I've Got The Holy Ghost! - Pastor Tolan Morgan

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the Holy Ghost just didn't come to be on you it came to be in you therefore ladies and gentlemen you can't catch who already caught you you you can't catch who already lives inside of you you can't catch the Holy Ghost he already caught you so he could live inside of you and wherever you go the Holy Ghost is already on the inside of you guide in your life from the inside out [Music] [Applause] [Music] first corinthians chapter number six beginning with verse 19 first corinthians chapter 6 verse 19 your bible should read what do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you which you have of God and you are not your own for you are bought with a price therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are gods I won't tell this text I got the Holy Ghost I got the Holy Ghost if you ladies and gentlemen notice the task of a deep-sea diver you will discover that before they venture off into the depths of the deep sea they must strap themselves with a tank on their backs full of oxygen because human beings are not aquatic they were not built and designed to breathe and live underwater they must strap themselves with a tank of oxygen to go into the depths of the deep sea for whatever purpose because in order for them to live survive and return from the depths of the sea they have to pull an element from this world and take it into that world so that they can survive in that world their only means of surviving dwelling and returning from any depth of sea is that they've got to pull an element from this world strap it on their backs to go into that world so that they can live and survive in that world and return unharmed and alive ladies and gentlemen when you and I got saved God infused us empowered us with some oxygen from his world that would help us live in the depths of this world until we return to the presence of his world you you and I have been given oxygen from another world in order to live thrive survive and return from this world it is called the Holy Ghost as a matter of fact it's not an it it is a he the Holy Ghost is a person the third person of the triune God God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit all three are co-equal and coeternal the Holy Ghost has always been because God has always been yet there was a Kairos a set time when the Holy Ghost would descend into the earth for the sake of launching his dispensation his time of rulership over the church it was in Acts chapter 2 and the Holy Ghost descended during the feast of Pentecost it was the first feast of Pentecost after the resurrection and ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ fifty days later pinned to being a prefix which means five or fifty which is why it is called the Pentagon because it has five angles in its construct of its building Pentecost was 50 days after the Ascension of Jesus Christ the Holy Ghost now descends on that particular Pentecost feasts because Jesus say it in John chapter 16 that I must go in order that the comforter may come if I don't go he will not come so since Christ has now left in Acts chapter 1 the Holy Ghost descends in Acts chapter 2 for two purposes number one to launch his authority over the church and two to give birth to the church at this International feast at this feasts where there are people present there from around the world the Holy Ghost ladies and gentlemen is God's Spirit in us he is the Spirit of Christ that serves to give us leadership in the absence of the physical body of Christ's the Holy Ghost ladies and gentlemen is the spiritual presence of Christ in light of his physical absence and so what the physical Christ was to the disciples the Holy Ghost is to us he does not have an agenda of his own because Jesus said in John that the Holy Ghost will bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said but we discover as we read the New Testament that if we are under the authority and the dispensation of the Holy Ghost that that authority and that dispensation is not just relative to church ladies and gentlemen you don't have the Holy Ghost just to be spiritual in the sanctuary but what we discover is that the Holy Ghost is Christ's Spirit sent into the earth to rule reign and regulate our everyday lives and what we discover here in 1st Corinthians chapter 6 is not just a sanctuary Holy Ghost but every day Holy Ghost that is designed to influence and direct and instruct how we live how we govern our very lives this church at Corinth had a multiplicity of issues that were both spiritual and social economic and theological they were a church that had a whole lot going on and most of it nothing to do with Christianity had to do with how they were interacting with each other they were taking each other to court they were engaging in sexual immorality they were engaging in divisive intent of pitting one preacher against another one leader against another this was a church that was both carnal and spiritual at the same time when we read the opening of this book they were carnal in that their conduct amongst each other was ungodly yet at the same time they were spiritual because their church was active in a smorgasbord of spiritual gifts there is an interesting dichotomy going on in the church at Corinth to which the holy ghost intervenes to bring resolve and conclusion to this carnal chaos amongst spiritual people and particularly here in 1st Corinthians chapter 6 we discover that Paul addresses the church about the sanctity of their body their human body as he is giving them instruction and even correction about sexual immorality he says to them and reminds them that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost as a matter of fact he poses truth in a rhetorical framework you'll notice that verse 19 is a series of questions that are not interrogative but they are rhetorical they are not meant for answers they are meant for reflection this is what do you not know have you forgotten has not anybody told you did you not learn that one