THE END - Danganronpa 2

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he's alive do you like ships psycho therapeutic communication simulator that's what's that's what's going on all right now we're on the first floor ding dong bing bong it is a clash trial isn't it ah jeez um so uh i'm getting tired of waiting shall we just plunge right in it's time for the long-awaited graduation exam please enter the red door located on the first floor of hope speak academy [Music] a red door huh it's just a waste of time thinking about what this all means right now for now i need to finish this i need to just focus on that well it's here very convenient it's going to be freaking one freaking clash trial hi i changed again i'm telling you this game this game makes me go through some emotions man you know what like and also this indie is so freaking long okay i had to stop multiple times just because i couldn't get through it all it's time to light a candle all right oh my wife was dying first someone's alive they're dead they're alive again and they got a hand and then they got everything it's time to light my candle today's candle choice pumpkin spice latte yes this is like the coolest thing i've ever seen it's not a lot it's a lighter but it's like it's like electricity i don't know it's so cool we need some good vibes in here it's nice to have good smells when you're going through despair this isn't sponsored by the way it should be and don't forget about some protein this one's for sakura for owie i hope to see you again okay now that we got that out of the way let's finish this game for god's sakes what else is gonna happen the red door i am enjoying it though it's just very long he means this red door right yes are we gonna have another class trial i thought that was the last one made me look all stupid in my title if i do that will this be finished well they said it was the last one oh wow that's something what am i in the matrix what is this is this super mario 64. [Music] okay we are in the virus this is called the oco i don't know hey we're here this place so yeah like they're being kept in pods i'm pretty sure right yeah looks like everyone's here damn right it seems uh that this is going to be the final place this place is is this a trial build but why is it a trial field it sure looks like a trial ground but uh flashbacks guys this this game these games have more flashbacks than naruto uh we've been here before right yeah this should be the place that the door the ancient ruins leads to hey it seems pretty strange that we've been in the other building up until now it's like we're dreaming or something is this a dream then this too is very so you finally arrived congratulations you guys are the first ones to ever beat this game after stopping by hope's pick academy you finally come back to this place to the graduation exam site within the ancient ruins of jabberwock island you can give it a fancy name like graduation exam site but it's no different than the trial ground from before this trial field actually inspired the one from before so in a way this place is the original who cares this graduation exam means we can finally go home right poor dude just wants to go and work on cars all day and check out sonya of course if this is what you guys decide and if we have to decide what do we have to do um please take a look at the lcd touch panel built into your seats oh why would we repeat compared to the other trials the rules are much simpler this time there are two options graduate and repeat right you just have to choose one of them and then press it all of you will cast your votes and then whichever one has the majority will be considered your final decision but there's a twist you'll die if you pick one right right if you don't press either of them you it will be treated as an absence and will not be counted in other words which means everyone who has died up until now will have their votes treated as absences then the result is based on our majority votes ahem if graduate is chosen by a majority vote from there an event that's kind of like a graduation ceremony called the graduation program will begin even if we do the stupid majority vote the result is already pretty dang obvious come on let's move this along can we depress it now right no no no you can't do that yet i mean your resolve hasn't firmed yet right you're will to be swept away by society's harsh currents shut up everything cares i'm going to press it why am i which of your orifices are you going to spew bile to participate in the graduation program you need my final say as your teacher you know what what does it mean it won't end with the majority vote that's right after the vote i'm going to judge every single one of you to see if it's okay for you to graduate or not so even if we vote you're saying we won't graduate unless you acknowledge it i'm terribly sorry for being rude earlier no but you don't have to worry there's no way i won't acknowledge your graduations this is merely a formality i'm just doing it because that's how it has to be why why does that have to be that way i don't see why we have to do any of this i don't just let us just let us go home anyway even if you don't want to do it you guys will still need to do it to solve the mystery i know it's not that simple i know we can't just go home there's probably no home to go home to afterwards you can cast your majority votes and from there we move on to the graduate program but why do we even have to go through something so dumb well that is you said you were waiting for the main cast right which means you're just uh selling for time then oh i was talking as monokuma whoopsie who's the main cast oh no need to worry about it it has nothing to do with you guys no let me see the main guests let me see the way yes there's no way it has nothing to do with us we're the only ones who are involved uh you know it doesn't matter if you're involved or not you're just a bunch of chumps in the big picture that's why it has nothing to do with you just perform your roles without complaining hold on what's that chump comments somehow freaking nakamura is a little robot's cuter well not that i was think he thought he was cute or anything [Music] i missed the times where he said he