Gabbie Hanna will never stop.

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hey guys um i can't believe i'm making this video a quick trigger warning this video is gonna heavily touch on the topic of rape it does go into a bit of detail of the night of my rape and so if that is triggering to you in any way please click out of this video it is not worth it if you haven't kept up with the things that have happened after my video in 2019 let me just give you a brief summary i have never collabed with jesse's rapist if you ask me to collab i'm not gonna tell you to [ __ ] off because you blackmailed me i've never ever publicly defended jesse's rapist in fact one time i was at an event an influencer event and he happened to be there and he tried to take a snapchat selfie with me and i told him to delete it right now because i did not want to be associated with him i have zero association with curtis laporte i think i only saw him like two or three times one was at an event in hollywood that's where he was like hey gabriel can i get a pick and took those and then afterwards the same night everybody from the event went to the diner across the street and then he was taking pictures of zayn and i like implying that he was there with us all the responses are you know this girl is a rape apologist and she defended uh she left her best friend for her best friend's rapist videos that say i am a rape apologist which is not true people really think i'm a rape apologist literal disprovable slander i also listen to curtis because he's a human being and just like in real court in the court of public opinion if you're gonna judge and condemn somebody you should at least hear them out jessie was looking for any moment that she possibly could so that she could get emotional on the call because she was filming it and she always knew she was going to post it i want a public apology i'm not doing anything with you like i'm not like this is not you say we keep going keep going that should have been private so i think that it's only fair that you can also extend that same courtesy to me considering what i've been through this isn't me trying to like hurt you or threaten you in any way like this does not do this when it's gonna happen like i mean i guess it kind of is the clips of the phone call that you heard are from a twitter thread that i posted a couple weeks ago and we're gonna get into why i posted it in this video after that phone call took place gabby texted me with a list of demands that she had and if i didn't agree to those demands she was going to continue talking about our past in the way that she was doing it which was extremely vile you are narcissistic abusers and you have been for six [ __ ] years jesse smiles literally right now i'm like can i say that yes i can [ __ ] say that you guys have no [ __ ] idea what i've been dealing with behind the scenes for six years and have i ever said a word have i ever tried to start drama with somebody i was being called a rape apologist and saying i defended my best friend's rapist and ditched my best friend for her rapist i want the false accusations removed and i want you to publicly retract them i want you to apologize it was a very very bizarre summer last summer and now this summer as well i swear next summer is gonna roll around and i'm just gonna be hiding in a closet like i can't with summer anymore she gave me 48 hours to talk to lawyers and decide what i was gonna do and ultimately i think i came up with a really reasonable compromise and i did that because i don't want to [ __ ] do this i made it very clear on the phone call i made it very clear on text i don't want to continue doing this so anything that i felt i could do i was going to do which included an nda that i said i would sign if she signed one as well i didn't think it was fair for just me to have to sign one she was refusing to sign one because she said she had to talk about the situation in interviews if we both sign ndas i'll do it and we'll never speak about each other on the internet no and i told her i would apologize to her but i would not say that i lied in my video because she wanted me to say that i do not have a problem with both of us taking our videos down that for sure i think is a possibility that we can both come to what i would be looking for is i should have never posted that video i said some untrue [ __ ] some true [ __ ] and i told her i would take down my videos because i never meant to hurt her i thought that was a very reasonable compromise to be completely honest and i still think it was gabby told me that she had some meetings and she would get back to me and the next i heard from her was when i got a phone call one night my sister-in-law was in the hospital and i was cooking her dinner because i'm not gonna get into what she went through that is her situation but it was sad and so i cooked her dinner because i don't know what the [ __ ] to do so i just started cooking her dinner because i wanted her to eat well when she got back from the hospital and gabby called me my husband looked at me and said do not answer the [ __ ] phone and i answered the phone of course and gabby started screaming at me she told me that my friend jen dent was tweeting and that if i didn't get her to stop tweeting that she had two podcasts that she had filmed filled with our past filled with emails from our past and she was ready to release them and i told her gabby i don't know what the [ __ ] you're talking about that's literally what i said i was like i'm not on twitter my sister-in-law's in the [ __ ] hospital can you leave me alone and she told me that she was sorry to hear that but that we all have a lot of horrible [ __ ] going on and that i needed to get my friend to stop tweeting while she was gonna release the podcast and i ended up hanging up on her and she did send me a text message before i could even text jen to ask her what gabby was talking about and she reiterated that we all have terrible [ __ ] going on but that i needed to get jen to stop tweeting what she was referring to is that last summer gabby hannah and her fans perpetuated a rumor that jen dent had raped a little girl a random guy from australia decided to start tweeting jen that she raped a little girl and jen was literally like what the [ __ ] are you talking about but gaby hannah fans because they hate jen a lot they decided to spread that rumor like wildfire gabby ended up addressing this in her patreon saying that she was aware of the allegations against jen den but everyone stay away from these people because they're very dangerous and i just need to say this right now there is no little girl there is no victim that has come forward it is a dude from australia that when he was pressed for evidence literally started trolling people and being like oh pee pee poo poo like literally this is the most ridiculous [ __ ] i've ever seen on twitter so although i always believe all victims there is no victim so jen was upset about that that's why she was tweeting because gabby's fans tried to get jen fired jen is a nurse and they contacted jen's old nursing job and tried to tell them about her rape allegations so yeah i would be [ __ ] pissed too if a bunch of gabby fans accuse me of raping someone what on earth so long story short i was telling her like your fans called her a rapist today like what do you want me to do i i'm literally just trying to cook [ __ ] dinner and i did talk to jen and i asked her to stop tweeting and she got upset because who is gabby to demand through me that jen stops tweeting jen's a grown-ass woman who has plenty of issues with gabby on their own so for her to use me as a messenger and then use my past and my trauma against me to get jen to stop doing what she wants jen to stop doing it's just completely sick i basically begged her to please leave me alone and she finally did so i sent her a pretty long text message that was relaying how uncomfortable it made me feel that she was trying to manipulate me to do things that she wanted by holding our past over my head i thought that that was [ __ ] awful and that also i was really disturbed with the information that i had found out about curtis and about her relationship to him and i wanted to be concise with my thoughts and honest and just try to get my point across as best i can and gabby didn't even read the message she's like oh that's a novel like my god and then gabby got to the point where she said well we need to just speak through our lawyers we can't talk to each other anymore and i just put lol okay and then gabby did what gabby does best and she searched her mind for the most heinous [ __ ] she could tell me and that was dude jen raped a little girl though and i literally was like what the [ __ ] is wrong with you and she's like oh have you seen the evidence it's dark there are multiple times that gabby has just racked her brain for like what would piss jessie off the most right now and then she goes with that that was one of those scenarios so that's literally the last time i ever spoke to gabby hannah although she didn't stop talking about me however most recently the thing that has brought me to this point is that gabby is doing a series but not only is she doing a series she posted a video that apparently isn't part of it that has to do with me and has to do with my rape and i have repeatedly asked this woman to stop to stop talking about my rape to stop talking about my trauma to please leave this out of her narrative of whatever the [ __ ] she wants to talk about with me talk about anything you want stop talking about that but this video was so much worse than i ever thought that it could be i'm going to react to her video and i'm going to show proof that i have i don't hoard text messages from 2015. actually i have my text messages set to delete every year because i want storage on my phone and who needs text messages from over a year ago apparently gabby but i'm going to show emails i'm going to talk about situations that she has blackmailed me with because that is what she did she did blackmail me i understand a lot of people think that i shouldn't talk about this i saw a lot of tweets with people being like jessie just ignore this person because if there's anything gabby's trying to do with her series it's get attention in any way shape or form negative positive she does not care and i understand that me doing this video is possibly giving her what she wants i don't know for sure gabby has used every opportunity that she's ever talked about me to lie in a really really hurtful way and so now that she says she has two episodes of her series dedicated to me it's very hard for me to just sit back and be like it's okay i'll just see what she says i don't want to see what she says i want to post this video know that my truth is out there and the truth is out there and then not even watch her series that's what i want i'm not going to watch those episodes on me i don't want to know what she says about me because this what we're going to talk about in this video is everything for me if she wants to find tweets or something where i wasn't very nice to her in 2016 that's on her she can do that i want the truth out there and i want to be the one to deliver my truth gabby hannah has against my will delivered my truth one too many times and part of my french but she's [ __ ] it up every time so if gabby feels like she can talk about my trauma she can bring it up she can talk about the night i was raped when that has literally nothing to do with this if she has the right to do that then i feel like i have the right to be sitting here and talking about what really happened if at all possible please watch through the entire video because if anything the end and where gabby talks about the night i was raped as some of the most sickening [ __ ] that i really hope people are made aware of because what she's doing on this platform is dangerous and there's no other word to say it what she has done and what she's continuously being allowed to do to not just myself but many others is dangerous and she is a dangerous person to have a platform with the way she distributes information and the way she doesn't think about the things that she's putting out there for her followers and the people watching that to process they don't need to process your [ __ ] gabby you need to process your [ __ ] just like i need to process my [ __ ] so that when we come to the internet to talk about something we are not