Using The Handcannon Makes Professional Too Easy (FULL GUIDE)

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okay what's up everybody so a lot of people have been able to get the hand Cannon playing mercenaries and if you're one of those people and you've been wanting to revisit the game and get S Plus on professional this guide is for you the only thing that you're going to need for this is Ashley's armor but if you don't have that it's still going to be easy the hand Cannon is absolutely insane and although the aiming on it is a little bit wonky once you get used to the play style of it it ends up just shredding through absolutely everything but keep in mind we still have to unlock it I'm going to be showing you how to get you know 30 spindles to get the infinite ammo ticket on it so yeah I'm gonna guide you through the first six chapters on how to get through it as easy as possible so we get our hand cannon in chapter 7 with infinite ammo now we're still going to be using it in this first chapter here because it helps you get some kills on the village fight but after that it's pretty much gonna be like my other run we're gonna just be using primarily sniper shoddy and so yeah I'm gonna completely Breeze through everything and once we get the chapter seven I made just the hand Cannon is crazy okay again the aiming on it is a little bit wonky but once we get it and you get used to it it's really good and we end up beating this in three hours and 19 minutes so it leaves a lot of time for errors mistakes you know breaks whatever you want to do okay so to start off that's always with this first guy he's gonna wanna run up to the blue wall aim at the door the AIM to run past them you know if you want to run to the back of the room you can do that as well but yeah really easy guy to pass through crouched by this guy if he hits you it's no problem just heal with this herb right here yeah we're gonna make our way to the Village I hope you all are having a good day so far I had a lot of fun in this run again the hand Cannon is just absolutely crazy I want to see what the Chicago sweeper is like so I'm gonna be doing a run on that after this and I'll be releasing a guide on that too if you're interested it's kind of crazy that you know I've never uploaded anything on YouTube and to see that my other guide has 30 views on it that's just insane I hope whoever watched that it helped you out a lot so yeah gonna want to get the hand Cannon because we're going to want to use it in the village scene so yeah make sure you shoot the crows they'll sometimes drop a ruby but if they don't it's okay yeah Crouch under here I always like to run through the middle here to get this guy to aggro around the tree because sometimes if you run on the left side it'll hit you okay I'm gonna be running down here gonna try to get the guy in this Hut to aggro to us because we need the flash grenade that's in there foreign make sure you have that too but if you don't it's okay I mean the flashbang sun on Leon it's probably like half a second but they still help out a lot and they're very cheap to get I mean you get them for like a thousand completion points it can be any sunglasses okay so time for one of my favorite parts of the entire game I mean the entire game is just so good but I just love always doing the village fight gonna do the same thing we're gonna run on the left side now we need 15 kills to end the village fight 15. so we always want to start off on the left side because this lady is always gonna have her back turned to us and she counts as a free kill once you do that looter break the Box behind you run into the house we need to run into this house break this Barrel because sometimes it contains a grenade but if it doesn't it's okay run back outside this guy's always going to be here watch out for the old guy on the left once they're stunned you know throw a flash grenade you can sometimes get up to six skills doing this but you know most of the time it's gonna be like three four five you know give them a kick don't worry about them getting up just run past them sometimes a kid kills them but if it doesn't it doesn't matter this Barrel will always contain a grenade so we want to grab that jump out come back here when you see them piled up like that it's a good opportunity to throw it if they're not just run into the chainsaw house yo pull out the hand Cannon get a couple free kills and we're gonna be running in here we're gonna get the shotgun get the other flash grenade and we want them to pile up by the water so come get this ammo normally there's somebody that goes up that ladder but they're done there isn't you know just run past it it's okay right here you want to kind of run around a little bit let them get piled up throw the grenade and since we have the hand Cannon we can play pretty aggressive here without having to worry okay I'm gonna drop down get some kills you know take your time here leaving the village fight fast doesn't matter you know you can finish it with 15 minutes on your timer and they'll still you'll still have a lot of time to beat this we are here playing really aggressive and that's it it's a very quick Village fight you know with the hand Cannon they're basically a one shot so if you hit you know it comes with Six Bullets in it so if you get six kills from that plus it's a free kill I mean you're already almost halfway there plus when you throw the grenade outside if they're all piled up by the ladder that's another three four kills with the flash grenade uh trick you can get up to three to six kills so yeah it's very easy for that to add up and just completely wipe the village scene and here I beat it in about like a minute and we're at like four minutes and 50 seconds so yeah even if you finish the village fight in 15 minutes that's okay the real time save is gonna be later on and with armored Ashley that also saves a lot of time so don't worry about taking your time on the village fight sorry we're gonna want to loot the buildings get any extra Lou get the Ruby from here and the handgun ammo yeah on really good pace so far again we're going to be finishing this in three hours and 19 minutes leaves a lot of room to you know if you make mistakes if um and I also make mistakes in this run again you can beat it even faster if you're crazy at this game but yeah I mean remember we only need to beat in five hours and 30 minutes okay I'm gonna run past this fence get a backstab on that guy hit the pearl necklace from here and we're gonna be doing our first request so yeah the only only person you need to worry about is this lady right here we're gonna be entering the barn from the back side block the lock from here and run in you want to quickly run in pick up the Cog and just run up the ladder I recommend having your shotgun out for this lady right here because sometimes she'll hit you like she does right there sometimes you'll be turned around and you can run faster without doing it but I recommend to just use your shotgun there pull out your pistol get that last medallion now the main reason I like to take this way versus the other way is because I like to make the hot guy run into the Trap because I'm going to show you there's so whenever you want to get past them you know you want them to hit this because sometimes if you go the other way when you're pushing the cart at the end of this bridge uh you know once you're done pushing it sometimes you'll be caught up to you and he can actually One-Shot you so it's a lot better to you know stun him with the bomb uh instead of risking it and going the other way because yeah even though you get iframes while you're pushing this wagon sometimes I've died pushing this and at the end of the animation he just hits me I don't want that to happen to y'all so just take the route that I do so yeah we're almost done with chapter one we're gonna be saving in chapter two the saves are gonna be really flexible you can always do it a little bit before a little bit after yeah I'm gonna run past that always shock on this lady because he's always going to charge at you don't want to risk taking damage there and we're gonna make our way past there yourself been enjoying this game so much loving it so far I'll be having fun playing it too which I mean if you're watching some random guy's guide on it probably means you're having a lot of fun on it so yeah have your shotgun out here get past these guys if you take damage it's okay we still have a lot of heels I like to shoot that but if you don't want to waste a bullet on that just interact with it yeah we're about less than 10 minutes in and we're already on chapter two so even if we're on good Pace here again the real time saves are in the middle of the game and the end of the game so don't worry about taking your time in the first six chapters we're gonna be saving a lot of time once we get to hand Cannon um Ash's armor helps save a lot of time in her scene too and just in general since you know she can't get hurt but again you don't need it to complete this guide with an extra hour okay so we beat in three hours and 20 minutes so yeah that's more than two hours so that's more than enough time to you know make it work if you don't have Ashley's armor the hand Cannon is just I mean it's crazy took my gear so yeah if you want to you can save there if you get worried about dying on this part because we're gonna be saving when we see the merchant so it's not that big of a difference if you save at the beginning of the chapter or near the merchant I'm gonna say by the merchant yeah we're gonna grab the knife here gonna backstab this guy I've never actually had him turned around on me but I've heard that if he does it's pretty much instant death I don't know about that I do need to test that up I I don't know I don't know why I feel like I doubt that so yeah we're gonna wait for this guy to pass by backstab him [Applause] you can open the wheel I don't know why that guy running out at the same time it's me was funny yeah get get our stuff back before heading to the merchant uh we're actually going to be doing the other request which is to kill the three rats in here so if you stand far away from them you know it won't make them kind of go wonky because they'll go like in circles see like this when you're right by then they go crazy so keep your distance from them so you don't have to like you know waste a lot of time shooting at them get the Sapphire from here get the handgun ammo from there so yeah we're about to save you know so you don't have to do that you know redo all this Village part plus again with the hand Cannon it it actually was kind of hard to figure out where to save with it because you kind of just run through late game with it so again lots of flexible parts to save but we're gonna try to make the first six chapters as easy as possible okay so here I actually didn't end up looting The Village fully so I didn't get 12 000 pistangas which I normally have without a problem um so yeah definitely recommend fully looting The Village so you can buy the sniper rifle here uh because I definitely recommend it for the sex part yeah I decided to just be like you know what we're gonna find so many jewels uh that doesn't matter you know if you're in this position just sell the Ruby then buy the sniper rifle then we get the scope for free too bad things on sale stranger okay make sure you equip it yeah first save as you can see I've been playing this game a lot I've been on professional I don't know at this point I don't even know how many times a good amount of times so yeah first save right there since we have so much stuff we want to craft some shotgun shells make sure you register your sniper rifle now this upcoming enemy can sometimes be a blogger so it's good to make sure that she's fully dead whenever she's down you definitely don't want to be running into her whenever you're running back after she's down we want to equip our sniper and yeah we're going to want to shoot this guy over here that's a dynamite in his hand because we want to get the small key and if we don't kill him he can actually run in the room with the dynamite and it will one shot you there's also a really good reason why to save okay we're gonna use our shotgun I recommend shotgunning a lot of these villages in the feet because it wastes a lot less ammo and you know and professional they're basically bullet sponges even more so when they're blackouts and we really don't want to waste our time with that yeah walking backstab that guy grab the flash grenade and we're going to want to get the small key here I love this part of the game because it's so chaotic oh yeah before you know most of the time that guy won't be there but again you know with this game With the Enemy interactions it's always different so you have your shotgun out there and be prepared for that I would like to walk up the ladder and shoot the dynamite in that guy's hands sometimes he'll blow himself up somehow like I'll walk up and he'll just be dead so yeah it's a different experience every time makes this game really fun if you get grabbed here it's no problem we still have a lot of heels and remember we saved so if you end up using too many heels and you don't feel comfortable with how much you use this reset it's okay a shotgun them out the way blow up this Barrel that villager did not deserve that but at this point I realized that the game isn't going to give us that much hand Cannon ammo so I was just like okay I'm just gonna use it and then put it in storage later the Flashman you got earlier to flash then so you can easily just you know open this and get past yeah this part isn't too bad but I still like to say because it can just be so random that honestly every time I play this unprofessional it's a different experience every time I still love these areas though because they're so chaotic and just so Random so if you run in here you can get a yellow herb and there's a first aid spray I decided to use it there since we don't have that much space and we just have so many heels that feel free to use it yeah just another reminder that don't get stressed out if you're like at 30 minutes or 40 minutes at this part because yeah a lot of a lot of mid game and late game we're gonna be saving a lot of time so take your time you know take breaks if you need it I definitely take a lot of breaks because I have a puppy and he is just energetic as hell there's even Parts in this fight they were he actually jumps on my PC and almost gets me killed but yeah Lord crazy guy we're gonna be using the small key here to get the elegant mask if you don't have enough gems to put into it don't worry we don't need to sell to the merchant right now our weapons are still more than strong enough to handle the enemies right now so to start off with this part I've learned that it's better to just take this guy down with the sniper rifle because if you don't the old guy will grab on to you again the Grabbers are just very annoying so yeah snipe one shocking the other absolutely destroyed her because again we don't we don't we're not getting that much ammo for the hand cannon at this point so I was just like I figured might as well just use the last bullet and send it to storage I haven't done it yet but I'm gonna do it pretty soon did I get the Sapphire there so for this next part it's very important to do what I do okay because we don't want to alert the chainsaw guy and he gets alerted if you shoot past this sign right here the sign that's right there on my right so we want to get these two Treasures so shoot them from here don't want to shoot past that sign on the right if you do that you should have no problem because yeah he won't he'll just kind of be standing there and you can just run past him for free and the bomb is gonna stun him yeah I've never actually died to him there um so you're pretty much good to just run all this way you can look at these barrels if you want but don't do it if he's like right behind you but I don't think he will be because he gets stunned from the bomb pretty hard don't interact with the guy in the bathroom you know kind of let him finish doing his thing get the Ruby get the zags so yeah we're sitting on a lot of Healers gonna get this key here foreign didn't hit me yet to put the hand cannon in storage but yeah if you're in this position just send it to storage you know we'll be getting it back don't worry it's an absolute monster yeah for this guy you don't have to waste your ammo on them you can just run past them got the herb here for this I just like to pull it all the way up turn it to the left move a little bit to the right and It just fits in get the ammo get the key and that's chapter two again on really good pace you know if you're here in 30 minutes that's fine remember mid game late game mid game late game we're gonna save so much time we're gonna beat this together with more than two hours remaining so you have a lot of time to do you know any extra little things that you want to do if you make mistakes you know just reset the saves I'm gonna have really really flexible saves foreign I I love that dog I think the the scene where he hows and he helps you against the Giants is so awesome yeah we're gonna be making our way past here it's good to pull out your sniper rifles so you can take down the guy that calls the hounds yeah if you ever wonder why the dogs get spawned at this Village part it's because of that guy okay just snipe them they won't spawn he can sometimes be a blogger and even as a blogger he will uh release the Hound so it's good to take him down got some extra loot here so yeah we're full here I don't know why I'm not sending the hand cannon into storage please send it to storage I I think I was holding on to copium that they were going to give me ammo but yeah it won't matter because they only give you one bullet at a time so it's not really worth holding on to you know we're going to be using it mid game late game anyways when we have infinite ammo for it so it's not worth holding on to yeah we're gonna get the compass here okay see the dogs don't spawn whenever you kill that guy watch out for the bomb here sometimes it will kill the lady in the next room if it doesn't have your shotgun equipped here's a good example yeah most of the time she dies but every now and then take down her take down him so yeah again I'm sitting on so much stuff that it just would have been way easier to put the hand cannon in storage right here yes finally thank you thank you past me for remembering that so yeah we're gonna get this snake so we can do the snake