IT'S BINGO TIME | Resident Evil 4 Remake - Part 1

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👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/the-booty-hunter 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2023 🗫︎ replies
yep good morning ladies my name is Jacksepticeye and welcome to Resident Evil 4 remake really excited for this one Resident Evil 4 the original version is one of my favorite games ever the pacing of it is still Top Notch and it's still it's one of those games and it's like I didn't really need a remake but I'm happy that there's one here because graphically it looks amazing I want to see some of the changes they've made albeit I haven't played the original Rezi 4 in many many years so there's going to be a lot of stuff that I forget and miss out on and don't know what changes they've made but that's kind of cool because we're going into it as a fresh experience so let's just start a new game uh okay no access or anything standard why not let's just get into it have fun let's see what happens I want to see Daddy Leon again my real proud Dad it's been so long since we did rezy 2 on the channel the expanded treasure map has been applied you can now see locations of Hidden Treasures on your map I don't know what that is is that a deluxe edition thing okay who are you [Music] thank you just a haircut a little off the top a lot off the top she she's dead September 13th 1998. [Music] today I'll never forget the cop inside me died that day and that night Raccoon City was wiped out thanks to the bioweapons created by Umbrella somehow I made it out with too many others somehow Palpatine returned I was asked later to join a top secret government program not that I had a choice the training punishing missions nearly killed me yeah at least I kept my mind off everything if I could just forget what happened that night the pain even for a second this time different man it wasn't even that long ago but I'm getting nostalgic for the Rezi 2 playthrough I had so much fun playing that game thank you I am poorest in Boots so tell me Yankee why did you come to this horrible place that's close to Nowhere that I've ever seen say looking for someone that someone must be very important then gave the orders himself help him he said I'm sure your boys didn't come all the way out here to roast marshmallows you have a strange sense of humor I'm gonna let you in on a little secret just between us a lot of people have gone missing around here it's been that way for a while now well then should be just another day in the office right I mean last week there was a search for some missing hikers I'm sure you'll do your best to help me I'm sure nothing bad will happen to those guys thank you this is a longer intro at least [Applause] Nature Calls huh I'll be right back then you gotta go you gotta go [Applause] for you yeah [Applause] hey some people just gotta pee a lot okay you smoke [Music] I love the atmosphere of this game hey dude where you going he said he said he'd be right back he sure is taking his time did he fall in maybe you better go and take a look at me where is this pendejo see I know some words I don't watch the card wouldn't want to get a parking ticket so much for helping me oh yeah straight into it baby wow it looks great it's also nighttime see what's taking so long excuse me he's her are you decent put your willy away Leon's coming okay can't go that way hello real proud Dad here [Applause] the movement is weird to get used to it's different than the original I kind of missed the tank controls but I get why they would change it [ __ ] boards if I had my gun if I was able to shoot you I would [Applause] what is this you don't have a witty remark is even legs growing out where he shouldn't have legs oh wait no I was looking at it completely wrong yeah we wait ease to crouch what PC game has e to crouch that is such a stupid button for that ah that looks great though wow so much atmosphere it's also really different than the originals intro like the orientation of the house hello if you don't answer me I'm gonna shoot you in the face oh damn this lighting is tasty crispy oh it's the Blair Witch Project crude charm judgment is nigh say Acera El juicio you speak Spanish Leon good for you where is everyone going El bingo I hope he still says that line I hope they didn't change too much like that because I love the goofy nature of the original oh volumetric lights huh I'm not casting Shadows on this wall zero out of 10 unplayable here's that symbol again foreign sorry to barge in like this you know a key good job Leon have you seen him he was pissing follow the smell of urine or the blood nice yeah I forgot you can Parry with a knife hell yeah dude he's not he's not dead this is not double tap oh it won't let me yeah it's probably just bits of people that they're eating I'm coming Policia whatever your name is National Police Corps Mario Fernandez castano police officer okay I'm coming Mario just call me Luigi Baby oh yeah I love a good dark hallway this is totally normal right all these Pagan symbols everywhere do you think they still say all their catchphrases like that somehow I don't think you're going to find him alive just a hunch hey is he headless oh no oh but he is dead though what's your situation I don't