James Charles & "accountability"

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today unfortunately we are going to be discussing sister cellmate james charles and his recent apology now this video isn't going to work as a kind of summary of every single minor he's messaged inappropriately or else we'd be here for a very long time but james charles has admitted on twitter and now via video that he has inappropriately messaged people who were under the age of consent i don't really know what to say besides what i'm going to react to in a second but it truly will never seem real to me that we are in a day and age i'm laughing so i don't scream where people kind of make apologies for being predators like that's something you can just apologize for like oh sorry i didn't mean to consistently multiple times over and over make the same exact mistake that's never going to sink in for me truly i feel like an insane person when i need to explain these things to people but let's just get into the video hello everyone james charles here and today i'm gonna be making a very important video about a very important topic as many of you guys know about two years ago now i was involved with a very public online scandal in which some fellow youtubers made some very serious accusations against me and within the past couple of weeks similar accusations are being made again and i think it's very important that i get on camera and talk to you guys honestly about what is going on uh when this first happened two years ago i uploaded a video to my channel called no more lies and that video was a very planned video it focused on receipts and screenshots and defending myself in the situation but i want you guys to know that this video that i'm going to be making today is going to be nothing like no more lies uh this is not exactly planned i don't have a script i will let you guys know that i do have just some notes in front of me of points that i want to make because this is a very very serious topic uh but today's video is going to be from the heart and i'm gonna focus on what happened uh the conclusions that i've come to and most importantly holding myself accountable for my own actions first and foremost i need to say sorry um i owe a massive apology to anybody that i've hurt or anybody that i've made uncomfortable with my actions and i also want to say i'm sorry to my friends family and fans that have to watch another one of these videos because you shouldn't have to and this is really really embarrassing uh when this all started online a few weeks ago it sparked a large conversation and many people have shared their thoughts and opinions and i want to take some time to address literally everything in today's video but before doing that i want to make it really really clear that i fully understand my actions and how they are wrong uh there's no excuse for them and i don't plan on making any in this video either and i hope that you will choose to watch it all the way through um i also just want to make a quick note as well that i'm filming this on the night of march 31st it is currently 12 54 in the morning i'm alone here in the studio and i know that when i upload this tomorrow it is going to be april fool's day which is awful timing because this video and this topic is not a joke in any way shape or form uh and i don't want anybody to think that it is but i also don't want to wait any longer to speak about this i want you guys to know that this is very very important to me and i'm taking this very very seriously is it just me or did your brain peace out during that because that felt very drawn out it could have all been said within what 15 seconds yes this is a very important topic to me i want you guys to take it seriously sorry it's uploaded on april fool's end also i will make the no because a lot of people in the comments were saying how like he's whispering and you have to turn your volume all the way up to hear him how do i say this in a way that's not mean i don't think he's that smart to really pull the manipulation tactic of being super soft spoken so that any issue you're talking about sounds a lot less serious because you're talking in this way that sounds comforting and nice and whatever but realistically i don't know if he was whispering because it was the middle of the night so far this to me sounds like a bunch of buzzwords and just like crap to take up time because we all know that if an apology video is too short then people will critique you for that because you're not taking it seriously enough so how do you stretch it out use a bunch of words repeat yourself over and over and not make really any points like i said sister saw me the last thing that i want to say before i just get into it is that i think it's important that i provide a trigger warning for this video uh there's going to be topics and things talked about that are very very sensitive to some people and i don't want anybody to have to listen to those if they don't want to so i'm just letting you know right now but with all that said i think it's time that we talk in case anybody isn't aware of what's going on within the past couple of weeks two different people both under the age of 18 have recently come forward saying that they had inappropriate messages with me on social media uh one of them being from last year and one of them being from more recent in both of these cases i added these people on snapchat asked how old they were right away was told that they were 18 believe them engaged in authority conversation and then later on found that they were actually 16. upon finding out i was immediately embarrassed and blocked both people later on when i saw them making videos about it and those videos going viral my immediate reaction completely honestly was to be really really upset i wanted to get on camera and film another no more live video where i gather all my receipts and all my screenshots and try to tell my side of the story and then just move on from the situation and now looking back that was so stupid because as i did more research on these topics and self-reflected i realized that the receipts and the screenshots and the sys and the specific details of the interaction really don't matter because i [ __ ] up and i needed to take accountability for my actions and most importantly apologize to the people that were affected by them these conversations should have never happened point blank period there's no excuse for it there's no if ands or buts and i take full responsibility for that i trusted