THE BEST BODYGUARD | Mr. President #1

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*WAPOOSH!* TOP OFF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIES!!! MY NAME IS Jacksepticeye! and welcome to a game called "Mr. President"! It's a game- well from what I've seen, It's a game where Donald Trump, they've already proclaimed him president... apparently. Let's hope to god that doesn't happen ( but it did... :-0 ) they- It's a game where HE'S up on stage I THINK! From What I saw in the trailer, he's up on stage and you're a bodyguard who has to jump in front of a bullet and save him I don't know... why. but, let's get in and play it! it looks like it might be just, some DUMB fun- I mean look at this stupid picture! *a pause as Jack looks at the painting in disgust* does ANYBODY have this picture?! Is this a real thing? GOD I HOPE NOT. So, I don't really know what else is goin on, this is literally the first thing that happens when you boot up the game. *OH HOLY JESUS FUCKIN CHRIST* The music all glitches out when you move around! *Jack Noises* the game's got some fuckin mad doppler effect goin on! *Jack Reading Convenient Tutorial signs* jump to- WHAT?! *cheering slowing down down dooooooooown...* "Knock him over" *Jack realizes* OHHHHHHHHHHHH! *gunshot* I DID IT!!! *laughs* That was so fuckin lame- OHHH, IT'S RUMP! *well played developers* RUMP FOR PRESIDENT! *Jack realizes again* "Body Guard Saves Rump!" Ohhhh, I get it!- OW fuckin Jesus! Left clickin just throws me around as well! *inhale* I wanted to play it... NOT because it's a whole all Donald Trump kinda shit, but for the fact that it has ragdoll physics! *giggling* I fuckin love that that's awesome! CAN I CROWD SURF?! CATCH ME EVERYBODY! *giggles again* WHERE'S THAT SNIPER?! WHERE'D HE GO?! Oh yes... *Jack Noise* FUCK YEAH!!! I AM THE WORLD'S GREATEST BODYGUARD! They're gonna give me a trophy! They're gonna give me a wax figurine! oh god... I can't even fuckin stand up though! a baby's first day at walkin! *another Jack noise, followed by giggles* OH, It's SO COOL *slow-motion noises* NEXT SCENE! wait not too hard NOOOOOOOOO OH MY GODDD !!! that was waaay more violent than I expected Okay..... Catch the bullet Ohh Ooooh! FUCK Yeah! I matrixed that shit. I used my massive pecks! To just... get up there SQUEEZE my pecks together, catch the bullet right there. Just... MUAH! Like a fuckin hero. You OK, Mr.rump? Jurrahh, ble ble ble ble ble. Kick to the fuckin face! Hahahaha Nice! That was awesome! Oh wait! Aww shit, i replayed it. Aww, Crap! Shit! Now i have to do it again. Cause i-- Aww.. Nut biscuits! Fuuuuuahhhhhhhh.... I fucking missed! Awww, god. Fucks him up! I like that his wig, stays there. Thats awesome! Nooo!! Fuck! I have to actually do it now because- Huehhh! Oh, no! Oh, no! Ohh Noo-! Hahaooo I pressed R instead of 2. So instead of going to the next scene, i just replayed it. Kay! I did it again, yes! 2 for next scene. Here we go, break the wall! Huahhh, Breahhh--- Ahahah-- Oh my god. Ohh, he got fucked up. Ahahaha. I'mma just leave! Ahahaha He got to rump and then he was like.... uhhh nope, Nevermind! Eughhh! Fuuuuckk! Oh... god! He just- he falls in on himself. Thats ridiculous! I got this! Huaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Fuuuuck Gaughhh Dun Dun Dun Dun Dunnnnn. Ugghhhn Break the wall first! Thats not good! Un-huhuh Jesus christ. Umm.. What did that? Was that me, was that me? Oh! Peace out! *Jack laughs* I love it! Oh its so awesome! Aww, Come on! How am I not saving him?? Awww! That fucking missed! Slow-Mo Replay! It went under here! *jack shows where* Fucks Sake Goooo! Oh jeez I missed completely. Fuck. I got this!! I can do it! I'm the best bodyguard! Erahhhh! Stop the bullet! Nope. Ahahahah. And you just see me fly past the screen. Like. Ahhhh! Ahahaha Aww this is fuckin awesome This game is cool! Aww, I wasn't even fucking close that time YESS! I didn't even need slow motion that ti-- Look at the bullet. Why wasn't the background flying? Wait? Where am I? Can I? Aww, I don't know where the i'd go. I wanted to run around Press 2 to end chapter. Ooooh, now we're back here. Wait why is this first person and the rest is... I dunno Mr. President made by GameDeveloperX Ohhhh! A little trophy! What did I just do?! OH YES wrestling ring "Rump used to be a character in Professional wrestling" He did! "Now wants to relive his glory days needs your help to feel alive again." "To progress you need to drop an elbow or headbutt on Rump." *CROWD GOES WILD!