DAN LOK: How To Go From $150K In Debt To Millionaire! (Must Watch Interview)

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hi I'm Dan Locke I'm the king of high ticket sales and I am one of the passionate few I just finished an interview with OMA I think he did a fantastic job I've done probably hundreds of interviews but I'm glad that he actually asked very very deep questions and when very much in depth actually brought that a lot of good memories so he's a fantastic fantastic host if you ever get a chance to be on his show don't hesitate make sure what you doing today we get to sit down and hear the incredible story of entrepreneur marketer and sales expert extraordinaire Dan Locke known as the king of high ticket sales and one of the highest paid consultants in the world we sat down with Dan to talk about his story of growing up in Hong Kong and not wanting to deal with the nine-to-five traditional status quo but dealing with a lot of failures along the way to make that dream happen dan aimed at creating financial freedom for him and his loved ones but had a lot of struggles early on that ended up taking him into debt to the hundreds of thousands of dollars and in this interview Dan talks about what it was like to untangle that web and ultimately how he found the right mentors and mindset and skills and develop them to ultimately become the multi millionaire he is today inspiring thousands of people around the world to do the same in their own dan is also the author of fu money and has programs helping thousands of students around the world master their craft and become high ticket sales experts themselves you guys can check that out in the description below and no further ado I want to encourage you guys to sit back relax and enjoy this powerful interview mr. Dan Locke enjoy hey guys welcome to this episode of the passionate view today we get to sit down with the king of high-ticket sales himself mr. dan Locke thanks for being on the show today Dan thank you for having me I feel like such a beautiful day I feel like we're almost like on a date or something on a bench I love this absolutely man thanks for being here today welcome so let's get right into it a lot of people know about what you've done online you know the king of high ticket sales and serving businesses and clients all over the world correct where did you you know get this where did this whole where was the seed planted where did you grow up and sort of what was your childhood like oh wow I was born in Hong Kong right so I emigrated to Canada when I was 14 years old with no money no connections and couldn't speak a word of English so you can see when even when I still today I speak with an accent I live in an accent so my mom and dad because they were having some some issues and so my mom decided that she didn't want to stay in the relationship that's why we emigrated to Canada and the time are so young I was kind of like a punk kid yeah I had no direction yeah I was getting your fights and hanging around with the wrong gang of people and it's just always getting into trouble right and so my mom my mom and dad got divorced when I was 16 years old and shortly after that my dad went bankrupt in Hong Kong hmm he basically his business partner took all his money and disappeared and my dad signed everything as it does guarantee right yeah so left him a million dollar u.s. in debt and that wiped him out not just financially but emotionally and you were living with him at the time I was living with my mom daddy's in Hong Kong and then I still always remember that phone call that I was going to sue to to school one day at a time my mom and I we were living in a one-bedroom apartment okay in one of the worst name who is in Vancouver Wow so I remember I was my mom would stay in the in the bedroom I would sleep in the living room right with so on the floor basically remember one day after Scott went home door was locked and I knocked on my mom's door she was on the phone with somebody I didn't know who but I heard that she was crying on the phone and it's like hey mom mom is everything okay I was like oh no everything's good don't worry about it and afterwards basically I found that she was on the phone with my dad and my dad basically my mom he went bankrupt he couldn't send us money anymore at first he was sending us some allowance right and I my mom is a very very positive happy person like she's like one of those people that she's friends with everybody like I said I had no enemies right just a sweet sweet sweet person so and I'll never forget the face on my mom like that face that facial expression just so hopeless and she was like now I'm gonna do I've been housewife all my life how am I gonna raise it is kid with with no money would leave me the savings and shoot she wasn't working at that time you know when you're 16 at this time well 16 17 about 17 and from then on I said to myself I don't care what the [ __ ] I have to do I don't want to see that face on my mom anymore yeah yeah I don't care what it takes I don't care what how hard after work that's I think the turning point it planted a seat right where I know that as a man we want to provide for the family of course and we want to but I think as a man we cannot protect the people that we love if we don't have the resources right it could be financial but if we don't have the resources and that's when I made a decision I'm going to be successful because unless I'm successful I cannot provide for the people that I love I cannot protect the people I love and that was it from then on that's the only child and that's when I started my first business there very early on right what was your first business I thought I was just like mowing lawns for people in my neighborhood so you just knock on their door and say hey no one day I was jogging wrong in the worst neighborhood again talking in neighborhood right and I saw an older gentleman and he was just like he must be in his 70s or something and he was like mowing the lawn like like this like very very slow it was a young opportunity no no it says hey you know how about I just help you I was thinking about anything I saw I helped him on the lawn and right afterwards he Pawnee bucks and gave it to me like ball went okay maybe I can make some money doing right right and that gave me the inspiration and here's what's interesting so I had no money so I thought we have what if I do this for other people maybe I can make some money on the side I had no money I don't have I didn't even have the money for that but a lawn mower yeah yeah so I talked to this older gentleman and I said you know what can I borrow your machine because I know that I can see that the machine is brand new right like maybe cost like a thousand bucks to me that at that time was alone it was like a million dollars like million dollars right so I asked him what can I borrow your machine and you know in return I would take care of the machine I will add the gas and take care of everything to play and maintenance I'll mow your lawn every single week for free once a week and I remember he said you know what I can't move this damn thing anyway what the heck yeah man go ahead use it yeah and that's how I got my little machine and their side first yeah like working a no-money-down deal all right so I was knocking on door and mowing lawns you know we may leave before me a few hundred bucks in there and that's my first taste of entrepreneurship how much were you charging at that time I was like you just it was like 10 20 dollars no he's he's funny he was funny story so I was knocking on door and no one like I was not gonna hey do you want me to