God's Putting It All Into Your Hands | Dr. Kevin A. Williams

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but he was faithful enough to keep our heart beating hallelujah to keep us breathing hallelujah helping us think right giving us the activity hallelujah of our limbs come on this is something that we don't take lightly glory be to god thank you jesus thank you jesus we're so grateful hallelujah we're so grateful hallelujah we're grateful father for life we're grateful god that you exist we're grateful god that you live and you live today and you're alive and well hallelujah to the king of kings and the lord of lords we exalt you we magnify your name your name is greater than any other name father we lift up our hearts we lift up our hands we open our mouths and we say hallelujah hallelujah glory to god thank you thank you jesus anybody got a praise on their mouth hallelujah thank you jesus come on let's charge this atmosphere hallelujah glory to god thank you jesus you're welcome you're welcome in this place you're welcome in our atmosphere you're welcome in our heart our praise belongs to you our worship belongs to you you deserve it great king you deserve it almighty god you deserve it glory to god thank you jesus you desired in god you kept us you kept us god thank you jesus it's with a grateful heart hallelujah thank you jesus it's with the grateful heart we give you praise it's with the grateful heart we give you worship hallelujah thank you jesus thank you hallelujah our scripture for this evening is coming from psalm 147 verses 1 through 7 and it simply reads praise ye the lord for it is good to sing praises unto our god for it is pleasant and praises calmly that means it's fitting the lord doth build up jerusalem he gathereth together the outcasts of israel anybody ever felt that way he gathereth together he healeth the broken in heart and bindeth up their wounds listen he telleth the number of the stars he calleth them all by their names great is our lord and of great power his understanding is infinite the lord lifteth up the meek he casted the wicked down to the ground sing unto the lord with thanksgiving sing praise upon the harp unto our god father we come before you this afternoon this evening thanking you for being god thank you for being our father thank you for being the source of everything we need thank you for existing thank you for being real thank you for being our creator god thank you for being our sustainer oh god thank you lord for telling our minds to be right thank you father god for breathing the breath of life into our body so we can be used as instruments of worship we don't take our assignment lightly tonight as we stand together all around this world father god is one big praise team ready to give you praise and we're ready to give you an offering that will smell good to you and sound good to your ears we want to give you a perfect praise tonight in the name of jesus you are our audience of one god be glorified in everything that we do god be glorified with our voices god anoint us afresh just for you god anoint us a fresh god god get in our voices that when we open our mouths to sing praises to you that you shake the atmosphere father in the name of jesus that deliverance will come forth father god that marriages will be restored in the name of jesus god that people that are sick will be healed lord that covet will die in the name of jesus and every variant that tries to come with it god we make it submit to you in your authority in the name of jesus and we plead the blood we plead the blood of jesus we plead the blood of jesus that has all power that will never fail that causes us to be victorious we say thank you god thank you in advance god for sweeping over the land and doing something new and fresh in us god all come into our atmosphere lord in the name of jesus and wreak havoc on the enemy's camp in the name of jesus christ oh god we want to give you everything that you deserve we don't want to hold anything back we may be tired in our bodies god but that's not going to stop the praise oh god but you deserve it lord we give you sincere worship oh in spirit and in truth oh god have your way tonight in the name of jesus have your way tonight god have your way tonight lord have your way tonight from the beginning to the end god oh god send deliverance god send a delivering power god touch the president touch the man touch the city of bishop god use him for your glory in the name of jesus now lord bless our pastor lord deliver a mighty word through him tonight in the name of jesus lord bless our shepherd mother with long life satisfied oh god i'm excited i'm excited jesus about you i'm excited about your kingdom or bless us in jesus name we pray amen and amen come on put your hands together oh god i love to pray now hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you lord the song says to our god we will sing praises we will sing praises to you we will sing praises to you you deserve it lord hallelujah hallelujah anybody happy [Music] [Music] i will sing phrases unto my king yeah [Music] i will exalt him his name [Music] come on everybody glory and honor and wisdom [Music] let's sing it again i will sing phrases unto my [Music] i will exalt him his name adore yeah [Music] honor and reverence forever [Applause] glory i will offer to glorify thee [Music] and i'll declare that thy name is holy [Music] and all thy glory above the glory [Music] to our god we love you father the glory and honor and wisdom [Music] glory and honor [Applause] [Music] we worship nobody [Music] [Music] nobody like you we nobody [Music] how [Music] oh nobody like us nobody we enjoy your name come on give it [Music] wonderful jesus hey nobody like it nobody like you nobody likes you love him nobody like it we can search up every corner and we won't burn nobody like it [Music] nobody like it that's why i live today [Music] i'll leave is name on here [Music] nobody like you it ought to shout unto god right there we declare it we