Jamie Oliver ALMOST Made Ramen...

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- Jamie Oliver, A.K.A Mr. Chili Jam is back. And this time, he making Ramen. - [Jamie] We are gonna make the mighty Ramen. - Uncle Roger have bad feeling about this? The two biggest thing, Asian people fear right now is COVID hate crime and Jamie Oliver making Asian food. Will he make our ancestor cry again? Let's see. Let's see. (end of joyful music) Niece and nephew. Speaking of COVID hate crime nephew Nigel got punch in face a few month ago but he found way to make his hate crime story Super funny on his podcast. Go check it out. Link in description. It is Uncle Roger Favorite podcast of all time. Uncle Roger I reviewed Jamie Oliver two time now. Still haven't heard back from him. I think Jamie Oliver don't like me. Haiyaa, it just comedy video Jamie, you can roast Uncle Roger back. If you want come, come leave comment to roast me. Uncle Roger, pin it and heart it for you. Even Uncle Gordon left comment on my video It's your turn now. Let's see how Jamie do on Ramen. Is it gonna be haiyaa? Or is it going to be yeyaah! - Yeyaah! (upbeat vibrant music) - [Jamie] We are gonna make the Mighty Ramen. It's one of Japan's most treasured dishes slow-cooked and packed with flavor. We're talking about the most beaut... (tapping sound) - Check shirt again. I think because Jamie restaurant all close down and now he has so many extra table cloth he can wear a shirt. (DJ airhorn sound effect plays) Jamie never cook anywhere normal. Last time he cooked in shed. Now he cooked outside trailer. Haiyaa, is he going through divorce or something? Did your wife take your house? With every video His location getting worse and worse. I think next video, Jamie gonna be cooking in prison. - And it all starts here with some humble bones the broth in a pan fry off a handful of pork bones, eight chicken wings, - Okay pork bone, correct. - [Jamie] Thumb size pieces of ginger and five clo... - Chicken wing, okay also. (taps) - A bit weird that he adding aromatic in the beginning. Usually when you start making broth you just use bone to start. - You can have any meat in your finished broth. I've chosen to go with pork belly. - Ooh, pork belly, pork belly good. In Japanese. It called Chashu. Good topping. So Jamie going to make ramen with Chashu topping. Hmm, not bad, not bad. - Think about garnishes. Remember Ramen is the ultimate broth with the ultimate pimpage and garnishes, right? - He correct. - Crunchy bits of bashed up cracklings and we love cracklings. - Pork crackling, not common, but he right, toppings all subjective. - [Jamie] Roasted it at the same time. As these bones. Pop in the oven for 45 minutes at 200 degrees celsius - Usually when you make broth, you don't need to roast the meat first. Why the extra step? haiyaa, too much time on your hand is it? - [Jamie] And just let it do its thing. Hot pan coming through. - Wait. So inside his truck, that is fire. Jamie, that's not safe, that's not safe. Your trailer made of wood. This is fire hazard. Jamie please don't die because if you die Uncle Roger need to find new person to be my mortal enemy. haiyaa, Please don't die. #KeepJamiealive. - So we have nice piece of crackling. Look at that, to go with our lovely Ramen. So that goes to one side. - He destroyed a whole baking pan to make one crackling Haiyaa. You wasting money Jamie. (keyboard typing sound) Oh, look like Jamie Oliver have his own line of baking tray. That's why he want his viewer to destroy it. He can sell more, make more money. Uncle Roger, respect your hustle, Jamie. - [Jamie] Have a look in here, listen to it. - If you listen to your food, you know, you need more friends. - Now let's get that on a hob. Add one tablespoon of miso paste a and top it off with three liters of water then add the pork belly that you remove the skin from. I'm just going to simmer this for hours and hours and hours. And that's gonna bring out all the flavor it's gonna to give gorgeous color. Now leave to simmer for four hours. (taps) - No, no, no. Uncle Roger don't like this technique. You use miso paste to make flavoring for the broth or what Japanese people call Tare. You don't just throw Miso into broth . You have to make Miso Tare separately. This is same mistake as Nigella Lawson. You throw Miso in water that not making miso Ramen. That's just making miso soup, haiyaah. - [Jamie] Add one tablespoon of miso paste with three liters of water. - Also, one tablespoon of miso in three liters of water. That's too little miso, you can't taste shit. Instead of spending money on your own baking tray why you're trying to save money on miso. Haiyaah. - [Jamie] Now leave to simmer for four hours. You can't rush this. It's going to be an incredible flavor pack base for the rest of the Ramen. - I think for 4 hours, just about bare minimum to make good Ramen broth. Uncle Roger, think you should go longer. And why you cooking in the ground now? This really is cooking tutorial for divorced people. Uncle Roger can relate. When ex-wife Auntie Helen left Uncle Roger. She took everything also my children, my house, my stove and Uncle Roger have to cook shit in the ground also. Jamie, I feel your pain (explosion sound effect) - Over here. I'm actually going to cook some lovely soy marinated eggs. Adding color and flavor to the Ramen. This is eggs... - Okay, egg, it's good topping. - [Jamie] stop by soft bailing six large eggs for 4 to 5 minutes - Four to five