Bible Study | 7pm Monday Sept. 20th, 2021 | Min. Surena Farrow

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[Music] hello and welcome to new jerusalem cathedral it is such a blessing to have you guys worship with us today we would like to ask you to be sure to like follow and subscribe to all of our social media pages we are on facebook we on instagram we on youtube and we are on twitter and ladies and gentlemen you can watch all of our virtual services live on sundays at 7am 11am and 6pm and we have our bible studies every monday at 7 p.m and a thursday night service at 7 30 p.m as well ladies and gentlemen make sure you evangelize and be a witness share what god has done for you blessings [Music] hi my name is dante briggs and i'm over media here at new jerusalem cathedral we have seen an increase in scammers commenting on our social media posts asking for your information online new jerusalem churches sound doctrine nor any of the churches in our network would ever ask for your cash app or your personal information online if you or someone you know has received requests from these individuals asking for this kind of information on or off of our social media pages they do not represent new jerusalem churches of sound doctrine in any way do not give them your information do not engage them simply report them to the social media platform that you're on whether it is facebook youtube instagram or twitter and block them immediately never give your personal private information to anyone online and please be careful protect your private personal information and be safe be blessed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good people how you guys doing my name is joshua i'm with the new jc media department and we have something called what's the word for today every sunday at 10 a.m now what's the word for today is an opportunity for you to give me your testimony because there's so many people out here that is dealing with the same things that you made it out of and why not let your testimony move and shift and help people get delivered from the strongholds and their bondages ladies and gentlemen don't be afraid don't be nervous meet me at 10 a.m every sunday and let's help people get out of their binders to get out of their struggles by using our testimonies as our greatest weapon ladies and gentlemen i love you guys [Music] [Music] thank you for choosing to worship with us today but we also would like for you to stay connected just in case we have any announcements or updates through our social media pages at or by downloading our new jerusalem cathedral app thank you guys have a blessed week [Music] good evening and thank you for joining us yet again on another monday night here at new jerusalem cathedral i'm so glad you decided to tune in on your devices and we are uh hoping that you are really expecting something from god on tonight uh our scripture tonight will come from south the 91 the 91st psalm there we go it says he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god and him i will trust surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence father we thank you for another evening in your presence thank you for allowing us to come into your into your house uh gathered around our devices to worship your name and to give you glory and honor we ask you that on tonight that you would allow us to pour out to you in this moment of worship and praise and that in turn that you would anoint your messenger on tonight that they will bring us a word that will flow out of them as rivers of living water we ask you to touch our heart and our minds make us receptive for what is said and help us to apply it in jesus name amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] so [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] my [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bye [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] my so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] praise the lord everyone it's so good to be in the house of the lord on this evening first and foremost i want to give honor unto the angel of this house my very own bishop bishop kevin a williams and mother florence williams we thank god for them we thank god for their lives we thank god for their ministry we thank god for their sacrifices that they have made that so many others may be able to come to christ i thank god for just being able to be in the building on this evening and to be able to worship him and not just that but even bring forth the world on this evening so we welcome you to bible study on this evening at new jerusalem cathedral amen amen we're going to be talking this evening on spiritual warfare amen um for a topic it's going to be winning in spiritual warfare uh let me say a quick prayer really quickly lord jesus we thank you for blessing us to come here this evening we thank you for just giving us the opportunity to praise you worship you and adore you another day we thank you for continuing to just endow us with so many benefits each and every day we thank you for forgiving us of all of our sins transgressions and iniquities and god we want you to have your way in this place on today lord jesus not just in this particular building but in every room and every house that this word is imparted into lord have your way in that particular place god move by your power your might and your strength lord jesus let your spirit just overflow god we're gonna give your name to praise the glory and the honor because we know that it is nobody with you who continues to keep us and help us to have our being we thank you for keeping us in our right mind we thank you for blessing us to be able to still have the usage of our limbs we thank you god for just continuing to help us to breathe in and out god we thank you for every circumstance because we know that you have the power over it we thank you for just giving us the ability the power and the strength to win and to overcome we give your name praise glory and honor in jesus name we pray amen all right um to start us out we're talking about winning in spiritual warfare all of us as some at some point in time go through spiritual warfare whether we recognize it as being spiritual warfare or not we all have a tendency to be able to go through spiritual warfare and how we go through that spiritual warfare is important when we're dealing with spiritual warfare we have to remember