Massive 3D-Printed ROCKET Slugs - First Test

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hello this is jeff of taofledermaus a couple months ago we posted a video of the very rare jared jet pistol and carbine and these of course are rocket guns a fire rocket projectiles now these guns were way ahead of their time but still not quite ready for primetime we learned that these guns were very inaccurate we had a difficult time hitting anything at even 10 yards and before I forget I heard that Destin from smarter every day is gonna do a video about these rocket guns so stay tuned for that but we got a lot of comments over these a and lockable wondering with modern technology if we could make something like these today well a viewer named Dominic decided to make some and he simplified everything by not relying on gyroscopic spin stabilization he's using the Diablo shape which stabilizes without any spin now inside the large cavity is packed with our candy a homemade rocket fuel now again to keep things simple we're not using any nozzle or any kind of restriction so we're only getting a few grams of thrust now here I installed a restrictor plate with a three millimeter orifice on it and it definitely gave us a lot more thrust but just getting these things lit in the first place is going to be half the battle so we're not going to use that in these tests now to get the arc Andy lit we're gonna use five grains or less than a third of a gram of black powder so that will not only ignite the rocket fuel but also get the slug propelled down the barrel at a moderate speed now the charrids yet round is huge it's the same diameter is a 50 BMG just a little shorter now our rocket slug is 18 millimeters in diameter now this is a nine millimeter cartridge and it actually fits inside the cavity there's a lot of things that can go wrong with these my biggest fear is starting a fire the slug can shatter in the barrel from the acceleration or they may not even light so let's get out there and test them out welcome back Tov later folks Jeff and the og back out here with you on the original tough later site we are bringing you today a creation from a local guy who watched the gyro jet videos and he was intrigued and started thinking about how he could reproduce something like that we want a projectile he wanted to create a projectile that would to burn on its own and carry itself downrange in theory so he's from dai nuba nearby he created a 3d printed and diabolo shaped slug diabolo diabolo the devil no no no it's it's a shape of a toy it's like a yo-yo almost in Europe yeah and he made this look at that shape but in the end of it is what rocket fuel our candy I believe that you know it's sugar and he said pitous Ora and testing nitrate I think tastes great less yeah so that's been put into the rear of this thing Jeff also put in about five grains of black powder into this just to give it a little oomph to get it out of the barrel and then hopefully in theory this thing's gonna ignite carry it south downrange where we have a jug of blue water waiting for you and some other targets we're gonna see how these things fly and what they look like on the on the slow-mo camera yeah it's a lot of things can go wrong here many things he says as I'm sitting down behind a trigger well I'm worried about catching the bushes on fire to it shot number one less than ten yards away this will give us an idea if they're accurate then we can slowly start pulling it out further and further and get better and better shots so I'm ready when you are zero recoil yeah like fire now this one we weren't sure if it lit or not but you can definitely see a faint trail of smoke coming off the back of it and it was relatively accurate I was my biggest worry was these things were gonna fly off and land in that tree off to the left there and catch it on fire but even though it was relatively low velocity it had enough energy to blast all the way through that water jug we'll move the target back a couple yards for the next shot shot number two just had a piece of particle board I am ready [Music] [Music] this is the same range where shouldn't the gyro jets and we were having trouble hitting a watermelon size target at that range now even though this rocket slug was kind of waggling around a little bit it was still incredibly accurate he nailed it right in the center hey number three I'm ready now these were not the most stable projectiles we ever shot but not the worst the important thing here is that we're hitting things at ten yards with these things and they are lighting off which surprised me I thought we're gonna have a lot more trouble just getting these things lit [Music] sure shot them at night shot him at night yeah it works well with the high-speed cameras okay okay I'm ready well this is our first failure you see if the slug is broken in a couple pieces upon leaving the barrel you'll also notice there's some steel shot flying along with everything that's because dominant added a little bit of ballast to the nose of these at least some of them but like I always say no tests is complete without some kind of failure you need a laser beam on there so people know where you're aiming yeah that's why we have that big board there to stop them and once again we had a failure the very tip of the slug snapped off during acceleration but it gives you an idea how fragile these things are had we load them any harder we would have probably had a 100 percent failure rate so we were really close on just the right amount of powder so you can probably see I was aiming here around went in sideways here it was tumbling through the air as you can see there in the slow-mo and once again came apart if you couldn't see once this thing went through the cardboard had hit the wooden backstop it was burning and hissing as it hit the table and landed on the ground so still going yeah burn protocol two or three seconds gotta have a ballistic booger shot right that would be cool okay I'm ready Wow not the table my wife's gonna be so mad now this one it didn't shatter we had ignition but we had terrible stability this slug just tumbled around like a rag doll and now this one may not have had the steel shot in it so we didn't have the proper balance but despite that he still hit that little tiny target from around 10 yards away so it wasn't a complete loss I mean these things are still more accurate than the gyro Jets okay so this is kind of cool this is what we found out here this slug landed just like this after it passed through our Joe block and it was continuing to burn in smoke you saw it there on camera and just like a firework that's been sitting too long it burned up against the blackboard here and might have scarred mrs. fledermaus is yardsale table so hopefully one won't be in trouble okay we got a zombie head there I hope that's not too frightening for YouTube these days night King on Game of Thrones I don't watch that show Ice King frozen kings oh okay that's sounds good I'm not quite caught up with this modern stuff are you binge watching Andy Griffith all the time yeah okay I'm ready whoo didn't have too much problems with this one it flew relatively straight up until the end but we can see a nice little flame kernel coming out of the back of that one and right in the eyeball now I've gotta admit to you I had very little hope for these things I there's so many things that can go wrong nobody's ever done it before and you know it's kind of like rocket science do target are you ready well that one appeared to be another good shot let's see what the Chronos high-speed camera has to say about that the Chronos does not lie as we can see the slug is broken into two pieces again we see the steel shot but what a heck of an epic shot [Music] that poor bear got blasted from one end to the other I mean that's like a Hollywood shot there you know where a guy gets shot and he flies through the barn door or something like that you know Hollywood never gets anything right regarding guns for about 15 years now metric yards metric yards I'd say okay I'm ready oh yeah not a bad shot for 15 yards but again we see the slug weave in and yawing and pitching around now it's entirely possible even that small amount of thrust coming out of the back of this thing is kind of throwing off its stability a little bit but I I can't complain because for the most part these things were a really good success for just the first time ever attempting this you know okay you're aiming at the little orange circles yes I'm ready I don't think so it may have now in my opinion this one was the best of the best this one I mixed a little bit of magnesium shavings with it so we can get some actual sparks and flames coming out of the back and it looks pretty cool I mean it was it was relatively accurate but just the way it changed altitude several times downrange was just too funny but I thought that was this the coolest shot of the day but I think we learned a heck of a lot of things in this experiment and thinks and only get better from here way I hope you enjoyed watching this video I hope you'll take a second to rate it good or bad it doesn't matter and if you aren't subscribed consider subscribing and hit that notification bill I don't know why you have to hit that two but a lot of people don't get our videos in their feeds even though they're subscribed to us it's it's crazy but of course we want to thank our patreon supporters who keep this channel alive so we don't have to use those sponsored ads for video games and stuff and turn our videos into like some kind of weird infomercial in the middle of them we really want to avoid doing that thanks for watching
Views: 490,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, rocket, gyrojet, game play, r-candy, sugar rockets, science, meme, bolt gun, experiment, demolitionranch, 3d printing, smarter every day, king of random
Id: y2mB71ZWsP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 19 2018
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