High Status Summit: Sharran Srivatsaa Teaches You His $3.4 Billion Dollar Formula

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who else can feel that electricity surging through their veins right now yeah I feel that Wow energy in this room is amazing and we're gonna keep this going alright so the next mentor that I'm going to share with you right now who's gonna be up here and he's going to rock it for you is an incredibly good friend of mine an amazing amazing guy we get dinner together we talk business together we do all kinds of stuff together he is a brilliant brilliant business mind a brilliant sales mind he took over a real estate company here actually in Newport Beach and they serviced the entire Southern California area for the wealthiest homes basically along the coast San Diego all the way up I think even Northern California in some parts and he took this company they were doing about three hundred million dollars a year when he took him over just how a company would you agree already in five years he took it from 300 million it's a three billion five years five years and then he sold it just a few months ago in fact now he's doing all kinds of other things he's obviously incredibly Hinda man speaker he's reading a book it's an amazing amazing guy he also by the way one of my favorite things about him we always talk about is he started by the way before he did all that mastering the high income skill of sales he didn't master anywhere though he was on the sale for he was a salesman for goldman sachs all right you guys anyone knows a cool who knows goldman sachs before it yeah right so he I mean MBA at the finest school it's almost impossible to get a job at goldman sachs when you graduate MBA he was one of like eight people selected he went through this incredibly intense training program and they turned him and that he mastered the high income skill sales and he took that and now he's he's just crushing it okay he's an amazing amazing guy and in fact I'm not gonna bring him out here we have a little video that we're gonna play it's gonna introduce you to him when the video cuts he will magically appear on stage and the show will continue are you guys ready for this yes all right let's do it let's watch this there are no shortcuts but ron has a proven 10x formula as featured in Forbes CNBC entrepreneur used worldwide from Beverly Hills to Wall Street from Dubai to Silicon Valley results across industries and billions of dollars in sales with sure ons 10x squared results no hype no Theory just proven practical results no success leaves clues not shortcuts so here is a blueprint a formula a billion dollar 10x Daniel with sarong Srivatsa [Applause] alright stay standing for a second stay standing for a second I speak on a lot of stages there's very few times and for very few people that I do this because there's very few people in the world like Jason capital and just for him on the count of three I want like the biggest baddest cheer just for Jason you ready okay 1 2 3 [Applause] alright alright alright let's do this let's do this let's do this sit down grab a notebook papyrus iPhone iPad maybe your photographic memory push did I do something wrong there is can we do some ground rules ground rules there is no way to share a story to give you something that you can use right away without being brutally honest without sharing stuff that I haven't shared before without being extremely personal so what I'm asking today is that you keep what I share confidential because I'm going to share some numbers and some personal stuff is that fair okay and when I say the only way I can connect with you guys is if there's a way for me to ask a question and you actually participate is that cool all right I want to tell you a very quick story to start okay Jason told the story and it's an important story because that sets the stage for everything we're going to talk about today and here's my guarantee right here's my guarantee my guarantee is in the next 30 minutes hopefully we'll entertain you right but the next 30 minutes I want to give you at least one one tactical idea to change your life forever one one is that fair and if I don't do that hit me up on Instagram and I'll actually get on the phone with you do whatever because my job today is to add value to you so that you can have one tactical idea that can change your life forever okay there was a time about six and a half years ago and this is this is I'm sharing numbers revenues etc but six and a half years ago when we invested in a real estate company and this company was doing okay it was doing okay and we were helping the management team from the background I was an investment banker at Goldman Sachs I was helping this management team from the background they started growing this company zero ten million 20 million 30 million when I throw it numbers I don't say that to say hey here look I'm awesome that's not what I'm trying to do I'm trying to show you trajectory and growth is that cool okay forty million fifty miles you would assume that company's doing a hundred million dollars will be making a boatload of cash wouldn't you assume that but that wasn't the case and as an investor that bothers the crap out of me because I don't get a check back at the end of the year and so when it got to the point where it was so far read and they had so many struggles my partner and I we decided hey there's something going on here so when we looked there was there was tough things going on with the management team so we decided to take the company over and here's the funny part I want to tell you the exact one minute of this meeting that I had with the board I said hey we're doing 300 million dollars in sales and we make no money right it's okay I get it so we have two options option number one we can package this up and sell it right now and all cut our losses and go home option number two the only way this gets as