I Found the Best Anime Minecraft Mods

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you ever wonder what it would be like if you could just hit things in one entire punch and they would essentially blow up into the air like a firework well I guess we're about to find out aren't we welcome to the Minecraft one punch Man Mod this mod uh is is true to the name it it's only going to take one punch however we are not born into this world with amense strength first we must gather it through an extensive training regime that only a select few people can accomplish it's called murdering cows a bunch sorry guys I just I need your leather I have to make armor cuz for some reason this suit isn't the one that I'll use don't ask questions just die I will dye these leather boots red and that is one of three armor pieces now I'll play the game normally until I find a bunch more cows I may be able to punch everything to death and one hit but I still need stuff like obsidian to actually get to the nether back back foul Beast wait till I get my hero costume on you guys are dead just the monster Association down here why is there so many leave me alone oh yes yellow flowers I I need this to make my yellow die speaking of die cows quit hiding from me oh wow you guys listened sorry about this whole genocide thing isn't a hero all about self-sacrifice cuz in that sense you guys are the true heroes I'll just be a hero that lives all right after slaughtering an entire population I'm one leather short hey sorry for this man there's just no other cows in sight oh and there were other cows in sight well he's going to need a buddy in the afterlife man you got you want understand right I'm sorry yeah my bad I'll make the leather pants and dye them yellow and when I put these on nothing crazy happens except for the fact that I have all three of these Buffs oh yeah and I One Shot things so I have three punches I can rotate from the weak series the normal series and the serious series the weak series one shots everything the normal series one shot things and causes a big explosion and I'm going to save the serious series until I need it most don't I also have like jump abilities I think if I crouch to get set and then jump oh yeah it's like a super leap die yes let the sun set I'm ready to test my abilities on the true monsters and not these cotton punching bags first up is a friendly little zombie are your arms up because you want a high five high five oh okay note to self hold back a little when giving high fives maybe I should just hold back a little anyways and only use my weak series cuz I don't think anything actually is did you just shoot all right well normal series punch it is see you bye oh he went flying oh like an actual firework hang on let me start punching things from a downward angle go into the night sky now this is power I can get behind oh hey a baby zombie I would hold back but none are exempt see you oh creeper you like exploding huh go ahead don't let me stop you let me just make sure this obsidian's not going to fall in the lava real quick cuz that would be very bad oh my God I was going to save the serious series for a serious enemy deserving of a serious series Smackdown but at least I know somewhat of what it does now 9 10 all right time to get out of here if I do the serious series jump can I just leave immediately no I guess there's some things brute strength just can't solve it still works for most things though like that and I guess if I have a clear shot I can also just leap all the way out and perfect wow I look battle torn give me one Flint please that's all I need thank you by combining the powers of flint and iron and constructing a portal with dirt and sand I can go beat the meanies up in the nether all right game do you want to what just happened happened to me am I haunted you know sometimes I think it's important to ignore things hey guys do we have a fortress anywhere I need some blazes or really just anything else to test my strength on don't you guys have a ton of Health how about now nope not so much oh no a child maybe that wasn't the appropriate response what are you guys going to do really this is this is this is your plan you don't think the skeletons thought of this already now are you going to keep shooting you saw what I just did to your buddy you dumb fool get normal series oh why was the explosion right there I saw his body fly oh hey look the home of the jerks who just shot me you know what I think it's finally time I use a serious punch I don't like being shot game so have a shot backat of absolute destruction wow I can that's still going huh okay don't mind me guys I'm just going to go ahead and loot your chest I am extremely broke so this helps oh it dropped a bunch of loot up here wow he really just got distracted by that huh huh oh and he gave me an ender pearl well I think I pretty much gotten everything I need from this place cuz they're not really giving me what I want so I can just you know take care of the rest of the base this is oh that is so much you guys can never hurt anyone again like you hurt me by not accepting my friendship am I breaking lava itself oh my god oh hey look a Survivor can't have that all right I'll have to go find some blazes to kill now I can't just punch my way to the stronghold I need some type of pathing I'm tired of this I'm making my own little tunnel out of here no wall can stand between me in the direction that I choose to go I just hope that I oh I guess it's a good thing I punch through that wall after all all right blazes look at the devastation it's all right guys no need to be shy feel free to spawn in at any time oh wow you listen thanks you guys just need a little more room off the top that's fine I can give you a spacious and comfortable environment for your death you know what spacious environment whenever you're ready you should have plenty of room now all right I have six blaze powder and already have six ey ofenders so I should be good to get out of here there is a just one issue I have no idea where my Portal's at oh well I guess I'll just kill some Enderman on my way ooh another Pearl wait a second I remember an old myth that if you bust into the top of the nether somewhere up up here perfect yes there's a portal conveniently for your Escape home thank you Jos for telling me that rumor so long ago all right game where is the stronghold hey you have armor not anymore survey says this direction okay time to go I must say this does make it super easy for traversing very large terrain and it would appear that I've jumped to the edge of this little island survey says it's still this way oh no all right time to jump an ocean I guess I'm coming stronghold and am I about to land right in an ocean Monument oh no you know what actually let's do it are you the big Guardian I can't remember guys did I just accidentally kill your boss oh no this looks like a boss guy can I just do that oh one punch huh you didn't want to amount to anything more all right well this is for getting my hopes up you've only brought it on yourself stupid ocean Monument with a stupid Guardians I have a new plan I build up as high as I can and by as high I can I mean until I get bored which is right now which way are you this way oh no I'm not going to be able to get that no skin off my teeth here we go I've cleared an ocean please be F wait back this way yes wait a second I have an idea if I just you know do that I should be able to find it easily yeah just like this I just hope the portal wasn't in there excuse me zombie do you know the way to the portal no you're okay well you're useless then I finally invade the Monster Hideout and no one wants to be my guide hello portal where are you how many people do I have to kill before you just magically appear in front of me what is this random chest with nothing good actually give me the food I may be strong but I'm not impervious to hunger I think it's frankly getting a bit ridiculous that I have not found it yet okay well you know what always complain and there's three eyes game you're too kind I no I just accidentally threw it game I'm going to walk out of this room and come back and when I do this portal better be lit or you're getting a serious punch you know what the right thing to do is little bat what are you what are you doing what's going on here you're just flying oh yeah the portal whoops game are you getting punched that's what I thought I'm coming under dragon the only one who I'll probably have a chance to fight a somewhat decent battle with this is finally my chance it's been so long since I felt the thrill of an actual fight I just continuously kill everything in one punch but you'll be different right you're not going to let it end so fast No more healing crystals no more protection it's you and me come here Ender Dragon can I just jump up to hit you where you at oh no she hit me this is actually somewhat of a fight until now oh I missed that's fine just come down and get punched this is going to end like all the others what my weak punches don't actually work my normal series even the normal punches don't work am I broken do they work on you guys yes oh wow very well even the weeks this is it this is the battle I've always wanted my serious punch die Ender Dragon oh my gosh is that just a dark shadow all the way over there and then the portal appear did I just throw the ender dragon out of her own plane of existence am I really allowed to be this strong it's almost boring I have a new plan do you die in one shot Mr wither you're just running away serious series I don't have time for this well yet the health bar is consistently going down and it disappears okay now this is more of a challenge fight me you Dragon jerks only one of us is allowed to walk out of here alive and to save you time it's not going to be any of you going up and coming right back down maybe there is such a thing as too strong maybe there's stronger enemies on the moon I had so much fun evolving as a demon I figured I'd do it again what is behind me welcome to the Minecraft jju Kaizen mod this is made by the same man who did Demon Slayer so I expect great things however I also added a few mods that give me stuff like this I spawn with this jiujitsu book and when I click it I get a prompt cuz I want to evolve as eori oh a uniform did I just get stronger in general oh my gosh well I wouldn't truly be itadori if I didn't start out eating a cursed finger this should be fun itadori has a sub Divergent fist move which I can use to kill a bunch of stuff like this this cow oh I oh how neat is this it hits twice and then if I everything N I don't want to punch anything well I can shoot it bye guys thank you for your sacrifice what am I what I'm helping with something as you saw I can level up if I help exercise cursed Spirits which makes me a stronger Jutsu sorcerer stronger as a sorcerer stronger as a demon that's a creeper get away what just happened what is oh wait I think I actually need to kill this spider come here die die die die yes I'm very appreciative that he didn't fight me back oh dear God hey Gojo I'll hang out next to you buddy well second finger achieved the enemies with the black smoke are the ones I need to kill to get the fingers go Joe go go beat those guys up hell no I want to go in there but I don't want to die go ahead something tells there's another one already right here how much Nam did that just do like two hearts oh why are you so fast stop it no I can't baby zombies are already hard enough to hit it as it is let alone super duper cursed ones let me be die were you stop quit running like this oh I'm getting Zapped would you just go into the after life did I get him yes wow three fingers already is this just another randomly dropped finger too was oh oh god oh I just got jumped it was a