say it with our love we are firm we make it known that nobody like you a testimonial [Music] [Music] nobody like you nobody nobody like you nobody [Music] that there is nobody we say it with our mouth with our mouth we'll make it known we'll talk about your faithfulness to all generations we'll talk about your strength we'll talk about your power there's nobody like you there's nobody like you you're miraculous god you are a waymaker you are a provider you are a sustainer you are my shelter oh nobody like you nobody like you nobody like you come on [Music] come on and worship him come on give him praise hallelujah there's nobody like him there's nobody like you lord come on let's turn our attention and our focus on the true and living god hallelujah hallelujah nobody like you lord [Music] like you lord hallelujah how many of you tonight can decree and declare that there's nobody like him and because of that we just want more of him we want more of you lord we want more of you we can't get enough of you you're more than enough god you you captivate our minds in so many ways [Music] when we think we know what we need to know about you you surprise us with something else in your personality and your character and we just stand in all of you tonight it ain't about us lord it's all about you it has nothing to do with us we're your instruments of worship that's why you created us so where we are we stand in truth giving you a sound that only you deserve to hear we reserve worship for you we reserve it just for you take joy my king and everything that you hear let it be a sweet sound to your ear yes lord come on open your mouth he deserves it he deserves it lord you deserve it all hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god i need you more [Music] more than words can say i need you more than [Applause] [Music] ever me say i need you more than yesterday [Music] than ever before [Music] i need you more [Music] [Music] i need your [Music] i need you more [Music] [Applause] [Music] more than the air come on sing to him more more than the songs i see more than the next heartbeat inside as time goes by [Music] [Applause] i need you more than that lord more than the storms [Music] [Music] [Music] more than my next [Music] cause i never wanna go back we give you [Music] [Music] [Music] yay [Music] [Music] [Applause] anything oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] we lift you up lord we lift you up lord we magnify your name we glorify and honor you jesus we love you lord for loving us we love you because you first loved us we loved you because you first loved us lord what a sacrifice what a sacrifice you paid for us your love never fails your love never fails it never gives up it never runs out on a sword it never runs out on this lord we give you the highest praise we give it to you we give you [Music] we give you we give you we give you we give you we give your love [Music] never up it never runs out on me your love never fails it never gives up never runs never runs out on me your [Music] never give up on yeah oh [Music] think about it and give him [Music] never praise up thank you for your love lord [Applause] yay on and on and on and on afraid [Music] on and on and on [Music] [Music] oh relay [Music] [Music] we're so grateful for your lord [Music] please [Music] [Music] never gives [Music] never [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] we rest in your life [Music] cause it was your love that lifted me [Music] it was your love that lifted me [Music] it was your life [Music] that looked at me it was your love that lifted me [Music] reached out and looked at me [Music] it was your love somebody ought to worship him that lifted that lifted me [Music] me [Music] it was [Applause] [Music] i am [Music] [Music] daddy [Music] come on [Music] when nothing else could help [Music] your love reach way down and grab [Music] you gave the ultimate sacrifice for us yes one more time when nothing else [Music] it was your love me come on and bless him come on and bless him come on and bless him come on and bless him let all the other names fade away come on lift up your hands high and wide let all the other names fade away jesus take your place we've grown and we put you on the throne of our hearts we lift you up on a pedestal you are the apple of our eyes you are the sustainer of everything we need you to be god thank you we honor you jesus hands up hearts open wide as the sky we lift you high come on everybody we [Music] wide as the sky [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus take your place jesus [Music] [Music] jesus take your place [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] place [Music] jesus jesus jesus [Music] jesus the one that we longed for jesus the one that [Music] oh god let every other name fade away because we only want you we only want you we only want you we only want you lord yes lord our refugees [Music] great god great king jesus take your place jesus take your place [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus take your place [Music] it's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus jesus take your place we'll let you open our hearts oh god we lift you up in our hearts oh god [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] jesus take your place jesus take your place jesus take your place jesus take your places jesus take your place jesus take your plan jesus take your place jesus take your [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah is an awesome god he rings from heaven and above with wisdom our god is an awesome god he reigns from heaven above with wisdom power and love our god is an awesome god [Music] to all of you we greet you with jesus joy tonight praise and worship has really blessed us i'm gonna go into the word of god preach for a little while and then let it be over can have some more [Music] i am judges the third chapter thanks man again judges three [Music] starting at verse 27 going through to verse 30. so let's do that call