speak Spanish what is he saying Leonard damn this lighting engine is really tasty map updated okay now I'm ready to kick ass and chew gum and play Bingo ah he's fine Walk It Off you'll feel that in the morning there's a door Leon I didn't know it was right next to me ah good Lords that legitimately scared me are you dead Oh I thought I had to go through this door and then I'd find him we have four boulays left hey sir maybe I should just leave I don't think I could do much with four bullets unless yeah green herb wait there's a sneaky mechanic in the game now right does that mean I can sneak up on him and stab him nope nope nope nope nope nope okay we're out of here oh no even if I shot you in the head with every one of these bullets I wouldn't be able to take out both of you God is jacket's so nice I want it Ashley Bruce this is Condor one hunnigan here what's your sit rep whoa president's daughter baby eagle so likely she's in this Village our Intel is correct then well done need a location on a nearby lake she may have been taken there copy that I'll see what I can find some things happen to the people here my escorts are oh they're mad I gotta go talk later I'm out the window myself out yes yes that's what we like to see the spirit is still intact bye have fun nice awesome oh that's a lot of blood excuse me who's down here give me your goods [Applause] damn I knew the birds around here were packing fat stacks damn these environments are so detailed oh cool I can just kick those now what's going on over there hold on let me get let me get closer oh that's nice not having to pick up my or take out my knife every time I want to do that now it's a game why not okay okay uh storage isn't a typewriter that might actually that might have been that way all the time School Shaker oh I have like extra guns because I got the deluxe edition no I'm not using it I don't want to use it I don't want any sort of help right now I want to play as vanilla as I can whoa that's a lot of options Jesus because in the original you have to go into the menu to do it right it's going to like pick the gun and then equip and then come back out of the menu now you can just all do it from here dang it could be faster I'm not used to the mouse sensitivity maybe I should increase it wait no wait the dog's dead what was the dog's named Huey no what happened to the oh you sons of [ __ ] before you were able to come over and help them and get him out of the bear trap but now that is so uncool not only could he not pet the dog but it's worse than that also this is a fuzzy tree damn that sucks I hear you I keep pressing e to pick stuff up and I'm just crouching everywhere bear traps every where you see the same lines but it's different oh crap hold on hold on I didn't do it either yet oh whoa whoa what is happening whoa that's cool that's also new isn't it being able to stab them on the ground oh easy Leon easy bear traps everywhere keep your eyes peeled yes now stab him on the ground oh God oh God the controls are one [Applause] whoa that takes a lot of endurance off my knife though in the bottom right you can see like the little bar on it flash grenades nice flash grenades are really nice when the gennados pop out of their head Village time where did that head come from I was on the gate wow so good looking I found my friend oh God that is messed up dude oh side path sneaky sneaky Leon it's also crazy that this is like the best section of the game and it's right at the beginning you don't see anything oh man what's the point of sneaking if I suck yeah fight them off we'll do yes yes yes all right God oh okay I missed that one it's fine it's fine and again sound you go nice holy God that's a lot of them we can do this we can do this there's a shotgun somewhere that I can get yay where was the shotgun was it in that building or this one hasta luego okay I need to be careful oh God they're quick oh my God it's good to see that the game is still tense as all hell down you go down you go oh this is bad for me this is real bad for me I I want I want out I want out baby want out oh my God there's so many of them wasn't this many in the original okay I gotta ah God oh God oh God I need to I need a better plan of attack oh God yeah oh he's so creepy thank you I know that wasn't your intention but thank you okay how do I access uh item crafting okay I probably should be reading that but I okay okay mixer of green and red yeah and then use that maybe there's a yellow around oh my God why are they everywhere sweet mother of Jesus there's too many okay okay there you go nice oh my God this is even more intense than the original hey okay straight upstairs there it is [Music] the w870 and a hand grenades okay okay baby let's see it climb this let's see you climb this [ __ ] [Music] I want to kill him I want to kill him oh I want to kill him so bad no no oh no oh God oh God oh I thought I was dead okay okay oh how did you guys get in let's put it oh my God be kidding me do it everywhere man oh down he goes closed crap crap I have no ammo in anything I have no ammo to do anything get out where's bingo gunpowder okay we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine let's just craft some stuff um craft again I can't oh God okay I'm using this it's a waste bud what else am