trap it was all a [Music] trap what is this thing rainbow dragon are you are we friendly I can't oh we're not friendly in that case blow Crush punch punch punch punch more blow Crush punch punch blow Crush again you stupid overgrown Dragon don't really know what just happened right there oh but I got more physical ability more Fame and I became a Grade Three sorcerer I'm already insanely strong and it just keeps on going all right game bring on the cursed Spirits oh yes bring on one with a finger too thank you I just launched him oh my gosh finger six achieve oh this dude has 180 Health we think I can kill him Hi friend how are you doing today would you be interested in fighting would you be interested in Dying by chance yes stay like this oh what just happened oh I just went into sua on accident oh well I guess that means means I win all right and dead I black flashed and what did he drop me blood manipulation is this another curse technique it's a working progress is what it is gross he actually did a decent amount of damage to me that was a little scary oh hi curs Spirit 4 bye cursed what you survived oh well I got promoted so I can only go up from here hi juo do you want to battle too wow you guys just learn how to eat these Cleaves like crazy what are you what are you doing can I okay hey what are you doing it's me Mr President there is something want to test out though this domain expansion what do you think that oh it kills everything is the answer and looks really cool while doing it the quest continues and I'll kill everyone in my path even my good buddy nanami I'm sorry that I'm sukuna right now I didn't mean to be I didn't you're doing a ton of damage you're actually the hardest one I fought so far buddy but unfortunately it's time to die oh I can get his weapon cuz that huh well ain't that neat how good is this pretty solid centipede dipede perfect is that me it's like looking in a mirror oh this is Yo other itadori come help oh God I'm on fire wait I have a water bucket you idiot or don't don't come help that's fine I got him this is fine would you just give it up already just die oh I went back into suca all right well know your place oh I got his head and his curse technique God when will you guys learn that I'm literally just you stop it remember insects go oh I didn't know I didn't know was going to do that I can't fight me yet cut cut although now I'm kind of plagued with a question is there cursed spirits in the nether I'm hearing explosions I'm going to go with yes hi nether oh yeah they're everywhere like this random little guy oh oh there's lightning everywhere oh my gosh he just sent me flying sorry I wasn't wor we were actually dueling here oh my gosh this dude's dealing a ton of damage to me die go into the Afterlife I'm tired of you yes die I said Thank You 46 Fame and I'm a grade one sourc now he just dropped me a weapon oh no this is whatever he was using oh and I can use it is heavy thunder that ability that just does that yeah oh hi nether fortress thanks for being right here and dead and what how are you surviving this thank you one rod achieved you know sometimes you slip off the Netherrack wall and directly into some lava there's no shame in it oh wait Cur Spirit 5 you dropped me a finger don't you what a coincidence to just see you hanging out here little guy give me your finger stop it drop it thank you oh zombie pigman can spawn with the fingers don't mind if I do buddy what is this thing get this out of here oh it's evolved to a new level he's got way too much health you know what fine back to suca where's cleave stuff's blocking my way I need it to not it's put me down to like half Health this dude's actually extremely tough what the hell can you die thank you oh what does this do oh that's your little tsunami move and then death swarm is a bunch of sharks I think I'll just take this nether portal back because what oh this is a big one why does the nether just get full of these guys oh quit throwing up spikes oh this is this could be bad this this might end up being bad this might end up being not bad at all and we're back and I'm are you kidding me oh he came down here with me though too get over here I don't want your freaking finger to burn in the lava where's that gas at is that oh I just I don't mean expansion this is fine I think I just need to be right on top of him and I can probably pick the finger up no he keeps moving backwards no my finger uh well I just killed two people needed for all of these special grades making great progress on the whole kill everything front h i probably kill this guy right is that ow oh he's going everywhere I just heard my armor break oh what is this fire hello thank you please can you just can you die hello I just got a special grade curse sword which deals 22 attack damage and here's my other special great spirit I need to battle what am I I'm only dealing 19 to you what fine I'll go back to this mode so I can at least use some skills die ghetto die no one even cares about you yesh oh I deal 46 against the rainbow dragon quit sending me so far away all right I'm going home I'm tired of this place I'm sorry what are these can I just do I hit them yes I got human stock and then in this one I got oh another curse technique what does the human stock do what is this why did I get best friends forever for that too oh this is this is grotesque I'm sorry you don't even follow me and you look gresk I got to I got to do this that's just disturbing hi rainbow dragon I'm going to fight you again to test my skills hope you don't mind 24 damage to you 44 if I do my crush attack which is oh my gosh coming back here at night would probably be really good cuz the mob spawns are going to be insane which means I have an increased chance to what am I doing can I just oh I'm supposed to eat those beads that makes sense not at all but still whenever you're ready my lovely son moments later ah it's finally time to start kill heing I am my little cursed Spirit friend I'm not the same man I once was I'm much stronger now I probably don't even need to go into sakuna to beat you now that I'm looking at it though my health is suspiciously low oh gosh am I am I going to die no I refuse I refuse die yes oh I beat you with my skill and my skill alone this seems a little uh not right oh and this zombie had a finger wow he just died in one hit that's crazy didn't realize I was that strong oh I see another finger mob thank you no why do me and Heights never mix well finger 14 I'm so close I have like a hand left wait a second that's a curs spirit technique come here I can't remember if you dropped me a finger or not but I need you to so do it screw you and all the sharks that you represent die thank you get this out of here and I did get a finger perfect hang on I saw a guy over here where's he at curse Spirit eye this guy has to drop a finger right I never actually got to pay you back for throwing me off that Airship man you're going to make me come down there fine idiot oh yeah I don't know when but I became a special gr sorcerer man so all I really have to do is just kill some people huh what are these the Power Rangers over here what is this the dumbest looking group of cursed Spirits I've seen in a while I'm already tired of you a domain expansion should clear everything up I'm going to eat my bread while this happens having fun man yeah oh hey just what I wanted to see I was wondering if maybe I killed one of those whenever I did my domain expansion I was right that did clear a lot of stuff up you know I think this might actually be it because if I happen to kill this guy and get this finger I now have all 19 fingers I forgot one give me a finger do I really have to cross the ocean game gosh dang it all right I'm going to go destroy that pirate ship oh wait one of you smoking perfect that means if I do something you know along the lines of this I can pick up my 20th finger yeah this feels right all 20 fingers acquired I'm probably extremely strong and overpowered right now if I had to take a guess what happens if I try and eat another finger do I nothing I guess that makes sense one thing I've noticed is I am much much faster now I think I jump a little higher and I mean I can still kill almost everything man this whole Evolution through demon powers thing is awesome wait I haven't killed you yet you're one of the Blood Brothers aren't you would you die thank you he didn't even drop me anything special I'm coming stronghold what is Iron Maiden find a Foundry what what have I walked in on and then is this the stronghold right here right okay there's just there's so much oh my gosh there's a lot of stuff here so I'm just going to do the proper thing and uh level it all thanks am men strength I appreciate you I've just been running through with cleave and if I see one of the chest that like I kind of have to break obsidian to open I just cleave it and it'll pop right open for me all right the question is is there still like a portal here well I've found my way into the stronghold again but if the portal is oh there is one I really thought that got busted by whatever weird generation had happened but I have a ton of stuff so I'm going to upgrade myself real quick a few moments later after a little bit of smithing I have full netherite armor my netherite pickaxe a couple of failed netherite creations and still a ton of resources to go around all right let's go see the Ender Dragon Ender Dragon I actually don't care to fight you at all I'm here just cuz I kind of need a nice open space I believe this is the last one I needed Ender Dragon just come on down for me real quick I'm just going to go ahead and kill you just real quick all right that was one hit to your face would you quit running can I hit you with this technique yeah that kind of did some damage M to you're one of the last few Cur spirits that I need to beat up man thanks for being right here for me really just making my job easier where'd you go hey wait a second there you are why'd you just immediately leave me alone is it cuz you knew I would win cuz that makes sense there we go that just leaves one demon huh Dragon can you can you not see we're fighting here you're not even a part of this this isn't your story where are you at come here sukuna oh I guess I should go into mine huh oh use my own shrine yes the only way you can counter a domain is with another domain where did he go oh how are you are you flying how no one ever told me how to do that technique oh it's fire give it up go into the Afterlife you jerk this is fine this is fine I think he's so close to death he's so close to death and I I killed him yes oh I did it all of them are dead every Demon I've evolved past all knowledge power everything can I okay toi that's not you not not you anyone but you oh and there was just a second sakuna there huh that's going to be all for this video thank you so much for watching if you'd like to see me play as anybody else in this mod just let me know leave a comment WR down below cuz I read them all and I still have four guys I can easily do as well as a ton of weapons to use I've come to a very big realization it's much more fun to be a bad guy welcome to the Minecraft Demon Slayer mod rather than helping the good of humanity I'm here to cause them inevitable pain destruction death misery overall any word with a negative connotation die Afterlife with my fist oh that's right I forgot you can like eat these guys and then you know get health back oh yeah I'm not a demon quite yet huh I will be the moment I consume all this Blood oh God it's daytime it's daytime ouch ouch ouch ouch anyways back to what I was doing I forgot that the sun hurts to get to the god level demon it takes 50 blood bits I just consumed 10 off the start so I have some fun stats already I can get more blood bits