somebody and tell them that not only are we online but the word of god is getting ready to go forth and if you know anybody that needs a word tell them to come online trust me they'll wish they would judges three starting in verse 27 it came to pass when he was that he blew a trumpet in the mountain of ephraim and the children of israel went down thank you jesus with him from the mount and he before them and he said unto them follow me follow after me for the lord hath delivered your enemies the more bites into your hand into your hand into your hand follow me for the lord has delivered your enemies the moabites he names them and he says deliver them into your hands and they went down after him and took the forwards of jordan toward moab and suffered not a man to pass over and they slew of moab at that time about ten thousand men ten thousand men they slew at that time ten thousand men scripture says all lusty which means fat all men of valor which means people of position and they're escaped not a man when you're in position and you are no longer driven you become settled then it's not that you lose your hunger but now you hunger for the wrong thing and it causes you to be too settled with where you are [Music] scripture says so moab was subdued that day under the hand of israel and the land had rest four score years can you imagine having a victory and the victory that you have last for 80 years can you imagine having a blessing and the blessing last for 80 years no problems no issues no challenges no circumstances no nothing for 80 years i want to talk from this subject god's putting it all into your hands [Music] he's putting it all into your hands let's go into the word of god give me 30 minutes i am going to so you need to call somebody because it will be interesting i think initially uh we should look at the environment and everything that is happening as biblical or prophetic insight in some kind of way of what the lord is revealing doing manifesting delivering handing over to the people of god now here's the interesting thing the interesting thing is that when god gives you something he can give you your answer but if you don't have a revelation that it is the answer you can treat it like ordinary or you can treat it like a curse and so now you have a question that you have to answer and that is that do i want the will of god the manifestation of what god would really have for my life and am i am i ready prepared wise enough do i have understanding enough to move in it or do i not now hosea 4 6 is a scripture that i quote because to me it is the crux of why we are absent of the value that we should have my people are destroyed for their lack of knowledge he identifies my people are destroyed destroyed can be explained as defeated annihilated it could also be stagnated and lack of progress because of the lack of knowledge now lack of knowledge also equates to lack of understanding please understand lack of understanding does not mean lack of education you can be educated without understanding and now what you have is information with no wisdom of application which means that there is no understanding many times what you find is that there are cultures whole cultures that are defeated because of their lack of understanding then there are other cultures that have advanced because of their understanding because i find billionaires very interesting to study it is one of the multitudes of studies that i do have personally wanting to know about their thinking finding that many of them will not leave their wealth to their children and the reason that they will not is because blood does not trump understanding with plenty is a world on fire with chaos and funding behind it the billionaires now that we that exist in the world when it comes to their money and then the money that's in their trust some of them have more money than nations the bible talks about it when he says that there will be men that the antichrist will pull there will be kings that have no kingdom that means that they have that level of funding whatever that may be they had that level of funding and before you start pulling your jeff bezos and your elon musk please it is the arrogance that is in the united states that makes us believe that these are the richest men in the world only because they're willing to hand over their information what about those that won't what about your rothschilds that now are no longer even on fortune's list but everybody knows that there's a lot of wealth in that family and so now what you deal with here is understanding being necessary to pull shift you out of where you are now we're talking about understanding it does not mean that you always have watch this the information some of you're gonna have to go back and play the sermon over again in order to get the gist of it it's been a long time since i just don't have a script because i try to pattern myself so that i make sure that you structure your thinking a certain kind of way and just didn't feel like doing it and so the thing now that you have to look at then is you can have information without understanding and go nowhere you can have understanding and no information and go beyond where information can take you because your understanding says i am driven to learn i had a meeting with a gentleman today that i'm doing some business with and he said something to me that i found to be quite interesting he's excellent in what he does in his business and this is why we're doing business together in the midst of our business small talk he then says i ventured into another business he told me what the business was and then he said to me and i know nothing about it i said okay i said so then why did you go into this business he said because i did the research and when i did the research i found that the the profits and the possible income that could be made from this could be monumental he said so i'm using it right now as a supplemental income because i'm learning he says but it could end up being or surpass