unleashing every thought in our brain for someone else to be subjected to that's not a responsible thing to do with a platform be honest speak your truth but what you're putting people through with this series is sick in my opinion anyway um this is very long so let's just get into reacting to gabby's video about me so this video is not one that was meant to be in the series but so much has happened since i finished the series and everybody just wants me to address the jesse smiles leaked phone call i decided instead of trying to fit more information into the videos already edited to just kind of sit down and preface it with this because it doesn't really come into conversation until the end of part two i actually predicted that jesse was gonna leak this phone call in part two of her chapter so i actually did address the phone call in the series and that's why i didn't want to address it again beforehand because it was already addressed i was able to predict what she was going to do because she's predictable i have to be honest i genuinely don't understand this statement at all gabby started creating this series in march she started filming this series in march do you know what i was doing in march definitely not talking about gabby hannah march is actually the month i found out i was pregnant me and my family went on vacation to a cabin here in georgia it was awesome i was just enjoying my life and definitely not thinking or talking about gabby so i failed to see how a series that she started filming in march which now she's admitted i have two parts in so two whole videos dedicated to me how i'm the predictable one if by predictable you mean that you knew once i saw your series videos on me which god knows what they're gonna say in them that i would feel upset and use a phone call that proves that you lied about the relationship that you had to the man that raped me then yes i guess it's predictable that i would want to defend myself in a situation where you were gonna release information that either wasn't true or that triggered me she's been targeting and attacking me online since 2015. i've learned her patterns when i had to collect evidence for the lawsuit and it was just very obvious that this was her next move what gabby doesn't understand is that every single time i have ever spoken about gabby whether i said her name in a video or i did not say her name in a video it is because she did something that upset me i have never in my life just gone around saying things about gabby that never happened or making things up in the way that she's done to me i just don't understand why she's making it seem like this is something i love to do when the only time i've ever addressed gabby or gotten in fights with gabby was because of things that she did and i don't think she genuinely remembers it that way because when she's talking like this i'm like do you think i just do things out of the blue like i just wake up one morning and just want to pick a fight with you everything i've ever done is because you provoked it whether in private or in public i leaked those phone calls for a very specific reason gabby and that's because you have been talking about me consistently for the last year publicly after last summer when you completely annihilated me online when i was not even retaliating for 99 of it i just learned to drop it like i didn't want to deal with you anymore and then you make a video on my son's birthday where you're talking about all the people that have wronged you and you say stories about me because you talk about the person you used to live with which is me and you're just seeing all these insane allegations and everybody's going over to my instagram page on my son's birthday and being like you're such a horrible mother i feel horrible for your children and i'm like what the [ __ ] is going on and then fast forward to when you go on drama alert and you're talking to keemstar a man who has repeatedly not just told me i wasn't raped he has literally joked about my rape and on multiple occasions just says oh it's very hard to believe because they were dating which we weren't but it shouldn't matter this man has harassed me online for years gabby knows this he is an infamous misogynist and rape apologist and overall horrible human being and gabby goes on his show to talk about me and trisha paytas to promote a song she wrote for trisha paytas that trisha paytas didn't even want her to write and i ignored that i just said [ __ ] it whatever shitty thing to do i'm gonna keep it pushing but when a buzzfeed reporter just last month reaches out to me and says hey i had an interview with gabby and she spoke a lot about you would you be willing to answer questions and for you in that article to say oh i think it's a little chaotic that i haven't gotten apologies from people like jesse smiles when you know that you were on a phone call with me a year ago threatening me that if i didn't do what you wanted which includes apologizing to you publicly you were gonna talk about our past publicly in an effort to hurt me so when i hear you talk about me apologizing to you and how you feel it's a little chaotic that i haven't apologized to you or when i read that you were never friends with curtis and that you always sided with me you just always believed me and people just start rumors about you about the curtis situation every time you're releasing music which is something you've said i've done for a long time now and i'm promoting my project like crazy and you're gonna put my name in your [ __ ] thumbnail bringing up a [ __ ] dramatic lie a hate campaign that you [ __ ] started five months you don't post but i'm posting a project and you have to say did gabby apologize yeah it pissed me off gabby because you're still lying i'm gonna move on now but i just find it ridiculous that she acts like she's some sort of genius for seeing into the future and knowing that i was gonna use this phone call gabby when you push people and push people and push people and then proceed to dedicate two episodes to them in a series yeah they just might defend themselves you're not a genius for figuring out that i was gonna use that phone call in which you admit that you've been lying for the last year to defend myself jessie showed seven to ten minutes i believe of a three over three hour phone call that she quite literally threatened me into having obviously because it was an over three hour phone call it was very heavily edited and uh rearranged i know that she said that it was only edited for brevity and that it didn't change the context which i think would be really impossible to do out of a three-hour phone call and also i don't believe that she edited it for brevity because she left in a lot of her crying i think that she edited it to evoke an emotional response because she's talking about something that is very emotional i have to say um that's insulting gabby at the very least i'm not sure if gabby understands what editing something down for brevity means but everything i included was completely in context we would talk about the tweets for instance her tweets defending curtis and then she would deflect if you've heard the phone call by now you know she would deflect and be like well we need to move on to something else and then like an hour later we'd talk again about the tweets and for brevity aka shortness of time i had to put all the parts where we were talking about our tweets and you were addressing them together what would have been taking it out of context would have been taking a part of the phone call where you weren't talking about the tweets and then inserting it next to the parts where you're talking about the tweets that did not happen and about the crying thing gabby i find it interesting that gabby views me leaving in the part of me crying as me trying to invoke an emotional response i'm not even sure who thinks like that when people are emotional do you think that they're just trying to manipulate people she thought the same thing about my 2019 video that i'm trying to manipulate with my emotions and i just don't know why she thinks of people that way why she thinks of human beings that way when i see a human being being vulnerable and crying i empathize with them i understand they're hurting i don't know why she sees it as some sort of manipulation tactic when it's just what it was like i was just crying because i was hurt i was having a panic attack it had to do with the situation involving curtis which is why it was left in that phone call did not see the light of day until a year later when i just felt so frustrated and pushed in a corner so i'm just going to drop the full phone call below i have absolutely nothing to hide and i'm so confident in that that i didn't even listen to it back i sent it to my editor and i told him to only censor names and i asked him to remove one particular story that i just it's my story and it's traumatizing and humiliating and i did not want it in the public eye i fully respect that gabby does not want a part of the phone call where she was speaking about something traumatic to be public i would never speak on someone's trauma especially when they don't want me to i just find it really [ __ ] ironic that less than 20 minutes later she's gonna be talking in detail about my rapist and about the night i was raped and talking about consent revolving my rape the one i've asked you to stop talking about repeatedly so i tell the story that it picks up directly after that you'll also hear me apologize to jesse smiles very many times in the phone call spoiler alert if you've heard the three hour phone call you will not hear her apologizing to jessie smiles very many times the times that she apologized to me i had to give her a lecture on how dr phil says that any apology with the word butt after it is not an apology at all because those were the only things that resembled an apology that she gave me everything was my fault i needed to apologize to her for everything that is the phone call i'm not saying i was perfect i don't like how i handled myself i lost my cool at certain parts but don't you dare say that you apologize to me very many times it did not happen you'll also hear jessie say that i apologize to her to her face about the tweets from the day the article dropped you apologize two months later in march 2014 to me at the new york fine meetups but i'm sorry about this tweet that was wrong and that's when and how we became friends and met actually that was used as evidence by jessie and her friends that i did actually defend my best friend's rapist the day that the article dropped which is a very manipulative thing to say because i had never met her i never met curtis i was barely a creator at the time i was still working my marketing job yes gaby you apologized for making tweets that were supporting my rapist and calling me a liar and being disgusting on the day that the tmz article was dropped we did not know each other at the time she made those tweets and then we met a couple months later at a vine meetup in new york she came up to me in a hotel room and she said i should have never made those tweets and i said you know what it's fine don't worry about it we proceeded to become friends yes gabby you apologize to me and i forgave you however if i do some heinous [ __ ] and i hurt someone and i apologize to them and they say it's okay and then five years later six years later however many years later i say i never did that what are you talking about this was the day the story broke and i hadn't seen the article yet whatever he tweeted i genuinely have no idea what his tweet was i remember i responded with a current vine meme which was a big sean lil wayne song beware of where beware of a woman with a broken heart so that was a fine meme for those of you who are on by the time you remember it i don't remember what he said obviously it had nothing to do with the rape case so that was that day before i ever saw it the tweet is deleted because i was like oh [ __ ] i didn't understand the context of anything about this and that's why it's gone because i didn't stand by what it said once i understood the context of everything that was happening that is called taking back your apology your apology no longer exists because you went on an entire campaign saying i never tweeted in support of curtis support i never defended curtis lepore that has been your stance since the beginning of when all of this got outed but you'll see she brings