IT WAS JUST A PRANK | Until Dawn - Part 1

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she's looking at you oh she's looking over there oh she's looking at you you looking at us oh no sorry it's something okay bye oh she's looking at you again hey welcome back everybody to until dawn i said after the quarry was done that i kind of wanted to go back and redo this series because the game originally came out in 2015 i was 25 years old i was still like knee deep and try to find who i was on youtube i was i was very loud boisterous and all over the place and i didn't know what i was doing and i was so excited and i recorded this game on a whim on the way to pax west i was heading to seattle like in two days and then this game came out and i was like i don't know if i'll play it and then i did and i really loved it but i only got a couple episodes done before i went to the convention so i was kind of like rushing them out and then i recorded the rest when i got back and it was it was just kind of a mess so it's good to go back and redo some of these series to see where we've come from where we're going now where we are i'm just going to relive these experiences because it happened seven years ago at this point there's a lot of it that i don't remember um obviously i know the big twists and turns that are gonna happen in the game um if you haven't seen this game by the way i highly advise you go watch it i did a series on it before maybe it's a good refresher course before you get to this one because uh we're probably gonna spoil everything and talk about who the killers are and things like that right in the beginning but let's just start the game up and see what happens because i also can't really remember how good this game is or if it's as good as i remember i keep using this as the bar for super massive games and everything they've released afterwards i'm like yeah it's not as good and i think because a lot of the people who made this game left the company back then or work in different roles or you know it's just not the same people who are making their current games and even though i love the quarry i'm still like i don't know if it's as good as until dawn so i want to go back and see if it is yeah yeah different choices different impacts different things are going to happen i am well aware this wasn't even new back then because i can't remember who i'll try and save everybody but i can't remember who dies where and i can't remember what scenarios people die in but i remember it being a little bit more fair than their later games end up being because the later games are kind of like the one wrong move and you don't realize you're gonna die oh yeah it's just a prank hand can't wait for that line you know what they say whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger hannah but what if a killer showed up stop god oh my god i can't believe you actually did this don't you guys think sam emily mike jessica come on she deserves it it's not her fault that she has a huge crush on my hannah's been making the moves on him i'm just looking out for my girl and ah right doesn't mean he belongs to everyone mike is my man i am i'm not an anybody's man whatever you say i'm my own man oh it's good to be back i miss this game i haven't played it since i did my series on it on youtube hannah oh my god creepy ass face oh no that's that's hannah who's the other girl mike it's hannah hey hannah or was that her i'm so confused yeah who's this lady i totally forget you hey did you see that why could it just be us this weekend josh oh you die as well okay got it oh man yes let's look at all the notes hannah you look so damn hot in that shirt but i bet you're even hotter out of it come to the guest room at 2am oh my god what did our naive sister get herself into now uh intervention time um this man i remember when this came out as well like these character models were nuts i remember looking at these being like whoa that's so real and now you have stuff like in the quarry that looks so much better than this wild josh no that's not josh josh are you josh which one of you is rami malik oh not the jeremiah craig you guys got into the 12-year jeremiah craig ah those dudes are out for the night once again brother you've outdone us oh there he is rami malik baby i got your note glad you can make it maybe we should start with a little you know making out and see where it goes from there nope hannah's hell yeah hannah's busting it out immediately oh my shirt god what oh my god matt what are you doing here oh hannah i'm sorry hannah it's all good just a stupid prank it's just a prank hand guys are jerks you know that hannah oh no we gotta get out of here wait oh uh wake josh find others i mean it doesn't matter what i do in this scenario because i think guys there's someone outside these all die anyway hannah what's going on where's my sister going it's fine where's my sister going just a prank han it was just a prank hand prank hand what did you do yay that wasn't serious you jerks hannah hannah so should we go after her oh my god i totally forgot that matt is played by jordan fisher holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] jordan and i follow each other on twitter now and i totally forgot that he was in this i know him for like everything else let's go fast baby qtes are my strength i even played with jordan in the rust server the offline tv one towards the tail end of it the second one actually uh we're going fast again follow footprints fall on noise footprints put another footprints hand it was just a prank oh no it's an elk now you're saying it wrong you're saying malk how do you say it no you're fine you can dodge him easy [ __ ] [ __ ] those leggings are not going to keep you warm out here oh my god touchpad let's go this is kind of cool hannah it's gimmicky but it's cool han it was just a prank the deer didn't scare me your scream did it happened before the deer showed up hello oh no it's their little shoes wait is that a shoe no it's a doll oh yeah you find these you put like heads on them don't you yep there you go death totem let's see what a death totem is yeah you build these oh it's all coming back to me baby the possible death of the person who finds it indigenous tribes believe that butterflies brought dreams and premonitions nice i'm going to get so many people killed in this playthrough it's fine i have a playthrough where we've saved everyone before that'll that'll work hannah man this game still looks great and he's fighting them anna hello where the [ __ ] are you all the way out here hannah just go to another room and lock the door here take my coat i'm such an idiot i'm so dumb hannah they're twin sisters right or are they just sisters oh hannah now is not the time for pranks it's okay you can make it jump it's not a prank hand this is not a good prank hold on yeah i remember great ass shot hold on i remember when i played this the first time i was like what the hell is chasing us grab it that doesn't matter i'm so sorry god what a dick move oh mangled i'm sorry hannah i must let you go now whoops yeah baby dr aj hill before we begin there are a few things i need to make sure you understand you see no one can change what happened last year the past is beyond our control you have to accept this in order to move forward but there is freedom in this revelation everything you do every decision you make from now on will open doors to the future i want you to remember this i want you to remember this as you play your game every single choice will affect your fate and the fate of those around you jeez close so you have committed to commence with this game this is significant and i want to help you see it through sometimes sometimes these things can be a little scary even terrifying but i'm here to make sure that no matter how upsetting things may get you will always find a way to work through it hmm all right are you scared yeah start with a simple exercise could you please pick up a card and i want you to look at the picture on the other side and tell me what you feel about it it is essential that you answer honestly in order to get the most out of this experience is his name in real life peter stormer or strom air i can never remember i think he's swedish but i like him a lot uh compared to like the curator and the eliza from the quarry she sucked oh god what's on it childhood trauma a high gas prices oh god it's a scarecrow in a cabin ah a dad apparently so how did that picture make you feel remember be honest honestly not that bad considering it just looks like fun farm adventures it looks like i'm going out with paw to harvest the corn that year makes me happy that's good in what way did it make you happy maybe think about the old end times it's peaceful makes me realize that before social media was just so much more about going out into the fields with your hands and doing good god's on his work picking up the corn cob maybe take a cheeky little bite realize it's not ripe enough because it's not cooked and then paul would laugh at me and he'd run me over with his tractor a couple of times and and my knees don't work too good uh sunshine i see you're not writing anything would best describe how you feel about darkness oh i feel depressed that's it i was feeling sunshine and happy and now i'm depressed you did it to me well winter nights a cold and dark depression feelings of loneliness are not uncommon you said it peter this night in which your game takes place it's particularly cold and dark i would think that you might feel isolated at times does that bother you sometimes but you know what i think back about when i was handing the corn it was pretty good um i'd be fine i'm fighting my own like it doesn't matter i'm cool with that well not much of a people's person are we no i play video games well it seems we have uncovered a significant topic behind our next session but for now we're out of time have fun on your own until have then on your own until then i wonder did they actually act like that behind the scenes for the mocap or that they go in and like hand animate some stuff to change it around because sometimes