The Struggles of a Professional Voice Actor (ft. @ProZD) | Trash Taste #111

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guys if you didn't know we are touring america here all the places we're going to oh my god i love it all of these places so guys again head on over to links in the description below and uh for all of you americans we will see you all there so what's the opinion on uh skipping cutscenes absolutely not i skipped like all cuts here we're gonna have a first guest walk off we're gonna make history today [Music] welcome to this episode of trash taste i'm back with the boys gone and joe usual and today we have a very special guest rosie d sung juan what's up how you doing doing good yeah you're so relaxed already like you've been here for hours yeah yeah you've just sunken into that i've always been on this show just in the background it's nice being there someone who who has a deep voice as well yeah it's comforting i feel like i get do did you get deeper when you're around someone else with a deeper voice oh no i do yeah i mean yeah i mean yeah you just go like the audio listeners are really confused by the time we end this podcast only whales will be able to understand what's going on but no i mean uh i think yeah you've been a requested guest for a long time yeah because obviously i feel like you're in the same kind of circles right it's kind of like niche animation the anime circle yeah i saw that i saw that clip of uh how you were being harassed online yeah and i was like i mean yeah the next time i go to japan i guess which will be in like five years if i'm lucky uh but no yeah when conor reached out to be like hey can you be on i was like hell yeah um it's been a long time coming yeah yeah definitely have you ever been to japan before i have i've been there twice i went there uh god i don't know time anymore but like maybe i think it was like right before pandemic maybe like the year before right and the year before that so like i did a trip to korea and japan and was in korea for a week than tokyo for a week um and that was with like my wife and my my mom and my brother and then the next year around the exact same time both fall time i went to tokyo again with some friends right i would love to go outside of tokyo like you know osaka kyoto like yeah yeah but mainly i've just done tokyo what'd you do when you were there oh you know weeb [ __ ] well like the first time i went it was mainly just my mom and uh was there you know we did a lot of temples and yeah traditional stuff traditional stuff although i did take her to akihabara and she was like what the hell was this did you say yes did you take her to a maid cafe i did not uh because i have dignity but uh i um was so like it was very surreal seeing her react to um because it's a huge it's crazy yeah yeah let's see what else did i do uh like knocking on broadway yeah yeah yeah i'm a big disney guy so tokyo disneysea um uh other than that like just going around like um different areas like ikebukuro and stuff like that and yeah just checking stuff out did you play uh the love life games while you were in there no i didn't what i did end up doing was uh a ton of crane games okay i ended up getting like tons of [ __ ] through the crane games yeah that became my thing nice yeah did you play against each other yeah you got a chance yeah yeah i hear you're really good uh i'm not good i'm just tenacious well he's he's only good because he's done like six videos yeah way more money than anyone should have spent about like six thousand dollars now on crane games you would hope that you would be good you literally like pay to win right what is the best thing you wanted uh green game oh definitely um i got this uh it was like a really nicely made lucario plush okay that's holding like uh like one of the pokemon fruits but it's like you know when you get a plush sometimes you pick it out of the thing you're like whoa this is just anemic i feel like there's there's stuff inside but there's like it's like they didn't care where it was yeah like the stuffing is all over the place it's just a really really nice quality plush and i would easily like see it at the pokemon store or whatever for like 60 bucks 50 bucks yeah it's really nice and you can get it for like 20 pretty reasonably nice if you're good yeah now even if you're bad you can just be like sumo yeah come over like right right because they don't know you know the staff don't know how long you've been playing for they're polite you know they just they just assume you're not taking the piss and not calling them over after one yeah which i don't do yeah which i'm sure they'll respond to willingly anyway they would like if you just took one shot yeah and maybe actually because they they'd know if you've moved it a bunch right yeah with certain claws they don't know yeah yeah because if you pick up something and it just flops over somewhere they're not going to know it's your first time yeah yeah with the ones where you got to shimmy it yeah suck yeah you can't choose them you have to just do it but that they'd know if you would yeah now that i've been in japan for a while i'd like i was never like deeply into the crane game culture just because like obviously you want to win the prize but i feel like you get like cooler figurines and cooler accessories just by buying it you know yeah but there are some exclusive stuff that is only for crane games right but you you can buy it because yeah but like do you think it's like do you think it's like cooler than what you can actually find in store and like other places i'll say this for me like for me i don't ever buy plushies ever right that's not something i do actually that's true but in a crane game i'm like but if i win this then it's [ __ ] great i can get behind the plushie i remember like winning the chainsaw man plushie in your video that was actually legitimately cool that's probably like the only thing that i kept oh i've got the pen pen as well oh yeah oh yeah cause i i feel like crane game figurines like you know you know like they look like crane game figurines you know they're pretty basic yeah they're very figurines are okay i do make i don't know if you do this but when i pursue a crane game it does have to be something at least relevant to my interests yeah like i do have a friend who like just does them to like get like victory yeah he just gives away the [ __ ] but for me it's like it's got to be something i like actually care about getting something you actually want to keep yeah yeah if it was me on my own no videos or no cameras or anything then yeah that would help i would do it but on camera you're like well i got to win stuff so i don't want to play the machines that are hard yeah so i'm going to play the ones that i know i can win and then sometimes you get a good plush and you get it in an amount of turns you're like this was a steal i got this for a steal yeah i got this in 10 and this definitely costs 20 bucks in retail yeah i'm a genius i'm a master i'm gaming the system yeah that's what it feels amazing you had a fun time you won and then you also have a prize for cheaper than you would have paid for it yeah yeah but you also never would have bought that product yes because so because you've done the crane game video with conor as well how long did it take for you to just kind of like be [ __ ] sick of it because like the first 15 minutes i remember i think it was like after half an hour i was just like how is this gonna like it was a great video but like i remember drinks film during filming i'm like this is gonna be like because it's like every like 15 like 20 minutes you think you're starting to get it yeah and then something happens when you're just like never mind i don't know how to do this now yeah i know nothing yeah we just give people a budget and it normally takes like three hours of playing crane games sure and uh that's a long time to play it's like a long time because after the first hour yeah like you said you start to just start to get really miserable yeah yeah you're also carrying all the stuff yeah yeah yeah yeah you gotta remove because we have like a suction cup to attach to it yeah it's just it's a whole ordeal unless you're chris and you only win one thing yeah yeah yeah so some people not very good we had the only person who actually enjoyed doing it and wanted to keep doing it was cajo right but calhoun yeah she's really good yeah she's good at them as well yeah but like i've been excited to have you on because normally like with our previous guests right there's been this like joke where the guests are just like oh we're gonna talk about anime and we kind of like look at each other and laugh right because uh we generally talk a lot less about anime than people think that we talk about it but you loki have like a [ __ ] amazing taste in anime like i don't know like i just i just gotta say man i just i can't remember what video it was where like you had to like say what your favorite anime were but i remember you going down the list and i'm like damn you got some good [ __ ] shows you were raiding waifus i think which one yeah out of the mini videos i think yeah yeah i i watch i was like okay okay yeah it's got a good taste remember when this guy busted that oh yeah i really like legends of the galactic heroes that's that's that's how you that's i have seen 70 episodes i've still got like the last last few hours to go through but yeah it's it's [ __ ] incredible it's great it's amazing and you rarely get you kind of look so lost right now but uh i've voiced in like one of the dubs or something you in the in the new one right yeah me too yeah yeah i feel like every everyone digs there's so many characters there's so many verses like i can't get every voice actor what did your guy do in it uh he was uh i think he was someone in a bar overhearing something and talking about covert uh it was no it was two of them they're from different factions and they were arguing but like very discreetly were you on yongwin lee's side or reinhardt i was on the one where you don't know [ __ ] about the characters you play i rocked up and i was like why don't you watch the shows you voiced legend of the gladiator is an exception it's too [ __ ] long it's good though it's it's it's only really i mean i mean even i haven't finished the original yeah but i've really i think the remake is also really good i hear it's good yeah i haven't seen it i haven't seen the remake i just realized you hadn't told the people what you do oh yeah he's probably introduced himself i feel like most people know you but i mean you know discrepancy uh yeah i'm sung one show uh i go by pro zd online uh i do youtube i'm a voice actor it's kind of right he's kind of you're underselling yourself yeah he's voiced in so many cool [ __ ] you blew up on vine right yeah yeah and then you're killing it you also have the world record for getting banned on tick tock i have no idea i was on it for about a week uh and then uh i just woke like my wife texted me because i was out of town and she's like why are you banned on tick tock i was like what do you mean why am i banned and i was banned on tick tock and so i think i scared them off with the tweet in the video that i made right where i was like i don't care if i'm unbanned but this is [ __ ] dumb and yeah immediately after that i was unmanned with no explanation as to why was it people were uploading a lot of your content to tick tock that would that would have been happening for years before uh so i don't know if it was like people flagging me or because i think because you could swear on tick tock right yeah yeah like i don't think there's like restrictions on that so it might have just been like flagging or something or maybe they really i mean at the time it wouldn't let me upload a profile picture yeah so maybe they thought i was a really convincing fake or something but back now i guess yeah so my god all youtubers try to figure out tiktok yeah right have you used that [ __ ] app every now and then yeah every now and again it's a nightmare it feels weird because like i use i use youtube shorts way more often because at least like it's i know what my tastes are and it's like garnet towards my taste tiktok it's like it's a bit scary to put that much of yourself into just this [ __ ] algorithm to be like okay i'm gonna i'm just you are going to let a computer figure out your entire life personality by swiping yeah that's that's that's basically tick tock right and i'm just like it's like impressive how good the algorithm is but it's also like scary too very scary yeah yeah so i mean we post like clips of like our podcast and everything on tick tock but aside from that we don't make original content for tick-tock yeah are you uh do you browse it pretty often or you what made you go on it um i think for me it was something where i wanted something that i could just have no pressure with yeah um although everything i do with [ __ ] online i don't do well and i just do i just do [ __ ] so it's like but i guess with at least with youtube uh i have to like have some semblance of like okay i cannot just do board game reviews that nobody gives a [ __ ] about i have to like sometimes do a video that maybe other people will watch so it's like a balancing act for me right right uh okay one for me one for them like you know make sure that make sure that youtube would choke about it like yeah yeah and make sure the production values look like they're from 2007. like that's yeah that's my channel like i don't i'm looking at all this equipment i'm like wow this is what real youtubers do i don't know anything uh you know i use my iphone to record my videos i i i got i had a feeling like but that's part of the charm right that's part of the charm because yeah the charm no there's definitely demographic that misses like the old school youtube vibe and style where it's just filmed on it yeah see that's not a that's not like me being like this is a smart decision it's like i'm very lazy yeah i was gonna say no very very lazy uh that's the easiest way to do it and then that's it um so going back to tick tock uh yeah i think it was just like another avenue of like i i don't care how well tick-tock does yeah like at all i have no stakes like if it does well that's great if not i don't care because i you know i'm just brand new on it right yeah so i mean it's doing like pretty pretty good like like it's but for me what's important is that i'm having fun with it you know it's something where i'm actually inspired now okay i can just put out like a fun silly little 20 second video and not have to worry about oh is it like up to the standards yeah whatever blah blah blah so that's basically what i've been doing yeah i mean like your content seems to be like very you know if i would have to say you'd see it would seem like it would be suited for tick tock because like very short form like short form high intensity like skits and like that and like i still plan on doing skits for the channels specifically yeah um because i also cannot stand that you have to film it vertically like i'm so old like i'm just like i gotta film it like i'm uh it's gross even vine was like a box at least this is like [ __ ] anyway so i i'm still planning to do skits and also editing