up multiple times how she apologized to me that apology was retracted the second you started denying you ever did anything that needed an apology in the first place i apologize to jesse on twitter in 2019 after her gabby hannah needs to be stopped video was posted that was after she was tweeting that i was a shitty person and then liking tweets and replying to tweets that made it very obvious that it was about me this is a theme with gabby she really cannot handle people subtweeting her or liking tweets that are not praising her it was an issue she had with brandon cavillo you call and you text me and then you're like you know what why why the [ __ ] did you like that tweet and i was like first i didn't know how you did that so quickly like that was the thing you said to me you were just like what's wrong with you that you're like stalking my likes yeah and i was like we're both verified from my point of view you came at me very hard you you said what the [ __ ] did you like that like you're a piece of [ __ ] like you're a loser i don't think i said you said i'm a piece of [ __ ] not not off the bat it was an issue she had with oscar wilde i don't really know why you have a problem with me liking somebody what verified account has to do with anything you're very obsessed with numbers she cannot handle people liking anything that is not in her favor or saying anything about her even if you don't say her name and you're going to see a common theme of that because the majority of what gabby hannah has on me that she's going to show in her series are subtweets or places and videos where i was mentioning someone and i don't even say a name and she either assumes it's about her or even if it was about her like i had a story time channel it's just so much nonsense it's really nonsense and i'm not just saying that to downplay anything i'm saying that as like sub tweets and tweets that people like is not like cold hard evidence gaby it's just what people do on twitter and after i apologize on twitter she talks about me on kathleenlight's channel no matter what you're giving me i'm not taking anything if we had anything meaningful the thing that bothers me so much about addressing all of this is that my issues with gabby are very hurtful very painful dark traumatic and then she brings out things like this and it's like you see jesse was [ __ ] talking me on kathleenlight's channel did you watch that and really really compare that to what we're talking about right now we're talking about you were friends with the man who raped me and lied about it and you're talking about i was having a mukbang with kathleen and i told her to shut up because we brought my gosh really quickly i want to add because she keeps talking about like i apologize and then jesse went to go talk [ __ ] you apologized because you felt cornered you did not apologize cause you meant it and the way that i know that for a fact is as soon as my video went up you messaged a 15 year old girl and told her how isolated being my friend made you feel and that that's probably why you told me that curtis's friends didn't rape me and you caught the situation surrounding my rape all of the public fallout all of the bashing the death threats i've received the horrendous messages i've received the [ __ ] that i've suffered you called that rape drama that is what she chose to do before she apologized so forgive me gabby if i didn't buy your apology because every apology you've ever given me over the years you've either retracted it or you've proven that you don't mean it so i'm sorry i went on kathleen's channel and joked after your apology everybody obviously has to do it on a public domain that's my last resort that was after many years of trying to solve things privately gabby has this theme of thinking that because people are being nice to her or having civil conversations with her that we love her and we praise her and we would never say a bad thing about her gabby is an extremely difficult person to deal with privately not if you're praising her not if you're telling her she's the most beautiful wonderful thoughtful human being you've ever met but if you have any issue with gabby it is extremely difficult and scary i know a lot of people have used that word to describe her it is the perfect word to describe her she bombards you she will hit you below the belt tell you some of the most hurtful [ __ ] you have ever heard from another human being so for you to put like oh she asked me for work it's covered in this series gabby you've already put all those text messages in your last video it doesn't do anything i was nice to you okay she also continued to like tweets that were about me respond to tweets that were about me respond to comments that were about me and just continue the perpetual public [ __ ] on me i have not [ __ ] on you publicly nearly as hard as you have [ __ ] on me you have [ __ ] on me like nobody else has [ __ ] on me the only person that's [ __ ] on me publicly like you is curtis laporte it's again with the theme of people can't like tweets that are against you gabby i don't like you i didn't seem to get the memo where we can only like tweets that are in support of gabby hannah on twitter this does not include any of the times that i've apologized to jessie every time she blackmailed me threatened me talked about me in a youtube video tweeted about me reached out to somebody about me we're gonna get into the blackmail and threats because she goes into it again in a little bit so hold for that one but again with the tweets and mentioning you in videos gabby not only did i have a story time channel you had a story time channel how many times have you mentioned someone on your channel that didn't want to be mentioned that didn't ask to be mentioned in a story time that's how they work not only is it completely my right to say whatever the hell i want on my channel sure you can feel how you want to feel about it but i can do and say what i want on my channel much like you're doing and saying whatever you want despite 90 of the internet begging you to stop right now so not only is that my right but if you've heard the phone call you hear multiple times where she accuses me of talking about her in a youtube video and i'm just like gabby that was not about you so fast forward to june 2021 jesse unprovoked released a very highly edited and manipulated version of the phone call and in posting it she said something along the lines of i'm tired of the back and forth i just want to be left alone where was the back and forth we went to my twitter my instagram my youtube there was no back and forth this is something that jessie likes to do a lot she drops an atomic bomb and then she says leave me alone leave me alone and i'm like i think what she was considering a back and forth was that i was asked about her in a buzzfeed article and i said that i already apologized to her and to her that warranted the response of leaking a private phone call as a way to hurt me as we've already discussed this was not unprovoked multiple times you have brought this situation up you know what it is to blackmail a person to threaten them when their family member is in the hospital and then be like well i just mentioned you a couple times after that why are you so upset i'm upset because you've put me through hell this last year gabby only gabby could do an entire article talking about every single one of her controversies and when one of those controversies comes back to bite her in the ass act surprised by that that was not an article about your music that was not an article about just what you're up to in life and then maybe you mentioned something no that was an article where you were provoking every single person that you've had an issue with and you thought nothing was going to come out of that dude like why am i being asked about jessie smiles in a buzzfeed article because jessie smiles made sure that i would be asked about her for the rest of my [ __ ] career probably you have every right in an interview gabby especially a buzzfeed interview to say i am not going to talk about this this and that if you don't want to talk about your affiliation with curtis support or me ever again you don't have to don't allow an interviewer to ask you about it and guess what maybe the people that you've hurt will stop being so [ __ ] upset and then we can all move on with our life but don't pretend that i'm just here waiting for a moment where you mentioned curtis when nowadays the only time i hear curtis's name is when you're talking about it do you know how long i have worked and i have had to overcome [ __ ] to stop hearing that man's name every corner i turned i left vine when i had 3.6 million followers and no clue how i was gonna make money because that was literally my only means of income at the time and i left because i was sick and tired of hearing curtis's name and being told that he should have killed me and that i'm too ugly to rape or that he didn't rape me i was sick and tired of that and so i left that app and i built myself an entire new audience and even when i've talked about it over the years a lot of my followers are survivors and i have a very compassionate and understanding follower base and i'm very very grateful for that because i didn't have that for a long time and i thought i had gotten over that point where i couldn't talk about curtis without being bashed you know for a long time i could talk about it and and i had people supporting me after me too everything changed people actually started [ __ ] listening and having compassion and i was like wow i can actually talk about what happened with me without being [ __ ] bashed or hearing curtis's name in a taunting way or oh he didn't [ __ ] do this to you and just horrendous [ __ ] until gabby hannah you bring up the curtis situation to paint me as a liar to paint it as if i start rumors about you when you're releasing music you tell people that i am a liar that i'm malicious that i abuse you and you don't think that's a back and forth you don't see how that pushes someone you don't see how [ __ ] upsetting it is that the only time i have to hear about curtis lepore is out of your mouth now and out of your fans mouths you could have addressed this situation honestly and none of this would have happened in 2019 screw the apology you could have just been honest and said yes i did defend curtis in 2014. and you know what i should have never done that and i shouldn't have provided jessie's personal text messages and information about her medication and her trauma as an effort to convince this person that i never defended curtis because i actually did defend curtis anything gabby and this would have been done but because you cannot just accept the part that you have in situations the ways that you've genuinely hurt people you have pushed it as far as this and you're acting surprised by it trust me i also don't want to be asked about jesse in a buzzfeed article i have a career in entertainment i do press i'm allowed to talk about my life this is something that has become a huge part of my story much to my dismay but it's not right for you to be able to say whatever you want and then i can't be asked about it i can't respond about it i can't defend myself i can't share my side of the story not only is it not your story to tell as i think most people would understand that but when every time you bring it up or you address it you lie and you say a different story oh i never defended him oh but i did but i forgot about that or i never interacted with him oh actually i did i went to dinner with him but that i didn't remember that that is enough unless you're just gonna address it to admit the truth without trying to deflect and say i'm the one in the wrong and actually own up to the part that you've had in not only doing the things that you've done but lying about them and causing people to harass me over your lies unless you're gonna do that then yeah i think it is fair to say stop talking about anything that has to do with me and curtis support and i have asked you multiple times this is a traumatic situation i do not want to talk about this anymore and i certainly don't want to be talking about it to have to rectify the lies that you've told it's not fair so you are allowed to respond in any way you see fit but when you lie about it i'm allowed to tell you that i don't want you talking about it anymore you don't have to oblige you don't have to listen to me but that