It's Time To Live (7am) | Dr. Kevin A. Williams

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[Music] good morning good morning praise the lord everybody hallelujah truly it is a good thing to give thanks unto the lord and to sing praises unto his name we like to say thank you for tuning in this morning we welcome you to worship the lord with us hallelujah on behalf of our bishop and our mother we say thank you for tuning in hallelujah we just happy to be in the house of the lord wherever you are this morning let make that place your sanctuary this morning and invite the spirit of the lord and invite god in your atmosphere hallelujah the lord wants to speak to you today he wants to heal you he wants to deliver you and we welcome you to our new jerusalem experience are you ready to have that experience this morning hallelujah we're going to read the scripture from the the passion translation hallelujah hallelujah glory to god glory to god with my whole heart with my whole life and with my innermost being i bow and wonder and love before you the holy god yahweh you are my soul celebration how could i ever forget the miracles of kindness you've done for me you've kissed my heart with forgetting forgiveness in spite of all i've done you healed me inside and out from every disease you rescued me from hell and saved my life ain't got a good god hallelujah hallelujah let's go before the lord god we thank you for this day that you have made we will rejoice and be glad in it god we ask that you will be in this place oh god in the name of jesus please accept our worship please accept our praise on today hallelujah hallelujah you deserve it all because you are a great god hallelujah you are a sovereign god and we thank you this morning we honor you this morning hallelujah for you allowed us to rise up one more time to give your name praise glory and honor this day oh god we thank you o god for everyone who has tuned in on today oh god oh god whatever they need oh god whatever their hearts desire oh god whomever they're praying for we ask that you would do it on today hallelujah hallelujah thank you oh god because you're a good and your mercy endure forever hallelujah come on let's put our hands together and let's praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah how many know that god is greater hallelujah he's greater than anything hallelujah he's stronger than anything he's stronger than any problem that we have hallelujah hallelujah glory to god [Music] thank you jesus [Music] water you turned into wine [Music] open the eyes of the blind [Music] [Music] is [Music] this morning [Music] there's no one like you [Music] out of the answers we rise oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] if [Music] and who could ever stop us [Music] [Music] again [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah there's no god like jehovah there's no god like jehovah there's no god like jehovah there's no god like you say there's nobody [Applause] there's nobody lying [Music] [Music] there is oh [Music] we worship you this morning jesus hallelujah how many know he's great hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah glory another one goes out like this how great god sing with me how great is our god you know we'll see how great how great is our god [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes he really is a great god he really is a great god [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] this morning [Music] hungry [Applause] [Music] [Music] he's awesome he really is he's majestic he really is a great guy yes he is that's who you are that's who you are that's who you are help me [Music] strong and mighty [Music] who you are [Music] who you are [Applause] [Music] [Music] is a [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Applause] that's who you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] who you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] how great is anybody come to worship this morning here i am to worship hallelujah here i am to bow down hallelujah we worship the most great king hallelujah we wash off his feet with our tears and dry them with uh hair we offer our alabaster box this morning hallelujah [Music] hallelujah no matter what you're going through he deserves all the worship hallelujah hallelujah glory here i am to worship here i am to bow down here i am to say that you're my god you're all together lovely all together worthy all together wonderful [Music] you step down into darkness open in my eyes let me see [Music] beauty that may [Music] spent with you [Music] oh together wonderful you're wonderful to me sail with me here i am [Music] you're all together [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] i give you all of me this morning [Music] here i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] here i am [Applause] [Music] now come on take a moment here and let's worship the lord wherever you are hallelujah come on let's welcome communion's place hallelujah we worship you jesus hallelujah hallelujah he sees you this morning he hears your heart this morning hallelujah bump in your mouth and give him worship this morning hallelujah he knows your concerns hallelujah he just wants worship this morning hallelujah let everything that happened praise the lord hallelujah come on let's worship bless worship bless worship worship jesus [Music] come on say oh here i am [Music] here i am today [Music] i can't find nobody like you jesus oh [Music] here i am to bow down [Music] here i am lovely lovely lovely you're