on tiktok is such a nightmare i know i know you can upload stuff to it yeah i'm lazy all right again super lazy so it's like okay if i can just do it in the app i'll just do it and post it or whatever yeah that's like the purpose of tick tock stuff but then for regular skits it's like okay i'll actually edit it myself and yeah you know make it a little nicer um yeah whereas for if i just have a silly little idea i can just do it in like 20 seconds like i just could post it out there and yeah have fun with it right because like i remember you saying you still recording your phone and everything yeah and you never really have like tried to like market yourself or you know make that kind of content but like i remember when you switched over to vine to youtube you kind of started making these skits where it was just like very short skits but the thumbnail was just like your face and the title was just like uh exactly what it says on the tin kind of like titling and i remember that was like so unique at the time for youtube because everything was like getting like pristine and proper with like our marketing and you came along and it was just like it's just a guy with like his face and then somehow that just became the meta everyone started doing this lowercase titles yeah lowercase i've so noticed that lowercase titles do you know i might have told you this but do you know why those thumbnails are the way they are why why you know since the channel has since i've had that channel like since 2006 like you know how it generates three random thumbnails yeah i just picked the one i like best i have never made a single custom thumbnail video are you stupid i'm like yeah i'm stupid and lazy like for me when i was younger i always thought it was fun because back then you couldn't make a thumbnail yeah yeah i was like it's funny oh like which one am i going to use and which one is you know the best one yeah and for god how long has been now like 15 years right i've never i've never noticed i've never made a customer i see what the three thumbnails are and i picked the one that looks the most well but sometimes with those three auto generator thumbnails like there are some videos where i've uploaded where it's just like wow these all look horrible right it doesn't matter dude i'm just like okay uh i i uh had youtube gave me like a manager once you guys have a manager yeah it's [ __ ] anyway so they like we're like oh yeah you're here as a manager and i'm like okay and he didn't understand me at all he was like he he pulled up like a video he's like so what's going on in this thumbnail i'm like i don't know this is for you because i figure out what the [ __ ] yeah because it's like one of the board game reviews which like you know i will say the board game reviews are entirely for me because for those of you who aren't aware i'm a huge board game fan yeah yeah um and like people are like you know these videos are only getting like this many views i'm like yeah no [ __ ] like i'm not an idiot i know how numbers work but for me it's like i just you know enjoy making them and they're just like a little side project yeah yeah he was like looking at him it's just like a board game on a table maybe my hand is like covering half of it because it's one of the [ __ ] thumbnails he's like he's like what's good what you know you can make custom thumbnails i was like i don't do that he's like he's like what what do you mean you don't do i'm like no i don't want to do that it's like i would recommend i was like i'm not gonna and then like and then maybe like a couple months later they're like okay you're not on you don't have a partner i mean i just threw the talent yeah they were like this guy doesn't like i'm done i give up he like pulled up this like there was this whole powerpoint presentation he was like you know these videos is like a skit do really well and these videos board game review don't do well and i'm like i know um it's like did you know if you do more videos like this i'm like oh really thank you so much you're really very very useful um so for me it's been like i've been very stubborn because uh youtube was like an accident right right for me it's always been voice i'm very very very passionate about voice acting very serious about it you know take that very seriously with youtube i don't take it seriously at all and it's managed to work out like i know it won't last forever and i know that you know but even i mean i don't know like it's still working you know yeah yeah exactly so i think for me it's always been like instead of uh going down a path where i hate what i'm doing or am not at least enjoying what i'm doing it's like i'll just stop doing i'm just gonna do it until like literally no one gives a [ __ ] and then hopefully by then i'll be doing other things yeah yeah i mean like was voice acting always like the final end goal for you oh yeah yeah that was since um like high school right yeah high school that was like my dream right like to one day maybe be able to do it yeah uh so and a lot of people might have heard the story but like the tl dr is like uh my my whole internet journey was i started on tumblr actually did audio posts those got really like big the goofy covers right some movie covers and things like that yeah that led to vine and then vine went really big yeah and then vine led to the youtube channel getting really big yeah so it just those were the steps but that was like um 2012 uh i just graduated from college right and i was like i don't know how the what the [ __ ] i'm going to do um so i did made the tumblr a voice acting templar did one post every day every single day for like three four years or whatever that eventually developed like a following and then that's what i uh attribute all my success to on in the online spaces of that right and actually even the voice acting space because i was practicing voice acting right right um prior to vine and even before people knew who i was that's what i was talking about like independent like video games and yeah you start getting referred to other directors and stuff so right um yeah a lot of people they even now to this day they'll be like oh my god brosie dude's in a game i'm like i have been in like 100 things over the past like eight years like i don't know but you know but it's fine people some people know you for one thing or yeah yeah yeah um so yeah that's that was where everything it was just me sort of sitting down and be like i want to do voice acting i don't know how i'm going to get into the industry yeah you just kind of make [ __ ] on your own and you know yeah and that's what the advice i always give to people who are like how do you become a voice actor it's like just start making [ __ ] practice every single day yeah practice every day yeah take classes make [ __ ] put yourself out there meet other people and because like a lot of people like you know including you and like you know my age my age that generation of voice actors all start kind of started that way like i just made stuff online whether it was fan dubs or these things yeah [ __ ] posts exactly and now you know we're ice ice whenever i see people nowadays they're like who's this newcomer i'm like no i know who that is that guy's been like you know yeah he's been grinding and like you know yeah he's been working for like years like he's not a newcomer at all he's just like finally getting his you know just like you know his uh success that he deserves yeah you see from like the old times you're like oh yeah he's killing it now yeah it's it's weird for me as well because i even though i've never been a voice actor or tried voice acting uh i've always been aware of like i call it like the va generation yes where it's like there was this like voice acting board called like the voice acting alliance where everyone would post some fines and find like new fandub projects bridging projects and i see a lot of those names that i used to see on the board now actually voicing like real anime or just like [ __ ] killing it in some other fields on youtube or something yeah obviously like people are you know they're always going to need new talent yeah and who better than the people who've been doing it since they're like 15 online yeah like a [ __ ] ton of yeah it's in this one specialized field it's all just level grinding right yeah level grinding and grinding and then just getting to a point where you're ready yeah um pretty much yeah just trying to get the the requirements you joke but everything in my life is just like a list of achievements like i want to play all these board games why not eat all these restaurants like yeah yeah well i find it funny because like i remember back in the day there was definitely like this air of just like look at these kids trying to get into anime by doing fan dubs online [ __ ] yeah no you got to go to like you got to be in the industry man these kids are just playing around so it's actually just gratifying just to see everyone actually [ __ ] people actually succeeding after putting in the grind because it you know it might have been like fan work and fan dubs but you get like it's that's your experience yeah um uh sarah jane sherman who's a very well-known casting director she recently tweeted uh very similar like advice like yeah just start making stuff like i i've seen people make tick tocks of them like doing voices for their fish and it's like i mean you laugh but it's like that's actual you yet you are demonstrating yeah so i always encourage people like yeah just make [ __ ] and yeah see what happens and just you know one thing i've noticed is that i don't know if it's if you guys feel this on your end but you feel like having a social media presence even as an actor is like as like more and more important now as like than it used to be because it's certainly important or getting more important now on the japanese side of things oh interesting yeah like some of the top voice actors now have such a massive like social media presence and there's a lot of people who get to know them not just from the roles that they do but also from just like what they do on twitter or like instagram or like even on youtube i swear some some voice actors here say yeah it's really important others say no i don't think so what do you think i have an answer but i'm curious what your thoughts are i think it's undeniable that having a large presence would would put your name kind of in the face of more people whether it would lead to you actually getting more stuff i feel like that's up to you and how much work you're putting in yeah sure sure but i feel like it's definitely gonna put you in front of people more yeah i think that's that's fair to say yeah definitely i think just like now that everyone is using it no no there's no correction did i have to currently tell you the free friend of the question was like you told me yeah it's the interviewer like tone like i'll judge uh i think i have a more complicated like answer for it because i do agree with you that um having a bigger following just people knowing who you are is that's good right yeah uh whether it's for networking whether it's for just even getting introduced to things or whatever it is yeah is good um but uh for i think there can also be kind of a stigma oh yeah towards um it's like the idea of like oh you you're a youtuber and you're trying to be a voice actor like there's definitely been i mean i will say one there was one project i recorded for uh and then the i was working with one director the other director found out i was like a big youtuber he's like you put a [ __ ] youtuber and uh took me out really really yeah yeah this happened i won't say the name of it but uh also that guy was a [ __ ] anyway but like i never worked with him but i've heard he's just a [ __ ] so anyway yeah that was one instance where um i went in i recorded uh and was i lost the part because this guy was like that's [ __ ] up yeah so i mean that's a that was only one time right um still the fact that i even happened yeah it's still it's still very i mean and you you'll you'll see like um on twitter on twitter there will be like backlash like oh so and so they just put them in because they're and it's like no like so and so has been you know working hard towards that goal for a long time and it's like you know also if any um anyone who actually gives a [ __ ] about the art that they're making yeah they want the performances to be good right yeah so they're not gonna hire someone just for the clout just for the cloud right that's something you're gonna see in like maybe like a big hollywood movie yeah yeah when you see like you know cameos or whatever like that but for you know stuff where you actually have to audition for it or whatever like right um it it's completely ridiculous to say that like oh so-and-so enzo's only getting it because of this because if so and so is bad at acting yeah first off everyone's gonna be able to tell right when it comes out yeah exactly yeah and there have been instances where like sometimes somebody comes out and you're like you know yeah but um yeah so there's that the whole like sometimes people kind of judge you or go all right you you shouldn't be in this or whatever um like i there have definitely been times where i feel like i go in to the booth and they don't know who i am but they saw i guess they like looked my name up and this other youtuber like and this guy really you know can they really do that and then i like do it and they're like oh okay which is absurd to me because you know a lot of voice actors come from like stand-up comedy backgrounds yeah it's like you have to start somewhere right like you don't come out of the [ __ ] womb of voice actor yeah yeah but for some reason everyone thinks a youtuber is just like well okay that's just a bunch of clowns man yeah i think we're brainless clowns which yeah some of us are yeah i get it but you know it it's also kind of unfair to completely dismiss someone yeah just because they're they're that this episode is sponsored by honey the easy way to save when shopping on your iphone or computer guys how often do you shop online all the time all the time all the time outside it's disgusting right now i want to stay inside well how often do you feel like you have a promo code just ready to go at the checkout never really well thanks to honey manually searching for coupon codes are a thing of the past honey is a free shopping tool that scours the internet for promo codes and applies 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best fit right yeah it was frankly just like that guy's got big twitter numbers we want the twitter numbers it's like if that was alone the deciding factor then i would have gotten it right um which is like kind of a position of like it's kind of nice and like at least i'm not being like just you know thought of as a number but i'm also like i wanted that part so but it's like also reassuring of like oh but you know it's not because of what some [ __ ] reason that whatever follows yeah yeah um but i also feel like for me i don't get a lot of that backlash yeah for some reason i don't know maybe because i've been doing it for so long or whatever i think it's like maybe the first time a youtuber who's also maybe uh like join starts doing