makes you a shitty person and that's just what it is i was asked about her because since 2015 jessie has made it her mission to align me with her and finally in 2019 it worked and that's been my life ever since that is the sickest [ __ ] i've ever heard i have made it my mission to align you with my rapist like i just woke up one day and really wanted you to have anything to do with my rapist you think that it didn't [ __ ] kill me that you've had dinner with him you've been to parties with him you have had conversations where you've asked him about his side of that night i wanted that do you understand how sick that [ __ ] sounds and i know to the viewer it may seem like a back and forth but that's because you don't see what i don't respond to you only see what i respond to you don't see the hundreds of thousands of views that go missing off her channel when she post a video about me when i posted my video about gabby i did not expect for it to garner the attention that it garnered it was very very intense for me over 6 million people have seen that video that i posted about gabby which is an insane and extremely intimidating number and full disclosure there's a lot of videos i don't like on my channel frankly i wish i could delete all my story times but i feel like my followers would be very upset with me i don't like that era of my life i don't like how i talked about people even when i was trying to be funny i never disrespected people on purpose or were like oh this [ __ ] person i hate this person but even in the ways i try to make things funny i'm like jesse ill because it's just not who i am anymore so yeah when i posted my video about gabby there were videos both with gabby that i didn't want up anymore and there were videos that i just looked at and i was like oh gross and i privated them it's not a mystery gabby i was being overly cautious because way more people than i thought were going to see my video saw my video and so i kind of panicked and was like wait i don't want them to see this story time or this story time because what the [ __ ] that's embarrassing i don't even understand what the point of bringing that up is but sure yes i privated some videos when i posted my video about gabby you don't see the hundreds of tweets that she mass unliked you don't see the tweet and delete first of all the tweet that you're putting up everybody's seen it furthermore mass unlike tweets how does someone even do that i'm not joking how do you mass unlike tweets i'm so confused i've never done that in my life full disclosure that did not happen so you don't see the voice messages and the text that she sends me threatening me crossing my boundaries that i'm setting firmly and telling me that if i don't do what she wants that she's going to put out another video with more evidence and the evidence being tweets that i deleted in 2014 i mean anybody that can read saw on the screen i was not threatening gabby why do you put up text and then say something completely different what if someone's not able to look at the screen what if they're doing laundry while they're watching your video and now they believe i threatened you with evidence it's just it's irresponsible it's just an irresponsible way to deliver information i'm saying this with my whole [ __ ] chest and i'm past the point of needing or wanting people to believe me i'm saying it for me this is the truth jesse is my abuser since 2015 i've been the victim of narcissistic abuse blackmail harassment stalking slander smear campaigns gaslighting threats of physical violence and online harassment since march of 2015. i'm gonna try to do this and i'm gonna try to not get so [ __ ] angry but it is so beyond irresponsible as a creator with a platform your size to accuse every single person that you don't like that you've had issues with and that you've hurt of abusing you of being narcissist this isn't me starting drama this is me responding to abuse since 2018. uh she inserted herself into this i was speaking about my poetry in a situation involving my poetry and talking about the unfair criticism that women get and angelica inserted herself and said that it wasn't fair for me to call my bully a bully because that's what narcissistic gaslighting abusive people do she's not a [ __ ] artist i don't care about her [ __ ] because she has no accomplishments in art or has proven to me that she's actually intellectual enough to understand art i accept my criticism from talented smart people not abusive toxic exploitative bullies on youtube you're now saying i blackmailed you i threatened you let's get into that i'm gonna go into what gabby hannah considers blackmail i'm gonna talk about that situation where she thinks i blackmailed her and i'm gonna go into the physical violence i honestly don't know what she means with threats other than her probably thinking that in a story time i threatened that i was gonna say something else the connections i can't connect them okay so i'm gonna get into what i can tangibly touch and explain because everything else at this point feels erratic and confusing so in order to talk about the physical violence accusation we're gonna have to talk about a situation that is kind of long it all ties in together i promise bear with me i know i'm sorry this is awful i dated a guy in 2015 and his name was richie he's a very sweet guy we're on good terms still he's a friend of mine but during our relationship there was a few things that gabby did that made me feel uncomfortable one of them she actually made a story time about and it was when i had a rooftop barbecue with a bunch of friends and her and richie sat across from each other the entire night and shared wine like literally drinking from the wine bottle just between them two they did not mingle or talk to anyone else virtually the entire night and it made me feel uncomfortable and as much as gabby and her story time paints it as me being insane for feeling uncomfortable about that situation now i have admitted in the past that i myself have had some crazy [ __ ] moments everyone has crazy [ __ ] moments even the calmest most level-headed mother teresa deep breath clear-minded person in the world has her crazy [ __ ] moments but there is a huge astronomical difference between having crazy [ __ ] moments and being a crazy [ __ ] sometimes it's hard to believe now here where i am in my life that i ever put up with this type of behavior the amount of stories that i have that's kind of my issue that i learned about myself thanks to a year of therapy is i seek out like emotionally unstable neurotic people and i try to fix them so like i said i have a lot of stories about this friend in particular but i think that this is the first one where i was like oh you're psychotic let's just get into the story a little bit so you can see um my vibe was not off fast forward me and richie break up and it was not great in the beginning our breakup was pretty messy honestly around that same time i had gone to oprah's life you want weekend it was a very life-changing weekend for me i realized a lot of things but one of the main things that i realized was i didn't want to be friends with gabby hannah anymore there was no big thing that happened no big fight that could explain everything i just felt like our relationship was toxic i felt like she contributed a lot of negativity into my life and i'm not just saying this to like be a [ __ ] but there was multiple times where people in my life who lived with me would tell me hey let me know when gabby's coming over so i can stay in my room like there was a negative presence and i just didn't want that in my life anymore i found myself talking more [ __ ] than i've ever talked in my entire life getting into drama so i texted her and i said hey i don't want to be friends anymore and i've had this moment with multiple friends you know everybody can have a time in their relationship where it's like this isn't working out and i've always said this but the way that a person responds when you tell them hey this is not working you know it's a negative thing for both of us the way that they respond in that moment says everything about them and obviously i can't get into details because i don't have the text messages but the gist of it was she told me i needed therapy she told me that i cut everyone out of my life that it's a pattern in my life and that i was gonna end up alone pretty much so that was awful and it was a pretty bad falling out fast forward a little more i go to a bar and i see a guy that gabby had dated mind you i was friends with him way before gabby dated him and he showed up at the bar because he's friends with the people i'm friends with he came up to me he said hey where's gabby and i said and i quote i don't know i'm not friends with her anymore to which he responded oh good she's crazy she scares me that is what he said and i don't know if him saying that maybe he thought i was going to tell gaby but he went to gabby and told her that i talk [ __ ] about her and i didn't do that i did say we're not friends i laughed when he said she was crazy i did do that but we did not even harp on that like everyone else just got drunk and we all had a good night like i said i guess he um told her that i talk [ __ ] about her i don't know but she decided to contact my ex-boyfriend richie and i know this because he called me one day and said hey can you please come to my house and i was like why and he told me he wanted to talk to me and i went to his house and he showed me text messages from gabby she literally told him that i was horrible she told him i was a [ __ ] she told him that i cheated on him or that i slept with someone as soon as i broke up with him and it gets worse because then she proposes that they have sex with each other and he agreed although i was upset with both of them for this i was more upset with gabby because she would have never told me richie told me because he has a [ __ ] heart and he has a conscience and he was like i'm sorry i don't know why the [ __ ] i put myself in the situation i would never have sex with her i saw the text messages where she tried to execute having sex with him saying hey what are you doing tonight and he's like i have work early tomorrow and when i confronted gabby about this specifically about the part where she calls me a [ __ ] she said that she called me that because that's what everyone says about me this was my best friend this was someone that i trusted that i just led into my life and all a [ __ ] long she was just judging me so the times and the messages where you admit to telling him i'm a [ __ ] and all that stuff that never happened either right every single time that her and i have ever spoken about this she continues to say well jesse if i wanted to do it i could have done it so just get over it i did not try to have sex with richie because if i wanted to i would have when you asked me that oh there it is there it is the favorite sentence you say in the emails if i wanted to i could have anyway as i was saying i wanted to have sex with richie i would so stop telling people [ __ ] your place when i did so fast forward to a couple months later after that took place and i make a video called people i hate this video was like a pet peeves video it was me talking about like oh i hate when people at the airport do this and that like it wasn't actual people i hate video i don't know if the part where i say youtubers who say welcome back that that bothers me i didn't even know she said welcome that's 90 of youtube and then also i said when girls call you their best friend right away and like leech on to you which was not the case with gabby at all we had a very like steady friendship and it was mutual we both called each other our best friend like it's just i don't know what she thought was about her and that but again gabby wants to talk about patterns it's a pattern with gabby to believe that things that are not about her are about her and so she took that video thought i was talking about her and ran with it she contacted richie and she asked him if he would be in a video with her exposing me for what god knows what but exposing me nonetheless she literally asked him to sit next to her and expose me i lost my [ __ ] when richie called me and told me that richie is not your pawn to [ __ ] with me gabby fast forward a couple weeks after that we had vidcon and i knew i might run into gabby and i had to mentally prepare myself for that because i was