I gonna do die I want shotgun ammo I want to kill the chainsaw guy he's gonna give me Goods oh no no huh whoa say the line Leon the enemos okay that's so creepy all right come on come on give it to us give it to us where's everyone going oh man that was epic nice oh I'm into it baby that was incredible I was sweating oh where's the Condor one I've identified a route to the lake look for a large windmill there's a path on the far side of it windmill copy that and be careful first out nice wait you don't drop chicken eggs don't they drop eggs or is it like a random chance I want eggs hello I'm supposed to kill them another way I'm just Wasting Bullets I will say as well the sound of this handgun is tasty it's so like crunchy and sharp it really like bites through the air let's head on out I'm gonna go to bingo okay this way that I have to go I think large windmill sure why not also changed some of the graphic settings because I had something on that was making everything look really blurry and now it looks awesome that would look super clear uh there we go there it is there it is let's get it that way who's around here huh huh what are you guys doing what are these just resources okay uh let's craft you with you and then this game has yellow herbs in it so you can make uh can I put you on top of you yeah so you can make yellow ones too that increase your max Health right okay hold on hold on this is a bit awkward there we go oh much nicer looking much nicer looking my attache is looking really slick I love that music any rezzy save music is so peaceful all right this is so wild because I mean areas that I recognize but they're just different enough for me to feel like it's a new place nail them oh I'm coming for you Betsy you can pitch fork all day long if you want to but I'm coming up behind you and I'm stabbing you in the throat nice that doesn't even take down that much of my knife how do I repair my knife how do I use it more do I have to just have to find a new knife later okay that's locked won't open yeah I got that Leon yeah I got it Wouldn't It Go in the window are you gonna let a little bit of hay block your way I see medallions voice I'm glad those are still in the game as well there you go you can get it through it sorry cows I'm gonna blend right in oink oink moo moo Jesus what the [ __ ] [ __ ] pig God damn it I kind of like that I think being able to stealthily take guys down oh I don't kill you to get eggs you just lay them oh that sounded like that snoring meme oh I'll knock you down after I'm finished fighting everybody I've got to be sneaky I've got to be stealthy I'm a real proud dad moo good moo moo to you oh the pig's gonna annoy me though foreign yes I will that's not a way in how do I get into you okay I need a weird key for that all right let's just start shooting [ __ ] oh that echoey voice is cool Now where's the fourth one fifth one I mean I always forget if we could put one there in between those nice Pearl pendant or as I like to call it money that's all I'm seeing is Casita signs don't say dollar signs but it's not dollars where oh hey can you buckle for me I've still got it blue request notes you can take on tasks by collecting the blue request notes posted around different areas for the love of God will somebody please get rid of the blue medallions those religious lunatics left hanging around sounds like a side quest this all feels so different to me there's still more to do here or maybe actually get up that way find this Leon look at this Spec Ops special agent superhuman action man are you supposed to be if you can't claim a bloody box I don't have much confidence in you Leon I crouch into this I really thought that that was going to kill me yellow herb a yellow herb that makes you with you so now you get full health but it increases your max health started bringing up a visual aid for all you ADHD ears out there where's my where's my people at with my ADHD ears oh they just like me let's go somewhere but I don't know if it's helpful very helpful a flagon a flag and a whiskey and again Leon oh it actually did work I was just going to keep making jokes until it stopped working foreign oh you do get more knives trans interested whoa whoa what is that [Music] oh you're scary [Music] okay here come out the door no come out the door lock it on the floor did that kill you oh my God no it didn't miss my prompt there we go down he goes give me that velvet blue wrong button oh my God oh my God whoa whoa whoa whoa right straighten the throne oh oh he did a thing he did a thing reload oh he doesn't go down anymore oh God Leon we gotta work on your manners I'm uncomfortable oh my God it's okay it's an excuse to use that everything is progress everything is good nobody panic nobody worries stop freaking out we made it work we got through in the end they call me super feet because of my ability to kick things so I'm taking stuff all over the place making a mess out here the movement mechanics feel a little wonky like I feel like sometimes I'm not in total control of him it's kind of getting me into trouble where's that last bloody Medallion I should know this anyhow what up bro there it is got it all five medalliones all right now we can go I feel like I saw that one already and then just forgot where it was a