Merchant request we got all the loot in this room yeah I want to make sure that you're fully looted at all times because we want to get through these first six chapters you know easy and so my job is to you know help you do that okay I glued all these barrels before you talk to the merchant and so see now we have enough sapphires to just completely fill it with Blues welcome I got something new for you and we're going to be selling all this stuff to the merchant and we have 50k pistanias level up the shock and a power tube rate of fire too sniper to power two [Music] and rate of fire too oh come gonna shoot this nuts down always has rifle ammo a church I made it we're gonna backstab this guy and we're gonna break these two tombstones for the request oh yeah another big note make sure you're always skipping cutscenes in case you don't know that already uh the cutscenes you know count time towards a timer which I don't think they should but yeah it's good to remember that another thing to note is that if you die um make sure that you quit the game and then load up the previous save because if you don't the time that you spent in that last set will be added to the timer whereas if you quit it would just load up the time that you had at the previous save yeah we're gonna grab the treasure from over there we don't need to you can grab it whenever you talk to Ashley for the first time but I like to grab it before same thing with the large resource okay so for this next part don't do what I did uh make sure you just aim at this guy's head and take him down because once he's dead you can pretty much run through everybody without having to waste any ammo until you get to the end of the bridge so I'm going to show you if you headshot them you can just dodge that guy's attack and everybody up here you can just run past it but it's still good to have the shock and equipped remember we just want to shoot them in the feet that guy was attacking some I guess he wanted it in the chest and you know run past them these guys just you know try to shoot them both at the same time shotguns is that strong about I'll push them both back like that just run past them don't want to waste ammo in them gonna break this box over here got really lucky and got a spindle there so yeah you want to pull out a grenade and kill these crows here because they will always drop a grenade make sure the dogs are dead I I've had enough of these dogs so I make sure that I've seen the sniper rifle to just make sure that they're dead because if you shoot him with the pistol they have like this delayed animation that can catch you off guard so yeah if you shoot them with the pistol make sure they're dead gonna loot this entire area gonna get that gem there and we're gonna do this down here it's still working on my commentary um I'm gonna try to order a new mic because I feel like this current one it's kind of scuffed so I want to you know get one that is hopefully better quality but it's still crazy to me 30 views on my past video like that's just insane to me 30 people have watched that I really hope that helped and I hope this helps people too okay so yeah you're going to want to sell the extra stuff that you got sell the Viper sell the headrest will a pleasant travels We're Gonna Save soon okay so this is another flexible save if you want to save before the fish farm you can but if you say before the fish farm um if you die on the delago boss that means you have to do the fish farm the delago boss again so I prefer to save before the dollar go because I've already done this fish farm part A lot of times but I know it stresses a lot of people out so if you want to save there save there okay please please please if you feel more comfortable saving there stay there because again it doesn't make that much of a difference and all the safe spots that I have are very flexible you can always save a little bit before a little bit after so yeah the main reason that I'm looting here before the fish farm is to make sure that you have more than enough resources going into it more specifically shock enamel because again we want to be shooting people on the feet it's very useful a quick note you can actually buy the flash grenade recipe by now so if you want to do that so you can go into here with flash grenades that also helps but the shots and it's more than enough but just try to follow what I do most of the time you can just run past all these people so yeah just follow what I do go through here gonna run past these two people I have been grabbed by that lady before but it's no big deal we don't have to worry about the hog guy so yeah just run past all these people pull out your pistol pull up that bomb I like to blow up this Barrel because sometimes the old guys next door like here but if he's not it's okay I get another snake right here but you know I don't have enough space for it so I was like whatever it's okay don't worry we're gonna come back here and there's gonna be nobody here don't worry about the snake request it's a lot easier to get laid so I recommend waiting by the store until they break in so you can just shock them out the way because sometimes if you walk out the door and they're outside they'll damage you and you just want to avoid that it's very easy just wait by the door front up the ladder there we're going to be coming back here when nobody's here it's gonna be after we beat the delago boss so don't worry we're good there's gonna be a lot of loot here okay I'm gonna make sure that when you come back here you're gonna be looted as hell and we're also going to be getting the rest of the snakes and doing The Medallion yeah just shocking people in the feet it actually does 0.5 damage if you didn't know that okay so when you body shot people it does you know base damage when you headshot them it does 1.2 to 1.5 damage and when you shoot them in the legs it's 0.5 so that's really good whenever you want to get past people especially if you don't want them to turn into blagas because yeah when they turn into blackouts they're bullet sponges so that's a good start to know so yeah I'm gonna be saving here before the delago so you can see that it doesn't make that big of a difference whether you save before the fish farm or before the delago and if you're just crazy at the game and you know you're you're for some reason watching this guide you can save after the delago boss if you want to so yeah we're at 28 minutes and 47 seconds you can be around 40 minutes here remember mid game late game that's what we're going to save most of the time so take your time please take your time in chapters one through six because late game I'm gonna show you how to absolutely destroy everybody so we're gonna be good I promise gonna destroy this Medallion here yeah we're gonna take down the Lago we have a lot of sniper ammo which is going to be great for the giant boss which I'm going to show you how to completely destroy him too so yeah for the delago boss I like to kind of hug his right side of his tail and you know just Spam shots on him um I've seen I I I've been watching Distortion too and he can just one cycle this spot and it's just crazy to be obviously I don't think that's something that you know the average person can do so I'm not gonna try to go for that here plus he's just insane at games I definitely recommend this channel he's a really cool guy so yeah you know the Lego bosses kind of depending on your game style you know take your time on them [Music] you know you don't until so okay so I like to call this the end of the first wave right so like whenever the boat stops and you know you enter Parts like this where he kind of you know comes to try to eat your boat at the end of the third wave he will actually like put his mouth on the boat right and try to eat you so it's good to memorize that so that you know to get ready to start spamming the interact 5. but yeah you can take them down before that if you don't remember we've just saved so take your time at this part we're almost gonna be a chapter four after this and remember chapters one through six we gotta just kind of get through them because once we get to chapter seven we're gonna just run through everybody over I'm just I'm so excited to commentate over that um because I had a blast doing this and You're gonna laugh because again the aim on it is wonky and I'm kind of excited to show you guys how it was a little bit of a mess but still we end up finishing in three hours and 20 minutes so it kind of just proves how strong the hand Cannon is yeah self-explanatory part I mean I'm still so new to YouTube that I'm trying to figure out what's the right way to commentate I mean so yeah I hope I've been you know being a good host and you know helping you have a good time you know hopefully teaching some stuff about this game because I've been enjoying this game so much that it's inspired me to make videos and I've been at least trying to drop a video every single day um Resident Evil games are some of my favorite and I'm excited to see you know what other type of videos I'll make so it should be pretty weak here and yeah he's down so take your time on that fight because we're gonna I know I keep saying it but it's a good reminder you know when you're getting through these first six chapters because they can be kind of annoying just remember that it's all worth it once you get to chapter seven and you have the hand can and it's such a fun blast yeah I'm going to start off chapter four I like to think of this chapter as the like breather you know take a breather chapter because we're going to be doing a lot of the merchant requests here before we take on the Giant foreign this next part we're going to want to run past the first plague this remake has been so good I've been loving it so much so yeah I don't recommend running past that guy because he'll sometimes swing at you and even though we get a lot of heals in this chapter it's just a lot easier to shock on them you know shoot him in the feet run past them and yeah don't worry if you have again we're going to be getting a lot of resources before we get the head that requires you to run past a lot of enemies and before the giant so again we're gonna be doing a lot of requests for the merchant right now and we're gonna be getting a lot of loot so you're gonna be good before you have to take on the section where you pass the villagers to get the head and before the Giant so we're gonna get this key gonna help us get some Treasures as you can see we're sitting on a lot of loot right now I recommend just sending the shotgun and the sniper storage because we won't be needing it right now which I should do around this part when I kill the bass we're gonna turn right here we're gonna get the bass for the merchant request some guns of storage because we don't need it right now get that I don't know why sometimes my Harpoon shoots twice I think I'm maybe it's just because I'm spamming and we're gonna get the golden chicken egg now yes we will be using the second golden egg later on for Ramon because again this is a guide on how to beat the game on professional stress free as fast as we can so you can have a lot of time for like you know extra buffer in case you need it Jack get that and we're gonna head off for the first head very easy puzzle you can pause if you want to see what it is it's just those three buttons get the hexagon piece you got the head I'm gonna get this Ruby make sure you get the loot right here so for the next part we're going to be heading over to the boat to get the Alexandra and the red nine now funny thing I've never actually used the red nine I used it in my first fight through and you know thought it was too janky but I know a lot of people like to use it and my friends have been recommending it to me I still prefer using the shotgun sniper but I think I'll give the red dine I tried one of my next playthroughs but yeah the shotgun and sniper are just so good just so consistent as well that's why I love them so yeah we're gonna head over here and remember we're not gonna be heading for the second head yet okay the main reason that we're doing all these requests and getting as much food as we can is so you can get to these next Parts just in case you don't have much loot right now um if you're following this guide you should have a lot of loot by now because I want to help you you know manage your resources really well and but if not it's okay remember we're gonna get a lot of loot before taking on that part in the giant so if you don't have loot it's fine and we're gonna be getting a lot of blue at the fish farm so you're gonna be heading into those parts really well looted again very chill chapter one of my favorites as much as I I do love the chaotic parts of this game I think they're so fun but something about this chapter is always a good it's a very much needed chill scene I enjoyed a lot so yeah before heading for that second head remember Gonna Get You looted Up if you prefer to just get the two heads before doing all this you know do it at whatever Leisure you want do it at your own pace I just like to do like you know all the chore stuff first before doing that gonna be running here we're not gonna be facing off against the Giant we're just gonna be getting the treasure here because we want to also make sure that your guns are upgraded really well because they'll make that you know that second head part very easy and just completely stomp on the Giant all right we're also going to be getting the depraved Idol so yeah you're gonna have a lot of pistanyas I'm sorry as you can see everybody's gone by now you don't have to worry about getting attacked here get the grenade from here get this medallion this Nest will always drop shock and ammo and yeah again we're running out of space so we're just gonna send the red nine to the storage but we are going to be selling it to the merchant get that medallion almost forgot to pick up the pistanyas there and yeah just there's so much resources here that you're gonna be well looted for this next part shoot that down to get the antique pipe now snakes can spawn here so if you need more vipers they're gonna be right here one swimming right there make sure you pick it up get the final Medallion here and the final hexagon piece here vipers can be kind of hard to see in the water so yeah make sure you pick it up whenever you kill them get the small key from here yeah just so much loot that we're getting from this area there's even some boxes and barrels that I missed but yeah feel free to take your time at this part gotta give you that reminder mid game late game hand Cannon unlimited ammo it absolutely destroys everything so yeah take your time here so here we're going to be doing the hexagon puzzle it's very easy insert all the pieces then it's always going to be right side twice left side twice top part once very easy make sure to put the stones in here end up putting three Reds because yeah two blues and one red is actually worth less it's like the purples on that and yeah we have so much vestanyas make sure you solve this oh boy sell the eggs it's all the best so right here we're sitting got a hundred cape estanas so I'm gonna realize here that I don't have enough storage to get my shotgun and sniper so we're sitting on 20 spindles right now really really good make sure to sell the red nine sell the Viper that's and now we're sitting on 24 spindles and yeah once we do the Savage Mark request we're gonna have more than enough to get the ticket and since we have so much go ahead and get the large case and make sure to get the flash grenade recipe bring the shotgun back gonna tune them up they're shock and I like to keep it at that but the power level for the snipe I like to power it up to level four ammo capacity two and reload two and that snipe at that power level should be pretty much good for the rest of the game because we still will be using it at some parts in the mid game and late game because yeah the hand Cannon although it's insane close range you're gonna see uh mid-range and long range it's kind of wonky but even then it's still good it still helped me beat this playthrough with no glitches or anything in three hours and 19 minutes so yeah we're gonna have a lot of time so we're gonna head over here and if you need more ammo you can get the two barrels that's on the right side here I decided to skip it get the flash grenade here remember these are gonna be bloggers so it's way better to shoot them in the feet that guy absolutely juked me so yeah shoot his Dynamite shoot these guys in the legs run past them as you can see I have one shotgun bullet here uh the reason I'm not worried is because I still have a lot of gunpowder so I can craft more if I needed it but I know that there's only one guy over here so that I'd be fine to just shoot him in the legs and get past them but yeah if you need to craft some Shock and ammo do that thankfully you get some more shocking ammo here and we're gonna do this puzzle right here it's always going to be a y get the second head and yeah for this part just want to run patches people shocking people in the feet I normally don't like to go this way but that guy got in the way and it kind of forced me to jump off here but thankfully there was nobody here but yeah since you have a flash grenade recipe you can just craft the flash grenade if you're feeling overwhelmed just sew a flash grenade you'll have more than enough time to get out of there and so with that we have both heads and now we're gonna go put them in the puzzle thing I don't know what it's called The Shrine so yeah we're sitting on so much snipe ammo which is going to be very good for the giant boss reminder to skip all cutscenes and time to completely just stop on the Giant so yeah for this part you know if you like to get the two heads and then loot everything go ahead and do that but yeah it's not a very stressful part yeah doing whichever way you prefer before heading up the ladder we're going to use a small key that we got the fish farm to get the last treasure over here so yeah we're going to be sitting on a lot of pistachios this run so before heading on to the giant you know anything else that you might need from the merchants saw the watch okay so for the giant with the Cyber power level four it takes four headshots to bring out a splaga now to bring him down to his knees you can either shoot the black at once or you can throw a flash grenade they both work and the flash grenade also does damage to the blackout so that's a good thing to note too so we're gonna hug the left