It Was Necessary | Min. Kimberly McLean

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[Applause] stay right there [Applause] stay right there [Applause] how great is [Music] our god and oh we'll see how great how great is our god come on we serve a great big [Applause] sing with me is [Applause] stay right there [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] i i wanna give you praise give me praise [Applause] will you praise himself [Applause] will [Applause] will you praise him [Applause] we want to keep you praised come on [Applause] [Applause] god [Applause] [Applause] praising [Applause] i'm gonna give you prayer [Applause] [Music] jesus will bless your name we forever and i pray [Applause] it's praises forever [Applause] [Applause] [Music] come on this is the moment where you bless your god lord jesus will bless your name jesus we give you praise god [Music] so we'll praise your lord [Music] so we'll praise your lord we'll praise you lord we'll pray we'll praise you lord we'll praise you lord [Music] god we bless your holy name how great is our god god we're going to continue to sing of your greatness we're going to continue to testify of your love of your mercy oh god of your kindness god you are so worthy of honor and praise god you are so worthy of our love and affection god god we're going to continue to serve you we're going to continue to try and love you better hallelujah god we're going to take care of the relationship that we have with you god we're going to lean into that this morning no matter what happens god is still great that is the one thing we can count on god is great god is faithful he is merciful he is kind he is loving though the days may change our god is the same he doesn't change no matter the circumstances our god is faithful he's consistent thank you jesus [Music] i wanna sing of your love i wanna sing of your mercy [Music] i wanna tell the whole world of the greatness of you [Music] so we'll sing of your love and we'll sing of your mercy and we'll tell the whole world [Music] that we're in love with you come on [Music] i wanna sing of your mercy of your mercy jesus will tell the whole world [Music] and i'll sing off your [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] you continue to love me i wanna sing of your mercy love your mercy [Music] that's what we're focusing on god how great [Music] [Music] we're gonna tell the whole world he of the greatness of you praises love you come on listen up from the bottom of your heart jesus your praises shall continue [Music] we will bless you jesus [Applause] there is nobody [Applause] [Applause] oh we speak healing when we [Applause] now come on and call on the name of jesus he's a present help in the time of trouble hallelujah he is a comforter he is a keeper he is a deliverer he is a waymaker i've got shell suspended i got will sustain he's faithful he's faithful he's mighty he's just god we adore you we worship him so lord we come to lift [Music] jesus you're greater than the nation i call you i call on the name of jesus [Applause] stress is [Applause] we call you [Applause] we worship you you we [Applause] and [Applause] [Applause] [Music] broken hearted we live through everything [Applause] [Applause] jesus [Applause] [Music] we give you praise we'll lift you up and everything we lift you up [Music] so lord we come to lift you up we give you praise we'll lift you up and everything will lift you up oh god lord we come to lift you up we'll give you praise we'll lift you up and everything will [Music] and your name is higher than the heavens you're greater than the nation we call you jesus [Music] he's a lily in the valley he's the member of every broken heart [Music] me [Music] cheers [Music] [Music] so father we thank you we honor you we give your name praise we give your name glory we thank you o god for your presence we thank you o god for your glory most importantly god we thank you o god for giving us another opportunity oh god to just sing your praises father our posture will remain to be in praise father because in everything god that we go through oh god we know that you're a great god so for that we tell you thank you on this morning so father in the name of jesus have your way in this service oh god have your way all day oh god for our posture for the remainder of the day will be praise god our posture will remain in your in your peace oh god so father we ask you in the name of jesus to touch our bishop oh god get your mother oh god touch our church family now in the mighty name of jesus for we thank you hallelujah for your bible declares let israel say if it had not been for the lord who was on that side we would have been swallowed up we would have been consumed but father you kept our mind all week you kept our hearts in the right place that even if brokenness god you still love this oh god even though god in pain you still love this okada even when we wanted to give up you're still good for so bright and forget we tell you thank you and whatsoever we'll be so ever grateful to give your name the praise to give your name the glory for this is our prayer in jesus name amen hallelujah we thank god for jesus on this wonderful morning we thank god for jesus on this wonderful morning we thank god for jesus on this morning we thank god for jesus on this morning we thank god for jesus on this morning hallelujah hallelujah i promise you