exciting for you or me or everyone else involved is that it has to hit a pretty big number so the board of directors like me says what's that number that's like three billion I don't know what they were laughing or crying at that point right and so here's the first question that was asked of me they're like okay the three billion number sounds interesting that gets exciting for everybody right let me just let me slice this for you you make three billion dollars everyone gets paid I'll just tell you right now right that's not it's not complex the problem is how you get there the problem is how you get there and here's what we did so they said Chiron you have a 90 day 90 day proof of concept to get us three billion dollars show me the plant how you get there how many of you like math I want to give you a quote I want to give you a quote I'm only starting with math right now because I want you to show I know the stuff inside out and if you don't know your math inside out you won't make squat okay just because if you're an artist that's cool at the end of the day something hits your bank account yes or no you need to know basic math can I show you some basic math we're gonna talk about this let's say I'm gonna pick a number let's say you have a tire company okay tire company and let's say the cost of the tire retail is $100 and by the way after these three minutes I'm not going to talk about math anymore okay just work with is that cool $100 let's see it cost you $60 to make the tires your profit is what $40 for every five people that walk in the store one buys that's it is that cool you understand that right for every five people that walk in the store one person buys there is something called this is the only concept you need to know in your business can I can you raise your hands if in your business you need to generate leads of some sort okay there's this concept called break-even cost per lead if you want me to do a video with Jason on Instagram I will do it again but I want to show you this concept because I want to show you how I did the three billion dollar proof-of-concept cool so here's what I'm saying I'm saying I can spend up to 40 dollars to generate leads to you five leads and still not lose any money does that make sense so forty over five that's all you have to do division nothing else is eight dollars right so if someone tells me Sharon hand me $8 I know you actually get a real lead should I take it or not what about nine dollars no because I'm gonna start losing money right I'm gonna give you real numbers now round it up for our business the day I took it over revenue call it per sale twenty-five thousand dollars cost twenty thousand dollars profit five thousand dollars remember they were losing money right I had to figure out it cost seventeen leads to make one sale five thousand divided by 17 is two hundred and ninety-four dollars someone offered me a lead for two hundred and ninety-four dollars do you think I should take it yes let me tell you what I did for 90 days I wrote a hundred thousand dollar check to prove this concept if I wrote a hundred thousand dollar check to prove this concept I should have gotten a hundred thousand dollars back breakeven correct we made three hundred and twelve thousand dollars 3x do you think it was easy for me to raise money from then I was like mr. mooses investor here's my model he put in a hundred grand you get three hundred twelve Grand are you in or are you in five years twenty two offices eight hundred and seventy-five people four thousand transactions 3.2 billion dollars and the largest sale ever done by two real estate companies in the history of you in the United States right the largest sale okay is this math heart if you don't know your break-even cost per lead you will lose you will lose I can stand up here and give you all the accolades all the inspiration all the mindset if you don't know simple math you will lose and I only say that and I start with that for one reason and one reason alone just switch your mindset if you don't like the math that's okay just stop telling yourself that we just have to start learning they hate how does the number flow into my bank account if you can't reverse engineer that you don't know what to focus on okay fair so here's my first commitment that I want from you that never again in your entire lives will you ever say I don't like math right because I have just shown you a three billion dollar formula right if you came to me and said hey Chiron can you write a hundred thousand dollar check I'll make three hundred and twelve thousand dollars we'll split it 5050 you think I'm going to do that deal all day long right you think any investor will do that deal you'll say hey I'll give you ten show me thirty great I'll give you more anytime I think about a business I think about how I'm going to pitch it to an investor and if I can convince an investor I can convince myself and a lot of times what we do is like we start to wallow in resources we're like I don't have the resources you know yeah maybe sure I'm not a lot of money I didn't have any money I reverse mortgage my house for this can you imagine what my wife said no salary no comp left goldman sachs and reverse mortgage my house for this that takes courage right it's courage commitment number one can I get a promise of you will love the math because it's your money all right this is great I can just turn this puppy around does the whiteboard stuff help you guys is this good okay I won't tell you about Jason asked me this and he said hey you talk to all these entrepreneurial groups about how to make how to get a twenty million dollar net worth thirty million dollar net worth I want you to talk to my community about something so much bigger something so much better he's like I want you to give them a roadmap and a blueprint to get to a 50 million dollar net worth and I and he's like when I said Jason I can't do that in