the business that i am in he's making he's doing very well let's say that i said but you don't know anything about the business he said that's the beauty of it he says i know nothing about it he says now i'm driven to learn and driven to study it he says just like the business that i do now he says i knew nothing about it when i got in now millions of dollars later people are asking me about this business that i knew nothing about but now i have so much knowledge in this business and i'm getting ready to do the same thing with this particular business he says and i'm going through some bumps in the road he says but i realize that unless i venture into something that i am willing to then take some falls for he says i will not grow i was reading something the other day and it said that the thing that people house more than anything in this season this culture this timing people will give you money just so that they can withhold information and the reason being is because they don't want to give you information because information is so valuable information watch this because information released can make people realize that success is not difficult success is not difficult it's just a path don't worry i'll get there tonight and so now when you know that god is with you you move then in that path and you study and you grind and you push pastor williams i don't know if it's for me then if you don't know if it is for you then it's not for you simple as that it's not if you believe that you are where you're supposed to be at this place in your life and you believe that this is all you're supposed to have then you should have nothing more than what you have right now nobody is going to fault you for staying right where you are as long as you don't fault anybody else for not embracing the same narrative so you are as you present yourself to the world if you think that you are defeated than you are if you feel that you are victorious then you are you pursue what you believe and so now it doesn't mean watch this all the time that you're going to land on your feet it doesn't mean all the time that you're going to make all the right connections and collaborations it doesn't mean all the time that everything is going to work out the way that you want it to work but at the same time it's still even though it went wrong still will work for your good because it is only at the times that things don't work that you think better you think better opposition is a better friend than smooth things that are working the way they supposed to work where you don't have any problem doesn't provoke you out of comfort fear is a driver mistakes are wake-up calls betrayals arrest your comfortable spirit now it's time to move into something different because you don't know you don't know that you're stuck until something hits you that says i haven't been thinking imagining broadening creating i haven't been doing any of it i've been in a hypnotic rhythm that has kept me sleep walking so sometimes god has to spiritually punch you in your chest and say your sleep the scripture says here in verse 12 um judges three and twelve that the children of israel did evil again in the sight of the lord and the lord strengthened eglon the king of moab against israel because they had done evil in the sight of the lord wait a minute israel had done evil again in the sight of the lord now i have to then search because my issue is is that what did y'all do what did y'all do that god would sell you over to somebody that doesn't even serve him what did you do that offended god so badly that god said i'm sick of you doing this thing because whatever that evil is i don't want to do it if they're going to sell me over to my enemies i don't want to do that so what did y'all do you ever talk to somebody and they say me and this person we ain't we ain't talking and you look at them because you know their character what you do what did you do i had to go to first samuel the 12th chapter in order to to to to see go to first samuel 12 and 9. go first samuel 12 and 9 and i had to look at actually what they did that god found so offensive first samuel 12-9 and when they forgot the lord god said evil is when you forget me let's look at it here and when they forgot the lord their god he sold them into the hand sarah captain of the host of hazard and into the hand of the philistines and to the hand of the king of moab and they fought against them now now we understand because eglon is the king of moab and so god is offended because we forget he says if you come to a place that you're so comfortable that you forgot that you wasn't always in that place and i'm the one that got you there have you forgot you have you been walking around with your shoulders so high acting like you got it going on to the point that you forgot i'm the one that got you there what would you be for who knew you before you forgot oh god said forgetting is evil this is interesting forgetting is evil i mean i know what you did but that that ain't for me now you wouldn't have a now if i didn't create the then you forgot god said i tell you what i'm going to do since you forgot i'm going to help you remember it ain't nothing like helping you remember by selling you over to something that's worse than me i'm not only gonna take you back where you was i'm gonna take you further than that so that and the scripture says that he left them there for 18 years 13th verse 13 verse 13 verse and he gathered unto um and the and and he gathered unto him the children of amman and amalek and went and smote israel and possess the city of palm trees city of palm trees as jericho let's look at verse 14. so the children of israel serve the egg lamb the king moab 18 years 18 years the number of 18 if you notice that when a teenager turns 18 something changes in their thinking 16 and 18 something shifts 16 something shifts in their mind 18 something shifts in their mind and spirit because 18 is that i'm legal i'm just not wise 18 is a very vulnerable place but it's a