the information that was given to me rather than the information i could have and should have gotten myself in both of these situations doing research into these people's public social media profiles would have revealed their true ages and therefore these conversations would have never happened in the first place but i didn't do the research and that is what is so embarrassing um as an adult it is my job and my responsibility to verify who i'm talking to and therefore there is no one to blame for this other than myself um to the guys involved with this situation i want to say i'm sorry i'm sorry that i oughta do i'm sorry that i flirted with you and i'm really sorry if i ever made you uncomfortable it is completely unacceptable i was being reckless and after looking back and finally realizing that this was my own fault i started doing a lot of thinking and reflecting to really try and figure out why i was actually allowing myself to be so reckless in the first place in all other areas of my life my friends my business i like to think of myself as pretty put together and on top of things and i couldn't understand why relationships were the one outlier why were they not working why was this area of me so let me stop you right there the relationships aren't working because you are going after people who are literal minors that's why they're not working if you were with people who were your age or older potentially things could work but this whole thought process it's so incredibly self-absorbed to me this entire video so far is so self-absorbed because you're talking about being a predator being so focused on my dating life my life as a business person it's like dude read the room the entire problem here is that you're going after minors things that people are in jail for so let's refocus the conversation and maybe focus on the fact that you are an actual admitted criminal i have anxiety over the dumbest things that have no relevance whatsoever and i'm like i don't know how someone who has these types of skeletons in his closet can really sleep at night and it's also like the title of the video has accountability in it and he mentions the words responsibility a bunch of times but responsibility would be first of all don't don't date your fans just don't do it the power dynamic is [ __ ] up most likely it's going to be a [ __ ] show i don't know how someone who has been in so many scandals crimes i don't know how that doesn't make you rethink everything because if i were in a scandal like this i think i would take 10 extra measures to make sure i never was in it again so the fact that he was in these these types of situations over and over and over after so much public scrutiny i'm like okay so either you don't care or really the two brain cells aren't working anymore something's up here something's not right i need a bigger explanation than this because this doesn't make sense different and i finally finally came to a conclusion it's sucks and it is ridiculously embarrassing to admit this but i think i have to and that is that i'm desperate i do understand that with these videos coming to light it's really starting to not even starting it's really looking period like i'm actively searching for younger people to be in a relationship with and i just want to say firsthand that that is absolutely not the case my hope has always been to be in a relationship with somebody around my age or older that i can relate to and that can make me laugh and unfortunately i've not been able to find that person yet but the idea of actually being in a relationship became so important to me that i was willing to trust too quickly miss out on red flags and most importantly not take the precautionary measures that really anybody but especially somebody with a public platform should be taking before talking to anybody and there's no excuse for that when i've watched videos in the past of people talking about serious topics such as this one it's always really bothered me when people would talk about conclusions or changes that they're going to make without actually talking about how they got there in the first place so i think it's really important that i do that in this video i just honestly think that i owe it to you guys to kind of walk you through the reflection that i've been doing um so you know that i'm taking this seriously how i came to terms with my desperation and how it led me here in 2019 my dating life became even more public than it already was when i was called out and labeled as a predator you guys i feel like at this point all know the story so i don't want to go back into details but pretty much i had to get on camera and prove that i was being lied to i had all the receipts to back it up but at the time i also recognized that i definitely needed to change the way i was going about dating because clearly something was not working um and in that video i made a vow and a promise to myself and to you guys as the audience that i would be way more careful moving forward and that promise was not one that i kept i'm gonna be honest with you guys at the time that i posted no more lies i really thought that like the only issue was kind of like the straight guys and being lied to um but i now realized that it was obviously a much deeper problem and i really wish that at that time i had spent the time to sit down look at myself in the mirror and try to get to the root of the problem and understand why i was actually allowing myself to get into these situations instead of just brushing it off and saying like it's the straight guys and it's the line but like i said i didn't and as time progressed my desire for a relationship never really went away and i slowly started ignoring red flags again and also ignoring my friends and the important people around me that warned me that i was going to get hurt i don't know if i've seen too many apology videos so far and you know like most of them are [ __ ] because to quote rihanna don't tell me you're sorry because you're not you're only sorry you got caught none of this is registering to me as genuine or sincere it just feels flat it feels like i don't know why every like few seconds i keep thinking this is an influencer apology in the most vague and broad way possible in the sense of we barely know what he's apologizing for because i think that was a calculated choice to stop referring to the tiny little my new detail that can get you to prison by the way of i was inappropriately messaging with minors for like the 10 millionth time over and over