an hour he said you don't have to he said if you can show them the path if you can show them the blueprint I'll do the rest he said I'll do the rest in my mastermind getting them there how freaking amazing is that all he said to me was don't worry about getting them there show them the path light it up give them the blueprint and I'll do the rest in the master minds in the sixth week of freedom to get them there how much of a commitment is that much of a commitment that when he told me that I was like I'm in I mean I can do that right so I have five stories for you and five lessons and I guarantee you guarantee you right that this will really help before I do that the question you might all be thinking about is okay yeah yeah yeah I appreciate the whole 300 million to 3 billion I appreciate the whole 10x but like give me something that I can learn and do on what you learn from that I guarantee like 4 of you are thinking that yes or no I want to give you three lessons from that that you can use right away ok number one number one these are mine the three billion dollar lessons I want to call it the only statement here's what the only statement means wouldn't it be amazing if you could walk into your client into your boardroom when you're talking trying to pitch for a piece of business and you could say mr. mrs. client I am the only one in the world that can deliver you this transformation as opposed to mr. mrs. client we work with 32 other clients like you and we do this in this for our clients which is better here's the problem the only statement is the only way to freaking greatness if you don't have your only statement you will always lose because everybody is a commodity how many artists are out there how many SEO people are out there how many graphic designers are out there how many social media people are out there how many coaches are out there how many trainers are out there are you better are you better wouldn't it be important to actually encapsulate that in a statement saying I am the only whatever right I will tell you take nothing else away you can start saying that when you I'm your client and you told me hey I'm the only one that can deliver this transformation for you I'm the only one that can deliver this result for you I'm the only one in this city that has done this for I am the only one we are the only company we are the only service that has done this it will change everything because now when you walk in that appointment you know you can say that and no one else can imagine the confidence for you okay number one so uh I'll tell you what what we figured out in real estate so I had I hired an analyst and I was like dude we are all in the same business there's a lot of commoditization you need to find something unique so he sliced and diced the data and he tells me this he's like hey it looks like your company sells the home sells homes for the highest prices and I'm like in what period he's like for the last five years and I'm like well that's good but how long does it take he says because you can sell homes for the highest price he sits on the market for very long she's like no you you guys actually do a really good job you sell home for the highest price possible in the lowest amount of time among their competitors so now I went to all my salespeople and I said would you like to know the first 10 seconds of your pitch mr. mrs. client we sell homes for the highest price possible in the lowest amount of time would you like me to walk it through our seven-step proprietary process do you really think after that first 10 seconds do you I'm 80% there with the sale right it's not just delivering the only statement and then are doing anything after mr. mrs. Klein we sell home for the highest price possible in the lowest amount of time now they're there they're kind of they're they're like oh interesting would you like me to show you the seven step process in which we can get there now it's the proof and the promise good only statement I want a commitment from you that if you don't have an only statement you will make an only statement and for real true commitment you will direct message that to me on Instagram Thank You number two oh you do video like video to your clients about 50% of the room you know that we're in a video first world right you know that when Jason and I communicate he's one of my best friends like there's no text he sends him a bit I sent him a video he sent me a video I send my video we he said to me with why it's personal right I was talking to a bunch of you out here and I asked I asked you guys so why don't you do video and you know what the number one answer I got was so like what do I actually say no no no no judgement here right no judgment if I had to do four videos on Instagram over the next three days and you only had a few bits of content you'd be like oh how do i how do i splice this how do i get it out there can I give you a framework right now okay that you should use for all your videos for marketing all the time until you can find a better framework okay first one start with an intro that you use the same thing every time I'll do a demo for you guys start with an intro the same thing every time it's very simple structure and the same throw let's do let's do Jason right so if I was Jason capital this is what I would do do you like live I'm just gonna try it right hi I'm Jason capital author of the high status author of high status and mentor to the next generation of millionaires I want to tell you about three things that can completely transform your life number one number two number three remember every millionaire needs a mentor click set now hold on hold on next video same thing hates Jason Capital again author of the of high status and a mentor to millionaires of the next generation blah blah blah blah blah remember every millionaire needs a mentor he should really use that that's just good that was actually really