the facial expressions are so weird have fun out there let's go until dawn baby oh yeah this comes back in uh the dark pictures anthology i like the heavy metal version of it better though the curator walking down the hallway i realized as well that i was like why didn't they just call the quarry until dawn too because you're surviving until dawn again it's the same kind of thing but i realized that until dawn is a playstation exclusive so they don't have the rights stormer i'm sure it's peter stormart or something like that um they can't they're not allowed use the until dawn name again so they had to call it something else which is a shame i wish sony would like be more interested in it where they uh they kind of go out to them are like hey do you want to make a sequel because i'm sure they wanted to or maybe not i don't know there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes maybe the people who originally made this like the director of the game and the writer of the game we're like no unless we're on it you're not allowed to use until dawn one year anniversary of the dreadful tragedy that took place on mount washington annie klein who was in charge of the investigation thanks for having me marty there's an update on hannah and beth washington the twins who are still missing one year ago tonight the washington girls left the safety of their parents lodge and headed out into a snowstorm foul play not officially no there is one individual we're considering as a person of interest but his whereabouts are currently unknown he has an interesting history with the washington family he had warned them against pursuing their construction project and claimed the land was sacred to his forefathers you know there is still the old sanatorium on the mountain could he be hiding there my officers did search the grounds but the girls themselves couldn't have made it that far something about that mountain seems to breed tragic events more than you know marty well thank you for joining us with all the washington's tonight this is so quarry again resistance of the podcast the mysterious disappearance of hannah and beth washington well hello friends and fans all right let's do that again what up romney this is crazy because he's such a massive actor now well hello friends and fans it's beyond awesome to have you guys all back this year um first off i gotta say i am super excited to welcome all my pals back to the annual blackwood winter getaway so let me just let you know uh let's take a moment to address the elephant in the room for a second i know you're all probably worried it's name is dumbo come in here dumbo it's gonna be tough on all of us going back after what happened last year but i just want you all to know um it means it means so much to me that we're doing this and that i know it would mean so much to hannah and beth that we're we're all still here together and i'm thinking of them i really want to spend some quality time with each and every one of you and um just share some moments that we'll never forget for for the sake of my sisters and you know okay so let's party like we're [ __ ] porn stars okay make this one trip we will never forget do they party hard yes i'm a porn star um but yeah if you haven't watched the original playthrough again please do or if you don't care about spoilers uh stick watching this because i am going to talk about who the killer is and what the secrets are and everything because now that i'm playing it again i want to see if what lines up and how obvious it was from the very beginning that's your warning are you gone good because when it comes to these types of games i'm always like trying to guess ahead and trying to guess the endings and a lot of times i guess fairly accurately and i don't think back in 2015 i did guess that josh was like a bad person um because i think i was like really surprised by it when it happened and now i'm now looking at it i'm like how obvious was it but i do like that there's like two twists in this game and it's not just oh here's the killer and move on 10 hours until dawn i like that too there he is again our red herring i forget what his name is in the game but he's the he's one of the directors of the game or one of the writers at least whoa sam take a picture diligent sam hannah's best friend consider it adventurous welcome diligent sam welcome to the cabin hello someone there yep path to cable car station okay i like the i think one of the reasons that this game is so much stronger than the others narratively is because it has such a a clearer goal like what it's set up to do in the pacing of the beginning to get all the characters back here and their motivations for being here i think is a lot stronger don't get me wrong the other games are still fun in their own way the the dark anthologies games i'm a little like uh but the quarry was great it just had a lackluster ending to it but this game is just fantastic start to finish the gate's supposed to climb over chris i love chris chris was my favorite character when i played it the first time how do i get there again he printed off an email who prints off an email what are you a 50 year old couple going to the airport jesus never mind all right how do i climb over what are you i'm just diligent sam i'm not climbing sam we're going quick because i'm i'm good at these qtes here we go jump yep here we go yeah baby the qt's in the later games are also way easier i remember these ones being hard and actually making me feel like i'm going to die i picked traditional controls for it too because you can pick motion controls for this where you actually have to put the controller you have to hold the controller still but i remember it being really wonky and getting my characters killed way too easily unless that i'm playing on a ps5 so unless the ps5 controller is much more stable but i remember i would just like leave the controller on the table then sometimes because i didn't trust it god i love this i love this setup i love i keep saying before snowy forests are one of my favorite video game environments you hungry forests in general oh okay that still applies it's okay that's it come on okay i'm gonna stay very still i'm gonna stay very still do i have to do it again oh my god i feel like i can't even breathe oh god that okay that's gonna get me killed because i can't remember the sections either if i could i could just like put it on my leg and that would center it let's go sam oh i hope they do get a chance to make it until dawn too though cool oh this is people of butterfly prophecy so this actually plays into the mechanics death is a black butterfly because that and that again i'm sorry i don't i don't mean to like compare like their newer games to this one constantly it's kind of hard not to because again this is like the benchmark for what was so amazing at the time and i feel like the prophecies actually yielded way more help back then like the yellow one yellow butterflies offer visions to help and guide and then if you get a black one it's like okay a character can die in the newer ones it's like what do these do white butterflies brought dreams of luck and good fortune brown butterflies foretold of tragedy affecting friends red butterflies warned of dangerous events i'm probably gonna forget all that but the fact that they're color-coded leads like a better system i think so yellow is like a guide right let me do something okay a guidance tome or totem uh indigenous tribes believe yeah each told him how to play a little german so yellow guidance i like that i like that they build up upon each other so these are all the death totems pretty cool i think if you get the whole totem then you can press triangle and it plays out the whole scenario oh this that is so sick holy crap yeah so cool what a awesome like environmental premise to have this take place in the past is beyond our control what doesn't kill you makes you stronger but what if they cut off my ears chris you here i think chris was my favorite character when i played it the first time because he was the one i related to the most like the the sort of like cut the tension with jokes kind of guy bit more of in the bag a goofball get out of there crazy stinky it's just a prank sam do it we do a little snooping ah-ha look who it is why is your phone buzzing that much though for a message chris there he is strike a pose chris flash flash uh diligent sam meet methodical chris he has a crush on ashley he's protective and humorous dude that's me all over i'm protective and humorous all the time the amount of jokes that i will fire at your face all the time a lot of people ask what i'm like in real life as well or wonder if i'm the same i joke even more in real life all the time constantly to the point where i always second-guess myself or p some people will come up to me and i'll say a joke and they'll be like always on huh and i'm like wait am i am i being annoying am i is am i being is it is it humorous is it like charming is it like cute and quirky or am i just annoying the [ __ ] out of you you scared me uh i'm sorry are you my secretary i was buzzing cool well thanks for letting me know who's phone buzzes continuously for a message that's a phone call i thought someone was calling you could have been hurt oh so i found something kinda amazing weed i'm not gonna tell you you gotta see for yourself come on it's this way where right around here gonna blow your mind blow your mind all right lead on christopher oh man look at this victor milgram nice you think we'll get a visit from america's most wanted looks like someone thought so oh come on this place is abandoned most of the year nobody comes up here he's wanted with a first degree arson offense six foot two i'm not messing with him he's so much bigger than me okay all these things keep showing up the ui is so much crappier back in this game compared to what it was in the newer ones but that's just kind of across the entire video game industry go back and play like the original last of us one and then play last of us too and look how much better the ui is in the new game the old one was so crappy looking uh oh