move on oh no we don't need that we don't hear that [ __ ] yeah at the time I had my mom had a friend my aunt she had a printing business right like you know printing business card and wires and all that so I went to my aunt I said why don't you know you print a bunch of flyers I would help to distribute in the neighborhood like printing service but yeah they're two sides are flying right right I said between 5,000 of these I'll run around I'll distribute it on the other side can I put my stuff on oh yeah my lawn mowing service I go what the heck right yeah it's all been always very entrepreneurial yeah you know how to you know be resourceful in the city yeah yeah yeah because a lot of people wouldn't have even tried that cuz they'll say well I don't have the money for lawn mow or I don't have any of that so it's optimally yeah it's a good proof right there that it's not about what you have it's about what you do with what you have hundred percent we're exerting that even at a young age it's never lack of resources I think it's a lack of resource fulness and and I was just resourceful I had no money so I had time I can put in effort and I distribute all five of your flyers I ran home and I was just waiting for the phone I thought I'm gonna get rich yeah oh my god fine 5,000 people Oh Mike I'm gonna to get a hundred phone call well I'm gonna put my time I'm still going to school I thought I'm gonna make like House Isabella's right right one hour no call one day no call three days not a single one now let's check the flat [ __ ] did I put it a wrong number right no it's the right number right not a single phone call from the flyer all right and and I learned okay there's something that you know you can have a great product a great service but if you don't know how to get it out there your marketing in and get people to pay attention no one's gonna buy from you so I came with an idea I thought to myself and this affected my philosophy for the rest of my life mine is a philosophy so I thought think back the very first client I had could pay me 20 bucks what did I do I mow the lawns first before asking anything in return that's how it got there first corny dollars right right yeah I thought let me do that again so I ran around the neighborhood and I found one of the most probably one of the higher-end expensive homes in the neighborhood and I saw the lawn was like up to this high like high and I just found it fun a day and it just mowed in Python is it illegal to do that I'm not an advocate of that but I did that so you didn't even knock on their door you know the whole lawn right I did the whole thing right and I finish whole thing and I set at the front door waiting for the homeowner to come back okay she is funny it's a housewife she came back and she couldn't she couldn't recognize her lawn this is this not right yeah she drove by and then she drove back and she pulled what the hell is going on right and she's like who are you I said you know I said just a kid I'm trying to make you know make some money I provide these services to fly oh this is awesome you know my husband travels all the time he never is never home I can't do this stuff thank you so much you make my lawn look something she gave me a hundred dollars Wow a hundred dollars right and that affected me for the rest of my life so my business philosophy until this very day if you say one of my motive for for business add value first before you ask anything in return that's how I always approach you know how most business people they approach somebody yeah they want to sell them some [ __ ] right right all they want to hey man you do something for me or like you know social media people come to me all the time oh they feel like just because I'm successful that I'm obligated to help them right you can show easily or so easily we'll just give them that's not the case you got they gotta earn it so my philosophy is any interaction with people how can I add value to what you do it's always my most favorite the question is this what is the most important project you're working on that can add value to ya because it goes straight to the source of what matters yeah I don't care who I meet lunch dinner someone I don't know so I'm gonna do always hey what are you working on what's the most important project maybe I can help you we got I know somebody that can help you I very much believe in the whole concept of the relational capital which is much more powerful than capital gets money you can get money from the bank and get money from anywhere but relational capital especially nowadays I'm sure OMA you have experiences one contact one phone call one conversation yeah change your own could change it all just one content social currency they call a hundred percent a hundred percent so and it affected me and then from there none of course we can talk about that how I went from you know making little bit of money to where I'm today right so so after the lawn mowing service what's the next line of business because obviously that you realize okay this isn't gonna get me two million bucks so what was the series along the way with the trisomy nitronic vending machines I try like network marketing I try fixing computers for people we tried delivery service all kinds of it's just a young guy I thought anything that even sounds like we moley I could make money do right that I would jump into which is very dumb because I had no business actor yeah but I fail at so many pieces I feel at 13 businesses 13 13 Wow before having what I quite white court go success right so from 17 to what age did the decide within three years so three years 13 businesses and losses all losses or lessons ya know all losses haha no it's no it's major yeah and it maxed out my credit card and lost on my mom's face savings yeah I heard that at one point - you're almost over $100,000 that's $150,000 $50,000 and how old were you at that time 20 20 years old 20 years old and that was just different loans from your mom pretty far relatives relatives and my brow chest they wouldn't think might call anymore yeah yeah it's just I just bore him everybody that I could did you burn a lot of bridges at that time to get I did I did but I always promised them that just let me like give me one more chance right let me try harder and they believed in me but they just thought they always thought I was kind of odd when the family it's like why don't you just there and just go get a job but do something like what normal people yes safe they're safe and do something like why do you have to have these crazy ideas he's another idea of them yeah and I just told them hey listen if I were just to go get a job with my I don't even have a college degree anything like that I would be making me a minimum wage listen I'm not $150,000 yeah if I was making minimum wage it would take me forever right to pay you off to pay you back and pay off all this debt and to provide for my mom so like people always look at what I did oh you must be so motivated yeah it's not [ __ ] motivation it was desperation right it was I had no choice do you think that was the case that you were so maybe beat down by that debt that you should I have to figure this out now now I can't afford to fail yeah so you would say that that pressure is almost what gave you the creativity to make it work or how important what that actually making things really start go on the upswing for you I think it was I had no choice I wasn't even thinking about it's like kind of you you you you die hard you keep trying like you got to I just had no choice it wasn't well let me maybe go with the safe route that's not an option because there is