wanted to take a crap that was my favorite times ah not that it's important or anything but make sure you turn off that toy how dare you treat him like a toy i did treat it like a toy you got a problem with that i created everything you're actually picking a fight with me i'm basically like god just how promising can you guys be i guess this is just the nature of life before you die share my power into your memories so he's just a virus it's so weird this game is assimilation i did not see that coming i guess i'll save oh wow it really is a clash trial he what what oh this is totally normal do we really have to go through another what's the trial even mean no one's dead what the heck pygmy what the heck at least he's alive though still don't know what it does so if i were to imagine they're just gonna go and explain what's already happened right i did say i wanted you guys to know the outside world but this is still a questionable starting topic let me ask you this what is this world's true identity i know that huh that's the program thing oh it's true i didn't remember the name right now question is that uh i know what it is though i just got to see the name all right you're going to play ah you're going to make me spell it out and i don't even know the name i can't remember it i'm really guessing here it was like skynet terminator i don't know oh virtual is that is that it it's a virtual world that was inspired by the actual jabberwock island but nakito or whatever you call them or her don't know we haven't figured that out yeah i probably won't sell the next game uh i think they were saying they actually passed by the real one right so why were they on a boat so this isn't the real world but if you want you can call it the game world you get it it's all just one big game are you friggin serious don't [ __ ] mess with me you bastard did you have us all come here just yes if this is a game guys you gotta believe this is displayed in a text window right now breaking the fourth wall stupid there's no way that's even possible i know i know the all in your mind trope makes you feel such cruel it does it does then we were forced to kill each other cause it's a day a game what a crazy [ __ ] happened don't [ __ ] with me that's not even possible i know you guys are pissed but you were having fun so just force yourself to accept it this closed space this game world was the true stage of this killing school trip we're here to be preserved back in the day people must have reacted the same way when they first saw the airplane good point good point wearing contact lenses it'll stop feeling strange won't you just get used to it yeah he's right please do not compare reality to contact like anybody else i mean if this really is a virtual world what does that mean yeah so like that's the crazy thing too is like do do the characters actually look like what we think they look like so you know maybe nagito was always that way we just assumed he was one way because that's how we saw him in the in the game world and same with uh sonia or not sonia but um my god i can't remember her name the short one you better not say we're fictional characters the future foundation created this neo war program that's what it's called program basically the plot of sword art online except better sorry i actually i i never finished sword art online because i i don't know which means your body still exists in the real world but right now you're completely submerged in the game world as if you're dreaming yeah got it simply put your um you know not aviators but you need avatar right and the last airbender in the game is a copy of the user's real body but we're not just regular avatars right your avatars were constructed by removing a specific thing from your bodies in the real world my spleen what did you remove i needed my spleen uh our school memories so the machine was meant to replace our memories to stop the bad stuff from us was our school memories right i'm guessing to kind of eliminate despair maybe you know i don't know i'd like to try to create a new world or something so that's why we don't have our memories of our lives at hopes peak academy don't talk like that like we're made from memories of the past like we're avatars like this is a game one but knowing that now i question whether or not the first game was real either yeah or whether or not because like their memories were taken away did they go through the same thing how many times do i have to tell you it's not sci-fi it's a game a game [Music] oh what do you want me to do now make your arguments okay all right i think i got this i can do this is there any evidence that this is really a game world you are the evidence what does that mean your avatar is made of memories from before you enter the school but your actual bodies in the real world are different yes though you have no memories of your time living your school life your real bodies actually lived that life what avatar i'm a human being with a real body oh no what if my wife was completely different than what i remember them well i still love them i don't know these are the shocking realizations guys the list of subjects that's gotta be it oh i was actually right i just i picked the wrong one see i'm smart after all earlier in the teacher's lounge i found this strange newspaper clipping yeah so that that's what gave me the evidence that our bodies are totally different and hey you know maybe i maybe things would have been different but she looked more like an adult than the hyoko we know but wait a minute that's the same exact person that died in the game am i not mistaken right so does that mean that she was never alive or did that thing really happen we don't know what's real that's the thing they just throw everything off the window like an adult what does that mean since we're avatars right now we look exactly as we did before we entered the school but in the real world we've already lived out our school life which means we've grown that much older and among us some aged so much we didn't recognize them and you were saying that happened to hilto it appears hiyoko had a growth spurt during this year yeah like the other shorty graduated for you hiko i can't believe that you're just making is he still short but