good that was off the top of my head now you think like I came up pigpig who wants one I'll do it right live for you right now who wants what dude come on up come on up do I know you my name is Sean what's your name Christopher Christopher hooray so tell me about your business tell me about you and your business in the world okay awesome that's all I've heard right okay hey my name is Christopher and I have got good things to change your life forever I won't tell you three things about nutrition that can that can really transform your life one two three remember what you put in your body is what you get out of life I think this is I just came up with this right so so this is important so does that make sense but the problem here is when you have a structure when you have a structure he can say whatever he wants in the middle now because you always end with confidence always and you always start with confidence so now whenever the video comes on you're programming that person who's listening to your videos on Instagram stories Facebook stories whatever to be like oh my gosh it's Christopher again right and he puts good things in my body and when you end you're like he's given me a promise that's your pitch and when you get your only statement you start or end with your only statement you think I just like made this up right like I do I do this for a living right this is not hard but does that make sense does that make sense so so then you go home work you're gonna do a intro you're gonna do a like a 1 2 3 pitch you can do an outro and you're gonna Instagram it to me awesome cool awesome good awesome was it helpful was that helpful alright good great job number two is this is this valuable should I keep going ok I haven't even gotten into my lessons like you know Jason's gonna kill me alright here we go number two how many of you are in sales of some sort do you guys believe that like sales is generate a ton of cash is that fair to say ok alright yeah I tell all my sales people to do something called an hour of power right here's the problem here's the problem any but the hour of power is a very mystical concept but the entire job of an hour power it's an hour in your day it's an hour in your day I'm going very tactical for a very specific reason so you can get movement and momentum the number one reason for the hour of power is to generate momentum right I'm gonna give you four things that you can do in your hour of power every single day and if you're in sales you have to create momentum yes or no ok how many of you do have like a sale a block of time that you sell or grow every single day don't lie ok thank you for being honest oh we have about like 6 percent of the room can I get a commitment I'll tell you when when you should do this 2 p.m. every single day let me tell you why at 2 p.m. all our biorhythms are down really you had chilaquiles for a freaking break at lunch and you need a cup of coffee you know 2 p.m. I get all my sales people to do our power at 2 p.m. 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. every single day it gets it's insane for things ready number 1 10 minutes of lead follow-up the number one thing that happens is we focus on all the leads and we never follow up with them and the best part is if you have to delete follow-up for a whole hour aren't you irritated you're like oh my god I got to leave follow for a whole hour but if you have to leave follow for 10 minutes and you get three to four leads down do you feel better yes number one 5 to 10 minutes lead follow up number 2 the best can do in sales is to set up coffee meetings I will tell you right now most the person who generates more live coffee meetings is the person who's going to sell more guaranteed if you're not in a face-to-face sales business I understand setup like video conference or whatever but if you are selling face-to-face coffee meetings will do wonders for you like I had our salespeople set up as many coffee meetings as possible and then you can actually script during coffee meetings okay number three I want to call the endorsed introduction here's what the endorsed introduction means Jason introduces me honestly if Jason didn't introduce me you'd be like who the heck is this schmuck right seriously right but he introduced me so you automatically have trust right let's call what it is wouldn't it be great if your client if you actually got it got an endorsed introduction for sales every workout and endorsed introduction every single week because it completely cuts down your sales cycle right so the goal would be okay how do I get one endorsed introduction ten minutes how do I get one endorsement and you're only thinking about that and the last one I'm gonna make it really really easy for you guys because you're gonna appreciate this always end on easy stuff is when you go on social media you have clients and Friends of social media when you really want to have impact like don't just click heart and like actually for that ten minutes going and write a comment hey I love this post about you this was so great I saw your humanity come through let's catch up that is a good use of your last 10 minutes if you do that imagine you do that every day for an hour can you imagine the movement it'll have in your business good helpful a lot of times we talk about air you go to do an hour of power sales but we never tell you what to do in that hour power and so everything starts to break down now there's a template a formula framework so you can actually use it at that time can you see in your business you can you may take those four things and you may slap it around I'm not giving you the be-all end-all I'm just saying have like two or three things that you do so that it's easy and you can crank it through every single day I promise you two o'clock in the afternoon is when you hit your slump if you can create movement at 2:00 in the afternoon it will do wonders for your