side of this building so we can get the loot that's in here in case you need more loot the only thing that you're gonna need is the sniper rifle and one fry grenade I like to use a frag grenade to stun him at the very beginning of the fight um even without it it still takes four headshots with the sniper rifle to bring him down so I'm gonna throw that stun them shoot him in that four times once the plug goes down you can shoot it once with the sniper rifle to bring them down or you can flash grenade them the wolf will spawn after you shoot the black at once and I recommend not trying to shoot it after that because you'll just be wasting ammo because it's going to stand up after the wolf comes so he's gonna aggro on the wolf here again you can just shoot him four times to bring the plague out because I could use it so let the plug out remember you need to shoot at once or throw a flash grenade on it sorry I'm going to shoot it with the Cyber rifle because it does more damage than just stabbing it right after that the wolf is going to bring him down so you get more free shots at him I just love the wolf in this game so cool so he comes down just shoot his flag a few times now when he stands up here don't throw flash grenade just yet because in my last run I do a flash grenade and while he's doing this animation the flash grenade won't do anything but if you want to just avoid this attack just stand by his butt cheeks you avoid it after that throw a flashbang it's present for you and he should be really weak at this point I believe it takes one yeah just took one more shot yeah very easy fight get stomped on gotta make sure to always thank the dog thanks bud I love that interaction the first time I played it the first couple times I played it I couldn't find him I just heard the how but I couldn't find him so I was really happy whenever I finally did see him there so yeah very easy giant fight gonna make our way to the church make sure to get any loot here in case you missed it the first time coming around here so for this dog coming up here just immediately skip the cut scene and you can just run past them should have no problem although it's funny every single time I've done this I've never had him hit me but for some reason I knew right here he was gonna hit me because he got really close sometimes he just runs off straight but right here instead he decided to just come up behind me so yeah that will rarely happens but if it does we're sitting on a lot of heels so you don't really need to worry just heal up they're gonna get the blue dial here make sure to get the small key so I like to line it up starting with the green with the head part the blue with the Wing part and then just you know move the red until it fits in perfectly very simple puzzle and with that we head up the ladder and we're almost done with chapter four we're almost there now we just gotta take on the Savage mutt which I have a really good strap for I'm actually pretty excited to show you gonna make it very easy for us all right let's get the hell up make sure before heading out you get the Gem that's in Ashley's room foreign just quick reminder we finished in three hours and 19 minutes if you don't have armored actually it's okay okay I've been in the game many times without using armored Ashley and it's not too much of a big difference you have to change your plate style a little bit but not enough to be like I feel like the difference between times would be probably like instead of three hours and 19 minutes you could probably still do it in that even without armor Dashie but it'd probably be around like three hours and 30 40 minutes you just have to play a little more aggressive but with the hand Cannon I mean it's a lot easier to protect Ashley and for this part I mean you can pretty much run past everybody and just shock on anybody in the legs if they grab Ashley thanks but yeah since we're using normal dashes here you can just run past everybody with no problem get behind me and yeah since there since this part is mainly for Ashley they're gonna aggro on her way more but yeah with armadash you don't have to worry she's gonna be fine and if you're playing without armor Dash You're Just shocking them make sure you sell the key and yeah we're gonna do the Savage mod because with this we're gonna have 32 spindles and it's very easy I mean the Savage mutt himself is pretty op he can definitely melt you in one combo but I have a good trick in beating him you okay so yeah I'm pretty excited to show you that guy can be a blogger so it's good to take him out because you won't have enough time to like break these barrels but as you can see there's just some pistanyas in it so you can run past them if you want to there'll be a guy here that will sometimes drop down him if he drops down he'll push you down by just climb up the ladder okay make sure you kill this lady right here because although you can backstabber it's gonna make the Savage much Strat very easy and I'm gonna show you why also I love the tension the first time I played this and I was doing this Merchant request because I when you look at the map it says that the mutt is here but I couldn't find him so I was almost like preparing for a jump scare because I was like where is he it's a very cool I actually really love the a lot of the merchant requests in this game yeah we're gonna call this down the Savage mode won't spawn until you pick up the camera in the Attic so let's get to pick that up plus it'll you can also sell for ten thousand percent so it's good to pick though there's also a yellow herb up here thank you and a little extra Loop doesn't hurt so yeah once you pick that up the Savage Mount will spawn but before that we're actually going to save here and that's just to make sure that if the Strat doesn't work you can just reload the save but even if that's the thing I love about this Strat that it's actually very hard to mess up it just might take a tiny bit longer because we're actually gonna I'm gonna show you it's it's actually so fast to kill the Savage mod and the villagers there so yeah we're sitting at around 54 minutes you can be around an hour and 20 minutes here and it's still fine I just want to reassure you again mid game light game we're gonna save a lot of time so yeah Savage might have spawned and I'm gonna probably release a video of this part because I've been able to do it a couple times but yeah it I loved that this worked because I was able to get to work multiple times so yeah let me just show you as soon as you open the door now with the cocktail lady if you didn't kill her and you need to run away if you'll always have her back turned here so you can just backstabber but as soon as you open the door shoot the hog guy a couple times in the head if he's too far to the right just you know and you want to make sure he's dead just reload the save make sure he's down because he's the only one you have to worry about him in the Savage mutt but watch if you stand at this door they will not aggro to you and if you walk a little bit forward it will bring them out to you so yeah take your time here take down a bunch of villagers with the hog guy down and the Savage mutts still not spawned in yet you know you have a lot of free reign on that so you're gonna make sure you have a flash grenade and now to spawn the Savage mutt you want to run around here and then run back and he'll always go there and while he's transforming you get a lot of free shots on it now he'll either start juking you or run towards you but regardless of what he does just throw a flash grenade there you go and he gets stunned so hard that I get to shoot three times at him reload my gun and shoot him again and this will work pretty much every single time much easier way less stressful way to deal with the Savage mode because yeah he can combo you pretty hard and you don't want to waste too much time on him and with that done I mean that just leaves the village or not the village the the house fight the Bella sisters and then Mendez and then that's it those are going to be the last hardest parts of this run and even then I'm going to show you how to make it easy so yeah your shotgun these guys too get them out the way yeah keep your shotgun out as you know when we see a grabber we don't mess with them I'm just gonna shock on them so he doesn't grab us the gobbers are scary man any extra loot that you need as someone that speaks Spanish she makes a dialogue of all the villagers so much funner and yeah 32 pistanyas we're almost there we got this we got this now don't worry about going into the the house fight with little ammo there's gonna be a lot in there our biggest priority is having sniper rifle ammo and a little bit shocking ammo but the sniper can just carry a lot of it and at this point since we have so many grenades feel free to use that too so yeah I love doing this strap I like to get them to all like pile up by the doors so I get all the loot that I need to get the 10 gun powder here and yeah keep your pistol out because we're going to be blowing up the barrel right here so you need 17 kills to make the latter team start okay so you get the kills on the bear over there get these two kills board up the window and then pull out your sniper rifle Louise got in the way there but it's okay yeah they pretty much walk in straight lines so you can just get free shots on them remember 17 kills you can know when you're close whenever they start dropping the other planks but yeah as you can see here it's very easy to get collaterals I love this drive it's so good and yeah I get a little bit greedy here whenever I see plagas I like to get by the stairs so I can get them to pile up so you can see we they have the two boards down okay so that means we're on the like final batch of people so you can go ahead and board the windows again I'm just ignoring the vlogger guy there because they're really slow but don't do what I do just it's way better to just focus him taking him down whenever you hear the guy come down the chimney you can actually backstab him if you're standing around there well once he dies then that means that the latter scene is about to start so yeah take down this last guy once this scene starts you need five more kills okay so that laga plus always get a backstab this is a free kill right here get that free kill and they all start dropping down on you yeah this is why it's good to focus a black guy because as you can see there I wanted to just you know have three blocker guys waiting and so I can flash grenade them which was very greedy I don't even need to do that but we have so much Shields that I decided to play very aggressive but plain aggressive doesn't mean you shouldn't play smart so yeah cut the more shock enamel there again with the sniper rifle it takes four headshots to kill the hog guy that's gonna come in so we have so much gunpowder that can create more rifle animal games but yeah make sure that you're counting how many kills are left we have so many grenades it's actually kind of crazy and there you go all guys now normally I like to just flash Ben 10 because if you flash bang them you get four free headshots on them but here I was able to get three on them while he's doing his animation and yeah he just needs one more headshot to go down [Music] keep your distance and just touch on him one more time and he's down once he's down that's all you need to do you can just avoid wasting him on the other villages at this point I wouldn't recommend crafting more shock and ammo and reloading it because we're going to be getting the new shotgun remember we're gonna be getting the new shotgun so don't craft more shock and ammo until you have the new shotgun let's go so we're almost there chapter six we just have the Bella sisters and Mendes and I have really good strats for them too so walking up here you're not going to want to pick up the shotgun ammo because again we're going to be selling the shotgun so just make sure you don't pick it up sell the old shotgun buy the right gun which is just such an amazing gun and with just power level 2 it's good enough and rate of fire too and if you need a first aid spray you can buy that too but yeah we're sitting on so much heels that you're probably not gonna need it so now pick up the shotgun ammo so now we have 10 shocking bullets so yeah before this we're actually going to save here because you know being the Savage Mutt and the cabin fight don't want to have to redo all that plus with the hand Cannon it's going to save us a lot of safe spots later on so we're good to save here why not it's a little confused which save I was on but then I realized wait it doesn't even matter because it was a tough one so yeah anyways make sure you save your one or fourth save and we're getting to what I believe is kind of the most annoying part of the game because the bell assistant one shot you I don't really like messing with one shots but I have a good strap for them all right before entering here you want to make sure you snipe these ladies because when you're running past everybody they will throw a cocktail at you and Leon just gets unbelievably stunned so always shocking this guy because I he always just seems to hit me every time I run past him don't get the yellow diamond just keep running and yeah right here when you're standing right here they'll throw a cocktail at you and you are just like hard stunned and you will die so it's good to just shoot them down shocking them in the fee and just keep running but if you die it's okay remember we just saved I don't know why that guy always just makes me laugh this guy in here will always be a black guy please make sure you know that get the treasure here and there's more loot here too I sometimes forget about these barrels so try not to forget about those okay so quick note about the Bella sisters it only takes around three to five headshots for each of them to die sometimes one will die in only three headshots I don't know what causes that but remember we only need three to five and they let you basically shoot them for free at the beginning and they get Hearts done but what I like to do is um take turns shooting at them and I'll show you here I have to take down these two people make sure to watch out for them turning into black guys don't forget about the shotgun ammo here like I almost did get the yellow herb right here yeah make sure you loot everything before you go in there in case you need it because you do need sniper rifle ammo and there's gonna be some bullets in here that I sometimes forget about right here break these girls okay so while we're looting the rest of this stuff here another quick thing about the Bella scissors you get to shoot six shots okay with the sniper rifle at the sets that we have you get six shots before you need to run away okay and that's if you headshot them because they get hard stunned whenever you headshot them with the sniper rifle and even if you shoot them in the shoulders but I definitely recommend obviously shooting them in the head because it does a lot more damage but yeah count your shots as soon as you shoot six back to back immediately get out of there and make sure that these two doors are open because it makes the Strat just way better and make sure you craft the flash grenade too yeah so we're sitting on a lot of resources always start with the one on the left because she's just standing still and yeah just take your turns remember count your shots we're at three four five [Applause] six so thankfully one of them died if they don't we're definitely gonna kill them with the flash grenade You're Gonna Want to run out here pull out your shotgun get past this guy and you should be up you should be good up here now if both of the Bella sisters are coming out that door try to shoot them a little bit before you throw your flash commits serious so yeah right here you're gonna have a lot of time to shoot at them present for you so they get very hard stunned with the flash grenade so yeah make sure she's down because after that the villagers are not hard to deal with especially with armored Ashley although if you don't have armor rash you can always put it in the locker foreign so yeah I don't think it's very worth just finishing off all the villagers if you don't need to I prefer to just grab the crank and just getting out of here so I can have enough ammo to fight Mendez see I just run past some if you get overwhelmed just shocking them away because yeah we're gonna get more ammo up here so yeah the Mendez fight can be really easy as long as you have some Shock and ammo and some rifle ammo there's a lot of ammo during this boss fight as well as a flash Grenada upstairs uh we're gonna get a flash grenade here which is going to be really really useful for us during the mendix fight it did well back there make sure you get this Barrel your first time running from creeps make sure you get these two barrels too I passed these so many times in my first playthroughs and yeah this flash grenade it's gonna be very useful against Mendes make sure you get the gunpowder and yeah for this part I mean you can keep your shocking out but I prefer using the pistol because the villagers are going to be pretty much one shot the pistol isn't even upgraded at all so yeah they go down very fast you can even run past make sure they line up by the barrel right here I actually end up getting hit instead of just you know pulling out my shotgun again got a little greedy here but it's okay if you get hit we have so much Shields that it doesn't matter this way and that's it we're almost done you're the one you want keep in mind we have so many grenades so yeah feel free to use those at any time you want to put a lot of ammo here zombies stuff that you need to the merchant I don't really need anything else here because I already know that my shotgun and my sniper rifle are strong enough I do say so myself oh and since we have 33 spindles you're gonna have 32 spindles but if you in case you find one in a barrel yeah you'll have more than enough to buy more gunpowder if you need it for ammo because yeah since we're gonna have infinite ammo just buy that 10 pack of gunpowder but make sure that you have you know at least 32 spindles which you should have because of all the requests that we did and just grab some shocking ammo and make sure you equip your flash grenade because watch how fast we're gonna make them go to phase two throw the flash grenade shocking them make sure you watch out for the third shot don't shoot his arm on the third shot but yeah you'll go down very fast