if you guys only had memory loss your body still should have grown during that time right as long as you fed us you should have felt your bodies go through growth spurts but why didn't you guys recognize each other because we did not know each other before we lost our memories if we all met after we lost our school memories it's no different than meeting each other for the first time i know each other before that we wouldn't have noticed how much we've all grown no hold on if we didn't know each other before and we wouldn't have known if we aged or not by looking at each other then wouldn't he have noticed a difference uh well it's a heat so i never actually looked at akane and like how much of a size difference she's like a bear compared to him i mean no fancy monaco uh i'm gonna assume it's monokuma why'd you tell me to guess that that was stupid of you you you're the only one yeah of course i knew that hey fuyuhiko you know oh yeah okay hey now that you put it that way now i yeah okay now that you mention it seems weird no now that i think about it it's definitely they did know each other and they hit it what is our school memories about how many days worth were taken away as the creators of the neo world program only the future foundation yeah that would suit that would be super like that would suck so bad around two or three years worth i assume just years take it away from you like i always think about people that are in comas like that'd be crazy almost every single day of our lives if we lost they kind of did live it though we would have noticed that we were older than we remember so does that mean our memory loss is another one of monokuma's lies your refusal to accept your mutual memory loss is why you can't notice all the important parts imposter memories end of story you guys are avatars who have their memories taken from them this is a virtual world it's like that toy story you are a toy except these are not a toy we just have to accept that i can feel my heartbeat and i know what i see my school awful so what do you call these things i'm feeling are you saying these are all lies these are all lie it's i'm sorry doesn't mean everything was a lie yes it's a lie so we should be together connie have you heard that women hypnotized to believe you've been burned a burn mark will really appear i have heard that so if our brains believe something is real it's no that's what i was saying it's like they at least they still feel like that they're living so it's not all wasted i did hear about a phenomenon quite similar to that in a distant country there was a certain experiment carried out on one of their prisoners the prisoner was blindfolded strapped to a bed and had small wounds applied to his toes to drain his blood that prisoner was left alone in the experiment room as the sound of dripping blood echoed throughout the room but in fact his blood was not being drained he was just forced to listen to the sound of dripping water but he believed he was bleeding that's messed up however so he still died the prisoners yeah i i don't know if i believe all that stuff but like i've heard similar things like this guy like you probably heard it but it's a guy that's been left in like a freezer cart like of a train or something like that and he knew that it was frozen it was cold but he thought it was like really freezing and he was stuck in there and he thought he was gonna die but it turned out the freezer was broken but he still died thinking that he was freezing to death even though he didn't freeze he just believed that he was gonna freeze i don't know i mean your mind's powerful but i just don't know i've never been hypnotized or anything so i can't say expected of miss sonia your knowledge of state-sanctioned torture is something she knows some weird crap the lie is a believable lie you're saying it might become there's experiments with like working out and stuff too like when people believe that they were like picking up less weight like they're able to do it it's like you have limits on your head you know so i don't know it's kind of believable it's connected to machines and stuff and our consciousness was uploaded into here so we genuinely believe that this game world was real then the jabberwock island we've been living on of course that's also a virtual world i thought it was worth the school was there no teddy typhoon was it real what no my favorite place that sea that beach the buildings everything it's all a virtual world created by the neo world program it's just like this space we're in right now what we see before us is a virtual environment created by the program it looks real because our brains think it's real that's why in the end [Music] oh what the heck oh wow what have we got here we got some major graphics over here it was all just a creation that's the truth oh wow matrix time the truth is the truth is all lie this is the world's truth if everything's a lie then what should we believe the truman show who cares if it's a lie hey what are you getting at i mean if this is really a game world everything that happened here took place inside the game right oh then that must mean yeah all the deaths are fake you guys are barely noticing this okay that's right the killings we were forced to commit where's because some silly where's me everyone who was killed should still be alive that is good news though yeah just because they died in the virtual world doesn't mean they died in real life so you were saying everyone is still alive that's it isn't that right monokuma oh don't you say that if a lie it might become so they believe they actually died until they died oh you piece of crap ed not even come on you gotta take my hope away now i'm filled with despair don't tell me you're the neo world program oh geez it's just like sort of our life we're containing the ultimate reality and speaking of that reality shut up i know what you're gonna say inside their actual bodies will stop functioning that's a mess that's messed up man so what's the point of the simulation then why can't you just put us through real freaking things if we're gonna die anyway it's not like their bodies are completely dead they're brain dead i can't say it's a true death that's why it's actually crueler instead all that's