business because here's the interesting part when you create that movement creating the two o'clock movement for everybody else as well they're all in their slump and they'd love to hear from you good number three last one verbal dexterity and all I mean by this is this you can't walk into a presentation and say stupid right and I'll tell you what happened so I went to my my my salespeople will say oh you're on if only you were there in the appointment you'll know all the objections I got I'm like great I'll go on the appointments with you I was like you guys suck I don't know how you guys win any business right and so I want here's what I did analytical guy I went on 161 appointments we won 152 out of 161 94.5% success rate but that's not the interesting part it's over billion-dollar with the business right there but that's not the interesting part the interesting part is this after every single appointment I wrote down every single question that the client asked us so after 161 appointments I had a hundred and sixty-one clients worth of questions do you think there's a pattern there here's what I did I took the 161 questions I put them all on a whiteboard I just stared at it for three days i junked it into buckets I found 10 buckets I threw out all our sales material and I built a ten page book and I just coached all right all our sales agents but the best part is this then when they started walking in they knew that any question fell in just those 10 10 pieces of content and they were able to deliver much better right I'll say this the last one anytime you present something it has a three part framework to present it you need a frame you need the content and the most important part you need a transition so Christopher let's I'm just gonna I met you today for the first time let me just let me let's let's let's take it live right cuz role play is important demonstration is important it's not about presentation I I should be able to do any of your businesses at any time and you should be able to do yours right so if Christopher's the frame is this I need to get before I present the content I need to get the person in the state that they can accept my content right so Christopher would say if I could offer you a very simple one-minute tactic every single day that can give you 10 times more energy would you be interested in that that's a frame I'm making this up as I go and that's a frame the content is will here's what you do you take these three supplements at 7:00 in the morning and it will change your life forever he's not done yet because everybody stopped right there the transition is he's got to the next thing but if you want to take that to the next level here's a great book to read right the frame the content and the transition all of us get stuck I'll tell you we're in the transition well like oh this is great this is great and then when you make the offer there's no transition to the offer take a pause this is a really good time to like raise your hand ask a question does that make sense is it helpful anytime I okay are you thinking about your business is saying how can i frame it how can i transition from it I will tell you you just fix your transitions it will change your life forever good helpful question yes sir awesome of course so give me business insurance very good mr. mrs. client have you ever thought about what may happen what may happen did you see what I just did I'm baiting them with the double pause on my part hold on one second pal did you ever think about a man what may happen if our neighborhoods got the same fires as what happened in Orange County now we can't we can't protect you but we can prepare let me walk you to the options that you have right now that can make sure you sleep well at night can I walk you through it right helpful right so essentially you're just you're framing them in an emotional state and then you're breaking it down for them you had a question pal awesome dude have we met before this is well you look thank you for planting the right transition transition for my next set of thing is that helpful I'm gonna go to that right now is it helpful okay you guys wanna take a picture of this map and I'm just joking man there are five lessons that you want to learn I want to tell you a story about the first lesson how many of you know Richard Branson Richard Branson and this is not please this is I want to be super honest with you guys this is not me name-dropping this is just me realizing that that's where I learned the lesson I'm just being very honest with it because otherwise it literally this guy showed up he said something about some billion dollars he's dropping bunch of names and he walked off like I don't want that I want to be super honest with you guys alright in my past life I used to be a pro tennis player I didn't I did not make it it was a never was has been type story I did not make it right and there's this little island in the British Virgin Islands called Necker Island anyone heard of it Richard Branson owns that Island and due to a couple of connections I got a chance to play tennis with Richard Branson he's a cool dude right he's a cool dude and any any guy in his state is a cool dude right after we were done playing we were sitting down having lunch and given what you know of me right now like I was peppering him with questions right and this was when I was like 21 years old this was over 15 years ago and so I asked him I said if you were to give me I know this is a really wonky question if you were to give me one piece of advice one what would it be and he said sure on entrepreneurs don't understand the freedom of time entrepreneurs don't understand the freedom of time the freedom of time and I said what the heck do you are you talking about of course I understand the freedom of time and he said do you have an idea for business I said sure and pitch him an idea for a business and he says great what are