very freeing place the number 18 it means the number of judgment israel had 18 judges it is the number of judgment and so god left them in that position for 18 years 18 is designed to make you think 18 is designed to make you realize that you need me more than you thought you did so 18 years now you are struggling you're on the run you are you are you are realizing that you now are oppressed and depressed and you are enslaved and now you are in environments that are uncomfortable for you and the next thing that happens god says i know what's going to happen the next verse says and they cried out verse 15 of of chapter 3 and judges and they cried out to the lord watch this because now god we need you [Music] to fix our situation oh you didn't want your situation fixed until i put you back into something because i had to remind you watch this because 18 years when nacho was not just putting you in bondage 18 years was you also to have the opportunity that if you can do it by yourself do it you got 18 years to figure out that you can do it without me don't say i didn't give you opportunity do it do it now you go it took you 18 years to watch this cry we need a deliverer and the bible says god raised up a deliverance now this is interesting because when god raises a deliverer one of the things that he does and we have to look at it specifically um because one of the things that he does when he raises a deliverer he has to send the deliverer through something that causes the deliverer's mind to not be like the mind of the people that he has to deliver i can't bring you out with your thinking this particular deliverer does not have then a confidant because all of his confidants are bound so now i can't talk to you i've got to talk to god and i've got to watch this i've got to have circumstances to happen in my life that i read differently i read it differently i i have to read it differently you get fired and you say you when you got fired you said why don't god like me when i got fired god said i said god must not want me here he must meet want me somewhere else see how you respond to a thing reveals how your mind is set response god help me response reveals how your mind is set that's why when you're whining and crying and complaining and you need somebody to talk to and you're going in the corners and sometimes we're talking to people just as dumb as we are the blind cannot lead the blind you're asking somebody that can't even keep their lights on how to be debt-free sometimes we put ourselves in a posture of not understanding why god has us in certain places understand please hear me there's a difference between being placed and played when you're placed god orders your steps when you're played the enemy arouses your feelings they cried god raised up a yasha a deliverer somebody to save them it says but here it is the one that is going to save them ehud benjamite left-handed warrior that's ambidextrous he he has the ability to be able to use both hands but he still is by strength his left hand but he favors his right side left-handed but favors his right side left handed but favors his right side it looked like if you were left-handed you would favor your left side but how is it that you're left-handed but you favor your right side it represents why god wants to use you god does have a left hand but it is the right hand of god that your healing and deliverance and favors and victories come from look look look what happens he's a benjamite left-handed and by watch this and by the children of israel sent a present unto eglon king of moab now this is this is interesting now because here it is that god has sent him through a lot of different changes challenges circumstances and now what god does is he confirms him by saying all right i'm going to let everybody want you to deliver this present they don't have a leader so they all voted and they wanted echoed to deliver this to eglon now please understand elon now is king over this this area this province and israel now is nothing more than a parish and so every year they have to bring tribute to eglon and so now they have voted that he could then give the gift to eglon he had said i got a gift for him but i can't have a conversation with any of y'all watch this because you never talk to fearful people about faith ventures please understand that when god told you what he was going to do your vision ain't never been under trial it's your faith that has been do you have the confidence to be able to pursue after what it is that god actually said to you without you being so passive wondering is this the right time as if we don't serve the god that controls it the scripture says he hud then made a dagger and it had two edges and it was a cubit length and the scripture says that he put it watch this on his right thigh left-handed but he favors his right side the bible now talks to us and tells us here that here it is that when then he goes in look at the 17th verse so nobody get offended when he goes in he brought the present to eglon king of moab eklan was very f very fat man now here's the problem the problem is is that eglon is a fat man but a sharp thinker see the reason that that moab is so strong is because eglon is not mobile in his body as much as he is in his thinking and so his thinking is what kept israel and others bound y'all still ain't got it yet so let's look at it see the thing that has many of us bound is the way that we think as he thinketh in his heart preach so is he so i have to then change my way of thinking be not conformed to this world be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of god i've got to change my way of thinking if this curse is going to break if i am going to be the assigned individual that helps people come out of their pit if my thinking doesn't change i'm going to be financially depleted if my thinking doesn't change my health is going to be in trouble if my thinking doesn't change my family is not going to come out of this struggle if my thinking does not change