I'VE SEEN SOME SH*T!!! | Reddit 50/50 Challenge

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okay I'm going to do this our diet I'm going to actually do this is it really worth it is it really worth it guys listen I woke up today and I had a sudden urge to kill myself I had a sudden urge to ruin my mind I decided to wake up check out something that's going to haunt me in my nightmares you guys probably want to know what's going on you know what's happening guys my name is beastie subscribe to my gaming channel to save me from all the tears that's going to come we're about to check out to read it 50/50 challenge well I don't know if it's a challenge technically because uh I mean well I mean it is a challenge because my god there's some weird stuff in here to check out but it's not a challenge because I mean you're not going to fail you're only going to cry and commit suicide you guys have seen this on the internet everybody's doing it the reddit 5050 challenge check out something that's either going to be simply amazing and wonderful and happy and it'll give you a nice smile or it's going to be terrible and it's going to ruin your life and sleep forever I went ahead and sort of you down with the top first so you know we're either going to get something amazing or something so bad it got to the top of the list or possibly people deliberately voted these up because they know the better ones are on top I don't know but we're going to jump straight into it and guys listen I need your support I need your moral support I need you to help me out because this this is going to be very painful I need you to subscribe to my gaming channel link up there down the scrim I know I'm selling out but please do it I'm going to cry a lot ok ok we have our first one right here man being attacked by cute puppies please please stay for work please avocado pit removal gone wrong I can only imagine it's going to be doesn't the pit removal gone wrong whoa oh wow hell is that possible there was no way how do you manage to do that hey he took a knife and he stuck it through his hand how do you do this how is that even possible you have to be an actual [ __ ] to have that happen what happened did you uh did you pull out a knife and you're like let me remove this stab it right through my hand that is a pop I have lost faith in humanity that is disgusting humans are so stupid what happened did you hold the avocado on the counter I didn't stab it right through did you forget about your hand that's amazing also I forgot I'm gonna have to blur all of this out too because I can't get age restricted Oh God if that's the first one I can't even imagine what the rest are going to be like snake bites an Indian man in the throat Oh safe for work of course no not safe for work or life snake with the hat on it's probably going to be the man that took the throat I hate snakes by the way Oh Oh vicious snake with the hat on doing pretty good so far we're doing pretty good and that's a bad thing because that means the rest of them are probably going to be just as evil whale explodes on marine biologist not-safe-for-work cute puppy hanging out in someone's pocket I've got think it's going to be the whale because why would it be at the top of the list if it was cute puppies right of course it's definitely the whale exploding on a marine biologist I don't want to be pleased oh how is that possible oh my god oh it's like gushing waterfall how it how is it possible don't understand how is it how is just so much gushing out so quickly it's almost as if a bomb went off but only it's good Oh Lord guard okay were three for three we're three for three holy crap how is that possible he's got exploded like a bomb oh my god that is crazy they're going to learn some [ __ ] on the run at fifty fifty you were going to go out a different person than you came in I remember when I was young my parents said Oh careful little eyes what you see yeah they meant don't check out bad stuff the internet or stuff that was scarred for life never did I dream I would be doing this on purpose to entertain people they're sick because you sick you sick all right so cute fluffy tiny koala say for work girl is paled by a metal rod over a bonfire well that one's so stupid because I know it's impossible for there to be a girl Hills over a bonfire I don't know who would do that I don't know how that's even possible I don't understand how that would arise and I doubt that anybody's a pail the girl recently in the last couple of years at least I hope not so I'm going to save the cute fluffy tiny koala and it is okay that one was stupid I was dumb you got to kind of disguise them you could say a girl impaled on pole but over a bonfire that doesn't even make sense that was dumb I was dumb thank God I think we've only gotten one wrong I don't know I haven't been keeping track you guys keep track I can't do it too much pressure launch blunting not-safe-for-work the amazing atheist pouring hot oil over his penis not-safe-for-work who would do that what oh I hope it's not that please don't be that what dumbass would do that I hope it's not the amazing atheist what type of name is that it's going to be the amazing atheist isn't it oh my god Wow why would you do that oh my god Oh okay all right we'll go back wall I have seen too much what will what person would do that there is no God that's why because of you he left earth years ago holy crap what person would do that if somebody that doesn't want to take what the hell did I see oh my god I uh oh that was stupid well that wasn't even funny guys listen don't pour hot stuff over your dick I've seen [ __ ] no human should see and it only gets worse from here fifty fifty dogs sharing sticks safe for work not going to be that man touching huge zit on armpit not-safe-for-work I'm calling the huge armpit that just seems our huge armpit huge pimple on his armpit that seems believable and it's the dogs oh my god thank you thank you face but generous to us a cup of fluff cup of cup of fluff what's fluff a cup of fluff a man falls into a 50 feet hole and splits in half spilling his guts it's