just not option so I have to figure this out right what did you do differently that 14th time versus larger teeth it's when I found my first mentor mm-hmm that change everything so I said this that's also why I'm such a big proponent of having a mentor dad because before that I tried most things like most people I rep their success books and rigid thinking grow rage and how to win friends influence be her right you know back and forth many times like all these books and you know I would get up in the morning and I would look in the mirror and say I'm successful and it could be a great day information information and and I would I would visualize I would put in a vision board I did all I did all that stuff right yeah so you know yes just yes you know all right so it was okay I think all those things they they helped but really that the turning point was when I find my first mentor his name is Allen Allen Allen and at the time Allen was here and one of the the he was the founder of a ring with the investment network in Canada which was at the time one of the largest real estate investment Network in Canada how did you find him good question because I want to ask you that because there might be somebody listening this or watching this that might be on their 12th or 13th failure yeah right at that turning point so to somebody sitting there and kind of confused how would how did you find your mentor and what would be a recognition oh I'll tell you how I found him and taught and I'll give then I'll give them the advice or what where to find so at a time I was just like an opportunity junkie I know money's are what attendees like free seminars and I would get on these like mailing lists right and Allen was running one of the largest financial seminar companies in Canada he was the first one that brought war but your sake mmm from Rich Dad Poor Dad robust gunshot before even the feels like he was famous it was the first guy so I was getting all these junk mails Direct Mail like not not Instagram Facebook right Direct Mail right and I would always always be fascinated by the way that he would write these sales letters right and I would collect them mm-hmm I would collect him put in fuel punched him put in a binder and it would save them and will study them but just fascinated by the way he communicates right so the copywriting on top right here and he's I remember the name Alan Jack's right this is name and one time was attending a free conference or sitting sitting in the back and I was watching the speaker Jenna a gentleman sat down next to me and watching the speaker was looking at you I was looking that's like I notice an Indian yeah it's just Alan checks Wow and I thought no [ __ ] way yeah no way and I said are you Alan Jack's he said yes I said are you the one that's hosting these events inviting these letters and it's like yes I am like hold that's my internal dialogue I try to be calm right I'm a huge fan yeah like I love what you do and he thought I was referring to the event oh yeah yeah you know we'd do pretty good events I said no no no no I study your letters here as I collect them I tell them I I collect these letters and he was shocked because I don't think he's ever had anyone telling him that right young guy 2020 someone 21 years old my pocket anything out on the copyright yeah like collecting the junk mail and I was just faster they said I said I said mr. Jackson can I buy you lunch mm-hmm and always remember to reply he pause he said what the hell I gotta eat yeah that was the start of a relationship Wow and we had lunch we talked for hours and then I afterwards I asked him to be my mentor what you turned me down mm-hmm and I was again not recommending this I was basically stalking him in his office why I rented office every [ __ ] day if we tell you it physically go there I'll go to the office I would say anything I would pick up the trash anything yeah I was just demonstrating I want to help anything yeah I don't care about money I don't want a salary I don't want anything and and finally a monthly that's okay I just need a higher you just thought this is this is like this is spotting me so much right he's part of my staff fine like this young man it's like crazy I mean and he did and I worked for him for almost for a year for next to nothing and that was funny story so he would do a lot to write me right so we stuff these envelopes and I will help stop the envelopes and you know the envelope the stems and I would like that liquid envelope right and I would put the after about two weeks of that he said Dan you can actually use water for that so I was so dumb it's getting poison a licking five envelopes yeah like that and put the whole thing in but that's how I got started right that's like how naive I was I was just hungry how were you at that time 2021 okay 21 and let me let me go back to that moment where you asked him to lunch where you was it a little bit scary were you in your head like should I should I not because I think a lot of people might get to the point where they're sitting next to an opportunity but you pulled the trigger on it can you talk a little bit about what was going on I was I wasn't nervous I was just like so happy mm-hmm that I kind of it's like you've meeting a favorite it's no celebrity something like that right and I was too dumb to be scared yeah yeah that was just hey do you want to buy your lunch yeah yeah I still remember well you know when we go to lunch I told like very strict say Helen actually I want my lunch but I don't have a lot of money I could afford the burger but if you want like something expense I could he loves he loved he just loves like how transparent I was as a young man yeah and yeah and still to this day after all these years he's still my mentor with incredible actually I'm doing a big event in October he's gonna be one of my speaker Wow to think that you're in the back of that room and now he's speaking and not only that because Alan later on in life he was actually sacrified by Parkinson's disease yeah so he lost his ability to work and he was held it was not well genius but he's not well being able to now having him come back and kind of giving back to him mm-hmm okay I actually paid him a very hefty speaking fee he would speak for free but game was speaking fee right just to you know help him write it for me and now all these years so that's the kind of maybes because my maybe it's Chinese is a culture because I think a lot of people didn't miss understood the word mentor right like to me if you go to see online you watch some videos that's not a mentor-mentee relationship right what is it mentor I are much more prefer the word Sifu you see a lot of them they call me Sifu is in Chinese it means mentor it means in Japanese is sensei I think it's a one-on-one more lifetime relationship mm-hmm I have a martial background as you know that you don't you think about back in ancient time when someone was teaching martial art it's an inner circle private door closed door I transfer my lifetime skill to you that's a mentor-mentee relationship it's not hey what some [ __ ] videos and to me that's not it right that is learning but mentor is someone it goes way way deeper than that yeah I think it's not transactional relationship it's not even go to an event you watch the guy for three three days I think it's it's a transformational relationship mm-hmm that someone can impact you in a very deep way that's a mental relationship and that's why all these years obviously my mentors right so after that that mentorship with Allen what happens in you to where you start scaling it is that when you get into copywriting or