of the basic tenants of the Christian conviction is understanding that God made the human body and the body is his temple the temple of the Holy Ghost is the first thing this Texas tailored a teacher's church is that when you got the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost occupies you you and I ladies and gentlemen were made by God to house God you and I were made by God to be the habitation of God the clue was given there in that word temple do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost that word temple there in its Greek etymology is the word Nao's and it refers specifically to that place in the temple where the Holy of Holies was designated that place where the Ark of the Covenant was positioned to say that in this room is the habitation of the very presence God again ladies and gentlemen if you walk into the dome this sanctuary is a hallowed place a holy place designated specifically for the worship of our God so there are things that go on in here or more so things that go on outside of here that cannot go on in here because when we come in here we have designated this place to be honored for the habitation of God so out in the vest of you in the lobbies in the bathrooms out in the foyer certain things can go on out there that cannot go on in here because this is the Holy of Holies we designate and recognize this space and place as the very presence of God the physical locale of God's presence the the the the the address of God's presence in the earth though he is omnipresent the temple was designed to be the local address of his presence so when we read verse 19 we are clear that when the text says that the Holy Ghost that the body is the temple of the Holy Ghost it means that your body ladies and gentlemen is the very habitation of the universal God that God who made the world and made you lives inside of you therefore if anybody asks you where God is they ought to be able to see him in you it will not be the case that people only find God they ought to be able to find God in church I'll try one more time because you don't know how to get happy you are the church this is just the building the building is closed but the church is open and if anybody is looking for God they oughta be able to find him when they encounter you it suggests ladies and gentlemen that if God has habitation inside of you and I and you and I are smaller than God then God AutoStick out let me see if I can get happy all by myself in this empty church I'm trying to tell you that you too small to house him but and he's too big just to stick in you he is designed and he is so positioned himself that I am the god of the universe big enough that I cannot be housed or limited but I'm so much gone that I can have a seat in your heart and a house in your body so that when people run into you they run into God I might suggest and remind you ladies and gentlemen that you and I are the light of the world we are the salt of the earth we reflect God and we carried the presence of God on the inside of us because he occupies us ladies and gentlemen you are the occupancy so they Almighty God that's a that's a that's a beautiful concept it's a it's a mind-blowing concept that he he that is too big to be in one place is small enough to be in you I got a rewind in my mind that the same God who spoke to nothing and brought something can live inside of us so that he could have occupancy inside of us John chapter 14 verse 16 and 17 here's what Jesus said Jesus said and I will pray to the Father that he will send you another comforter in my name even the Spirit of Truth who me the world does not see him neither does they know him but you know him for he shall be with you and shall be in you the Holy Ghost just didn't come to be on you it came to be in you therefore ladies and gentlemen you can't catch who already caught you you you can't catch who already lives inside of you you can't catch the Holy Ghost he already caught you so he could live inside of you and wherever you go the Holy Ghost is already on the inside of you guide in your life from the inside out he says first thing you need to know about having the Holy Ghost is that he occupies you but he doesn't just occupy you ladies and gentlemen he operates you I'm in the text do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which you have of God if God is going to occupy you then God is only occupying you to operate you because God will not reside where he does not rule if he's going to occupy you he wants to operate you can I tell you it's a beautiful thing to be under the operation of the Holy Ghost but let me take a minute to break that down so you can be clear on what that means if I'm being operated by the Holy Ghost then that affects four areas of my being it affects my language my living my labor and my love mm-hmm every one in my mind if I mean I by the Holy Ghost it affects my language my labor my living and my love let me take a minute to walk you through all four of them first of all ladies and gentlemen if I'm being operated by the Holy Ghost then it is very clear that we see in the book of Acts that God gave the Holy Ghost to animate and activate and mobilize the church for World Missions Acts chapter 1 verse 8 the Bible says and you shall receive the Holy Ghost after that you will just received power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you to be my witnesses that's my labor that's what I've been called to do to be a witness in Jerusalem in Judea in Samaria and in all parts of the world in the uttermost parts of the world the Holy Ghost has given me the labor work to do my assignment is clear once I have the Holy Ghost I'm supposed to be a witness for Jesus around the world and wherever I go but it doesn't just affect my labor it affects my my language because when he gave the Holy Ghost at Acts chapter 2 watch me Church the Bible says in Acts chapter 2 that upon being filled with the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost shows by his own utterance and direction to manifest the gift of tongues but when you read the