all together [Music] i'll never know how much it [Applause] [Music] you died for us jesus you took the beating for us [Music] oh [Music] to see [Music] hallelujah he took the meeting for us hallelujah they feed him hallelujah by his stripes we are here hallelujah he didn't deserve it but he died for our sins hallelujah and because of that we have a worship hallelujah [Music] know [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] here i am today [Music] [Music] jesus here i am here i am here i am here i am here i am [Music] [Music] together [Music] [Music] hallelujah much it cost to see my sin upon that cross here with me [Music] upon [Music] glory [Music] hallelujah [Music] of you come on worship hallelujah to worship to worship you i live to worship you i live [Music] to worship you come on help me say to worship you i live to worship [Music] [Music] [Music] you hallelujah do you live to worship jesus to worship you [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] come on say it with me [Music] hallelujah [Music] this morning [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] worship to worship [Music] come on say it again [Music] to worship you i live only to you one more time to worship you to worship you [Music] hallelujah [Music] you [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah lord we come to you this morning with a heart surrendered a mind open and our soul in need of your word thank you for the strength and the authority of your word being ever present within our lives we recognize right now that as satan is defeated and you are exalted that you continue to navigate our lives into greater truth and blessings that no individual can conceive we understand the word says now unto him that can do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think according to that power that works on the inside of us and that means we're in partnership with you to effectively do your will in our lives we are your sheep we make declaration this morning that this not only is a week of opportunity and favor but it is a week of blessing and healing that as we go into this week as our convention is this week we thank you for kingdom results obeying you is our pleasure and god we thank you because everything that you have promised in our lives we will live to experience it and enjoy it we thank you because the results are what you said that they would be bless us bless us beyond our ability to be able to articulate let our tears and our laughter and our joy become our new words of communication to say we are thankful lord god i pray for my brothers and my sisters that are challenged in any kind of way i pray that the experience the power the authority and the encouragement of the holy ghost move upon their lives it causes them to prosper prosper in their minds god we don't want to prosper in our hands and our minds have not elevated prosper in their minds and god we thank you for the oppressed going free and for victory being in the bloodstream of every praiser god we give you glory today and we recognize that this morning that healing deliverance and breakthrough longevity of life on the people of god bless all of us in the name of jesus we give you glory and honor amen i greet all of you in the name of the lord jesus christ and it is always a blessing to be with each and every one of you i'm going to minister this morning of course and then i'll be ministering throughout the day i'll pace myself because every service i believe will become more intentional and more intense as we go through understanding of the word on yesterday one of our members we eulogized and he went on to be with the lord and we want to celebrate him and celebrate his life he worked in our parking lot as well as he was a part of our security and um his name is kenny or kenneth raimondo sauls most people called him mondo and we pray for his wife his children we pray for his mom his dad and his siblings as they now start their journey of life without him so at this moment it is something that we always do we always celebrate life so let's clap our hands and celebrate the life of this man of god [Music] to my understanding also it was the grandfather of the livingston family that went on to be with the lord as well and so we celebrate life again would you clap your hands and bless the lord for his life this week we will have our convocation our convocation begins on tuesday night and it will continue all the way to next sunday morning on tuesday night our opening night i will be preaching on wednesday through friday night we will have prophet gary sprewell on sunday morning we will do our annual address and we will close out that sunday morning and there will not be any service on next sunday night there is no convocation dues or assessments in any kind of way for any member any leader any ministry any auxiliary any church any pastor there are no dues at all this year we ask two things of you number one that everyone in sound doctrine support in two ways number one support by your virtual attendants because it will be a virtual convention so we want you to support by your virtual attendants the next is that support with your offering in support of convocation as we give seed throughout the week again because there is no assessment it makes it then even much easier to do so and so starting on tuesday night we will have no bible study on tomorrow and we will begin service on tuesday that gives me as well as others an opportunity to prepare for the week for our guest as well as some other specific things that we need