cow what are you doing chilling done done kill the cows oh that's actually messing up my knife you don't give me anything I've committed war crimes for nothing man I was hoping to get like B for sirloin steak oh heck yeah I forgot how many incredible sections this game has excellent excellent push that out of the way hold on I gotta hold holding for hold a little wobbly cow head wait what is this new probably not but okay chill the beans lads I would shoot you and try and knock you down but oh wait I can go around wait I think this is the way forward I don't want to I don't want to go too far forward yet oh shut his leg off ew it's got little wormies in it oh hey I'm out of here fine bye Jesus that's awesome shut his old leg off right from the kneecap is this even a way I can go or is this locked it sucks okay I had to go that way just making sure see all this stuff I missed that would have been so annoyed don't jump down early on that's death you can kick boxes all you want all right let's make some ammo damn 12 to make shotgun ammo it's a lot okay that'll do yeah that'll do here oh it made a lot of shock on ammo though I think who knows I certainly don't all right guys I'm back just stop throwing things at me okay I don't appreciate it or just keep doing it yeah yeah you do you can I there you go Mildred I want to knock you down because you have Goods in you nice you might see some criminals some people who want to murder you I see dollar signs up that's hater signs all right whoa frame rate sorry has anybody seen my frame rate I lost it for a second oh come on and ready game is this where I can't shoot the animals it's all right I ran into it this is Christ um why not sure oh he's got Dynamite let's just unlock that because I will run into it and kill myself no go the other way oh did you did you throw one Christ let's just leave it at this huh nice what a kick those Dynamite everywhere terrifying come on this way whoa Larry's got some legs on him oh I broke my knife okay I'm a kitchen knife it's just as good it's just as good you wouldn't know anything about it okay who's throwing the dynamite I need to hahaha oh that never gets old is this also a thing that if they came running in here I would have been able to shoot that as well wasting me ammo but has to be done sometimes you know how do I get up there miss me miss me no you gotta kick me we're both in a predicament here we both look silly now oh my God that almost destroyed my entire knife kitchen knife blows I'm gonna run into some more bear traps I just know it is there a way in here remember like little kitty tickety ticketies there we go what's the little tickety tickety to these that I'm here it's like the goats all right I feel like I haven't missed one of those yet because oh you gotta be vigilant when it comes to this game father radlow it's so much fun you guys should get better at it maybe a bit quicker maybe turn your back while you do it much more beneficial to you I also like that when you reload it says that you have ten plus one like 10 and one in the chamber so like what's what's a full reload and what's not let me sneak up our supplies here I'm here here in a lot of noise there's also a lot of these like chests lying around but I need a key for what am I hearing this the place this the place I don't oh yeah oh so creepy that's sick it's gonna make me sick too whoa I I'm actually kind of scared to stand there what if there's a thing like I stand there too long and then the big fish comes and kills me do you think if I shoot the water enough he'll come attack attack me okay almost 13k that's good oh wait it's Luis isn't it trapped inside the closet nice not nice hear a bomb oh can't can't get over that one red herb nice let's combine you now free up some space across some hang on ammo nice looking good Leon looking good buddy what is this the reason for this I don't care about these people what was that noise oh you should just picked them up I guess it's not Luis oh come on what you call me oops Leon Leon Leon I didn't mean to do that yet I thought I was about to get massacred thank you is this Louise yeah so did they change that is that a red herring do you know I seemed like you really wanted to talk how observance in your Noah see ya you gotta smoke no those things will kill you oh well maybe just some time me then huh oh there not this guy yeah stop right there whoa [Music] oh man he put in the face hookers in me I also completely forget what his name is uh the rizzler oh cool cool it's time for playtime 40 minutes not bad I was taking my time um next yes cool I like it a lot so far it has like the same Essence as the original but there's enough different to like keep me guessing and keep me moving and stuff changing sacrificial lamb you will receive our most sacred body Sadler it begins now oh what the [ __ ] hey stop it hey Yankee got her name Leon quiet type eh I'm Louisa guess you me pick the wrong spot to Vacation eh stop it you move I move and I'm beat up in office I can see you're thinking I bet you've been in spots like this before huh I guess you're here looking for him someone one more guess maybe send me some senorita a young girl [ __ ] now all right let's see her chatter about moving senorita moving here where who knows but later saw some men