Overcoming In Spiritual Warfare | Min. Stuart Matthews

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information do not engage them simply report them to the social media platform that you're on whether it is facebook youtube instagram or twitter and block them immediately never give your personal private information to anyone online and please be careful protect your private personal information and be safe be blessed so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good people how you guys doing my name is joshua i'm with the new jc media department and we have something called what's the word for today every sunday at 10 a.m now what's the word for today is an opportunity for you to give me your testimony because there's so many people out here that is dealing with the same things that you made it out of and why not let your testimony move and shift and help people get delivered from their strongholds and their bondages ladies and gentlemen don't be afraid don't be nervous meet me at 10 a.m every sunday and let's help people get out of their binders to get out of their struggles by using our testimonies as our greatest weapon ladies and gentlemen i love you guys [Music] [Music] thank you for choosing to worship with us today but we also would like for you to stay connected just in case we have any announcements or updates through our social media pages at newjc.org or by downloading our new jerusalem cathedral app thank you guys have a blessed week [Music] thank you jesus hallelujah wonderful father wonderful savior we honor you this morning we honor you this morning you are the true and living god hallelujah worthy is the lamb that has been slain for all of us father we bless you we bless you when we lift you up we will bless you and lift you up you deserve to be honored you deserve to be exalted hallelujah you deserve to be magnified but you are the great i am you are the great guy you are our risen savior hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to your name jesus hallelujah we cling to your presence we cling to your presence this morning we're leaning on you we're depending on you jesus we're depending on you jesus hallelujah [Music] hallelujah for you are our strong tower you are our refuge hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah where we give god the best that we have hallelujah glory to god our scripture this morning is coming from psalm 103 verses 21 through 22 and it reads bless ye the lord all ye his hosts ye ministers of his that do his pleasure bless the lord all his works in all places of his dominion bless the lord o my soul thank god for the reading of his her word father we come before you this morning and we just want to tell you up front that we adore you we just want to tell you up front how much you mean to us how great you are you are great and mighty hallelujah father god we love you god you are great you are supreme you are the mighty ruler god of everything lord we thank you for being christ we thank you for being messiah we thank you for loving us enough to send your son to die on the cross for our sins father knowing good and well we would mess up over and over again but father we just want to say thank you for remaining there and staying there and going through the process just so that we can have access to eternal life we just want to say thank you god we want to say thank you lord for being our strength thank you lord for being our safety god thank you for being our refuge lord thank you for being our rescuer lord thank you father for all that you've done oh god we depend on you this morning this is the day that you have made and we will rejoice and be glad in it god we thank you right now god for the lives that are gonna be changed we thank you in advance father god for those that are gonna be delivered and set free we thank you for what you're doing on the inside of us lord so right now god wherever we are god i pray that your spirit will just rest ruling abide right with us in the name of jesus thank you god oh god we go before we ask you to go before us lord and remove barriers lord in the name of jesus and distractions oh god let us give you a perfected praise today in the name of jesus oh god we need you god we need you lord we need you father we need you we don't even want to do this without you let your presence reign let your presence rule rest on us heavy rest on this happy god we need you we need you jesus we need you jesus we need you jesus in the midst of everything we need you jesus have your wife in the name of jesus oh god we put on the government of praise god we put it out we cut off the covenant of praise from the spirit in the name of jesus oh god we love you lord you said you give us beauty for ashes and the oil of joy from mourning we love you god [Applause] in the name of jesus we pray let the lord come forth with power and clarity in jesus name yes his praises [Music] [Music] his praises shall be and his praises shall be [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i will [Applause] [Music] go [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh i will [Applause] in the morning [Applause] [Music] oh that's the big is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh is on bless the lord lord you're worthy yes you are you're worthy god you are me yes you are you are you are worthy lord you are still awesome you still reign supreme yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] of your people for you are holy you are holy you're holy lord and where we are we don't mind just focusing on you giving you all that you deserve oh god if we did have ten thousand tons it really wouldn't be enough but our praise is waiting on you receive it lord in the name