completely pissed i arrive at vidcon i go into the lobby and i talk to a mutual manager of ours and she was talking to me about getting all settled in and stuff and before i left tells me oh by the way gabby was just here she was looking for you i just played it off and i kept it pushing and then a couple hours later at a cocktail hour i was told again by someone that you were looking for me and i'm not gonna lie i was [ __ ] upset i could not understand how you had the audacity to look for me so much when you knew that we were having an issue because you had just tried to recruit my ex-boyfriend to be in an exposed video about me so you weren't looking for me to play patty cake you were looking for me to either talk something out or start conflict i don't know what fast forward even more i think it might have been the next night i went to a party and i was drunk no excuse for this but i was drunk i encountered one of our mutual friends who told me that gabby was looking for me again and i lost it that's the only way to describe how angry i got and i unblocked gabby's number and i texted her if you keep looking for me you're gonna find me and i'm gonna punch you in the face that is the physical violence threat i immediately knew that i shouldn't have sent that to her so i went to my room i fell asleep and the next morning i left vidcon early because that's my responsibility to remove myself from a situation where i'm losing control but that's not the end of it because even after sending that text message which i think most people would look at and say oh this person's obviously at their mental break gabby decided that she was going to reach out to multiple people but one of them being alex james and send him a series of text messages asking where i am if i went home and if he could relay a message she wanted him to send a message to me when i think i made it clear that i don't want any messages and i don't want to be found by her i don't want to be talked to by her i think my message made that pretty clear and in those text messages she said that if he can't get those messages to me then she'll just get a random to do it which is something that gabby did a lot and it really frustrates me that she talks about boundaries when she has never respected a single boundary in my entire life when i block her she goes to my email and she emails me anyway when i make it clear that i don't want to talk to her she goes to other people to get messages to me there is no escaping her and she makes it seem like i want so much to do with her she literally has always pushed and pushed and pushed until i'm like exploding i don't know what else to do so anyway uh alex did not relay that message to me she ended up emailing me the message herself alex asked her if she figured it out and she says nah it doesn't matter i just need to not take it personally she has a mental disorder i'm not saying that to be like she's crazy she's just genuinely sick and i can't help how her mind works it's just the same as my mom you just can't reason with people whose brains function that way it's just hard to not take it personally and to have someone have such a weird skewed perception of you and when she emailed me she basically was like i have no idea why you're upset with me i thought everything was fine why did it get to this point and i feel like i'm going insane i'm like gabby you tried to recruit richie for an exposed video about me the person you tried to have sex with to spite me yeah i'm [ __ ] pissed stop looking for me i don't want to talk to you go away and this is after she had been in-house with curtis and allowed him to apologize to her if he had ever been rooted events this was after that so this is not the only thing you've done to spite me and now you're just pissing me off and when i point that out to gabby and i say gabby you tried to recruit richie for an exposed video she's like well it was just a preemptive measure gaby has a history and a pattern if you will of not addressing things until they're shoved in her face she will hide anything and everything that she has to do with a situation it's not a memory thing she's always done this that event had just happened a few days before she emailed me she knows damn well that she had tried to recruit richie for this little exposed video and you're gonna pretend to not know you pretend to not know cause you think i don't know she will not address anything or be honest about anything until you show that you have proof of it that is why people take things public with you gaby that is why people talk about you publicly because privately you will bombard them you will make them feel like what they think happened never happened and it's frustrating so that's the threat of physical violence that she's talking about and the reason why this series scared me is because again gabby's very irresponsible with how she distributes information when this is how you describe an event i have the timeline of that where you reach out to me and you ask me um if i wanted to get food and drinks and i was like yeah let's do that and then i heard you were at a party i thought i was that so i asked a couple people to party like hey where's jesse where's jeffy and then next thing i knew i got a text saying and i have this all obviously next thing i know i got a text that said um i'm blocking you just to say this right now don't ever put my name in half again followed by a voice note saying that i'm lucky that you were getting into the uber because you were gonna knock my [ __ ] teeth out that's scary gabby you're painting it as like i just want to punch people for no reason again not right how i handled it should have handled it better but there's a big difference between let's go get food and drinks i'm gonna punch you in the face and you try to do a bunch of [ __ ] that you knew would piss me off and then you continued to push and push and push me until i broke i snapped now the blackmail much quicker to address it's not as long and convoluted as a story so for the black male what she's referring to started when she emailed me and congratulated me on my pregnancy with my son in 2017. i responded and thanked her um i had her number blocked that's why she messaged me but i responded nicely anyway and said i appreciate that hope you're doing well four months later without me and her having any direct contact it's not like me and her were going at it and i expected retaliation like nothing happened she says i tweeted something at this point i could have tweeted anything and she could have said it was about her i really don't know but four months later i was seven months pregnant one night i get a bunch of tweets hey i think gabby's new story time is about you and the story time was about the time where she stole my man and the man she's referring to is richie so seeing that story time and how nasty she spoke about me because she wasn't just saying a story she was being disgusting how you say that [ __ ] when four months earlier you were like you're so positive in life now congratulations it was disgusting to me and quite frankly she lied in it because no i'm not insane gabby the story ended with you trying to have sex with richie i was like why are you going so hard on a topic where you're dead wrong for but anyway i texted her and we spoke about this on the phone call i said something to the effect of hey what the [ __ ] if you keep this video up i'm gonna have to defend myself like you're lying in this video and that is what gabby hannah deems as blackmail i am not lying that is what happened i have never in my life said hey gabby if you don't take that video down this is gonna be really bad for you you have 48 hours to take the video down then sign a non-disclosure agreement about the situation with richie and do whatever the hell else i come up with or else i'm gonna expose you no gabby i never did that that's you and what you did is actually textbook blackmail and if i had any [ __ ] money or any will to deal with you in court for multiple years and prolong this then i would take you to court because not only did you blackmail me what you're doing in this series is fulfilling that threat so i just find it very ironic that she thinks a text message where i'm saying if you're gonna leave that video up i'm gonna defend myself she thinks that's blackmail with what she's done it's just so bizarre and she says it with such conviction notice how when i posted the tweets i didn't even say blackmail i called it an ultimatum because i'm careful with my [ __ ] words gabby you can't go around calling people abusers because you don't like them because [ __ ] has happened with them that's the physical violence that's all the [ __ ] threats that she's talking about she takes tweets subtweets his threats she sees things and i'm not trying to like gaslight her she just sees things where they're not there that people i hate video had nothing to do with her and it just genuinely leaves you in a place where you don't want to invalidate someone else but you're also like you're just saying stories that never happened gabby parts of what gabby has done to me if you guys have been around for long enough to witness has been emotional abuse what she's done in regards to my trauma and airing it out and lying about it and making me the villain of it in itself is emotional abuse to a certain extent however i would never refer to gabby hannah as my abuser that is not a term you throw around and that's not counting the first time i ever had an interaction with jessie smiles which was when she mobilized her fans in 2013 when she had well over a million followers and i had 10 000 and had just started vine what she's talking about is very confusing because i never mobilized my fans against her but what actually happened is that she made a vine where she said that she was coming for my crown or something and i'm gonna be completely honest it wasn't like a horrendous vine where she was being awful to me but i picked up a vibe okay i didn't like her energy the way she delivered it i don't know she just gave me a bad feeling so i blocked her i don't remember if i commented on it but i might have commented something like this is cringe or something along those lines i don't remember exactly but the point is i blocked her i did not mobilize fans against her i did not make a vine and say guys what the [ __ ] is up with this girl but i did block her and she has expressed me that that hurt her feelings and so for that i'm sorry that i blocked you in 2013 because you rap battled me jesse continues to move the goal post and no matter what i will never be free of her abuse because nothing will ever be good enough because her goal is for me to suffer the goal post never moves the thing i want remains the same and that is for you to leave me alone everything i have ever said about you has been a response to your actions towards me if you stop being horrible to me i will stop responding to you hand to god even though this last year you didn't leave me alone i still left you alone because i don't want anything to do with you the proof is in the [ __ ] pudding gabby you don't stop whether it's private and that was a big thing in our phone call where she's like you publicly say things about me you publicly tweet you publicly subtweet gabby in private you try to convince everyone i'm mentally ill and have mental disorders you lie to people and tell them awful [ __ ] about me things like i'm a [ __ ] you do things that make me upset and then you act so flabbergasted that i'm upset stop lying about situations that hurt me stop doing things to hurt me on purpose and then i won't have anything to react to gabi but i don't know who you think you're dealing with although i am an emotional and very sensitive person i'm not gonna [ __ ] take things lying down i'm gonna have things to say i'm a human being and i'm a strong woman you think i'm just gonna be like oh gabby said things but it's okay no big deal no it pisses me off and i have every right to say something so if you want things to stop all you have to do is stop everything started in 2019 because i dm somebody who tweeted that i chose my best friend's and i asked her to please show me the evidence she insisted to me that the evidence existed she said she remember seeing a tweet that i said i was standing by curtis's side no matter what that did not exist she sent me a vine that it was not me in the vine so now that jessie had to drop the i chose my best