dragging someone to the old church nice one boys ah hanging with you not helpful very healthy actually you're alive aren't you nice We Got the Moves all right it's so cool hey we're not done here later amigo that's the thanks I get try to help people and they screw you over [ __ ] they took my gear oh man now I got nothing my mom's gonna be pissed Contour Wonder Roost I've located baby eagle that sounds like she's being kept in some church I heard it from this guy I met I said his name is Luis Sarah [Music] right I'm probably due for confession anyway I'm glad they kept some of the cartoonyness of the game so whenever I saw previews of it it looked like it was really serious I was like no I hope he says Bingo and I hope that he says all the goofy things give me that knife some cooking to do you can also deliver quick stab attacks ah that's cool damn they're really overhauled the combat can I sneak around though oh I know how to stealth kills I've been doing them bro nice that's cool I didn't I didn't think adding just stealth to the game would even do a whole lot hey that's my gear that's my gear let me out there I want to get it why do I keep talking like that he doesn't talk like that press space and the prompt appears in the bottom right corner of the screen hard to see honestly honestly come on ice satisfying though hell yeah it's super cool can I sure there you go nice and kill ratsu give me the rats okay let's sneak around that bad boy here I come you don't suspect a thing thank God you can do them from the front what's happening what are we doing oh okay no good no good don't even go can I jump through that Gap actually plane nice oh if you oh maybe he just does that on his own select I'll be taking these back boom so many things excellent oh he just rolled under it automatically great over here stranger I'm sorry I can't see you over the game crashing there he is over here stranger kind of sounds like his old voice it's not his old voice it's a different guy in the original the guy who did Leon's voice did the Merchant's voice as well some business I think this guy is the guy who does Duke's voice in or maybe I'm wrong get rid of the rats that have taken up in the factory we don't know if they're carrying any diseases we read enough find out okay interesting that I have like side quests that I can do now get rich quick did you know that you can trade the spinals you receive as a reward for valuable Goods that can't be bought otherwise with loads of useful items would I recommend treasure map the most these map detail the locations of the cult's cherished Hidden Treasures took me in the lads a lot of time to find them with these Maps had you'll never be skinned again okay welcome but you didn't say what are you buying uh emergent requests once you've received a blue request now you can claim the reward from the merchant well done you've proven yourself reliable I've got something new for you mate um I don't really like his voice um bang for your buck I guarantee it that's really nice I should get this I should get a case upgrade first though enough a bit more space use key items key items that no longer server purpose can be sold to the merchant I can sell these huh um you're selling only yeah these so these have slots in them you can put stuff into them so these ones I can sell welcome it is nice to be able to see that straight away oh I only need 300 more will that be come back anytime hold on let me see um what was I doing can I put you in here oh so the better gems I have oh wait no okay nice okay so it increases the value of it that way and then if we get any of these I can put them into square slots the more squares thoughts oh I could have put both into that oh there we go then I can put you in there now it's done probably gonna put better gemstones but I don't know I'd rather just get the 12K for it now a deal well struck your enemies sweet dreams from afar with a bullet straight through their heads he does have a bit more personality oh he's giving me the scope for free oh what a steal [Music] th tune up oh I can repair my knife for 4K knife needs care every once in a while could be the difference between life and death interesting interesting okay this is very different shape um all right if I tune up my gun see the thing is the handguns if you want a Fighting Chance out there you best tune up your kid the thing about resi games is that you always get guns that are usually better than what you have now and I do know that eventually I'm gonna get the red nine which is a handgun which is my favorite gun in the game um so I don't think I should really get that yet oh attack power for that would be nice [Music] I'm kind of reluctant to spend my money on these yet Trader a map that shows the locations of the treasure some things Money Can't oh I oh so I have three of these now so I can oh that's what you were saying oh man the laser sight is a tradable item Punisher a yellow diamond oh I want this for sure okay this is all very different than the original game that was a lot of information to try and take in um let's combine you with you yes oh I missed you beauty oh I miss you audit all right let's figure out where we're going there seems to be new areas everywhere wait is this that's not the factory right like if I