what happens yeah so right after one you're for over one year and at a time at first I was doing office work late on he was asking me to kind of edit some of his copy right and later on as I got better and it got better and he would say have me write it I remember the first time I wrote a letter for him yeah but he was teaching me right in that kind of way and I wrote a letter to him I said hey Alan I spend like weeks crafting this piece I gave it to him he looked at it for like seconds he promised this is [ __ ] dude oh man again I know it's devastated yeah there's a sick of personally yes there personally and then I go back to a half and a week later I brought it back to him I looked at a few seconds come one this is [ __ ] I said cannot be [ __ ] I said I've looked at it I've crafted a headline I'll craft a copy I said I've done the best that I could believe me is that trying yet a third time I looked at it and I burn a bit midnight oil I went to him he looked at it little bit longer this time he said it is still [ __ ] I said no there's no [ __ ] waste yeah seriously I've done everything I possibly could this is the best thing that I could have ever written trust me it's my best work right is it go back but Lee is back in for many times Polly I think it's six or seven times and you're and you're not losing interest at this time it's intensifying your move it's not so much respect to him right so what have her ask me to do and here's the thing when you find a mentor listen to the [ __ ] mentor right don't just oh yeah you're my mentor but I tell you do something that you don't listen and that's kind of dumb right yeah at the time was just okay whatever you need but I try I gave my very best but he was do not happy that I think seven times six or seven times look at his look his piece was pretty good oh nice and and then later on this is like later later on many years later we had a conversation he said actually the first piece was pretty good Wow but he said I need to challenge you you thought you've given your best that's not your best second time you start there with your best that was not your best now what is your best compared with thought about your your best there's a gap he said it's that's how you get better most people will be happy with this that's not your how become a master marketer right get to this and had you not had the humility and had a big ego about it right like you were saying and you wouldn't have known you never got to that level of being pushed and and guess what all these years Alan only had one mentee that's me mmm that was it his never trick anybody else it's powerful right so from that point forward he accepts it and then what happens and then so later on right after then I started my own one-man advertising agency I like the madman you know sure right without all the glamour just like me working [ __ ] right so I started my one-man advertising agency and I was working with clients or charging them like $500 thousand dollars to to write these materials yeah and I said learn you know learn how to do better communicate better asking for more money and that's how I kind of have I had a first insight Lebanon Iran on high ticket sales mm-hmm I noticed that to charge it doesn't it doesn't take you more effort to sell something for five hundred dollars versus five thousand dollars mhm in some cases it takes less effort mm-hmm and that's when I first learned about that working with clients is I kept increasing my fee and still it is because of Alan not because of me right because I was making I was charging a thousand bucks to the work with clients and then I was again having conversation with him he said you know you should charge more again mm-hmm like I won't be doing this for a few months right you should bomb the price like what like ten percent I think $1100 that's pretty good ten percent seems to be reasonable right he said no table would so what the [ __ ] like cowboy like yes that's such a foreign concept I can't double it I'm doing it for a few months I'm like a 21 year old kid with like speaking with max it I can't double my price he said just double it and by the way practice in front of mirror yeah you got to practice how to ask for money right so you would do that and we look in the mirror and say how much you charge and I would say to $2,000 right yeah not Atilla and until I can do it not in US with a strict phase right and I did that and then after a couple months later in there by the way after I increased my price mm right mm-hmm they're very Knicks prospect was talking to you ask me how much I charge I said two thousand dollars has been practicing there was no issue yet no push back push back you know I think just two thousand dollars well holy [ __ ] this works pray and then a few months ago talk to Alan double it then double it it's no [ __ ] way you're insane like two thousand the fourth no it's oh my god I'm gonna lose all my clients right I'm not gonna be able to pay the bills oh my god it's like all these schism kicks in right did that same thing happen I saw four thousand no push back to nothing Wow right and I start seeing what's possible that's possible now and then I did say anything again a few months eight thousand to ten thousand dollars so we've seen a year from $1,000 that were charging now I'm charging $10,000 with one guy for the same amount of work that blew my mind did you have limiting beliefs at that time because I think a lot of people who might be in a specialty service might be encountering that right where they know they have great value can you talk a little bit about coursing believe shouldn't in your mind if I wouldn't believe scarcity mindset yeah but I was just listening to my mentor right because I see he believed in my value more than I believed in my valley right because he knows I trained you I know what you can do I didn't know I was just writing copy but he believed in me then he asked me to do it but he's a thing after I've done it a few times that because my new identity right now comes our normal not I'm not the one thousand dollar guy anymore I'm the $10,000 guy within a year now if he didn't push me what I have done it he'll know so ya know believe nothing at all and that's why don't underestimate the power in your life having someone believe in you that when you don't even believe in yourself and say you know what you can do this oh man you can do this you can be bigger you can do more you can reach more people okay I guess I could yeah and you try it oh [ __ ] this works yeah and that more and more and more and then of course I've made my second mentor there later on you just go man yes I have so many stories I could miss Dan yeah I could share so many stories okay so after I was making about 10,000 a month as a cop as a young guy 21 serve you at your peak your copy services are ten thousand dollars and I was working one client couple clients per month good money as a young guy especially yeah six-figure I was like actually coming back from $150,000 I felt rich men I feel like men and hello to your relatives right cuz you know I always see the you know I knew you're gonna make it so from there making good money you know 10,000 a month and you could say it's liberal arc of timing but internet was still at its infancy right we're talking about the netscape time or the the modem dial-up time I mean I think a lot of people watching young people didn't even know what that is right right so I was taking stuff that money was buying Bruce Lee collectibles because my Bruce Lee fan from Hong Kong and flipping them on eBay and that's how I kind of got into the whole internet business online world