left of them are empty husks give it back what are you saying give my wife whose brains back they're awakened again what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] good response i mean i appreciate a game where we don't die when you're supposed to right what game that's not what we risked our lives for if you want to be mad please be mad at the future foundation they're forcing you to play this game future foundation but you are a virus the people from the future foundation made us play this sick game everything monuments we betrayed the future foundation to protect us and then we're taken out see so our real enemy is the future foundation well yeah but we don't know that for sure if we could just get the heck out of here we'd be able to figure it out based on what makoto said although makoto clearly defied the future foundation as well so that i would i guess the future foundation is something that the people from the last game came into contact with then they kind of didn't agree with each other the neo world program was developed by uh the future foundation right right that's what i remember the ones who trapped us in here it's all the future foundations doing right and the enemy is the future foundation i mean a group that would make a killing game there's no way they're good god well it's probably for the sake of goods truly an organization of evil a group that would make no that's wrong originally in the world created by the neo world program a concept like violence never existed then why is there killing going on the virus that invaded this program is forcing us yeah that's what i got out of that could it be that viruses you're right until monokuma appeared this island was giving off a really peaceful vibe i know my god the good old days was remodeled i want these days back what sort of role did such a lost girl like her have in this world hey don't change the subject but that's also something we need to clear up monamie or asami's role uh that she had in this world was teacher chaperone observer observer well it could be the one i don't know which one of observer npc what's that non-player character a character that's not controlled by a person it's different from advertising so was she real money she wasn't real distance was created entirely by the program just to monitor the 15 of you how does it explain how she was acting differently please wait did you just say 15 did you yeah you did you forgot that's what you said we're 16 people in total he was probably excluding the other observer it's got to be chalky so jackie was a robot that's what i got aside from the 50s there were two observers in the near world program one of them was monomy the other one could it have been chiaki yeah you're right you're saying was an npc so you're saying she was just a program and she didn't actually exist in real life then she wasn't human she didn't exist at all not human no that's not it chiaki was really alive even if she was a virtual existence she was really alive did you forget she saved our lives you know don't get all mushy towards a game character too late plus she wasn't just a little game character she was a lucky for the detestable world ender now that you mention it you referred to the future foundation by that name before that just means it was all a bluff right so we'd think that the future foundation was our enemy do not joke about the world ending no there's no doubt that the future foundation is also world enders for three years at least for those of us here those hey what do you mean those of us here why are you lumping us with you it's just a bluff what exactly my mind gonna get blown don't you just show us your true self already yes what you can't tell his voice it is cowardly of you just ignore us before i reveal please yes identity to you guys it appears the main cast has finally arrived am i gonna see them [Music] speaking of which this guy is a member of world ender it's gotta be that sounds like something he would come up with makuto it's not the future foundation's fault rather the fault lies it's so nice to hear him [Music] all right i was waiting for you makoto you finally arrived that's so cool makoto i can't skip my name is makoto he's back i'm also a former student there we go that's cool now i'm a member of the future foundation you are from the future foundation why did someone like you suddenly show up i got it you came to save us right then hurry up and save us no i'm here to cause despair what is this he's acting a bit strange this guy's attitude is as if he's being cautious of us of course i don't mind rescuing you guys okay so yeah obviously well at least at least we know for sure the main character us in in jongrappa 2 was part of the reserve which was they were bad they were under the control of the [Music] other bad people i can't remember their name right now god so much to remember but they were definitely filled with despair and then they kind of caught them and they wanted to delete their memories i think that's why he's cautious of us because we were actually bad guys but we don't know it you all need to fully accept the situation situation we're in why do you think the future foundation decided to put you guys into the neo world program who cares it's because we were bad they were they wanted to do evil things the hope restoration program by now you should understand your true identity our true identities aren't we the 15 survivors of hope's peak academy who are rescued by the future foundation before you arrived here monokuma should have shown you guys some glue put them all together and try i had to do it already now it's your turn put it together and think i still want to know why he looks so much like freaking uh nagito yay snowboard time uh uh uh uh oh yeah my coats on the others that's who it was oh come on what i was wrong that's never happened before i i really thought okay all right okay hey you win some you lose some it's okay who are the remnants of despair hajime and others come on i'm at least right about that yes see i was right about half of it see i'm not that stupid all right why were hajime and the others put into the neo world program to recover from despair to fill them with despair no that's what monokuma is doing though it