i'll just look around more pretty rad right yeah come on look at these beauties uh beauties is not the word that comes to mind oh shooting range what do you mean what the hell is a shooting range doing at the base of a ski lodge uh dude have you ever met josh's dad yeah he thinks he's like grizzly adams or something you want to try uh no this is america all right here goes oh hell yeah chris this is so much like the quarry or the quarry so much like this i guess i pressed r2 it's not oh i have to shoot this one bam now i can shoot this one dude i'm stone cold lethal with a capital l are you impressed all right i'm bad that's what i remember go ahead and guess it was a wild case of luck i don't think so girl watch this i'm gonna shoot a squirrel anybody in their brother could shoot a bottle that big that close maybe i shouldn't i was i was joking i was i forgot that an actual squirrel shows up i'm not gonna shoot the squirrel i'm gonna scare it off nice shot your ass just got sacked eat [ __ ] sam get wrecked wait i'm just getting the hang of this come on chris the cable car see i didn't shoot a squirrel which means i'm not gonna die i have absolved myself one day there was a spider in my bathroom sink i picked him up we put him outside i'm clean now i am a saint nothing bad can happen to me for at least seven years it's definitely weird coming back up here after a whole year yeah i swear the moment i got here it just all came flooding back here goes fast yeah you got two people killed okay nothing else to see here lead on sam and look i'll read the note it now be really hard on josh i did you see this note keeps it all together wow well we're all just gonna have to keep an eye on him must be going through so much and he seems like the kind of guy who's not gonna just ask for help you know yeah yeah maybe you guys should probably be better friends and like reach out to him more you know i know what you did last winter hey that's weird door's locked yeah uh josh wanted us to keep it locked keep people out he said that what people i i don't know he said they found people sleeping in the station one time that's creepy you know bad people like murderers and wendigos you know people oh snowboard i'm gonna go snowboarding actually i want to go skiing snowboarding seems harder isn't skiing supposed to be the easier one for a beginner although i've skateboarded is that hubris is that my is that my hubris kicking in thinking that i could i could do it that's my toxic train the car was closer i guess we gotta wait blackwood pine hotel and hotel and sanatorium for a healthy body and mind i'm not so rich i only bought a mountain how about the bloody hell are you going to stay in a hotel and a sanatorium hot tub cam oh whoops wrong button anything on there hey hey anything on there we seen bye guys anybody anybody bad showing up do you see any you see anybody bad couple cars here wait i'm probably running out of time actually to explore more i hope not i hate when games do that detroit did that i remember that one pirate when i was in hank's apartment in detroit and i was looking around as connor and i was like talking and i wanted to get like a lot of points across and i just like jabbering that's why you're here and then the game just like took off and it's on i'm like man i never got mad at me for not finding more stuff finally you coming yeah well i was gonna stay here and catch some z's but okay maybe detroit is another game we could play again ah i hope this was the right thing to do what you know getting everyone together on the anniversary i mean josh seemed really pumped about us all doing something didn't he yeah no he definitely did i haven't seen him so excited about something in forever good good oh so cool kind of been worried no not it was it was a good idea i hope everyone else feels the same way did you all reach out to him are you good friends thanks bro good talk let's just let's just stop talking about what happened and enjoy the trip mount matahi you know how josh and i met no okay third grade josh sat in the back of the room i sat in the front he pissed his pants i cleaned it up but the kid sitting next to josh started strap snapping the training bra on the girl in front of him so the teacher made him move to the front where i was sitting okay so so i got moved to the back i hate cable cars and next to josh that's how we met i mean and became friends to this day a match made in heaven if it weren't for the fact that genie simmons hit puberty like three years early and on that day decided to wear a low-cut shirt that showed off her training bra poor genie you could be riding god it's so hard to be a teenager or we're talking to some other person entirely boom butterfly effect he knows imagine that you're a young girl you're going through puberty boobs are coming in and you're like all insecure about it you're like oh god what do i do then some [ __ ] egg comes up and starts snapping your training bra don't do that whoa whoa whoa jess strike a pose drank a pose who is she whoa mike's new girlfriend wait she was a girlfriend back then too wasn't she oh wait no him and um nicole bloom's character emily they were together at the start right oh i forgot that i thought they were together the whole time confident jess that's a trait you want to have trusting and irreverent and rev does not mean you what okay this is look i just because i speak english and i know the word doesn't mean i know what it means showing a lack of respect for people and things that are generally taken seriously that's what i thought a lack of like care but it's good to know the actual definition boy oh boy new people time to meet and greet new people aren't you friends with these people already hello and welcome to mount matahi are you all ready jesus christ hey jessica over here uh it's just a prank song really weird stroke we're stuck in this stupid thing can you please let us out pretty please oh use my force powers i i saw this one time on tv it'll work there is no spoon oh my god i thought we were goners another 10 minutes in there and i would have chewed off my own leg chris look you got a lot of whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger it's all muscle down here yeah hey chris i'm just doing like sam taught me other people's private thoughts or my own personal playground you might be a jerk my goodness seems that someone has a little crush on our good friend and dear class president michael monroe chris and what kind of sizzling erotica might our jessica be capable of imagining i wonder um give it back you [ __ ] give that back you tool tool and die that's my motto oh you're such an idiot maybe nosy nancy shouldn't go nosing around in other people's nostrils yeah nosey nostril come on jess you can tell us totally keep secrets whatever you'll figure it out eventually all right all right let's just get up to the lodge already it's getting tired of all this michael and i are married you guys go ahead and i'm with child and it's his or is it who's coming turn it into a soap opera what i mean you know whoever uh-huh sam did you see this view i mean holy cow it's like a matte painting sometimes i forget to just stop and take it all in yeah i hate cable cars couldn't they have built the lodge like right where the cable car ends oh whoa whoa emily emily who is she who are you wearing strike a pose emily i hate cable cars they there's one that goes across like the river in london and it's not even that long you're on it for like five ten minutes but one time we got on it and the wind was blowing like crazy and i'm like surely they wouldn't run it if the wind is blowing like it's safe obviously they know this and it's running and it's the wind is it probably could be twice as much and it would still be fine i know that in my brain but when i'm sitting in it i'm like this is it hold on we're all gonna die and i keep going over scenarios like okay if the cable snaps and we actually land in the water how do i open up this door you know those movies we always see people crash their cars into the river and then they can't open their doors i'm like thinking 10 steps ahead that's not happening to me anyway intelligent emily you got intelligent we have diligent confident what was chris's resourceful and persuasive so you're going to gaslight everyone for me i don't think it would have been like as pretty is that matt oh my god is that jordan fisher oh my god matt jordan who are you wearing what are you up to these days give us some gossip motivated mad what would i be serendipitous sean jolly jack now i'd probably be stupid sean actually silly sean would be my one ambitious active what a guy and where's the bell boy when you need one yeah yeah good one matt you're wearing some nice clothes jordan if you're out there i see you bro who are you wearing jordan we're almost there no i mean also jordan how do you get more attractive the more you age gonna be weird you're already good looking back when this game came out and now you're even better looking like a regular party because you're motivated matt what do you think jesus christ who is he who are you [ __ ] you mike oh you don't have one you're just mike emily's ex you're intelligent driven and persuasive you're the same as her you just have driven but you're not like motivational mike you're not like uh situationally aware scary mike big mike that's a good one to have big big sean you guys michael you really really should have seen your faces right dude i almost clocked you just now nice one emily should be like michael i've seen you naked and you should not be surprising anybody because it's a little harmless you're not well and doubt enough to be disconfident spooky come on let's get into the spirit of things the spirit of things seriously what's wrong with you just trying to lighten the mood em don't be like that like what the way you're being you always get like this okay um i'll be nice let's maybe not threaten stuff just yet michael i'm just gonna lay it out otherwise this whole weekend's gonna suck ass for everyone um this is super awkward and we all know it let's just uh acknowledge it now and move on