switch your sniper rifle and just standify very easy to get them into phase too now phase two is where it's gonna be depending on your play style you know just take your time here yeah see there I got hit but thankfully he also opened the barrel so I can get more ammo and yeah we're sitting on a lot of heels so just make sure you're healed make sure to shoot the barrels sometimes he'll as you can see bring up the barrels without saying anything if he does that just make sure you have your pistol ready yeah you can do damage to him right here but I just want to make sure I reloaded everything first take your time and if he says anything about burning or Lord show them whatever just make sure that you get ready to shoot the barrel yeah we're gonna do damage to him with our sniper rifle right here try to take at least one shot every time he's done throwing something evader's shot and with the flash grenade here I like to throw it if he walks back to shoot him with the sniper rifle but thankfully he didn't so I can just Spam out the shot make sure you watch out for the barrels always assume that when he jumps back he's gonna throw barrels because sometimes he won't say anything and I don't know if it's because we're doing so much damage to him so fast but yeah just make sure you watch out I accidentally jumped down here I did not mean to do that but yeah take your time here we're gonna save a lot of time coming up so yeah feel free to take as long as you need on this as you can see the shotgun and sniper just absolutely destroys them very fast fight make sure you get all the loot here although the funny thing is I'm not even gonna need it so I don't know why I guess I'm just used to play without uh bonus weapons so I always make sure to loot everything but yeah since we're about to have infinite ammo don't run into fire like I did I'm so dumb but yeah we're almost there we're gonna get the hand Cannon now it's gonna be oh my God I think it's gonna be hard not to laugh because [Music] I promise while it's very insane the aiming on it is just so bad and I'm gonna make sure I showcase it but as long as you you know how close you can get the enemies it's actually very good you know I mean is it better than the Chicago sweeper I honestly I would say the Chicago sweeper is better but there's something about the hand cannon that I just kind of felt like a tank with it so I guess it's up to you I mean everybody's different I personally had a lot of fundies in the hand Cannon and I hope you do too I mean that's why I'm making this guy because I felt that with mercenaries out there's gonna be a lot of people that have the hand Cannon and yeah remember we have we have like 33 32 spindles and we use two to buy the gunpowder but yeah you only need 30 to get the tickets got some rare things on sale next time then welcome so yeah I sell this stuff Ruby's over all rub that's off a d come back put the last gem in here I was thinking about selling the shotgun but you don't need to it's actually good to keep the shotgun in the sniper especially the sniper just in case yeah we're sitting on so much loot that I'm like oh my God we don't have space for it but yeah I just moved around a lot of stuff should fit now an infinite ammo which weapon and keep in mind it doesn't even need to be fully upgraded in the power to be good there you are but since we had a lot of money I was just like okay I'm gonna just upgrade the power on it it doesn't even need it um I don't even end up fully upgrading it in this run because I end up buying the rocket launcher too because this is supposed to be a run to help you finish the game as stress free as possible so yeah I don't recommend upgrading the power fully just kind of do what I do and we're gonna save here okay so this is going to be my first time actually using the hand Cannon outside of the Village area and I was just like okay I'm ready I'm ready to see what this thing does and I was like okay that fire rate is a little bit too slow I definitely need to upgrade that the funny thing is that even upgrading the fire rate doesn't make it shoot that much faster in the end so looking back at it you can upgrade the fire rate at least once but it's not gonna make that much of a difference this car plays in traffic yeah you can see here I'm testing out the fire rate I'm like man that is slow I wonder how this run is going to be still ends up being really good like I I I I don't know what's better the Chicago creep or the hanger I would say the Chicago sweeper is more consistent which matters but yeah this thing just absolutely destroys everything I wasn't even shooting at that thing's mouth so yeah get prepared at this point you're going to be having a lot of fun but again the aiming is gonna take some getting used to and even then I mean it's kind of like the Chicago sweeper mid-range and long range it just kind of has a mind of its own so you got to be really close at least like mid-range but yeah just absolutely destroys want to make sure we bring the cannon up and here I'm gonna test the range of the Magnum or the hand Cannon and I'm like okay so yeah not that good long range I mean the Crosshair itself is just insane and it kicks harder than Bruce Lee I mean this thing is insanely powerful but yeah it has a lot of downsides to it too but it still makes this run very easy so as you can see that guy's running in a straight line and it's still missed a shot even though I felt like he was inside the cross there but mid-range and close range it's still pretty good I want to make sure we take down this barrel and that Barrel but yeah you end up feeling Unstoppable with this hand Cannon even with missing shots yeah make sure you take down these guys they can be plagas the one shot bloggers yeah you want to make sure that they're down yeah so this is a good example that close range I don't know if you can see the bullets but it's even pretty close to them it's still going a little bit to the left so in cases with the plague like that that can one shot you and you have to keep your distance just you know keep your distance and you'll hit a shot eventually one shots them if it's minimum go make sure you use the cannon to take down this catapult but yeah I'm excited I can't oh my god when we get to the water Hall part I'm gonna die laughing because I know re-watching it back I'm just gonna be like oh my God but yeah as you can see it just absolutely destroys it's the just being able to not worry about you know ammo is just kind of crazy I mean I haven't even used the cat ears really so I've never really fully experienced this game with no like like infinite ammo and it just feels really nice not meant to worry about Ammo so here I also test out the range of it and as you can see I mean it you can sometimes even kill them past Shield which is insane watch out from this guy behind you just absolutely smoke make sure you get the yellow herb over here because it's very easy to miss over here so you're gonna be spending a lot of time getting used to the hand Cannon I need you to open it from the other side foreign that door I'm going to visit the merchant in case you need to get anything oh and I wanted to upgrade the fire rate too I was just like can I make it a little bit faster so I decided to sell a ruby and it's funny because honestly I don't notice that much of a difference but yeah you can see it also has just a massive kick it doesn't take away from how good it is though again to have a weapon that helps you finish the game in three hours and 20 minutes on professional mode I mean that just kind of shows you how good it is and if it was even just a little bit better at accuracy I mean I think you'd be able to do this sub three hours very easy I'm pretty sure there's people that can you know beat this game in two hours and 30 minutes with the hand Cannon but my job is to help you beat the game in 5 hours and 30 minutes to get the S Plus professional and hopefully I've been doing a good job so far what was that they keep animals down here or something yeah I'm gonna take down the godador right now I know a lot of people get scared of this guy he definitely scared me the first time I played but I like to just run to the end over here and just stand right here hey make sure I have a flash grenade equipped yeah I was doing a little adventurous here shooting him this far away with it so I just see the flashlight and yeah even if they kind of sways a little bit here and kicks hard as you can see it takes him down very fast now if the shots hit the blog on the back I don't even know how many it would take to bring him down probably two but yeah like very even with it missing it was still hitting its body and just still brought him down in a few shots and that that's a godador fight in less than a minute foreign yeah take your time getting used to the aim on this thing I promise you it's going to be very good Sir with the god of door down we're gonna be saving soon you okay now now this part so I'm pretty sure everybody knows by now but just in case you don't it's always going to be the iron sword first golden sword second the bloody sword third and then the rusty sword blast they're gonna get the bloody sword here I was also trying to test out how far can I shoot with this as you can see I mean even with aiming the Crosshair in the middle of it it still just has a pretty nutty kick to it not used for well it's just a replica only a couple of uses for it so insert the bloody sword there very easy puzzle right now I still think it's worth getting loot because again we're going to be using the rocket launcher to get past a lot of the bosses here because this is not a hand Cannon only run this is a help anybody that has a hand Cannon you know from getting it from mercenaries or if you just have it to be a sports professional with no stress at all or as less stressed as possible which again I hope I'm doing that but yeah we're gonna absolutely stomp on every boss make sure to skip cutscene and we're gonna be saving here so yeah this is save number six now even though the hand Cannon can destroy everybody again the range on it is pretty bad so I like to use a sniper rifle to take these two guys down and we're just gonna make our way to the left side here craft the flash grenade now you can kill these guys but they're really easy to just run past so I recommend just running past them drop down that guy turned around there which is interesting get the wheel now here you can run past them but I actually want to just test it out so yeah I mean as you can see it still destroys them I'd be careful here though because the one shot black guys still spawn here like it did right there but yeah one shot in the mouth and it's down he's also going to become a blogger so yeah put the wheel in if you throw a flash grenade it saves you a lot of time because you don't have to worry about you know them coming up behind you and again I mean you can just kill all of them if you want but I'm just trying to save you a lot of time just in case you know you're falling a little bit behind in time now while I normally recommend using a flashbang here too because it just helps you get past everybody's fast I didn't have one so I decided to just use the hand Cannon which you can see just destroys everybody but this is another thing why it's good to keep the sniper rifle I don't know how I killed that guy honestly from this range but yeah heal up as you can see the fire arrow guides are just melting my help and just risking shooting them you know with how bad the hand Cannon aim is it's not worth doing it better just shoot them with the sniper rifle but yeah take down these guys as you can see when they are close to you they just get melted here here I meant to eat the egg and then I accidentally equip it so yeah Noob move but yeah mistakes happens it's okay be careful of the one shot lager but yeah this thing just destroys everything take down these guys with their sniper rifle and remember just please remember we have a safe so if you die it's okay I is this yeah I think this is the part where I'm like where am I getting shot from I couldn't see him it wasn't him it's not him yeah it's this guy I'm like where is this guy at my bro what where am I getting shots from I don't see look he's down there and I didn't notice him I'm like where is he at this is what happens when you play with uh with Apple headphones instead of using a gaming headset yeah you don't really hear where things are coming from so yeah I definitely recommend a gaming headset if you don't have one already okay so now this is probably gonna be my favorite part of the run because I'm gonna showcase here how bad the aim is on this gun you know I was like okay I can just use a sniper rifle here but I think if I'm gonna be using a hand Cannon guide to teach people I need to show them the reality of the hand Cannon as well because it shreds people close range but yeah watch this just it's something special bro oh my God yeah this is what you can expect if you try to mid-range shoot them I mean maybe your aim is just crazy but honestly I'd go I'd go on a limb and say that aim doesn't really make a difference here because as you can see and I fully commit too I'm like I'm not switching so yeah I I was dying laughing whenever I was playing this part with this I was like oh my God I need to leave this in the the gameplay because people need to see because if you're going to be doing this guide it's good to show you why it's good to keep the sniper rifle and the shotgun because although you're going to be using the hand Cannon 90 of the time now in cases like this you don't want to just waste your time on this but I committed for you guys oh my God okay get back here so yeah once Ashley was done with that I'm like you know what I I think they're gonna get it no problem all right this is definitely a short range gun but that doesn't take away from how good it is still like my average time on beating professional with you know no bonus weapons and with armadashi is around 3 hours and 30 minutes and in this I still beat it 10 minutes faster and it felt like I can beat it even way faster with the hand Cannon so definitely having unlimited ammo helps out a lot in this game ha ha ha ha so yeah with the water haul down we're almost done with the chapter then yeah I mean the game is just gonna be a breeze by now I mean the only things that can kill you really are one shot hit things which there isn't that many of and in parts that there is I'm gonna make sure that I guide you past that so here in case you need heels there's always going to be bass here that you can kill there's even a bigger one but I would only really take the bigger one and just heal immediately with it because it takes up a lot of space now we are still going to be doing some Merchant requests because we want to get the the black case in order to get a lot of large resources so we can have you know more sniper rifle ammo when we need it and flash grenades you're a real professional so yeah at this part we have enough money to buy the vest which is important thing make sure you sell your ammo too I mean you're not going to need the handgun ammo yeah I fully upgrade the rate of fire here because I was just like maybe maybe just maybe it's a little bit better will that be also I think it's funny how mad the merchant gets whenever you don't have enough money like he's always nice but whenever you don't have enough money it's like not enough cash I'm like yo bro I thought we were cool like that man you know I'm always good for it but I still love the merchant the Remake in general I mean I've just been having such a good time with it okay so for this part always make sure you snipe that guy once Skips a cut scene pull out the hand Cannon and yeah just blow anyone past that gets in your way I'm gonna make our way up here then yeah it just gets completely destroyed I like to have a flash grenade here in case there's a lot of bloggers in the back I didn't see any right here but it's still good to have so I see one back there and I just don't want to risk it so I just throw it and yeah make sure you always jump down through here get to them you can destroy this to run past it I almost got grabbed there but I mean you should be good right here so we got through that section pretty easily hopefully it goes the same for you last person I thought I'd run to here okay so you need to find the three boards for the door which one's gonna be there another one here and the last one by the fire we got the treasure just put everything in so the right side this sword always goes here turn this one over put on the bottom turn that one over and you can pause there if you want to see all right need to find it Ashley oh great I I don't know if you can actually kill that bug there during that animation but I went for it there then hit it though oh this is gonna be a good part too because this is to Showcase how much the hand Cannon can also miss I like watch these close range and I feel like I was aiming at him but it wasn't until the last shot that he got hit so yeah learning the gun is gonna take a little bit so I just saw whatever you need I recommend saving your pistanos now because we don't need to upgrade the power level for the hand Cannon anymore because it's still going to destroy even end game so just save it as you can see the aim on the hand Cannon has taken an effect on me and I missed an easy shot there but yeah use the sniper rifle for those take those guys down although you can use a hand Cannon against these guys I'm just used to using a grenade here plus we have so many but yeah use the hand Cannon to take down everybody here now we're gonna do the speed runs right here which is funny because I'm like can we even do it with this Magnum so yeah take this guy down here so you don't have to worry about them so look you can pause to see where I hit it but it's gonna be random I don't think even it the fact that it worked that it was crazy to be make sure that you pull this lever okay always make sure whenever you exit out of here if you want to do the strap make sure you pull that lever you have to pull that lever that kind of creeped me out there oh yeah I love how it hits both of them and kills the one in the back and not the one that's in the front hand cannon works in funny ways but yeah as you can see taking down people you just start feeling like an absolute tank throw grenade at this wall over here and then yeah you initiate the boss fight okay so two big notes one make sure you watch out for this guy over here and two please please