was clear that we were put in here to like chill out [Music] the survivors of hopes peak academy and the remnants of ultimate despair yes both of those phrases refer to you guys that's right not only are you guys the survivors of hope's people academy you're also survivors of ultimate despair ultimate despair don't be stupid in the beginning we took in 15 of you as survivors of hope speak academy but upon further investigation we discovered an unbelievable truth the 15 people we acquired were actually the horrifying remnants of despair yes that's what they're called what what is this ultimate despair i remember hearing that they're dangerous guys who were responsible for terrorism yes well thanks to juco and everyone else responsible for the tragedy and brought chaos into the world despair in human form but utterly devoid of humanity that's what you guys really are hey the ultimate despairs don't care about principles or morals they just spread despair everywhere they go they live solely to torment everything to burn everything to kill uh is that guy fiori over there little easter egg he's taken i imagine the game just like the screen cracks and all of a sudden it's guy fieri i don't wanna say his name we weren't taken to despair or the virtual world we were taking a flavor town but that's gotta be a lie that's right there's no way there's no way we're all ultimate despair nagito probably did what he did because he managed to learn the unbelievable truth nagito why are you bringing him up all of a sudden he's the only one who knew this truth before you guys it was a special prize for clearing the final oh that's what he learned was it that file that contained all our student profiles but inside and he ripped something out again no you used to have profiles from after you entered the school but nagito destroyed them before you saw it why why do you know something like that anyway it's the absolute truth that the file had profiles about you guys after you entered the school and after nagi to obtain the file and learn the truth oh now you tell learn the truth what did they do to us are you telling us to answer that uh hangman's gambit all right let's get through this kill us all i tried to kill everyone except for the traitor that's right after seeing the file you learned that everyone including him was ultimate despair and he tried to kill everyone except the traitor i guess that makes sense but that's not fair they don't have their memories they don't know they're bad that actually does make a lot of sense now yes because of his love for hope and his hatred for despair i sort of understand that don't mess with us why do we have to be treated like the bad guy there must be some kind of mistake there's no way we're ultimate to spare i don't need a twist like that it might seem unbelievable because you guys aren't you playing duncan man before you entered the school but it all happened at hope's peak academy you were tainted by ultimate despair because at hope speak academy you were in contact with pearl the true ultimate despair junko and oshima she strongly influenced you all during your time at the school and that's why you became ultimate despair so that had to have been before danganronpa in order to remove that influence you've been placed into the hope restoration program is that why you took away our school memories the reason you're able to act like your normal selves is because you're within the neo world program but your true bodies in the real world are different in the real world you're part of a group that cruelly destroyed your family friends and even your own body family they look different bodies aren't you exaggerating a bit he's right there's no way we do something like don't turn away from the truth what was that just now a memory but that person that was nagito right oh so he's the one that saw him dang it appears you've remembered a little now face what you've done and from there you will finally take your first steps on the path to hope oh god what do you want me to say there's obviously some kind of mistake there's no way we're ultimate despair oh god but you are because you're our ultimate despair of hiccups you killed your friends and family and you even destroyed your own bodies how can you say we did all that we're being tripped we're being tricked by the future foundation doubt hope how much despair is within you guys all right i i do not know this one i didn't look it up so vision of nagito for destroy your own bodies okay and you even destroyed you that must be it [Music] that memory i felt was actually a memory from the real world what monkey don't did was yeah they're talking about the hands cut off his own arm they transplanted a woman's arm not just any woman's arm it was the late jupiter sorry i just ate i just have some mad hiccups right now what did you say you probably thought that by becoming one with juko and oshima he could make her survive within it i thought it was like mukuro's arm okay well hey well you know they had the same arm so i just thought that i thought that was like moocrow and they wanted to get revenge on junko that's what i thought wow okay i'm wrong i don't get this at all at least that's cleared up the ultimate despairs defy understanding they have no problem severing their own wins i am terribly sorry i do not feel so well where's the bathroom it's just a game anyway so why don't you just let it out i'm pretty sure a select few would demand that cause you it's too soon to feel sick that's not even the worst thing the ultimate despairs have done no some wasted away to skin and bones through continuous fasting in order to reach the despair of starvation whoa whoa is that me and there's families to junko just to perform killing experiments on them what the heck not just that after junko's death they slaughtered countless people by forcing them to commit one person even implanted one of junko's eyes into their own socket perhaps they wanted to see her despair and not just that some even tried to have children with junko's dead body oh my god just stop that's just a [ __ ] story that's obvious have you seen makoto so you feel despair toward yourselves in the real world i understand that but there's no need to worry if you just advance toward the