okay matt i hear you man i get it i don't wanna make this weird cool so we're good i'll be really responsible and mature and adult now oh my god totally we're so gonna make out uh no seriously i'm gonna go check on the cable car back down the trip all right see you man see ya see ya how many moves can we put in oh crap what hey could you take these the rest of the way the bags yeah all the bags um why i need to go find sam you're gonna go talk to mike can't you i really need to go find her i totally forgot i needed to talk to her before we get all the way up there just really can't wait we're almost there it's important matt please fine i'll go i'm much better than you anyway all right fine but so important i guess i can pack horse at the rest of the way but you owe me one you deserve better matt well then we're even at least i'll think about it just be careful see you up you deserve so much better man thank you so much better poor guy he's just seeing his camel to them carrying bags hey ashley ashley ashley ashley give us the scoop give us a scoop ashley what is going on between you and chris inquisitive and forthright academic ashley these are good traits ashley these are really good traits well done hmm who do we got here whoa hello whoa whoa whoa whoa getting a little friendly and not in the friend zone kind of way no no no no no no check the expiration date on there big breakup dirty bastards are you guys going to kiss oh you're going to keep repeating this [ __ ] you hey whoa sorry there sorry about that ash i didn't mean to scare you what did mean i'm unfollowing you jordan i'm scared but not like for real scare you gosh oh my god hey wow man i'm really sorry i asked dan it's okay it's fine it's fine what are you looking at see anything juicy with that thing uh be honest check it out yeah take a look um sure uh go go ahead knock yourself out i guess a son of a [ __ ] you deserve better man emily what the hell man hey listen it's probably nothing nothing you think well yeah is it ever just nothing with him ever i don't know uh salmons matt it's just a prank matt damn it he deserves to know they're probably just patching things up and being like look we're cool right we're not gonna make this awkward okay hug it out blah blah blah but if i was imaginative scenario i i'd be him i'd be pissed bro i'd be all like yo lay off my girl bro she's got a boyfriend check phone read book we all know we're gonna check phone tick tock is lit but who am i to retaliate what choice do i a supple young rebel girl have but to surrender to the strapping military guard come to take me into custody dude grab snowball [ __ ] them up blind them in one eye well i don't know when you put it like that hey dude i'ma [ __ ] you up doesn't teach you to hug emily god damn i'm good that's the bird we no no that was a different bird oh get sniped damn i'm good you want to keep going you want some more of these catch these balls yeah what if i i'm not gonna hit the [ __ ] bird why would i throw it at the poor little bird [ __ ] him up though mess him up drop kick back in the head oh jess come on so did i go down head bottom don't give up the fight so are we calling it my favor then your worthy opponent miss jessica the snowball queen okay that sounds vaguely dirty my lady uh sure we'll kiss why not we're in the moment i'm not gonna mess it up with snowball wow save some for later buddy endless reserves yeah plenty more in the tank we should get up to the lodge yeah it's so nice out here though pretty breathtaking i'm gonna freeze i mean i could stay out here for pretty much ever provided i was hanging out with you the whole time just making out quote unquote wow it's cold out here jessica some things don't work in the snow they don't call me mini mike for nothing all right gang's all here josh ooh what up hello again hi and how are we feeling cold and horny i've felt that we made some good progress you said that last session great actor by the way i love happiness in real life like a father this time we're going to try to understand the root of your anxiety oh jesus now pick up that book turn the page you got like 15 weeks we see a set of pictures and symbols i want you to identify which image in each set makes you the most anxious i like this too because this this actually feels like a bit of a test that men worry me women worry me dude you ever touch a woman scary they're so much softer um that picture of the dude looks scarier actually than the woman um but i do like this i like that it's kind of like digging into the psychiatry of it um men worry me in real life actually men worry me way more than women do men are far scarier isn't it statistically way higher for men to be psychopaths and serial killers oh planes scare me way more than crowds a crowd is fine that's on the ground um and i i have strong extroverted tendencies when i want to um so planes that one little bit of turbulence and i [ __ ] myself heights absolutely i hope that i'm i'm very curious if i go back and watch the episodes of me playing this game before do i pick the same things because heights has always been like the thing that scares me the most and i think it's gotten worse since kovid i i still when we go to places and it's like oh do you want to go up into the tokyo skytree like i i hate it when i'm up there like it's so scary to look down and look through the panel on the floor there's like a glass one you can see all the way down but i still try and do it and i still think like bungee jumping and skydiving are two things that i want to do eventually in my life even though i will be terrified but it's something that i kind of want to do drowning is scary but i'm i'm near water less than i am heights heights terrify me i inherited that from my dad he was always scared of heights and i don't know if it's something that i can get over i am i'm very worried about any person that says they're afraid of rats more than snakes but i'd be sure rats have disease and they can spread that and they're kind of creepy looking if you see a snake that's immediately like recoil i'm gonna die venom dead no who if you're afraid are you scared of rats more than snakes i don't trust you as a person um okay this is re this is an interesting one because technically guns are way scarier um with the amount of violence that's committed with them all the time but getting stabbed i think actually scares me more than getting shot because getting stabbed is slower it's i feel like it's more painful um like initially i feel like it's up close and personal it's uh it's so much more like visceral getting shot is like a bullet goes into you it's kind of like in you and out of you like faster that you can even react to it i imagine it hurts like hell but your adrenaline like kicks in and you don't really know what's happening way more and i've i've seen videos as a teenager when you go on like live leak or something some people get shot they don't even know they're shot although some people get stabbed knives are guns are scarier overall but getting stabbed is scarier than getting shot to me so i'm going to say that one uh snakes still scare me cockroaches are gross but a snake can kill me you writing that down i hope you wrote down everything i just said about the guns and the stabbies and the snakes and the heights oh my god they're going to invent a snake with knives on it that is like really tall and i'm going to be standing on top of it that's like my ultimate fear oh god hmm this is a good one i think clowns used to scare me a lot more but it's more like the generic fear i think i was saying it because it was like everybody else said the clowns scare them i think clowns are cooler then if i was in a room alone in the dark and one of these came at me scarecrow has no face no face is scarier than a scary face i think the fear of the unknown a clown just reminds me of the joker and he's cool gore disgusts me crows are scary dude getting disembowelled and seeing your guts all over the floor that's easy but i have a bird flight in here dude batman on the hatches of course gore scares me more than a crow jesus [ __ ] christ did i start with you yes you're doing very well don't be nervous are you on one of these pages because i'm gonna pick you for every single one of these from now on try to speed up the more you rely on your instincts the more honest your answers will be and the more enlightening you will find this experience sure sure sure sure yeah yeah scary scary uh snakes yeah spiders are scary but snakes actually maybe spiders i don't know i fear needles no gore that's a heart and guts and bloods i can get over a needle i have loads of tattoos did i startle you ew ew zombies don't scare me because they're they're not real scarecrows are real oh wait though fear dogs that's a wolf which technically is in the canine spectrum uh but i don't fear dogs i hear blood and guts way more than i fear a dog oh storms don't scare me peter's storm air scares me this is very interesting thank you what does it say about my relationship with my parents as a child snakes scarecrows and awful don't put those together the sun combination sounds like a good friday night well i'm afraid once again we're out of time once again we're out of time we'll talk again very soon that's so weird i like that though because i think they use that stuff against you in the game which again makes his scenarios far more poignant than the story oh previously i don't need previously i just did it don't you guys think this is a little bit oh come on dude honest is getting the titties out it's just a prank hand where's my sister going it was just a prank han um but i think i i remember evelyn talking about this game she likes this game a lot so she looked into like more of how it was made than i did and she talked about how they would play test the [ __ ] out of this game with heart rate monitors and really like up the scares whenever they thought people were getting a bit too comfortable or they would like pull back the scares when it was getting a little too intense for what they wanted so they balanced it out really really well and i think that that's what