whenever I kill some Demon Slayers demons get lucky and find them in chash but for now I wait till because let's face it this is a ton of damage that I'm not willing to take a few minutes later hello is it night time enough time to get to murdering things with my strength how much damage do I do enough oh this is a bad guy good guy I think since I'm a demon everything fights me it does not care so whenever guys have over 200 hp I just need to stand clear wake up this is a robbery I stole your life I think the best thing for me to do now would be yes to kill other demons how much demons do I do like about 12 13 per hit if I'm not mistaken I believe other demons have a small chance to actually drop more Moen blood which just means more upgrades for little old me when you guys going to learn you don't stand a chance I'm really hoping to find a swordsmith village or that one spider Forest what is this hello what what just happened what just what just happened did you do this get out of here you witch hello random Temple thing oh well I entered one of the mountains that's cool I'm a bit confused now game you can understand you just spawned a whole house on top of me I think this is another house with like nothing in it though what is all these I have no idea what block this is but I'll take it just for utilization purposes oh hey it's like the head Demon Slayer guy all right well I guess that video is over now oh God that was a joke but I don't want that guy to see me I'm not strong enough to actually fight a hasher yet I'm 1if of the man that I could be and for the Demon Slayer headquarters there is just no loot in anything all right thank you for wasting my time I will come back to kill everyone in in here eventually or I'll kill this guy right now actually wait how many hits does it take four yes what I need to do is not go to that guy and instead start climbing this mountain that I just discovered what am I looking at here wait a second I think the chest in there actually has demon blood all right Ryu did you leave a little yes oh please be enough to power me up at least some yes okay two demon levels higher I have what like three more hearts two more Hearts one more heart enough amount of Hearts can I just hm wait no what's my actual strength oh about 18 per hit how much health do you have 130 I think I can do this I think I can actually beat him up I don't have any blood demon art right now that's what I need to be doing give me your blood demon art drop it oh give me that ability I want it it's mine give me it drop it ah quit putting me into a corner you'll drop it oh I guess I could just use a sword too huh oh my gosh no wait I do about the same amount of damage anyways and I can attack faster with my fist I was a boxer all along stop jumping like that when I can't do it I have strength six resistance three and health boost four and now wait it's another one of these random mystery boxes again okay is this another oh hey you I beat the father a second ago you really shouldn't be that big of an issue wow I proved right all right now I just have to get up there I'm coming up and there better be blood in here yes there is man it's just five this time I still think yes okay so it takes three to level up so if I get one more I'll become an even stronger demon now I have strength seven and that's about the only difference I need to find a demon that knows a blood art so I can kill them and actually take it from them you don't know anything do you you just punch me yeah I don't mind killing demon Slayers in the meantime just for a good source of food oh I got a sword huh and I just I overcame sunlight finally I'm sorry what sword is this it looks like it has a ton of good attacks though so I'm here for it Dragon sun halo head dance is it okay okay that's all right solar heat Haze okay that was huh there's so many forms to this does fake rainbow teleport me what I've done a lot of grinding here on Mount nagumo but there's a different Mountain that I need to find cuz I'm fairly certain t is going to be on it wait a second the two mountains that I wanted just connect hi Cho oh God that's right him a demon he immediately attacks me where are you come here stop how much damage do I do wow like 5 HP per that can't be good die die die die die die die die die where you at where you at okay I'm I'm lost I think I killed him though did he drop the yes he did time for a quick power up right into my bones please thank you Tano now the next thing I need to do is be Ry r Ro that guy all right stupid Spider Boy come on out oh wait it's daytime so he's probably not going to spawn stupid demons and their inability to withstand the sun I guess not everyone can be as strong as I am huh I got sun and moon swords all right that one looks like it's the strongest I think I'll just try out the moon for a while I've been using the Sun and wait wait wait wait wait is it you oh yes just a man I wanted to see hey buddy we're friends right we're both demons did you know you're like uh next on my list it's fine you don't have to know any anyways that just did 50 that did 100 damage to him he's not even aware either let me slash you that way you at least understand what's happening okay ow ow what hell give me your demon art I want to do that loser guys wait up I have something new I want to test ow stop hitting me you have 21 health does this work on you all the way to your dead wow is all I have to do just catch them in it cuz that seems a little broken by a little broken I mean a lot of broken all right well after running around for long enough I've managed to find what I wanted to find it's the mugan train biome I think first things first we test out our abilities on the grandmother wow that was 49 damage how is she so fast do silk manipulation and then just come beat her face in there we go I'm curious on poison manipulation can I just like Let It Fly and it yeah you have 60 Health man use it on you oh you survived not anymore and I feel like for these like highle demons like this one I think it's best if I silk cocoon them silk cocoon thank you and then if I can switch to murderous eye basket and put it right below them that way it like strings along no wait how many demons am I fighting at once right now did you summon another one you call your big br oh that's a that's a hot stay wait what happened to your head you don't you don't have your head I feel like that means you should be dying wait a second didn't you summon another jerk somewhere where'd he go all right guys now everyone's making me mad I'm done with the demon art I'm moving you into the Moonlight sword oh and I want to kill you because you're going to drop me more blood I need everyone to go into the Afterlife she's like Immortal I just can't kill her I think I need to find like her brother that she summoned or something before I'm able to do it the only issue is he's nowhere to be seen right now where's silk manipulation come here stop moving okay I'm I'm suddenly I'm fighting three oh dear God I'm fighting way too many people at one given time hang on silk manipulation he still chasing me no I have breather no why is there so many Demon Slayer High Ops here I don't know when I picked this drum up but if I'm remembering from the first time I did this it is by far the most broken demon art so it is now mine yeah you're dead see you I thought we'd calm down for a second but no now there's three of you guys here huh wait a second feel like poison manipulation might be the best thing to use against multiple enemies like this oh that's actually doing barely any damage to you never mind I will now be calling uh an aable and running away stay away from me you poison me this is the ultimate uh get away from me move and I think I'm okay oh dear God fighting three harashima at once is not an optimal method oh how did you even get up here everything is a okay time to catch a breather and drink this m and blood that I've gotten from just running around killing highle demons and other Demon Slayer members I don't know am I about to be at max level I feel like I'm one blood off yes my power has reached its limit I can still however I keep increasing my Max Health if I get more demon blood so let's see I'm just full demon full night vision full strength resistance four Health boost 10 all right I'm max power now how much damage do I do about 18 to this guy I think this guy's a different Beast altogether though so maybe I shouldn't actually worry about stuff like that are you m at me Doma are we friends I don't want to be friends with you I kind of want your demon art you summon a bunch of like little tiny ice clones that looks cool wow you hit me super high into the air that's less cool silk manipulation go followed by poison manipulation immediately afterwards cuz he's not he's not breaking out of the Cocoon why isn't he there we go you figured it out the a shame it's not going to be enough probably I don't know how are you still in my face you have 54 HP this hello hello sorry man I wasn't aware we all had secret moves to just not show each other although I think can I just aim at the top of him and kill him yes I can oh and he Dro me some more moves in blood hey guys stay back stay back wait wintery icicles I have to do it on the target oh that makes sense oh and I got another sword it's the Miss sword don't need it Crystal divine child a hey buddy can I keep making this do you stick with me oh what I can have multiple if that's the case guys come over here beat this guy up yeah you did ow beat that guy up beat that one up let's get him go fight to your heart's content my little minions did we kill them it's hard to see these guys are just kind of doing stuff and I'm just here wow this is did pretty solid damage allog together they can just kind of kill everything in the area yeah and these guys kill everything in the area who is that all the way up there what is going on over here I feel like oh this is hello do I just walk on people with this hard to tell if I'm actually doing damage or not I'm assuming I am stomp stomp stomp stom stomp oh I think I do AOE damage cuz I'm seeing all the little blue indicators 50 if I see death start to happen I think that means I know I'm uh doing something right I don't know I see oh wait there's only one guy down there now I don't know who this guy is but he's got a lot of health and wow I want that lightning ability hang on no give me that die go lose your life did I I think I killed him no wait that's rotten flash he's right there which one of these summons my little minions go wintry icicles to death o nice oh wow your uniform is much better than my uniform and I got more blood how neat I think I'm now realizing that if I just continuously stand here and use my abilities well enough I can kill a ton of stuff and end up getting a ton more blood so let me run around killing things for a while getting blood oh wait I need to I haven't claimed your 10 blood yet come here I want it give me it give me it thund a CL and Flash who cares freeing clouds okay there's a ton of guys on me hi buddy you want to okay I think I'm killing my own children with my little divine child ability which is never good where did he go did he teleport away oh no I guess I killed him cuz I have more blood than I'm eating now I'm sorry this is just a gun how strong is it you're at 130 Health you're dead it's hard to tell where the bullets are going what is this dynamite I just oh hello hello let me do this oh I just summoned a bunch of wolves to jump him yeah go team let's go we're in this together what oh hello oh I've transformed now I'm The Wolf Man die I don't know if I have any other transformation I kind of want to get out of this one it's not as strong he's taking so many hits oh got him I don't know when I picked up the Sonic scam but it is