i won't be before you alone we can honor to our bishop bishop kevin williams we give honor to our mother mother williams we thank god for everybody everybody lotta daddy everybody today shall be a day of praise keep your posture in praise hallelujah come on grab your bibles let's go hallelujah isaiah chapter 40 isaiah chapter 40 verses 28-31 isaiah chapter 40 verses 28-31 isaiah chapter 40 verses 28-31 i'll be reading from the king james bible and the bible reads has thou not known has thou not heard that the everlasting god the lord the creator of the ends of the earth fainteth not neither is weary there is no searching of his understanding he giveth power to the faint and to them that have have no might he increases strength even the youth shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall but they that wait upon the lord the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary and that shall walk and not faint hallelujah and the word of the lord is already blessed my lesson or my topic for this morning is simply three words it was necessary tell somebody in your house it was necessary lord hallelujah father let the words of my mouth in the meditation of my heart be acceptable in my in your sight my strength and my redeemer amen in our day and time we are under the mindset of technology and wanting things quick fast and in a hurry we can tap on an app and have everything we need in seconds we can hop on an airplane and be across the world in less than a day everything is mused off the basis of our desire to get something in a quicker time but there are still some things in our life that we cannot avoid or cut down the time for example the process of birth now i have not had children myself but in my research and through observation once that seed is planted the process of birthing cannot be stopped the entire process from fertilization to burp takes an average of 266 to 270 days or as we know it to be about nine months there is no app to make it go faster nor is there a gadget to alter the baby's time it is absolutely necessary whether you are birthing something in the spirit or in the natural it is paramount that you wait everything about you when you're pregnant shifts and your body makes the necessary adjustments to fit this new thing a person on the inside of you the process during the weight is the most daunting it is scary it is vulnerable it is frustrating it is painful it is uncomfortable but yet joyous and yet victorious for the time of your life once you have given birth and got to the other side you realize it was necessary for me to go through what i went through it was necessary that i take the prenatal vitamins it was necessary that i had morning sickness it was necessary that i had to gain that weight it was necessary for the tears it was necessary for the pain it was necessary for the loss of sleep it was necessary for the frustration it was necessary that i go through it to gain one thing and that thing is called victory victory victory victory hallelujah bishop has been teaching and preaching on the dynamics of warfare how to navigate through the enemy's tactics that he uses through our emotions in order to live the life according to god's word his teaching should be pushing us to get off the surface areas to pull away from the emotional crutches to move into a deeper realm but ultimately once we do these things we gain power with god power with god does not come easy but comes with the strategic posture your strategic posture should be praised your strategic posture must be worshipped your strategic posture must be that no matter what come my way yes lord in everything i'll give you praise you're my sunday yes lord so here we find in our lesson text lord have mercy in isaiah chapter 40 it is a transitional chapter the setting this setting is of the children of israel moving from the assyrian control into the hands of the babylonians the prior chapters isaiah is prophesying to the people about their complacency and their disobedience but he begins to shift in chapter 40 bringing words of comfort he even opens up the chapter in verse 1 and he says comfort ye comfort ye my people say of your god so even while they were headed into captivity by by babylon isaiah is there to remind the people that their warfare is accomplished that their iniquity is pardoned for jerusalem have received of the lord's hand double for all their sins trials are absolutely inevitable but they are absolutely necessary even when headed into a storm know that you will come out with victory sometimes we get caught up in the effects of the storm we get caught up in the pain we get caught up in the sacrifice we get caught up in the frustration we get caught up in the tears and we we have to realize and remind ourselves that it is already a fixed fight and with the fixed fight that means i already have the victory that means i've already won whatever i'm about to go through that means i'm just going through so god can get what he needs to get out of me so that brings me to my point first point god already has your plan of attack and your way of escape god already has your plan of attack and he has your way of escape in verses in our lesson text in verses 28-31 isaiah reminds them that god does not have human characteristics where he gets tired or weary in any situation verse 28 says how has thou not known or has thou not perceived has thou