i will always view myself as a has-been and i'll never be what god has called me to be if my thinking doesn't change my thinking preach my thinking has got to change because if my thinking does not change that's when the enemy is going to invade my mind and when he invades my mind he's going to cause me to think that i can't have what god has already ordained for my life so i'm telling you right now before it gets in your hand it's already in your hand so now let's look at it the bible talks to us and tells us it says here that he gets to iglon and he says to him he says all right he says i got a present for you he said give it to me he says all right here's the present he says but i got a secret message for you well eklon is greedy he's greedy for information and greedy for the t on somebody he's greedy to get in corners he's greedy because he wants to take more property he's greedy because he wants to take another nation he's greedy and so he says he says don't talk around here he says i want you to come into my parlor he says and give me the key that you got preach please understand that when ehud gets on the inside the bible says that he could when he closes the door and he sits down he says all right he says what information do you have he says the information that i got and the bible says he stood up he said i got a message from the lord he took then his left hand he reached over to his right thigh and then turned back around and he shoved that dagger as far in his stomach as it could go the scripture said until the half 22nd verse the half which is the handle of the dagger got stuck in iglon's stomach and that lord have mercy the dirt the feces that is in his stomach started spilling out because now his undisciplined area trapped him right where he was because now i can't get this dagger out preach what is a dagger nothing more than a short sword the scripture says it was two edges the scripture says that the word of god is sharper than any two-edged sword which reveals that if you don't like the discipline of the word the discipline of the word will kill the undisciplined area of your life somebody say i gotta move higher understand this child of god the bible says now in verse 23 the e-hood went forth out of the porch he closed the door and got up out of there because even though he is killed now the mindset of the enemy he's still got to get out of enemy territory the bible says now that as he is moving and shifting he locks the door behind him those soldiers of the they tried to open the door preach and the scripture says here god i thank you the scripture says that when they saw that the door was still locked they said he covereth his feet which means in modern day vernacular he's in the bathroom the scripture says here that while they are waiting lord have mercy echo is getting away please understand that you have got to get out of the territory of the enemy so that you can come back and take over please understand that the authority that god has over your life is about to bring you into a supernatural place of triumph victory and favor i was somebody at your house in this building in your car holler i got the favor of the law please understand this the bible god help me the bible says something that is very unique here he says now he says that here it is that he heard he makes it to the great escape come on here williams and when he makes it to the great escape now he gets to this place preach he gets to this place where israel is he gets to the place where he could not tell anybody his story or his strategy see please understand that ethod represents the people that is wise enough to keep your mouth shut until god does whatever he's going to do please understand that at this season of your life the enemy is frustrated with the facts that you did not get stuck in the traps that he set for you that would stop you from moving forward and higher in the favor of god the bible says it here that by the time by the time by the time that he gets he gets down to israel he said i need all of y'all to get all of everything that you got together get your swords and your daggers get your trumpets get your drums with you because we're getting ready to go to war but you're talking about ego what did you do did you give him the present yes i gave him the prison i gave him what y'all told me to give him and then i gave him what god inspired me to give him he said and the mindset of the enemy is dead i need you to understand this because if the mindset of the enemy is dead then that means that that even you're thinking of your personal self-sabotage you've been sabotaging yourself for years because you have been circulating in your mind the conversations that people have told you that you would never accomplish or achieve or have what you were declaring out of your mouth so god said i had to make them shame you long enough so that you wouldn't tell them anymore because now the conversation is between you and i that i'm getting ready to do something unusual in your life and the favor of god is about to drop on your actions and your activity i wish somebody would understand that what i'm hearing in the spirit is that everything that is happening in the world is a set up for the believer that if the believer would understand what the lord is doing right now i haven't seen an ear haven't heard neither has it entered into the heart of me the things that the lord has prepared for those of us that love him he said i need you to forget where you came from i need you to forget the past 18 years the past 18 years of struggle and defeat and i want you to think about the fact that god is getting ready to bring you to a place of victory i need somebody to think about all the heartache you've been through and the hardship that you have experienced and god's getting ready to give you a beauty for ashes and exchange your tears for joy your weeping has already endured for a night and now the breaking of day is coming and joy is about to manifest in your life that's why some