of jesus [Music] praise this way [Music] our praise is [Music] praise my praises with uplifted hands we say [Music] you are the object of our affection [Music] is waiting on you lord one more time [Music] [Music] [Music] y'all [Music] [Music] praises [Music] [Applause] [Music] for you for you [Music] already [Music] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my friends oh [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] are you [Music] for you [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm okay [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] my gosh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] receive a worship jesus praise is waiting on you praise is waiting on you my praise is waiting praise is waiting on you it's waiting it's waiting [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] lord we praise you lord we you lord we praise you lord we pray lord we praise you lord we pray [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hallelujah come on let's continue to give god some worship and praise right there praise is waiting on you god father we thank you father we glorify you we magnify you father father god there's situations and experiences god that you allow us to have rather to learn and to just reveal to us father god's strategies god but do you not allow it to affect us and give us a result that it could have been god we thank you father we honor you lord we honor you father we thank you we glorify you god my praise is waiting on you father thank you god [Music] shot thank you god thank you god open your mouth right where you are begin to give god some praise in your atmosphere begin to use your mouth as a weapon of mass destruction open your mouth right now where you are begin to glorify your god begin to reverence your god begin to love with your god because if it had not been for him or your side where would you be greater if he that is in you than he that is in the world it could have been the other way around he should have allowed it but because of his love and his mercy because of his favorite his grace he didn't allow it to come not at the end he didn't allowed to come near your dwelling he allowed you to see it but he allowed you to take it out god we thank you god we magnify you god we glorify you god we shall you right now god we give you praise right now god our praise is waiting god we glory by you right now god [Music] so we lift your name on high god we understand that the enemy is trying to shift us as we but god we're going to glorify you we're going to magnify you we're going to continue to stay before your prayers of god god strengthened us right now father we plead the blood of jesus god i rebuke that suicidal spirit i rebuke that homosexual that homicidal spirit i rebuke to antagonizing spirits i rebuilt that spirit that won't give you peace we're warfare people open up your mouth open up your mouth and use your word to fit the trajectory of your life yes lord we thank you god we thank you god open up your mouth i know it's early but the word of god said seek him early while he may be found stand up in your atmosphere woman of god man of god open your mouth open your mouth good god of mine thank you father thank you father thank you father thank you father thank you father thank you god it could have been me god it could have been them god but you so fit father to let us see another day father for purpose destiny and the fulfillment of your will for our lives god we thank you right now god glory to your name god glory to your name god glory to your name god glory to your name god hallelujah god hallelujah god i thank you god i'm magnified god i worship thank you god i thank you we are spiritual warfare people the devil ain't playing with you so open your mouth there's a sound in your belly that is waiting to shake heaven and destroy the kingdom of hell open your mouth without my dick healed all of my the enemy is not backing down from you so why are you standing there quiet [Applause] thank you god thank you god thank you god thank you god thank you god thank you god thank you god thank you the enemy has no dominion no power no authority god has not given us the spirit of fear but a power love and a sound mind open your mouth hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah god glory to your name god thank you jesus thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord [Applause] thank you [Music] lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you thank you lord thank you we give an honor to first and foremost god jesus who is lord over my life giving honor to the bishop in his absence mother florence williams everybody in their perspective places my wife chanel and my three daughters thank you um this morning will be coming from ephesians uh six and twelve if uh deacon the rory can read that for me please ephesians six and 12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places thank you my topic this morning will be overcoming spiritual warfare overcoming in spiritual warfare dear early father i come to you as humble as i know how right now god thank you for this opportunity to stand boldly behind your sacredness god father i ask that as you placed it in me father god allow me to express it to your people father i let your people be in lighting further let their hearts be pierced and let them get clarity and understanding of your word today father i pray right now in the mighty name of jesus that your will will be done in the lives of your people protect give your people peace and honor them with prosperity in jesus christ's name i do pray amen oftentimes in our life as a believer spiritual warfare will take place subsequently is just a natural part of the