to do to make preparation for of the week so with that being said genesis the 12th chapter the first through the fourth verse genesis 12. the first through the fourth verse now the lord had said unto abram get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house unto a land that i will show thee and i will make of thee a great nation and i will bless thee and make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing and i will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed so abram departed as the lord had spoken unto him and lot went with him and abram was 70 and five years old when he departed out of here speak to us this morning in jesus name amen i want to talk from the subject it's time to live it's time to live i have 30 minutes and i might as well get comfortable would you come take this jacket i gained two pounds and i can feel it i think that the first thing to look at or to observe is the spirit side of or the spiritual impact that our lives bring to our own environment the reality of the connection between what we have experienced in our past and how it knowing and many times and most of the times unknowingly has an impact on our perspective our view our opinion and our confidence in pursuing vision i think that a decent way to explain this is to take for instance the vision that god may give an individual you the vision that you see that the lord has spoken to your life whether it is by dream day vision night vision or divine impartation of revelation of the heart and that when you see that vision and then you see where you are positioned within that vision there is an excitement in your spirit of what the lord has promised and what the lord wants to do in you and through you that excitement then causes you then to move in not just a spiritual confidence initially because excitement says that at that moment you have a faith to achieve that i want to stop there just for a second so you can hear that the excitement at that moment says you have a faith and a confidence to achieve it because that's what excitement ultimately is excitement is the spiritual placement of seeing yourself in a place that you are not yet but you believe to be and so because of that excitement then there is a spiritual transition that takes place at that moment satan may know some of your vision but not all he is anticipating for either you to speak it declare it stand on it or do what the scripture tells us to do in the baku the second chapter and write it the moment that the vision is written and it is made plain for he that is supposed to run with that particular vision satan also is running as well his intention is to use anything in your past inventory that has been imparted negatively or derogatorily that he can use to somehow sabotage what god has placed in your spirit and please understand when i say sabotage he cannot sabotage what god has promised he can only sabotage by using past negative experiences to convert the interpretation of those experiences in a way that causes your faith to then go into question and this is why when we are moving in life that satan's attempt he is not always effective but his attempt is to make some level of an attachment of something in some way shape or form that will bring about a fear in some level of a presentation in your life now all of us have not come from the same kind of background some like myself was raised in church but then there were others that were not and whether you were raised in church or not raised in church there is still a level of a vulnerability through our past experiences that causes certain narratives in our life to come to pass based on our view our understanding from our experiences i cannot say that all of us have gone through life perfectly i think that some lives have been great but the majority of our lives have been challenged in some kind of way now that is not a negative thing that's a good thing and the reason that's a good thing is because the greatest wisdom the greatest lessons the greatest experience knowledge anointing and ability that has ever been manifested in your life has come from circumstances and challenges but those challenges if we allow the enemy to create the narrative through a negative perspective then we can have then the wrong kind of view on a spiritual thing that god ultimately wants to do within our life in the 12th chapter and the first verse the lord said to abram this is what i want you to do i want you to get out of your country get out of your kindred and get out of your father's house i want you to look at that again get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house unto a land that i will show thee now there has been some things that have been said about what god spoke to abram and some people have looked at that without looking at the entirety of the scripture and have created their own view or interpretation of what god said and then wonder why they don't end up in a good place where you can't take the right directions and the wrong opinion and think that you're going to end up where you're supposed to be he said then the first thing i need you to do is get out watch this get out of thy country the word country here means surface of the earth by interpretation that means get out of your surface convictions your surface passion and your surface belief that's what you have to get out of see if you don't get out of your surface conviction then you can't go deeper in god if you don't get out of your surface passion then you will always be upset with the fact that things are not