More Dumb Stuff I Did as a Kid

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Part of growing up is learning more about how  the world works. And one of the ways you learn   is by experimenting. Trying stuff, because why  not? I don’t know what’ll happen, and besides,   it could be fun. So it’s only natural to look  back at stuff you did when you were younger,   and had less experience, and think whyyy would I  do that? Knowing what you know now, it seems dumb,   but you wouldn’t know what you know now if  you hadn’t tried what you did then. Which is   mostly my way of justifying the dumb stuff I did  when I was a kid so you don’t judge me because I   DIDN’T KNOW ANY BETTER, OK? *crying* I  was just a sweet innocent child trying   to find his way in a cruel and confusing world. Some of the dumb stuff I did as a kid wasn’t that   big of a deal, and is honestly kind of adorable.  Like one time, I got a cardboard box, I brought   it to the top of the stairs, climbed in, and slid  down. Like a rollercoaster - made of cardboard.   Five year old TimTom didn’t know what would  happen once he ran out of stairs. However,   thanks to past-Tim’s sacrifice slash experiment,  we now know that the box will espolode,   and the sole passenger will indeed smack the  concrete floor of the basement, and it will hurt,   and much like a baby bird slash fighter pilot he  will lay there in shock before shouting “MAYDAY!”   because that’s what you’re supposed to  shout when you are in trouble. Apparently.  Speaking of stairs... when I was younger (and  smaller) I would climb stairs on all fours. I’d   lean over and go into animal mode. Something about  it just felt faster, and I think it’s probably a   more efficient way to climb stairs when you’re  little, you know? But the thing is, I only lived   in a house with stairs for about a year when I  was 5, so I built that habit when I was young. But   then we moved to a place that didn’t have stairs,  which meant I never really had the opportunity to   outgrow it. As far as my body was concerned, the  best way to climb stairs was still like a dog.   It just came naturally. So years later, when  I was a teenager, I remember going over to a   friend’s house for the first time, and when we  went up the stairs to his room, my muscle memory   kicked in and I clambered up the stairs with  the all coordination of a greased-up baby deer.  Both him and his mom were like “What uh… whatcha  doin there?” And sure that’s kind of embarrassing,   but old habits die hard. So as much as I knew it  looked weird for me to rumble up the stairs like   that, I probably only had one or two opportunities  a week to break that habit and practice walking   like a normal person. So every time I went over  to his house, I would go back on autopilot and   continue to climb the stairs like a total  weirdo. I’m not the only one that climbed   stairs like that, right guys? Guys? … *distant  voice* Ok I’ll just be over here if you need me…  One time I pooped in the bushes! Don’t worry,  this one also happened when I was 5. I’m not   goin’ around pooin’ all willy nilly as an adult.  Go over to a friend’s house, “Excuse me, could   you point me toward your shrubbery?” So I was at a  playground and there was a huge bush that had this   little tunnel through the middle, just big enough  for a little kid to walk through. And on either   side of the tunnel, the bush had what I can only  describe as two tiny rooms in it. For some reason,   the boys on the playground were taking turns going  into the bush and peeing in one of the little   rooms. And at this point you can probably guess  the rest of the story. I needed to go number two,   and I figured if one of the rooms was for  peeing… then the other... must be for pooping.  I will remind you that I was only 5! A five year  old without TP. This is where my memory of the   situation goes about as fuzzy as an analog TV  in a blizzard. I don’t know if I admitted to   my mom what happened, or if I just pulled my  pants up and dealt with it later. Either way,   the whole ordeal was very uncomfortable. But at least that time I was the only victim of my   stupidity… if you don’t count my mom having to put  up with a smelly boy. Another time - and again,   I was only 5 and couldn’t possibly have known  better - *sigh* I saw someone do that classic   magic trick in a movie where they rip a tablecloth  out from under a bunch of plates and silverware,   and everything stays in roughly the same place.  That’s because of a little thing called...   inert-a. But I didn’t know physics when I was a  kid, so when I tried, I failed to properly account   for several variables. Here’s how it went down. One of my friends came over to play, and I was   excited to show off a new trick I saw on the  TV. But I didn’t have a tablecloth or anything   to put on it, so I looked around the house until  I found something close enough. The bathmat in the   bathroom was kind of like a tablecloth, so I had  her stand on it, and yanked it as hard as I could.   Instead of effortlessly slipping out from under  her like I expected, her feet flew out from under   her with the bathmat, and she slammed her head on  the edge of the bathtub. And, she didn’t make it…   very long before bursting into tears. My  mom rushed in and asked what happened,   and I didn’t wanna get in trouble so I said  that she fell. Which is… technically true!   Please don’t judge me I feel awful enough. But one of my favorite stories to tell from   when I was a kid happened a few years later. One  hot summer weekend, my mom installed a brand new   ceiling fan in our living room. That doesn’t seem  important, but stick with me. Not long after,   one of my friends and my sister and I were hanging  out in the living room, trying to cool off.   My mom poked her head in to tell us she was  gonna run to the post office real quick, and   would be back in about 10 minutes. A little while  after she left, my sister went to the kitchen and   grabbed a few cans of soda, and a ballpoint pen.  She explained to us that the rivet that holds a   can’s pull tab on is in the exact center of the  can, and you can use a pen to punch a hole in it.  So, she put a hole in the top of a can, covered  it with her finger, gave it a little shake,   and then drank some soda by shooting  it into her mouth. It was kinda cool,   and my friend very enthusiastically tried  it out for himself, but he shook his can   way harder than necessary, and I guess he didn’t  have great aim, because when he went to drink,   all he got was a nose-full of carbonation. When  he pulled his head out of the line of fire, the   jetstream just kept going. It absolutely covered  the ceiling, and my mom’s brand-new ceiling fan.   My sister and I just looked up, frozen in  horror having no idea what to do. Before   we could even finish processing what just  happened, my mom walked in with a big smile   on her face that lasted for about two seconds  before shouting “I WAS GONE! FOR 10! MINUTES!”  The aftermath of that story is that my  friend started crying because my mom   yelled at him, and we never spoke again. Also, some of you may know that I hide an   ice cream cone in every video, but I’m gonna  make things interesting this time around and   run a contest. The first person to find it in  this video owes me twenty dollars! Have fun!
Channel: TimTom
Views: 4,749,981
Rating: 4.9238195 out of 5
Keywords: TimTom, Tim, Tom
Id: ECq3MuU9vqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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