It was such a horrible sight I had to call the cops.

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hello everyone I am up here at the blue-chip mine today came up for the weekend to do some work up here just investigating a new spot and checking things out it's been a couple months since I've been up here on my drive in I found something very interesting on the road someone had put up a gate on the road but it didn't look like an official gate it didn't look like forestry or mines or didn't looked all that official luckily it was unlocked so I came in anyways and I found something disturbing when I got here [Music] I found a junk pile someone has squatted down here not sure if you caught squatting but has left garbage all over there's a trailer they've built a little lean-to there's a fire going in the trailer right now I've hollered around and no one seems to be here like maybe they left this morning there's two trailers there's barrels there's tarps everywhere there's garbage if I'm afraid to see what I find in my mind see if someone's been working there making a mess of it or something but this oh this is awful awful I tell you look like rocks from my mind there's smoke coming out of the stack right now that looks like whoever may have been here this morning is gone for the day I'm even hesitant just to sort of pack my stuff and go in because someone might come back oh not what I wanted to find today I had things to do what a mess what a mess off the woodcut big old trailer here doesn't seem to be anyone around oh I'm gonna go and unload go into the mine oh maybe I'll just go for a wander over to the mine and see what I see [Applause] well the mine looks okay I don't see anything for all any problems there it doesn't look like anyone's been working it or doing any damage they're just that disaster and I do hate the fact that someone might come back well I'm in at the line working lock the gate on me do something to my truck I don't know what these people who these people are what they're like anything well scary well I'm gonna unload and go in and do what I wanted to do today see what happens it's all part of the adventure right [Applause] can you believe that this is December 1st in Canada boom look at that weather out there it is gorgeous be the snow on the on the mountains but oh it's beautiful out here the snow up there in the mountain December first I just met the squatters that were living there I walked over to the mine to talk on the camera they seemed like okay people they've obviously hit hard times lost their house and they're not applying to stay there for a few months they promised to clean up and when they leave to take all their stuff with them so I think we're okay I think it's gonna be okay I think I'll leave it at that and see what it looks like in the spring when I come back they seem okay a quick follow-up after I shot this video on the way down the hill I decided that I did not want to be held responsible for that mess left up in my mind site so I stopped by the police and just let them know that that mess was there and those people were there and they said they would look into it stop by and make sure nothing too illegal was happening up there and now that there is a record of the happenings up there no one can come back to me in the future and say that if that mess was left behind it was my fault up at my mind site so just covering my butt a little bit I've got two more videos coming out on the blue-chip mind really soon here one where I blast open a new seam and see what's inside and the other I give you a tour of the whole mine site if you want to see more about the blue-chip mine there's a link just off to the left of my image here click on that link and I'll take you to a whole series on the blue-chip mine one last quick little thanks to all my patrons out there for supporting me in my YouTube endeavors until the next video everyone bye
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 1,148,137
Rating: 4.5409255 out of 5
Keywords: Blue chip mine, old mine sites, old mines bc, exploring old mines, squatters, gold prospecting, found in old mine, found at old mine, blue chip mine bc, squatters rights, swatters caught, gold mining, underground gold mine
Id: gu0eaWgsCJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 12 2018
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