock all the guys use them super Olympic athletes have been using affirmations I said Jimmy I'll way back in the day I see myself winning the Super Bowl in overtime what he didn't see in his dreams was is he's going to take three Super Bowls the window so three Super Bowls that won't finally win one but affirmations so that's how I end my day I begin my day in the morning when I when I get up I go to the my office and I my offices in the castle we have a wing that's the business wing and I check emails I take some some of my pills I take a lot of pills and I have a cup of coffee and I prioritize which ones I'm going to answer first some of which I'm just going to delete this is after they've already been screened by one of my four assistants the only thing I do is wipe my ass and when I'm an age I don't even wipe my own ass I delegate everything I don't do anything my wife dresses me God's chew you spend time on that's not important so then when I filter to what's important for the day and then I normally have my first meal is between 12:00 and 1:00 o'clock I eat something and then I'm normal on zoom' calls Skype calls conference calls I'm reviewing papers I'm looking at the Manties Business Weekly reports that you send me and then I go to the gym late afternoon the first time then I haven't evening me on that I go to a gym the second time because the gym is only about from here to the wall that's the the closed gym there's an I have two gyms we have another gym this is about another 20 meters beyond that wall and the and then Sally and I normally watch one-hour TV between 11 and 12 may have a glass of wine and then I go to bed about 12:30 and it starts all over again okay thank you congratulations on that deal very good hi Dan my name is James Nadeau and I'm a college student I'm from Washington DC okay I'm originally I was studying to become an investment banker I'm studying finance and I've been playing I'd played baseball all my life I injured my arm and now I can't play anymore obviously but so now I'm into the entrepreneurial journey now like two months in and I want to start a sports sports agency like negotiate professional contract deals for baseball players and right now I'm using Jason's email marketing program to help a sports business like a training gym for their recruiting services getting their athletes college scholarships and getting them seen by like college programs and stuff and I'm wondering if I have to wait to build credibility in order to get a hold of the big time pro athletes you know like the Bryce Harper's I don't know if you really know baseball that much I do I know who Ted Williams is that's all I know okay but um I know that you've worked with a lot of your athletes yeah athletes and mentees that work in different that is a joint venture with somebody that's already got credibility okay you know find a retiring agent represent representative we've had kids work for you for a year for free learn the business and buy his business out but at least you've got his 20 30 40 50 years and over time perhaps you can have his clients turned over to you the but it's a tough business there's no as a low barrier to entry and but it's very lucrative it's one of agents and people who represent those pro athletes get paid a lot a lot of money I know the top guy too is named Scott Boras and he actually lives in Newport Beach so okay I'll get a hold of him okay very good thank you thank you sir okay [Applause] hi sir dampen yeah thank you for being here my name is Jack Van Dam from Montreal I actually drove up to be - I drove up here to see you I in the first place go down here yeah I drove down yeah Michelle because I listened to you I wanted to get out of my comfort zone and I wanted to test my abilities and I don't believe my dad raised me as a as a because well at least I did not until we moved to Canada here I'm originally from Russia because at eight or nine years old like that picture you showed of one of your main sees with his back tall that was me at eight or nine years old because of something I did so my question is up if your parents maybe not as severe as that kid one of his buddies whip them they go monthly to get whipped if your parents had done a little more of that you wouldn't be in the situation you are today you wouldn't be in the situation you are today but go ahead no the thing is yeah my environment changed eight years ago and I did become a it got me to uh to actually encounter you on online and so the thing is I about a month ago I want to thank you for that about a month ago I discovered you you changed my life my way of thinking good and all that and I listened to you and I listened to one but device in particular and is to dream big and so my joy doesn't cost anything to dream big I guarantee you will never exceed your highest expectation I guarantee if you want to make me a millionaire you're never going to make two million dollars I guarantee if you want to make ten million dollars you're never going to make ten million and ten dollars I can guarantee that because your subconscious doesn't know you're full of it will shut down it will start shutting down at 600,000 700,000 800,000 nine hundred ninety thousand and you're gone then you're going to go to sleep you know you shoot for Mars and maybe you'll only hit the moon go ahead so yeah um so my dream my dream is to I want to become a man who builds the first flying car and I don't know anything about the industry I don't know I'm not an engineer yet at least and I want to know where do I start okay two points I wanna make the first car in the world was an electric car in 1838 I think 1839 first car ever that's before combustion engine engine an electric car was the first car do you think the planet could have better electric cars if they really wanted them right Elon Musk Allah be with him stuck his foot up the ass of the automotive industry and that's why everybody's on the electric cars okay but we've known how to land rocket ships back on the earth for 40 years but we only just started doing it last four or five years because Elon Musk stuck its foot up the ass again and the reason why we didn't want to land Rockets because then Boeing and all these big companies aren't going to be selling twice as many rockets it's simple but I also want to say I have a lot of respect with you on musk I was on Joe Rogan showing I didn't smoke any weed okay but Elon is would be a footnote in history if President Obama hadn't given him a billion and a half dollars he wouldn't be a footnote he talks about the money he paid back of the one of the seven deals the other six are all in bankruptcy President Obama and his infinite wisdom made Elon Musk because it was politically right for Obama so never forget that getting back to you Elon is a gifted engineer but he's not Einstein and you don't have to know about cars Henry Ford didn't know about cars okay now that's that's I wasn't around when Henry Ford was the although I haven't met Clinton Ford the current chairman CEO go where your passion is go with your passion is but like I want to know who would I seek as a mentor and well I mean there's a hundred people that are in the and in the car business flying cars are a long way off but I asked my chauffeur yesterday when you think they're going to have a chauffeur driven or no excuse me sure furless that right show furless limos and he says boss I hope no time soon but I mean the great thing about Google LinkedIn I think is one of the great marketing tools ever go to LinkedIn and say in the subject matter flying cars flying car mentor wanted our words like that and I bet you'll get a hundred or two hundred responses thank you okay well and also I also will be participating in one of your QA seminar ok great ok guys guys I didn't come to for Jason to sell you the seminars are booked till September I mean I could give a seminar every week and they'd be booked but I knew I this us free on my website free thank you very much [Applause] one more time let's make some noise for dance [Applause]
Channel: Dan Peña
Views: 572,166
Rating: 4.8428016 out of 5
Keywords: jason capital, dan pena, danpena, Daniel S. Peña, high status, alex maroko
Id: _jtRTa826qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 5sec (7145 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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