* NICE! I FUCKED HIM UP! EUUUUEAHHV Jesus chri-- WATCH OUT DUDE! God I'm sorry I almost killed you! YES! That's way too far! Why would you tell me to press space bar and then dive? *some noise Jack made* YEAH! F*cked him up! This is cool! I thought it was only the stage stuff that was in this game NOW I get to do all of this! AHH! did I press R? SHIT Here we go, Here we go DROPPING ON A GR0MMET! NICE! Broke the table That was sweet. OH GOD. Look at that fucking... Look at the character model My guys covering his eyes. And his accidental dab right there *Jack giggles* what´s next? okay! up. FUCK YOU! OH GOD THAT DUDE SHOULD BE IN THE RING! That dude right there! *jack pointing* He did not even flinch! My guy on the other hand is dead! Straight Straight fucking dead Oh god He glitches and then you fly for miles *Jack doing noises* Fuck *jack doing more noises* either go over or under. which you wanna do you motherfucker!? God I was glitching out. huah! come on hit the bastard NICE! DOWN YOU GO! Get over DDT! fucking suplex, for next scene. Okay here we go. Ahhh is it like a little minigame? okay i´m not doing anymore of thoose. I wanna see what this is. Is this more stage stuff? cause that was really fun! cause there was a time element to it aswell OH GOD NO! OHH GOD I BROKE THE MONEY EGG! RUMP DEAD! WORK OFF SOCIALIST MONEY STEALERS? AHUH. okay okay... AHH! DONALD!! UH FUCKS SAKE. GOD ALMIGHTY! This is so hard Nice I saved you. YES! Your top jaw is gone though. Are are you okay about that? Oh he´s waiving at his money all that´s accurate as well That´s not cool! I PRESSED FUCKING R AGAIN! AHH! come u-how did he get hit?? I saved him! There we go, Nice! Press 2 for next scene, Don´t forget the 2 Deadly. What´s happening? Why? UGGH GOD! I'm so slow! UGHHHHHHH!!!! IF I, IF YOUR BODYGUARD COMES IN AND HE´S LIKE: GET OUT OF THE WAY! slaps you in the face you don´t stand there like "Hi!" "Hi! yeah I love getting shot in the face" Fucks sake. ok! hopp!! down we go. where we stop ? End of the stairs. Oh fuck ugh. I'm having a hard time of it recently. GET UP!! *Jack looks at camera* My bad. I've had one too many whiskys I hope I hope you don´t mind. Aaaaaand... GET OUTTA THE FUCKING WAY!! YES! JACKSEPTICEYE BEST! BEST! BODYGUARD! BAAAAAAHHHHHH!! Run Everybody! get down on the ground! I have to do it- Ohhh god theres's fucking bombs do I have to knock the bombs out of the way? oh Jesus. Aaaawwwwww fuck! Move! Move! Move! ... It could not be fucking closer to him. there we go, there we go. I saved him! yes! yeah! cause they´re putting bullets in 4 different directions so I saved him this time. Yepp!! don't mind all the shit that's happening. Don't mind all the broken heads. It´s fine! Carry on. "C" to crouch okay. ahhh fucks sake! Okay. He dead... oh my bad my bad. I saved you bro!! I'ma save you again You look like you were in trouble again Are you okay? Rump Alive, bullets strike, innocent pile of money. Shit! what was I supposed to do? AHH THE MONEY´S FUCKING ME UP! DONALD! okay I'm coming! I'm coming. Arghh!!! he´s already dead. FUCK! okay so we, we jump and then we go this way. Yes! yes! *jack mumbling* GET UP! *Odd Noises* IMA COMING! IMA COMING! FUCK! Okay. Down the fucking stairs we go. YES! get up, get up, get up, get up, get up, get up, get up, get up Noooooooo! fuck I almost saved the wig. okay there we go that's how we´re supposed to do it dodge all of that fucking nonsense slow-motion dun dun dun dun dun dun *Victorious Grunt* BEST BODYGUARD! GOOD LORD I GOT FUCKING LOADS OF TIME! THERE! I.. I..FIXED HIM AGAIN OKAY well I'm going to leave this episode of Mr. President here, for what it is, it´s really really fun. I know what the fucking comments are gonna turn into though. I know by playing a game like this that everyone just gonna be talking about the presidential election and all like all different types of politics and- and that's fine. You can talk about anything you want to but please for the love of god please be civil to one another in the comments. Cause I don't I don't wanna like have to change what I'm playing just for the fear of what the comments are gonna turn into or anything like that. This looked fun, it was fun it's-it's satire, it's parody, it's just a joke type of stuff so... I like playing it and ragdoll physics are fun for what the gameplay mechanics were they were fun enough for what it actually was so please just be civil to each other, please think before you post. I'm just giving a warning right now and if I see anything that's to bad or people insulting each other or anything like that I'm gonna have to get in and start deleting stuff Um... and not that I wanna censor people but just if you're insulting each other for no reason then it's a bit unfair on people so please, just be nice and calm and civil to one another and let's just have fun with the joke and move on and be happy *Casual Laughter* but for now... THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR WATCHING THIS EPISODE! IF YOU LIKED IT PUNCH THAT LIKE-BUTTON IN THE FACE LIKE A BOSS!! AND HIGHFIVES ALL AROUND. *Jack makes highfive noise* THANK YOU GUYS AND I WILL SEE ALL YOU DUDE'S IN THE NEXT VIDEO!! *I'm everywhere (dubstep) by teknoaxe starts playing* This is very. Snappy. I like. This music.
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 12,880,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Mr.President, president, trump, donald trump, donald trump game, funny, funny game, funny donald trump game, parody, steam, Mr president game, gameplay, walkthrough, playthrough, funny donald trump, mr president jacksepticeye, videogame, lets play, let's play, rection, ragdoll, ragdoll game, bodyguard, security
Id: MptSg-x1nwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2016
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