text ladies and gentlemen tongues was given to break the language barrier because there were representatives at this feast from all over the world and therefore tongues initially and historically was given to empower the church with the language of the natives Tong's was given ladies and gentlemen so that the church at the time could break the barrier that would not allow them to reach people of other nationalities and now that the Holy Ghost had manifested the gift of tongues it had given them language to reach people to which they did not speak the same language in other words if we break down the language barrier we can operate together as one people though we are different in ethnicity all right let me try it again sis you still acting funny ladies and gentlemen the Holy Ghost is not just given for you to speak to God and not be able to speak to me the Holy Ghost is given so that you can be empowered by God to reach people who may not speak your language God deliver us from people who only got a language for who you comfortable with and not be able to speak to people and reach people who are not of your own status your own familiarity I'm trying to tell you that when you look in Acts chapter 2 the ultimate outpouring and the initial purpose of the Holy Ghost was to break racial differences and break racial divide and bring people of different races together by breaking the language barrier I know I know I know I know I know see when you really got the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost will give you what to say to people who don't talk your language so that you can reach them for the glory of God God deliver us from people who think that Christians only ought to be bothered with Christians know if you really got the Holy Ghost he will give you what say to people who I'm not on your side so that you can at least reach people with love and not with judgment and criticism that's what the Holy Ghost does it affects your labor it affects your language it also affects your living he says here to the church at Corinth you and your body are God's to operate that God lives inside of you so that he can govern you from the inside out why is God going to cover you from the inside out well he's going to govern you from the inside out ladies and gentlemen so that you would not be used for common purposes preach pastor Morgan if God is on the inside of you and your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost then that naturally means that you cannot use your body just for common purposes because your body is now a holy place and holy things are not used for common purposes there is sanctity to the body there is sanctity to the mind there is sanctity to your spirit and therefore since God it lives inside of you he operates you for holy purposes and not for common purposes God allows us ladies and gentlemen to partake in his holiness by having habitation on the inside of us so that our lives would be lived in reflection of the God who lives inside of us he occupies us and he operates us but he also according to the text he owned do you not know that your body is the temple of the holy ghosts do you not understand that he is in you to operate you and because he operates you he owns you hmm how did he own you well it's clear in the past as he owns you cuz he bought you you have been bought lord have mercy with a price and you are not your own I've been talking just to get to this one point because it blessed my life it's my preparations for today and we look at this passage the undertone of this passage is some kind of transfer of a slave it is this tome and texture that you and I were once the slaves of an owner who mistreated us the owner's name is sin some may call him Satan so what God did was God went to market one day and investigated what is it going to cost to buy the sin slaves out from under sins power and when he looked at all of his competing investors and saw what they were going to do if they were going to do anything to purchase sin slaves he decides that he is going to make a purchase that none of them can compete with he decides that the best way that I'm going to buy the sin slave and did my competitors is to pay a price they are not willing to pay because typically slaves pay the price for the masters but this time the master pays the price for the slave and he decides the price he's going to pay is his own life he has brought us with himself and thus history has been made that the master makes a sacrifice for the slaves but here is the point you're buying us out of seeing slavery was not about our freedom lord have mercy today buying us out of sin slavery was about a change of ownership it was not about freedom because he is not paying for us to be free so that we can be free from him he is paying for us to be free so that we can have a good master who takes care of all of our needs and the best way to really operate in freedom is to have somebody to take care of you who you can turn around and love and serve freely this is not an issue of freedom this is an issue of a change of ownership so I don't mind lord have mercy switching over to God being my master and leader because here's what he says he says if you do that take no care for your own life what you shall wear what you shall eat what you're going to be dressed what you shall drink for your master your king your father knows what you have need of before you ask it so your business is seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and of his righteousness and all of these things shall be added thank God that we've got a master who we serve proudly and in return he takes care of my knees and God shall supply all of my needs according to his riches in glory thank God that this is not a freedom issue this is a change of ownership and I love the fact that if I'm going to be under the authority of anybody I'd love to be under the authority of God I'd love to be governed by his spirit and know that he is taking care of me as I submit to his authority ladies and gentlemen let me be very careful to tell you that