going your way if you don't get out of your surface belief then you will always be like the wind back and forward when it comes to i believe god i don't believe god god said get out of your surface areas most ministry starts off surface but then it was paul that talked about it and he says now i have to leave in that surface area now i have to go into the deeper things of god walking away from those principle things or those original things and now going now into a deeper realm in the lord and when i say walk away i'm not talking about walking away from the principle itself but walking away from that level of surface so that now i can move in a deeper realm in the kingdom the lord said get out of thy country then he says i want you to get from thy kindred the word kindred means circumstances of birth circumstances of birth then that creates the narrative of thinking what we blame villainize and emotional crutches that is the kindred aspect of this he says i need you to pull away then from that level of thinking it's not that you haven't achieved it because of how you were raised it was you haven't achieved it because of how you think it's your blaming of things it's you're using emotional crutches that actually has stopped you you actually the high point of your life is not reaching it the high point of your life is blaming somebody for not reaching it and that is a kindred mindset and so now you have to pull away from that kindred mindset abram if you're going to get to where i want you to be then that thinking of blaming your daddy your mama and your ancestors has got to get away now this is about you you're 75 years old you're a grown man and now you have the responsibility of handling this yourself he says then get out of thy father's house the word father's house means dwelling habitation it means beliefs that don't embrace who god is if i am going to really believe god then that means then i have to get away from convictions or beliefs that don't embrace who god really is remember faith when you have faith according to hebrews at the 11th chapter and the sixth verse faith is something that pleases god and if we're going to please god we have to believe that he is and that he's a rewarder of them that diligently seek him now if i'm going to diligently seek him that means i believe that he is but then if i believe that he is that i'm not believing that he won't when i need healing if i believe that he is then i don't believe that he won't what i'm trying to achieve if i believe that he is then that means then i'm not going to embrace the thought that god is not going to do what he said if i believe that he is see god's faithfulness is more powerful than our mistake i'll have to say it again god's faithfulness to his word and to us is more committed and more powerful than our mistake see the enemy wants to take then an error a mistake a fall that you made and said god has disqualified you for the vision that he gave you as if we don't serve an all-knowing god god said i actually expected i anticipated the fall in fact the fall was a part of my equation for your growth because it was the fall that you were going to learn something that you didn't learn in the past it was the fall that was going to teach you the persistence and the tenacity of getting back up if you did not fall then the outcome would not be what it is i needed you to fall i needed you to hurt i needed you to be betrayed so that you understand that everything ain't going to be good in your life but all things still will work together for your good to them that love the lord and for them who are the called according to his purpose a purposed people understand that everything doesn't go well but bad things are still in charge of a positive power you'll miss what i just said so i'll explain it again and that is that it takes a negative and a positive charge for a battery to have power everything is not going to be positive but when things happen to you negative that should confirm to you that power is getting ready to come into your atmosphere and there is going to be a shift that is going to take place right now in your life this is why the lord said lift up your head or your gates and ye build the left yet blasting doors because the king of glory is coming in who is the king of glory the lord strong and mighty the lord mighty in battle something is about to happen in your environment things are shifting i can't no no no you know let's look let's look at this let's look at this because now get out of your country get out of your kindred and get out of your father's house wait a minute get out of your country get out of your kindred and get out of your father's house one more time get out of your country get out of your kindred weight and get out of your father's house hmm father's house kindred country let me explain let's go to uh genesis the 11th chapter and the 32nd verse let's look at it because the scripture says here and the days of terror were 205 years and tara died in heron i have to then um back my way into a different level of understanding now because we have to look at it let's look at it i'll read it again and the days of terror were 205 years and tara died in heron terror was abraham's father terror was abraham's preach it was he was abraham's father but he died in heron god does not speak to abraham until his father dies let's look because we have to look at it because now the next thing that we see and that is abraham at this time is the head of his family he was not the head of the family as long as tara was alive it