again all of this being put together it's like what conclusion are we supposed to draw that you make the same mistake over and over and over and over and over it's called a choice and it's all a coincidence all this big coincidence the whole world just decided to gather together and say [ __ ] james charles and let's make his life a living hell and make him desperate to date which i think it's important and i think one of the reasons why he hasn't been truly facing any consequences is also the fact that his victims are male i've screamed about this on my channel multiple times when victims are male we see that there's a very different reaction because a lot of the times male victims aren't taken as seriously as they should be because realistically a victim is a victim whether they're male female whatever it doesn't matter a victim is a victim period no matter what they identify as people have brought this up as well on twitter and on youtube that if james charles had done this with young women it would be a very different story and to them i also feel like i really owe an apology because i should have listened and i feel like if i did we probably wouldn't be here today looking back now and just trying to do my best to piece this all together in my head i think that my lack of experience when it came to dating growing up and then all of a sudden having a lot of attention from different types of men some for good reasons and some for bad reasons really affected me in ways that i didn't quite understand um i honestly just thought that i had really really bad luck and that i was being taken advantage of when that wasn't the case at all and i had the mentality that i could reach out to literally anybody and use my explore page and for you page as a dating app and eventually i would just happen to find the right person but that's just not how dating works literally at all uh it's gross it's weird and it's desperation i just really thought it was important to share my thought process and the conversations that i've been having with myself and professionals behind the scenes in order to help myself fully understand the situation so i could properly hold myself accountable for how i got here in the first place when these videos started to come to light power imbalance became a really large topic of conversation on social media and rightfully so in 2019 when i had my whole situation i was accused of abusing my fame money and power to get what i wanted and when i responded to that at the time i said that that was disgusting and then i would never want to do that and to this day i still stand behind that sentiment 1 000 so when it was getting brought up again i got really really frustrated and was trying to understand because i was thinking to myself like okay i know that this situation shouldn't have happened i know that i this conversation shouldn't have occurred i take responsibility for that but at the same time like they dm'd you first they lied to you they flirted first like you didn't use your fame money and power to get anything but i've now realized that that mentality is completely wrong because the power imbalance can happen even when it's not intentional what i wasn't getting before is that the excitement that comes with talking to a celebrity is literally enough to make somebody do or say something that they normally wouldn't even if that celebrity isn't intentionally weaponizing their fame money or power and that's the concept that i just wasn't getting but i now do even though i'm able to turn off my social media and just talk to somebody outside of the spotlight about something normal in normal clothes and no makeup on as james dickinson that doesn't change the fact that to them i'm still james charles and that's something that i can't turn off for me having a public platform has become such a huge part of my life that at this point it does feel normal but i have to understand that to 99.9 of people it's not normal and will never be normal i'm sorry but i have to laugh i have to laugh at this discussion because a lot of this discussion if you've noticed has been very much conceptual hypothetical like it doesn't feel like he's talking about what's actually happened it feels like he's talking about it as a general subject matter that is important to discuss and it's like no this is about you you specifically contacting minors over and over or being contacted by minors and engaging in inappropriate conversations this is not a conversation about the general issues about being so famous and a celebrity that life is so hard for you i don't feel like any accountability is being taken here because if you're really taking accountability first of all turn yourself in go to the police let them take accountability for you this video so far has been throwing around the word celebrity real easy which we're not gonna have that conversation today but anyway talking about fame talking about your power talking about your money talking about how you're desperate which i don't think in court saying that you're desperate absolves you from being creepy with minors none of this is you actually really really saying what you did because we brushed over the small fact of yeah you contacted miners it was inappropriate people are in jail for this hello austin jones but we just moved on to generally speaking and aside from that the audacity the audacity to talk about what you didn't like in other people's videos that discuss predatory relationships for lack of better words it's like are you really in the position to be judging other people on their videos on predatory [ __ ] or apology videos because so far your apology has been weak it's not even an apology it's babble really it's just you going blah blah blah and me trying to not zone out for like 15 minutes this is the biggest pile of [ __ ] i've heard in quite a long time which is saying a lot considering the type of content i make also the like to dislike ratio on this video is entirely [ __ ] up it has far far far far far more likes and i'm like what could you possibly like about this video i think we can probably all agree that there is no such thing as an apology video for being creepy with minors like there's no apology video conceivable in my mind that would make me say yeah that's okay and that's where the power imbalance lies that i wasn't understanding but i'm so glad that i finally do because like i said in 2019 taking advantage of that power imbalance is something i would never ever want to do but unintentionally was with this