God did not set you free from sin so that you can be free to yourself no no no no no God set you free from sin so that you can be free to serve Him and serve him lovingly and serve him liberally and be thankful that he is taking care of you in response he owns you your life is not your own it belongs to God your body is not your own it belongs to God since you still miss this text if the Holy Spirit is living inside of you it is the New Testament version of recreation it is the New Testament version of Genesis 2 and 7 all over again that asks God looked at this human body formed of dust that it was shaped but it was not alive he stooped down and breathed into its nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul Pentecost ladies and gentlemen was creation all over again whereas in Genesis 2 and 7 God breathed into a physical body in Acts chapter 2 God breathed into a spiritual body so that he would live in it and not just live outside of it that he has made sure that he's bothered he's parted with the blood of his own son you and I thank God don't belong to ourselves because you know what happens when you belong to yourself you walk through valleys of the shadow of death that you got yourself in you get yourself in trouble that you can't get yourself out of you and I ladies and gentlemen cannot be completely trusted to take care of ourselves so thank God we've got a God who loves us and will take care of us and we'll meet every need in our lives his spirit is only inside of us to occupy us and to operate us and to own us and as a result if he occupies you if he owns you if he operates you then you ought to turn around in verse 20 and make yourself his offering I'm in verse 20 here's what he says I'm done he says since I occupy and own you and operate you glorify God in your body glorify God in your spirit you ought to take the time to give him the glory because whenever the Holy Ghost is on the inside of you to live inside of you there ought to be some movement when we first saw the holy spirit in activity in the scriptures it said in the second verse of the whole Bible Genesis 1 and 2 and the Spirit of the Lord moved upon the face of the waters and the spirit Lord moved upon the face of the waters and those warez beginning to landmasses begin to separate to develop continents upon this planet ladies and gentlemen when the Spirit of God is on the inside of you there ought to be some movement yeah you can't say you got the Spirit of God and don't move you can't say you have the Spirit of God and don't have any animation no life no vitality on the inside of you to not have God's Spirit is to be dead but everything God breathed into it moved everything God pushed went into it moved we saw it in Genesis chapter 2 we saw it in in and in in Ezekiel chapter 37 and is the prophet prophesied to the wind and those poles begin to come together we saw it again in Acts chapter 2 when the Holy Spirit came down as a mighty rushing wind and descended on them and they began to speak in tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance there was movement ladies and gentlemen you don't necessarily have to have the gift of tongues to prove that the Holy inside of you ladies and gentlemen if you got the Holy Ghost for real you know how to love I may not like what you do but I love who you are it is the power of the Holy Ghost on the inside of me use me and pray for those I can lift up if I walk in love I walk in the power to reach out to everybody that's what the Holy Ghost will give you the power to do ladies and gentlemen and God forbid if you only live it the Holy Ghost to your sanctuary experience to your sanctuary shout that's a spirit that might not be the Holy Spirit but when you got the a spirit it reaches out to people so that we all can come together for the glory of God that's what we saw in Acts chapter 2 we saw different races of people come together break the language barrier and birth the church we saw different people come together and give birth to the church and as a result if he's only inside of you you are loved your love like God loves when he breathed his spirit into you he breathe in you the ability to love like him he breathe in you the power to live like him he breathes in you the power to talk like him to represent him in the earth may we not limit and insult the Holy Ghost today by just another shout and a praise may we see God's intent of the Holy Spirit to bring us together and glorify God with our voices with our bodies and have movement and have movement together did you take a minute where you are allow God's Spirit to bless you right where you are if you got God's Spirit it ought to be movement or be sound and that movement and that sound that animation on the inside all the thrust you into loving people it ought to thrust you into being sensitive to his direction so that we all can do that which is pleasing in his sight Father in Jesus name thank you for the power of the Holy Ghost to affect our living affect our language affect our labor and to affect our love for each other god we're burnin today but we receive the promise that in your presence is the fullness of joy so god I pray that your joy would be our portion today in the midst of everything that's going on give us your joy today thank you Lord that your word says that we receive power from the Holy Ghost so we can live for you we've got some work to do go so pour out your glory of fresh pour out your power afresh give us a fresh outpouring of the Holy Ghost so that we can be pleasing in your sight in the name of the Lord Jesus amen you
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 5,432
Rating: 4.878788 out of 5
Keywords: Tolan Morgan, Tolan Morgan 2020, Tolan Morgan Preaching, Pastor Tolan Morgan, Dr. Tolan Morgan, Pentecost Sunday, Holy Ghost, FBBC, Fellowship Bible Baptist Church, Warner Robins GA, Black Preachers, Black Pastors
Id: NryApnYcpRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 42sec (2502 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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