please be careful at this part I end up making a mistake please wait for these two people to shoot before you run over here because as you can see I end up getting shot here and Leon just gets stunned so hard that I end up taking damage from the Rocks thankfully we have the body armor which you want to make sure it's tuned up too and I ended up taking damage from there and if I didn't have the iframes from throwing that guy I'm pretty sure I would have died so yeah please please learn from my mistake there and make sure that the two guys on the top first shoot the arrows before you run down because normally as if if you go through my other playthrough you'll see that I mean just running past him is no problem but that's one of those rare times where I don't know what happened oh my God wait wait wait watch this watch this I'm standing behind the thing I don't know if that's ever happened to y'all but that's happened to me like multiple times where I'm standing behind this thing and I still take damage so yeah I don't know why that happens it's maybe because like the little like open holes through there but yeah it needs a cannon take down the guy yeah learn from my mistakes please yeah watch out for people running up the stairs there I don't know what looking back I just wanted to know what I was thinking there thinking that the hand Cannon is gonna snipe that guy look I'm even that close and it's still missed so yeah don't the hand Cannon is good in many things but um long range no that it's just absolutely terrible you guys Ashley but yeah we haven't saved yet because again these sections are just so easy that what the hand Cannon you don't need to that giant fight if you speed run it it's very I would even I would say it's low risk right there yeah I almost died but I promise you that that rarely happens I can't believe that guy I don't recommend saving that at all and if you decide to take the slower way like you know doing it the normal way you're not gonna have a problem I mean any enemy that comes to you is just gonna get destroyed so if you need to take like 30 minutes on that part um do it because again we're gonna have a lot of extra time but I don't think it'll take you 30 minutes if you do decide to do that yeah for this part I always like to start off with that flag then again I mean you just feel so like like just a tank when you have a hand Cannon and normally with this dog section I always use the pistol normally because I don't like to waste like my shotgun here so it was really nice not having to like worry about Ammo make sure you get this first aid spray in case you need heels and another thing is that the dogs like I know they're dead whenever I shoot them which is a very nice thing too because like whenever you shoot them with the pistol or even the shotgun they can sometimes like play dead or not play dead you just think they're dead but yeah I was shooting with this thing I'm like I know they're dead yeah take them down we're gonna get this treasure here because we're still collecting Treasures pull this lever down so yeah just follow what I do here I hope y'all having a good day hopefully my commentary's been good I'm really trying to you know work on it because I gotta give props to people that make long videos with you know commentary I mean wow my mouth gets very dry I'm wondering if it's even worth saying a lot of things are just saying nothing I mean hopefully it's been a good time it's been really fun for me so yeah if they're blacker like that it takes two shots but yeah they go down very fast now let's try I normally like to do is once you tell Ash to open that one the door opens this is a part of the game where Ashley can get kidnapped and I normally use the flash grenade whenever the door opens and you know they start running out I don't hear because I again I felt very experimental and wanted to just see how good the hand Cannon is but learn from what I did here and just use a flash grenade you'll save like 30 seconds compared to what I do finally get out of this maze right here as soon as this part happens just so flat screen it at them that the hand Cannon would have just you know killed all of them but I dropped down here instead of flash grenading them and see once you flash created them and kill them you don't even need to run all this way here okay I definitely use the flash grenade there if Ashley wasn't wearing armor she would have just gone completely blasted there so hopefully you're using the armored Ashley for this because I think you are hopefully you are like unless you're doing a challenge run if you're just trying to get you know the achievement for this in the cat years definitely just use Arm and Ashley you know if you're doing a run for you know no bonus weapons no armor that's cool too must be this way make sure you get this gem here now I like to start off with this one first yeah make sure you make Ashley sit in this chair and then you sit here ring the bell foreign looks like we figured it out we got the urban case you need it you can get the first hat now I still do not recommend saving here like I'm trying to make these saves later on more useful so I definitely if you want to save here save but I still don't recommend it I mean because we're gonna blow even if you mess up the grenade here you're gonna destroy everybody with and Cannon but yeah use the grenade here line it up there hit that again if if you get dropped down it's okay the hand Cannon will just destroy everybody I don't even need to kill them though I don't even know why I wasted time doing that I guess I just wanted to see how fast it could kill the red hooded guy there but yeah pick up the head run back out here yeah this is how it's gonna feel having the hand Cannon and then that I do like it better than the Chicago sweeper with the Chicago sweeper I mean yeah you feel like a turret but I mean it just it's so much I don't know like you're doing so many bullets that it just it feels like a lot whereas a hand Cannon it's just a clean one shot a little old-fashioned for my taste so here if you need any of the materials on the side go go ahead and grab it but I don't feel scared at this part we have so many heels and yeah the hand Cannon destroys them yeah just look like look at that two shots and they're down the only ones you really need to worry about are the ones that have the flag on the back of their head but actually helped you out with that like this guy I try to see if I can shoot past it there but enough but thankfully actually helps you out here yeah take your time here we're sitting on a lot of heels and this is also why I still don't recommend the save it's it's just hard to recommend saving at Parts where it's very hard for you to die and it's way better to save it for late game because we all know how late game is I want to make sure that once we get to late games we save as much time as possible and if you need a reset at the like later Parts where you just want to run past everybody you can do that yeah nighty night so yeah getting those three heads took like what less than five minutes you just feel like a complete monster when you have the hand Cannon I mean and when you have your body armor tuned up it's like you definitely feel like you can just run through everything make sure you get the cubic device this face over here always has three things in it which is nice in case you need stuff and yeah we're still not gonna say because in the Ashley section you can't die with their armor so yeah we're getting through as much stuff at this part without saving because we're going to be saving a lot more frequently in the later parts of the game which I think will make the experience a lot better but we will be saving after Ashley's party so don't worry about like are we gonna save soon yes I promise but since we're Invincible here there's really no point in Saving all right I'm staring like that so yeah we're not going to be getting the treasures down here because we don't really need it we have enough and this clock is always going to be seven o'clock I don't know why here it wasn't working but I promise it's seven it just it took a little time yeah I don't know if that was a bug but yeah it's seven o'clock in my other playthrough I do go for the treasures at this section because if you don't have bonus weapons it's definitely worth like you know getting a lot of pistanyas which in that guide I do help out a lot it's still so crazy to me that that's 30 viewers of it it has 30 views like how that's insane like 30 people have watched that like I think it's really cool that you can just upload gameplay nowadays and you can just you know have so many people watching that like you can have fun playing a game and just share that experience with other people and help out other people too I just think that's awesome yeah thank you for 30 views on that so yeah this part really easy I mean you're Invincible don't really need to worry about this part at all I loved the the merchant requests like you know going against the golden armor guy I love all those quests like the Savage mutt the golden armor guy the regenerator they were just so fun in my first playthrough so yeah starting off here I like to get this Lantern first and switch it with that then do this one and then this very simple no don't go out but yeah there's not too much to commentate over this part I mean yeah if you have armored Ashley it's just a Time Saver for this so honestly I kind of see it like a good like breather Point too but man I loved this part in the original and in the remake it's so good I'm really like Capcom has just been on fire lately yeah this section's really easy and yeah after this We're Gonna Save because the mosquito part is soon and it goes as just like you'd imagine I mean the hand Cannon destroys them but at the same time it's very easy to get overwhelmed by the mosquitoes so yeah it's it's worth saving there if you feel confident you can you know go through that and then save before the double garage fight but I just recommend saving before the navista doors I think they're called but I'm just gonna call mosquitoes because they can definitely overwhelm you so yeah I definitely recommend saving after this but yeah we're on chapter 10 now and we're just breezing through this hopefully the experience is going the same for you hey stranger yeah before saving we're actually gonna do this real fast get the treasure now the main thing we're gonna want for the double garage fight is three heavy grenades something new yeah make sure you sell stuff fill this with whatever gems you have if you don't have any gems I recommend waiting for after the mosquito part because they drop a lot of sapphires so don't worry thank you goddess the next good things since we have enough spinos here we're actually going to go ahead and get the attached case black which gives us a lot more large resources and I definitely recommend it you don't need it but I recommend it because you can make more sniper rifle ammo more flash grenades definitely recommended so here make sure you switch over to it because sometimes I forget after I buy it and here I'm checking if I have enough to make heavy grenades welcome welcome new for you so make sure that you buy the recipe for it you can buy a bigger case too since we're sitting on a lot of pistanyas now even though here I only have enough to buy one or craft one heavy grenade it's okay we can find more later on but before that make sure we save this is going to be save number seven to remember we're saving a lot of good saves for later on we got some really useful Magnum ammo there take your time at the mosquito part because yeah since they play mostly like mid range yeah as you can see there I mean aiming red Adam still misses as you can see they both drop Sapphire so definitely save your Treasures yeah take your time shooting don't just Spam like me but yeah in this next room there's a lot of space where you can keep distance between you and them and just pick off any of them that get close to you I definitely recommend doing them because when they're all over you they're gonna melt your help as you can see I'm feeling very ambitious here yeah they go down in one shot yeah they do almost have your help when they latch on to you so definitely play it slow take your time but also remember we just saved so if you die it's okay got another Sapphire there gonna make sure we get this treasure over here got even more sapphires there see it's just so worth you know saving the treasures because we just get so many sapphires here oh that one sounded like it kind of burped I never heard that one before he had another Sapphire yeah they just dropped so many watch out for this one I like have so many hours in this game and I still get caught off guard by that one dropped another Sapphire I was thinking about getting the Ruby there but I just said I'll get it whenever I drop down very good example of how they can just absolutely melt your health even more sapphires three set oh my God yeah pull this lever down so here I get the Ruby so this double karador fight I was thinking about resetting to make sure I had a better fight for it for this video but I figured it's good to show like that yeah I still make mistakes all the time here I'm like okay I should be good with two heavy grenades right but it takes three of them to take them so in my other video if you want to see a way better example of how to take them down definitely just take a minute to watch my other God and just skip forward to the garador fight it only takes three heavy grenades and then one pistol shot in the back to kill them here I I throw two grenades two Heavies and four frag grenades and it doesn't kill them so so I thought that would be enough but it wasn't so learn from that mistake I would like to snipe these guys too because they'll be chained up until you shoot three or four shots and since I don't have my pistol here and I'm not gonna risk shooting the hand Cannon and missing you're gonna use a sniper rifle here shoot the Bell so right here normally again only takes three frag grenades sometimes that's enough to kill them but here I'll just like surely this will kill them right like I don't need these grenades I don't need them and I'm like they're not dead so I'm it's like okay I'm just gonna try to kill them like that so as you can see it still makes them one shot if you shoot them in the bag but since the hand Cannon does have that great accuracy uh it missed right there but see it's still very easy to do [ __ ] and we have a save so that it's okay if you die here don't worry I make mistakes all the time so I get two horns make sure to do anything that you need from here funny enough I got another heavy grenade right there so for this next part I recommend having your shotgun out because the mosquitoes here they're just so annoying and I wasn't gonna risk just using the hand Cannon because of how wonky the aim can be plus the right gun just has such good accuracy that if you aim it at the ground it's going to take them down what the hell so yeah I have your shotgun out here mix this part just way easier because they can be pretty fast dad just even with the power level 2 right gun it just one shots them plus we're not even really using the shotguns so I mean wasting ammo on it doesn't really matter plus this isn't even wasting ammo this is actually like I do this every single time yeah watch out for that one got another one here and this should only be one more so we will be grabbing the elegant Crown here because yes we will be selling it and getting the rocket launcher for vertigo because yeah even if the hand Cannon can melt him it just would take too much time and again my job is to make this you know save you as much time as possible so you 100 are able to beat this in under five hours and 30 minutes but if you want to spend like 10-15 minutes you know killing vertigo with the hand Cannon feel free to do that because yeah we're gonna stuff so much time so feel free if you want to just completely just mess them up with the hand Cannon go ahead and do that make sure you get the red Barrel here oh I have something welcome I got something new for you I'd come now here unfortunately I didn't have an emerald so if you're watching this in the future I mean if you're keeping up like step by step you're probably not gonna have an emerald too but if you do you'll get 100K for it we're still gonna have more than enough because we got so many sapphires so see we're gonna sell this sell that and we'll need 20K more and we have so many sapphires that we don't need so yeah feel free to sell as many as you need buy the rocket launcher let us know my place to say really but sometimes things are more interesting if you keep the levels oh and hero is trying to find more money to make sure I can tune up my body armor even though it's not really needed because yeah we're going to completely destroy vertigo but still it's good to make sure just in case I loved this part of the game whenever I first got into it foreign so yeah don't worry about getting attacked here he can't attack you until you pull the lever and even then his attacks are scripted at certain parts so once you pull that down the first attack is going to be around here so just make sure you get ready to avoid he's gonna be another attack you evade here now big no big important note he has to be frozen in order to one shot him with the rocket launcher please please when you equip it make sure that you freeze them first so we're gonna get his attention right here and just run your remote's laptop and freeze them make sure he's Frozen please make sure he's Frozen even though he'll still be pretty much one shot uh you just want to make sure that he's done as fast as possible because again the reason we're getting the rocket launcher is to make this part go by way faster plus he also drops a treasure that gives you 30k back and we also get a yellow diamond so for 160 we got 37k back plus we save a lot of time right there yeah make sure it's all the way up and yeah I mean with vertigo done we're we're gonna save again soon this is where we're gonna start taking advantage of a lot of our saves because the hand Cannon has just helped us out so much as well as the petstanyas but yeah if you are watching this leave I want to know okay if you do get to this part I want to know leave in the comment did you ever try to fight vertigo like without a rocket launcher like in my first playthrough I try to kill him like legit and he just I was like is he ever gonna die he's so tanky