friend's i'm a social climber story that she's been pushing since 2015. what i find really interesting about this screenshot and she puts it on the screen that the tweets i'm talking about are not about curtis the tweets that she put on screen are about richie richie had started a vine account where he was talking about how we broke up and she commented on his vines and i thought that was disgusting and then the tweets on the right are jen jen dent my friend not me so what she's referring to this is such a convoluted story but basically that's true there were times when i would want to say something and i just felt like i couldn't i feel like it would be too much drama i feel like i would be bringing up too much if it was on my account until jen would be like just wait on my account i would do it and i should you not ask jen two minutes later it was like a diary it was like a diary that i just needed like that like word this is really frustrating because she's trying to paint the picture as if when jen tweeted those things it was really me no tweet i have ever made on jen's account which i've already explained super immature i felt like i couldn't use my own voice to say certain things mainly about curtis not about gabby ever i don't think but everything i've ever said on jen's account deleted i never left a tweet up so everything that she's talking about jen herself said and she's trying to put this clip of me saying like yes i used to log into jen's twitter account and paint it as if these tweets are me gabby no and jen herself tweeted uh yeah i said that and i'd say it again she moved on to say that i hung out with her and his friends which didn't happen you never hung out with curtis and his friends that was proven on the phone call and then what's funny is that later on in this video she admits there's many more times that people didn't even know about this is the [ __ ] i'm talking about where she's like well why do you keep responding i keep responding because you keep lying and even later on in this video you contradict this statement but like this is why this is so frustrating for me which one is it gabby did you hang out with him did you not hang out with him we all know the answer i'm just wondering which one you're gonna say she lied in saying that he pulled me aside and told me and that we talked in person he didn't call you you hung out with curtis's friends chris was there this is what you told me he pulled you to the side and he told you that he feels so sorry to you i can't believe what he did to absolutely did not happen and i know that didn't happen it was a facetime call and i know for a fact it was a facetime call because he recorded it and blackmailed me with it i didn't know that she had facetimed curtis lapore until i had a phone call with her last summer the reason why i said it wasn't a facetime call this happened in person is because gabby has hidden all of her interactions with curtis and it's only now that i know the majority of them i'm sure there's more that i don't know about but she's acting like it was a facetime call gaby i didn't know that because you've lied to me and you never told me about a facetime call but either way she now goes into the call which is super disturbing she brought up the tweets that i already apologized for in 2014 and then when that kind of fell through because she herself said don't you remember you apologized to me for those tweets that's how we became friends so then she realized that she couldn't use the tweets anymore so then she threatened me into a phone call that i told her i was not ready or in the headspace for how do you argue with someone that reads the same words in which you're saying you are not threatening them you don't want to make a video these are my emotions this is how i'm feeling trust me i don't want to make a video i don't want to pressure you into a phone call how do you argue with the person that reads those words and sees i'm going to make a video and i have evidence and i'm threatening you that is why gabby and i have so many issues we not only don't see eye to eye we exist in different realities and it is what it is i guess i was so [ __ ] mentally unwell that summer and i don't think that any of you guys would [ __ ] argue that i needed the time and space to get back before approaching a conversation with my [ __ ] abuser dude and then she continued to threaten me telling me that if i didn't talk to her that she was gonna have to make another [ __ ] video about me if i'm your abuser why did you paint us as being super civil and being able to have great conversations jessie and i have been in a really good place for years i congratulated her publicly on her wedding she responded publicly and we've had a lot of conversations over the years with no problems i'm doing this publicly because you have me blocked and i don't think that it's appropriate for me to reach out to you privately given that circumstance now see your number has never been blocked on my phone i feel it through the years and especially recently that you and i have had some really positive discourse and we have proved that we're capable of civil conversation i truly thought that we put all this behind us but if there's something that you are hurt by that you want to talk about or something we've talked about that you'd like to talk about again i'm all yours i'm happy to listen to you we can talk privately if you'd like we can do it publicly in the form of a video or podcast we can have a private conversation where we record it just so that we have it for ourselves am i your abuser or am i someone that you have civil conversations with are you open to having a conversation with me or are you terrified about having a conversation with me because i'm your abuser it can't be both gabby so i had the conversation even though i knew that she was just trying to catch me in something and get something that she could use and that's exactly what she did i find that ridiculous because i quite literally said a million times in that phone call that i wanted this to end that i would not talk about her that she could sue me if she wanted to that i did not want to make this public or continue this publicly what part of that and saying that a million times made you feel like i was waiting for you to slip up so i can expose you the fact that i spoke to curtis was absolutely not news to jesse the fact that he told me the story was absolutely not news to jessie i told her that in 2015. that's why she started the rumor that i chose my best friend's and i was a social climber no you didn't gabby no you did not you have been proven to not be honest to not remember things how they went down so how dare you tell me what you told me in 2015 i think i would [ __ ] remember if my ex-best friend told me that she allowed the man that raped me to tell her about that night i think i would have remembered that jesse was looking for any moment that she possibly could so that she could get emotional on the call because she was filming it and she always knew she was going to post it i was waiting for a moment to get emotional on the call gaby the last time i checked i haven't won any [ __ ] oscars and this whole filming thing a lot of people have been like well why'd jessie film it i don't understand let me break it down for you i recorded the call on photo booth i was not going to set up my microphone and start recording audio professionally i literally was like i'm just going to record it on my laptop and my computer is always aimed at me because i have my laptop on a stand and then i have my big monitor that i edit on so i have to have the screen turned to me so that i can drag things to my monitor you think i set up a [ __ ] tripod do you think that i wouldn't have number one perhaps dressed for the occasion when half of it i'm not even wearing a bra and i'm wearing a [ __ ] robe and i look haggard as [ __ ] do you think that i filmed that and was being opportunistic about that and wanting to get emotional to show people is that why i held on to that for a year if i wanted to do this for attention and for emotion i would have put that phone call on my youtube channel the second we [ __ ] had it i didn't want this i didn't want people to see me like that for you again to interpret someone displaying emotion as manipulative says a lot more about you than it does to me i think you have a lot of issues inside yourself that manipulates other people with emotion if i'm being completely honest because i could never look at a video of someone crying like that and feeling the way that i felt and be like they were just looking for a moment to get emotional gabby do you have any empathy for me at all as a human being i mean i know the answer to that the one thing i say on the call is i think i tell her i did say this because i remember putting it into the series too on the call i was like jesse like this isn't news i've told you this in 2015. this was public knowledge i wrote it in the notes app apology and the reason i said that is because i believed i did because it happened i would never say something on purpose that would be that easy to disprove especially to somebody like her who's looking for a lie i thought that i put that in the top apology because i thought i did the same way you thought you put that in the notes app apology you thought you told me about the story i never knew about it you never included it in your apology you just think you do things and you didn't i wasn't looking for a reason for you to lie i just went to go check after you insisted multiple times when i told you please let's change the subject you insisted no no but i wrote that in my notes and i just thought you knew about that so i went and checked your notes of the apology and it wasn't there i wasn't looking for anything gabby it was literally right there you asked me to go check so the reason i removed it from the first draft was because i never wanted to talk directly about jessie's story because i knew by saying something like curtis told me his side of the story that it would start opening up questions well what did they both say this is something that i literally never wanted to [ __ ] do i never wanted to do any of this she says on screen that if i said i asked curtis what his story was it would open up questions of if the story matched and if it didn't how i handled his lie i thought he was the one that asked you to tell you about that i tell night the story of that night and i said i mean yeah that's fine like i've heard her side you can tell me yours nothing that gabby says about her interactions with curtis are honest i believe that a hundred percent she either doesn't remember them genuinely or is hiding them on purpose but now because she put out a very highly edited and manipulated portion of a private phone conversation used to make me look like i'm a [ __ ] monster give me one way in which i removed context or made you look like a monster in a scenario where your own words didn't already make you look like a monster gabby talks about like oh jesse drops atomic bombs on me the atomic bombs i drop on you are your literal words the words you speak and you write if that is an atomic bomb on your life you need to reconsider the way you treat people and the way you speak to people she said that i used the clip that she posted from the phone call in my intro video and like so you can post it publicly it involves me directly but i'm not allowed to say anything about it that's what i've been experiencing you can just say whatever the [ __ ] you want and do whatever the [ __ ] you want it can be as one-sided as possible and i just don't get to say it involves you directly because you lied about a situation that is traumatic to me maybe i would feel okay with you talking about it if every time you did talk about it you didn't lie use the clip of me crying all you want gabby i asked you not to out of common decency you just want to be able to talk about it to do it you don't add anything productive or substantial to the conversation of you and curtis lepore you only hurt me further you only make me explain things regarding my trauma further and it has no benefit that's why i told you not to continue talking about it not because i want to control the things you talk about but because you're just hurtful with this [ __ ] topic and you've proven to not only not be considerate or empathetic in any way when you're addressing it but you lie about it it's a wonder i don't