voice acting maybe the first time that maybe get a little bit yeah yeah uh i think it's also just because you're genuinely good i appreciate it good then yeah i can see where the backlash is coming from right i mean i i appreciate that yeah and uh yeah i i think it would be clear if you know you can something yeah you can tell someone exactly exactly i occasionally got the comments of like oh it's pretty good for a youtuber and everyone was like and then like again people would probably he literally has like voice actor in his name since like 10 years right yeah it's weird because like sometimes when you do youtube especially when you're like more revolving around skits and comedy stuff you forget that you know you you are able to do you know serious voice acting as well your skill sets just are more broad than just haha funny guy on the internet like sometimes hard to change or change the perception of that especially to your audience yeah as well i mean even live action actors deal with that right like a lot of comedic actors who try to switch the drum dramatically like oh i can't take him seriously yeah yeah it's like you know people like to put people in the boxes right yeah exactly you do this and only do that funny man or do this and don't even think you know which can be reductive yeah i mean like yeah speaking of like live-action acting you've done that as well with uh you how was the transition from my voice acting to doing something like was it anime crunch division yeah yeah yeah yeah no um this is the this is the crunchyroll this is the control freddy w yeah rocket jump what was the what was like the plot of this thing again uh the plot of anime crimes division is uh we live in a neo otaku city and we are detectives who solve anime crimes it was very fun we did two seasons of it yeah um yeah that was like a big crazy experience for me because i had had no real live action experience prior to that and it was definitely like a crash course but i was fortunate in that i was with like the most welcoming crowd of people like i'm friends with freddie already yeah yeah yeah i i told him like frankly like he i i wasn't even living here yet i flew out to do it the first season and i was like are you sure i i'm gonna be okay for this and he's like you'll be fine like he was like i'm not you'll be great and it it honestly worked out like it was super challenging yeah uh probably like one of the most like challenging things i've done like you know there's so i was the lead in it and there's so much dialogue so yeah i have memorized all that dialogue and uh in the second season i do a a whole choreographed fight sequence that's like it that took like maybe five six hours to learn and then to shoot maybe like even longer than that right so it was it was definitely like a crazy experience but i learned a lot of like how you do you know live-action film yeah like hit your mark like i didn't know what like you know hitting your mark and what does that mean hitting your mark is on a live action set uh if you need to land on a certain spot for the camera they put an x on there right with tape or whatever and they're like okay so like when you're walking up to this guy hit this mark and whatever all right then you're gonna not look at the market yeah yeah yeah it's gonna do as naturally as possible or um and then you gotta remember your lines as well when i remember your lines and do other things yeah like uh it's definitely a big departure from voice acting which 90 of the time you don't have to memorize anything yeah unless you're doing like motion capture right and so that all i mean that was a big help for me because later i did god of war ragnarok where i had to again memorize lines that i had written also because they had me write for it uh and and that was i was doing it and i was like [ __ ] idiot why did you give yourself so many lines like i have no one else to blame why were you writing the lines uh they asked they specifically wanted me to do it oh wow what was the role uh the character is uh ratatoskr uh right uh i can't say too much because it's not out yet oh yeah yeah oh wow when you said god of war ragnarok i was like that's not out yeah it's not out yeah but i but i have announced it like okay okay yeah yeah okay yeah i'm not i'm not just casually spilling ndas on yeah yeah yeah i was just like people know that i have written for it acted in it and did the motion capture awesome and that i uh the name of the character but i don't think they know anything else right are you allowed to talk about what kind of a process it is to do mocap i can talk about generally yeah okay yeah because i've always found that super interesting how like live action and then you know you i like you see the behind the scenes of like you know it's like the last of us like the original my god of war how challenging is it being on a set and just having like a bunch of [ __ ] ping pong balls on youtube uh it's it's definitely yeah the outfit's really goofy yeah um for me i had to do these things where you uh they're like filming you and before you shoot you do like sort of like uh motions you're doing promotions and like making sure the the model is like on like sync with you or whatever yeah um and that's like a whole thing uh you have to like sometimes you have to do like the facial capture as well and they have like a giant thing on you yeah um yeah it was it was definitely like very like intimidating but because i had done the anime crimes division i used to like okay just memorize your lines and yeah go through the scene uh and yeah it was it was very very fun experience is it hard to like get in character when the entire like set on everything is just virtual and you just no cause voiceover often you're just in a booth oh that's right like unless you're dubbing anime or um like sometimes with cartoons they give you them the storyboards right oftentimes like uh in a video game or something or most things you're not you have nothing right but you are just looking at a script so you have to imagine yourself in it anyway yeah so actually having other actors to interact with uh was more helped with the immersion more than when you're usually just alone in a booth right i just remembered that you voiced one of the playable characters in borderlands 3 yep i forgot what the name of the character is yeah yeah that was awesome yeah that was like oh [ __ ] dude this is like where everyone knew that it got announced mm-hmm it's awesome yeah that was one of like the i think that was like the role of like oh like this is a big yeah well i think before that they've been like you know what's in in indie stuff and like some things but that was like the first sort of uh oh like a lot of people know about this yeah um yeah so is there like a particular franchise or series that is like the ultimate like i want to voice in this kind of thing you haven't done yet do you have one oh man i'm joking i feel like if you say it it's a curse right i know but obviously i'd love to be in georgia yeah of course yeah yeah but who knows when for me i'll say it because i have the same feeling like i don't want it it's like a curse if you say it out loud yeah it's like you're gonna have to yeah all right it could be a second no no this is i mean this is the one that like is very dear to my heart and it's a ace attorney oh yeah i would lose my mind if i was in any ace attorney game or anything like that like because for me that was one of the things i used to fandom oh yeah i was like i'll take because they didn't have voices so i'll take this character i'll give them a voice and uh like i did it so much that like the fan community definitely associates my voices for characters yeah some of the characters yeah so like if i got a chance to be a part of that that would definitely be like feel like a full circle like oh man yeah um yeah and like i've i've been fortunate enough that i've had that experience with like i mean borderlands was one where like i played borderlands 2 when i was a kid and i was like oh one day i maybe i'll be able to do something like this never thinking one day that the third one would be i would be one of the main characters yeah so i've i've definitely been fortunate enough to because i'm also a big fan of this stuff you know i love anime in video games actually i often tell people i'm like sometimes i wish i wasn't such a big fan because then i wouldn't be so crushed that i'm like you know not in place i'm like oh i got to read for this but oh i'm not in it like like a lot of the older guards are like i don't know what this [ __ ] is yeah this is japanimation i don't know what it is i don't play video games with pac-man i don't know i'm like i don't know what this is i've been playing this since i've been like 15 years old you definitely have that like um you know attachment to it yeah yeah yeah get crushed when you don't get the role if you like sunk everything into the other uh i think at this point uh you just get just get used to it yeah i just assume i don't i'm i'm like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm doing it right yeah you should even got it and if you get that email sick yeah just put do the audition senate i'm like if i'll hear back if i get it yeah i i think the one person who i've seen get her like dream role recently and it was weird uh seeing because i've followed her career like basically since the beginning with kyrie buckland oh yeah seeing seeing her like be like the jojo girl yeah right she wanted to be yeah yeah yeah and just like because i remember back she was she always started on like va and just seeing her career just like uh yeah she recently just voiced jolene in jojo part six and she [ __ ] killed it i'm like damn man i'm i'm [ __ ] happy for her because i've like it's like i'm i've seen her like progress her career yeah since since the beginning another example of again like a lot of people who are working today are like you know they've just been grinding and working at it forever you know yeah yeah yeah so you said you were a massive board game fan and i've seen some of your videos like reviewing board games and everything as well so the dismay of your youtube yeah to just see this to the dismay of like your entire audience it seems like i will say though on that like even though i make fun of the fact that they don't get a lot of views uh well there was one time i think i did so those of you don't know i uh in tumblr days i did goofy covers right yeah yeah yeah and then uh uh everyone that used to be the thing i was like dude on the goofy do another couple cover and i was like if i become known as the goofy cover man i'm i'm going to walk into the ocean i cannot let this be my legacy so i stopped yeah and then um that was maybe like i don't know eight maybe like eight years pass or whatever yeah and then for a charity milestone i was like okay i will do a goofy cover and then i was like oh this is kind of fun again so i started doing it yeah but then like i posted one and then someone was like what the hell is this [ __ ] where are the board game reviews i'm like nothing nothing i can do is will please anybody like but but i was like wow the board game reviews have been around for so long that even then people are like we want that like they hate change they hate any kind of like this isn't what you do you do the skits eating 20 things and these shitty board game reviews that don't do well not this what is this thing i'm like okay um but yeah anyway just can't get a dub man just yeah yeah uh let's say you were asking yeah what are some board games you recommend because like i'm not so much into the board game scene and so like i see someone like you and i you know occasionally watch some of your reviews and some of your videos what like what to you makes a good board game what do you what have you played if anything [ __ ] the monopoly i've made them play uh ticket to ride oh yeah we'll play tickets that's that's fun i really like risk as well yeah okay yeah um if you um let's see like uh do you like cooperative games do you like uh more competitive games like what are you what are you what's your style i'd say let's say cooperative cooperative yeah yeah yeah like pandemic is like a good one to start uh that one's you're running around the world trying to like you know cure disease yeah uh and nowadays yeah uh and feel sad about how the real one's going away like that's that one's good um maybe we should have played that before like long campaign right now right my favorite board game is marvel legendary which is a cooperative uh deck building game uh deck building being like not like magic uh you have a market of cards you're feeling like slate aspire or something any of you i've never played this okay anyway yeah wait i i know obviously this fire i know how it works deck building as a concept is like you have these random cards you add you slowly start adding them to your basic deck and then like get rid of all your shitty cards and go your deck becomes stronger as you go right right inscription yes inscription is a deck building game yeah the description was really really good yeah it was an amazing game um so like a lot of the deck building ones are really good i mean i don't know it really just depends on what you what you've got so many games and yeah yeah yeah the sheer amount of reviews you've done yeah it's just like oh my god yeah i saw like the table that you got given i'm yeah it's like i would like to get that table just to play board games you know i'll get that table first and i'm just like okay now i need to get now i need some board games to play is it bad that i think i remember the name is it the woodworm table or something the uh the wormwood is the company okay all right right right it's this table the just like there's a like a it's a normal table and then it just all comes off with magnets there's cup holders that can slide around yeah it's just a playing area with like a felt it looks amazing yeah it's beautiful like i was using my kitchen table for the longest time with like a with a mat right um and that was fine but then like this thing i'm like oh it's so it's so good like because the table topper uh before this uh whenever we ordered food or whatever and the games on the table it's like all right everyone go stand awkwardly in the kitchen and like eat off like counters or whatever yeah yeah but now it's like okay break put the toppers on we can eat on top it's so good cup holders it's just beautiful it's awesome dude this thing is awesome yeah yeah i want that's like the premium board game experience that i won how did you get like how did that hobby start was that something you were always like into and then you just kind of like grew from there it started from um uh i was at an otakon back in like i want to say like 2012 or something like right it might even be maybe around then it's out of conan that's in uh it used to be in baltimore now in dc okay uh and uh just a group of friends and i we were at there was there's a barnes and noble in the inner harbor where that khan used to be and uh none of us had really played a lot of designer board games or whatever we saw a game called forbidden island uh which is a great game actually right and the cover was cool that a silly name were like