believer's walk in christ in time if time allows you through your journey in life you will begin to experiences experience all kind of warfare in your life that will come in in subtle ways to distract you to deceive you and to give you false perception of the reality of the situation us as a believer we must often realize that whatever is manifested in the physical form first had to be recognized or spoken within the spiritual realm the opportunity to project the trajectory of your life comes through the manifestation of your words come through the manifestation of what the spirit realm has revealed in us god has given us the ability to speak those things that be not as though they were has given us the ability to seek out spiritual things and has given us the ability to withstand the wounds and the tricks of the enemy there's three different dynamics of spiritual warfare that we will discuss on today three different areas three different paradigms that most people may not even think about when you hear spiritual warfare you often think about just the attack of the enemy but there's two other areas that we must also begin to look at to make sure that as i walk with christ receive the full benefit and the full expectation of it the first one we will discuss is man versus himself this is often time overlooked this is oftentimes deemed as taboo this is oftentimes understood as something simple just to push away or to ignore or to not receive the second area will be man versus god this is something as a believer that we've all have experienced at some point in our lives where we question god where we are struggling with god's decision and plan for our life and where we're just playing out disobedient to what god says and the third one which is the one that everybody should be familiar with is man versus the enemy of course satan is accusing of the brethren satan comes to steal killed or destroyed satan comes to devour whom he made satan comes to shift us as weak satan comes to do all these things so spiritual warfare in that area is inevitable as we proceed i'm going to expound on man versus man man versus himself man versus god and man versus the enemy deacon sorority can you read the james chapter 1 verse 8 for me please james 1 8 a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways this is the area where man is versus himself man is contradicting himself times we are placed in situations where we're battling with decisions we're battling we're doing right from wrong we're battling good versus evil we battling just many things in our life that cause us cause us to be double minded how do we become double-minded we become double-minded when satan gives us false perception and deceptions of the situation at hand many times when we are double-minded when we're battling decisions we're looking at things such as if god told us to go pray for someone but fear rises up in our flesh because of the insecurity that was placed in you a year ago by individuals words that you chose not to kill that you chose not to destroy that you chose not to let fall by the wayside so now a year later an individual that's needing your prayer that is needing the gift of god that's within you you're now double-minded and you're not dealing with the area in your mind of should you do it or should you not do it because of the insecurity double mindedness can cause you to be unstable in many ways as far as like your finances your health double mindedness can cause you to be unstable in your relationship with god double mindedness can cause you to have a form of godliness but denying the power thereof double mindedness will cause you to seek after untruth and believing that they are truth glory to your name jesus glory to your name jesus the next area we will talk about is man versus god now as a christian i know i've dealt with this area for many years of my walk with guy because of insecurities because of not being validated because of not being affirmed so i didn't have the confidence in me that god has in me deacon thorroy can you go to uh galatians 5 and 17 please galatians 5 and 17 for the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary the one to the other so that ye cannot do the things that ye would okay this is basically saying the flesh will always oppose what the spirit wants to do and the spirit will always oppose what the flesh wants to do there used to be a cliche as i was growing up that says the spirit is willing but my flesh is weak oftentimes god is in higher heights but because of our opposit because of the flesh opposition and towards the spirit we oftentimes fail and become disobedient this is a spiritual warfare tactic that satan often uses against us in the form of insecurities in the form of doubt in the form of uh rejection in the form of of not being validated not being affirmed in the form of not feeling good about yourself but god said that he came to give life and life more abundantly god said that my spirit was in the in you god said greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world so when it becomes man versus god our only job is to do proverbs 3 and 5 says trust in the lord and acknowledge him in all thy ways and he shall direct our paths we should no longer stand in in the mindset of god i know better than you god this is me i know me but god created you he created you in his image and his likeness so he knows all before always even take place so begin to understand that god is not against you he is for you but god will allow you to experience certain things just to get the revelation of how to become a trained assassin in the battle of spiritual warfare a train that says in a sharp shooter a target a target taker a person that has the ability