hope i provide you'll definitely be safe lakota was like the jesus of the story you'll save us you have a moment to talk today about hope huh of course that's my purpose after all that's why the neo world program was created too you put us inside this program so they want to save the despair people instead instead of a limit eliminate them your cohabitation inside the neo so you're saying this was like a test i guess i can say that the test was a success even though it deviated greatly from the original plan of graduating after gathering the pope francis nevertheless you guys were able to overcome your unexpected trials and make your way here that's why all you need to do is choose gradually good good so let's do that then nothing will happen if we do that we can get out of here however if you graduate from here your school memories will never return sounds like a plan if you choose to graduate and the observer determines that there are no problems you will complete the hope restoration program and your avatar will be uploaded into your real body also they'll be changed uploaded hey what happens to the people whose avatars died if an avatar that needs to be uploaded has been deleted there's nothing we can do so you're saying they'll never wake up god damn it damn [ __ ] stuck um please take a look at this flipbook for a quick rundown of your options why is makoto okay with that if you choose graduate it'll transfer your in-game memories but your school memories will be gone forever okay unfortunately the people who have already died will not be able to wake up that's just that's just wrong god just a thought what will happen if we do not choose to graduate you'll just have to continue living your tropical life hey why you gotta ask something like that well even if we wake up in the real if that is the case then maybe staying on this island did what are you saying haven't we been working this hard just to escape from here you don't have to force yourself to return to a painful reality let's just play this game forever and ever don't be ridiculous if i stay in this screwed up world any longer i'm seriously gonna snap but still is it really okay to sacrifice the others just to save ourselves you're asking that now if we don't get out of here now then what was everything we've done until now even why did the others even have to die in the first place something's not right how come monokuma isn't trying to stop us is he just gonna stay quiet and overlook us getting out of this game world then everything madoka did would be pointing the suit that's wow thank you not only that is it really okay for us to believe him should we get out or oh i better save the game here well let's pick get out is there another ending i can't stand this anymore i'm done with this game regardless of whether or not there's a punishment it doesn't matter games need a game over otherwise there won't be any tension it's basically like a penalty but for the sake of your generation who needs to be constantly coddled i shall grant you the right to read to retry you won't feel despair unless you could retry you guys will just give up so please select retry however however when you want to flee from despair make sure you don't select retry is it going to end here without seeing the truth or the future would you like to retry uh no [Music] [Laughter] i don't understand what's what's happening what was what was that what was the point of that okay don't get out there right we have some time to decide did you get scared like sonia no it's not bad don't you think this is a little strange strange you still don't understand normally ultimate despairs like you guys would just be abandoned but i'm telling you i'm here to help you should be thankful for how open-minded the future foundation is yeah is that really him just listen to the future foundation future foundation is the world's hope you know do it i thought there's something right it's not him oh god how many twists are in this game please i said i'm going to save you guys let me save you why aren't you listening to me let's do what he says and get out of here i mean the future foundations the good guys right uh now i'm not so sure about that and apparently email the email yeah the email to makoto is like trusted said that he was against it the future foundation is the world's hope no one can apply the future foundation foolish to even think about it future foundations the good guys right come on that was definitely the answer all right all right all right let's pick what the game wants okay i guess this does make sense because that is what he tried to do clearly makoto wanted to defy the future foundation hold you say it's foolish on defy the future foundation then how do you explain your actions my action i saw it the email that the future foundation sent to me yeah yeah we already know like we don't know that at that emo's role either but hey we just have to believe it believe in it those clues we found were all real right you did say that that's not the only contradiction what this makoto person is saying also contradicts what we've already been told essentially i cannot guarantee that there are no issues with this program ah they wanted to protect us [Music] oh i'm not asking you i'm asking we just did ah here we go i can't hear you let's get this over with okay insulin oh oh wait if you're saying he's not makoto then show me one sound what i don't understand what does it want wait then show me some proof oh oh i get i get it now this leon's number i was like wait but those numbers don't make sense so 1 10 3 7. oh my god i don't know why those like numbers were so confusing i i could not like put that together of course you had to put that number makoto that's who you really are and tell me this tell me about the car's number password to nezumi castle one one zero three seven um what was that again you can't answer oh it's weird where'd you find that out who cares so how about it can you even answer oh man i've been found out who are you imposter then you're smart how disappointing and i thought i was on the right track you can never fool me he disappeared hey that guy disappeared why are you surprised it's a computer program so anything's possible then that was just the work of monica