minutes? Soft boil usually 6 to 7 minutes I don't think the egg going to be done cooking. - [Jamie] Drain and set to one side to cool, while you make your marinade I'm gonna put in 200 mils of low salt soy sauce. I'm going to put... (tapping) - Haiyaa, low salt Soy Sauce for what? For what? Your body can't handle salt. Haiyaa, why so weak? So weak. - A lovely fragrant spice, star anise. - Star anise a bit weird ingredient. - [Jamie] Condiment, I got some garlic... - You mean okay. - [Jamie] And then I've got some ginger. - Okay. - That was okay. Boiling it could take away sharpness of soy sauce. - [Jamie] Then put it all into a ziplock plastic bag. - Okay. - Absolutely gorgeous, just wind it up. (taps) - This ziplock bag technique good. The marinade not bad. One point to Jamie. - This put it in the fridge. The longer you keep it in it, the stronger the marinade and flavor. I'm mixing traditional Japanese accompaniments like seaweed with some new twists like fiery kimchi, a fermented... - Kimchi, a bit weird, it's Korean, not Japanese. - We've got steamed greens steam it and with the spinach just wring it out super tight until you've got a dense ball of goodness. (taps) - Who want dense ball of spinach? Vegetable tastes like sad. Who wants to eat dense ball of sad. Dense ball of sad is what Uncle Roger call my testicle. - [Jamie] Finally, the all-important garnishes I've got the crumble pork crackling toasted Sesame seeds sliced chillis, spring, onions, and lime. - Lime, a bit weird - [Jamie] Simmering the pork and broth you're ready to assemble your Ramen. So let's just get that pork out. Look at that. Just falling off the bone. Let's plate it up. - Wait, what? You gonna serve the Chashu like this? Haiyaa, no, no season it, put some soy sauce brace it with some kind of sauce do something to the Chashu. Don't just serve it. Like naked like this. Chashu is Uncle Roger favorite ramen topping. Supposed to look brown, beautiful and sexy. Good Chashu should have seen color as Ariana Grande now. Not Ariana Grande 10 years ago. What the hell is this pasty as Chashu? No flavor, no color. This Chashu so white. It looked like it about to start a podcast. Hypocritical. (beeps) - [Jamie] Look at that. Just falling off the bone. Let's plate it up. Let's go in. - Wait what? (distorted sound plays) - What? That not even Ramen. That's soba noodle, It's completely different type of noodle. Haiyaa, Uncle Roger have to put my leg down from chair. This is emergency. ♪ This is an emergency ♪ - [Jamie] Fresh beansprouts and some cooked soba noodles. - Cooked soba noodles (distorted sound effect) Did he really say he gonna make Ramen with soba (epic sound effect) - What? Uncle Roger cannot compute. Jamie, you were doing okay so far, but how you fuck up so bad. Soba and Ramen two completely different thing that like saying you want to make spaghetti but with egg noodle or you want to make Malaysian Sambal but with chili jam. Soba for ramen. What the? This Jamie Oliver, will he ever get anything right? He has soba that means he already go to Japanese grocery store. So why not get Ramen? You already at the store get Ramen. You say you want to make Raaa-men! (deeply sighs) - With our noodles here. Let's get a nice slice of that gorgeous pork on top - Everything's wrong. Nothing you do can save you now. The pork so bland, the kimchi, why kimchi? - [Jamie] Now for the traditional soy marinade today. And look there guys. A lovely, soft boiled egg. Really, really... (taps) - You can tell he didn't marinated egg long enough because its brown on outside white on inside just like auntie Hersha. Niece and nephew, this is new insult for whitewashed Indian people. Don't call them coconut anymore. Call them Jamie Oliver's egg. - Nice, chili and stuff going on. The lovely pork cracklings. Common sense tells you that it's going to taste absolutely gorgeous. It all comes together with that flavor pat broth Have a little try, gorgeous. - At least he using chopstick not like Nigella Lawson with her spork. (taps) - Absolutely delicious Ramen, good for the soul. - Wait what? But now he using spoon. Why you give up using... (sniffs) just when Uncle Roger thought this video was over. (taps) - Good for the taste buds and very good for you. - Haiyaa. Jamie, you almost make ramen. You're so close. All your steps sought off passable until the soba. (deeply sighs) You fucked up. Jamie, please don't die. I don't think Uncle Roger can find another Mr. Chili Jam. (giggles) (beeps) Also one tablespoon of miso paste in 3 liters of water. You can't taste shit. (laughs) (beeps) Even Uncle Gordon leave comment on my video. Jamie, leave comment. Come, don't be shy. (laughs) (beeps) This really is cooking tutorial, tutorial (laughs) couldn't say. Cooking tutorial (giggles) (beeps) Dense ball of sad is what uncle Roger call Auntie Helen tit (laughs) bloopers? Too dirty. No more sorry, children, because people are sick of it. (beeps) Credit where credit is due, Jamie Oliver's set always so pretty. Even this trailer looked like it make of hot hardwood floor. That why Uncle Roger don't trust it. The best food Uncle Roger have in Asia. You go in the restaurant. Oh, look like shit, that how you know customer go for food and not for the ambiance.
Channel: mrnigelng
Views: 2,414,595
Rating: 4.9508395 out of 5
Keywords: nigel ng, uncle roger, nigel ng comedy
Id: LHRw3sDQH1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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