I mean he has to be the tankiest boss in the entire game like no joke I mean I've frozen with all the things and I was shocking to him so much but I was also using the striker I didn't realize how bad the striker was compared to the Rye gun but even then I feel like if I was using the ride gun I still wouldn't have killed him I mean I could probably kill them eventually but he just took so long that I was just like I need to get out of here he's making me use all my resources why help me though what's in it for you so yeah we're gonna save here and we're on save number eight so I remember to take breaks like as you can see after every time I save I like to take a little break a little hard for me to put my faith in someone especially since I have a puppy now he definitely likes his attention so I need to take a lot of breaks around you didn't answer my question now while it's good to save here too is because we can just run through this dynamite part without having to worry something like that sounds like we've got company what do you want to do so yeah as you can see we're sitting on so many large resources that we can make a lot of we can honestly flash grenade everybody here and not even shoot a single bullet but you know we want to touch out the hand Cannon uh make sure that you do throw a flash grenade here because the Bella sister is here but yeah in case you want to know how fast it kills the Bella's sister two shots two headshots and she's down it's funny that unprofessional she only drops the sapphire you would think that she drops like a red bell or uh Alexandrite or something but no just a sapphire okay make sure you just watch out for the chainsaw guy I saw that he was getting really close here so if that happens for you just immediately flashing him don't want to take a risk plus now that he's really close oh my God I got burned there I forgot yeah watch out for that they're throwing molotovs and I decided not to actually kill Salvador but I did Flash me really good reason to have a lot of live stream AIDS but also you know if I didn't get hit with the cocktail there which might be the case for you yeah just take down just take them down really fast but we're sitting on so much heels that this part is just a breeze I don't know why it's always funny whenever they turn into a Blackout's like running like that as you can see the aim on the hand Cannon even really close can still sometimes Miss because it goes too far to the right or too far to the left but it's okay you know it's no problem like even with that I would call that like a dynamite section with a lot of mistakes and still look we made it out with our vests barely touched and we still have a lot of heels so it'll go way better for you hopefully yeah so you already know we're gonna absolutely destroy the double giant boss pretty much every boss after this is gonna get destroyed the only part that may be a little trouble is the running simulator Parts especially chapter 15 but that's really the only part and by then I mean you're gonna have so much time that it's not gonna matter so here I always like to start off with the guy on the right because we can't do anything for the guy in the life so yeah take him down remember once the plague is out you can just throw flash grenade right you don't have to do what I did there for some reason the the hand Cannon actually hit there I recommend just throwing a flash grenade here I wanted to see if the hand Cannon can get through it but they can I was like maybe if I see this FIFA now so while we wait for Elise to do that you're gonna want to hug his butt cheeks he grabs you it's okay just takes one knife stop yeah like here he grabs me but yeah just stay under him and you'll be fine [Music] kind of feels like fighting the souls balls like the fire Giant so yeah we wait for Louise yeah I take him down if you want to get the red Barrel from him by shooting its black you can do that but you're not gonna need it you can just drop him in the hole there you go that's actually done that part is always just so randomly loud we can get through here how's it look if you don't have the deluxe version that's what that chest is but yeah we haven't used any of the deluxe weapons and you don't need them the underground here is Secret I think the Sentinel 9 is just a tiny bit stronger than the normal pistol I don't don't quote me on that but it doesn't make a difference we don't need the deluxe items here you're not suggesting if you want to save here save I'm Gonna Save on the part after this one because this one's always really easy you never really have to worry but if you feel comfortable saving here save please save here if you hate the mining section part another quick thing is that if you have the gas mask it helps out with this part a lot too right oh by the way what now hope you like thrill rights Luis is so fun I love Louise [Music] everybody in this section will always be one shot outside of the chainsaw guy but once we get to Mark I'll show you how to take care of them but that's also why I recommend saving after this part because this part's really easy since all you have to do is hit the villagers once and they go down and since you don't have to worry about uh Salvador the chainsaw guy then this part is not too bad [Music] now I feel like a lot of people that are watching this are probably going to just skip over this part and get to like either the second part or the crowds or fight but if you are one of the people watching up at this point hey I hope you're having a good day I hope everything in life is good and you know life good family good and friends are good yeah everybody's one shot here now if you are watching okay if you are watching here just leave just leave a comment that saves I don't know a or something a or b or something just a one letter just so I know it it would make me smile because again I feel like a lot of people are going to skip over this and it's no problem if you do but just in case you are watching this part yeah leave a comment just put a and a heart and yeah I hope you're having a good day that's it okay so we're gonna save here because this next part can be pretty annoying so I definitely recommend saving here if not you can save a little bit before fighting crowd sir but definitely recommend saving here definitely watch out for this dynamite guy on the right he's actually killed me before by throwing out the window like he just threw a perfect Kobe and just one shot me definitely learn from my mistake there so yeah again I want to recommend you that if you have the gas mask uh it helps out a lot with this section because yeah the main problem here is just the chainsaw guy he can do like you can't one shot the cart but he pretty much can't touch on you but he's very easy to stun as well so as long as you're like managing the people on the right and left the villagers uh should be no problem I'll definitely show you right here here don't focus on him just focus on the guys on the rights you don't want to take any free damage here you can get some shots another chainsaw Ryan so yeah definitely recommend using the gas mask and be happy here because why not use resources uh you know they have I mean when you're trying to get an achievement just you know use whatever the game gives you now if you do want to get big damage on the chainsaw guy you can shoot the barrels on this upcoming part but it doesn't really like make that big of a difference if you do or not like he'll die faster but if you don't hit it don't don't be stressed out it's not something you should reset over um as long as you shoot him enough times in the head he gets stunned so that matters more because like you can you know shoot those barrels and he'll still chainsaw you and then kill you if you don't stun the stun them enough so yeah here's just gonna spam his head takes like five shots to stun him focus on these guys on the right [Music] put some extra shots into them but yeah when he's done like that he gets done for a good sign so yeah it just keeps spamming his head he'll get stuck take care of these guys unload on them let's see if you blow up the barrels he does die pretty quickly [Music] but his section ends here anyways like you know once he gets past this part right here you're pretty much done with them so again it does make that much of a difference what matters more is just kind of practicing stunning them make sure you shoot this pretty sure you know that already because yeah you'd be in the game by now this is another part that's pretty much self-explanatory main things I can give is like you know recommend the the gas mask if you have it and focus on the chainsaw parts like when he's right next to you and just shoot him five times and they have to stun him so here I'm gonna be blowing up the hives in order to get more spindles in case you need it but you don't have to if you don't want to stay Sharp it's so crazy to have so much snipe ammo make it if we circle around come on yeah that's what's nice about infinite ammo I mean you have to have ammo on your other guns so here I'm gonna use the sniper against the bugs because again I'm not going to be adventurous and just try to cross map them with a hand Cannon yeah we're just gonna make our way pick up some passatas also I realized that I was calling the bestanias and it's actually bestas or passatas which is funny because I'm pretty sure my other guy I just said the word the standards the entire time that's funny yes take care of these guys remember they can overwhelm you really easily so yeah just take your time here we're on good pace watch out for this car you shoot the boat take this one out there's Sapphire drop is actually insane like up until this point we have probably gone like what 10 11 12 sapphires from them so it's a really nice drop yeah I get to watch out for them this is what I mean they can overwhelm you really easily especially since I can just hit you consecutively it's another Sapphire right there you know what's funny is that the mosquitoes are so easy to kill and they drive so many sapphires but back at the dynamite part the Bella sister who's much tankier and you know if we didn't have the hand Cannon would be would be much harder to deal with or just run past by he also dropped the sapphire so I find that funny but anyways we're blowing up the hives here get you some more spindles if you need it now we are gonna want some pestas here to upgrade our knife because it makes the crowds or fight a lot easier well done you've proven yourself that's all those things get you anything that you need here if you need it oh I've got new for you man welcome I decided to buy that and I didn't even have any like emeralds or anything but they need it because we can still upgrade even if you get it to power level four it's still more than good enough big reminder to tune up your armor except for the crowdser fight you're gonna just want to stab him a lot in the head take your time on it yeah just run them to him start Pokemon and even if this is unprofessional the Perrys are pretty much like they are in any other difficulty where you can spam the carry and you'll carry him so give him a kick Ed like you keep poking him in the head you're lying and remember we have a lot of deals in case you need to heal this is gonna be a quick Time Event so just make sure you're ready to spin keep Pokemon gave him the super kick now it may not look like it but if you upgrade it just one more time to like the max level he would have already been dead but it doesn't make too much of a difference like he's gonna die right now but yeah if you fully upgrade the knife he dies I would say like 20 faster but yeah he's down that's like a less than a two minute fight but yeah if you can't afford the the max power level for the knife it's okay as you can see level four does just fine rest in peace to Louise you won't get away with this krauser yeah we're on good Pace chapter 12. we're almost there so we're gonna be heading up here and remember we're gonna go get the golden egg to use against Ramon because although the hand Cannon can make pretty quick work of him it's so nice to save that extra like 5-10 minutes depending on because his his fight movement can be very weird and plus as you can imagine if he's far away shooting with the hand Cannon would just be too unreliable so I definitely recommend spending the little extra time to get the golden egg got the small key here but yeah I've been loving the hand Cannon I hope you enjoyed too insane weapon even at the mid-range long range sucks I mean this game as you can see it's not very long range it's very rarely done and even then I mean enemies give you good courtesy most of the time where like you can just Spam a lot of shots so you can normally just throw a flash grenade here if you just want to run past them especially good for like killing the bugs but if you don't have any flash grenades I mean you already know what to do fall out the hand Cannon absolutely destroy them sure very easy pencil just push it up twice so the golden egg does 70 of Ramon's health which is insane to me because like you know my other guide we use two golden eggs to kill them and this is so crazy how how fast it kills them I just love like that Capcom just has those little things in their games it makes it so cool yeah this guy's gonna hit me here let's see it would have just been way better off to kill him I don't know why I don't learn from my mistakes now the mosquitoes aren't going to spawn again there's one right here and there's a really sneaky one up here that still gets me sometimes because I forget right here make sure you always take that one down welcome oh my God turn up the armor yeah time for the clock tower part no the clock tower part's gonna be really easy but when you get to the ball part you just want to make sure that you take your time because you really don't want to go back to the the card section but I promise you that like you can save here if you want but I prefer to save before Ramon but if you want to save here again very flexible spot save here and you know but if you die against Ramona if you miss the golden egg you have to redo this part but this part if you take your time will be no problem at all I believe that you can do it just follow what I do hand Cannon as you can see it's just still one-shotting enemies and it's not even leveled up all the way it's such a fun guy like the Chicago super yeah you do feel like a like a turret but I mean you just feel like a tank with this gun it's insane make sure you blow up the back of the barrel over here on the back of Ramona statue hunting tuna with the sniper rifle because yeah trying to shoot that with the hand Cannon not reliable it's Joel here very good mid-range and I swear it's not cope like you know I I know I don't have the most insane aim but yeah I mean the hand Cannon Milwaukee able to be a little crazy that one yeah that one I just missed so yeah quite aggressive right here but as soon as the ball spawns just play this place slow yeah once that happens just wait for the ball to pass take your time nobody's gonna be able to even touch you here again take your time watch out for this guy because he'll grab you and Kevin just destroying everybody yeah I kept shooting the metal part of that Shield so just try to shoot like around it and take your time here spend the extra 10 20 seconds making sure the ball goes by them and we take down very simple definitely recommend saving before Ramon instead of before here because I know you can do it but again if you're comfortable saving there do it very flexible safe drop the ball on them too if you need resources you can drop the ball on them and you go pick it up but it's hard to need resources when you have infinite ammo Gloria they did I mean this part and my other guide I always like to have shock and ammo here in case anybody gets on the lift but I mean the hand Cannon just works like a much better version of the shotgun so this part's very easy as well thank you it's coming did she miss her jump there I don't know I don't think I shot her there I think she just legit missed a jump yeah there's the aiming on it can be pretty wonky sometimes but still as you can see you can miss a lot and it doesn't matter because as long as you get one shot it just destroys everything yeah that's a quick Clock Tower section now please please please be careful at this next part I have in one of my professional runs you know I have Rand pass on the part of the bridge where you can fall down and have to go all the way back to what part did I save at I think it was Vertigo so it's happened to me I mean mistakes happen all the time so yeah make sure you watch out for them right here make sure please walk here please foreign take your time somehow I hit that shot mid-range the hand Cannon I mean it's as full of surprises sometimes you're gonna hit a shot it'll miss a shot like right next to you but then mid-range kind of like that just hits them perfectly good all these boxes and we're gonna save here because a big thing too it's okay if you miss the golden egg on Ramon that's why it's good to save here because it happens it's you have to hit him specifically on the white part of his body so yeah make sure you sell stuff to the merchant too in case you need anything tune up the body armor and you know max out the knives if you want and we're gonna save and this is gonna be save number 10. now heading into the Ramon fight it's okay if you miss the golden egg on him it's why it's good to have a save here I've missed a golden egg on him I've eaten the golden egg twice so yeah there's a lot of things that we don't want to risk doing so it's good it's really good to save there make sure you equip the egg hit the white part of his body and the Hand Cannon only takes six shots to kill him and that's a 10 second Ramone fight I mean this is a this is a mid-game late game stuff that I was talking about where we're gonna be just saving such a huge chunk of time that you're gonna have no problem beating this game in under 5 hours and 30 minutes what's up every boss that's left in this game will not be a problem I promise you we're gonna save so much time on them so what's really gonna take up the most time is the running simulating parts like you know the everybody knows the mic part like that's the that's like the main part that I'm talking about where the hand Cannon is still going to destroy everything and it's very nice I loved it for that part I'm very excited for that part coming up but right now let's just deal with chapter 13. I