the newer games are really lacking is that care to attention and detail and really wanting to get things right chapter two jealousy nine hours until dawn hey josh sorry sorry josh i didn't have my phone out who is he who are you wearing nice beanie complex josh hannah and beth's brother thoughtful and loving so i can't remember if i think there's twins in that family i can't remember if he's a twin with one of them or they were twins because i didn't really get a good look at them to see if they were the same they looked slightly different so i think he's a twin with hannah up here it probably feels like it's shrinking i guess that's true when are you gonna install some cell towers up here i'm getting withdrawals already you got a spare million lying around and i'll fix you right up funny you should say that i i think i left in my other jacket oops hey guys get up here okay yeah well more or less but the drama has started already what's up with him hey matt you good yo yo yo we got things moving up here or what yeah man yeah man you doing all right man you wanna talk about it hey you're doing all right i mean i know it must be really tough without your sister stop i just meant that i know what you meant you know seriously i'm over it and i just i want us to have a good time you know like we always used to damn it this freaking thing it's iced what else just dude ice in other words bro there are a million ways in they're just all locked there's gotta be like a window around the corner we can get like get open or something wait a second are you saying we should break in i don't think it's technically breaking in if you own the place right hey not if i don't report you um lead the way cochise oh geez i never actually knew what cochise meant because audio slave have a song called cochise and it's so good and i love that song but i don't know what that actually means uh it's weird to be back isn't it you doing all right yeah aside from being kind of cold and vaguely creeped out by this place it's kind of weird being back up here huh yeah kind of weird being back up here when we got two people killed huh right josh i didn't like that one wait let's let's see if siri can tell me what does cochise mean as a man coach means coaches now she was looking pretty hot today right dude she's right back there she's like a sleeper hit kind of gal you know and i just want to rip that parker right off of her and make some snow angels right yeah yeah boy talk yeah bro yeah i just want to put my face in some boobs and go that's not cool hey cut it out man yeah i mean you're not gonna bang her maybe michael take up the case wait will you back off relax just checking to see if there's some blood flowing down there yeah not in the cold listen dude look around you look at these beautiful mountains do you see any parents i mean can you imagine a more perfect ripe scenario just dripping with erotic possibilities you and ashley alone at last you've laid all the groundwork you've been a perfect gentleman now you come in for the kill okay you're coming on a little strong there rami um yeah i told i'm gonna bone down on the top of a mountain bro sure maybe you're right you're a hunter bro no fear no mercy i mean she won't even know what hit all right all right i got it geez damn josh kind of [ __ ] up that should have been the first red flag my parents lodged but i didn't say i had a plan you sounded like you had a plan you better deliver cochise or else you got four lovely ladies who are gonna be freezing their dude enough with the lovely ladies talk not a good way to get laid oh shoot nobody likes coupons i like cold ones i run hot yeah yeah yeah oh it's done axe holder missing oh [ __ ] am i missing clues [ __ ] look i haven't played this game as much as many of you probably have so i'm going to miss a lot of things i played it seven years ago once maybe a little bit more because i think i went back and saved people okay damn i'm getting pretty loaded juice here it should turn off my gps i'm finally like outside where i might actually use it can you cool it on the phone talk what why it's pretty much all you talk about well you know i mean i could do all this stuff and well you got an app that can get us into the lodge i'm looking around get you laid well actually dude you don't the answer is that you don't well well the [ __ ] out josh nice one whoa this thing isn't bolted to the wall yeah you got that josh you you're able to pull it or are you busy just pulling yourself off i can do it too hopefully there's no snakes or knives up here or awful that's not breaking and entering that's just entering oh grace i'm look at this tv okay attention in climbing class you mean jim yeah you know with the climbing up the rope flaming class whoa did i do that i don't think so here use this thank you whoa chris i just got an awesome idea yeah totally what is it okay so i'm pretty sure that i've got some deodorant in one of the bathrooms you could use that with the lighter i i don't follow how's the stick of deodorant going to help spray on it's a can oh yeah now i gotcha flamethrower just like we did with the laurie dudes yep once we melted just point the spray can on the lighter and buy frozen lock bingo all right so you got this i'm going to go sort something out you up for hunting around in the dark for a little bit nope but i'll do it godspeed pilgrim god spake pilgrim that a reference or something why did he say it like that all right all right well we got in the dark here you got some on the ground flashing how's that oh totem hit him with the totem is that a white one well that was emily burns to a crisp that was a brown one the potential loss of a friend okay so maybe not use the flamethrower maybe not set this whole place up in flames that would be great oh is this game use physically based rendering see the material on the jacket is not shiny as much as the zip that's cool who's there is that a snake rats god i hope there's no knife snakes in here hello wait this is to a different place there's another room over here anybody not a snake it's just a prank oh look at my hand oh man i should get my nails done ex-janitor convicted for arson what have we here so where's revenge on the movie moguls family there's something on the back though something about money i love the music all right moving on grab a snowboard chris it's about to get funky time to hit that powder huh that's cool i've never seen a never seen a picture before that's awesome it's kind of a creepy picture honestly a portrait of the washington family hannah is wearing a distinctive locket yeah her tattoo is going to come important later as well when you find out which creature is which died at the door closed the hell was that josh is just a prank josh must have been the wind okay i'm not gonna do the lock yet i hear voices is that my conscience we haven't talked in a long time bro wait did i hear someone break a window unlike explore around i love these camera angles i want to explore around before everybody shows up whoa they got two pictures that's awesome ready for the senior prom sam mike emily and wait who's the other person in it hannah yeah the lodge in the quarry really reminded me of this one i love this lodge and how it's kind of like the central hub for everything happening in this game oh i am just i just be walking places oh anything in here it's so hard to see there we go because as soon as i let the people in they're going to start like progressing the story and i want to see if there's any collectibles that i can miss dude just pictures everywhere josh with his lovely sisters hannah and beth cape cod cinema room now we're talking never mind i wanted to go in there and watch uh spider-man no way home i can hear voices on my left just going like oh yeah yeah love it okay getting stuck in everything all right let's head back up grace it was just prank uh maybe i can check upstairs before we let everyone in it's cool that i actually can look around though and it's not like oh i should go help everybody else before i do this close these [ __ ] shutters can we they're making noises and it's scaring me it's scaring me the whole [ __ ] place is scaring me i've lived in a creeky house when i was a kid it's not nice even when you know that it's just like the house settling and stuff it's still scary what do we got in here diode oh wait i needed to come up here to get inside oh my goodness gracious what the [ __ ] is that honey badger is this a prank chris don't do that perfect use it on him burn the fur off we're freezing our buns off out here we are freezing our buns off out here bingo thank you thank you thank you i'll be here all week he got you again crap that thing freaked me out what was it are you okay there's like a bear or tigers i think it was like steve buscemi it's just a cute little baby wolverine baby don't worry buddy dude that was hugh jackman ah i could have got a picture of all the flashing picture photography that was happening make fun of your work home sweet home sweet is not the word i used oh my gosh it's so good to be inside even if it's still kind of freezing in here get the fire going baby this place barely looks any different yeah nobody's been up here even with all the police coming in and out not a lot of action up here lately nope an account of the death hey michael make yourself at home bro we'll do yeah come on in take a load off have whatever you want you just take whatever you want anyway right whoa easy there cowboy yeah let's just let's just challenge it straight up let's just say it immediately let's be forthright with it like ashley would be what the hell were you doing with him out on the trail what i saw unm with the telescope before we just ran into each other been a while so we hugged and i said hello is that against the law it's against the relationship laws bro watch yourself mike i'll be staring at you um right right i'm sure it's all it was you know what you can think whatever you want it's a free country watch yourself mike nice the boys are going at it get a little tension in there a little drama spice things up oh my god that is so gross are you trying to