very very good let's try out the spirit ATT what does that do that was like 20 wind just shoots a gust of wind Thunder is that lightning bolt this is more my speed wait there we go oh it's this guy's weapon this ability just works so fast and he's dead nice I picked up en's hand does this just put people to sleep and I can beat the crap out of him wow this is uh a little broken I'd say no no go to bed no I'll be right there sh sleep slumber yes no it's okay going to the afterlife thank you two swords oh and then this also has an ability where I summon three tentacles huh all right a lot of tentacles versus these demon Slayers who okay well I win that yeah let me just summon these constantly while I'm in the battlefield we can just have a Non-Stop wave cuz these things have 275 health and their cool down time is suspiciously low I can only assume stuff is dying in this massive pit of them I need to stop eat them are we killing things tentacle man wait kill this guy too I think they both need to die I've been poisoned which means something's hitting me stop let me I can't I'm trying to view oh yeah one of the Demons lost their head and the other one's at 100 Health I'd say that's a pretty good indicator that things working well hey Shh go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep that's just so crazy that I can actually just make them stop fighting me with that demon or yes I have 40 blood all right this will just take me one second a few moments later well I have a ton of health so I feel as if there's only one thing I should do now I think it's time for the final boss fight truly what better place than the end as well all right go into hypnosis and then can I just start whing on you without you oh no he hurts get away wait did I huh you know I guess that means I'm the number one demon now and then I tried to punch the Ender Dragon and my game crashed I guess the game never wanted me to be this strong after all today I cast tools aside I'm punching everything to death welcome to the Minecraft monk mod the only Minecraft mod that actually starts the same because it has to the way you level up your Monk Is by doing specific advancements such like breaking a piece of wood and then proceeding to break 10 wooden logs I'm sure this will go smoothly this will be the ninth and then this will be my 10 perfect wait I'm dumb I need 11 I forgot about the first one I got but there we go now my fists do twice as much damage and apparently my hands work like wooden tools that means I can break this Stone down here right no huh so this is what being lied to feels like whatever that's fine my next level I need to apparently watch the sunrise or set looks like I'm going to be staring at this for quite some time and 5 minutes later it's starting to set but I don't really know how I meditate wait do I just look at it maybe oh oh yeah and the bottom right is popping up okay so I just have to stare at a square block for a good like 20 seconds but I'm awaken too now my Hunger depletes 50% slower and I have that one little baby armor bar my next advancement seems pretty simple all I have to do is go drown basically as the same goes no pain no gain oh I got it oh I can just hang out under water if I want this is lame get me out of here now my next advancement I need to hurry up and find a cave cuz it is night time and I simply do not want to die oh hi cows wait I know exactly what I can do simply dig straight down all right I have to break five Stones so uh it's going to be a lot of this for a while come on punch with my little flesh fist we need this to become the strongest monk yes oh level four let me guess stone tools yeah let me guess that doesn't work yeah maybe if I reload again oh it does oh it works now yes give me the iron I guess since I'm not using my hands for anything I can at least use like armor do mon actually wear armor I'm new to this whole thing thing ah yes from chicken genocide to chicken petting hey little guy sorry about what I did to your cousins and stuff oh he gave me a heart so I think I just need that perfect now I'm level five what's my next thing oh I have to continuously Sprint 200 blocks well it should be easy enough if I complete this am I going to start going like extremely fast cuz I feel like a speed boost is exactly what I need and this exact second get away from me oh there it is wow very fast is right my go okay oh and I do 200% damage with my fist now die die die how many hits does it take six seven oh seven hits to kill a zombie oh and it looks like zombie killing is actually what I need to do next I don't know how many of you guys I need to kill but I know if I kill you it pops up in the bottom right that I'm doing good you're all next go join your brothers in the afterlife losers so in all that I do 400% damage now and it looks like I need to find a skeleton wait a second is that what I think think it is all right friend where did you go I was sprinting at him and he just ran away I guess sorry you guys have to die now instead I know it's a cruel world so since I have to wait for night anyways there is no exposed iron in this cave and now I have to fight my way out get out of here oh God so much damage thank you they're just putting enemies to flank me no matter where I go it's not nice it's rude and my feelings are a little hurt all right I have 39 iron can I get out of here please where's where's the exit again oh no I am I'm lost no wait don't tell me oh the Sun is setting that was perfect you think if I just dodge a bunch of skeleton arrows it's going to count as five hey guys look at me shoot me look at me okay well don't don't shoot me actually just miss keep missing keep missing keep missing keep missing yes it's almost full yeah that worked I'm an evil genius I'm The Mad Monk of masteries I swear are those still chasing me okay no stay over there you guys fighting so next I need to break four iron blocks I guess can I just do this and then have it count no nothing's popping up in the bottom right wait block of iron this is it going to give me the block back oh yeah hey can you guys not see that I'm in the middle of doing some important training all right can we like you know die thank you but I can just reuse this block right yeah okay well I guess you only needed nine iron to get through this advancement thanks game oh and now it's like I have iron tools all right so what's next oh mystical advancement guide take a boat to the ocean and contemplate the Midnight Moon so you're telling me I have to hunt down an ocean in this non ocean in view biome oh yeah that's fine I'll just keep running this Direction that's true at least I'm like super fast come on it's going to be day soon oh a village yes this isn't the ocean biome I need guys but I do want your food all right time to collect food and also cook the rest of my food whilst I'm here I appreciate the tasty treats friends okay well now that all my Meats finished smelting I might as well just continue my journey of hoping to find an ocean oh please let me find one before night any day wait hold on that looked like a lot of water I just saw please tell me this is it oh don't just be a weird River for me please yes ocean oh perfect this is exactly what I needed now I guess I'll just sit here and wait for the moon to come out what am I about to get from looking at the moon for like 20 seconds oh that's huh okay can I nope nope I'm okay yep who would have thought this did not work maybe after a relog it will yeah perfect oh I can go anywhere I want now can I sink if I wanted yeah can I jump back out and start running oh my that's so cool next advancement is peacefully coexist among Endermen we got any of those guys around here hello any three block tall demon types hang on I was looking to my advancements and apparently I just catch arrows now hey guys go ahead and shoot it me go ahead try it no caught it nope caught it skeletons are the most useless mob against me now can I oh hey here's one hi little guy I'm not going to hit you and you don't hit me we chill with that I need to stand by you for like another 38 seconds isn't it beautiful man it's everything we dreamed of together you and me the water the okay yeah I was done talking all right well that was easy enough what did that give me oh I see oh I take it I teleport there oh well now that's handy so my next advancement asks me to walk 10 blocks Through Fire um I really don't have a way to cause fire to happen unless I find one specific block here it is no give me the 10% chance you know what I want thank you I'll just make a flint and steel and then running tin blocks is super easy 1 2 3 4 5 7 this is probably 10 time to go oh I didn't get it water bucket myself please oh life hurts oh you know what I could do is just go to bed real quick that would take care of all these annoying pesky mobs in my way and now I can peacefully make my Fire trail so I just have to do this this right hey there we go yeah fire damage by 50% I can swim in lava and of course it is oh no well at least I know where some lava's at and hey wait to actually teleport up there I can just simply do this ah blink ability is kind of sick wait it said I could safely swim in lava for a few seconds so if I do this and then blink up does it work oh God hey that kind of worked I just got to hope I don't burn to death any any moment now this will go out any moment any any moment please please it hurts so bad finally all right now if I place lava here and then just do that I get obsidian and now the reason why I was dreading that so much is because I have to break it with my hand and so far it's only that tiny little amount despite my long monologue oh this is going to take 4 minutes wait I see it on the very edge of the block right there it's about to break my hand's starting to hurt I don't want to punch anymore please just break yes oh thank you you what did that give me diamond tools so apparently I Break Stuff as fast as Diamond now does that really well you know what this looks looks good to me yep and next I need to kiss a creeper huh and it's daytime well time to run in hopes that I find a lava pool or at least an open Cave System well it's been 2 days but I just ran across an entire ocean let me check up here for a lava pool and if I can't find one I'm jumping into the Ravine oh yes here's one right here Oh that's oh I went too far oh God all right bring me the obsidian now time to mine all this up with my fist here we go 14 the final amount got to kill some cows cook some food and wait till night time cuz I got to give a creeper a little smooch all right creepers whenever you're ready the sun's set the Moon is somewhere in the sky but I'm trying to say the mood's just right for you and me and somehow still no creeper maybe I need to get out of this biome oh no wait maybe there's one right here three of you ones hey there's plenty of me to go around have a kiss wait they just don't blow up if I do that I have the power to seduce creepers do you get mad if I punch you no kiss me once and then let me kill you I mean hey this works for me guys thanks no I appreciate it oh and now things are about to get fun that's fine that's why I got all these blocks a perfect nether portal leave me alone I'm trying to celebrate fine I'm gone you guys have fun hanging out here losers now I need to find a nether fortress and it looks like I am unlucky well time to run and hope I found one hi nether fortress do you just want to spawn a wither for me really appreciate it if you put a Wither somewhere in my face I know that doesn't sound like something someone would actually say but it is oh hi blazes hi hey wait I actually need you guys can I get your rods please yeah well there's one I got to be careful I'm going to fall off three down three more to go also why is there not a single wither skeleton