normally recommend a speedrun strut but with the hand Cannon we just don't need it it's gonna destroy everybody so we don't even need to speedrun Strat this next part now on professional there's two knights here one being right here just run past them if he hits you it's no problem we still have so much yields that you shouldn't worry about being hit the other one is going to be right here so hug this right wall this is way easier to dodge but once you get past them you make it over here and that's gonna be the end of the chapter you won't have to swim after all we're almost there everybody if you had three hours and 30 minutes here you know you're still on Amazing pace so again for this next part um if you saw my other guide I like to normally Speed Run Strat here by just running past the laser part where you know you can throw a grenade at the guy and his body will take damage for it or you know just get the Hawkeye to do it but we don't need to again why why even take the risk of like you know resetting because we either die when we can just go in with the hand Cannon and just destroy everybody you don't even need to do what I did there by sniping them that's why I'm not even pausing to be like oh you can snipe these people if you want no you absolutely do not need to I I thought that the hand Cannon might stop one-shotting here but of course it doesn't it's still just destroys and mows down everybody they're coming up here just absolutely is melting enemies make sure he doesn't turn I mean it's just so crazy how good the hand Cannon still is watch out for the cocktails no they're throwing a lot at me right there so as you can see it can still One-Shot enemies though sometimes two shot them especially if they're gonna turn to plug us but even then it like watch the small guy he just can't do anything he can't even react he can't even react he can only just die I don't know what that guy was doing over there I mean that flag got turned and he just he turns to a Blog and died we're talking about these weight game enemies that have like military vests like you know armor and all that and they're just still getting absolutely destroyed been loving the hand cannon that's not saying like the Chicago sweeper is fun but I have to say that the hand Cannon is just more satisfying it's it just is you just feel like a Unstoppable tank so yeah we don't even need to speed run throughout that why why speed Road strut that when we are literally a tank they're shooting our cannonballs yeah normally I hate this part because yeah those those splagas that can one shot you there's yeah three of them here but no problem for the hand Cannon I feel very tanky if you don't shoot him in the mouth but see here I don't even need to waste my time on it Mommy I just that's what I'm saying the hand Cannon will make you feel like you want to just destroy everything but in that case there was no even point in shooting at him so yeah learn from my mistake there don't even waste your time save that little extra time get past them but if you feel like just being a running tank and just making sure everything is dead do that too key so after backstabbing this guy I like to use the sniper and have a flash grenade here so I've cooked the sniper take down the rocket launcher guys so you can get past these people with no problem again you can just use a hand Cannon but these two guys have metal Shields and my job is to save you time you know I'm gonna help you save time so we're just gonna be running past them sometimes these two guys are next to that barrel and they will die to the barrel but if they're not it's okay there as you can see if you hit him when his mouth is open it just still one shots them guy threw a nice Kobe there nice shot bro that's where they're keeping Ashley so we're gonna be getting the elegant Crown here which again with the hand Cannon no problem I'm just gonna use the snap to take down the rocket launcher guy it even turns to blogger it's fine we just don't want to you know risk getting hit by the rocket hang Cannon just you know mow down everybody get the elegant crown this guy's a little lost yeah we don't we we don't need to waste our time on him make sure you watch out for this Trapster normally I like to lure these guys into this bomb here but again who needs that whenever we have the hand Cannon this guy was being very shy and not coming around the corner but it's okay we'll go around and talk to him this is another part that normally I like to skip to not waste resources because there's gonna be one enemy and a hot guy down here but again what the head Cannon you don't care you're not gonna care you know you're not stuck in there with them they're stuck in there with you when you have the hand Cannon so feel free to take down anybody you want foreign he can't even react also I love that he only drops a velvet blue which again like the the mosquitoes dropped South hours but he drops a velvet blue which is was way less of a sapphire yeah run past these guys we don't even need any loot here but if you do feel free to loot these rooms so yeah you're just a walking one-man army with this gun watch out for this guy here you can just shoot him and it'll stop him in his tracks sell anything that you don't need we're gonna make sure we have the right Jewels for the crown so don't sell it just yet and we're gonna save here first save number 11. so you know what time it is it's a regenerator time now the hand Cannon is still very good against the regenerators but what I really like to do just shoot them in the legs and kind of just run past them but I will be destroying the regenerators here more specifically the one in the freezer I love how creepy they made this part in the game in the remake and the original it was so creepy with this breathing but it's just so good in the original and the remake so yeah we're gonna flip the switch here now the puzzle here is different unprofessional but before that we're gonna actually grab the red Barrel here there's a first aid spray and there's a red Barrel and some Gunpowder so for this part professional the code is three two two where you press it three times and two times and then two times you can pause it here if you want to see it but yeah just remember three two two gonna get the key card and it's gonna spawn in the regenerator I don't Focus him here I just shoot off his legs to run past them because that's just what I'm used to doing plus we don't want to waste too much time spamming them but yeah shoot them to stun them I'm gonna run and turn off the switch come back here pull this up then yeah very easy to run past and you shoot off his leg gonna make our way to the freezer and here we will be testing the hand Cannon so it's going to spawn in this regenerator and let's see what this thing does gonna do the same thing you can shoot off as like if you wanted to be easier but here I was just like let's just see how fast it kills them and there you go I mean have a little celebration tea bag there because as you can imagine those guys have made some of my professional runs really annoying I mean even my first run I had a ammo drought on my first run on the Remake at this part so as you can imagine I literally was just using like pistol ammo trying to get past them it was very stressful but yeah so this guy can sometimes spawn here he'll sometimes spawn behind me but if these spawns here just shoot him in the leg you can kill me if you want to but again why do that if you if you can save some extra minutes at this point I mean we're selling amazing pays but again my job is to save you as much time as possible to make sure that five hour and 30 minute Mark just doesn't even seem like a threat so these guys will be bloggers most of the time but the hand Cannon just doesn't allow them to turn I almost die here because of the weird camera angle so make sure to watch out for that don't get too greedy like I did there so yeah if you need snipe ammo at this point this part provides you with a lot of snipe ammo so you don't have to you know try to figure out which one you need to shoot up some snipe ammo here too pick up the scope and as you can see we just have so much loot save the grenades for the wrecking ball part find the one with the wrench it's gonna be random every time as you can see in professional they have just way more hearts just use a sniper on them please be careful by shooting the other things I'm pretty sure in this one I do end up shooting the tank and let another one out by mistake so learn from my mistake but again we have a save that's not too far back so if you mess up this part it's completely okay don't worry about it gonna make it through this so here I make a flashbang to buy me some time because they're gonna throw dynamites I recommend you letting them throw the dynamites in this room try to take them out first but if they're in the middle of the room try not to blow them up because they look DC I accidentally let out another regenerator it would have just been way better to let him run into this room with me and just take this yeah this guy it would have been way better to just let him into the room with me but instead I let out the other regenerator and the thing is with these guys you never know what you're gonna get you know depending on where their laga is sometimes if they're like on their belly it can make it hard to hit their blackouts and as you can see here that one little mistake almost got me killed but we're sitting on so much heels that I'm like okay it's fine don't freak out don't freak out don't freak out remember we have a save it's not too far back getting here takes no longer than five minutes so it'll be okay don't stress out just heal up they'll let you they'll definitely let you heal up and if you die it's okay but yeah we're done with that part very quick chapter 13. I'm gonna head over to Ashley and trust me I mean it's just only like we're just gonna roll through these chapters yeah We're Not Gonna Save yet we are going to say pretty soon though reminder to skip Hudson's you got it this is another part where armor Dash is gonna become very clutch but again as you can see even without armored Ashley it would be it wouldn't be that hard especially with the hand Cannon unless you hit her with the Stray if anybody wants me to release a guide with no armored Ashley I can do that just go ahead and leave me in the comment section but again why not use if you have arm Ashley just use it new definitely recommend it especially if you're just trying to get the achievement in the cat years so we're gonna sell stuff to the merchant anything else make sure you always yeah always make sure you're keeping your body armor topped up and for this part I definitely recommend not saving yet because it's we're not going to need it with the hand Cannon I definitely recommend saving in the later parts because yeah the hand Cannon and armored Ashley I'm gonna make this a complete Breeze run up here to hold that lever down here you're gonna see a funny mistake that happened I ordered it to do it but I guess like since I took too long or you know to get her to do that I ended up having to jump down but it makes no problem again like when you have the hand Cannon you're like oh it's no problem I don't mind just dropping down and destroying everybody say it again to save some time if you want to just get her to do that and then open this door just do that make sure you always open this door because it will trigger the enemies in front of us and you need it for ashy to come to you if not Ashley will get stuck back there I don't know why especially if there's enemies left back there she'll just get permanently like stun locked where she's like just getting kidnapped over and over again and as you can see learn from my mistake here it's way better to just kill off all those enemies normally like to run past them because Ashley will sometimes just teleport towards you but in cases like this and it's rare but it does happen and it's very important that it happened here so in case it happens to anyone else normally Ashley would just teleport here right but in this case if she doesn't it's because she's stuck between the enemies so you're gonna have to go back and make sure that they're all dead which is no problem remember with the hand Cannon you're like okay you know it's fine no problem I can go back and just absolutely destroy everybody so in the case that this does happen just remember just go back and save her especially when there's still so many time saved so as you can see that's where she was stuck on she just gets stuck on an enemy that just is Gonna Keep kidnapping her and since she's still close enough to us she can't really teleport to us whereas if she's in the other room she will teleport but yeah just make sure you watch out for that okay and I don't know if you saw but there's an emerald right behind us in the pipes it's very easy to miss but make sure you grab it very good for the elegant Crown but even then we're not gonna need it because we're gonna have so much best sauce so this is going to be an Iron Maiden regenerator which yeah we all know what this is Magnums still or the hand Cannon still makes quick work with them foreign as you can see I mean he's just getting so hard stunned even if I'm not hitting him like in the flag but yeah I just ripped through him so I mean just this is what it's like with the hand Cannon I mean it's just so fun cuddly bastard literally he couldn't even move couldn't do anything literally a walking tank get this for me yeah this is where armored Ashley's very good Stone because since we haven't saved yet because we have armored Ashley it's nice not having to worry about her getting kidnapped here gonna get the ornate necklace so once we pull this lever it will spawn in enemies that will try to kidnap Ashley and a regenerator but the regenerator won't spawn unless you're next to the trash which I'll show you after this but yeah I just use a hand Cannon take down these guys they kind of just walk in a straight line just aggro it on Ashley so it makes them kind of look Goofy right here the Gen regenerator is right there he'll spawn whenever you walk close to that and it's another Iron Maiden so the hand Cannon again just makes quick work with them if he jumps on you it's okay we have a lot of healing items plus as you can see he does very little damage so right there he's transforming and I decided to just try to go over here so I can just kind of circle him instead of being stuck in a tight spot the hand Cannon absolutely just I mean right here since this guy has armor I was like oh my God I can't kill him but don't worry you'll be fine I actually can't get kidnapped make sure you kill him it's very fast as you can see that's not even a few seconds but yeah see that guy the hand Cannon even mid-range was I was just still missing and that's gonna be like a common problem with the hand Cannon where it's gonna feel so inconsistent but at the same time it feels so consistent in that everything gets destroyed so it's okay if you miss a couple shots remember armor Dashie very good here thanks for this puzzle it's always two one zero two one zero two and remember you can pause here pause here if you need it because these puzzles are different on professional these things just no problem for the hand Cannon so this is why it's good to save your grenades for the wrecking ball part because they'll make it go by so much faster another huge time save here like anything you need from the merchant and then just drop down you don't need to help out your shoes drop down start the cutscene take down these guys here I decide I'm just like you know what first I'm gonna do damage to the door so we can just finish this real fast throw two heavy grenades at it and then turn around and you'll shoot this Barrel to take that guy down so it doesn't throw Dynamite at you here I get overwhelmed because this guy swung at me three times but look look how fast the wrecking ball destroys the wall when you throw just two heavy grenades that's all it takes but yeah make sure to try to not get overwhelmed like I did there just pay attention and I didn't need to rush to throw the heavy grenades here so learn from my mistakes there definitely like why even why not kill them first instead of um just trying to rush to the door I just wanted to make it in time before it actually hit the wrecking ball on the wall but yeah having your back turned especially against enemies that can like double triple swing like that gotta be watch out for that but we have so much heels that it's okay you know I and we're doing great we work well together don't we so right maybe someday I'll become an agent like you what do you think we could protect the US from any and all threats is that right well either way first we have to make it out of here no fun been enjoying this remake so much it's so good so here make sure you get this yellow herb break down these boxes and there's a treasure over here reminder to skip cutscenes another part that you can just mow through everybody that God's life is funny yeah just one shouting everybody still company destroyed that guy so this is a crowdser fight we're gonna get here and we are going to be buying the rocket launcher again but make sure that you wait until the last part of this fight not the very beginning I'm gonna show you just follow what I do but the rocket launcher will make this fight even faster save you that extra time so we're gonna be selling the elegant Crown here get a juicy 100K for it and as you can see we have so much best sauce that buying the rocket launchers is no problem at all anything else I can help you with what you see let us know when you've made some rules we're just so looted yeah I'm just trying to find any room at all to like hit the rocket launcher big reminder that if you have if you're sitting on a lot of first AIDS trades you can actually put those in the inventory go ahead and craft some flash grenades in case you need it which we are going to be using later so actually yeah craft any flash grenade by the rocket launcher please please don't use it on him at the very beginning please I see that some people have done that we're gonna save here so in case you do do that it'll be okay we're on save number 12. make sure to tune up your armor that's come get yourself killed now so to start off the fight we're gonna be using our sniper rifle and we're gonna be shooting him twice in the head so we can bring him down with us because we try to shoot him with the hand Cannon it's not very reliable it's