was only at the death of terror that abraham became the head of the family because he is the oldest son go to verse 26 because he is the oldest son when you look at verse 26 11 and 26 it says here and terror lived 70 years and begot abraham nahor and heron so here it is the terror now has three sons at the age of 70 years old and abram is the oldest boy so that means then that if his father dies that he becomes the head preacher of the family now let's look at it because now that verse 12 and one makes sense because he's now in heron and when he is in heron and he dies tara dies in verse chapter 12 verse 1 the lord starts it off with now he says now he says i couldn't do this because i don't use up authority he says i'm not going to have you and your father at odds so i have to wait until your father dies and then after he dies i'm going to tell you now what i want you to do is get out of your country out of your kindred preach out of your father's house i want you to get out of your surface conviction you're blaming others and your beliefs that don't represent god he says that and i want you to get out of that now why is this important lord i i i uh there's so many ways that i can go so let me stop there just for a second out of your country out of your kindred out of your father's house i want you to think about it because when there are three things working at the same time it creates a cord when there are three things preach working at the same time it creates a chord to preach when there are three things come on williams working at the same time it creates a chord go to ecclesiastes the fourth chapter and the twelfth verse the bible says and i want you to notice something here and says and if one prevail against him two shall withstand him and a threefold cord is not quickly broken one more time and if one prevail against him two shall withstand him and a threefold cord is not quickly broken if one what no the word chord means thread it means line and it means string the advantage of a chord is also the danger of a wrong chord if it's the right chord it's an advantage if it's a wrong chord then it's a disadvantage please note three strings or line or threads that are now make up a chord come on williams please understand the strings are named please go back then to the 12th chapter and the uh fourth the fourth verse um there's the fourth chapter and the twelfth verse there and let's look at it because i never really saw it in this particular way mother but then i had to identify it from a different dimension the lord names the chords the first chord is called or the first string is called the string of prevail he says the string of prevail that first string prevail it means to overcome it means to overpower against he says so you have one string and that is the string of prevail he says you have the second string and the second string is the string of withstand preach he says now the string of withstand is remain and endure and abide and persist so you had one string called prevail you have another string called withstand and the third string is called the string of threefold which means a treble it means fold parts it means triple it means to do a third time preach so now treble treble i remember when i i had to go to court one time and um i had to sue someone and sue someone for something that they did but when we got in there and the judge then got aggravated uh at the individual that i had to sue he says that this is gross negligence he says this was intentional he says and i don't even like your attitude in my court so he looks at me marcus and he says this is what i want to do for you dr williams he says i'm going to give you exactly what you want he says but i am going to treble it i looked at my attorney i said what do you what does he mean a treble it uh and the attorney looked at me he says no no he said listen listen he said this is good for you i said treble i said did he say trouble or treble it he says no treble it what the judge was saying he says because i am offended by the man he says i can treble what then you are supposed to get which means then you are going to get three times of what you're asking for now what does that mean that means then if a threefold cord is not quickly broken by the time you get to the third chord the lord says i'm trebling it or i am wrapping it three times so it is three times stronger than your enemy thought that it would be now understand it people of god let's look at it because in case of a curse or something wrong that's a problem but in the case of a blessing or something favored that's an advantage in order for there to be a change there will have to be an exchange one for another repentance can be um can watch this repentance can be for the better or for the worse why because something preach has got to be exchanged if i am going to be delivered then there is going to have to be i need you to put this in your spirit there's going to have to be an exchange that's going to happen in my life jeremiah the 31st chapter and the 13th verse says then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance both young lord have mercy both young men and old together the bible says for i will turn their mourning into joy and their and will comfort them and make them watch this rejoice from their sorrow notice what he said he says i'm going to do the exchange i'm going to turn mourning into joy sorrow into rejoicing somebody holler there has to be an exchange please take a look at it because listen here you can't leave a bad habit until you replace it