to destroy the kingdom of hell the ability to recognize satan devices before the game plan even begins the ability to understand the tactics of spiritual warfare yes lord yes god yes god we thank you father man versus god has always been a quote unquote in my in my opinion a pandemic this covey does not really append in because man has always deemed that they knew better than god man has always tried to place god in the box and bring him out whenever they wanted to like he's a president or a coat that hangs up the next part we will be talking about is man versus the enemy now as a believer we all walked across this path across this line at some point in time because once you receive the precious salvation of jesus christ the enemy knows your name the enemy is now seeking to devour you the enemy is now got you on his radar just ask job satan was going to and fro seeking whom he needed my devourer and god said have you considered my servant job but joel mom said was though you slay me yet will i trust you we got to understand that the enemy's job is to steal kill and destroy and he will do anything and everything he needs to do to accomplish his goal so why aren't you doing anything and everything you need to accomplish your will for god's life i'm your guys will for your life satan wants to make you think you're isolated satan wants to make you think that you're alone say that wants to make you think that you're not love satan wants to make you think that you're not healthy satan wants to attack your finances say that when you use the closest person to you to accomplish what he needs but understand beloved that it's not the individual it's the spirit of the situation and put out my share understand right now beloved that you must recognize the enemy's tactics you must study to show that self-approve so that when the enemy comes against you like a flood you understand that god automatically raises a standard he has your back but do you realize it do you understand the capability the power to mean the authority that you have in the earth and realm do you understand the power and authority and dominion you have in the spiritual realm thank you jesus satan is accused of the brethren and he will stop at nothing to make sure that you are in hell with him glory to your name god glory to your name point number two we must know our arsenal of weapons to use in battle we must know the arsenal weapons we have to use in battle now there are many different spiritual weapons that we can use now the bible declares that our weapons of warfare are not carnal but mighty through god through the pulling down of strongholds some weapons that you have you have the word of god you have your praise and worship and you might not think of this as a weapon but you have your seed offered the word of god said that we must put on the full armor of god that we may withstand the enemy during his attacks some of those armor positions include the helmet of salvation the breastplate of righteousness the shield of faith your sword is your word you need to learn to speak the word in every situation don't speak your opinion don't speak your your thoughts don't speak your your logic you speak what the word of god says you speak what the word of god said amen the enemy comes in in your mind and try to say yeah you're you're you're in poverty you're poor you're not this the word of god said that i'm blessed in the field and i'm blessed in the city the word of god said that i am the lender and not the borrower the word of god says that i'm the head and not the tale i don't speak what the situation looks like i speak what god sees about the situation he tries to attack you in your health believe it i wish above all things that you prosper and be in health even as our soul prosper i don't speak the current situation i speak the results of the situation though though she yell i'm out there you don't speak the current situation you speak the results of the situation my god my god my god the enemy trying to say your family not gonna be saved jesus said that i came to give life and more abundantly jesus said that i came for the world god said that i so loved the world that i've gave my only begotten son that whomsoever believe on him should not perish but have everlasting i speak the results of the situation yes scott yes god your praise is your whip your praise is an arsenal that is a weapon of mass destruction your praise has the ability to hit a direct target your praise has the ability to open up the windows of heaven your praise has the ability to calm a situation your praise has the ability to lift a spirit of heaviness your praise has the ability to let god come down and sit in your presence your praise has the ability to destroy the kingdom of hell yes god i will bless the lord at all times yes god everything that has breath praise ye the lord yes god yes god praise will continue to be my main weapon because everybody has the ability to praise everyone has the ability to praise you might not praise like me you may not worship like me but you have the ability to do it and god is seeking your praise and god is seeking your worship jesus we used to say when i was growing up praise will shake heaven and worship will stop heaven to make heavy come down and see about you guess god yes god we're talking about your weapons of warfare the next weapon that i will talk about on the last weapon this is not a complete list but these are just three that i chose the next weapon we'll be talking about is your seed offering now when god told me this i was like god i never heard this i i never heard i see being a weapon of warfare but then he started taking me to different scriptures like malachi 3 and 10. he started saying