kill oh maybe it is if a gun rhymes with button for a reason stranger they kill rats in here where are they nice I'm glad it keeps track of it really easily like I just have more side quests and things to do now it keeps the game it's the game fresh there's extra new things to do and you can get new upgrades and new items and more money and because if it's just a straight remake with no changes then I feel like it would get boring pretty quick well not boring but so that's a request done like why does it exist then oh what you're buying he did say it but it didn't sound the same oh yeah his kid years haven't been kind to us a handgun that retains excellent penetration power with low recoil maybe I should get this Choice man will penetrate just about anything plus it looks cool don't get yourself killed now um can I see as 0.9 power 12 1.10 what does this have oh it's weaker than this but it's faster in other regards and its Precision is higher nope nope so it's it's a little better except for the damage so maybe that's good I I don't know who bloody knows you know I also have one in my storage already from the deluxe edition but I refuse I don't want to make the game too easy like straight away oh let's try this one nice nice oh cool oh the reload animations aren't the same though all right that's here nice God it's so dark down you go anybody else knocking around anybody else want a bullet in their heads and very wobbly but I got him anyway what a shot God I'm talented who's talking nonsense oh no the reload animation is great okay here they come here they come God that is some mad wind she got lunatic out their lads oh never mind everybody calm down again I hear a guy talking close by but I can't see him this is why you buy the rifle here so you can take out a bunch of them at distance there he is nice that gun sound the gun sounds in general oh top notch they sound fantastic now really punchy I guess people don't know where you are immediately because they're stealth mechanics now oh can't go in that way I could just hear Guys Falling oh they are falling okay that didn't get either of you okay okay let's do this that's what I wanted oh you're not dead let me get him let me get him ouch watch out dude Warcraft oh crap oh crap that's ouch that's a ouch oh I want to wait to get a yellow herb for that let me pick up all the gear people are dropping [ __ ] everywhere nice [ __ ] shot him in half who's throwing those hey what's up I thought he'd fall are you stopped nice I'm not wasting them on that yes yellow herb green and yellow no green red and yellow nice even better than the first aid spray hey bud that's cool when people get close he does the different style of aiming race he aims sideways so you can get the gun closer that's like a real aiming tactic they get them all I remember this section being way harder I don't actually know what that means does that mean like Foreigner or something or like outsider let me get him in the head what a shot what talent oh the moves huh I'm not wasting my knife anymore oh wait I have four nights one down one down a population to go excellent excellent God the combat in this game is phenomenal I mean it always has been even in the original it was so good yeah oh no bullets in that wait that sound effect that's the sound effect in Dark Souls as well I think Dark Souls 3. turn it off me ow my God oh my God oh my God I thought I was dead dude that age is going to work God almighty resources l l resources dude take the L on that one how's the soup ah nice nice I'm going back down and go back down he's one shot he's one shot I'm inside okay let them just do their thing does that gate just stay open now forever Dodge me thank you there can't fight if you don't have a head actually that is completely false for this game yeah I knew that there was like a million more enemies than I was remembering let's just go this way Leon if you could run like a just a smidge faster sometimes just like a hair a fraction a minuscule amount okay you didn't hear that you need some ganados in your ears this game is so stressful and I [ __ ] love every second of it it's incredible small key nice I'll take that no other game makes you feel like this one does not even other Resident Evils make you feel like this something about it you know or the window come on psyche there you go not bad right not bad indeederino there Leon okay I'm heading back because I hurt and the game keeps crashing on me so I'm gonna go save so what did I miss how do I get up there if you don't kick that explosive Barrel blow your whole face off ah there we go there's more give me this nice I'm running out of knives I need to be careful I also upgraded this pistol oh my God oh my God [ __ ] that didn't work so now this pistol does comparable damage to the last one but it's faster ow foreign okay another knife nice oh no don't do it don't do it man I just got that knife my favorite thing to do is break knives apparently my favorite thing to do is to look up the are the gennados look up the these guys voice lines on YouTube and Just The Voice lines nothing else they're not in the environment or anything it's just the voice lines isolated and they're so fun and then look up Ashley's old ones where she was so annoying Eon help me Leon hopefully she doesn't