oh what is this like let's just buy it like if it's stupid it will just you know it's fun let's just try it yeah and if it's great and we were really into it it's a cooperative game where like you're trying to collect these artifacts and the island is sinking and you have to get off like in time or whatever yeah simple design but very fun and we were like oh [ __ ] this is great like are there other games like this and so it became like a rabbit hole we would it's yeah like i i i often introduce a lot of people to the hobby right like oh have you tried this and then they're like oh [ __ ] like war games can be like this because a lot of people are associated with like monopoly yeah yeah yeah um or even like you know for me katan i find kind of dull like i had played katan prior and i was like this is fine i don't really give a [ __ ] but forbidden island i was like oh okay these can be like and now i play like everything yeah um because then you discover like there's a website called board game geek that like you know ranks all the games and you're and it becomes and then people started gifting me games yeah yeah yeah um so it really just snowballed right some of the complexity of those board games is just insane yeah the learning curve right there's something like multi-day things right like they could be well i think multi-day might be an exaggeration but there's definitely ones that i've played that have taken like maybe like 12 hours like that's like all right comment like in the morning and you we will be done at like 11 p.m like that's a commitment man yeah yeah that's and for me actually the the sweet spot is like middle complexity yeah light to middle yeah because i like complex games but they're harder to get to the table because only like die hards are going to want to like play those it's hard to teach it to people it's hard to teach people it's intimidating and oftentimes very hard to you know just get into yeah so they're sort of like on board game they sort it from like one to five scale right like the two to three scale is usually like perfect because it's like one or two is like party games which are fun but two to three is like there's some meat on these bones but it's not like it's not that hard to grasp yeah once you get to three to four that's a little beefier four and up is like that is complex like it is like a good like gate like you want to get someone into board games you have like a good gateway game you like that you always bring out to be like hey monopoly here's his little thing to like wait your appetite just to see like what this hobby not only be on that difficulty skills what is it a one i think it's probably i could even search right now my guess is like one or something right like maybe with the trading it slightly but it's you're literally just rolling dyson yeah yeah yeah exactly um let's see a good gateway game like what's the attack on titan of board games you know i mean ticket to right yeah i feel like ticket to ride is a really good interest that's a good one just because it's so simple and like yeah you're just making sets and like making uh i don't i don't care if this is not protocol and here i'm probably gonna you can do it yeah you can you can do it because i like to get to riots i find that there is a way for me it's like if you can have the opportunity to strategize and really like implement it while still having that that luck factor yeah yeah where a noob could just completely get lucky and beat you like i like that that's what i really like about risk yeah it's exactly the same thing where it's like it looks really intimidating because it's such a big game but when you actually get into and you learn the rules it's very you can very quickly start strategizing right now so some good ones like azul is a very uh elegant like sort of abstract game with like really nice tiles and that one has like like there's different ones in the series that's there's like a zuolo and azul stained glass of cintra and it's just like it has the feel of like a game that's been around for like you know decades but it's it's a new what did you do in that game um it's hard to explain without visuals but you're basically you have these circles of tiles and you're drafting colors of tiles and you're sort of filling up rows okay you're trying to get them in like an array make combos right which is completely impossible to explain without me actually having the pieces yeah but it has the feeling you do your best so there's there's that one um like a really popular one it's like code names have you ever played that one do you know that one code names is like you have a grid of words uh and one person or your each team has a code map code name or code master or whatever right and they give a clue like uh furry three and their your team is trying to like pick what are the which of these were three words fit that clue but the thing is if you touch a clue of the other team's words they get the point right and there's a kill word where if anyone touches that they instantly lose oh so it's like it's like an array of like i think like 25 words half of them are red on the back half of them are blue yeah not on the back there's like a little card and then they have them are blanks which are like duds and then there's a kill card right so it's like a really like elegant just like hey this is this i i basically just explained how to play it now yeah yeah yeah and a number and that's how many fit that thing and just and you're like okay it's a good party game it's a really good party game yeah uh i'm gonna write these down yeah yeah yeah yeah luckily it's being filmed right now right yeah uh dixit you know what dixon oh i love dixit it's just very very it's a really fun game that is one where you're playing um these surreal picture cards uh and you're trying to give a clue as to uh like it's like reverse pictionary almost the idea is that you wanna um get uh give a clue so that not everyone uh picks the card uh because if everyone picks the card then you get [ __ ] but if nobody picks your card you get [ __ ] so you're trying to give a clue that's just obscure enough where it's like because what happens is you put down the card and everyone else puts down a card that matches that clue right right everyone's trying to and you're trying to you're trying to figure out which one was the original card right so if i said like uh uh mysterious or whatever and i put down a card and everyone else puts on a card then we reveal them and everyone's like which one was the original mysterious card right one that's fun in that game as a clue is super mario brothers three because then everything because then there's so many surprisingly like fitting cards for right or like something like that or you say a video gamer or like dreamworks movies or something and then like people are revealing they all look like [ __ ] dreamworks movies yeah although all the cars look like salvador dali paintings they're like really abstract they're all really strange like surreal okay yeah that one's really fun that one's really good um from an island i mentioned it's a really fun co-op yeah um yeah those are like just some some very like basic level ones that sounds really fun yeah thank you for watching yeah thank you for the recommendations future trash taste after talking yeah hell yeah i'm down you're just giving us content ideas now that's perfect yeah so moving on from that i guess i saw you uh got got some flack on like tick tock the other day for like calling what was it like a niche anime yeah i'm sure which do you disagree i don't disagree i was asked like wait wait sorry sorry i i i sorry i agree that it is a niche anime so i was wondering why you were getting flack for it that ah i'd say it's on borderline like i know i know what it is but i mean like i don't know well because like karuta is like a subculture where if you're really not into i'd say japanese subculture then it's hard to grow i'd say it's new yeah it's pretty so i the reason well it was just a very simple video where they're like how do you prove that you're the real pros of the and i was like well i have a custom made figure from the niche anime chat through which i specifically when i was making it was like at first i was gonna say i was like should i say obscure i was like no if i say obscure people are gonna be like and i was like okay i'll say niche because niche is different than obscure yeah niche just means like oh it's more geared towards like a specific subset yeah niche can have a little more of a positive obscure means not well known like yeah you know like not well-known yeah niche is like oh it's more like this audience than it's mean yeah yeah it's it's definitely nice whether it's obscure i mean i even i might like i might even call it obscure nowadays because you look at like how popular anime is nowadays and like 90 percent of anime fans i think do you not know children it's obscure for western audiences oh yeah yeah you know in japan it does really well yeah yeah yeah but like yeah you ask your average anime fan okay which is again what you're which i'm which i'm uh which you're basically judging it right yeah exactly if i ask like anime twitter yeah you know what chihayofuru is yes you've heard of it right but if i ask a like you know i uh in a future later tick tock i was like yeah i've been to i've been a guest at cons and i'll do a q a it's like hundreds of people i'll be like anyone here watch chai furu one guy yeah exactly right exactly anyone know what it is like five people you know yeah um i mean i think i think a lot of people who are like especially like anime fans or like have been anime fans for a very very long time they forget how like how un like how widespread it's become now and how some popular animes back in the day are just like not well known now at all like it's it's it's weird to think that even like you know something like guru nagan is how many years old now and about like 15 years it's like it's like 15 years old and that's that's that's like i would even say to like the mo to like the modern anime fan like that seems like a niche anime now i i like a lot of new animals i remember you just reminded me there was this moment where i was like going on about like a bunch of shows on on my twitch yeah and then i started a poll oh we were talking about haruhi and i started a poll saying because i saw a couple of people being like i've never heard of it and so i was like so i was like okay okay mods start a poll who has seen harry yeah and it was a it was legit 50 50. wow and i'm like and it just like put into perspective like oh yeah like there's been a lot of shows since haruhi yeah yeah even though like for you know our generation haruki was like inescapable but it was like it was like the it was his show you're gonna you're gonna be like yeah of course i stopped watching during the [ __ ] endless eight oh of course of course it was so boring that's the point why the [ __ ] would i want to watch it if it's boring it's art i will say yo disappearance makes it worth it yeah this makes the disappearance of haruhi is a [ __ ] amazing i i told these boys the story before but i actually watched the disappearance before i watched anything else i was very confused and bored and you know you want to know how it happened how this was back when i just became an anime fan right so naturally where am i going to go to find recommendations for shows yeah my anime list yeah yeah that was one of the highest of the highest like top five rated things the disappearance of harry suzumiya yeah i didn't know about any other show so i just watched it and i was like damn this sucks ass why is everyone saying this is good i'm gonna kill you i'm gonna absolutely kill you so this is i watched it when i was like you know 17. did you also watch haruhi in chronological orders [ __ ] i watched it broadcast order i i watched it in the actual order of the episodes yeah the broadcast broadcast yeah yeah yeah you saved yourself there yeah at least so but this was like years after i watched this appearance yeah did you watch disappearance again afterwards i have not i should probably do that yeah yeah you need to finish endless eight first yeah yeah you gotta i mean i will say the best thing about it was probably uh just like watching it like dab crispin freeman was really good yeah yeah even though he had no idea what was going on yeah he was so good i mean he's getting everything there yeah yeah yeah i mean he's he's just one of those voice actors where you just it's just like a pleasure it's like just to hear him act but yeah i mean uh that was okay i i even the first season i was like yeah it's fine yeah did you watch avengers end the game without watching anything else that's actually a good conference that's actually a good comparison i i watch some of the other things you know [Music] so what was the backlash significant because you know it wasn't it wasn't significant it was like anime fan backlash i was just like also teasing but like you know it was definitely i'm sure you guys also do this too like when i make a tweet sometimes i'm like writing something i'm like okay i'm like thinking of like how people will be like well actually well actually okay so change this word to this yeah yeah like like i have to like explain the joke or whatever or making like clear i don't mean this not this like to be honest it's just not worth it because like top 10 easiest things to do in the world number one is breathe and number two is piss off anime fans sure it's just like not worth it i i feel like there are like different levels right because if you were talking about most of them off like 10 seconds you talk about most anime i feel like there's some leeway but if you have an opinion on any shonen anime then you are literally like going to a battlefield you know you are literally stepping on my minefields at that point and yeah i feel like any you say anything and you'll get like some kind of backlash sure it's also just really funny though it is it is it is it is but you don't watch many recent shows right you're more you love the classics it's not that i avoid recent shows but it's more like i have less time to watch stuff now so for me it's more i want to pick and choose right i pick and choose so and uh oh man i mean i'm at the perfect spot i i do want to talk some anime so like uh yeah i don't i haven't seen like demon slayer or jiu jitsu hyson yeah yeah and it's not like i'm not going to watch these things yeah it's more like uh i don't know i'm watching uh maria watches over us do you know that one no that is uh that is the uh yuri catholic uh high school girl anime it's very good no no it's like over yeah that sounds funny [Music] or something might be the what the fans call it or something it is a four season show about uh high school catholic girls and oh this this is in 2004 holy [ __ ] yeah i just watched the fourth season of that uh like this this is obscure that's that's that's this is like when i when when i first met you speaking about oh you like anime i was like yeah i like anime he started naming shows and i was like oh [ __ ] i was like i don't i don't i'm not like this kind of animation yeah yeah i i know i'm not a loser i'm like a medium level of knowledge yeah it's like