online world and we're talking I was selling stuff or on bulletin board mm-hm right and was selling like my world my first book or selling it on there so you had the copywriting experience the online experience and now it starts to sort of because at the time man o'war coffees do this communication right it's salesmanship in print at the time online people they don't quite understand how the whole work we write copy at sand and it's just working right now went into eBay was to making money on making money through Clickbank multiple best selling products on Clickbank like digital products I was doing affiliate marketing I'm telling you I was making as a young guy I would [ __ ] my money I've never seen so much money in my life right yeah my friends and I we would go you know go out for a night go out for dinner it would drop like 3k at night no no no problem no for an elysian [ __ ] drink yeah pick up the tab and just I've never seen so much money and it was getting a new car every year the sport car it's crazy what was the mindset shift that you noticed right like if you can go back to that time period where money was flowing mm-hmm versus when money wasn't what was the the bottom line common denominator of difference that you would say between when things were working financially and when things weren't somebody out there listening what's that one mindset shift I'm sure there's many but what would you say is the most important wealth mindset shift that needs to happen I think for most entrepreneurs most people they overestimate their importance in terms of success so I think they say for they say let's take raising horses for example the the jockey is important but the horse is probably more important so I think very often when something is successful entrepreneurs like all because I'm so [ __ ] good right i I mean I conquer the problem I made it happen and all this stuff now as I'm more mature I think finding the right opportunity it's probably way it's like 10 times more important so the vehicle the vehicle and at time I picked the right vehicle because I was remember the 13 businesses mr. wrong vehicle I was the wrong person but this time that's why I don't believe the whole thing all you got to be at the right place at the right time you have to be the right person in the right place at the right time I was the right person I had the skill I was online I had to I have their suppliers right I was making money to all this stuff now my skills I have a platform to exercise my talents and skills and money was coming in the how come it took me so much effort before to make $1,000 right and now like [ __ ] I just make that yeah you couldn't even stop the money because like I couldn't stop what changed yeah has I picked the right vehicle do you remember that first time where you made an amount of money that even blew your mind like oh [ __ ] this is possible do you number a cheque that sticks out no it's not cheque is all this money coming in and I wasn't thinking about it I was getting there just spending money and I was 27 yeah 27 years old look at my bank account got a million dollars in cash okay not net worth cash liquid liquid like that's a lot of [ __ ] money right that's when I thought this is all [ __ ] money right and this is this is from copywriting in sales and affiliates or House voted on tonight and the timer I had multiple internet businesses this is one thing to another I was making money I was blowing money which is not the smart thing to do hey but I was just having so much money and I would invest another company like some online businesses and all these things right and from there when I had that million dollars they're kind of the million dollar millionaire mark right I love people's are all my millionaires I'm not talking net worth yeah cash that's what maybe I've like they've got like that Mouse doll yeah yeah pull the mouse don't it's that first one where you know I mean it yeah okay I guess I do have somebody now right and it changed the way I look at things and and I should be it's not very smart but I would pie for a couple of months okay yeah cuz I thought I had man I made it yeah how retire and actually took two months off first month and was just sitting on the beach very quiet okay I thought that's what it is right yeah that's all yeah it's saying the bees you do nothing and it's very interesting you say that because I saw another interview where you were talking about how if you look at some of the wealthiest people in the world their goals aren't to have you know the laptop lifestyle or retire on the beach drinking in Corona their goals are to impact the world to have you know meaning introduced to serve people on a massive scale can you talk a little bit about how that mindset kind of evolved from where you were making a ton of money at that age to then go into consulting and stuff like that well with the so when I would quit with higher age of 27 I was sitting on the beach first I thought this is the life this right what I've been working so hard to get to I'm telling you if anyone has tried this you just try to sit under the Sun seven days a week for like every day for like for Monday you bought out your mind you get sunburned it's full [ __ ] thing's stupid right right and then next month's month you I thought okay this is stupid let me try something else so I was I was like you know what I've always wanted to watch a lot of movies right I love movies I was renting movies I was watching six seven movies a [ __ ] day I'm telling you if you watch six and boots every [ __ ] day for a month you don't like movies that much anymore right right I was like this is stupid especially for an achiever that was just from this yeah like no one was calling me I'm not talking nobody said this is I thought would make me happy I wasn't happy so I talked to my mentor again this time mr. picked up Dan Tania they just laughed and how did you meet Dan how did you get get well at the time I was remember the eBay right so I saw this book one day on eBay I was just browsing around to look at some stuff and I saw the title captivated me it's called your first hundred million mmm what kind of [ __ ] book is this like that's a pretty bossy title as a copywriter right that's a good title right I click on it and I saw that the price was $400 us for a book I thought to myself who in the right mind would spend for honey buckets on [ __ ] I don't know from your way I click on a link and he has the first chapter in the listing I read I read through the first chapter before you know it I was the idiot that bought the book I spent 400 bucks I bought the book yeah I read through the whole book they had such a big impact on me mm-hmm I guess at the time I was already looking for the second mentor because I was already experienced success and Alan wasn't well and I was looking for something more and when I saw Dan penny I can't pick Dan right I saw back then it's like this is the guy long ago from I caught the castle just straight up I'll just call the castle how did you get the number it's all in the book yeah right and of course when I first caught called castle you got the gatekeeper but I went through a lot of like different things and I went to the castle seminar and that's how and of time big Dan wasn't as popular as today it was I remember when I went to the castle is like four or five guys I was one of them he did it once a year I think at the time he was maybe in semi with Jaime with Jaime and that's again he's been my mentor now from one in ten years and then Dan helped you transition into consulting well he the biggest thing I learned from Big Bear and his how