you gonna do about it right now I said well I'm gonna maybe schedule another meeting I'm gonna try to put a business plan together I'm gonna you know make some calls and see if there's any research around it he's like uh-huh who's gonna do that you said yeah he's like don't you have a real job I said I do because this is the problem you don't value your time enough I was like what are you talking about give me something like actionable and he said you will start to value your time more as a 21 year old when you get an assistant I was like I don't have any work to these that you just pitched me an idea who's gonna do all that research and he said when you start paying that person that's when you realize that you have to start doing much more higher level tasks much more impactful tasks much more tested in your focus much more tasks that need you in your zone of genius and I said I said I can do that and he said you think outsourcing these tasks is gonna help you I was like of course right he's like idiot you know what he's trying to tell me he said let me give you the result and the lesson right now when you get successful you learn to delegate he said what you're going through right now is the process of learning to get stuff off your plate so that you can have the freedom of time he said it's not about having an assistant to do work for you it's about having an assistant so that you learn and you pay because when you pay you pay attention and I was like how many of you right now have an assistant how many of you right now thank you how many of you right now believe that you don't need one and right after what I said you believe that you may but here's the best part right here's the best part I know it's a really tactical thing and I'm including this is in my five five biggest lessons for you to get 250 million dollars in net worth because all of us you know what we think about for someone to get a 50 million dollar net worth what comes to mind if you have to get a 50 million dollar net with what comes to mind sales okay what else comes to mind hard work what else people skills what else bring massive value good what else long hours reach many people and more people you serve the better you do okay what else leverage here's the best part I want to give you guys something that is super super powerful that you should ask this question every single time it is not about the plan it's called conditions of success write this down and let me explain what this is this will change your life conditions of success it is not about what Richard Branson did to get his wealth it is not what Jason does to be the man he is it is about what they do today I don't I shouldn't have to work to learn to figure out that I need to do these 10 things and then get an assistant and then figure out how to actually delegate that's not the job the job is oh my gosh would you agree that every every person that has 50 million dollar net worth has anis would that be a fair assumption so here's what we're trying to do we're saying I just need to model the same conditions because if I have those same conditions I win and the best part is you don't need a full-time assistant you can get an assistant the Philippines for like four dollars an hour to do simple booking and emailing and scheduling for you and imagine when you're talking to a client you hit reply all you copy Jenny and your client schedule the appointment of Jenny how Balwyn doesn't make you look no I'm serious right otherwise you're like okay let me present sometimes for next week that's what you say well let me send you a shitty calendar Lee link link that's what you guys do I get it I understand your Millennials but imagine the status that it shows right right okay number one freedom of time sir I'm coming back to your question is that helpful I'm giving you something tactical on that right how many of you are going to consider for looking into like a part-time assistant to do work let me tell you this I'm so glad if that was the only thing you took away I'm going to be excited because 30% of the time that we live our lives we do what we call life administration pay bills scheduled appointments in a rescheduled dentist appointments like you know figure out figure out flights forgot packages figure out where to stay you spent 30 percent of your life doing life administration that is $4 an hour tasks and you may say you don't have those four dollars that I get it but when you started writing that check that's when you realize you have to start doing more okay number two not a name drop this is actually the truth this is actually the truth my first company was a software company and I got lucky that one of my investors mentors allowed me to pitch it to the Microsoft team so I actually had ten minutes with Bill Gates okay pretty cool and I asked the same question every single time like this like we don't we don't have to over complicate our questions I asked the same question every time if you were to tell me one thing that will create a massive transformation in my life what would it be I asked the same thing anybody that anytime you meet some you if you get 10 minutes with Jason in the freedom mastermind you should ask him that if you could tell me one thing that could completely transform my life water would it be Jason as a smart guy will say tell me about your life a little bit and he'll give you the one thing so I asked Bill Gates his one thing and he tells me this which I kid you not like shattered me he said a lot of greatness is trapped in a salary I was like what are you talking about he said a lot of greatness is trapped in a salary and he looks at me and he says what are you making right now I give him a number he goes great what if I told you that I would write you a check for that number right now what could you do in one year imagine the shift let's say you let's I'm gonna come up with easy numbers right just for math purposes