not heard or have has now not listened or obeyed that the everlasting god the lord the creator of the ends of the earth fainted or get tired neither is he weary or exhausted there is no searching or examination or deliberation of his understanding or or search of his skill or his intelligence did you forget that god does not grow tired did you forget that there is no examination of his skill there is no deliberation or meaning of what he's doing because he's still god verse 29 says he giveth power to the faith lord have mercy and to them that have no might he increases strength it says he giveth them power or he gives them capacity he gives them capacity the potential or suitability for holding or being strong he giving them power or capacity to not grow weary or to not give in and to them that have no might the word might here means generative power so god i was like okay generative power what is it and in my findings it is an energy that propels people out into the world with a desire to be positive positively positively productive or the ability to produce so he gives you not only the capacity but he gives you the the strength and the productivity or the ability to produce now he now he increases in strength increases me to become great so he gives you the capacity he gives you the power and then he gives you the ability to become great how now how god after i don't went through all this process how do i depend on you when i have lost the feeling or the drive to produce brings me to point number two and i'm almost out of here all power is generated by movement all power is generated by moving preacher what you mean what you're saying that even in my fainting i still gotta move even when i wanna quit or give in i still gotta move i believe the songwriter said i have to keep moving forward you gotta keep going you gotta keep pushing it when you don't see what's in front of you you have to keep moving the future is always brighter even when you don't have the capacity to get it but you gotta keep moving forward paul even picked it up in corinthians and he said aunties and he said unto me my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness most gladly therefore will i rather glory in my infirmities that the power of christ may rest upon me therefore i take pleasure in infirmities it reproaches in necessities and persecutions and distresses for christ's sake for when i am weak then am i strong yes lord i'm on my way out of here in verse 30 it says even the you shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall yes sir you send it you says we know that we can we're going to call everybody a youth in here on today no matter your age everybody is youthful in here it says even in this the youth get tired because we depend on the young people to keep us up and and vigor and keeping us with excitement and keep us built up but even in this trial the youth have grown tired they have grown weary they are wavering because because they do not understand what's really going on but i say to my generation watch how our leaders handle every situation true leaders do not waver but they have what's called stick-to-itiveness get to a place in your heart and mind that you will stick and you will stay point number three find your place of resolve and stay there the children of israel were wandering for 70 years wandering because their belief was wavering they didn't stick to what god or who god was so when it came time to dealing with frustration when it came time to dealing with captivity they wanted to search out the other things and then i read to make it relative to our time they wanted to search after different drugs they wanted to search after different partners they wanted to search after social media they wanted to deal or find things or we try to find things to fulfill a temporary moment or temporary feeling when i come to tell somebody to find your place of resolve find your place of resolve on my mind yeah yes lord i'm almost out of here in verse 31 it says with eyes i wait upon the lord yes lord the lord the lord wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint i decided to go to the hebrew bible called the tanakh to see what the original words are a word for this scripture and in the original hebrew bible the word white is interchanged for and they put the word trust so if i read it again it says but they that trust upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and i'll be weary and they should walk in that faith imma say it one more time huh but they they trust upon the lord the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles that shall run and not be weary and that shall walk in that faint so in my conclusion point number four my strength is in my trust my strength is in my trust for the bible declares trust in the lord with all that heart and lean not unto that own understanding david picked it up with his little situation he said i had fainted unless i had believed to see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living wait on the lord i mean trust in the lord be of good courage and he shall strengthen that heart wait i say i mean trust i say on the lord but thanks be unto god which giveth us the victory through lord thy lord jesus christ but then apostle said again and we know that all things work together for the good of them that love god to them who are called according to his purpose