should have known oh you found out i was faking this is so embarrassing i just wanted what are you doing why'd you show us a fake member of the future foundation that fake was trying to get us out to the real world and that's your plan is that where your trap is and they saw right through me i may as well be invisible a truck what kind of trap did you set hey if you know what's good for you you better hurry the hell up and confess i'll beat you half to death if you tell us now but if you don't spit it out soon i'm just gonna i'm just waiting guys i'm just really waiting for the end just kill him right now then this nightmare can finally end you never know when's it gonna stop this isn't that kind of game it's a much smarter game right what game this game is already over this game is over no no no i'm not gonna let you finish yet there's no words can end before i've even transformed out of spinal form transform a transformation is customary in a yeah you know like that one role-playing game you know what game i'm talking about don't say it you'll get sued allow me to show you i'll skip the second and third forms and go straight to it's about time final form you better not be bluffing i'm gonna beat the crap out of you and pull all your stuff in out oh he's doing it he's transforming oh dragon ball z parody [Music] what i have a bad feeling about this uh it's like the inside of my brain is burning uh now then make sure you burn this ginormous despair you're about to see into your memory oh god what is he doing he's not gonna do anything is he oh holy crap what's happening oh it's joko she's back oh my god it's not the no not the worst boss the fate at the end what the heck oh it's a phone transfer transformer to a phone [Music] okay so gotta say didn't see this coming [Music] what the heck is it really jinko though oh we got a 3d we get 3d now wow it's like the first 3d model i've ever seen in this game what's going on i was in the environment am i hallucinating i know anything goes here but this this is clearly not you can't just turn into a giant anime girl you cannot do that breaks the rules so that's your reaction to seeing an extra-large high school girl but are they really that big don't you think they're pretty small she's huge she's way too huge but the final boss in a certain action game is much bigger you know that game night forella let's get it anyway let's oh i see i see an estimated bust size of 15 meters huh my boobs are hopelessly huge hey hey want me to squish you in between them big boobs feel good you know all right [ __ ] crush he's imagining it if this was a pandering fan service game full of pretty girls there'd be a cg close-up of my cleavage but you already did it too bad this isn't a fan service game yeah right of course this is not an action game this game's been the most fan service of all of the like okay i was gonna say like i played a bunch of them but you know compared to the first one you won't even get to experience the refreshing sensation of battling an enormous final boss [Music] oh that's that's the true despair that there's no cg this is true this game knows knows how to get to my despair we have to deal with this thing i'm shocked you call me this thing oh you're so mean um is it just me or did he yeah she does that she does that that's easily bored of my personality like i already got bored of my personality who gets easily roared and that's when flying would say it's too damn soon to say you got bored right that's jojo i have plenty of data on you guys so it's so easy for me to know so is she is she really alive or just in the game yeah you are not bored at all i got bored of getting bored jeez even when i'm dead i still get bored okay so she's dead this is what i'm saying even when you're dead does that mean this person's true identity is junko isn't she dead it's true i did end up dying the last time i'm sorry okay i didn't mean to go so fast i i couldn't help it you know it was my first time jeez stupid you're the one who made me go and why is someone who died here right now do you guys know about an artificial intelligence called alter ego yes we are now an a.i we have transcended humanity what ai stop saying all this crazy [ __ ] you see my personality is like this because i'm the type who dies easily right that's why i made my own ai program while i was still alone that's how it is that's how this loaded me into this neo world program and that's how alter ego junko hopelessly appeared in front of you guys that's insane oh my gosh so she's the virus and so is she always going to be the villain in every dog in rapper game somehow some way what am i supposed to do even if i know she's june cautious and thinks stuff like what can we oh she raised my mind i mean we're all ultimate despair here each and every one of our classmates looked at us like we're a bunch of loogies on the side of the road so let's all be friends oh no they hate me and i was thinking of you guys when i tampered with the graduation program but they still hate me tampered with the graduation program remember what that fake makoto said earlier about what happens to you when you graduate right i feel like you guys weren't getting a big enough reward for graduating so i decided to modify what happened so it's something exciting and unique just like a game [Music] uploading your game memories into your real bodies is fine but letting your friends stay dead just sucks okay that's why i decided to resurrect them how hannah can you do that how's that possible this is the new graduation program i'm offering right are you serious can you always do that it was like real hard you know the graduation program is the core part of this game what is this protected with a lot of encrypted codes it took me a long time without so much [Music] that i despair smarter with computers before that every time a computer froze i used to put it in a microwave and nuke it show of hands how long do you think it took for me to modify it who cares about that yeah are you serious when you say that everyone who died will come back to life did you forget you gotta answer questions to progress the story that's the rule of this game by the way i'll give you a clue you guys were always watching time slip away at a certain