trust in horses and some trust in charity but i will trust in the name of the lord he is my refuge and my strength a very present help in the time of trouble this is why when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the lord has to lift up a standard because the bible shows us that the god of this world has deceived the minds of them that are lost but i need to remind you of something the god of this world was defeated 2 000 years ago on calvary the god of this world hung on a cross for your sins and mine the scripture says to us that the god of this world was upset because but jesus died on that cross the god of this world was already defeated he was already cast down he was already destroyed the god of this world is frustrated with the fact that god is getting ready to get your victory in the middle of a pandemic the god of this world is angry because 2 000 years ago they hung him high they stretched him wide after he hung his head and died the enemy was defeated if you can remember what the scripture said had they known what they were doing they would have never crucified the lord i want you to see the night that the favor of god is about to be released in your life the anointing of creativity inventions and new ideas is about to manifest in your life you've been fearful exactly to allah but god has not given us the spirit of fear but power love and of sound mind every time you get close to something your habits snatch you back your past tries to grab you look the enemy tries to remind you that god won't bless you because of what you used to be but talk in romans 8 and 1 is exactly for him there is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in christ jesus who walk after the flesh who don't walk after the flesh but after the spirit of god as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god tell your family god's given me a path and i'm getting ready to go on it if somebody ask you where are we going tell them i'm going higher than i've ever been in my life because i decided that i'mma have my own pandemic a pen to make a favor a pandemic of miracles and a pen to make a promise if i got a virus the virus is to break every generation occurs and i'm decided that i'm a prisoner of the lord and i'm not going backwards but i'm going to press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of god which is in christ jesus and made up my mind for god i live and forgot i'll die i made up my mind if nobody goes [Applause] [Music] where are we going we're going higher than we ever been in that life tell the enemy he can go to hell early cause what god has for me it is for me storms may rise or sucks pillows may roll break of made ass but i got a feeling that everything lord i feel like preaching it's gonna be all right do you believe it it's gonna be all right do you trust it it's going to be all right victory comes to those that walk by faith where is your faith on the other side of your face is your promise on the other side of your face is your favor on the other side of your face it's your victory on the other side of your faith it's your healing on the other side of your faith is your triumph on the other side of your faith it's your next level on the other side of your faith is your promise open up your mouth and tell the enemy i'm not going back but i'm pressing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we're going to get everything that was stolen from our life i'm telling every individual blow your trumpet go after your promise and tell the devil i've come to master and i'm not going to stop till i get everything that the lord has promised for my life open up [Applause] open up your mouth and tell the enemy i want my wife back i want my husband back i want my children back i want my life back i want my health back i want my piece back i want my joy backer i want it all [Music] i want it all [Music] [Music] i want it all [Applause] [Applause] my god from heaven israel started fighting they started swinging they started fighting with everything that they got the bible says ten thousand men that were lusty that were big was coming after them let me tell you something if god's about to give you the victory everything big is coming after you everything big is trying to stop you everything big is trying to overtake you but tell the enemy i've got power to speak to mountain and tell the mountain be thou removed there is no fear in a faithful person there is no fear and a person that believes god there is no fear in the blood of jesus there is no fear and the power of the cross let the enemy know and care for one reason i want all of my stuff open your mouth [Music] [Music] yeah i want it all [Music] [Applause] i wanted how [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen he's putting it all in your hands fear nothing absolutely [Music] nothing fear nothing [Music] business venture go for it collaboration go for it the best time to move on anything is when everybody's scared well everybody's running around worried about paper towels and toilet paper you're making power moves and power decisions because now you're in a season in your life that you understand that i'll be isolated four season and then when the mindset of the enemy is dead i can collaborate with the people that god has given me to collaborate with which is a nation of people and say now let's make this happen now watch this and here's the interesting thing and the interesting thing is this is that after that one thing after that boldness of that day they were set for the next 80 years how can one decision turn things around for the next 80 years one decision give me one decision at the right time there's a man that believed in a a stock so to speak in february of this year he gathered all of his life savings that he could turn to liquid and put it in that he said his net worth was a hundred and eighty thousand dollars that's with his house that's with his cars that's with everything he owned he didn't liquidate all of it he had only a certain