with a good one i feel like having church there has to be some level of an exchange if you want to get delivered from somebody then that means then that the person that you want to be delivered from is not just something that your heart gravitated to they were your habits and that means that that watch this sometimes you're not even in love with a bad thing you're inhabited with a bad thing and it's trying to be interpreted as love but god said he says i'm going to exchange your mourning preach for joy he says there's got to be come on williams there's got to be an exchange god told abram come on here he says here he says i'm going to have to make you something that you are not make thee he says i'm going to make you a nation look at the second verse i will make of thee a great nation and i will bless thee and i will make thy name great watch he says i'm gonna make you something that you were not he says is something that your daddy didn't teach you because your daddy did not have the ability or the tenacity or the conviction to be able to do it because of what he came from he says but i'm trying to tell you now he says i'm gonna make something out of you that you didn't think was coming out of you in effect i'm going to act on your best interests to fashion and accomplish in you what i desire make thee please understand here the results will be he says so then when i told you to get out of your country he says i'm going to exchange that and make you a great nation he says i told you to get away from your kindred he says in exchange for that i'm going to bless you he said i told you to get out of your father's house and in exchange for that i'm going to make your name great please understand that now we're dealing with the threefold chord notice what god does for abram he says everything you gave up i am going to exchange it for something that's going to be better watch what he says here he says kindred please understand because this is important he says i'm gonna make you a great nation i gotta read it to your character because it gotta make sense to you the second verse says i will make thee um watch this a great nation i will bless thee i will make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing i want you to notice the words here i'm gonna make you a great nation then he pulls back and says i'm going to bless you then he turns back and says and i'm gonna make your name great it is now the kindred side that is the point that he's going to give you he says i will bless thee he said but the other two i got to make i got to make the the great nation and i got to make your name great which means i've got to make you experience things that you don't want to experience so that in turn nobody can say i gave you anything he says i'm gonna make it and the way that i'm going to make it i'm gonna sit you through challenges that is going to mold and create your character from a boy to a man to a king you're going to be a patriarch you're going to shift atmospheres he says you got to understand the next stage of this string is this he says then thou shalt be a blessing he says the next part of that i'm going to bless them that bless thee and the next part of that i'm not going to curse him that curse of thee have you not seen it yet he's already done the first part of the string now this is the second part of the stream i'm going to bless you he says and not only am i going to bless you i'm going to bless anybody that bless you and i'm of course the individuals that are trying to turn people against you that is string number two string number one is the string that prevails string number two is a string that withstands but the third string is the string that is threefold that causes it to triple what is the third string he says that i'm gonna wrap them all together and envy all the families of the earth shall be blessed that covers country kindred and father's house god's exchange of threefold court for abraham made him a father of many nations let me get out of here because i gotta deal with the next stage of this tonight but the thing that i need you to see now is that the frustration of the enemy is the fact that god snatched you out of something and then he placed you into something he made you something that you didn't think that you could be and then wrapped favor and anointing and protection around you so that you can be unstoppable is the enemy after you yes he's after you but he will not have an effect the weapon will form but it will not prosper and the reason being is because the favor of god is already on your life and the thing that you must understand this morning is that the attack of the enemy is only a confirmation to a believer of what god is going to do and what he's bringing in your life this is why i got to tell you on this morning that the frustration of the enemy is to know that he sent you through so much and yet and still you keep coming with the joy of the lord in your mouth with the conviction in your spirit with the pep in your step the pandemic didn't break you isolation didn't kill you people walk out on you didn't kill you why because the joy of the lord is my strength and all the days of my appointed time yet will i wait on the lord hears my [Music] got so much to preach i got so much to preach so here's the deal because my time is up you right now are getting ready to live in a way that you haven't lived before see the pandemic does not control your life doesn't stop your life doesn't make your life it is only in your life to remind you that you got life past it i shall