let's say you make $100,000 right now just go with the idea if you could make if you could save a hundred grand gross which means let's say 50 goes in taxes right but you have saved one hundred out of the hundred you have 52 of your life you have 25 for that's gonna happen we don't know and you have 25 to reinvest in your business in a new business if I give you one year and your current salary would it cause you insane freedom how many of you believe right now don't lie to me that you are trapped in your salary and you're trying to find a side hustle to make it work now let me give you a purpose thank you for sharing let me give you I was there let me give you a purpose for your side hustle don't just hide hustle so you can buy a Tesla that's don't do that your side hustle is for what to get you one year's worth the cushion so you can have the freedom the freedom of cash flow if it takes you three years to get that one year one year's worth of cushion if I if I wrote you check pick a number say you're making several thousand dollars a year okay if I wrote you expect 475 right now and I told you you get a chance for one year one year to follow your dreams would you hustle your ass off but now that it's taken away the pressure of how you pay your bills how you get insurance how you get all that aren't we trapped in the salary it's okay if the side hustle takes you three years but having the goal for the side hustles is where everything is that is the goal I will when you get your first year I will tell you amazing things start to open up amazing amazing things because now you're beholden to nobody and you know that money is gonna run out in a year so you better get your ass in gear right how many of you does it give you a mindset shift to say I'm gonna use that side hustle I'm gonna use the six figure mastermind I'm gonna use what it takes to build a side out so I can build that cushion for one year so I can go conquer my dreams how many of you feel that way right now okay awesome awesome thank you for sharing number three number three so I was an investment banker at Goldman Sachs I'll have to tell you this funny story if you watch the Jason's and my interview you would have heard this before but out of Business School out of my MBA program I had 39 one-on-one interviews to get the job 39 individual one-on-one interviews this is not including coffees phone calls dinners other meetings seminars nothing 39 scheduled one-on-one interviews to get the job and you know what the questions were like let me give you a sample question hey sure run what is your favorite quote and relate that to the performance of the equity markets you think that's funny I thought so too right but but after a while you need to be able to answer that right you need be able to answer that would you like a framework this I can go on this forever right so would you like a framework to answer anything anywhere anytime let's take a quick break put this on I'm totally off script right now that's okay number one data or authority data law or authority number two education number three transition let me show you how this works pick any topic go ahead personal protection awesome so let's see I got a question about personal protection hey Sherrod tell me about the personal protection industry data okay did you know just in the last three months there were fourteen abductions right in Orange County and by the way did you know that you know gun violence has increased 14% month over month for the last 18 years but here's the interesting part education it doesn't need to be that way it doesn't need to be that way because we don't need to go out and change the laws we don't need to go out and change people's opinions we just need to give them peace of mind our service does 1 2 3 4 things give people's peace of mind let me ask you a question have you ever thought about what would happen if your family member was in trouble that makes sense somewhat related to the question because that guy was a dick to ask me what does it what you know give me your favorite court and tie to the performance of equity markets he was a total jackass to ask me that question but if I answer it in a thoughtful way he can't say anything right if you don't do this you have no credibility if you don't do data you have no credibility and in your industry you know your stuff right you know you also know your content because you can educate but we all fail on the transition because we don't bring it back to that any time you talk to me you ask me a tough question I might think about it for a little bit I'll try to I'm just I'm just searching for a freaking data point so I can establish credibility then I try to tie in some education around it and I transition back to stuff that I know so I can win after that helpful okay awesome number three goldman sachs story right so my job was to was to call sales call on public company CEOs private company CEOs and introduce them to a goldman sachs relationship for how many they have never heard of goldman sachs okay let me tell you Goldman Sachs is the the number one it's considered the number one financial services investment banking firm that has ever been in this country it's the number one white shoe firm all like I think 10 out of the last 20 secretaries of you know of Finance all came from goldman sachs they're they make more money hand-over-fist than anything else that is a hardest job to get out of any kind of school it is the if you actually tell people that like it's the if you have a going Sachs on your resume you you will automatically get interviews anywhere you want right because of their interview process etc so I was calling on people right and I realized I was trying to introduce them to Goldman Sachs relationship it's like I talked to this guy push-ups I need to do something sell a cell phone gotcha dude do it let's go pal hello right now go go go go go go hold my god good