want you talking about it if you truly didn't want me to use the clips if you truly didn't want me to talk about your trauma then you should have just [ __ ] left me alone and you're not afraid of me holding dude you're not afraid of me doing this because you think i might lie she's afraid because she knows i know the truth and she knows that i have the evidence to back it up i'm afraid you know the truth i don't even know what your truth is if i'm being completely honest and if i didn't want you to talk about my trauma i should have left you alone how about shut the [ __ ] up about people's trauma period you are so quick to tell people they can't speak about yours or situations that are sensitive to you but someone else cannot ask you to stop lying stop bringing a painful situation up to serve you if you have an issue with me and things i've done to you go ahead gabby bring it up talk about the time i almost punched you or whatever you want to do that is fine that's your story to tell that involves both of us go for it but for you to feel like you even have the [ __ ] right at this point with how much you've lied about the situation and then you're gonna have the audacity to tell me like she's scared because i know the truth gabby you never speak the truth even when you speak your truth it's like so easily disprovable because it doesn't even make any sense i'm scared of the way that you deliver information in such an irresponsible unempathetic horrible way that's what i'm scared of gabby not the truth your truth there'd be no reason that she'd be so upset about this video or me leaking the phone call she wouldn't be trying so hard to weaponize her trauma against me saying don't talk about me in my trauma don't make me relive my trauma nobody did that but jesse how many times do i have to ignore jesse trying to involve me in a trauma that has [ __ ] nothing to do with me before i get to say something about it and i know that i can also prove that anything i've ever done to you was a direct response to multiple attacks as a desperate move to try to get you to leave me the [ __ ] alone can you please explain to me how becoming friends with the man who raped me after you were my best friend and i trusted you and i allowed you into my life in a very personal and vulnerable way can you explain how becoming friends with a rapist period is a direct action of me not leaving you alone i'm very curious to hear your response because in my book personally just me nothing in this world can make me be friends with a rapist i know this seems random but a lot of you guys remember my sam pepper story time where i almost fought sam pepper but what a lot of you guys don't know is that that story included gabby in it gabby was the person that i barely knew at the time who came into an apartment where i was and she was crying and she said that sam pepper pushed her she had apologized to me for the tweets already but we were not close friends and what did i do i went on twitter and i told him to go [ __ ] himself or something along those lines and then i almost fought him at an event when him and logan paul came up to me and said you weren't even there like you don't even know what you're talking about and i said i don't have to [ __ ] be there i saw my friend crying and i know who you are what you've done to multiple women and i was willing to not just not be friends with sam pepper and anyone that he associates with i was ready to fight a grown man for hurting someone that i didn't even know at the time nothing in this world gaby would have made me be friends with a rapist nothing in this world would have made me interact with a rapist period not a phone call not being in the same room if there's a rapist near me they better [ __ ] run so for you to say everything i've done is a direct action please describe what action i've done that made you surround yourself and be in multiple scenarios and almost collaborate with curtis laporte i told jesse the truth on the call i listened to curtis when he asked me if he could tell me his side of the story because i knew the true story jesse showed me the evidence she showed me the text messages i heard her side of events and if he was going to try to say something that wasn't true i was going to call him the [ __ ] out on it i also listened to curtis because he's a human being and just like in real court in the court of public opinion if you're gonna judge and condemn somebody you should at least hear them out you're not the court of public opinion gabby you were my best friend we had just stopped being friends had a falling out not for a huge reason but because i didn't want to continue our friendship you are not the court of public opinion you were someone i [ __ ] trusted the reason curtis called me is because the rumors that jesse was spreading about me and the horrible [ __ ] that she was saying about me got back to him and he found out that we weren't friends anymore so he asked a friend to put us in contact and got my number and i do think it's also important to note that at the time the entire community was still backing curtis including jesse's best friend alex james who was actually jesse's friend at the time that's why this entire thing holds no [ __ ] weight alex james called jessie when the article dropped and jesse told alex her story personally to her friend i'd never met her and then after alex's friend jessie told him about her he still chose to move in with curtis he still chose to collab with curtis he still actively associated himself as curtis's friend and i'm the [ __ ] villain this is what i mean when i say stop bringing up my [ __ ] gabby gabby knows why i'm still friends with alex she knows everything that's transpired now her story holds no weight because alex is still my friend and he was friends with curtis she knows the backstory there because she was friends with both alex and i for a very long time including far after alex was friends with curtis but because gabby continues to need to bring things up to shield herself to say but not me alex this continues to put me in a position where now i'm gonna have to sit here and explain why i'm friends with alex james and not friends with gabby hannah and both have to relate back to who curtis lapore this is why i don't want you bringing [ __ ] up anymore gaby you continue to make me need to address things that you already know the answer to and that still don't make what you did any better so you know what let's just get into it number one she describes alex as my best friend i love alex he was never my best friend nor is he my best friend now him and i have never had that close of a relationship we've had a very friendly relationship i appreciate him as a friend we have never been best friends she says that because she wants to paint him in the same light where she was where one would think i would expect the same things out of him that i expected from her and that's simply not the truth she was my best friend we lived together she knew my [ __ ] whole life alex is someone i met from the internet i get along with he's very sweet and we stay in each other's life and we keep up with each other how are you i'm good how are you that's it alex was friends with curtis before everything happened alex was friends with me before everything happened he was in a position where he felt he needed to be neutral and to be completely clear it's not a situation you stay neutral in he knows that alex never publicly bashed me in the way gabby did gabby very publicly called me a liar fought with multiple people over it because she was so sure that i was a liar said that girls cry rape in her neighborhood thousands of times alex did none of that every interaction alex has had with curtis he has apologized to me for and he was honest with me about in the time it was happening every interaction he had with curtis the poor i knew about most of them he told me about before they happened but at a certain time i just accepted that they were friends but the real reason why alex is in my life today is because alex knows what he did wrong i don't even know how many times alex has apologized to me and not just apologize to me literally a few weeks ago he was facetiming me and he had tears in his eyes and he's like i should have never [ __ ] put you in that position and i have to tell him alex it's okay it passed you grew from it you learned from it but that man he knows what he did wrong and he's owned up to it publicly and he's owned up to it more importantly privately to me and has shown me that he gives a [ __ ] about me and that he feels horrendous for the position he put me in and how he hurt me for you to use him as a scapegoat to lessen the heat off of yourself for things that you're still doing is just disgusting and this is the type of [ __ ] i'm talking about when i say stop talking about this stop talking about this if all you're gonna do is deflect and lie and put [ __ ] on to other people and then force me to explain it when it shouldn't need to be explained so when curtis called me i was being attacked by jesse relentlessly everybody else was saying curtis was a great guy including jesse's friend alex so i heard him out it was a really [ __ ] confusing situation and really difficult to navigate and i was very isolated because i was jesse's friend gabby was not my only friend i don't know why she is portraying that nobody was my friend was i isolated and a lot of people believed curtis and stayed friends with curtis yeah but i was not like a hermit crab that nobody wanted to touch because i was like infected like what is this rhetoric that i lived this horrible miserable life where nobody wanted anything to do with me that's not the [ __ ] truth either i had friends at the time gaby and i'm not even talking about like my real life friends even influencer friends and i just find it very insane that you are the only one that complains about being isolated i have a lot of other people that stood by my side and never for a [ __ ] second did they make me feel like that was a burden and nobody [ __ ] with me because i was jesse's friend and that was okay with me i was okay being the person who had jesse's [ __ ] back do you know how many people i've met over the years have been wonderful to me get over yourself and guess what in the end you weren't a good friend at all you completely opened yourself up to a relationship with someone who hurt me like curtis hurt me don't paint yourself as if you were a good friend everything you ever did and said during our friendship is null and void when you did what you did with curtis lepore stop painting yourself as if you had my back you know what people who had my back did avoided him like the [ __ ] plague not because i asked them to just because uh that's what people do with rapists after he apologized he said can i tell you my story and i said yes i'll listen earlier you said that you asked him and again now you're going back to he asked you what really happened gabby if curtis came to me with [ __ ] hard facts that jesse was lying in some way i still wouldn't [ __ ] defended him he told me that was fine he would never expect that he just wanted to be heard then i asked him if he was recording because i was paranoid because of some of the [ __ ] that jesse was doing to me and he told me no he told me almost the exact same story that jesse told me i don't think it's reasonable to assume that consent was implied especially because they were broken up you can still rape somebody if you're in a relationship by the way but if they were together and that she had previously told him something and there was a misunderstanding i think that would probably be a different story but you don't know that your ex wants to have sex with you in the first place this is where i start to lose any ability to be kind in the things i'm going to say or react in a way that's in any way calm not that i've really been calm in this entire video first of all you're going off of what he told you which i'm not gonna get into here because he put out a statement with his sick and twisted [ __ ] version of things and i put out my statement of how things happened and so if you want to find the discrepancy and what she's referencing when this is not something she should be [ __ ] referencing at all but for you to say that if he had been my boyfriend at the time if we hadn't been broken up then maybe it would be a different story are you seriously implying that if he had been my