amount that was liquid but everything that he had he poured it into this investment he said because in his heart he believed in this particular stock that was in february of this year now he's worth 1.7 million dollars in august that's when the report came out so we're right now in september i don't know what has happened since then here is my point when god gives you an unction in you and tells you don't fear then don't fear he'll give you the right people please understand the right people are not people that are where you are the right people are the people of where you're going i don't know nobody like that and don't nobody let me get near them like that let me tell you something about people multi-millionaires billionaires it doesn't matter let me tell you what everybody will always welcome in their life somebody that's willing to serve serving is your seed when you have nothing else to offer serving is your seed serving gives you favor serving is your seed you keep serving when everybody else quits because when somebody's in a position that's higher than you quit then serve in their spot and you keep serving cause serving pays off it pays off serving pays off you keep serving people tell you you're crazy for serving but you keep serving what actually could the disciples do for jesus they couldn't give him money he didn't need that couldn't give him more anointing he didn't need that but i can give you my service jesus said when i go up i'm giving everything to you please understand something the prodigal son should have shown you one thing in the kingdom nobody has to die for you to get your inheritance serving is a seed that prospers in a way that a crop of harvest comes with it the lord told cornelius i have not forgotten your arms that you gave the prayers that you prayed the service man and god woman of god and i need to say this for somebody that the lord is telling me that right now you need to hear this he said fret not thyself because of evildoers they'll soon be cut off weeds and wheat look the same until they get grown let the wheat and the tear go together people who know the difference between you and a tear when the fullness of time comes you're in that season now you're in that season you take this word you embrace this word you apply this word you go to bed with this word you wake up with this word and you understand this word that nothing is going to stop you absolutely absolutely nothing is going to stop you nothing father i pray for my brother my sister right now because they are getting ready to walk into a realm of faith and boldness that is going to be kingdom work kingdom moves we thank you right now for what's about to take place in what's about to break in the lives of the people of god let them seize every promise in their life without fail those that have a pure heart a righteous heart that you have directed let them walk in it and those that are not of you reward them for their works let your will be done in jesus name it is done amen let's get ready to give let's get ready to give let's get ready to give thank you let's get ready to get as we get ready to give you can have to give here you can um you can um give by cash app dollar sign new jc you can give by givealife put a new jerusalem cathedral in the search box you can give by paypal at newjc.org forward slash give you can mail it to 1822 sharp road greensboro north carolina 27406 hallelujah hallelujah you can give your priest offering the word's been good to you you can give you a priest offering dollar sign dr kevin a william zell dr kevin a williams gmail.com you're in the right season of your life you are you're in the right season of your life in the right season of your life don't take applications for friends when god is giving you the right ones god is going to place people in your life don't open up for applications the people are in your life in this season of your life cannot apply for the job they have to be assigned to the job it's the season of your life for that it's a season of your life for that god's favor be upon you god's love overwhelm you and drown in a sea of his blessings i love each and every one of you we have sunday coming i'll preach all day we won't be here monday because it's labor day convention starts tuesday hear what i'm saying there is no convention fees there is no assessments there is no nothing nothing this year i just want everybody to be connected to the convention make sure that you're watching and make sure you support by your giving and your online presence that's all no church no pastor no preacher no leader no member nobody is doing any assessments this year none enjoy because it's gonna be only here for that god's favor on you praise and worship it's a new season it's a new day it's a new day fresh [Music] and prosperity [Music] [Applause] [Music] anointing [Music] and is coming to me [Applause] [Music] it's a new day [Applause] [Music] no matter where you are come and open up your mouth and say it's a new jesus it's blowing my way [Applause] say that again it's a season of power yeah this is a moment this is our time the lord has prepared come on right where you are lift up your hand come on and give the lord a praise come on and bless him for your season everything that we need he's already given it to us come on and celebrate the lord celebrate him celebrate him celebrate him for your new season celebrate him for your new season celebrate him you are the god and we trust you and we trust you we trust you we trust you we trust you and we thank you for the victory we thank you for the anointing we thank you from the power we thank you for prosperity thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus it's been a long time [Applause] you
Channel: New Jerusalem Cathedral
Views: 953
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Id: DQwb01HvBI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 1sec (6721 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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