that if god has brought us to it he cannot just bring not only can he bring us through it but he can bring us out victoriously because he has given us the power to do so he has given us the tools to do so amen so one of the first scriptures that i would like to read on this evening is actually second corinthians chapter 10 verse 3 through 5. amen so if you have your bibles go ahead and turn to that very quickly second corinthians chapter 10 chapter 10 verse 3-5 and it reads for we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of god and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of christ amen so just with that alone we already know first and foremost we're already going to have some warfare the number that's number one and number two at the end it says we can bring it all into the obedience of christ because at the end of the day when it's all said and done christ will reign and god will has the power to control and overrule anything that the enemy tries to bring our way amen and the blessing is he has given us power over the enemy that is such a blessing so let's talk about it let's break it down just a little bit um so we're not walking in our flesh which means we cannot just judge a situation merely with what our eyes see we cannot just be upset necessarily with people and individuals because they are acting out in carnal ways they're doing things that we don't like we have to look beyond the natural and look into the spiritual aspect of it what is the cause of them being that way and when we start to look into the spirit realm and the spiritual aspect of things we'll see that sometimes that the enemy is using these people or there may be a spirit attached to it or they just may have a bad attitude that they but whatever the case may be we have to start to look at things from a spiritual standpoint when we're starting to engage in spiritual warfare our flesh does not help us in that capacity we have to zoom in and tune in to what is going on in the spirit um so when we're thinking about that zooming in and tuning into what's going on in the spirit one of the things that we can do to zoom in and tune into what's going on in in the spirit is actually fasting and praying fasting and praying is actually one of the best things that we can do to actually bless our lives spiritually it strengthens us and it encourages us and it gives us spiritual tools and insight that we might not have had previously if we did not fast and pray one of the main things that even jesus himself said going into the scripture of matthew chapter 17 starting around verse 14. going through around verse 21 goes into the story of the disciples not being able to cast out a demon it wasn't necessarily because they did not have a faith it was simply because there were some things that only come through fasting and praying god gives us spiritual insight and maneuverings when we are totally submitting ourselves to his will we are submitting ourselves to his ways and we are taking time out specifically intentionally purposefully to get closer to god to be able to hear what he's saying in the word and for those who have the ability to hear him in other ways be able to zoom in and get some clarity that was not previously there fasting and praying is has been talked about much by our bishop and it is an amazing insight that it gives us it also strengthens us and keeps us in communication with god the strength that you can receive from a fast blesses you beyond the time of the fast because you learn so much during the fast you learn about yourself and you learn about the enemy not just only do you learn about yourself and the enemy but you also gain the capacity to have a little bit more perseverance because that fast will try you not only do you gain just some perseverance but you also gain some discipline because you realize that you can't just do anything and go anywhere and have the result that you want because you're seeking god in such a particular way that he is going to be able to you're going to be able to see oh this is not where i need to be now this is not what i need to do now maybe these people aren't the people i need to hang around so you're going to start to maneuver and cut things and cut people possibly even if it's not permanently sometimes it's temporarily or situationally some people you only need for certain things you don't need certain people around you for spiritual matters and they're carnal minded you might need to hang out with them just when there's a good cookout going on it's good time to be around them but when you're seeking god's face those may not be the people that you need to be around so you start to cut your time with them because you realize in fasting praying that's not what you need your spirit has now become a little bit more sensitive in the fasting and the praying to realize this is not it fasting and praying makes you very acute made very alert very aware of what's going on and you start to see and hear things differently why because you are now in a closer communication with god that is so key and powerful when you're talking about spiritual warfare when you start to fine-tune your hearing to what god has to say then you can be able to discern the spirits that are before you not only can you discern the spirits who are before you then you can be able to discern how you need to handle the situation at hand sometimes you can have the same type of situation but god will give you a different method on how to handle it but if you're not in tune to hear what thus said the lord then you may not get the right result so we have to be able to remember that we sometimes we got to lay that plate down we got to take that put that time in for god to be able to use us in a mighty mighty way that's number one fasting and praying number two we have to remember something and this is the word of god it tells us to do and we should do this daily not every now and then not just when we read it in the scripture because we may not read it that often but daily is put on the whole armor of god the whole armor of god when we go to ephesians chapter 6 starting at verse 10 it starts out with finally which means it's the last thing which really comes sometimes is really the first thing you need to do but finally my brethren be strong in the lord so that's trying to encourage you right there be strong in the lord you know been through now be strong don't