in my view yet oh never mind hey buddy I guess I just have to look at you in your stupid ugly face I feel like this counts as me staring at him I have to be on the same level oh he hurt me okay um this could be bad so I think he has to be running at me and I have to be looking at him for it to actually count oh no can you climb up this using your AI pathing no right right through here get right right through here wait this works stay right there this is working I found it I cheesed it it yes just a little more and no why would you move why would you move just stay look into my eyes look deep there's no need to run or try and do anything different just yes oh my what is happening I'm sorry am I doing this are you suffocating hello are you just okay oh I just kill creatures that are Undead now time to get out of here the nether sucks and also there's nothing exciting for me here oh God okay Gass hello I think my portals just yep right through this door perfect now time to leave and never return so I looked into the eyes of the undead and then became the one who put some there and now it looks like I have to jump onto a baale of hay do I still have that wheat that I yeah perfect I'm glad I didn't make this into bread so I feel like if I place that there and then run up here to the top does this count as a very high fall no then I'll just go 20 blocks higher all right this uh should work this time and I hope I just don't die oh yeah reduced 80% fall damage I don't even need the hay bale to be there anymore and now am I crazy or is this telling me to go sleep on Bedrock all right down I go perfect Bedrock all right I made a nice little home here is that oh yeah that's night okay uh sleep well me this is that one's pretty easy what's my next one oh okay I guess I'll just jump my way back out of here and then punch some stupid skeletons or something in the face if I can see them I think I'm free yes oh wow I can see nothing hello literally and he's oh creeper hey man you're in love with me right you don't mind if I just beat you to death thanks why does sleeping on Bedrock even make me blind how is that a part of my training wait if I punch one of these does it get hostile game I just murdered dogs innocently oh wait lead me in the right direction yes here he is dead perfect okay there's three oh here's four come on one more please that's Enderman Enderman Enderman Enderman yes come here oh I need your Pearl anyway perfect oh my vision is back what does that give me 1600% more damage I'm a menace menace who loves kissing creepers m and so my next advancement wants me to just kill a Wither enemy so it looks like we're going back to the nether to kill one more Wither Skeleton I mean I run extremely fast I hit 1600% harder now which actually what does that end up looking like come here blazes does it take one hit now no two oh you can just twoot blazes which means any mob I think oh yeah and I forgot I have this withering stair ability poor guy you're already dead you just didn't know it yet oh hey there's a Wither I'm coming my wither friends don't mind if I do why did that not work when it says wither enemy it means the Wither all right I guess I have to kill a bunch of wither skeletons till I inevitably get their heads I guess it shouldn't take me too long probably it last oh wait a second a completely legitimate chest from Herobrine enough stuff to make a Wither something tells me it's not good to have him as a supporter all right if I'm going to kill the Wither I'm going to have to hope he stays somewhat close to me and I will be leaving this cave everything else you can die in there he not going to blow up oh there he goes oh he's kind of instantly out of it huh does my stair work on him sort of actually hang on wait if I can just look at his stupid ugly face I just got to run away and then turn back around the withering stair wait this is actually coming in so handy oh you fool you absolute dummy why' you have to be Undead that's I'm literally your natural enemy oh at least go into your sword mode already so I can start punching you and doing a little more damage at have health just give up come get some idiot oh yeah now I have fist I have a withering stare I have everything you don't but the most important thing is my life you stupid idiot oh give me it give me the nether star as my prize ah this is this is Victory oh so now I just can't get a negative effect ever and I have a full row of armor what is what is this what is this thing zombie riding a chicken that doesn't even make sense get off of him Reginald I will free you be free my feathery friend all right back to my mountain peak I guess I'll throw this one and see where it takes me oh diagonal angle right over here and it broke are you kidding me hey man sorry go ahead and drop a pearl for me real quick I need to throw it no okay tell you what I'll see you when I have like six pearls please I have five Eyes of Ender just give me the another Pearl for the six yes all right so which direction did it want me to go oh I'm just on it I guess all right digging straight down time the Pearl went into the ground but I'm oh well you know what all I had to do is complain hello stronghold good to see you now to just find the Portal room wherever you might be at oh right here I guess let me block this off real quick and how many four oh no all right I'm throwing these in and I'm getting those last two wherever these Endermen want to spawn oh okay oh this is awfully convenient oh stop die o nice can I get one more please oh I did did I kill something over here earlier or is this the same spot I was just at give me a pearl either way yes all right I got enough stuff um block off again and after I sleep make one more IE ofender I can complete the portal which works because my final advancement is to fall into the void I Ender Dragon I'll be right back presumably if I just don't lose my world from this and oh I'm alive oh I'm getting Dory text this is all very very deep oh is this the end is this the final little bit yes oh cool I'm level 20 now what did I get oh I can fly hey wait why didn't it spawn me back in the end oh no I remember the coordinates but I guess I got to fly all the way there now and after running all the way back or flying I can finally give you that fight you deserve Ender Dragon don't worry your crystals are going to be gone before you even know it the gift of flight really is something else entirely huh fly over no I don't like you getting Health from that actually blow it up now all right come get punched oh wow look at the look at the damage from just my fist oh this is amazing oh Ender Dragon that doesn't work on me I'll just fly right back give me your heart I'm punching right where it should be I hate you you're stupid and ugly you need to die I've already beat the Wither why can't you just follow suit I don't even have any armor you stupid dragon is this really the best that you can do what happens if you throw a snowball to an end does it just dodge it yeah oh God I was hey I was distracted die you jerk you're so loud and also just lame in general I think you need like two more you need one more punch no come here I'm coming after you I don't even care there is no running from me I am inevitable I am the void I was all that once was and everything that will be I am all things ah die you stupid Dragon this is what you get you loser well I've beat everything I need to do with simply my fists I Can Walk on Water I can fly I think it's time to complete the true life cycle and return to the void once more and then naturally I do it all again ladies and gentlemen I hate my dad but also welcome to the Minecraft my hero mod what an interesting way to do that intro today I'm evolving as none other than Mr daddy issues himself Sho Todoroki it pretty much just means I have fire and ice powers so for instance ice fist on and if I were to punch this lovable sheep well now it has that little Frost effect or I can go firefist on and now he's burning alive yeah it's going to be a good day my objectives for today are pretty simple I need to become a top hero reaching a th000 reputation go through rigorous training to max out all my stats and of course take down a giant no move should be easy enough I'm expecting and time to take advantage of this mod and make a katana hello this feels fitting I don't even use one of these but man does it look cool but as you can see my stat card looking pretty lame however once I reach level five I can use one of my new abilities and also power up some of these which just means I need to go on a little bit of a training spree every hero needs a sidekick and of course mine just ends up in the weirdest of places I Kevin what Quirk do you have friend okay yeah sure you can go with that all right who wants to do an active villainy in front of me so I can kill uh arrest you wait a second can I do ice Fist and fire fist oh how does this end up working just extremely well by chance yep all right and it looks like I get one XP per Pig killed hey guys sorry just need to murder you all for my level up progress you understand oh wait there's a criminal right here all right I'm a little curious how much does my just random fist do about like two three-ish damage per punch man I don't even really need the katana they just can't get close to me huh back back foul Beast I didn't see how much I got for that yet wait hey can you just die for me buddy real quick thank you a rep of 14 and 36 experience already man this whole leveling up thing might be a lot easier than I actually thought I here did the SWAT guy just shoot me why I didn't do anything let me help you jerk can you put the gun down please can you give me the gun please I think if I just kill a few two more of these little defenseless animals this should make I'm sorry I'm not leveled up yet fine one more there we go level one and now I can spend my skill point right into Health wow I got a whole extra heart off that that's handy excuse me everyone I need your experience creepers mobs spiders and villains alike now that I think about it you're all kind of the same to me truthfully ow quit shooting me officer help I'd like to report a crime I keep getting shot it's really annoying and you're you guys are doing nothing you're just standing there watching some cop up I go and loot I do thank you oh really thank you excuse me violent Vandal get double ice and fired ow I was getting shanked from behind can you not stupid jerk hey you stupid Marshall hair what is that I'm sorry did I just mug them why do I have money you know what I accept it with open arms thanks for the donation idiots who are we fighting oh that's a lot of bullets oh he's a lot of dead why is there just an amalgamation of villains around here huh oh nope nope don't want to fight you yet I'll see you cop get him Be My Sacrifice oh hey there's another one come here and die thank you wow I leveled up again off that maybe I should just keep going into Health some of these abilities hurt real real bad guys who's this guy musclean can I help out I don't know if I'm am I helping I feel like I helped I'm so weak right now all I can do is just run around and kill stuff that's already about to die this looks like a lot of small fry Hey Thug go into the Afterlife you and me also just fight all the normal weak all named villains stay away like whatever's doing that oh God I pretty much have to run away after every major villain fight but the good news is I'm level four which means I get another heart but I'm one level away from my new ability maybe I'll just kill some sheeps and stuff until I can get there hey man you really don't want to try that yeah guys listen there's one thing you don't know you stupid pillagers instead I hit Level 10 which means I can have five power but it also means I can use