situation blowing up there are a lot of people speaking about this online whether it be sharing their opinions arguing back and forth or most importantly holding me accountable for my actions i understand that posting this video today is not going to stop those conversations but is going to spark more of them and that's something that i am completely okay with because i really feel like these are topics that we need to be speaking about a lot more i also want to make it clear too that through uploading this video today my hope and my expectations are not to you know press post and then forget about it and move on and wash my hands as if nothing happened because something did happen and what happened was not okay and i don't want to just forget about it um i should have been more careful in every single way when it comes to the ways that i was looking for a relationship i didn't do the proper research and for that i'm once again ashamed and embarrassed i can't take it back as much as i wish that i could but i am really really glad that i now fully understand the situation so i'm able to do better in the future and i really hope to show that to you guys i don't know if i'm being nitpicky at this point or if i'm just tired and in a bad mood but what situation did you not understand because to me it's very clear and very easy to tell oh yeah this is a minor this is not someone you can have those types of conversations with this is not the type of person you exchange not safe for work content with case closed it takes like 10 seconds so i don't understand what situation you need to wrap your brain around like it's such a basic concept if you're a celebrity which i mean i wouldn't use that term but if you are a person who has a large following you'd be even more aware because you've probably seen quite a few of your friends get cancelled over stupid [ __ ] and this isn't stupid [ __ ] this is the type of things that are actually serious and people should actually be quote unquote cancelled for which being cancelled for being appropriate with minors is not being cancelled that's just called the law system i don't understand this kind of over complication of something that is extremely extremely simple and even people in the comments section were saying i've never had this problem ever and it's like how is it that the majority of the population hasn't had this issue issue as if it happens to you and it's not a choice how is it that we've all you know magically managed to never have these inappropriate conversations but you unfortunate poor soul continue to always have these or have these over and over again even after getting dragged in public for it you can't convince me otherwise it's a choice how does this happen to you over and over again i'm a firm believer that when scandals or situations like this happen you can get on camera and upload an apology video where you say sorry a million times all day long but the only way to actually show and prove that you are sorry is through action and change and i'm going to change this whole situation has been so embarrassing and i'm ashamed but like i said i'm now educated and fully understand what went on and i'm making a promise to all of you right now on camera that i will be way more careful moving forward with every single person that i speak to my for you page and explore page are not dating apps and i will stop treating them as if they are i also have already started asking for proper identification from every single guy that has either reached out or that i was speaking to and will continue doing so for the rest of time i now understand the root of the problem i understand how and why i and only i cause myself to get into this situation i understand that this could have and should have been easily avoided and i also understand that i need to be aware of my platform at all times i didn't understand how a situation like this could affect the people involved but now i do and for that to the victims i am so so sorry and i promise that something like this will never ever happen again i also feel like i owe an apology to my friends family team members and also fans that had to watch this all go down again to all of you guys i once again wish that i had listened earlier on um you guys saw this and i didn't and i'm really really sorry for not taking that seriously and not being a better person and a better role model like i promised that i would be i'm going to be taking some time away to reflect and further educate myself on these topics i think at this point it's really important that i do so so i'm able to follow through with my word and prove to you guys that i will be a better person even though i won't be here posting i do want people to know that i will still be here available listening and learning at this point if you made it all the way through the video i really appreciate it and just wanted to say thank you for listening and i hope to never disappoint you again see you soon i don't know what you need to listen to and educate yourself on truly it's a very easy concept don't talk to people who are under 18 done you learned you listened closed case the absolute privilege the privilege of being able to say and actually keeping a straight face saying that this is embarrassing and that you're desperate it's like bro people hire lawyers over these things people go to jail over these things so it's not embarrassing like you're a whole whole criminal like does that not internalize like i feel like i'm tripping on some horrible type of shrooms here because really how can you how can you be so cavalier and so just like blase about such a situation that is so endlessly inappropriate that has happened so many times more accusations have come out since you posted this apology taking accountability whatever filler word you wanted to use taking time away and educating yourself maybe take the time to find a lawyer and the sole fact that there are that many likes frankly i almost hope they're bots because none of this was acceptable it was all [ __ ] basically the summary so you guys can let me know you think the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always let's get right to the fan art [Music] you
Views: 382,921
Rating: 4.9174709 out of 5
Keywords: james charles, james charles drama, james charles holding myself accountable, james charles youtube, holding myself accountable, james charles no more lies
Id: IOs8UoAs0gA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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