be strong in you be strong in the lord and in the power of his might because sometimes we like to be strong in ourselves and strong in the thoughts of maybe other people or other people's prayer lives or other people's sacrifices but that's not what god is calling us to all of us individually are going to be held accountable for what we do and so we have to make sure that we are strong individually as well as collectively in god amen so finally my brethren be strong in the lord and in the power of his might put on the whole armor of god that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against rulers of darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places wherefore take unto you the whole armor of god that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand then the next verse say stand when you're done all you can do stand and what you're gonna stand on you're gonna stand on the word of god you're going to stand on the faith that you have in god knowing that he's going to do and perform exactly what he said he would do and knowing that he's not a man that he should lie no the son of man that he should repent if he said it he'll do it if he said he'll bring it to pass amen so when we think about that first of all let's get into it just a little bit because this is bible study so we wrestle not against flesh and butter but against principalities we wrestle against powers we wrestle against rulers of darkness all of us at some point in time come against things and sometimes we're wondering what is this that we are coming up against and when we start to think about that we start to realize that we need something different other than what we've had before the armor of god helps to shield us and to protect us in so many different ways because we are continuously using that armor on a daily basis now because the enemy doesn't take days off last time i checked because he fights me on a daily basis and he even fought me even hard this morning i was wondering why i woke up in so much pain today but it's all right he does not have the victory here with me on today god gets the glory in and through my life so with that being said we have to make sure that we put on a helmet of salvation one of the first things you do is you're going to have a battle in your mind you will have a battle in your mind that's why salvation has to be in your mind you got to protect that you got to protect it put on your helmet your helmet of salvation put on your breastplate of righteousness let your heart be right with god let your heart be true then you have on your loins gird about with truth i'm just gonna go straight down the body it's not quite lining up with how the word puts it out but it's still in there uh if you read it for yourself uh the lord's quarterback with truth we have to remember that the lord's quarterback with truth is around your waist make sure that even your uh even those tender things and secret things are still truthful make sure the truth is coming forth at all times and that we keep those things in high regard truthful because sometimes we want to be you know sneaky with secret things but that's not what god is calling us to god is calling us to live in truth so we have to let our loins be gird about with truth and then we have to let our feet be shot with the preparation of the gospel of peace that means walking in peace how hard is it sometimes to walk in peace it can be very difficult i promise you that part but when you put on the whole armor of god he knows how to help you to walk in peace even with your enemies he will give you peace with your enemies even when your enemies want to raise up at you they can't even do it why because the peace of god is in every step that you take it's in every move that you're making and the enemy wants to come at you as a roaring lion but you have the lion of judah on your side so you ain't got to worry about these little fake roars that's coming at you you got the real lion backing you up so you don't have to back down amen so we don't have to be worried about what the enemy is doing we have to make sure that we have on our whole armor of god then not just that we can't just be able to walk in peace we still have to be ready for war because i talked about winning in spiritual battle the bible says we have to put on our shield of faith oh shake it up put on your shield of faith your faith is actually going to shield you from fiery darts of the enemy it actually protects you sometimes people don't mind having a weak faith but i'ma tell you right now having a strong faith is what shields you having a strong faith can compel you having a strong faith will bless your life you cannot underestimate the power of your faith and sometimes we do but if it's a shield it's gonna bless you it's gonna keep you and the devil no matter how many darts he's throwing and that's why we gotta put on our armor daily because sometimes we encounter so many darts in the course of one day it doesn't it doesn't even make sense but it's okay god still says when we renew our armor then we have new faith we got it's almost like you put oh that shield is den dented up let me go get this shield over here your faith in god does not have to waver if you continue to renew yourself huh and last but not least your sword what are you fighting with notice that all of this our whole armor there's not even a whole lot of real weapons weapons there's the one major weapon all this other stuff is protective gear your helmet your breastplate your lawns gird about with truth you shield the faith all of those are protective issues but there's one thing that's gonna cut the enemy and that's the word of god and when you have that word of god and you can cut him up and light him up on fire huh he can't stand the word of god but you got to know the word you can't not be backing up and nothing like oh is this no you got to know some word you ain't got to know the whole bible because i don't but the bible that i know the scriptures that i know i apply them feverishly against the works and the will of the enemy and they work they work every single time and i make sure that i get even more word so that i can have even more of a sword my sword can get a little bigger huh because sometimes you know you sat there slicing and dicing and then you realize oh that's a big demon oh i need a few more words i need a few more scriptures on this one huh so you