whatever this next ability is this is crazy do I just pretty much have have free movement now what is this try and hit me all the way up here idiots you can't wow now that's just effective can I use this to stop me from falling too yep oh and then it just breaks after a while well now isn't that convenient well nice that I have free movement now to pretty much go wherever I want I will say though I kind of have to be careful about using my Firepower cuz sometimes I'll accidentally do something and then the whole Forest will get set on fire and then that's just really my bad let's hurry up and put this out oh god oh you look like like a big guy let's start this off right get set on fire immediately let me just actually keep doing this cuz that is a decent amount of little fire damage to you and then freeze coming in next weren't you like the first villain to ever appear or something around there that's fine you can be the first villain to Disappear by my hand you're dead I'll see you and I got a ton of XP for that too wow maybe I should be killing that thing more often cuz these no names are getting a little too easy for me you also look like you're a special villain type are you why are you growing the grass stop that that's weird d literally you have no idea who I am I do fire what do you think fire does to Grass you stupid piranha plant knockoff go into the Afterlife jerk and I leveled up off him too oh it's official I need to start killing semi- named villains oh finally another one of you I've been looking for this thing for a while the last one was super hurt so I didn't really get to do much but wow this flamethrower ability is pretty crazy that poor guy didn't even really get to do anything and he's already lost a third of his health here have a freeze to go at it I don't know if he steps on the ice if it hurts him too but that looks like it's doing big damage this will be fine I think you're the last little thingy that I need and you need to die stupid sludge monster cuz that yes that was my 20th level now my power is 10 as well or 11 that's an option I've unlocked my fourth ability finally ice spikes SL firewall oh look test subjects all right what does ice spikes do for me okay that's pretty self-explanatory wow that extended a ways how much damage did that do you're at 63 now you're at 43 I feel like that's not that much but you know could be a nice little AOE attack how about the firewall what does this one do okay well maybe don't use firewall while you guys are in the river it's fine try it again about 13 Health sets you on fire and shoves you away wow my upgrades just keep getting better and better huh would you die I need 10 more levels to get my next upgrade man if only I knew of a really cool Power leveling spot where I could also probably get even better gear for myself oh wait I do hello you beautiful beautiful little XP farm and man I got to tell you this ice skate ability makes moving around so much easier hi husk oh I don't really deal that much damage to you do I this might proved to be an issue let's just break this for now another sludge monster guys we've been over this you should just die instead saves everyone the time and effort especially you I've already killed you enough to just go down oh you're okayu Time Out come beat this guy up oh god I've got a nice little system where I'll just run around and spawn in a bunch of mobs and then turn around and just start freeze blasting all of them and whenever they get close run away it also works when you use fire honestly probably a little bit more effective that way too 2 hours later after a long amount of time of killing everything and looting down below I'm much more protected also little bit of an important development with uh that guy dying I'm level 30 time to do a crazy stamina dump that I've been waiting for also ice and fire body unlocked I have no idea what these do but that's where the testing period comes in what is that let's fight it all right okay fire body what do you do do you just hurt him when I'm near oh it's like having a just crazy permanent Thorns huh oh and I get resistance two and fire resistance to well no that's just handy oh blue fire that can only mean one thing hello you reject and failure and I managed to actually kill you oh that'd be super handy to the hero Association and just really everyone involved actually yeah if you just keep staying right there yes kind of an ingenious idea to fight you in a giant pool of water huh yeah you're you're dead all right thank you where have I seen this before can I kill him and get credit for this too all right deu I'm going to do what I can do from over here uh I'm going to set him on fire that's about all I got buddy but together we did it wow maybe I should be teaming up this whole time and killing those two main ones leveled me up five don't mind if I do if I can go up that many levels just by sniping main villain kills I wonder what would happen if I fought one of those nomu in one that also makes me wonder how effective is my level 50 ability going to be all right come out come out wherever you are nomu I've got some testing to do moments later this is extremely cinematic you know that I also sprayed you about 2 hours but I can level up a lot of my stuff now much better all right my actually going to be able to fight this thing has 300 health and it's okay it's super regenerating I I don't think I'm doing any damage to this thing okay oh oh God that scream is horrifying too anyone any other any other helpers around no we're just going to make me fight this thing by myself oh yeah that's that's hyper Regeneration all right yep all right no one else is helping me and I'm on a heart and a half I'll see you guys later going to take a quick tactical Retreat how am I supposed to beat that thing oh I guess I was just a little bit shy on level 50 too huh well Target acquired hey sludge ball my favorite friend you mind being a little experience fod for me buddy just keep it going go ahead and die for me old sludge level 50 achieved which also means another little stat point so what are my abilities now frostfield and prominence burn what does frostfield do oh just absolute AOE death around me huh well this is just handy how long does this thing last forever hey man I'm S I don't mean to like kill you it's just kind of happening as the ability goes on you understand right thank you all right and prominence Burns by chance oh I I can do bolt at the same time I'm just an AOE massive destruction basically is what you're saying then game wow now this is just going to murder a lot of my friends on accident but also murder a lot of my enemies although if I had more stamina I could keep this up for a lot longer guys I please someone just run away from me why do you just stand here I get XP for killing my friends we're going to cross out killing and make it sparring hey guys who wants to spar with me I should have done this a long long time ago wait Dobby I can't really see you it's a mass of particles I think I'm hitting you here though come here you more daddy obsessed boy than me would you just stop you know if I keep this up I think I have a pretty good chance at beating that nomu God I'm just I'm mugging people now I mean sparring people wait have I been facing deu this entire time aren't you supposed to be Mr Hero man you know what you are deu is uh losing the bout almost said dead there that would have been bad I wasn't able to take you on last time buddy but I've been doing a lot have this and then another one of these little fire things I think I saw your life being at half are you grappling me right now where are you where'd he go oh how are you over there don't be over here you jerk why'd you just run from me and would you quit sending me in the air it really hurts die Muscle Boy you suck see I can say die because this isn't sparring it's actual just murder what's the best way to prevent a villain from doing any villainous acts well killing them of course just don't tell anyone that I said that but that's just two musculars down man I am strong sure I can go for another I was pretty much extremely weak until I got my prominent burn Frost spite ability the constant damage this thing's outputs is just so crazy and I don't even have to do much just stand here and they die although was that enough actually oh yes it was why do I have 17 skill points what is going on here whatever I believe the max I can do is sturdy and everything which means I'm at the strongest I could possibly be it's noru killing time hi you overgrown punching bag after a very very long powering up session I'm ready to kick your teeth in would you not yell so loud please it hurts my ears and is that bakugo right there I see you would would you come help me beat this thing up never mind it's already at half Health oh my gosh being Max rank really makes you this strong I mean he's almost taking a row of my hearts out but still I've got two more to go this is just insane what have I done I've become so strong and he's dead oh no oh my rep is over 1,000 to rep of a th000 Max Level nomu killed sounds like I've done all my OB objectives huh this is for not helping me you stupid jerk freaking trying to battle this nomu you know what screw you go die that'll be all for me from this one if you'd like me to play as another my hero character just leave me a comment down below letting me know which one you'd like to see until then me and Kevin will just cause some havoc on the tiny little low lives ladies and gentlemen it's time to be Mr samon Skin roll himself if I would please thank you welcome to the Minecraft jutu Kaizen mod and I already found a chest ooh iron and bread thank you I've got a few simple objectives today get 10 of cuna's fingers kill a couple special grades but most importantly become a top ranked Jutsu sorcerer should be easy enough when I can do stuff like this oh god oh I didn't mean to remove the Earth too oh no oh hey my first curse how much damage one damage all right Blast away I don't want to see you oh Blast Away indeed all right blast back over here I want to kill you though and explode what's that dude no giant explosion yeah that's fitting for the name do it again and I've already gotten Fame one man this ranking up stuff is going to be easy now the next thing I wait I'm sorry he's back hi Kevin good to see you again friend anyways hop in the bucket all right buddy let's go kill some curses shall we not you we're not ready for you yet any other curses some centipedes again cows also work what's my get crushed ability do hm how did that kill that one up there man get crushed indeed sorry buddy how much curse power does this take away 265 about 30 cursed energy to just do a really cool move I'll take it is it 30 for everything crumble away nope this this one was 50 okay oh and now I'm trapped in here Blast away don't move sounds self-explanatory and what do you know it's exactly what it does oh it doesn't last for long oh God guys wait I'm out of curse power maybe I should get myself a sword oh it's you huh all right come here you melting ice cream cone oh I only deal six damage crumble away well I just gave you a little oh coughin is what I was going to say that's fine I'm sure I can do this perfectly normal oh my gosh this is a long fall thank you Kevin give me two seconds I'll be right back up there let's hit you with a nice SLE don't move and start just beating you up Kevin let him have it this is the ultimate Jutsu cycle the old don't move Kevin killum tactic and I got a black flash Fame four and semi- grade 2 and I got one of the 10 fingers oh man talk about three birds one stone oh I kind of I kind of skipped a step huh that's fine I'm sure I'll go on to kill plenty of grade ones too I got to stop jumping off buildings that really hurts hi tiny centipedes