swallow his face hole i'm seriously can she be any more obvious no one wants in on your territory honey excuse me did you say something oh did you not hear me was your sluttiness too loud oh [ __ ] someone's bitter she didn't make the cuts yeah it's all a big cattle call with that dreamboat congrats you're top cow that's real deep calling miss homecoming a cow okay okay we all just need to chill out they were just being a couple no shut up matt stay out of it you dumbo hey watch it oh you're the only one who could put him down no one else can play with your toys you're such a [ __ ] whatever i don't give a crap what you think at least i can think 4.0 [ __ ] honor roll suck on that when you're trying to sleep your way into a job toonie's great when you've got all the natural advantages you can handle oh you couldn't buy a moldy loaf of bread with your skanky ass are you serious do you think that's insulting it's going down some crap or something holy [ __ ] let's uh let's just defuse the tension like we're all cool here like hey remember when beth and hannah died it was just a prank right guys emily stop this is out of hand and there's no reason to fight like this yeah em why are you picking fights over your ex-boyfriend huh stop it this is not why we came up here this is not helping it's not what i wanted if we can't get along for 10 minutes and maybe we need a little bit of a break right mike why don't you check out the guest cabin the one i told you about yeah yeah all right you want to go do that any place without that [ __ ] right up the trail hit it with the [ __ ] wow that's over yeah so josh uh should we get this fire going where's my bag huh my bag the the little bag with the pink pattern the one i got on rodeo matt are you are you listening oh my god don't you remember next to the italian shoe place where i got the stilettos and you knocked over the rack while you were drooling all over that girl at the counter well i mean she was asking about my letter jack right because she gave a [ __ ] about your designer letter jacket why do you hate my jacket matt i need my bag oh my god em maybe you just forgot it do you seriously think i'd forget my bag well do you i only had two bags guess not you must have left it down by the cable car i feel like one of the characters in the background just being like come on we'll be back soon and then we can get warm we can get very warm okay okay let's go got yourself a catch there matt okay i'm gonna go take a bath the best best line anyone has said just chill out relax exiled sexile oh it works for me good work lady how far is this cabin anyway this cabin is the coziest most romantic love den you will ever lay your eyes upon if we ever make it i have a feeling lux's on our side play your cards right and maybe you will get lucky hey porn stars you're gonna need these porn stars condoms uh gross hey i'm sorry to kick you out like that no worries man oh i'm sure you'll find a way to entertain yourselves you have fun with the peanut gallery oh i almost forgot got to fire up the generator so you can see where you're going it's dark out there all right roger that it's done i think josh was flirting with me okay you want to invite him up with us wait really what no okay love relationships are weird what's over here this is so crazy what yes you see this cabin is [ __ ] wow so awkward anything even over here god when she stands there like that it's so scary looking don't do that can you interact on anything i want like secrets i want premonitions i want totems i want i want it all excuse me excuse me jess i need to walk this way thank you yeah downstairs yes thank you here we go you carry them in this cabin though you might die someone might break in through the window and grab you nah that would never happen damn reminds me alan weak what you looking at hey hot lips photo booth all right oh my god my hands are freezing smile dumb dumbs m you look high that's not m that's jess oh my god what a terrible photograph perfect we're like the cutest couple damn you should be a model you keep that camera handy and maybe i'll let you start my portfolio at the cabin wink noted that's not a prank han that's cereal bisno things are getting hot up in this snowy mountain it is freezing out here stop seeing bird i can help you with and how are you gonna do that i got a few things in mind dude three inches in heaven sorry i was looking at the hill for a second oh hold on not a lot of tlc for this place anymore kind of a bummer dude tlc broke up beyonce's been doing her own thing for ages somebody she keeps saying burr you actually shiver you don't go burr it's like she read it in the script and didn't know how to react to it emily's as dumb as she looks if she thinks she can cut in on what we got going on maybe if we're lucky she'll try and follow us out here and get eaten by a bear yeah yeah so before she was kind of being a [ __ ] she just came in and started like she you guys broke up you're always a new girl you're like do whatever you want i think you bring out the worst there is that so epic jealousy epic okay that wasn't as rashy as i expected huh i guess this thing needs juice or something didn't josh say there was a generator yep use your brain there michael jess is using hers or is all the blood gone to your nether regions oh hold up totem wait is this black one oh hey mike you gotta find the generator hold on i just saw my friends get punched in the face did you see actually get punched in the face she turned in a circle okay so ashley can get just lock jawed let's see here we go boom nice one mikey nice oh mikey let's go mikey let's go back in you are a wizard whoa dude he's not back where is he where is he did you see that jess you see that okay she's like you are a wizard that's like when i change the hdmi cable for my grandparents and they're like you're just so smart so clever you should be president i have to do everything around here the gates shall open kazan's kabloosh was reported right yeah totally now this is awesome oh yeah i bring these guys are so much like uh jacob and emma from the quarry the same like dynamic you don't look psyched yet oh i'm psyched right now it's like a little adventure a sexcapade okay he's off jess okay sometimes there's too much of a good thing good music it really fits the atmosphere from hannah and beth i think they'd clean it up well they never closed the investigation okay i'm getting the creeps now it's all such a blur can barely even remember what happened well what i remember is that we played a stupid half-baked prank that probably got hannah and beth killed hey i mean yeah it's not our fault they ran into the woods yeah how could anyone have expected them to do a dumb thing like that it's just a prank hand god to be fair it is weird to run straight into the woods in the middle of snow when you're not really wearing much but you know what she got embarrassed she didn't want to be there she wasn't she didn't want to be around those people like whoa um did you hear that i heard something that's a wendigous we need to get out of here doesn't the dark anthologies picture logo make that sound like we can get it to the cabin with a path block like this oh no way am i going back to the lodge aka wax museum to drink hot chocolate with emily wax museum [ __ ] it we're adventure no god jess [ __ ] hey jessica yep hey i'm okay holy crap you scared the heck out of me how do you think i felt you didn't hit your head or anything as far as i can tell i still have all seven of my limbs uh yeah can you get out i i don't know i can hardly see anything down here uh i'll jump down i'm heroic i'm cool all right coming after you just stay put whoa okay i'm glad i came down here because he was up there and he was gonna get me if i didn't come down here when i was up there let's go jess use those muscles what's the point of having glutes that big if you can't push a carrot with me there you go there you go all right imagine just grunting together this is not what i pictured go on he's getting warmed up mike gotta get the blood flowing anything here worth picking up any diamonds mama that was a tiny qte oh my gosh are you okay slip the disc my sciatic nerve okay cool we're fine we can manage this i'm the qte king this place is giving me the willies and not the good kind of willies gonna offer you a little comfort and reassurance can i offer you a little willy totem what's this one say jess i saw you and your undies all covered in blood but that's a good fortune that's the good kind where you're in your underwear freezing to death all government blood that's a good fortune don't worry about it okay glad to come down here wait what was that was i supposed to see something i didn't see anything just don't look at that totem you'll just see yourself in your underwear covered in blood oh yeah and emma in the quarry also gets caught in her underwear walking around parallels okay where are we going this is not you have no idea if this path actually goes to the cabin it's recent wonder what's the the dude right that's following me mystical symbol strange symbols painted onto the wall of the mind it's not clear what they mean stood out cigar but it looks like it was left recently there must be someone else up on the mountain this place is like historical holy batcave it's gotta be holy bat cave mike man whoa you all right yeah close one i don't think this place is up to code yeah i'm thinking it's time to go guys i think in this place is unsafe i think we should probably skid addles hold on jess there's clues over here i'm being captain mike man hold on i'm gonna look at it here a map showing structural faults in the mine marked up by a mine engineer it looks like the owners knew there was a risk of collapse this place is a real fixer-upper this place is a real minefield all right guys this is the best joke this game has had so far it's witty it's clever it's on brand and it's topical fine just follow jess's ass out of here she'll lead the way start missing hey i see lights see now i'm paranoid that i'm just missing stuff that's off to the side because i do remember one thing at the end of the game