much easier to do this just follow what I do pull out your site shoot him twice in the head he's gonna drop down you can throw a heavy grenade but honestly I could just use a hand Cannon here always make sure to pick up the speedo because not many people know about it so if you pick it up you're just way cooler than them and yeah very easy first part gonna run up and we're gonna turn the wheel we just have so much Loop and we have a good save here too so again if you use too many heels and you're like I don't feel comfortable with my like the amount of heels that I have just reset remember the fight in the jungle we're gonna make this part easy I mean yeah he's very easy to take down two cyber shots you went down fast here you can drop down and you can just bait him with this bomb but it didn't blow up next to him so I definitely recommend just shooting him with the hand Cannon I'm just used to shooting the bomb there because it makes him basically one shot and he jumps away but I'm pretty sure the hand Cannon there would have just instantly made him flashbang you make sure to watch out for a shot here and blow up this mine watch out for this one oh so it's funny that the hand Cannon is even hitting that far as you can see I mean I'm just like wait I'm hitting all my hand cannon shots it's just funny because like you know normally at that range it kind of just shoots either way too far to the right so watch out for that trap watch out for that watch out for Crowds Are shot right here so for this part it's good to this is why it's good to have your armor tuned up because you can just shred through your armor here and it takes two headshots to make him duck down here as you can see it would have been way better to just move to the left to not get hit there because when he shoots him when you have the bioscope it like the Smoke Gets In the way but it's okay take your time here shoot him two times in the head he'll drop back pick up the herb and watch out we can see those grenades here please watch out Once you walk on the stairs he'll throw them back so you can see here I'm even closer there and then the hand cans it's like you know what I'm gonna miss here for here how the hand Cannon out do not use a rock launcher do not use the rock use your hands just run up close to them take him down really really and see that's very quick I was I was getting ready to fight him and I'm like wait that was way faster than I expected so for this upcoming part I try to test that to see if I can shoot him but if you take damage there as you can see it doesn't do that much pick up this yellow herb they're gonna give you a lot of herbs here there's a green one right here too then yeah I just use it to top off my health here get ready to evade [Music] and here there's a herb here so yeah they give you a lot of herbs we're sitting on like two maxed out herbs and here equip your rocket launcher now you can equip it and as you can imagine this fight's gonna take no longer than a few seconds Big Time save evade and then shoot so you see very fast fight these are the saves I'm talking about right like you're gonna be so good on time here worth Saving Time on a lot of the fights that don't may take a long time and while I'm sure the hand Cannon will also destroy him if we have the best us to buy rocket launcher why not do it remember my job is to make sure that you get to like that S Plus was so much time remaining that you're not even worried whether you're gonna make it or not and I hope that I'm doing that and so yeah we're almost there we're so like it's literally we're almost saying this is this is where we're going to use the safes to our advantage make sure top off because you need the body armor here so we're gonna save here for save number 13. so we're sitting at around three hours and two minutes and remember to take any breaks that you need you know give some family some love run some love yourself some love you know drink some water take a break we're almost there we got this so here you're going to want to pull out your sniper rifle and take down this rocket launcher gun and then just hug this wall and let Mike do his thing I'm gonna wait for him if anybody gets close to you just take them out to hang Cannon so we're going to want to make our way to the turret but sometimes the cutscene will actually make you fall off the ladder and if it does it's okay so like here for example I was already at the very top and sometimes it won't do this cutscene so you can still keep moving but if you fall down it's no problem get the red Barrel look down these guys normally we use a turret to just shoot at the wall and just Spam the entire thing until all the enemies are taken care of over there but if the cutscene happens it's important that stuff like that is to show you that if if you don't get to shoot the turret it's no problem I mean your hand Cannon is your turret Mike is a goat so he's going to help you out too should feel very comfortable here and remember if you take damage on your vest the merchant is just like right behind us so feel free to go back make sure you tune up your armor we're almost there we're almost there okay almost there and remember the final boss he's gonna get absolutely destroyed so it just leaves this part this part in this upcoming part and we're done make sure you watch out for the rocket launcher guy here I prefer to just wait you can snipe them if you want but let Mike help you out here funny thing is I was I was trying to shoot the barrel there but you know hit the guy so we'll take that there's a first aid spray there that I didn't pick up so if you need it make sure you get it for this upcoming part it's good to have grenades to blow up the turret gonna get this but you should have some like you know large resources to craft the heavy grenade you only need one heavy grenade and one normal grenade to blow it up as soon as you do that make sure you jump down from here [Applause] take down this guy make sure you take down the rocket launcher guy here too don't do what I did just take out your sniper and headshot them it's way easier as you can see I was feeling very adventurous and I kill him at the same time that Mike shoots him so yeah that guy got destroyed as soon as you walk down here Michael shoot down the door equip your flash grenade take them down absolutely it's so satisfying here I was feeling adventurous and said I'm gonna try to kill that guy with that don't do that just walk up this ladder here when they don't blow up like that it means they're gonna turn into a plug out so make sure you just Spam them again you can use this chart to take him down fast and as soon as you pull down this lever it's gonna spawn a hog guy right above you but again it's absolutely no problem with our hand Cannon this drop down through here and remember we have flash grenades okay we have flash grades you can use it if you need some room just use a flash grenade make some space for yourself watch out for this dynamite guy that would normally be there I surprisingly hit a shot there on the hog eye don't waste your time trying to like long range him like that just worry about what's right next to you the Grabbers are always so scared so remember you have a flash grenade make some space for yourself watch out for that guy because how that Barrel didn't blow up I don't know but yeah the hog guy got close to you remember the hand Cannon would just destroy him so no problem we're almost there okay we got this we're almost there so unfortunately Mike is gonna pass away here it makes me so sad because I loved Mike as a character rest in peace to him we're gonna get this dub from as soon as ends um watch out for the mosquitoes because here if you have no armor they can actually one shot you because it's happened to me before so I have to just note that that they will all just swing at you so make quick work with them but yeah once you're down you're good for this upcoming part there's gonna be some more generators in these body bags or punching bags I don't know what they are they look like punching bags the one in here is in the middle bag so if you just run past it you're good you don't need to worry about any of them in these turn this wheel now here I'm actually going to show you where they are just so you don't have to worry the first one is here next to that box they really try to like get you with the boxes like bait you in the next one is in this one next to these two boxes so please don't hit them and don't even run next to it okay just completely run around them it'll be no problem and don't worry we're gonna save again soon this is why we're using our saves so we don't have to you know stress out on these parts yeah just run back if you mess it up it's okay just remember don't run past those body bags and you'll be good welcome got a selection always make sure your body armor is topped off and we're gonna save again for save number 14 we're almost there we're almost there we're at three hours and eight minutes if you're at literally four hours here feel confident okay feel confident because we're almost there so here I was taking care of my puppy again remember to give time to your loved ones take a break we're almost there take down that guy make sure above the Sparrow take him down now again normally I would recommend Speed Run strats here but with the hand Cannon why even worry about that pull out your snipe take out this rocket launcher guy the hot guy I mean he's it's gonna be no problem for you he just can't react he just wants to be able to shoot us once and unfortunately for him just stands no chance take your time here remember we have a save if you want to Speed Run throughout this and try out you know all the different quirks that you can do here do it but if you're at four hours and 30 minutes here okay you're good yeah watch out for the mosquitoes foreign but yeah at this point you're gonna just be feeling very confident because the hand Cannon you just feel Unstoppable like it just really feels that good to you take down this hot guy here again he just wants to be able to hit us at least once but we're not gonna give him a chance this guy just absolutely destroyed turn this off then we're gonna run back so yeah there's a lot of people here and the Hand Cannon doesn't shoot fast enough so I wouldn't risk it qualified today get past them and we're almost there we're literally that's it that's it if you're at this point you are basically done all that's left is Sadler which will die in less than 10 seconds and then plus the part where you wait for Ada and then the jet ski part so we're done I mean we did it we're almost there okay I don't want to say we did it but we're literally the hard part's done actually so yeah like in my last video at this point I don't there's not much to commentate here because yeah we're gonna be using the rocket launcher on Sadler looks like it's this way and then we're just gonna Dodge some attacks then get the other rocket launcher and then it's the jet ski part so again I mean if you're watching this and you watched my last one thank you again for 30 views on it that's just absolutely crazy to me that like 30 whole people watched my video and like the the watch time on it was really good I don't know it kind of like gave me chills because it was just crazy to me that like we just live in a time where you can just upload stuff that you enjoy doing and other people just watch it too and enjoy it hopefully enjoy it so thank you for that um I don't know what other type of runs you guys would like to see if you want to see anything just let me know um I can do like pistol runs um the minimalist challenge I mean the minimalist challenge if you want to do that and you're at this point like you're waiting to do that one last to do that the no healing one and the no Merchant one I recommend using the Blacktail which you can upgrade here you know after you finish this achievement of course you can use a slot save you know sell all your stuff by the Blacktail completely upgrade it or just make the pistol run so easy make sure you do assist it though [Music] yeah we're almost done hope you all have been enjoying this so far really working on my commentating skills I don't know if you can tell but my mouth it's so dry because recording audio for like a three hour game play it's just I Gotta Give like props to people that do this it's definitely something that has I can tell it just takes a lot of time to get used to and tuning up and like make it so effortlessly and I want to be able to do that because I like to play all games on the hardest difficulty and I want to make guides you know just for other nerds like me you know help everybody out like everyone that I watch has helped me out so yeah Final Chapter we have one more say which of course we're going to be using before Sadler and it's good too because if you're doing any specific runs um and you want to do like a new play through yeah you can do it by Sadler remember we have so much Vistana it's best us I keep forgetting it's best sauce um but yeah you can sell that type of stuff and then buy whichever pistol you want fully upgrade it use it for your minimalist run but my thoughts on the hand Cannon I mean at this point it's definitely roll over that easy it's based on opinion but I enjoyed the hand cannon in more than the Chicago sweeper it was just so satisfying even with how bad the aim is I really enjoyed using the hand Cannon so if you got this from mercenaries or if you just have the hand Cannon and you're trying to rerun this again through professional definitely recommend it such a satisfying weapon to use and we're here get this Golden Gate gonna be buying the rocker launcher the Beetle's worth 10K it's kind of crazy gonna fill out the necklace because here I could just sell the weapons to do it but I want to make sure that if you want to do a new run you stop your weapons so yeah I just fell out the necklace you can have more than enough we just have so much Hulu at this point that I'm like okay you can just send some stuff to storage shotgun's been good to us buy the rocket launcher and yeah save here for our final save remember it's good to have this save in case you want to do a new playthrough and you can come back and just buy the Blacktail fully upgrade it use it for a minimalist run and the no merch and run and the no healing run so this is a good save to have but make sure you beat the game first and then you know rerun it back if you want to like fully upgrade your stuff so we're gonna pull out a rocket launcher here you can shoot at him even when he's up there and when he gets on the ground he's gonna be dead so don't worry about that and that just leaves this dodging part which is very easy his first two attacks will always be like available attacks and there's third one will always be like one that you have to walk to the other side so just stay in the middle here so as you can see first one evade second one evade when you see it go straight up like that just walk to the other side and then walk back to the middle very easy to do evade when you have to so yeah we're just gonna wait for Ada here it's hard remember we have a savior so if you die here it's okay and that's it boys Sadler down at this point what else is there left to say it's time for the jet ski part take your time on this remember we have a safe so if you crash and die like I've done many times it's okay yeah but that's it I mean we're we're there I mean I don't know what to say at this point I mean I hope you've been enjoying this video I hope you enjoyed the hand Cannon run I hope you're able to get S Plus professional get yourself the cat ears get yourself the achievement uh for this guy I always like to walk on the left side so he just doesn't grab me yeah please let me know in the comments like what you guys think of this run uh gonna keep working on my commentary hoping to release more stuff soon I'm so happy that this game released because it's giving me the like confidence to want to release videos been something that I've been kind of always wanting to do but never came around to doing it yeah I hope you've been enjoying hello and we're almost there that's it please take your time here but remember we have a safe so if you die here it's good but at this point I know you're gonna be feeling so hyped up that you're gonna be sweating you're like I'm done I'm done I'm almost there God I just love the Resident Evil game so much I feel like even if the professional can be very tough It's what it's I say it a lot like Souls games where they're like a satisfying topic it doesn't feel too convoluted it really tests your like patience skill Resource Management it's really good I hope to make some more new content on this type of stuff and I'm just really excited to just like learn more and more on how to really make good enjoyable videos especially long ones I'm somebody that loves long videos and this being my second video that's over three hours long I mean it's been a great learning experience definitely something I want to keep working on and I hope this just helps people I mean it's really cool to just make some stuff for like other nerds like me that are trying to just get the achievement so I hope this helps and we're done that's it congratulations if you made it this far you have a lot of time I hope this helped yeah and enjoy your cat years S Plus three hours and 19 minutes hand Cannon is just crazy really enjoyed this run I hope you enjoyed it too and yeah I mean thank you so much for watching and yeah make sure you don't overwrite the save yet especially if you're trying to do the minimalist run don't do it uh save it just do a rerun buy the Blacktail you know beat Sadler again and then you'll be able to use a black tail fully maxed out play on assisted use a chicken helmet and you can get those three achievements you know all together so I definitely recommend that thank you all so much for watching I hope this helps and yeah have a good day see ya
Channel: Extriaa
Views: 543,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Resident Evil 4 Remake, Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 4 Professional, RE4 Remake, Resident evil, Resident evil s+ Professional, Re4 Professional, Re4 S+, Resident evil S+ rank, Resident evil 4 cat ears, Resident evil 4 Professional S+, Resident evil 4 S+ Rank, Resident Evil S+, Re4 S+ rank
Id: U3uG6Hb73VM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 208min 42sec (12522 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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