finance and business works mm-hmm so he taught me that of course is key Oh a quantum leap advantage mindset right so how to look at things other think bigger and he would always challenge me I would you give a quick gem that that's a benefit perfect examples so keep in mind I was at a time before the twenty five twenty five ish 26 something like that then was making good money wasn't giving me a half a million whenever a year half nine here have a million you something like that and I would call a big day and said tell me you know hey man you know I'm pretty good point someone years old making half a million but I was me it for any guys right right you feel pretty good about yourself right twenty someone years oh I'm pretty smart right and especially after listening to his vice and make some changes so I call him a talk so hey you know so so he asked me how are you doing so man you know the stuff I'm doing all this stuff right so how much money you're making now you know half half a million bucks very good silence so he said so what the [ __ ] are you half a millionaire yeah yeah yeah that's him that's it always doesn't matter what I do every time I talk to him it's nothing yeah whatever you I I'm doing whatever compare what he's done is nothing he always gives you context to the bigger game they go good so then after you get the wake-up call from Dan big Dan big then after you get the wake-up call from big Dan oh when do you shift your business model - well insulting so what you're doing now because how are you making 1/2 million at the time what was your business model was internet it was also consulting gotcha it was also cooperating with doing multiple things right and so it changed a lot as my whole idea of what I do and how I work lets me fast forward at the age of 27 right so then the advice I got from big Daniel is like hey then now you can go back and start another business mhm and I said no [ __ ] way I don't want to start out of business right like it's I don't want to do that right and he said this time do it from a different place mmm do it from a place of strength and abundance gee you know you don't know you don't need to stop this to make it you've made it you're pretty good that's not a business of build it around something you really want to do and I wrong your strength mm-hmm and I did from Danner was investing in different companies and in all kinds of business deals and I grew and grew in it so from me so imagine from that seven-figure level and by the age of 30 years old like that was a multi-millionaire mm-hmm but there was one his 30 years old something changed in me that's the first 10 years of my life from this 8 20 30 years old I was about money I was about treatment I was about how to I there's no win win it's only we lose here all the chips I want to grab all the chips on the crevice much chips as possible and because also we don't remember my incident I didn't have a father figure so Alan and big Dan can't become my father face right yeah but there's a problem both my mom and dad their personality is the opposite of big game hmm big Dan is just like sergeant ruthless businessman that's who years right and I found that I tried to be him and it's not me it's not who I am right and I wasn't happy so I hit 30 years old one day I wake up keys are coming down my cheek you know why is talking to my wife my wife's like what's going on right I don't know I've never been I'm they had this feeling it's like that this internal it's like a depression right came from nowhere I've never had this feeling before I've never been depressed so this feeling and this depression that just hit me yes I don't know what's going on that's when I went on a little bit journey more like a spiritual journey when I wanted to find out okay maybe what I've done in the first 10 years something was missing this formula doesn't quite work kind of like what probably Robin talks about success without fulfillment yeah I was at that point I was trying to win the contest for the track for fulfillment running on a tractor but it does not work yeah from then on everything I do and I study a lot of different work I go back to my business I'm gonna change everything I'll give you a perfect example before 30 years old every single business I have I'm 100 percent shareholder mm-hmm I've no punish no I could be given out somewhere else yeah after 30 years old every single business I have everything that's punishing still I operate what's your what's your best advice when finding partners to work with I think you guys have to share the same values you guys have to want to do it beyond and just make a few bucks mm-hmm you have to say both have a mission they want to do this they want to do some epic cool things not just hey man I want to make some money you want to make some money it doesn't work because when things get tough that doesn't work yeah that motivation doesn't last there's a sign and also when when things where money is coming in greed kicks in that doesn't work either but if like a couple people they want to do some epic good stuff and you've got a good team money would be there money comes money is a byproduct of that when the two people share the same value they have skills that complement with each other and they also both work same work ethics same vision then you got something that's very very integrity obviously there's every key and also partner with people who are not desperate yes so if you're very successful don't partner with someone who's like desperate for money over the years every single deal that got [ __ ] over yeah it's about people who are desperate and stab you in the back and you just took a chance on them because you felt like yeah why not roll the dice yeah but successful people they don't need to do that because this deal it works or not they're still okay those are the best partnerships right and I found that's the case let's talk a little bit too about your consulting because I know you're world-renowned for your what you've done in consulting can you talk a little bit about your business model and what you advise other people who maybe have their own consulting practices or coaching practices in terms of providing premium value and charging high ticket prices without any of the limiting beliefs of all I can't do that what are the odds can you talk a little bit about how you structure your business it's funny you brought that up yes if you might think they seemed as a consultant right really like this is how much my make I make this much fun consulting okay that's not the main source of money Co yeah a lot of my business says I just don't talk about it right because I don't feel that the need to right but it's not it's a small part of what I do certain companies I consult little bit even now I mean I just turned down a couple pretty big consulting gigs just because I'm now have less time to do them right is even busier right so to answer your question it goes back to your self-worth I'll give you a very simple formula you want to charge more money consultant supply and demand you want to drive up your demand and you want to restrict the supply so let's see if I'm consultant a service provider coach whatever I do I say to the world hey you know what call me anytime I'm always available right I can pick on as many clients as as yes I want my value it's it's lower in what the marketplace sees on the other hand hey you know what I'm very much in demand I'm very busy I only take on maybe selectively two three clients five times a year I charge a lot of money so you drive up them to the man but then you restrict your supply now suddenly you'll become more valuable