you're getting deep no i don't even think i've seen that no this is like before i started watching things seasonally so how did you find this anime so it's funny you mentioned my anime list i don't use my anime list i since i since i first started my weeb journey i've used anime news network's top anime oh okay i didn't even realize they had a topic nobody does everyone uses my anime list yeah yeah but anime news network if you go to their um top there's a top hundred and you can see oh boy it's i'm such a loser you can sort it by buying us at like estimate and like rank and it ranks at the top 500. right right and like it does up like that's high function right uh i go to that list for like what's on here if something pierces the top hundred right i know it's worth watching so like odd taxi pierced it right yeah or uh and i watched that and yeah ranking of kings pierced it yeah so i watched amazing like when i watch new stuff i'm like okay if it hit the top hundred and on that website yeah then i'm like something special real [ __ ] yeah cause cause like i feel like with a lot of the new [ __ ] that's popular right now like things like demon slayer and jiu-jitsu guys and they're good you know they're good and they do well on that on that site like because they're they're good i mean i haven't seen them but i from what i understand they're like good quality yeah but like for like i feel like if you've watched any shonen before it's it's kind of the same thing it's the same formula it's just good again yeah like [ __ ] shows shonen jump have just got this thing on lockdown yeah they've got the formula they've just got the formula down because anything anytime they release the show it's always good you cut like you know you kind of know what to expect there are there are like differences in every show but you you get the same feeling every time you know and and so like you you don't need to be you don't need to be in a rush to watch like jiu-jitsu guys in except if you just want to talk to people about it nowadays you just want to be in the inn yeah but like with a lot of like more obscure shows you know isn't that the hot button i guess so i guess i guess it is let's do it this show is very obscure that is an obscure show my only problem with my anime list is top 100 because i have looked at it is that i feel like new shows get favored really quickly yes yeah like to be on anime news networks like to get up there it has to be like really good yeah where sometimes i'll see stuff on there and i'm like i'm sure it's good but i think this is just on you because it's new yeah uh like and uh my anime list also has this like weird like it also gets weirdly political as well because it's like there's this like i've noticed this is hardcore dedicated group of people on my anime list who are like if full metal alchemist brotherhood is not number one we riot wow yeah and it's like it's just this dedicated group that just does everything that they can to try and keep certain shows in certain places yeah no matter what see not enough people care about anime news network's ratings so it's actually like pretty accurate yeah because i remember that happened when your name came out yeah and it was like it was getting really close to being number one yeah and then there was this whole like coup d'etat happening of like no we must keep full metal alchemist brotherhood at number one yeah and then they succeeded yeah meanwhile like the gintama fans would be like we want every season of kintama in the top 10. here's the thing though like i haven't i've only seen a little bit of gintama i do intend to watch all of it at some point yeah but it's amazing but getting tom all those seasons and movies those pierce anime news network so i'm like yeah yeah this has got to be they're all great yeah yeah yeah yeah i do need to watch that yeah so this tells a lot about the type of person i am uh my goal at one point is to have watched everything in the top hundred on anime news network okay oh okay so that's why i watched maria watches over season four that's why i finished have you seen i mean i'm sure you have clinette click clan ad after story of course yeah i hadn't i i didn't i watched clint clinton is it clinic what clan ad clan ad yeah i watched it like when it came out and i hadn't i never finished it right so like season right yeah yeah because it wasn't that good and then the the like like like two weeks ago i was like all right i'm gonna finally watch it and yeah it was i was surprised it was surprisingly good that the after story is very sad yeah yeah very sad that last quarter without spoiling anything i was like this is great i think it's fair game to spoil it after i haven't seen off the story what the [ __ ] yeah it turns into a different show yeah yeah and it's great it's the build-up of the first season that makes the second season it was the first season that killed it for me right now me too yeah it is with a lot of people you know i saw how highly rated after story was and i thought i'll i'll watch it for after story yeah i would never normally watch planet nowadays yeah i'm too yeah season two yeah climate season one is is pretty tough to watch nowadays yeah yeah the characters are like the worst archetypes of every kind of anime ever except kyo yes i love cure yeah it was the better okay man of taste okay yeah no i agree with you with uh my anime this thing though with like it's there's a lot of recency bias on there where if there's like a new popular show or expired family getting like yeah yeah oh my god it's a 10 out of 10. there's only three episodes out but yeah but like why is quick sometimes i look at the top 100 on mount and i'm just like am i the old one is is it is the show that good or or am i just like the the titans don't tell me you've only seen the 2003 anime i haven't watched any because anyway okay because because like the reason is that like i remember like when i started getting into anime you know you you you watch banger off the banger off the bang you're like anime is [ __ ] awesome and then you watch a bit more you're like [ __ ] am i going to run out of good anime so like saving it for a rainy day yeah yeah yeah so so i it mentally i was just like i'm going to save full metal alchemist because i know i'm going to like it i'm going to save it for a race boss yeah yeah yeah and then and then like it's just been years later and i just i i know what you mean though because i'm like that with hunter hunter uh because because it's like i i know so much about the show just through osmosis that like when i talk about certain parts of the show people just think that i've seen the show but i haven't actually sat down and read it or watched it okay yeah okay i get what you mean yeah so like it's like an example i'm looking at the list now and like the new season of demon slayer is the 23rd best anime of all time i'm just like did the new demon slayer slap yes yes is this the 23rd of all time is it the 23rd of all time because people watch the last three episodes the animation was insane and they were typed as [ __ ] like to compare again this is going to be not interesting well actually will this be interesting to you i think it is this would be interesting you still have weebs listening to this yeah yeah yeah yeah i mean we stand up we we like to pretend every now and again that's uh three you said you said that was 23rd yeah so to compare on um anime news network uh they are that is at let me pull it up so to compare on anime news network that's at like 209 but that's really good out of the thousands of shows that have you know yeah yeah i i [ __ ] love these green bars it makes my i don't know why it makes my [ __ ] brain go yeah you know it's great right yeah i always had these like really pleasing data bars yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so they do like arithmetic mean weighted mean beating estimate yeah all right i've got to look at this list because i was like going down again yeah like uh you go to my anime news network right news network right now go to uh oh no go to what is it uh god so interesting uh like i'm looking down i'm like 86 part 2 is the 46th best anime of all time no no no no i like 86 as well i like 86 but uh no i'm in it but i haven't seen it that's a flex i don't i don't need to see it i don't know it's all army stuff right i don't know yeah yeah my guy was always like gotta go on i'm not a remember some kind of military operations i don't know um so go to encyclopedia click top ten all right and then you can click the top 50 and you can go to like top hundred and then there's 100 top 100 feet 250 top 500 so right now brotherhood is number one on there but i think that's just it's quality that's just that's just like crazy i do think brotherhood i mean it's great it is great it's a great package it's got everything [ __ ] is better but it's great yeah it's got everything yeah it does everything amazingly in this yeah it's a great show and it's you know it's it chose it was like we're gonna be 64 episodes we're gonna do it perfectly yeah so let's compare someone pull up my anime list top ten you got it oh okay i had it yeah yeah so and i'll i'll compare the top ten on anime news network sorry both are so both number ones are formal articles number two on here is steins gate oh that's interesting it was like it wasn't that my anime was for a while uh number two on here is gintama one of those let's go okay number three steins gate actually number three on here is clenad after story oh okay clown number four is your name okay yeah um number four on this one is attack on titan season three part two okay number five on yours roney kenshin trust and betrayal that's the samurai x 08 yeah yeah i'm just going to say it number five number eight number nine are all guinta jesus okay sorry what are you doing for him yeah boy number six on here is code geass season two which sucked ass but that's fine yeah at the end the ending the ending that whole show sucks i still don't think oh oh my god i think yes has like the best ending in all of anime i can't think of a better ad i can't think of a better ending that's pretty good damn good ending that's true that's true i think i think what you said could be true if that's the only anime you've ever seen i can't believe i'm getting called out uh seven is spirited away then cowboy bebop number nine is bushish season two yeah yeah which is very good which is very good mushy she's like see like from this one it's like number seven is like the new car gear summer which i don't think has even ended it's not finished yet yeah that's my problem with this list yeah yeah yeah you gotta wait till the show's done yeah right the show could turn to a big big turd like you know you've also gotta give it some time after it's finished too so that like people can like process processor yeah yeah i read the miami list reviews when there's only like two episodes out they're like i'm gonna review the whole show now i'm just gonna yeah yeah i love i love the miami list reviews of people who drop the show yeah and they're just like i watched the two and a half episodes of this and i thought it was absolutely fantastic 10 out of 10. it's like all right what do you think you need to like watch an entire show to review it because who is it i went through this uh some critters went through i know what you're talking about yeah some critics your movie starts yeah yeah your movie starts right you uh watch all the movies to the end because you get but i think if you drop a show like i feel like if you're being if you're giving it praise i feel like you can't give it praise and only have watched half yeah yeah that's like that doesn't make any sense if you if you drop a show it's got to be an a normally a negative review where do you all stand on that like is like the whole can you review a movie or a show without having watched if the movie is so bad or boring or uninspired and you're halfway through it i think it's totally valid to be like listen i've got a bunch of other movies to watch yeah this clearly isn't gonna you know it's already been so bad in the first 50 minutes yeah how is it going to turn it all around but here's the question in a reviewing capacity though as a viewer i think of course yeah you don't have to watch everything yeah yeah yeah but if you're gonna definitively be like this movie is bad or this movie is good but you don't watch the whole thing do you think that's valid if your job is a movie review i think it's valid you're watching so many movies yeah i mean i mean it depends on like i think it depends on like a case-by-case basis but like at the end of the day if a piece of media is so bad that a reviewer cannot finish it you know that even if it gets better then statement then so powerful combination uh if if if like if an anime is bad up to a certain point then you like you got to you got to like you got to admit that there is something about this show that a lot of people would not be able to get through because it is bad but in a reviewing capacity see i completely disagree i think not with you but yeah with you i think you disagree with me yeah no that's fine we already did i think if you're going to definitively review something you have to watch the whole thing i think that's the that's the minimum you have to do especially when it's a tv series as well i feel like yeah because it can very quickly change and turn and it's a moment we brought up right and that like you know i cannot i could not authoritatively authoritatively be like clinette is bad all the way through or it's just bad because when i finally sat down and watched and like the last 11 episodes right are quite good but i can't counterpoint then because i go okay sure do you think you need to watch all of one piece in order to be able to review it right like there's some shows where the length is so absurd yeah like it would be completely unrealistic to expect like a reviewer who's their job to get through all of this media yeah so imagine how much you would [ __ ] hate your job if you you're like i have to review one and that's why i stopped reviewing anime well i think with one piece you're not gonna no no one is gonna be like i'm gonna review all of it as a whole yeah if you're reviewing one piece you're going like episode by episode or at least arc by arc yeah because like i feel like you need to watch enough of something to at least get like a like a taste or a feeling about what this show is about and what it can achieve because like to me if i hear someone like judge one piece i like i ask okay how far have you gotten right like if someone drops it in like the first few arcs i'm just like well you didn't even scratch the surface into what one piece can do if they watch until alabaster they still don't like it i'm like okay i understand maybe one piece just isn't for you at that point i think it's all about like what percentage of the overall show you actually consume right because it's like you know if you yeah as you said with the one piece thing if you only watched like up until the alabaster arc you know in retrospect that's a very small percentage of the show that's only a bite size so we still have to be specific though on reviewing capacity yeah yeah yeah just casual viewing of course