how well if it's not a whipping of warfare why when you pay your tithing offering i'm opening up a window of heaven to bless you and now now because you did what i asked i'm fighting on your behalf against the enemy and i'm now rebuking the devourer for your sake weapon of mass destruction you plant a seed the seed dies to live again spiritual warfare that's why you have to use your seed that's why when you when you sow don't just sow haphazardly you sow with a purpose and you sow with an intention you sow with an expectation this seed is going to die to live again because i want this to die and i want this to live again i want what the enemy said to die and i want what god said to live the word of god declares that death and life lies in the power of the tongue your words should set the pace for your life your words has two abilities and i just told you your words has the ability to create death and the ability to create life how are you using your words what are you creating within this spiritual warfare are you helping satan when he's telling you you ain't gonna make it and you walking around saying oh i just can't get through this day are you agreeing with satan are you using on your words to create death to what he says your seed offering your words can be a seed offering your finances can be a seed offering your time could be a seed offering the bible declares that seed time and harvest what are you sowing what are you sowing what are you sowing oftentimes we we become weary and overwhelmed because we're not seeing the results as quick but god said do not grow weary and well doing for in due season you shall reap if you say not many times we start the course on the right track but we fall off because we can't wait for that due season i'm here to come to tell you now that your due season has arrived my god your due season is now here [Applause] your due season we are still under the open heaven god i thank you god i thank you father in closing if you are fighting a war right now you feel like you're alone i know of a man that would never leave you or forsake you i know of a man that says as i preached before tag me and i'll come fight your battle open your heart today to receive the lily of the valley the brighter morning star the great i am the mighty rose of sharon the king of kings and the lord of lords that everyone will bow to eventually his name is jesus and if you're watching today and you want to surrender to him now because it's a spiritual warfare that you're fighting that you can't get through alone just typing text right now i surrender god i want to pray for your people right now father i thank you right now in the name of jesus father for we know that the spiritual warfare will come father we have now understood god and got clarity father that it is different areas where we are fighting this battle father this battle on your end is not to destroy us father but to give us understanding to give us revelation father david said that it was good that i was afflicted that i may learn of real statutes god we know father god that your word declares to us for we know that all things work together for the good of them that love the lord for those who are called according to your purpose so father god we thank you right now father for the ability to recognize the enemy's hand at work before it starts god we ask right now the name of jesus that you would give us the mind of christ your word says in romans 12 and 2 father god that we should knew our we should renew our minds god because in these times father god a mindset change has to happen in order to defeat the enemy god we thank you right now for your loving kindness father god we thank you father god for your commitment towards us god god we ask right now the name of jesus that you will continue to instruct direct your people cover your people i declare the decree of the word of god of psalms 91 over your people right now in the mighty name of jesus i do pray amen hallelujah come on let's give god some praise for his word or today god we thank you god we thank you god we love you lord we love you father we just thank you god okay at this time we're going to prepare to give our tithes and offering i believe they're going to put the information up on the screen uh of the multiple ways you can give um so um you can cash out new jerusalem and new jc cash app dollar sign new jc you can give through giblify you can give to zell um but i believe there's some other ways but they will be put up on the screen father i thank you amen thank you jesus [Music] we give god glory for the word of god that came forth this morning amen amen [Music] yes the world will bow down and say you are gone [Music] every man well bow down and say you are keen so let's start right now why would we wait king of glory fill this place i just wanna be with you i just wanna be with you king of glory fill this place i just wanna be with you i just wanna be with you hey [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] forevermore [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] until you come again come on everybody is hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] we'll keep our posture we'll keep our posture this way until you come again until you come again we'll worship you in spirit and in truth we vow to give you our best we bound to give you our best because you are the best you are the best lord we'll say hallelujah [Music] [Applause]
Channel: New Jerusalem Cathedral
Views: 571
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: DUodlMb5enk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 17sec (3797 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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