providing the same service the one people pay you more money they value what you do more it's whatever you pay you pay attention yeah the more people pay the more they I'm sure for production you've experienced doing work for clients on the cheap yes and they're pinging in the ass yeah yeah difficult to deal with you go the extra mile they're still not happy sure versus the clients who pay you the most amount of money right big chunk of money they are easy to deal with it's true in my production business and my coaching business see clients that I used to charge a thousand to versus I charge ten thousand to ten thousand ones follow through they're assertive they're on top of it and the other ones are always looking for a deal or always trying to this can and that translates to their customers and their business and so on and so forth absolutely that's why I believe in my philosophy sell do you know players with money sell to people who get it deal with successful people it's much much easier and the easier relationship to and I love what you say to about you're not in the business of turning losers into winners you're in the business of helping winners win more yeah because they got it already I don't need to justify like when when I try someone or worse someone charge me that they are not looking for just like when someone pay me like look at the the mana charge compared at a time I can tell you the my consulting clients there one who pay me the most amount of money I spend at least amount of time right they're [ __ ] busy yeah and they get to the point when they need help hey Dan I won't talk to you once a week I want to talk no they're working with something for a couple months they come to me with whatever they're working on I give them some strategy give them big picture they go that's it they execute they they're not looking for time time is not not opponent is that few elegant ideas of results the results yes right and it's really interesting because I know you shared to that with your clients that it's not like a once a week or you know one hour a week it's whenever any time but it's focused on results focus and pay your retainer and tab access to you anytime access and it's not about I tell them it's not about time sometimes let's say what whatever problem you have I said if I could solve your problem in in 20 minutes do you want me to spend 20 hours on it maybe I could solve your problem with one phone call with the contact I have they say whatever goal it's a financial goal you want to make X amount of dollars okay if I have a contact here I know that you guys can work together and work a deal and that could get you the result in a short period of time do you want that or do you prefer me to drag on long and long so I can feel you feel like you're getting your money's worth right and I always tell them which one you prefer - oh no no we wants to be that's it that's cool they're not give you speed right and it's true cuz another example that I've heard similar to that I forget if it was you mention it but they said it's like a surgery right so you pay 40,000 yes 350 you care of surgeries ten hours or ten to ten minutes but you just want to get it over with right it's a result especially people at high level and when they paint that kind of money it's a result oriented them I saw my problem quickly that's the value that's powerful right so let me ask you this as you look back reflecting on your life the tough times the trials the tribulations what would the Dan today say to the young Dan who was trying to find his way and going through his failures and trying out you know this and that the Dan today the multi-millionaire that you are today looking at that young man with the dream what would be your best advice to the young Dan learning what you like knowing what you know now what would be your advice to that young Dan hmmm I think everybody has to go through this and I think as I shared this you might not get it yet because you're not there but I will look back and I would say you know what success is it's getting what you want mm-hmm but significance is giving what you got mmm you have to go through the stage you have to learn how to become successful yes I know I get it get the car get the house get all that stuff right but when you do get there you realize there's there's more it's more to life mm-hmm it's at the end of how many cars can you drive mm-hmm right how many how many beds can you sleep on mm-hmm it's one house is one cars two car after a while that's those things don't mean a lot mm-hmm what is meaningful is you'll be able to do what you like to do and success I mean success to me is very like the definition is very simple I think is be able to have a predetermined plan mm-hmm whatever the plan is predetermined plan executing a plan successfully over a long period of time and having fun doing it during the process if you can do that I think you're very successful so it is it's not so much a destination it's a journey so don't wait till you know when I make that [ __ ] million dot I'll be happy for know chances are if you're not happy along the way you're not gonna enjoy them they're not gonna last or if you get there you'll chew out yeah like nowadays I don't even think about like money and all I'm gonna make it this much I'm gonna make that much but when you don't focus on that money's a funny thing money goes to people who doesn't need it money goes to people who knows how to multiply when you're not chasing money money just comes like is what's crazy so what about two people listening because I really want to be in touch with the audience two people listening and maybe trying to find clarity what would be your best advice to people who are trying to find clarity or maybe find their thing or maybe enhance their business idea what what have you learned along your journey of wealth and fulfillment to people out there who want to get some clarity what would be your best advice to people out there looking to you know sort of sharpen that or do you think they sort of need to go through failures and just to some degree they do but what works for me was I have my mentor he is just you gotta find that someone that who you resonate with who you respect that's that to me to me may not be the answer for everybody but that was the answer for me yeah you can watch a hundred YouTube videos right you can listen to a hundred podcast you find that how come you actually have less clarity compared to before you can watch all the [ __ ] right yeah so you need like knowledge it's not wisdom right I always say knowledge is data is knowing all these things you could possibly do wisdom is knowing which one is [ __ ] and just do this you need to do this and chances are if you could get there by yourself you'll already be there mmm powerful your conscious level your understanding got you to this point this far but if you're someone who is who just from a distance someone who you trust who believe in you and you can say hey oh my don't do this have you seen this and you look at this no it changes everything opens up a whole new Posse it's a possibility right and you want to find someone like a true mentor not a figment or write a Truman who cares about your success and mentor who you could talk to just like one on one interaction and a mentor who's where you want to be in your dreams right who's in it who's it not like Danny ten years ago who's in it who's doing it it's still like been there and done that continue to do it you can find that person I mean do whatever the hell you could to learn from it whoever that person is but if you find that person oh man that's when I