no one has to watch all of one piece to be like it's not for me yeah yeah yeah yeah if you're just watching like i'm not really into it like yeah that's fair yeah yeah and i often tell people i say kinda like what you said if you watch arlong park and after that still don't give a [ __ ] yeah then i don't think it's gonna work for you yeah yeah yeah exactly exactly um for me it's like okay let's say like you said there's a casual view it doesn't matter if you drop it right yeah but for me as well it's like if the reviewer also feels the same way where he's like i'm cutting out here i'm like okay that's something i can kind of relate to because i wouldn't i wouldn't sit through it and just dredge through it just because yeah i feel like i have to finish it it's gonna depend on the context of what the reviewer is doing right if the reviewer is like if there's someone just asking what do you think about one piece it's like oh i watched up to this point it wasn't for me yeah that's fine but if you're putting out like a video like is one piece good or bad or whatever like such a loaded question as well and also you know bringing in like a long show like one piece yeah then you're gonna have some exceptions yeah yeah yeah yeah that would be something you would expect to be reviewed in chunks yeah right but if it's a 12 episode show then i think or even like a two core like watch the whole thing yeah yeah yeah and a movie in sp in particular it's like yeah i i do agree like with a movie with with a movie you should finish it before you review it i mean you can you can stop you know as a viewer but if you're reviewing it if it's a movie yeah i i do think you should i don't know i i i can only imagine the life of a movie reviewer as hell because you you have to watch most films are mediocre right yeah like think about all the movies that came out last year and and how many of them remember that's true of like every piece of media right truth wasn't like i i would not expect any insane human to sit through all of these movies and then be like yeah this is this is this was really really bad but i just finished it because to me it's like if the first half was super [ __ ] but it got amazing in the second half it would still lose marks or points in your head for having the really [ __ ] first half yeah i i i dropped 86 everyone got really annoyed that i didn't like 86. i just thought it was so boring and i watched nine episodes nine episodes of the show yeah that is so much time well you're not reviewing it you're just viewing it no i know yeah but i mean i i i could say but he gave his opinion on trash taste therefore he's a reviewer i said i said it was just boring and i didn't enjoy it and i was nine episodes i mean listen i watched one episode of no game no life thought it was dog [ __ ] and stop watching so you know i'm with you like i do intend to sit down and watch it at some point and actually watch it but as a casual viewer i was like i don't like this at all but like i think um it's a good show yeah yeah even if with them the movie was [ __ ] boring but the the tv series was pretty good okay yeah i think also some shows are just not for me yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um but yeah i think with the movie i mean i don't know i do board game reviews right yeah i played a lot of [ __ ] games yeah and those take even longer than movies some games some games take like six hours to play and you didn't you're done you're like that was throughout horrible i guess for me if it's like if i'm gonna review something yeah you wanna i have to be like because you know there can be aspects near the end sometimes you watch a movie and you're like the last 30 minutes yeah it got really interesting yeah yeah yeah and vice versa i guess that's why you with reviewers it's kind of like you know you've got to find the reviewer that you kind of have the similar yeah look on movies or media yeah and for me i'm like i like it with my reviewers like this movie was so [ __ ] i had to drop it 50 minutes in even though it's my job to finish this it's that bad that i didn't yeah well yeah when it's that bad but like i think there's a lot of like anime especially where it's like yeah the first half or you know the first couple of episodes is like really [ __ ] a weak start right or and but you know it could have an ending that's like surprisingly good and i i feel with anime there's a lot more where it's vice versa where the start is really really strong and then the ending is just dog [ __ ] like dead man wonderland's like a great example where it's like first couple of episodes of [ __ ] like oh my god this is insane and then it was just dog [ __ ] near the end right but like you wouldn't have known that yeah in the manga as well right but like you wouldn't have known that if you didn't stick through it to the end yeah i mean that's like most seasonal anime nowadays yeah you watched the first three episodes and like damn this [ __ ] slash they put all the effort into the first three yeah yeah exactly right it's just because of the way that they make manga right like you have to have the good initial sales they got to hook you in yeah yeah yeah the first few chapters and then they're like oh [ __ ] we didn't plan this far ahead yeah yeah yeah but like clan ed right i would never be like i would never judge someone to be like that's [ __ ] up they were like clan i was so boring i couldn't make it after story no i totally that i think that is very fair it's unreasonable be like you have to watch 25 episodes before it gets good what stay with stein's you know it's like oh the first 11 episodes are boring as [ __ ] and i'm like yeah i kind of agree with that but like you know the second half is [ __ ] incredible yeah i think bottom line it's like it just really depends on you know for casual viewers doesn't matter yeah reviewers it's gonna your mileage is gonna vary i think so isn't it weird now that saying like you have just like suffer through 25 episodes and that just feels so long but like back in the day i remember i would gladly watch like two seasons of a show like in order before it gets good you know that was just like okay easy easy 50 episodes of one piece until arlong park that's that's yeah i can get these in the [ __ ] day episodes until our long pop yeah yeah okay yeah the the animation is very dramatic of one piece is uh is is awful which is why you're saying the dbz right and like all those shows back then yeah yeah yeah yeah funny going back to a topic we kind of touched on let's talk about obscure anime sure great what do you want to talk about are some obscure anime titles that you really like how are obscure i know joe's going to the same thing it's time to fight right i know joey's going to say mononoke right now i need to see that i think that's i think it's one of the best yeah i would say it's really obscure i've never heard of it yeah right yeah mononoke is i think one of the best horror anime to be ever made yeah hands down like it's it's like genuinely the only show that actually creeped me out yeah and that's very difficult to do because there's a lot of really [ __ ] mediocre horror anime out there sure sure you know would you say like legends of the galactic heroes is obscure because i don't i don't know nowadays it would be because yeah i've i've known like a lot of people prior to the reboot maybe yeah yeah because i know a lot of people who've heard of legends of black heroes but i hardly know anyone who's actually watched it you know all right it's one of those shows where people put it on like they're to watch this as like one of the shows they have to watch and then no one ever watches it like a brotherhood yeah yeah it's on the same level that's that's a pretty obscure show right this one for me have you any of you seen garage mr stain on junk alley i have not was could you say when did that come out and junk alley i think in like 2005 or something jerry normally sometimes knows the japanese yeah whatever the job i think it might be okay google it i'm trying to figure out what your baseline for would you say boccarano is obscure uh i haven't seen book around i know what it is yeah it's one of my favorite shows is that the one we were talking about with the kids yeah yeah yeah this is one of my all-time favorites i would say cause yeah um did you google it it looks bizarre it's like a cg series of shorts is this that let me see mystery and junk alley yeah i've never seen that what is this check it out sometime it's hilarious this looks like a video game you gotta you gotta you gotta show this yeah it looks like a pc game from like the 90s oh i see like the old the og funimation logo on this yeah no funimation put it out they didn't dub it but uh what the [ __ ] yeah yeah how did you find this anime a friend of mine was just like hey let's watch this i was like what the [ __ ] is this and it was great like at first i thought it was just gonna be like stupid yeah and it kind of is but it's so so weird and so entertaining like i thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed it right like it's just the weirdest funniest like that's it's surreal so the problem with a lot of obscure anime is that a lot of them are not that great it's probably it's probably the reason why they're obscure as well like because like it's it's really hard to find like a real diamond in the rough when it comes to anime because now nowadays especially people know about so many people are exploring different ones watches everything yeah that like now whenever an obscure show does kind of pop out from under the ground then people are going to start talking about it i really want to watch more of those you know when you see clips of like they they people just post like 30 minutes like amazing animations from those like 80 yeah yeah yeah you wanna watch more of those yeah it's like yeah because there seems to be so many cool ovas dudes there are so many like 80s and 90s ovas where it's just like i didn't think 120 frames per second anime existed until i saw the 90s i really want to watch some of those but i'm just like where the [ __ ] do i even begin but even those even those like obscure 90s ova's like back then and like the early 2000s they were like like you know like if you talk about like jenna cyber or something right or like violence jack where it's like no one [ __ ] watched those back in the day but now they're like so [ __ ] obscure that people are talking about it again and now they're like more talked about them before so it's like because you know i mean i wouldn't say genocide is a good show necessarily it's violent as [ __ ] that's probably the reason why it's been talked about but like yeah a lot of a lot of problems with the obscure shows is that like most of them in my opinion are like a five out of ten and that's why no one wants to talk about it but also it's just like it's really interesting just to watch that like kind of like ova period where it just seemed it it felt underground you know like where it just felt like anime went through this like edgy teen phase where just like let's make everything as violent as [ __ ] possible yeah i watched it i i went on like i remember going on like a binge of like these like 90s and 80s ovas when i was in my i'm 14 and this is deep era and it was the best but even though even though a lot of the shows were so [ __ ] just like on the grander scale of things it's just like yay blood violence sex woo yeah well like i was i was gonna say like stuff like even like the original devil man was like obscure until he got the the remake oh no one had heard of devil man basically before he got remade huh well i mean it's also extremely old it was like made in the 60s or 70s i think yeah yeah yeah i was gonna ask do any of you are any of you like me and like vlog every anime you've ever watched i i did for a while like my anime list yeah yeah i did for a while until it just i don't know i i stopped doing it it was an achievement after a while i got like yeah yeah kind of like kind of like gamified watching anime for me and then i didn't really like that because sometimes i love gamifying everything in my life i love it the board game guys was like i gamepl enjoy this like why am i finishing this yeah i literally am watching like wasting hours of my life to finish the show just so i could put it on my [ __ ] just so i can talk about it for like two minutes of the video yeah right yeah it wasn't they were just like like ruining my enjoyment to a lot of shows so i stopped doing it and i'm sorry to hear that but that's the exact opposite with me oh really right that's why i watched clonada after school i was like i gotta watch it just uh yeah and honestly i'm you know for me i get it because you know time is limited right yeah yeah yeah i'm just a nerd who just likes doing this and like if i had because there was actually a period where i would drop shows really fast like maybe in like my teen years or whatever like early 20s like i was like ah this is boy i'm gonna stop oh it's three episodes it's boring i'm gonna stop right yeah and then i just i kept dropping stuff over and over and over again i was like okay i'm gonna start like finishing stuff even if i start hating it i'll hate watch it to the end right yeah yeah yeah and like that well we're talking a lot about clematis um i think you know revisiting you're going into it after like you know a 14-year gap or whatever yeah i think the first like eight episodes kind of suck like they're not very good [ __ ] [ __ ] i mean i'm gonna say that that literally put me off clan ad yeah like it's very it's very slow the [ __ ] story is like a starfish girl i just like i'm just like i can tell you're like yeah i'd [ __ ] yeah frequently forgot now i could tell like they were trying to pull my heart strings i'm like no yeah she's awful yeah and then they bring her back and she's just awful but uh yeah but then because i stuck with it and watched it like in the last 10 were like really good i was like yeah i'm glad that i like stuck with it yeah which is kind of tying back to like the whole reviewing thing yeah um going back to like obscure obscure [ __ ] so there was have you seen have you seen tonkatsu dj agataro yeah that one's great that's a great show isn't that obscure though because like do you know what that is i'm gonna search that because like they made a lot of memes of that i remember that show yeah the because that's such a memey show yeah yeah so it's like i remember at one point what is this show it's a guy who works at a tonkatsu restaurant and he's like i wanna make him a dj and he starts applying the skills that he learned through making tonkatsu into djing it's one of the weirdest shows oh i have seen this one i have not finished it but i have i have watched it yeah okay okay that's that's really weird this is like i i noticed like you find a lot of obscure shows i guess through like the early 2000s era yeah where i because like i i think after around like i think it's around 2016 2017 everyone just started watching everything yeah but there's this like magical golden period which is between like it's between the 90s end of the 90s ova era yeah like the golden age of the mid-2000s yeah early 2000s there's just so many [ __ ] shows where it's