be still and know that i am god i will be exalted among the heathen i will be exalted in the earth jeremiah picked it up and he said for i know the thought that i think toward you saith the lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected in but then the lord reminded me that the cross was necessary so now in our situation in this necessary situation in this necessary circumstance in this necessary trial be reminded that jesus is the author and the finisher of my faith he started it and he's gonna finish it he's our mediator he's the almighty one he's the alpha at the omega he's the beginning at the end he is our advocate he is our propitiation he is our reconciler he is the one and i remember bishop preach i think it was the same time last year that our rescue 911s it's psalms 91 so after this day is over i need you to find yourself in a place that he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty for i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him will i trust surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence he shall come at thee with his feathers and under his wings shalt thy trust his truth shall be my shield and my buckler i come to tell you on this morning that everything that you're going through everything that you're dealing with it was necessary it was necessary the sickness was necessary so that you could get the healing the heartache and the brokenness was necessary so god can meet the broken pieces everything is necessary the cross was necessary and if the cross was necessary that everything that i go through is gonna end up in victory so i need you to tell somebody in the house that it was necessary the word necessary means it is required so everything that you're going through it was required [Music] so i come to remind somebody on this early good good sunday morning that as you stay in the posture of praise all day long and i'm talking to family right now stay in a posture of praise the scripture says to put on the garment to praise today put it on and to stay in a posture of praise that no matter how i feel no matter how or where or what in in my eyesight or in my mind i will forever praise your name let me show you so there's somebody out there [Music] and i know it is [Music] that's dealing with the necessary situation i come to let you know that it's a fixed fight but it's so that god can get the glory lazarus was dead for four days but jesus reminded them but it was for the glory of god we thank god for jesus on this great morning that if it had not been for you on our side we would have been consumed so with uplifting hands father we thank you we give your name praise we give your name glory there is nobody like you in the heavens or in the earth but everything that we deal with everything that we go through is necessary for the glory of god so god keep us in a posture of praise on today that even in my tears i'm gonna praise you that evening how i feel i'm gonna praise you that the joy of the lord be our strength on today let your word be lightful today lord and that it keep us built up and strengthened no matter what and father we thank you for souls to be saved and set free and delivered on today god we lift you up and we'll forever give your name the praise and the glory for this is our prayer in jesus name amen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah jesus it was necessary it is giving time hallelujah do not want to prolong the service we are on the tight times constraint and we want to stick with it so it's giving time [Music] you can definitely snap to give hold your smartphone up to the screen snap and give yeah we still have our gimbalified we still have our uh cash app and we still have zell i think it is paypal that's it also for your terumah that's zeal for bishop i'm telling y'all that's a rumor lord have mercy that's what that's where the blessings come from for real your obedience is in your tithe and offering but when you give an overflow god gives you overflow i promise so we want to be sure to give to our pastor amen hey man give everybody a few seconds you know we've been in this this mode of giving electronically so it's one push amen and we thank god for jesus that today will be a great day our praise team is coming amen [Music] [Music] it was necessary god we bless you [Music] even in our going through god we're gonna continue to keep a posture and praise and worship god because you're faithful you are the everlasting god and we put our hope in you our trust is in you god i will wait on you [Music] i will wait on you come on i'm gonna wait on you jesus i put my trust in my god [Music] whom shall i feel shall i fear yeah [Music] [Applause] i will wait on your way [Music] i'm going to trust in jesus oh [Applause] is oh jesus we're standing on the promises of god god we're gonna continue to move forward in you we're gonna continue to serve [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] you are the everlasting god oh we will remain confident in this we shall remain confident in this we will remain confident in this we will see the goodness of the lord you jesus
Channel: New Jerusalem Cathedral
Views: 737
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: j6LwzpN4RuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 56sec (3056 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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