when you're in like the water and i went over to the right to escape something and then if you go over to the left you find someone's journal i think it's hannah's journal and that helps you discover like one of the better endings and it was so easily missed the first time through so now i'm like making sure i don't miss things at least trying to that totem we got totems chest don't look at that one that that one really don't look at like the first one was you and your undies and you're like covered in blood and it's like ha ha it's just a prank hand this one is like you're dead this is straight up death for you okay oh sometime after the prospector oh until a cave-in truck oh cool and driven mad okay moons and scary hunts let's go i thought the play at the bottom was to play uh these but i guess it's to play the once you have all of them you you get the full story of the past of this place was it a bootlegger's mine owned by uh what's his face mr uh hackett what was his name it wasn't even that long ago and i can't even remain celibace or something like that cabin let's go this is really far away from the lodge isn't it safer to just have everyone stay in the one spot not only are there murders and wendy goes around here but there's also bears and foxes and coyotes and wow wow hypothermia cabin i felt like abe lincoln where do you see the lincoln bedroom no are you planning on getting presidential on me take a ride on air force one i i don't know what that means a telescope gonna look at the trees those are binoculars oh whoa all right i just saw someone at the cabin it's just a prank hand right let me see i don't see anyone at the cabin excuse me you're not going to react to the fact that a big scary dead face just showed up in front of you mike i don't think mike's fully switched on today guys sampling the old eggnog again babe it's just us up here uh maybe no she definitely saw the dude hey jess stay close by okay what's up oh this posting says there's some brown bears up here sometimes oh michael i have the best idea dude brown bears are no joke let's go hug a bear come on please come on a bear will [ __ ] you up not hug a bear bears are incredibly scary hold on gotta lift it oh here we go whoa video games are magic lead the way jessica don't mind if i yes wait is this the way i just came up no it's not because i didn't come through that gate you guys didn't even like bring your bags with you or anything i see a deer jesus christ it's not so bad when it's a bird if it was this if it was a knife snake i'd be scared i was just flirting it's just answering his meeting wow you're easy yeah you've got a lot of love to give got a whole lot of love here oh he's just like i'm scared i'm stopping making fun of me it's okay to be scared mike don't fall in nice good job guys see i like this i like that it takes its time getting to its point like there's not a whole lot happening but it's nice to get more time with the characters to just kind of chill out and let the pacing of the game and you've at least cleared out the path before sending us up here really what i didn't figure you for the glass half empty type you got a better idea stand back debbie downer didn't claim that easy show them jessica yeah oh boo show off blind him in one eye you've got something on your face nice there's stones in that one okay okay that's how it's gonna be oh god jessica yes yes i can okay that actually is scary i don't like that i don't like the screams in the middle of nowhere sammy what you want to help me get this fire going uh well i was just getting into the bath oh oh do you need any help with that hardy hair he could have just meant like with the bath because it's a weird mechanism you actually have hot water though all right josh let's see if you know how to hook up the hot water in your big fancy lodge maybe if you get the fire going it heats the pipes something like that i don't know can we go over here any pranks maybe not all righty hayden let's bounce out does she still act in real life hayden panetta i don't know sam but let's investigatos oh this wasn't open before tattoo design so she got the tattoo of that cool stuff happy christmas 2010 love josh that's nice party uh she's dead and you guys already knew that she had a big crush on him let's be a little nicer to her maybe hello could this be any more about mike i mean yeah combat compatibility test scooter magazine quiz it looks like hannah wasn't happy with the answer she got it's an indication that of her emotional state on the night of the twins disappearance okay so they were the twins got it mostly c's oh oh this is not going to work he's like a crazy reckless hunk of man and you're staying at home working on your embroidery and practicing g minor on the piano give it uh give up on it or do something like really wild run away from home or get a tattoo or something anything to attract his precious attention i mean it's for love right so just do it yeah that got her killed she got a tattoo she ran away and she started like stripping as soon as they went into the room so she was trying to be out there and be a bit more his speed or what she thought how about your own speed folks is that a slice of banana pillow that is so cute or maybe it's just a pillow that looks like that i want to slice a banana pillow hannah josh and beth you were invited to sam's halloween party october 31 2013 fancy dress obligatory ah there you go noise call back i think that's most of the stuff in this room it's weird that you're here just oh my god how do i get out of here it's weird that you're here just a year after it happened i feel like that's i mean a year is a long time but i feel like for something like this it's not that long yeah totally let's go josh let's go josh josh i'm just looking around i'll be down to help sounds like you don't know what you're doing anyway so oh you got it nice it's not that hard light a fire if you have to like start the fire it's it's kind of hard [ __ ] that up you know what i got an idea for you too what yeah what i'm i'm searching around because i don't want to miss clues but i don't think there's anything here all right i'm coming now okay well i'm pretty sure that somewhere in this crazy place we used to have a spirit no no wow you have a spirit board yeah yeah they're fun right those things are a joke man they don't do [ __ ] no way bro i mean we used to do it all the time man well josh no hot water is kind of a major oversight don't you think yeah oh yeah you just gotta fire up the boiler it's in the basement all right you guys see if you can find the spirit board chris let's go find it it'll be like a scavenger hunt um okay guess so brad i mean you're not gonna regret it you up for a ride along you see he's even acting weird why you acting weird josh all right let's go find this boiler fire that bad boy up let's get into the tub and warm ourselves up that sounds awesome if it's like freezing up here in the snow and then you're hot hot you noticed yeah hot tub it off a mission together yeah i was thinking they could use some alone time they are sweet together they are very sweet together i wish they just freaking get on with it already i swear they just need like something to bond over you know some sort of traumatic event to send them into each other's arms i mean at this rate they'll be in the geriatric ward before chris makes a move yeah a little trauma to trauma trauma to spice up the old relationship i'll get the blood flowing for sure but for sure what's in here cool sick i tried that before don't know why i tried it again hi josh what you doing you know sam yes josh i just wanted to say what it really means a lot to me that everyone came back this year and you know that you came sam we're here for you bud i'll be reassuring as a bucket josh we're here for you really whatever you need whenever we're all gonna make it through this together um i want us to have a good time you know creepy music for a nice sentiment it must look so weird the characters are just over like staring at the walls like i'm looking for secrets oh over there maybe over here what's that i'm looking right at you oh that actually is really weird i didn't like that it's like she broke the fourth wall and was just i think i can handle a little old set of stairs yeah but it's a basement those are always creepy in any horror media is always the basement that gets you killed well actually there's going to be a jump scare as soon as i walk through this doorway huh sorry to drag you down into the bow oh just get me some hot water and i'll be super fine i mean i wouldn't want you coming down here on your own you know well it's definitely creepy down here yep not a place to be on your own do you know what you're doing baseball bats yes that's going to come in handy when i have to crack some [ __ ] heads oh what's that doing here is that yours you bet it's mine i used to play ball with my dad all the time of course that was before he got too busy to hang out with me ah well save it for the couch right okay let me see what i can do this whole hot water fly is this like a pilot light situation can you hold this [ __ ] should i post that oh just shine here so i can see what i'm doing oh i already have my controller on my legs don't move a smell oh my god it's so close to failing nice one thank you my legs are real still okay first things first we gotta increase the water pressure before we get the boiler fired up sounds kind of complicated no it's actually pretty simple okay you didn't even tell me what to do i just started hitting things ah damn it's okay i'm just try again okay maybe you have to wait a bit then break your boiler boom that's more like it all right goodbye girl i almost missed out on a high five that would have been dreadful that sound effect i'm just just joshing yet oh you were really freaked out oh it's just a prank don't move what something behind you you're right josh get him seriously a little prank never hurt anyone all right all right your point 30 love what no where'd you get the first point it doesn't start at 30. no 15. no more of a ping pong i never understood why it starts at 15 