get crushed oh my that just so much damage so much Fame too hi group of pigs you're dead why am I so overpowered I don't know I really like it though you're dead too I think there was a kid in there but I'm fine with that hello Mushroom House I don't really need any loot from you guys I kind of just visited a big old desert temple I will take any information on curses you have though oh hi Yuki can you give me yeah there's a simple domain nice now I won't get caught up in Gojo's stupid attacks anymore it also means I think I'm actually able to take on the big big curses now or a small adventuring part of sheep you're dead that was okay good to know if this curse Spirit thing doesn't work out I have a pretty good job as an excavator hi centipedes Blast away if you would you all just went flying I guess that's kind of in the name huh explode also in the name what's my range pretty far oh my gosh can I hit this one too yep all right time for me to go hunt down something other than small fry small fry small fry you're not though hey butterfly boy don't move thank you all right no no wait wait don't move oh what what are you going to do what are you going to do what are you don't move Blast Away what are you doing all the way over there buddy what happened to not moving oh I know I don't have to kill you again oh he just went flying oh and you got a little cursed finger on you cool explode don't move while I deal with him for a second get crushed both of you and die there's that Fame three grade two oh I got blasted away where's crumble away right here perfect fall and back in your hole how do you like it huh your own personal grave I just got to get more cursed power back and then I'll yep make it a little deeper for you here in 1 second can you stop doing that please fall thank you ah this whole using my voice to fight thing is neat huh how much does a Kevin headbutt do seven oh yeah I guess this thing's still kind of strong huh that's fine we'll kill them together friend melting ice screw you I hate you 22 Fame in my bank account and two out of 10 cursed fingers oh wait here's like an actual actual special curse over here crumble away yes I don't huh can I just do that again n me you got it I'm just I was here to help oh God now I'm down here in the fighting too I did not expect this guys can we not here I'll go deal with the curs spider real quick and then I'll come back and do a quick check in there's three cursed fingers how we doing ooh Some cursed fingers are down here hey give me these fingers yes I got four of them oh I only deal four damage to you I feel like you deal a little bit more to me all right canonically Blast away from me please keep stay over there hey Yugi you want to help out with this at all no you're just over there typical main character explode I no I'm Falling Again wait don't move did that not just work against him oh I think it just works for Less cuz he's like a super duper Mega special you know that kind of makes sense but I think I able to just keep beating him cuz he's attacking very infrequently this is your grave prepared especially for you get crushed and you know what get crushed again yes special grade Spirit exercise Spirit grade semi- grade one sorcerer achieved 25 Fame man I am strong nothing come over here Kevin pretty soon we're going to be able to get that boat we talked about buddy I'm having a moment all right come on Kevin more to kill hi president do you want some wheat maybe a spider eye I got those just for you all right live a long life buddy I'll be over here oh it's a tiny little curse guy and he's not doing anything to me oh man I'm pretty confident I could kill about anyone right now with just a okay sh maybe not you yet oh God what perfect timing Gojo tag out he's right there go get him buddy I'll be running this direction oh man no don't hit him at me oh oh this is the domain yep it's all right it's fine all right cut cut hey you I killed you once I can do it again especially if I just punch punch get crushed what a combo this is oh man hi me isn't it fun to use our voices you kind of look like my big brother why am I so much smaller than you oh well I'm going to go kill this vanilla cone how many times do I have to teach you this lesson old man can I just take him all the way to bedrock by chance how far does this Reach This is just oh man that was effective why didn't I get anything out of that well I got a finger at least well did not think about how I'm going to get out of here all right well time to mine I guess hang on I think I just saw my ticket to startom hello traiter don't move this is this is a Cho just oh he shot centipedes at me yeah I guess that is your dick huh that's a rainbow dragon get crushed wait if I just get crushed I can kill like all of his spirits ow stop summoning that one I have traumatic stuff from that one please it's like he can hear me he just keeps summoning it a war is fought physically mentally but most of all emotionally and he is winning right now can you go away stop crumble go to your grave Blast Away now I'm tired of you oh I'm out of curse power okay made me Blast away that's fine hang on I'll be right there stop sending me further and further away come here rainbow dragon get out of my way or get back in my way that's cool you can do that too Blast Away screw you I'm tired of this Blast away again Kevin get in there box me ghetto get out of here stop quit summoning your little minions that's my stick just go into the Afterlife old man yes 37 Fame achieved was he still not enough to rank me up what curse Spirit counts as a grade one and where can I find it is it the weird Blue Dolphin guy you look kind of mean and large H I guess it wasn't that guy wait grade one sorcerer I was just running around doing get crushed on random stuff at what point did I you know what I don't care I'm not questioning it thank you oh Smokey zombie too come here yes wow you guys die real easily now that I got my rank up one sakuna finger away and what I think is one promotion away am I murdering people oh well fine with it I guess looks like if I want my sweet sweet vocal cords to shine though I need to go somewhere else cuz there is just nothing here oh wait what how long have you been there stop oh God wait actually no I need a special grade come here sorry complete Attitude Change crumble away okay don't be near me and crumble yeah you're stupid for that go down to the abyss just keep it going yep all right all the way down you think if I just wait long enough I can send him through the Bedrock cuz that feels oh he's he's in lava all right poor stupid little cursed man crumble away yep we're going you're all the way to the depths quit disturbing the wildlife oh yes I'm all the way at Bedrock are you trying to climb that oh god oh no he got help from the local Wildlife stop crumble away oh I can't break bedrock with it okay well oh you're being oh no Kevin let's just watch the show as he does this it's all right man just get out of the lava pit yo did you break the lava source what Cur spirit is that smart look you're going to die and you're going to be stupid for it yeah you're dumb 31 Fame achieved and mahito has now been exercised exercised exorcism I what's the right one I don't know look at how pretty this place is but that still didn't make me a special grade sorcerer what do I got to do beat up the rest of these guys easy enough wow it actually is he's right there wait what did he just disappear in front of my eyes huh coward what is this how do I do I hit oh I'm sorry I just got a spear out of it how strong is this thing what did I just get how fun is this thing oh it's that guy oh my gosh in that form it killed him in four hits how much damage does it du to the big fish asides from sending him three trillion oh shark oh God can I just do this does this hurt you a lot my chance I think the cool down rate for this is how fast I can click and the answer is uh I can click extremely fast did you just he keeps blasting me away come here I know canonically I don't think I ever use whatever is in my hands right now but I don't care this is fun that's all I need all right I've only done 100 damage you know what explode I'm tired of this we'll settle this like men I get crushed you a bunch along with a crumble away twice three times eight times I don't know how many times I just use it right there Blast Away get your sharks out of here they're stupid and I hate them Kevin prove you're the bigger fish but of course do it with like a cool little 360 maneuver I guess yes oh stupid octopus is dead 25 Fame achieved and I'm still not ranked up and I'm still missing a finger oh man this day couldn't get any worse oh man it's taking me there's lightning strikes whatever screw it Jugo I think you're the last guy I need I've spent the last 28 minutes looking for you I'm not letting this chance flip me up just try and kill me and see what happens oh Kevin put the fire out thanks buddy get crushed you're stupid you're ugly I hate you you're a bad fighter you're weak can you oh really really we're going to do this I don't care I'm going to kill you before it happens Iron Maiden what advancement am I making right now what is going on and why do I feel like maybe I should have Kevin out here this is fine where'd you go don't move ow I just can't go and attack him cuz he blast me away before I get in yes I'm in Kevin let him have it no kill him kill kill him before this thing happens die you just overgrown Rock yes guide he's out of here special great sorcerer achieved all my dreams coming true what is that I've done all my spirits I've ranked up to be a top ranked sorcerer now oh wait I only have nine fingers let's do this again ice cream cone for the fourth and final time 10 suuna fingers achieved yeah I'd say this was an overall success all right back to my new way of fighting now God I love this thing is is that a pink sheep gross ladies and gentlemen it's murder time welcome to the my hero Minecraft mod today we're playing as everyone's favorite manipulated villain the mister killed his own parents himself and luckily I've spawned right next to everything I need it looks like all right wait a second doesn't that mean there he is the True Villain himself you want to go kill some civilians I knew you would thank you my goal is to complete villain and takeover are pretty simple I need to amass fear into the hearts of men unlock my most powerful abilities and of course kill a ton of top heroes should be easy enough what's my Decay touch actually do test it out on this horse with 9 HP one punch oh it's just like constant damage yeah that's oh that that is nice all right as you can see by my stat card I suck as a villain but enough XP I can upgrade my quirks power and get the rest of these scary sounding things and you get XP from killing so of course it only makes sense I'm at 3 XP if I fight one SWAT officer with 25 HP and watch as he decays begging for my help hey Decay I said jerk now I'm at 14 oh but my rep is minus 5 so I'm a thug so now all of these guys just immediately attack me that's fine the Decay kind of takes care of most of them and as long as I don't get shot by their bullets I can win please die thank you it's going to be pretty bad if any of the uh you know AI controlled Heroes with a ton of Health health and armor AG girl on to me so I need to make sure I pick and choose my battles wisely it's the first thing you do in villain School killed enough stuff got to level two got two skill points both going into power now I'm curious how much does my Decay do is it he's immune if he's sleeping there we go oh it's still one does it last a little longer though it looks like huh he was at 10 HP and now he's at four all right no this works just means I need to kill more students for more sweet precious experience die would