I Fought the Demon King by saying Yes or No

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not the first time I've been naked talking to someone on a giant chicken probably not going to be the last but all I can really do is say yes or no but I want to help fight evil oh and this person needs help saving a beautiful and busty Elven woman this has nothing to do with my decision give me money that was 40 bucks yes oh but I lost Fame whatever I still got 40 bucks all right you rats get ready you got wait you guys have a higher number this feels like it'd be bad for me wait I just rolled an 11 you fools get absolutely eviscerated and I got that Fame back seems monsters are being controlled by someone with a lot of magic power don't worry I'll find them if it's the last thing I do is it this person they have a staff leaving on a journey now do you want to wish me good luck yeah sure buddy good luck out there oh cool day one's done I've gained three followers three Fame and 210 gold that's a pretty strong day if I say so myself oh look at the kitty on the roof this game rocks 10 Stars can I get like some clothes blacksmith do you not know how to make clothes I you know what welcome to my group please make me pants need to practice knife throwing maybe you want to help me for some gold coins yes did they ah just lost three health because of that I'm kind of Rich right now though so I mean that works whoa big fish are you here to die what he didn't even let me answer why we're just fighting screw you rat I roll a six we're tied equally Ty goes to the me though right yes it does feels good to be the best Adventurer around oh it's a mimic when I'm sleeping someone comes and shoves a key inside me what do they think I am some kind of treasure hey buddy you ever looked in a mirror no probably not I'm just going to say I don't think so to get on his good side I think he joined me as a follower and I whoa can I get this guy as a follower no we're fighting all right roll something good oh my gosh yeah you just got absolutely eviscerated Mushroom Man sorry about it but you suck oh hey it's the novice could you give me some coins to buy a new sword sure little buddy how did the guard let you walk into the city like that oh they just gave me look at me I look so bad oh I really need new clothes day six done all net positives what's my end goal here do I have to kill the demon king I used to be an adventurer like you but now I just want to open my own bar and get drunk every day that's a man with passion here you go buddy take 100 gold it's important to follow your dreams oh rat Warrior you must not know that I'm blessed by the gods die that's another Fame up oh my gosh this is the cutest assassin I've ever seen do you know why we assassins decided to follow this path money exactly yesterday I just bought three balls of wool I love that guy I want him in my team what is this guy his name is Godwin and he's a classmaster are you going to teach me something oh he taught me how to be a swordsman I got a new outfit and a better attack damage someone's going to spend the night here but they left loot it obviously it's this one oh no oh man I just lost 150 coins and some Fame cuz of that woah he's going to forge me a long sword yes blacksmith please I had to give him 100 gold for it but at least I can stop using a big old stick I think he's hungry all right here you go buddy I have some food well what is this now you know how to tame animals you should try to domesticate a baby dragon and this says maybe I can ride a dragon what's going to happen I'm along for the ride though headless rat oh that's it we're just walking past okay and oh blacksmith yes I just got A plus two to my damage now and I look so cool I look like official two-headed ogre no it isn't you demand a sacrifice no I'm going to do something really really bad oh what are you going to do buddy how about you put your heads together and think of something oh hey Royal Knight you want me to go beat up some more ghouls don't worry I'll put this new sword to test oh it's a group of warrior rats get them my new sword Why Try Again my new sword here we go now the math checks out see maybe I just needed my confidence back now that I've killed one I can kill even more would you like a beer it's cheaper for you hey you said it was on the house I do though the beer gods are in our favor uh okay Yep this is my screen's all wobbly now how am I supposed to fight someone in this condition whoa wait the princess is course that's a unicorn don't worry princess I'm coming oh God kobolds quick roll High that's a seven woah I did it princess hello let me give you a little kiss sure that's five Fame wow that was a great idea whoa baby orc are you my daddy yeah follow me man let's go I got my first kiss and my first kid in a span of 5 Seconds look at that Fame people are starting to follow me sweet hey Royal Knight I found the princess oh you're not even going to mention that you just want me to go kill more monsters all right kind of hurts my feelings but whatever whoa it's treants don't worry I roll a seven here to beat them guaranteed or a six that that also is a number I can roll now I roll a seven or an eight that's even better be gone trees now we can go make like a house or something or a campfire maybe they'll be bet you know what nah I win it this time clearly the right card is this no dang it please just one more level I get my next like little upgrade everything's going to be fine with the Kingdom right I don't know yeah sure keep these gold coins wow dude being hopeful Works wouldn't it be nice if a knight like you could use Fire magic too yeah it'd be cool I think so too too bad that's not possible okay all right all right let's make frog leg soup nah I get it this time the correct answer is obviously right here yes and I hit Level 20 hello it's time for me to become a knight when you reach level 40 I'll talk to you again try not to die okay thanks oh I look so official I'm invisible no one should be able to see me hey buddy it's your backpack what oh he just gave me an inventory what am I going to put in that would you like a beer no he gave me a potion though sweet woah it's the king do you agree to marry my beautiful daughter yeah sweet thanks for the followers in Gold time for me to run away woah I want to organize clandestine fights but for that I need resources I think he's just saying come fight in the arena and I get stuff so yes but don't tell anyone what we're doing here is illegal okay well thanks to your Fame the number of people who frequent the bars increased oh sweet more money here buddy have some of this money I just got I keep getting followers and I can only assume that's good do my followers like when I kill people let's kill this guy for them what do you think about that followers buy everything buy all the items oh here's a shop I'll at least buy this strength potion oh teleport magic can I have some money again he what he took my coins oh and then I got donated some all right in the end it all works out may I have some coins buddy I've only got 15 left woah and he just took 50 of them I'm out of money now what is it ch-chicken what