push-ups - good push-ups brother good pushup thank you thank you thank you alright get back up cuz I got I have I only like 7 minutes left oh 10 minutes left oh okay got it - I would think so here's what happens I called this guy and can't find him anywhere on the internet because my friend introduced me to him and he's like hey Charan this guy's a ton of money so I call him and I'm like hey I got introduced to by Jimmy Jimmy wondering you know I won introducing of Goldman Sachs relationship he's like oh yeah I think well can we get together so I get together with him and and I asked him to tell me about your business it's just him and his sister Goldman Sachs only serves like five hundred million dollars - like a hundred billion dollars with their clients like and I go how does this guy have this much money so here's what he did he was an IT provider right he would just set up or initial systems for companies email software etc here's what he did and most if you and I were setting up a company we're like we don't have any money to get pay an IT guy he would get $10,000 and 10% of the company and you know I would be like whatever we'll figure it out later right because when you were in that zone you just watched done we're all entrepreneurs we just want you done he had a hundred million dollars liquid in a Bank of America account like who is this guy and and but that taught me something the freedom of equity here's what we're doing we all want the high income we all want the high salary I get it what is the reason so that you can handle equity so that you can get the income but when something great happens and you get a pop you get a great paycheck you get something that you never thought before you get a windfall that's what create wealth is you will this is not how well it happens do you agree what happens like this that's what happens and for the best ones that's what happens right right no equity you're good you're telling me you're gonna get this on income there's no way how many how many people with fifty million dollars Network do you know that have a salary freedom of cash flow so you can think so you can think and you can create and you can have a bigger better future for the people that you serve two more really quick I want to tell you a fun story it's this is if you don't figure out right this cord down if you don't figure out how to make money while you sleep you will work until you die Warren Buffett Nami if you don't figure out how to make money while you sleep you will you will work until you die work until you die my friend during the Christ anybody from Las Vegas okay you guys know what happened during the 2008 crisis with all the real estate stuff right it was pretty pretty tough on Las Vegas real estate banks repossessed all these homes my friend realized that there were 350 $400,000 homes that the banks were dumping for thirty to forty thousand dollars she just heard about it she was working she was an engineer at Microsoft she was making $75,000 a year she and her husband left everything that they had with their 1 month old child moved to Vegas put a Facebook post and said we are committing to doing this in Vegas whatever anybody wants to invest we'll take they bought 200 homes with other people's capital 200 homes for 30 to $40,000 a pop in four and they rented all of them out they lived on the interest they lived on the passive income she just sold a hundred of them hundred of them for 10x profit she sold a $50,000 home for 500 grand she sold a hundred of them she still has 100 she paid back all her investors and me because I wrote a cheque right I wish I'd written more but she raised all this money it was not about resources it was about resourcefulness right last one super super important none of these matter none of these matter if you can take one one one big shift right now one shift I want to illustrate that was a very simple example let's say you go to lunch with a friend and the friend is super healthy what are you ordering something healthy right something healthy the fastest way to up your game is to be in a better social circle the fastest way to up your game is to be with people who already up their game the fastest way to up your game is to be in six figures the freedom mastermind I say that only because I am a coach a metaphor the mastermind right you have full access to me and to Jason but the point is what you can actually get that have that right now you don't have to do any of this because that is the catalyst to getting what you want that about it's not about the six figure mastermind Jason is my friend but it's about upping your social circle if you do nothing else if you do nothing else it's the freedom of the social circle right before I finish I want to say one thing before I go just to make myself feel better about myself right I want to get five of you just to raise your hand and share one thing that you took away that you're going to have action on one thing sir okay good so he's going to do the side hustle accumulate the money give him the one year cushion so he can do more with it I love it go for it they like the structure the intro one two three outro sir only statement yesterday direct message to me on Instagram sir okay big pressure right now last one sir you right here yeah awesome great action hey listen let's give it up for Jason one more time I want one on a count of 3 on a count of three ready 1 2 3 [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: JasonCapital
Views: 41,677
Rating: 4.8868814 out of 5
Keywords: Jason Capital, Higher Status, Status, motivation, success, business, entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur, high status summit 2019, high status summit 2018, high status summit, sharran sharivatsaa
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 28sec (3328 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 01 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.