just like what the [ __ ] yeah yeah because there was like a lot of anime being produced back then compared to like you know say like the 90s and everything like that but because of how the internet was we just didn't have access to every show like we did now so if like fan subbers just didn't choose to sub it then you just wouldn't hear about it at all yeah and i guess like a lot of the shows you're saying now just come just comes from that like comes from that lost era god it feels weird to call it a lost era of the century early 2000's oh my god see i'm just looking at my is is this is this your hobby just like to just like find your anime to like talk about talking about it you know yeah i mean connor can attest like when we met at um the anime awards it was like you me uh like miles and like a couple of people just like you're just in the lobby just talking about anime just like have you seen this or do you know this i fell out my depth pretty fast yeah yeah i know that one yeah i know that one then they said to my shoes i'm like okay another one and i okay what the [ __ ] that was just like crazy though yeah i mean yeah everyone had like different levels of anime knowledge but yeah yeah yeah everyone was there said something sort of to do with anime yeah yeah yeah so it's really interesting it's like going down like the anime iceberg you know it's yeah it's like where where are you on the iceberg yeah my my main memory of that which is you just playing love life in the corner while everyone was just like awkwardly sitting there but all you could hear and this guy is just like and everyone's like yeah i don't give a [ __ ] i respected that oh my god yeah what award did you present at the anime awards i can't remember me yeah i don't remember did you just turn up you're like yeah do you remember yours on yours i remember i think i did best comedy i think i did best girl oh yeah you did you did how how was the anime awards because i was sad i didn't get i didn't get to go to that one was really fun right i mean john yeah we went to mcdonald's yeah you got to see like the crunch rolls donald's yeah we went to the country office yeah yeah very fancy uh i remember yeah we went to the really sketchy mcdonald's in san francisco that's right yeah uh because it was after the after the party and so we were [ __ ] hungry yeah we were it was like 11 p.m we were really hungry and then we're losing yuan's british slang yeah that's right we're going through like differences and stuff yeah and we went to this mcdonald's that was really really sketchy yeah yeah like no windows it was like really dimly lit it was really [ __ ] weird yeah yeah yeah everyone who came in was a character from gta or like a gta character yeah just downtown l.a yeah san francisco is scarier than l.a i think sometimes really yeah well i cause like i hear stories from like some of the [ __ ] melin says and i'm like there's there's no way this is a thing is la scara or san francisco they're both the same i don't think either is particularly scary maybe he's a farm person maybe yeah i think both are pretty scary yeah okay yeah to me la is like it's intense yeah yeah i get it now when melin says like you need to be alert like constantly because like in japan you just like [ __ ] zonk out okay when you're in [ __ ] japan then you know like yeah yeah you're fine like yeah yeah i mean have any of you been to like i don't know like baltimore or detroit or okay are you you're from michigan right from michigan yeah so like like i've been to detroit and you know uh uh my wife grew up in maryland so i've been to like outside the inner harbor baltimore like right those are areas that i'm like this can be a little what is it like what's the experience like over there uh there's definitely areas where like we shouldn't walk through here because i think about that about l.a i just think it's interesting yeah yeah yeah because i think you should i i would not feel safe downtown l.a especially is disgusting but yeah yeah right in general yeah yeah safety is uh relative right safety safety is relative where you come from so earlier you were talking about you know completing anime completing shows just yeah yeah just just so you can put it on like your list or whatever yeah so would you like have you ever like watched anime or shows at like 1.5 speed or two time speed absolutely not that's good okay good yeah i've actually done it for like a lot of shows most mostly mostly so because it is my job right so i have to let this belief because i do it and it's better you drop the episode or you watch it in 1.5 there are some okay there are some shows there are some shows where you're just like i i i kind of like i know what kind of show this is going to be but i need to consume it in order to like review it right and this is the monster we created to draw things let people drop things and so instead of watching it at normal speed i'm just like just to make sure i'm going to watch this show at one point five or two speed just to make sure that it's actually the show that i think it's going to be and 99 percent you have no idea how quickly i can read subtitles now because of this right like i literally like it's osmosis right now whenever i watch subtitles it's what why did i agree to be on this someone's watching this at one point oh god have you watched any like any youtube videos at 1.5 speed are you just like yeah i'm i'm a firm believer that you shouldn't watch videos in the 1.5 speed like i can't i physically can't there are occasionally some youtubers you can you're just not trying hard enough there are some youtubers when you put them to 1.5 they sound like they're talking at a normal speed which is that's when i need it yeah because i'm like please i need you to oh actually no there there is one youtuber that is a friend of ours that i watch at 1.5 speed uh sorry john a super eyebrow but you know but you just talk so slow dude but like john john's someone who i ca like i you need to watch at normal speed because like his his pace like it it brings like the immersion and the mood he's trying to set yeah like videos i'm just like i really want to watch it but i just don't have the time right now so i'll just i'll just like i'll do 1.25 you know just like a little bit faster so i could just get it through it a little bit faster i'm the type of person where if i'm what listening like someone let's say someone's put like puts up like a song from a movie or something yeah yeah and it's even so slightly because sometimes it's pitched wrong because it's like either for copyright or something like just it's like one half note because of the speed yeah i'm like i can't watch this it distracts me so much yeah this is not right this isn't right yeah yeah 1.5 or two times no i've never seen a person look more disgusting please never even say that to me what are you you're going to say something next to piss me off what's next yeah i mean like are you the type of guy where you watch something and you need to like i kind of like how can i say this you can't can you watch something casually like in the background or do you need to be like sitting down paying attention making sure that you are in like the mood and the zone into i have to be watching full attention because i'm the same yeah because i have a lot of friends in the animation industry right and they're like i watch this show while doing you know drawing or doing work and i'm like yeah so you didn't watch it then i'm not saying you didn't really watch it yeah you heard a podcast version of it yeah like i i get like doing that with like music for example exactly because it's like you know it's there's nothing visual you you're only just using your stereos but like you know or like with music videos for example right but it's like with something like a movie or a tv series especially when it's anime where it's like you know subbed for instance yeah you have to watch it fully because it's a visual show like it's it's yeah exactly again you're just watching the podcast version of it yeah like a podcast i can listen to while i'm doing something that's all it's for right yeah but yeah if you say you watch the show and you were doing something else the entire time yeah i'm like okay so you you didn't really so you didn't watch it yeah but now i'm like would i rather someone watch a show half paying attention or through double speed i don't know what's worse we found the bigger evil god i don't know so in double speed yeah [Music] you're watching it entirely though no you're you're not no no okay okay i am watching inside you're also doing something no no no no no no no no no i i can't do that i can't do that i can't do that like if the reason i put it on 1.5 or two times speed is because i cannot watch something casually like i would love to be able to you know watch anime and be able to like write about it um stuff my job and also be able to like do something else especially if it's like a [ __ ] show but like i'm the type of guy who who needs to pay attention and i need to be watching it but sometimes there are just there's like a lot of [ __ ] out there man there's a lot of mediocrity out there sometimes i just want to get through get through like the mediocre shows so i can movies like no no you can't drop them like what double standards no no it's it's it's it's it's because talking about anime is my job right it's because like i i need to i need to watch it in order to have like the informed opinion that i want to and you know sometimes there is a certain show that gets better i'm just surprised you can consume it at two-time speed why because it's like [Music] so many reasons okay i gotta ask are you a big video game guy do you play a lot of video games uh not as much as i used to but i do so what's the opinion on uh skipping cutscenes on the on your first play uh yeah absolutely not i skipped like all cutscenes i'm also a voice sector so you're just like bullring boring i don't wanna just skip to the gameplay yeah that's exactly what he did you don't know what's going on just like shoot shoot jump jump jump a lot of the time yeah we're gonna have our first guest we're gonna have a first guest walk off we're gonna make history today which one's worse give me the cutscenes at least he's watching yeah i love the thanos stream of like when you get to the end boss and then like you took everything from me i don't even know who you are that's literally him playing every single video what are some of your favorite video games let's let's let's move to the topic of doing something cutscenes so something a little lighter right let me guess are you a kingdom hearts fan oh no really well you're a disney fan though uh yeah but i like good games i mean i played uh one one is bad i played chain memories i played two i played 3.4 358 over two days unfortunately that one's terrible that one sucks here i haven't played anything past that yeah i think they're like i like i actually like chain of memories really yeah that's the one that's weird but it has like kind of deck building in it so i i like that right right um but uh and i wouldn't call myself a kingdom hearts fan though right i didn't play past a certain point um what are some games that you do like them uh i love paper mario mario yeah yeah i love bioshock uh okay final fantasy nine uh is my favorite uh i like seven a lot too um i mean i grew up with a lot of nintendo stuff so yeah mario i love i do love good jrpgs like you know i loved like persona 5 dragon quest 11 hell you've been trying to get him to play personally i've i've been scared i've been scared talking in it he's just gonna do like a [ __ ] speech every time i skip cuts i was like aren't you a voice actor why are you skipping the cutscene because i'm like hey i just because i do it doesn't mean i want to watch the cutscene because a game for me is just i just want to play i don't wanna i don't wanna story nonsense connor what if everyone in the you voice in the game is everyone skipped all your dialogues i wouldn't mind they have the right they have the right to do it they don't have the right they have the right it's only the second time only the second only when i stream games i try not to do it but sometimes i have like reflex to do it and then i'm so sorry chad i didn't mean to do that he's not sorry he's not sorry yeah yeah no i uh i have a let's play channel and we're doing uh paper mario and my co-host my good friend jay was like skipping through the dialogue and i was like you gotta [ __ ] stop you got it and we do it like months in advance and so like when they came out all the comments were like stop skipping through the dialogue and i was like i was right yeah especially paper mario because the dial looks so chunky i know it's so charming right uh i'm like i'm gonna kill you i'm absolutely gonna be we should never do a let's play no no absolutely not oh unless like connect full yeah yeah exactly or pac-man yeah do you find that if you're voicing something does that enhance in the experience for you or does that like mean that you can't watch it or you can't play it anymore like um it doesn't really have any effect effect for me like i actually have not played any of the games i'm in oh really yeah is that is that out of pure coincidence or coincidence okay uh i think the one that just got announced today fire emblem warriors three hopes that one i probably will play because i actually uh like you like i love three houses that i'm gonna play and i love musso games yeah um you should ask about his fireball experience i played three houses yeah he completed it one route well he completed one route and then he and then he dropped it did you watch the cutscenes i was confused a lot of the time you know would like because there's a whole i'll spoil it for three houses i'll give you like three seconds yeah so you know how there's like a big betrayal yeah i was like really confused at like one point because i was like wait why am i fighting home because i skipped the cutscenes i just like the strategy elements of the the gameplay i thought that was fun so for you they're like i just like these nondescript anime chess pieces to move around yep i don't know what any of them why why they're here or what they're doing but they they go slash slash i like it i felt like i learned the character through the combat styles you know like because a lot of them their combat styles reflect their character i think um uh but there was also like the part when i went to school and i was so [ __ ] bored oh you would have hate persona 5 yeah it was like it was like i do this amazing gameplay section where i was like damn that was damn this guy said these things throwing hands dude and then i go back to this school i gotta talk to people for like 40 minutes and fish that's literally just like that you just described it that's so [ __ ] boring why are you making me do this let me let me just play the gameplay you are playing the game talking to the characters playing the game yeah the game that's part of the game do you like characters or or plots i do i do for me it's like i i love stories in movies in video games i just want that pure gameplay that's all i want from games he has goopy goblin gamer brain i yeah so that's why the majority games i play uh like competitive