got to get on in there and make your sword a little bit bigger by the word that you know by the word even if you don't know it write it down keep it with you some scriptures so that you can just use it go back and read it until it gets in your mind if you don't know it by heart it's okay have it written down somewhere so you can go read it oh they acting up at work no weapon formed against me shall prosper uh-huh i'm gonna keep using that scripture because it's gonna work for me i know that when i'm feeling weak that's when the lord is strong i'm gonna quote scriptures and scriptures because i know that is going to bless me to win i'm gonna give you a great example i lived in chicago many years ago and i used to go to church i lived on the north side church was on the south side it literally could take me an hour to get from where my house to the church literally one whole hour um and i remember having to walk in the streets late at night because church was amazing but i would have to walk back to my apartment by myself and sometimes it was really late at night i didn't have anyone with me knowing i knew um originally i met people there but no one i knew lived in chicago but i found this scripture and i didn't always quote it perfectly but i still used it and it still worked i turned around a couple of words but i would quote that scripture and i would make it work for me and as i walked down the street because i had to walk from the train station back to my apartment which was about a half a mile not too bad but that's still a long time for anybody to be able to approach you get you and chicago is not known for being the safest place in the world so with that being said done it true i had to use the word i didn't just have to you know be i had to live it i couldn't just you know talk about it i couldn't just think about it i had to put it into action and i did and i used to just walk go ahead and walk all the way from the train station sometimes while i was on the train because one time a demon ain't gonna get into that one but uh you know this demon-infested man came and was just hovering at me i was like the blood of jesus against you but uh so i had to walk back to my apartment and i said and i would quote the scripture and it's in second timothy and i said no weapon formed against me shall prosper god has not given me the spirit of fear but of love power and a sound mind god has not given me the spirit of fear but of love power and a sound mind god has not given me the spirit of fear but of love power and a sound mind why did i have to keep telling that scripture to myself because there was a part of me with that was afraid but it's okay because i kept quoting the word of god and let me tell you there was not one night that i had to walk from the train station to my apartment that i was attacked there was not one night that i was approached approached in a bad manner things would have been going on around me i kept hearing stuff that was going on just one two streets over from where i lived even further down the street from where i live but where i lived there was nothing going on why because i kept quoting the word of god not because i'm so good not because i'm so great not because i'm so holy not because i always kept it clean but but i did use the word and the word works it doesn't matter talking about your lifestyle the word works it works every time so when you use the word oh you're going to whoop the devil every time that is winning and spiritual warfare when you use the word of god you will win when you use the word of god so i kept quoting that scripture over and over again and i found strength within myself i found that i really wasn't afraid so much so when i left chicago and i moved back here to north carolina i was at my father's church and at the time there was some somebody we was helping somebody out there and the lord was using me in a way my my father got scared because i went outside and i was like i'm thinking to myself ain't nobody gonna bother me i don't care i got a little bold but i got so bold not in and of myself because i knew god would keep me he had already kept me i had already used the word and i knew the word worked i knew the scriptures worked so since i knew that it worked and it grew my faith in god then i didn't mind being bold because i was not bold in myself i was bold in my faith and my faith was in god huh so when you do those things you'll realize that the word is a weapon and it's a powerful weapon it's a two-edged sword [Music] ain't going to talk about that too much because i'm talking about winning in spiritual warfare it's a sword it will win every time it will cut your enemies up and it will bless your life it will cut out stuff in you that's why it's too wet because it cuts out mess this in you that don't need to be and it cuts up your enemy so they can no longer attack you like they want to amen all right we can win in spiritual warfare so we're talking about fasting and praying that was number one number two putting on the whole armor of god that is what we have to do so that we can win amen we want to be strong first then we want to put on our armor and last but not least we need to know what we're fighting how we're fighting and that goes back to our original scripture going back to second corinthians the 10th chapter starting at the third verse let me get back there real quickly if we look at the very beginning of this particular scripture we see that paul is talking and it says now i paul myself beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of christ who in presence and base among you but being absent in bold towards you but i beseech you that i myself may not be bold when i am present with with that confidence where therefore wherewith i think to be bold against some which think us to be with walking according to the flesh for we walk in the flesh but we do not war after the flesh so paul had to set this up paul had to set this up to help people to understand that even his boldness in his flesh was not just really him being bold in his flesh he was really being bold in his spirit so because he knew what he was what he was warned against he wasn't warring against flesh sometimes we want a war against people is the person your enemy or is the spirit behind it your enemy only you can ask you need to answer that question for yourself are we really fighting people or are we fighting