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where are my hands jeez my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to good or my throat on that one hey granddad are you done you want fight oh I have much fight [ __ ] not speak you without language I'm bleeding everything very good I will speak from thought oh that's very clever he's speaking through his mind that's what I do yeah well you're still stuck in there and I'm out here being a [ __ ] winner also I wanted to play this again the reason I came back to Gordon it was not only because it's the best game of all time ever created of all mankind but I wanted to trade with this the new wrists because their tracking is [ __ ] flawless I have never had a headset track this well in all the times I've been doing VR stuff so I'm incredibly excited ha [ __ ] up I did the crap right I think so now I have to do the giant this is the only level I have left did I really just stop playing this game with one level alright alright there we go no it works okie dokie okie dokie kedo dokidoki have been tested thank you have done well thank you thank you wait how do I do the infinite grip that's not it Oh God oh I'm gonna Whittle I got a wobble boy you guys wanna step into my danger zone I call this one the scorpion alright dad I'm ready send me in that's it that hasn't speaker forehead as you do hahaha all right babies what's what's the dealio what's the story wishbone you want to go you want to tussle with that Gaelic Guardian don't have to try much harder you wouldn't defeat me I've been greatest warrior mankind has ever seen nothing can stop me everything that I've fought Fortin it's coming to fruition oh you could see your own death with whole bunch of your eyeballs a post on your head he's got no arms anymore or a face or anybody who loves him in this world okay there's a lot of you now all right hit each other that's it that's it hit each other guys it's not my decision I hate violence [Music] [Music] okay okay it's getting me into my chaperon zone again whatever you're taking the fun out of my foot get it up toes this is sweet look at you guys go you're having a nice little baby fight guys I just feel bad for you at this point here Oh Lord oh god it's hitting me oh [ __ ] okay okay stop oh [ __ ] there's more okay um well dude it's been nice knowing you but I have things to do that your friend hit your friend thank you guys it's not my birthday until strain theory it is enough to give me all these gifts now oh you guys are my best friends aw he cleaved them into oh but you want a new brother all you have to do is split the brother you already have in half you come to me with your rod dude that's not going to work against the mighty great axe oh this is like that OSes big wobbly sword I wish had two ends on it who is this really castle-forged steel cuz it doesn't look like it I'm ready dummy and boy alright who wants the tussle with the Irish muscle I'll have you guys know that I have been bred in bogs and swamp lands since I was just a wee lad here damn knees giving them toes or your head will do Oh cut me off a slice of that boy because I am getting that bread see this guy had the right idea he didn't wear any pants today you have black and Irish man into a corner he's gonna drink his way out of it but who the [ __ ] is laughing up there this is serious business okay you think this big fight between goofy gladiators is funny it's very serious this is my life's work I've trained for years I don't like violence I don't even need to be a doctor to tell you that he said Jim I'm running away I'm using this as an heir or I'm getting away folks dad they're fighting mom come pick me up kids are drinking Oh whoo careful there Michael Flatley lord of the dance ooh Bane owe you one of my favorite Batman villains good to meet you buddy Oh God your friends are hitting you though are they supposed to be doing that I thought you guys were all buddies okay look at you guys all in unison like NSYNC hi what are you doing dude okay to the pit to the pit push it in not you wait your turn someone is the greedyguts okay in you go and you go and you go and you go oh you had a bad time but mom I don't want to go to school today hey guys why did I not go to the party because I had no body to go it that's just too dumb to understand hey I may be as dumb as you think I am but I'm not as dumb as I don't know I am raised it in salute and kill them all well you got crabby hats can we get some cheers yes give it up give it up for everyone behind the scenes everyone behind the scenes are doing incredible work this is gonna be fun oh now I'm gonna get those knees now I'm gonna get those toes okay I need to be carefully you though cuz you got a bow and arrow okay I'm going over here can I just stop hitting yourself yourselves my sweet baby baby innocence he's a Rocket Man hey you fire to me they just use this forever wait can I just hear oh he's so cute he's all tuckered out from the big tire day he had that's way too easy come here yeah looky [ __ ] okay give me your head give me your actually give me your arm look mommy it's Stretch Armstrong what does that mean please don't pull my head off because I'm not listening how okay I need to kill someone I need to kill somebody to get aa mother i'ma take your head and shove it up his ass hey grab your arrows get in there everybody everybody I'm making a shawn pile there we go I'm keeping all my toys here huh oh no max no no you don't know you don't wait up no you don't get in there you salty sailor I just fling you across the map give me those legs okay oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no I need to kill you I need to kill you and you go goddamnit game stuff chaperoning me let me live my best life get in you [ __ ] god damn it come here give me no wow dude I didn't know you're made of rubber what happens to fight lemon tree split you this way oh oh I take it off your pants Wow Jesus okay oh my god you're my new another plane to everything shoot Jesus grace these things are so violent grabby grabby dude oh I'm having a wonderful time this is delightful know how many stands a chance against the great grabbers I want to use your head to beat up other people wait what who hit me why did that not count he hit me and gonna