games if i wasn't streaming i wouldn't do any of these like i would never played inscription but i'm so glad i did inscription was so fun what's inscription oh my god is this amazing uh indie game by uh uh who's it called the guys made a bunch of other amazing games yeah i don't remember the names really talented game dev uh and it's it's how would you describe the description i actually uh didn't finish it because uh but from it's basically like an escape room combined with like a deck building game like you're in like a creepiest like cabin and you're locked in and then like you're trying to advance through this game of like cards like right and um like you slowly start unlocking things yeah yeah yeah the gameplay and that the visual style completely changes three times wow see i don't actually don't know that part no that's okay yeah yeah it's really cool is it does it have a story oh yeah and uh i mean i i had to read the story and i had to pay attention because i was oh horrible i was streaming and i can't skip the realize everyone gets pissed off rightfully exactly yeah i enjoyed that story though but i think it's that's good if i give it a shot i'll do it but if i was playing it alone i wouldn't do it and i'd have that i'd have it so you have to force yourself to play story based games on stream otherwise you are going to skip the story yeah most definitely yeah remember remember when we were trying to get him to play 13 sentinels oh that sounds like a nightmare that would be a nightmare oh no i remember we we said yeah connor you should play 13 sentinels i think on the podcast he said yeah oh can i just skip the cutscenes and i'm like that game is all cut attorney uh i have never been interested nice attorney i know why no the style never appealed to it's a good game yeah yeah i liked um or like duncan rolfe but you skipped all the cutscenes yeah so for you it was just like a [ __ ] it was like a brain age game it was like you're like who's that guy what's his deal i don't know i don't know it's it's weird because it doesn't take away any of my enjoyment of games yeah like i still well i'm happy for you i liked three houses i had a fun time i just wish i could skip a lot of more stuff easier you know [Music] i liked it though i love the the cool like gameplay i'm just gonna find out oh yeah also i i only smell food i don't actually what i do when yeah i mean uh what are some other games that uh i've played that i enjoyed that i skipped all the cartoons did you what about metal gear revengeance because i feel like okay that was like you couldn't like it wouldn't even like even if i wanted to i couldn't press the skip button it was so enthralling like all those cut scenes were just like orgasmic that was a good game but it was like a five-hour game it was ten hours yeah but also i mean that was so funny that was a movie that was a movie with quick time events yeah yeah yeah so i mean i mean that's like a lot of kojima that's most kojima games no i have not however you know that cutscenes are also like little movies in a game a movie with occasional button pressing it's like if it's like if your dvd kept freezing well like like to me like to me when i get to the gut like the cut scene and everything like that like i feel like it's the feeling you get when you get to the cutscene or the story portions in the video game is like different from watching a movie because like i feel like i earned it you know you know like i i feel like progressing through a video game story is so much more satisfying than progressing through a movie story right because like you watch a movie and you're just there to enjoy the story with a video game if it's like there's immersion yeah there's the merger you really feel like damn i [ __ ] earned this story man it feels good for me it's like i don't know what it's going on with my my brain but if it's just like a normal game where it's like oh if i can like one attempt everything then i don't feel like i've earned it i'm like yeah i just did it first time easy because because to me to me like there are some games that i i i have a hard time finishing games right because i get through like the gameplay loop i enjoy that and then it's like you get to like that 60 to 70 percent and it kind of i feel that yeah yeah yeah and then it kind of just becomes the same all over again except you have 30 percent of the game left to play right if there is not a story i am not finishing that game or if i'm not investing in that story there is no way i'm like i get that i get that yeah and you find that with especially a lot of jrpgs where like because jrpgs are so long you get to kind of near end game and then that's when that's when it you hit like a wall it's also it's also that thing with jrpgs where it's like you get to that like sixty seventy percent part and then you're like oh you know you get busy or whatever right like yeah yeah and then you don't play it and then you come back and you're like what was happening again yeah all right you know what i'll just start from the beginning one of the only jrpgs i've ever played uh these guys know but i've never played uh like blue dragon oh uh a little bit but i never got far that was i watched it i've never even played that what made you watch all the cutscenes in that and not literally every other game you've ever so you know when you're at that age where you can only have like three games yeah a year and then you're like well gotta get my mileage out so you like milked it you're like all right i'll watch these cut scenes because i need more hours to fill it so that i don't have to go beg my mum for another game yeah it's like you know when you hit a game stop and you would get like i don't know if they did they're using game stuff in the uk they did this we can get like three games for like 20 bucks if they were pre-owned oh yeah so i would pick up like any game that looked remotely cool and it was normally the ones that were like anime looking turned out those are the games that i actually liked least yeah there's so much characters here it's so long game writers crying right game writers animators voice actors all crying yeah yeah yeah well he is a voice actor i don't feel if for someone to skip it i'm like would you would you skip a game dialogue if you were in it or would you just skip to your dialogue maybe i'd listen to it the first time if you're like cool i remember doing this skip skip okay um to go back you asked before about stuff that i'm in yeah um so games i haven't played anything but shows i've actually watched okay that i'm in and that doesn't bother me in fact uh i wouldn't say like enhances it but oftentimes i'm like oh like this is the whole like because um uh context context exactly like for like like i i play kage in racking ranking of kings right and i only did the kage parts right and so when i went in you know sometimes have you guys seen the rankings yeah i've seen i haven't watched it yet okay i've seen a couple of episodes yeah there'll be part you've seen the whole thing yeah there'll be parts where like a character comes back and they'll like they don't have an eye anymore right and you're like i'm like what the hell happened because it happened like it's somewhere on some other that's the sea dog va experience so uh when i finally sat down to i watched ranking kings like last month right uh and i actually was like should i watch this sub your dub knows i was thinking about it because i usually watch stuff subbed yeah i was like uh i'll watch it dub because you know let's see how it all fit in yeah yeah yeah it was actually a really good dub like all like uh bias aside like everyone had a really good job but it was enjoyable to be like oh like this is the whole picture now like right like i recognize all the scenes that i'm in but now i'm seeing like what all the other characters were doing and right okay like memento kinda yeah i mean it's funny like in when i was recording ranking of kings i chose to not watch as it was airing right some of the actors did some of the actors were like i want to like watch japanese yeah i was like i'm not going to do it because i don't want to know what they sound like my character doesn't know oh okay okay if a character runs in and i'm like i don't know what happened i have not seen what happened to this character yeah yeah yeah i can like you know react a little more naturally too right right that's right um so something like that or like um like retsuko was like another one where i watched it and got to see the full the full because there's a whole storyline in yeah even if you've watched gretzko yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah thank you yeah season three there's a whole height of storyline i have no part in dubbing so like i was like oh that's what's going on with the height of stuff right right i was only in the agretzko side do you find with villain voices i like watching it because i feel like i don't if you're watching if you're dubbing it or working with these characters you're getting the script you don't know the character's full intention so i like as when you're a villain you get to watch all of it or read all of it you're like okay this is what i'm working towards this is what my goal was so when i go in the start i know what kind of energy i'm going with and what i'm what i'm really going towards but i guess yeah when you're like kind of just a cog in the machine or a protagonist and it's all happening reaction yeah that would help yeah how do you get like the context of each scene then if a director will explain it oh okay so like the director will explain stuff like okay so this is what happened this and this and this but you still like there's still tons of stuff you don't like you just trust me you trust that they know and like you you sort of have to be in the in the moment of the character basically yeah yeah yeah um do you ever have a take when you're just like that's not the take but they take it they use it anyway um no i usually because i'm just [ __ ] bangers i only need one baby because usually i know when it's like not the one right like uh i often find for me it's not the right take if it's just like a more of a technical thing like enunciation or like a stumble yeah yeah than than an acting choice yeah like usually i agree with whatever they choose yeah um but sometimes it is interesting like in um especially when you're doing video games and you're doing like hundreds of lines right and you know uh it'll just be like you do like it like an abc take where it's like three different takes yeah and then they just go okay uh b and it's like i don't know which one b was out of the three takes i did so when you watch the final thing you're like oh these are the takes that they chose like interesting that can be kind of that that's also the fun part of like watching something that you're in i'm like oh like these are the ones they chose in the end and you know that kind of thing yeah so when i was dubbing this one anime one time uh the preview they've been given i think from japan was so low res but i couldn't even see the lip flaps oh [ __ ] okay i was like i'm like i'm like i actually asked him like did i match it i i don't know did it ever happened to you or uh where it was so low-res yeah yeah on the monitor where they gave it to you it was like 100p and then the character was off in the side talking i'm like how am i supposed to time it help me out um i haven't had that problem here's a little dirty secret of buying uh i don't look at the flaps yeah i realized after doing it a few times i just stopped looking yeah because usually the scripts are so well written to match that uh you don't actually need to like usually if i listen to the japanese yeah uh watch the scene once and kind of play the line in my head i know the rough timing or even just knowing oh this one it's kind of a slow slower delivery yeah i can just go naturally and 95 or 90 of the time it just fits right because they've written it so succinctly yeah already that it naturally fits the engineers are also wizards the engineers are amazing it'll be like not fitting they'll be like oh i think we make it fit just uh oh it's perfect it literally fits and it sounds perfect exactly [ __ ] it's like these these dudes are insane yeah they're invaluable yeah yeah so i heard like an audio engineer is like your best friend oh yeah oh yeah i swear like most of the lines i did was like a little bit off and then like oh yeah when i did my first anime i was so like oh i gotta make sure like i can match it perfectly like i was so like intimidated by it yeah yeah uh and then i realized oh no they'll just tell you like if it's yeah and you just do it again they're not gonna be like pissed off at you yeah they're what the [ __ ] is wrong with you like oftentimes it's like oh the script is just oh we gotta change this word or like you know like things like that like stuff that's out of your control anyway right right right yeah well thank you very much for coming on the show or should i say sorry for coming on the show yeah uh i i i you made enemies today i definitely definitely learned some new things about you guys can i take any of it back but board games don't have cutscenes right so that's the equivalent of you skipping cutscenes would be like i'm reading the instructions and you go what definitely i'll just i'll just learn as i go you actually just called me out i like to play the game and i'm like oh okay that makes sense wait you don't listen to instructions when you i i listen but then i'm like it's normally a lot of information and the way for me to process it is to do like a round i'm like this is okay what he's saying is he hears her but he doesn't actually take it yeah i'm actually the same in that way i feel like i learned better by experiencing something rather than someone like that that makes sense because you know even hearing a bunch a load of text is not gonna make sense but once you're doing stuff yeah yeah yeah really basic concept sometimes you're like what and then you just see it and you're like oh yeah yeah very very simple [ __ ] idiot yeah yeah yeah but hey look at all these patrons though oh my god wow look at all these people support the show i saw them right there yeah actually i skipped them sorry i i only i only look at patreon credits with their double spa but hey if you want to support the show then go to our patreon also follow us on twitter send us some memes on the subreddit and if you hate our face listen to us on spotify and uh hey i mean we don't have to tell you go go check out someone's stuff is there something you want to shout out anything uh i mean yeah youtube twitter i guess tic tac now just like pro zd he's not bands p-r-o-z-d just google that you'll find everything on there yeah yeah yeah links in the description check it out yeah thank you so much for coming on and i'm sorry we're all sorry at least joey didn't piss you off yeah anyway we'll see you guys next week [Music] you
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 1,816,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: sSLrYZkoArQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 18sec (7278 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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