spirits which one because the spirits are in people but are we really fighting the people or are we fighting the spirits and i hope you said spirits because we are talking about spiritual warfare amen so we're talking about first and foremost the pulling down a stronghold strongholds they are fortress they are arguments reasonings used to fortify an opinion have you ever met people who have these strong opinions excuse my expressions based in stupidity i have i have those are some strongholds and they strong and wrong when you deal with these types of people you have to realize oh that's a stronghold you do not continue to argue with them that means we need some spiritual warfare because if god does not intervene they will continue in that same path you don't have to argue with them number two casting down imaginations what is an imagination imaginations are judgment decisions computations a reckoning or reasoning when you think about people when you start to people who always want you use your imagination but that requires judgment that requires you to make a decision that requires some reasoning but if your reasoning is based off some arguments and also strongholds what do you have and there's something that god gave me in the midst of studying at this particular time and it said strongholds reinforce imaginations strongholds reinforce imaginations they reinforce imaginations because you can get stuck in a wrong judgment you can get stuck in the wrong decision because a stronghold causes you to be stuck because it's a fortress it means it holds you in so you can be stuck in the wrong judgment you can be stuck in a wrong comp a decision you can be stuck in some bad reasoning so we have to be careful we have to be careful and then next we have an every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of god what is knowledge knowledge is the general intelligence the understanding what you recognize and what you perceive what is it that you know about god what is it that you perceive about god what is it that you understand about god and what is coming against that knowledge that you have about god because what the devil always will do is try to tell you what is opposite of what and how god is every single time he loves to try to manipulate spin twist the word of god to make it come make it so that it seems as though the word of god is not true so whatever that high thing is that is coming against the knowledge of god we have to understand that that thought that particular thought whatever that thought may be that comes against the word of god has to be brought in captivity to the obedience of christ the only way that we can bring a thought into an imagination and even a stronghold into the into the captivity acro into the captivity of the obedience of christ is to actually know the word and apply the word of god you need to know the word of god and you can't just know it you got to apply the word of god amen we've got to know it because that that is how we gonna win that is how we gonna be overcomers that is how we get to be victorious when you slap the word upon it i promise you it won't be the same it won't be the same the word of god is a sword i told you it's gonna chop it's gonna slice it might even dice a little bit depends on how good it is we don't know but it's going to do something it's going to injure your opponent it's going to make some changes because they cannot will not be the same when you're using the word of god not just some random words out your mouth not just some great wonderful thoughts that you're having not some great education that you have received from an amazing school but it is the word of god plain and simple that is going to bring about the victorious change the victorious living the victorious spiritual warfare that we are looking for seeking for and obtaining daily with the help and the grace of our lord and savior jesus christ he is going to perform an amazing work in and through us when we use the word of god so when we know the word of god and we use the word of god and not just that i got one more thing to add and we bring ourselves into the obedience of the word of god then it will all be in line and in order amen amen so when we think about our weapons of our warfare we have a lot of armor the number one weapon is the word our faith is an amazing shield our praise too can be a weapon especially if it's steeped in the word praise can bring you through there are many different things that we can use but if you don't get nothing else use the word because it works every time if you can't sing a lick don't worry about praying don't worry about it use the word if you can't if you can't dance it out use the word it works every time and even if you can sing and dance and do whatever else use the word of god it works every single time amen amen god gives us the victory each and every single day if we submit ourselves to his will if we submit ourselves to his way oh trying to lose my nose but uh when we do that we come out victorious so there's a uh one time a preacher said i can't lose with the stuff i use i can't lose with the stuff i use because the stuff i use is the word of god amen and i hope and i pray that you are able to receive the word tonight i hope that you are able to apply the word tonight and i hope that you are able to see that regardless of what struggle you're having regardless of the issue you are having god is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think according to the power that works in us and that power is going to bless us and help us to be overcomers and help us to win in spiritual warfare and for whatever reason this is a scripture that come that keeps coming to me and it's romans chapter chapter 7 verse 23 and again is paul talking um let me get to it very quickly and it says but i see another law in my members warn against the law of my mind and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members o wretched man that i am who shall deliver me from the body of this death i thank god through jesus christ our lord so then with the mind i myself serve the law of god but the with the flesh the law of sin so what is that saying what's that saying mystery in other words sometimes we struggle in ourselves because we have not been uh necessarily delivered from some things and paul if you read the whole scripture of chapter seven it gets into it just a little it gets into it a lot