going to be a cup of fluff and the reason I know that is because one it only has 61 comments and two I seriously doubt a man falling in a hole would call his body to split in half just saying I'm using my brain here we got to use logic there is no way a man's go to split half falling down a hole please please don't let that be it and I was right a cup of fluff okay I got it now a cup a cup of fluff and it's so cute watch the doozy Manny it's raw moldy potatoes and pukes everywhere not say for life animated potato commits suicide not-safe-for-work it's got to it's got 100 Ted comments and it's only 7 days old I don't know what that means but I'm going to guess probably the man-eating roll moldy potatoes please don't be it videos know what up well is it did I need to know I have no idea what that was a video is no longer available probably means it was the man eating the potatoes sorry I'm not going to like these are getting really easy so what I'm going to do is skip over the boring ones because we want to see the really bad [ __ ] I don't know why but we're sick in the head I'm sick of mad you're just watching the blurred censored version baby gorilla falls from a swinging tire woman should get shit-faced okay that was boring guy sticks bottle up his that's not ass is that I hope that's not asked and it breaks not safe for work or life otter gets a slam dog safe for work okay I got to be logical here it only has 48 comments but it's six days old and the one below that has 17 comments at a 20 days old okay it's going to be the guy sticking a bottle up at that that's that's what it's going to be it's going to I just know it it's not the otter it's the man oh it's the otter all oh my god I can't even tell you how pissed my [ __ ] was hey way it was it was so tight you couldn't fit a pencil up it oh my god thank you for being otter doing a slam dunk Oh what dumbass would stick a bottle up their ass oh my god an interesting cake say for work cat bloody finger okay I'm going to just skip this it doesn't sound very fun bathtub ducklings safer work all right that's nice bathtub suicide not safe for work or life um this could sound really bad and you guys probably going to judge me but uh I kind of want it to be the bathtub suicide it's my morbid curiosity I swear I just want to know how could you kill yourself as a tub of isn't drowning or toaster I'm going to guess it's the bathtub image does not exist the image does not exist all right well let's unfortunate I kind of wanted to know what that was all right well kind of wish they would remove these if they're not active anymore he's probably the bathtub duckling [ __ ] whatever babies eating lemons for first time safer work girls shoots not its other girls mouth um all right probably the girl shoots not so thank you so thank you I know there's worse you don't have to tell me I I know I know which one you're thinking of but that's disgusting what dumbass does that why do people do that man chose a bottle of Jack Daniels man's neck eviscerated by a katana okay I don't want to be the katana but at the same time they fit too damn easy up until now and none of them have been scoring yet so Wow okay well that one was that was it that was it whoa Oh oh my god cut the bottom of the ear oh holy jesus oh it's oh oh oh my god oh is he dead is he I don't know if he's dead or not that's got a he's got to be dead yo you you guys can't see this but I'm pretend like this side of your face with splint ass that's what happened oh my god I think I may actually be scarred for life I may actually be harder to because I'm not throwing up or freaking out I think I've been on the internet too long you know I think the Internet's kind of made me tough because this isn't really grossing me out I don't know why at first it was like holy crap but now it's just like god yeah it's a dude's head split in half with a katana all right yeah I should probably not be able to internet as much okay so I'm going to do a few more and then I'm done and I'm definitely gonna do another 5050 challenge of the future because that I want an extra juicy disgusting episode yeah I'm grossed I'm sick in the head man ejected from car lands with chest wide open I kind of know what that means I don't want to see that two baby elephants have fun in an inflatable pool maybe elephants oh my god that's the chest and it's wide open that is that that is disturbing that is that is something else why can't I walk away from it all right I think I'm going to call it quits now because I'm sitting here staring at an image of a dude that's been completely ripped open and that is so weird I don't know why I'm looking at this why it's Joe my god it's so I don't it looks Hollywood how to describe it Hollywood's gotten so good as their effects of bodies being shredded and stuff but this looks like another zombie movie it looks like a zombie horror movie or something it looks fake but it's real oh my okay I got to stop like that I'm not just sleep for the rest of my life hopefully enjoyed the rent of 5050 challenge they were pretty good but that was the problem they were supposed to be terrible and we didn't run into too many bad ones so I don't know why I did this I probably spent too much time on the internet because to be honest with you at first it was like whoa and there was like whoa and then it was like huh and that's bad you should you should never do that when you see it guy ripped up but you shouldn't go whoa oh oh look that you shouldn't do that you should be like I had run away I've spent too much time on the Internet anyway guys hope you enjoyed the video do not do this yourself you will be scarred for life I'm not going to sleep forever hopefully enjoy the video and peace out [Music]
Channel: More Beasty
Views: 713,182
Rating: 4.9285712 out of 5
Keywords: reaction, react, reacting, funny, comedy, game, skit, parody, reddit, reddit 50 50, 50 50 challenge, reddit 50/50, reddit challenge, reddit 50 50 challenge, 50/50 challenge, beasty
Id: JmWOLPjuQb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2017
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