anyway okay so you hear that too right josh what i mean it could just be the pipes heating up uh we should go check it out maybe we should go check it out why what if it's like a pipe that's about to burst or some problem with the furnace unlikely if it were me i wouldn't want this place to burn down on my watch fair yeah right the jump scare i was waiting for isn't it just chris run give me a qte i wasn't locked why are these doors locked just to keep out strangers what hey what the hell boom you just got mugged [ __ ] what dude i got monks why would you do that there's all this cool old movie crap down here what was i was i not supposed to take advantage of the opportunity are you are you serious were you in on this putts no but i wish i was that was too good nice one bro i'm ready to admit that your dumb little prank may have a slight whiff of humor joke master well i i said nothing about jokes i said your prank which was dumb holy crap you were scared admitted i was not come on you totally missed your josh that's why you gotta go take a bath now because you pissed yourself you're all dirty god's name are you wearing i found my true calling please tell me you're gonna take a vow of silence okay okay did you at least find the thingy here's our one-way ticket to the spirit realm bad idea you know what no no i've just been through enough spooking for one night okay i see a hot bath in my crystal ball all right so have fun oh but watch out for that josh he's a schemer okay smartest person in the entire game sam hello er matt you're gonna come with me to get my bag yeah oh man you gotta be stuck with emily i don't envy that brother totem oh yeah somebody gets their fingers cut off that's a guidance totem so many death ones one two three four five six six characters matt emily ashley chris sam josh mike jessica that's eight well josh doesn't count hold on i got this video games let's go clean why thank you sir what's over here then fly in my room get out of here hey um i kind of want to criticize because she was being a bit yeah can i ask you something like for real what promise you won't get upset matt i think you know like in the future if someone's like trying to push your buttons or whatever maybe you should just try and and chill what are you trying to say now this is my fault no no no no no that's that's not what i'm that's what i mean you know what you're right i gotta keep it together when i'm being attacked by stupid [ __ ] damn watch out for mirrors then got him ah nothing bad has happened looking through these before he's a deer oh my god controlling these is very difficult do i actually get to see anything it would be kind of cool if you get to see the monster a little early i don't think there's anything what okay moving on she looks down she he looks down and sees emily like hugging mikey he's like what the [ __ ] ah remember when it was all just a prank hand those were the days now treasures for the snow okay all right just a sensor light not that great we have those in real life too not that weird i forget when people can start dying i think it's after jess gets taken hey doofus come this way why you uh trying to get me somewhere private why don't you uh come find out okay yeah thanks for helping me find my bag i know i can be a little high maintenance a little sulk or boast two of the greatest traits a person can have i'll boast it's no problem but you got to remember there's more to this guy than just being a lean mean luggage lifting machine gonna back that up all day hot all day there's more to this guy than just you know like all day just this uh these pair of pythons that i got watch out oh sexy i thought you were afraid of snakes i'm terrified i've never seen a snake properly in real life other than a zoo mr flamethrower is that you come on there's no time to pull a prank everyone just be pranking in this game huh cool oh it's so pretty out here tonight wow yeah pretty [ __ ] cold yeah it's so nice to be here with you muscle man thank you i don't muscle there are some brains in here too yeah brains in here brains to like me so let's see that bronze you ever done it outside before outside of what in my car i like your outside of your is just not roomy outside of your pants what do you think emily talking about brains uh you know what maybe there's a better spot does this spot start with a g there are lots of places out here i already started clearing this off for us like a gentleman come on let's look around babe i wiped this twice what am i going to do now unwipe it oh look at that hey the hell em don't be jealous why would you take me here made me feel like a chump don't be so sensitive i'm here with you right now mike's the chump okay maybe chump isn't the right word what is lucky hmm you got in there dude this relationship is all kinds of [ __ ] weird it's like give it up already you know just pack it in matt you silly bastard oh hold on talking about the moon no come back [ __ ] can i not can i not retrigger that [ __ ] that's kind of annoying this one's no you're gonna [ __ ] stop in the middle of the bridge and talk on my moon now maybe it's best we don't talk right now totem big totem also where are we going look at the sexy kisser on this thing jared put your hand in it you're [ __ ] that day i wouldn't just slide it up in there i'll rescue you from the nothing that's happened big bear big scary wolf bear you know what that is that's a knife snake i've heard a knife snake before up in a really tall building that's where they live you are madam thank you oh my very impressive guys i've been outside in the snow before it's really really cold and uncomfortable you guys are far too chill about this there's not totems up here is there wait isn't this just to the gate that we were at already all right no power all right sick i met mr letterman what have we got use your brain muscles yeah um the longer we're out here the less horny i get especially after seeing a pig tied up hey what the made hell snowman oh that was not there before is that a note i know what you did last winter province penitentiary it's got to be chris or josh they're just trying to mess with us kind of uncool guys i don't like this me neither it's just a prank am i matt what the hell is going on what the hell did this you know i'm kind of not giving a [ __ ] about my panties anymore i kind of just want to split now i'm [ __ ] in my panties hey peter's back what oh god is that a heart you're not gonna have a knife snake somewhere are you i would like to understand your feeling toward people who fear failure and worry about what others think of them it's like 90 of the population i'd say do you share this fear yeah i'm nicely uh yes is that so because that's not reflected in the way you are playing your game how is it i don't know what that means am i being successful am i the greatest gamer you've ever seen peter and now let us investigate your feelings toward other people in greater depth sure what you value what you respect in yourself and others others why is this spicy what is most important in a person loyalty or honesty wild your honesty they're both very important i think i like honesty more because i feel like i gravitate more towards people who are just themselves and are not trying to be something else loyalty can also come from that i feel like it's harder to learn honesty than it is loyalty towards people so you would tell the truth even if it resulted in an unpleasant outcome for a friend and what about honesty then and charity love journey you know i think miss dude yeah let's pick that one such a giving and caring person thank you very nice so aggressive sounding oh what was gone i'm afraid we're out of time oh we'll talk again soon oh peter peter peter all right that's gonna do it for this episode of until down man so good to be back love this game so much fun i i mean even already i know i kept saying it before where i was comparing them just the setup and the premise and the pacing of this one is just so much juicier the fact that you're like wondering what's going on the entire time and then i mean later on in the game you can kind of get the rogue pulled from under you a couple of times like there's a few twists in this one um compared to the other games where the other ones it felt like by now they had like shown the monsters it feels like they'd like show them what was going on and in some regards yeah that that works because there's no real like mystery to it because it was pretty obvious that was werewolves i mean i called it in like the first five minutes when i was playing it um but this one i feel like keeps you on your feet a bit more because it's like oh there's a killer roaming around and then you hear these screams and it's like what is that and it kind of keeps like trickling out as you go and then his character being the psychiatrist and talking to you and trying to figure things out and how it plays into the game versus it just feels like a whole more complete package and it's way more exciting to play and it still stands up seven years later um and we're just getting started not even a chance to get people killed yet it's gonna really kick off in the next couple of episodes but thank you guys for being here if you want to be up to date for when these episodes are coming out don't forget to subscribe absolutely stay notified when they're happening if again you want to see more of until dawn you want to catch up on it before this series plays out you can go back and watch the original one um and all the dark pictures anthology stuff is all there as well to kind of like tide you over in between these episodes so go watch them all uh but until then i'll see until dawn i'll see you then
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,860,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, until dawn, until dawn full game, until dawn jacksepticeye, playthrough, until dawn endings, until dawn all survive, until dawn all endings
Id: orjzx4dtLUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 58sec (7618 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2022
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