and it talks about the struggle that's there because sometimes we know what's right but we struggle to do what's right but i promise you if you continue to stay in god he will help you to be an overcomer he will give you the victory again through the word of god bringing it back into subjection to christ he will bring it back he will bring it back because sometimes we get caught up in all the other stuff but sometimes there's a real struggle and if you're one of those people tonight who's having a real struggle you know that it ain't right and you're still doing it don't give up don't give in don't give over to the enemy get into the word and know that god has got you he will keep you and he will bring you out victoriously and you will have a testimony you will have a testimony because god is the greatest power and he shall not ever be defeated we already know how it is revelations already told us we are victorious those of us who are in christ jesus we are the victorious ones so we don't have to question it or doubt it we need to know it we need to be assured of it we need to get into the word to make sure that we are making our election short for our own personal sales individually and if you can bring somebody else in with you to help them reassure them because christ is the answer to every problem that you may be having and he will give you the solution that you need specific to your situation amen amen we're done for this evening amen we're going to keep on winning in spiritual warfare i pray that the word has found you i pray that you were blessed by the word on this evening with and that you continue to allow god to love on you and that you continue to stay blessed amen amen if there's anyone this evening who has found yourself this evening realizing that you are not winning like you want to in spiritual warfare if you realize that you don't have christ in your life like you need to on this evening by all means by all means go ahead and rededicate yourself back to christ come to christ let him love on you let him show you how to win each and every day because he loves you enough to help you to be victorious he loves you enough to see you through any and every situation he loves you enough that he sent his only begotten son jesus to down the cross for your sins he loved you enough to give you opportunity amen i tell you if it ain't one thing it's another huh but it's all right god loves you he still loves you he loves you enough to help me get another bite to keep saying what i need to say amen oh the enemy is a tricky little fella but it's all right he still does not win on this evening if you see yourself not where you want and need to be rededicate your life to christ put it in the chat saying that i rededicate myself or i want to be saved on this evening we we will have the the new jc ministry will be able to reach out to you in some way form a fashion those of you who are giving your lives over to christ and those of you who have decided to either give your life to christ or rededicate your life to christ because you realize that you want to be or remain on the winning team then please by all means repeat this prayer after me lord jesus i thank you for the blood that was shed on the cross i thank you for dying and for rising just for my soul to be saved i thank you for giving us the victory at the cross and i thank you that you are coming back again to save us lord i dedicate myself to you and you only lord jesus and we love you and we praise you in jesus name amen amen amen if you said that prayer please put it in the chat i dedicate my life back to christ or i am dedicating my life to christ some people are dedicating it back some people are just new newly dedicating whichever the case may be put it in the chat let us know that you are being affected that you are being responding to the word of god that came forth to this evening and you want god to move in your life in a major way amen amen all right we're getting time for the offering amen the offering this evening those of you who would like to give please do give uh to this amazing ministry you can give through cash app at dollar sign new jc you can get through paypal which is give you can give through giblify you can download the app and search for new jerusalem cathedral you can also mail it to 1822 sharp road in greensboro north carolina 2740 and you can also snap a picture to give through gibla 5 i'm not mistaken uh so going back over it one more time we have cash app dollar sign new jc paypal slash give givlify download the app and search for new jerusalem cathedral you can mail it in to 1822 sharp road right here in greensboro north carolina two seven four zero six please do if you can if you would like to give a teruma or priestly offering to our awesome bishop you can give through cash app which is dollar sign dr kevin a williams please do not forget the a dr kev dolla sign dr kevin a williams or you can also give through zell which would be drkevin a williams if you want to give a toruma or priestly offering by all means please do give through cash out dollar sign dr kevin a williams and zell it would be dr kevin a williams amen amen please do give so many wonderful things happen and ministry happens outside of the walls of this church they do so many wonderful things here so it's a blessing to be a blessing amen amen i love you all this evening we're going to pray out lord jesus we thank you for the word we thank you for continuing to love on us and keep us every day lord i ask that you bless each one that views this on this evening continue to bless and keep them and continue to help them to be winning in every area of their life bless them keep them motivate them help them to know that you love them help them to know that you're there lord we're going to continue to give your name praise glory and honor because you're worthy because you've been good and because you've been kind we love you lord jesus we ask that you continue to watch over sin protect us and keep us safe from our hurt harm and danger seen and unseen and we're going to continue to praise your name in jesus name we pray amen amen
Channel: New Jerusalem Cathedral
Views: 439
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: T31sx6lxO4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 43sec (4063 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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