boyfriend me having a head injury and telling him i feel sick and then waking up with him having sex with me unprotected sex with me that that would have been fine do you understand how [ __ ] awful you are for saying that i don't want your input on that night or what you think was okay or would have been okay in certain scenarios nobody [ __ ] asked you stop talking about this stop i know i was not mean to him on the call i have always believed that there's no point in trying to learn from your mistakes if people won't let you grow from them so if you're gonna tell me a story and i have an opportunity to possibly [ __ ] teach you something or call you out on some [ __ ] why the [ __ ] wouldn't i do that like what's the point i knew that his fate would be determined by a judge and a court i am not here to [ __ ] judge anybody dude i'm not here to condemn anybody all he asked was to be heard and i listened curtis was charged and confessed to his crime and i'm pretty sure even pled guilty before i knew gabby so again if you think i'm evil for listening to somebody and for wanting to hear both sides of the situation before i condemned and judged somebody for eternity whatever that being said he did [ __ ] blackmail me this note is really misleading because yes she was not friends with me when the tmz article came out but when she says and i was not friends with jesse when i got the facetime call she means that she was not friends with me anymore so she's saying it as like we were never friends during this period no no no we weren't friends when the tmz article came out we had already been best friends when you had that facetime call with curtis i remember exactly the timeline where this is but shortly after we had that conversation jesse was talking about it on twitter and he hit me up and he was like hey do you see what jessie's saying can you go on twitter and say something and i was like no dude like i already told you i could [ __ ] do that and he was like okay but you know the stories she's been telling about you you know how manipulative she is you know how vindictive she is how can you not defend me and i said because i [ __ ] told you i wouldn't and then when i wouldn't defend him he said well how would you feel if i leaked a video from our phone call where you said that you believed me and jesse's a liar or something and i don't have it but i remember the gist of it was basically he clipped together pieces of the conversation where if i were to say something like i believe you when you say that you didn't mean to hurt jesse but that doesn't mean that she wasn't hurt he clipped it to be like i believe you you believe curtis when he said he didn't mean to hurt me gabby how does someone do what he did and harass me for [ __ ] years after that and not mean to hurt me and you're saying that he clipped together your words so that it said i believe you gabby come on someone who got a little carried away and i'm not gonna lie i was very upset about this when i was presented with this information but someone who is well intentioned just misled in my opinion at that time and she will own up to that she's like i shouldn't have [ __ ] done this um she reached out to curtis to ask him what the black male was curtis the poor is a liar gabby hanna is a liar but curtis the poor is a [ __ ] liar so when i was presented and told like oh curtis answered and said what the blackmail was i told this person i don't want to know i don't want to see the [ __ ] words he types on a screen like i don't even know how to describe how much i [ __ ] hate that man but after about i think was like two weeks i guess my curiosity got the best of me and i was like what was the blackmail because i know gabby's not being honest with me i know curtis is not honest something in my gut just wanted to know i guess and i'm gonna put the messages up on the screen right now this is between curtis and the person who was messaging him and curtis says that gabby reached out to him and told him that she was sorry for what i put him through he asked her to defend him publicly which she also admits and she said no i don't know who to believe but i know both of them are [ __ ] up and i know that regardless of what gabby thought she was doing in that phone call what she was really doing is sympathizing with curtis that's why she wanted to hear his side that is why she still when she's talking about oh there was a discrepancy she's talking about his story she sympathizes and believes his story after she was my best friend what level a [ __ ] up do you have to be to do that hide it blame it on me and until this day call me your abuser and then after that i think i only saw him like two or three times one was at an event in hollywood that's where he was like a gabby show can i get a pick and took those pictures and then afterwards the same night everybody from the event went to the diner across the street and then he was taking pictures of zayn and i like implying that he was there with us can we rewind to a year ago to what you said that story was in fact one time i was at an event an influencer event and he happened to be there and he tried to take a snapchat selfie with me and i told him to delete it right now because i did not want to be associated with him i have zero association with curtis lepore i'm so exhausted so now it wasn't just a picture that you took with someone who you didn't even know was taking the picture and then as soon as you realized it was curtis you asked him to delete it the story is that you guys all went to dinner afterwards and he sat across from you in a booth and you're mad that he posted about it you should be mad that you put yourself in that situation nobody can make you look bad by showing something that you're doing unless the thing that you're doing is bad i don't remember if we had any other exchanges i would have never collabed with curtis even if i [ __ ] wanted to like how dumb would i have to be to collab with curtis considering there were already rumors out there that jessie was telling people that i ditched her to collab with her rapist yeah but never explicitly said gabby is a great ecologist gabby collapsed with my rapist so as this isn't even really an attack on jessie smiles is an attack on what you're saying and what you're allowing there's some [ __ ] that pops up like after i did my first video the responding to jesse and i talked about specific tweets those were all the tweets i could possibly find and then i saw more tweets afterwards and my [ __ ] jaw dropped dude i've been living in constant fear that a lie that i don't even know i'm telling is gonna catch up with me because i don't [ __ ] remember it because i do impulsive [ __ ] and i forget about it i have memory issues dude what you're basically saying is that you're so impulsive and you've done so much [ __ ] to her people over the years that you can't even keep track of it and quite frankly that's something you need to get help for i'm not like shaming your mental health at all i'm just saying that is a scary situation and it means that you've treated a lot of people in ways that you can't even keep track of at this point because it's been so many because you're so impulsive that's not an excuse stop hurting people and you don't have to keep track of anything i've done some [ __ ] [ __ ] to like hurt people's feelings in this situation and others the thing that's so [ __ ] tough for me is i don't know what i'm supposed to do and that's how i've been feeling like since 2015 but like specifically the last two years since she started this [ __ ] like i don't know what i'm supposed to do like every [ __ ] day feels like i'm walking in a [ __ ] landmine and like i just don't want to [ __ ] step on anything you have put yourself in these situations you have made the decision to have the interactions with curtis support that you have had rather than just sit here and say you lied you're bringing up our past and talking about that i privated videos gabby we're not here talking even about my 2019 video anymore this has become so much more than that because of how much you've lied and how much you've put me through when you've lied you know what it is that i'm pregnant and it's not even like oh i'm pregnant please pity me like i'm [ __ ] pregnant gabby i just had a miscarriage in january i'm halfway done with my pregnancy and i looked at my husband and i'm like i haven't even enjoyed it i don't deserve to have to be addressing this topic anymore i left you alone for a year and you plotted a [ __ ] series to follow through with your black male from last summer i don't want to deal with you any more i promise my followers this is my last video to gaby hannah i don't want anything to do with this person anymore whatever she says anything i don't even give a [ __ ] what she brings up from my past if there's a tweet i liked or a youtube video where you feel i was talking about you girl go for it just go for it i don't care i am sorry to my followers i'm sorry to anyone watching this video that you're having to be involved in my life in a way that i quite frankly never wanted you guys involved in my life i think this is a bit too far i want to be happy i want to enjoy my pregnancy i don't want to live in fear of a person who would rather blackmail me than own up to how she's lied i am done with this person i think she is a danger on this platform not just to the people that she terrorizes when they're having mental breakdowns but to her fans and her followers who every day are sent marching in a different direction to defend her because she'd rather create this spectacle of a series and pretend that she's never ever spoken up about anything than just say i [ __ ] up here period if you want to take accountability just do it but stop trying to paint yourself as someone who does no wrong and gets called out for nothing and you're just being attacked and you're just being hurt you hurt people gabby you hurt people constantly and mark my words you will continue to hurt people once this series is over six months a year from now when your music needs promoting you are going to attack someone else like rachel oates or oscar wilde or dominic d'angelis you are going to worry your followers on tick tock by doing dances and saying things that concern them you are going to do that because that's you that's nobody else but you those are things that you're doing you feel like your life is just drama and things you have to address but you refuse to hold up the mirror in front of your face and see how you got there the part that you played in almost every situation is there situations where people are wronged for no reason and that you might have been wronged for no reason yeah but a lot of them that's not the case you've had a huge part to play in almost every situation that you've been called out for again i was bullied off of vine the only platform i knew and i left in silence because that's what i wanted to do and i wanted to do it with dignity for you to say that this series is you leaving youtube because you've basically been bullied off of youtube but then to bring everyone down with you do you not think i could have been on vine every day of my life and say curtis lepore confessed to raping me you guys are leaving hate comments you don't even know because he confessed in a phone call gabby why the [ __ ] would i spend time trying to convince people who think i'm a horrible person over something i know i know happened why would i spend a breath on those people for what i left for myself if you want to leave youtube there's the door but stop trying to bring everyone into the [ __ ] that you caused i'm not saying that i had no part in our situation i mean i've talked about parts i've had in this situation and you know subtweets and whatever you want to call it but like this what you're doing this series what you've already done how you've already lied you're just hurting people anyway i've been talking for a very long time and i'm very tired and i really don't have anything else to say so that is all and if you made it all the way through i appreciate it
Channel: JessiSmiles
Views: 6,837,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vine, vines, funny vines, best vines, vine app, jessi smiles, funny vine videos, funny videos, gabbie hanna
Id: gPH2VrAedaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 59sec (4799 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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