are you doing that is not your egg chicken I'm very stuffed I think I'm going to be sick oh here what thank you mimic 200 gold for nothing you already broke let me help you you just teleport some gold coins into my pocket I went from being -40 coins to having almost 400 life is good life is no longer good it hurts and I Hate Everything do you really think you're a warrior yes who said that your mother to me you're a loser what did I do to you and this guy needs a lot more money to continue his research okay well there you go 500 I went from having money to being broke again oh hey he's giving me money though thank you mimic will the Mage be here to give me money too yes I love it when this happens wise man said Size Doesn't Matter you're right dwarf it's the warrior Heart That Matters what else could he have been talking about uh this Merchant just fed me a blue mushroom and now my screen's shaking again I saw the skeleton playing cards with the dark Mage what try to look for the skeleton should have more info thank you baby Stone I also realize now I'm at level 33 maybe level 34 after I kill this guy I'm going to be able to upgrade to like the next form of the night soon hey skeleton yeah I am looking for the dark Mage we're childhood friends just walk in a straight line you'll find him oh thanks buddy man talk about convenient dude when do these mushrooms wear off finally it was 2 days woah it's snowing oh he's the dark Mage why do you think it's my fault whenever something bad happens yeah you know what that is kind of on us all right well as long as you're not buying the attacks I'll see you later buddy hey it's you no I don't have any diamonds and she just took 70 gold as the dark Mage was not responsible for the attacks can you tell me to choose someone to blame and execute The Bard hello my friend become the highest class of night I'm becoming a Lord oh I look intense Grim Reaper you know how many years I've been working with this uh the really large one actually it's only been 3 days why does he just got poop I I I don't need any poop man thank you though is this the infinite money glitch they just gave me 1,000 gold yes I'm rich and followers gave me more money the rich get richer this works what's a human doing down here should I call the guards no so you must be here for the right magic totem okay I see you were expecting me and oh vegan sharktopus after years of meditation I was able to control my anxiety oh wow good for you buddy yeah come on up King of the seas are you here to help me destroy the totem that I am sir why are you standing still cuz you locked me in with a dialogue box you jerk king frog with wings he's so chill all right to the totem destroy it choose a card obviously it's this dude I'm the luckiest guy in the world with a single strike totem destroyed all right one totems down two more Royal Knight o 200 gold for my troubles thank you do you like boys or girls I'm an adventurer what uh girls I knew it thanks uh giant foot give me all your money and you will not be crushed fight me just keep walking and don't look up okay appreciate you giant this guy needs more followers I mean yeah I'll resurrect a demon king because it's fun thanks to you I've achieved my perfect form yo you're looking good buddy I need to die once to get into the demon Clan that's fine join me dude I got 100 followers some more damage I lost 1,000 HP okay now you're a demon too see you around awesome are you looking for the second totem yeah training in a cave to the east ended up finding it watch out a Dragon lives there please I know how to tame that thing hello totem are you ready to be destroyed yes what is my luck in that thank you my demon powers oh hello Dragon I want to ride the dragon with this card huge success use your riding skill and finally can ride a dragon you fly over the kingdom and wave to the people they love me I just gained 100 followers and 100 Fame and a dragon scale dude I'm amazing take me to my last totem oh wow I'm level 60 if you don't destroy all the totems I don't think you can defeat the Soul Leader maybe if you had new armor and a sword you'd have a chance talk to the blacksmith and see what we can do thank you classmaster I would love New Gear again International Stone day yeah here you go baby Stone have 50 gold coins now that you're also a demon would you like to see the underworld yeah one day I'll take you there but now I'm too busy okay is it just me or a giant stole all your gold if you can get me some Souls I can increase my power and kill it oh yeah do that he just ate 100 followers I've got negative followers huh how does that happen like just mathematically Mr Godwin asked me to make this new set for you this time I won't charge anything since the Soul Eater is going to kill us all all right yeah this works and I got a love letter sweet well oh I'm evolved I've got 19 base damage now and my armor is all shiny and gold I still remember the days when I was Flesh and Blood same later we're going to have a party drink goat blood and torture Some Humans yeah I'll take a ticket hey I'm level 70 now dude and I totally forgot about this guy yeah I'm ready for my first fight I'm the demon I don't want to fight the king of the Seas we're supposed to be friends we fought together on the front lines body bag no one's ever beaten him before you must have cheated oh well here's your payment for the victory sweet what else did I get I'm a hero five Fame per day wow woah the Broken Egg what what broke it did it no baby dragon don't do it baby dragon oh hey cool I tamed it did I kill that chicken it doesn't matter I'm a Demon Lord Knight swordsman with a baby dragon I have a new fight for you but the opponent is formidable this time I mean I'll take it on what are we thinking woah Sushi man let's use my poop it lets me roll an extra dice go what did I roll this time is that only a seven that poop was not worth it can I fight again no let me get one more chance I'll talk to you again when you recover thanks oh hey the the totem's over here wow I really did just stumble across that huh all right well let's destroy it and get out of here huge failure it's been a while since I've lost the Portal's finally open oh well you know what are you to do about that Kingdom's under attack there are pools of blood and people screaming everywhere all right yeah I mean let's just go beat him up I was ready for that it's not my fault I picked the wrong card wow Kingdom's not looking good huh I resign my position as knight Kingdom's in your hands I'll do my best woah but now none of that matters anymore my revenge is almost complete that's fine just start activating all my boosts that might even be a little Overkill but you know 42 damage to your face I think that works oh and it looks like I just did it all right go me you finished act one now I'm going to enter act two that's going to be it for me though as always thanks for watching I'll see you
Channel: ImCade
Views: 142,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay, who needs a hero, imcade who needs a hero
Id: RU_5GFrViqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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