you Decay away thank you that was kind of a fun rhyme the do Seuss of villainy right now it was actually a little bit of a villain himself I don't think I need to take that title from him Google it is that okay see what I meant about established Heroes getting mad at me this is fine just dive into the water ha idiot it's you no-name dummy students that I want to kill and why is this spider here what you're doing this to yourself man not my fault UA should have kept a tighter leash on all of you idiots you're a villain going to kill you anyways you're all just experience points to me so what's the real difference oh hey and I reached level five so let me get my fist power and now I believe I have a new ability what is grasp can I hello grasp him do I need to have my hand out for this I'm not I'm missing what's happening do I just put Decay on him what what does this do how is this any different from just punching something and then backing away it doesn't prevent them from doing anything it just hurts what is going on over there does it work on you Mr Thug I'd argue this does less damage since I'm not touching you he's actually he's not getting mad at me wait come here SWAT officer I need to see how this works on a human enemy can you hit me yes you just you still punch and shoot and everything I don't know how it works but hey I'll still use it after numerous testing I think I figured out if I just grasp someone I can then beat them up pretty easily and efficiently I think the grasp also kind of like makes them slow to attack me so you know what it works out can I kill the Hero kid actually this would be a good little deciding factor deny just go away and die yeah you've been decayed idiot oh what you want to just avenge your buddy screw you go join him jerk is that enough yes I hit Level 10 time for my five skill point dump new ability of dust Dash I think that was my nickname in high school all right what does it do I'm just continuously swinging a sword is that oh that who's chasing me okay no wait yeah dust Dash away go go go I think it also just harms anyone that's in the path yeah kind of leaves like a permanent dust trail too oh no I sure hope a bunch of police officers don't try and catch me right now I sure hope no one groups up in my dust Dash oh idiots then makes me wonder what Earth shatter is about to be well I'll be finding out soon enough at least what is this a different villain's headquarters or something it's like a perfect opportunity for me to break in and get a bunch of free loot and I all right well this defense system's pretty good listen you jerk leave me alone when people are trying to rob from you all right it's rude and indecent kind of like public nudity in that regard excuse me any of your wares better up here there's a lot of you up here dust Das dust Das in a fun little circle go this is yeah it's all working out it's all coming together looks like like a little iron and armor which I'll gladly take all right big boss up here no just some two little cronies that's fine you guys are getting dust dashed is that dust dashed dust dashed one of them got to be right whoa hello shortness three gim me I'm sorry what is this looks like there's an even more secret headquarters somewhere else and I for one welcome a challenge also I can just kill anyone I see along the way why is it that whenever I work my way up here this thing is already halfway on fire is there another villain around oh yeah yeah there is oh God good news is I'm one level away from being 20 bad news is it takes a lot of these guys for me to get there now however I've upgraded my quirks power a ton so ideally it's coming along now sorry random students you guys all die too easily for me even you swat man serve his experience for me and then go into the Afterlife you're not needed oh everyone looks so happy up here dust Dash your Happy Days Are Over Your monaster is on fire you and your can are about to die all of your friends it doesn't get better it just sucks until eventually it's over man being a villain is grim but I like it there's not even anything good in here oh wait a second I see this was merely a Midway point to my true destination and good that it's burning down then yeah this would be pretty hard to miss huh also I've made it to level 27 got some nice little stats and Earth shatter well let me just show you hi SWAT member get Earth shattered please yeah I know it sucks if you didn't catch it I just uh sling Decay at people oh and man is it good is my Quirk the best maybe is it the best when I'm using it of course here eat this bakugo what did that hit get decayed why oh man oh wait there's one in here I can just yep no Earth shattering works this is uh-huh you got it buddy just keep hanging on for dear life what are you at in there 22 out of 70 have another one why not I can probably just sword smack you now come here real quick thanks man oh and that's juicy experience more Health hello anyone home just free stuff sure need to break these I guess is there even any okay it shouldn't have mentioned it shouldn't have mentioned it just a Wither how hard does he hit I can't tell all my hearts are just dark and hard to see anything good in here no not that one either okay and yeah oh they're flying they've got bows there's spiders everywhere man they were not kidding when they called this place an infested Monastery I tell you what can you guys quit fine get dust dashed stupid jerks eventually you'll die and I can break this eventually you'll die and I can break break this quit spawning what do you have 70 HP wait a second these spiders are Juiced there was nothing even back here that was worth it oo I found the stairwell all right is this everything blocked off screw it's just faster to do this I don't have an axe anything good here either no I'm starting to get the feeling there's nothing good on these middle floors so it's time for a Sprint to the top and it sounds like I'm making a ton of enemies along the way oh dear God it's fine just dust Dash they'll all die eventually provided I keep doing it and they keep walking into it like a bunch of idiots o a ladder next oh there's a hero here what are you doing here little guy it's past your bedtime for good cuz you're dead wait a second why am I playing by the confound rules of the building and I'm just much smarter than that oh no however will I get up there's so many enemies blocking my way they don't just make anyone the villain leader and I like to think I'm proven why this looks like it's the final bit oh there's an arena oh Pro Hero I can do this probably have an earth shatter yes wait is he too stupid to even realize where he's being attacked from just keep getting hit buddy you got this no no you put those spikes away you jerk and keep getting Earth shattered it kind of makes sense since you know you're like made of Earth don't you find the world is full of little ironies like that oh you're free that's fine if you're free I can just hit you with my sword what did you do to me how did you do that here dust stash go careful not to stand in it you stupid idiot oh it's so easy heroes are nothing to me now oh after looting all of those chests I'm fully kitted and I have my new ability oh Decay glitch go ahead and hit them what was that do I just throw Decay oh it's like a little explosion of Decay right in front of my face perfect for the old punch and Decay and punch and Decay my hero killing just got a lot more efficient now that I think about it hey man I know I bullet you a lot uh I just want you to know the reason behind it is cuz you suck so maybe drop out of the HERO program and focus on something else stupid rechargeable battery wait a second at my current rank with Decay and this gear am I good enough to face off against Mr fire just punch my kid in his face man himself oh Endeavor oh you're so you know what you should do is you should Endeavor to find better strength and not be such a loser oh my gosh Decay is busted and I'm not even at max power yet let's go see who else I can kill students pretty much dead the moment I run into him yeah excuse me guys pardon me coming through might be time for me to get my stamina up actually cuz this does not regen quick enough and dust Das is still the king for crowds like that oh my gosh oh is that an overrated just crybaby over there sure it would be a shame if you got Decay glitched Tom buddy where'd you go right there now you're behind me now you're in front of me he's actually using a combo against me looks like you're not as stupid as you look Mr explosion man and you're dead though not as stupid as he looks but still an absolute oh I'm not ready for you quite yet but I soon will be since I almost have my ultimate ability that is just need to do this a few more times you know I think I need like one more kill and Endeavor feels like he's a good bet where did everyone just come from how many people are right here trying to beat me up fine get dust dashed jerks what is this oh you're at half Health cool idiot I'm not dust dashed decade switch it to the glitch do more damage against you you're stupid this doesn't work just go away number two was that enough oh yeah it was I'll put two in the power and now what do you think mass destruction entails oh it's just a giant Decay field wow no yeah this is mass destruction indeed this oh it makes killing teachers so much easier byebye cement toes you just failure of an instructor so let's see Decay glitch does 15 damage off the start and then the Decay aspect hits for 10 now how about mass destruction what does this do for me how is he not affected by this what okay just Earth shattering them that did nine I think yeah this is oh that is my Decay abilities have reached the point where I'm pretty confident I can take most people but you know what would be even more fun if I maxed everything out can I get a fancy transition please you want to see something fun oh beautiful stat card and oh beautiful maxed out stats if you're curious Earth shatter just well yeah my Decay glitch also extremely good that was 16 directly to that weird little creature but you know who I need to test it out on an over ambitious Punk come here Mr Hero have a mass destruction please no just hang out here it'll be fine yeah yeah no everything is fine buddy don't you worry have it a k glitch too you stupid jerk I may not have your fist but man do I have damage over time and whoa you just went flying what was that about are you going to come back up here where'd he go did he just start he's killing other villains I'm not associated with them they life doesn't get easier whenever you kill them still got to kill me big guy and man I'm really starting to think the Earth shatter might be the best thing for 1 V ons where's your health at you're at freaking 27 out of 95 why do you have so much health who are you invisible wall get out of here you're not helping me like a weird Hunter Hunter lizard go Earth shatter on this kid again what are all these villains trying to help me out for aren't you aware there's one true king the answer is me dust Das and yeah that's that is efficient all right well I've killed the poster child plenty of SWAT officers and I'm essentially Untouchable fear into the hearts of civilians check killing top heroes check whatever my second objective was cuz I've been doing this for a long time and I've forgotten but it's still probably completed because I'm really good at what I do check now there's really only one thing left to do I think Mass Destruction for everyone you're all going to die
Channel: ImCade
Views: 613,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay
Id: 6Pu6aowRhPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 3sec (5343 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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