kill them [ __ ] look at let's get differencing hey dude again dude this tank leg give us the stank like dude yeah let him go what I did not expect that thank you now you face your idol what the hell who tried to hit me with this Oh another free fall oh crap salutes the audience and dying for them I want this one this one's cooler I salute you audience haha I'm not dying for you though I'm gonna kill everybody else for you this is a free-for-all though it's oh I could just take it easy let every else do the work but you know what why not get a little proactive and put the work in you know you see what your problem is sir is that you love your head too much it's a touch to your body so you're just not willing to part with it see he did the right thing he just popped his entire sternum out you want to do that I could set up that surgery for you if you want okay he's reluctant he's fighting me nurse 50 cc's of smack ass okay ah he finally did it he will he only lost half his face he didn't really fully commit man how embarrassing imagine fighting each other thinking you're gonna win Oh sucks to be you guys I got I just giving you the old one-two the Old Gaelic shuffle into the end of the pitch into the pit there you go that's your new home now you live there okay don't aim at me and come in from downtown into the pit give me those knees haha give it imposed give me nosy cops everybody dies nobody wins why didn't you come to my birthday last year okay hi you suck Jesus oh don't I really do it's amazing you'll have to fight our champions without it oh you ready for you oh but I thought it was a giant that I was fighting it's a two men stacked on top of each other oh my god it is Oh oh [ __ ] I don't get how do you think I have to use my fists Oh God wait are they fighting each other should I just stay here and watch wait what this isn't a fight he's got a sweet booty though look at that man those buns are tight okay today could I just say something can I just okay holy [ __ ] hey it's a tiny man boy Oh God doughnuts back my tiny child give me your son I will protect you wait fight him fight him son oh [ __ ] oh god my boy was useless that's my boy who 20 Bonar oh yes I'll take that wait you should keep fighting each other key frame each other dad get distracted okay no it's gone what are we supposed to use out come on Sean [ __ ] them up me [ __ ] fight ain't you you're the worst one I feel really bad about attacking you though your tiny boys freaking is hanging out and I can't move any further hi they said tapas and I was gonna say good morning to you alright I don't even know where in my room I am was I not even on camera for half of hey I did it they killed the giant it was really a giant though oh I should have known the picture actually gives it away oh my god there are custom things I can make the player size bigger is that the biggest thing can go okay I want to be the biggest I can be enemy Armour 0.1 enemy amount we crank that up because what I want to do is turn the gravity all the way up wait should I I want less gravity right yeah I want knock scale I want to [ __ ] [ __ ] up enemy speed now we leave that normal and then dansgame oh I am going to wreck house oh I am so big I could finally get to you guys oh okay what should I use I mean it does really matter at this size does it let's use the hammer oh my god I can't even hold on it this is ridiculous come on tiny child do you want to fight with dad I want to see brothers Birds [Laughter] oh sweet Jesus the tiniest little tap skill I am the greatest fighter mankind has ever seen I call this one the Ballad of the bastards the game can't even keep up with what's happening poop back in you go hey you shut it on my arm the tiniest of taps wait I want to play golf with you what a hit yes quit bowling not golf hit people into other people watch this kill the birds yes see this is how I feel all the time but I mean people out in public I just whoa I just feel so tall next to them all the time they do it I win they kill them all what's happening this is so fun okay now I'm gonna hit that guy into that guy you [Applause] [Laughter] know I'm too big for the environment it's not letting me wait I want to pick one oh okay can I pick you up nope I can't even pick you up this guy's even struggling to just walk because the gravity is too bad okay let's put him out of his misery there you go now kids kids you're not supposed to fight with each other okay okay well I'm gonna leave that episode of gore in there holy crap that is some of the most fun I've ever had playing a VR game Gorn is one of my favorite VR games cuz it's just when it works it's so perfect it's so silly it's so dumb just getting in and smacking people all over the place watching parts of them explode but playing with this new headset is just flawless there was no issues with tracking whatsoever any of the issues that occurred were just the game trying to render itself when I like smack one guy and he exploded everywhere the game couldn't keep up with it anymore but in regards to actually tracking me and everything this is just flawless now there are no problems with it so I never have the excuse of like God my Tracking's off so anything like that anymore which is great now I'm just horrible at video games but just remember I hate violence I'm just really good at it okay I'm like the John wick of VR video games but thank you guys so much watching this episode if you liked it punch like wooden in the face [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this must have been what it was like for the characters to see me that think
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,261,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, wireless VR, wireless htc vive, htc vive wireless version, wireless kit, tpcast wireless, wireless vive, wireless virtual reality, GORN, GORN game, GORN VR, GORN HTC Vive, GORN virtual Reality, GORN jacksepticeye, GORN gameplay, GORN playthrough, GORN Walkthrough, Gladiator, Gladiator Arena VR, HTC Vive, Valve HTC Vive, SteamVR, virtual reality, HTC Vive gameplay, virtual reality games, VR headset, VR gameplay, VR funny reaction, Funny VR
Id: CX_GjH2mcrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2019
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