find my mentor I went all in it was not let me think about it no I went all in whatever it takes I don't care if I have to pay I don't care about the work I don't care I have the bond here and whatever it takes yeah that changed my life power and then one thing I want to ask is because you brought up your wife a few times during the interview how important do you find that a significant other is to your mindset your business your life how important is that people out there I think if you don't have that's that person the spouse or the partner their support in your life it's gonna be very very difficult for you on your journey so I you know on youtube I talked about I my wife might have a little show yeah alpha-male smart woman and we have a saying behind every successful man is a smarter woman sure and also someone to share with right that when we traveled together my wife and I we're very fortunate as we work together so it's not like oh she stayed home and I work it's I travel with her I go to the conference with her right yeah you guys have the same mission same focus and she's kind of the boss really right she knows and I talk to you about everything so she knows every single client I have every single business deal that I'm doing every single dollar that comes she knows all that so it's very very transparent so we're not just talking about like house today no no we come have very very deep conversation and I learn a lot and she always gives me that perspective because when you get the point when you're very successful it's not easy for people to tell you what to do right right yeah yeah right people right yes men around yes my wife is like no that's a stupid idea that's a dumb idea because you're just dead you know I remember fixed all of your f this F it's remember the first time I was on TEDx mm-hmm headaches stand apart right I just spoke the two thousand people you got understand right t two thousand people impacting lives right finish in my rescued went home got change but I'd say I was like on top of the world right right my watching then take the trash out I said kidding me yeah I just talked to 2,000 people yeah change the X hello right hello you saw alright take out the trash okay there was a gift you humble right and I love that and then last question before we wrap up and we usually play a little game at the end but your last question is you know people who've heard your story and they're inspired by it and their own life they're looking to take it to that next level I know we sort of asked for a little bit of your wisdom from different areas of life but being on this side of the fence to those dreamers that aspire to be you know where you are and beyond what would be a new piece of advice or maybe something you haven't shared before that you find to be an important important our integral part that's along their own journey mmm goes back to the mentoring no instead of trying to learn from all these different people find one person and then stick with that because I like to use the macho metaphor imagine you want to learn martial art what if you go to let's say this week you go to karate class next week you go to a boxing class next week the week after go to Kok window class and then we got to go to a cop Maga class you never get good at anything right I think the purpose of learning is mastery hmm if you find the right mentor and the right mentor to me is like you look at a guy and you say that's a guy I could spend 10 years learning from that I was stealing so much to learn yeah that's the right guy and when you find that guy just stick with it don't have that shiny optics change oh that sounds good that guy sounds pretty good you never get good at anything jack-of-all-trades master it's none but you found out one the right person you don't need a lot if the guy's truly good have depth and wisdom that one person can help you achieve all your goals yeah become a master as you are growing chances are your mentor is growing too if your mentor is good active right so you're like get to hear what your mint is growing to write and that's why I'm very I took Frye I'm the guy that usually when someone when anyone that goes through everybody else and they finally found me when they found me my guys looked up to any one of them they don't leave they've been with me 2 3 5 6 years they don't leave they don't call you Dan lock for not them call me Sifu right yeah so you call me Sifu right I love that yeah okay and then before we wrap up we play a game called first things first okay so it's a super quick game basically how it works we play with Grant Cardone and Elena I know you enjoyed that interview yeah basically how it works is I'm gonna say a word or a phrase I'm just gonna list off ten and then you tell me the first word or phrase that comes to mind sure in relation to that thing okay ready so first word is going to be failure fast impact world money vehicle lessons learned mentors necessity success illusion dreams pursue passion purpose confidence development and then the last one you ready yeah Dan Locke's legacy then elaborate on that I think people talk about the legacy that oh you know after I want to impact a lot of people I have this idea I can impact a lot of people at the same time I also know in the cost model universe I'm at best mm-hmm so what I do is very important at the same time it's not very important mm-hmm so I don't think I don't have such a big ego and say I'm gonna be the steve job i'm gonna impact the world you know what even Steve Jobs there's nothing Bennet but a dust in the universe so I wanna with the present time that I have on impact a lot of people at the same time don't take it so seriously and say yeah because after you know what 10 20 30 50 100 years 200 years what people still Remember Who I am probably not mm-hmm so I focus on right now who I can impact the emotions I could get back from people the satisfaction the fulfillment knowing of impact their life in some way that's cool oh man well thank you so much Dan you've definitely made a big impact today you guys can check out more of dads stuff in his book if you money and until then we'll see you guys next time if you guys enjoyed that video be sure to hit that subscribe button right now because every week even is a very best in personal development content interviews and insights help inspire you to take your life in your dreams and make them a reality and also if you want to know how to book between guests same way I have you can check the link below for my top three secrets so if you have a podcast or a show or whatever is you want to collaborate with them you click that link below I'll give you those top three secrets to help you get in touch with anybody and also don't forget that the passionate view is available on media platforms as well so you can subscribe to the podcast and until next time thank you for being one of the passionate to you [Music] [Music] you
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Keywords: Dan Lok Interview, dan lok passionate few, the passionate few dan lok, Dan Lok Motivation, who is dan lok, dan lok how to go from, Omar Elattar, Dan Lok, The Passionate Few, dan lock, danlok, dan lok advice, passionate few, dan lok fu money, High Ticket Sales, High Ticket Closer, King Of High Ticket Sales, How To Make A Million Dollars Online, dan lok affirmations, fu money, get to success from zero, dan lok sales, dan lok marketing, dan lok high ticker closer
Id: pjCP-lW4jMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 16sec (3676 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 06 2018
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