do that this time I don't think you can put her in boxes and stuff now she just is oh there's nothing up here nice throw foreign that has to be all of them now I've killed like two and a half pounds worth of people there's no way there's still people alive in this Village nice thank you okay I got my Birdman time to head back to this gate me blocking your eyes for Leon you're a super soldier get in there uh uh oh uh yeah yeah weird Shake rock and roll Leon [Music] Epic Ashley where are you don't be annoying now [Music] foreign you would die like this stupid you are oh man [Applause] okay she didn't see me she didn't see me we're good we're gooch don't even pay your mind don't even give a worry don't even care a little I'm gonna sneak up on her sneak up on her kick her in the tits I said something I said that wrong what a stupid idiot must have slipped yes Leon Trash Talk the [ __ ] out of them don't think that she got caught in that and they kicked her and her leg came clean off wow what a video game this is epic oh look kicking things the best part of the game if you're not kicking things you're not even playing the game right Sapphire nice I wish I did have a Dodge mechanic though I know it doesn't really fit resi IV's play style but I've played so many games like this now like resi 3 has it um like it's kind of Last of Us two-ish in a way like there's just something about it that after playing games like that I just want to dodge all the time and I keep pressing space to kind of like Dodge but it doesn't work in this game but I probably would ruin the tension and the pace and the flow of this game but would be kind of cool would make it far more action heavy oh it's pretty action heavy already damn those pretty some of those lying around that I've missed now I didn't even realize what was that well that stinks is that it is it a chainsaw guy oh God no no no no no no no no I don't want that I don't want that him coming down stabbing me with a chainsaw I know what I'm doing that I wanted to stay away from me for 10 years at least their influence is not what it once was destroy the wind-up dolls do not forgive those aristocrats am I hearing one it's an intense sound okay I need to be careful do you have any grenades it flashes oh so my main knife I can repair and then the rest ah I see how it works that makes a lot more sense I don't know why I'm doing this there's no way it would let me sneak up on him ah crap oh behind me really wait wait wait wait come on into it you go ah come on run around him did I get him yeah eat it eat it eat it eat it tea bag tea bag of Leon I could have just walked by here snuck around and then he would have walked straight through that well that would have been great but I didn't know that did I I was in the throes of perdition all right no good we gotta go around you make me nervous when you pull out you're going like that on your own makes me feel like there's Bad Boys Around can we go in the back door he's in the back door Leon's in the back door oh man you missed the ball completely what is wrong with you my bad though my bad I know it never hit a guy when he's pooping not too Shaggy egg can I sell the eggs for a lot or do I just eat them forget if I should keep them or not photo of a family at last flesh of our Flesh Blood of our blood give us thanks and rejoice I'm good I don't want to do any of that I'm good old photos good eyes Leon good eyes I don't know the code for that that's a small key I guess those are for the chests or the drawers that I keep finding right illuminatos 4-3 and great veneration of their Master the people offered up their most prized positions the old farmer his finest crop the slightest swine herd the hiss Stout is pink the beggarly grandom her own beloved babe so crop Pig babe can't do that yet crop Pig babe crop Pig babe uh crop Pig woohoo a crystal marble is that going the door upstairs no thanks no thanks get off me uh Becker [Applause] where'd you even come from who are you who do you know here no one likes you okay probably this way um oh look at that wow that was confusing my eyeballs Village records volume three the weather has been strange of late the wheat Withers there are signs of famine 30 people have starved to death Patriarchs gatherer cast laws uh okay so uh stuff's not going great or Exciter Morty therefore you aren't they saying mode signia key oh no big guy's gonna come in oh come on Leon oh ouch [Applause] from the top bro [Music] oh no it's Ada hell yeah gift my blood yep you have the gift of handsomeness in your blood Leon you're so beautiful my real proud dad nice 80 accuracy I'll take it man I'll take it well that's gonna do it for this first episode of Resident Evil 4 remake I hope you guys enjoyed it I'm Gonna Keep smashing these out if you're excited for please leave a like on the video I want to see mad numbers I want to see 300 000 likes on this bad boy to show everyone how excited you are we're ready for let's get it baby let's go see you tomorrow
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,390,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye
Id: gyFxUYulM4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 17sec (5177 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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