not die i'm going to live that's my intention that's my declaration watch to myself i don't care about who's trying to kill me i've decided i'm gonna live i've decided i'm gonna live put in your spirit right now i'm gonna live and not die i'm gonna live and not die i'm going to live and not die i'm going to live and not die i'm changing the narrative of my family i'm changing the narrative of my environment i'm not embracing that old mindset and making me think that i'm going to end up where the enemy wants me to end up it's not going to happen i'm not ending up in the same neighborhood i'm not ending up in the same mindset i'm not ending up in the same no in no no value relationships not going nowhere life i'm not ending up that way i have decided as of this moment that i'm out of the country kindred father's house i can't wait to get to the next stage of this and let me tell you why because god spoke to abraham and told him get out of your country out of your kindred and out of your father's house what he was already out of them so then what was he really talking about they had already left er of the chaldees they were on their way to canaan his father stopped in heron and died there and god says get out of your country out of your kindred and out of your father's house how what do you mean to get out of something that i'm already out of except it's not the same thing this is not the natural part this is the spiritual part get out of that mindset take this i'm too tempted too tempted i'm weak this is the time that your life is going to shift oh you better find anybody and everybody that you can somebody that didn't get to hear the word this morning tell them to get this word this morning or see any of the next services that we've got to do and let me tell you why because today your life is going into orbit your life is going into orbit your life is going into orbit you cannot allow outside circumstances to dictate your faith you cannot allow outside circumstances to dictate your faith as soon as this weekend is over then i will as soon as this pandemic is over then you know what i'm gonna do you ain't gonna do no more than you're doing now and the reason being is because when you want to do something you leave no excuses you get it done you get it done you get it done just get it done but soon as i have a couple of people to come along with me but what if nobody comes along with you that means you're not going to do it no maybe god says you ain't got nobody around you that is qualified to go along with you that's why you got to start doing it by yourself and then i will then you will attract people that are already at the level that you're going after see here's the thought and the mindset of god shift your thinking be not conformed to the world be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of god you better be glad that this is my first of four services because i had to hold back this morning but by the time i get to the end of this day i'm gonna be in your face you may not even hear the rest of the message because you won't punch your tv that's the kind of service we're talking about now with all those wonderful words now we got to take communion we're going to take it today and we're going to take it tuesday as well grab your communion yeah yeah this is my body which has been broken for you and this is my blood which has been shed for you as often as you do this do this in remembrance of me let's eat and drink together thank you man of god let's get ready to give to the lord you can snap to give put your your smartphone up to that that screen they'll put it up in just a second there it is and you can do snap to give hallelujah hallelujah glory to god hallelujah hallelujah we're gonna give our tithe and our offering today if you haven't been tithing then tithe if you haven't been given your offering give your offering give your offering if you want god to bless you if you want god to bless you more then do more for the kingdom do more for the kingdom our tithe is ten percent of our growth offering is led by the lord hallelujah out to rumors one to two and a half percent of our gross let's give our tithe and our offering right now if you're giving by giving five put new jerusalem cathedral in the search box if you're giving by paypal forward slash give if you're giving by cash app dollar sign new jc if you're giving by mail 1822 sharp road greensboro north carolina 27406 however you're gonna give take a snapshot of that right now and let's give hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus to all of our friends and visitors i don't even think we have any enemies i think the people that think that their enemies are just confused you're gonna be all right hallelujah hallelujah [Music] when all things work together for the good of them that love the lord to roma dollar sign dr kevin a williams and zelle dr kevin nate williams let's give minister nicole you in praise and worship will you all take us out of here please amen god bless hallelujah how many know because he's alive we alive and it's time to live hallelujah [Music] you're alive you're alive and we've only just begun to worship you you're alive you're alive and we've only just [Music] [Music] oh [Music] are you [Applause] [Music] [Music] just is
Channel: New Jerusalem Cathedral
Views: 1,099
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: e_AUpk_wOuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 36sec (5136 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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