place so you're not gonna tell us until we answer that we're completely at her mercy let's play our little game jabra walk part let's see okay got it countdown at jabberwock park that's the only place we can think of so that's what that timer was for consistently watch that has anything to do with time then that countdown represented the time that was needed to modify the program how brilliant you're totally wrong about that the games that you think you don't know no you don't wrong what was it why should i put this i was just roofing or someone else's designs of alien life and stuff right it was just for show in the end does that fill you with despair like getting booted from a queen server you know those murder mysteries where the culprit is really the detective who's investigating the murder well okay so over predictable crap like that just what did you expect at this stage of the game she's she seriously messed up well in a way the countdown implied i was on a mission did you ever make up your own silly rules like don't step off the white line when you cross the road i was testing myself to see if i could get you guys into the graduation program before the timer reached zero enough please stop don't be so disappointed it's totally true i had a hard time manipulating the program well you guys were ready i was working so hard on my own you know hey enough with this pointless crap are you seriously going to resurrect everyone who died like i said it's easy it's just a game after all yeah each and everything that happened in this box we know there's no way anything that occurred in the game could affect the real world what you're saying now it's completely different from what you said before you said whether or not it's a lie the moment you feel something is real it becomes real the game where you throw my words back at me is over so you don't really have to worry about it fine i won't worry about it hey who [ __ ] cares about logic as long as everyone who died comes back that's good enough he really wants to see pekko again what if we do not understand the principles behind it blah blah blah it goes in this world you've seen that happen so many times already right well if a high school girl can get huge then it's not crazy if the dead can come back to life right if she's saying that's how she tampered with a computer program how are we supposed to respond to that that's right that's why you should finish this game and go back to living a normal baby if we go back what do you get out of it what benefit do you get by making us return to the real world as long as we don't know what it is so annoying you're so petty it's not like you're a housewife living on a tight budget all i want is to put on this graduation performance in a more dramatic way well if you doubt me you don't have to go back is that what you want not to go back oh hold on a sec we're obviously going to get out of here if it'll bring our dead friends back it's all we can do of course we've been working toward that goal for like forever because we had that goal we were able to endure those killings everyone can go back together so there's no reason to hesitate you are right there is no way we can choose to stay here after all we've been through i don't know what i ate from the winners of this killing school trip your will to live is truly ultimate it's wonderful that's just more reason for you to execute your role as divisive do you mind stop stalling for time with exposition and hurry up and do it graduates just go ahead and graduate i'm gonna do it i'm seriously gonna do it if you don't hurry up i'm seriously really gonna do it you don't have to say who are you talking to it doesn't concern a chump like you hajime jump don't worry about it everything's gonna be over once we press this so we just have to press graduate right if we do that we can go home i can't go back with this i could finally go back he's right with this we can finally go back our friends who died will be saved it can't be that easy uh okay i gotta save again oh i won't let me why does the game do this it makes it aware like when you really want to make an important decision it won't let you save it graduate sure whoa this time it's the real one real of the future foundation all right let's go let's go i'm sorry i'm late i actually wanted to come rescue you sooner but thanks to the virus infecting the neo-world program i wasn't able to enter just when the chumps are in attention he's suddenly able to enter so does she remember him thus the main character gallantly appeared did you also time my arrival no it doesn't matter i'm going to save everyone and then i'm going to settle this between us once and for all since i used my tricks to hack into the program he must have hacked in with his tricks too right that's also how you kept your memories right even though you haven't aged a day just like these guys if i hadn't then i wouldn't have been able to save everyone don't you understand it doesn't matter how you got here as long as you're here you'll be treated like one of my students which means you must it doesn't matter we can finally end this you know if we get out of here it'll all resolve itself peacefully after all this i can't let you get in the way the fact that you guys are even thinking like that is jugo's trap huh she's lying to you about your deadpool please stop i can't take it anymore hello me what do we trust if you knew junko's true gold you know she's lying you know her goal yeah this game just like i feel like it drags on like really program to the despair restoration program the despair restoration program as part of the graduation coco your avatar's memory and consciousness is uploaded into your real body however none of us expected that any of the avatars would get delayed they weren't supposed to get deleted juneco has taken advantage of that opportunity she intends to use her version of alter ego the ai she stole my friend's skill to create and upload yourself into the bodies of everyone whose avatar was deleted oh then everyone who died isn't gonna come back to life they're gonna be taken over by you that would be bad what the [ __ ] like the real world once an avatar is deleted from this virtual world it can't be recovered it's actually impossible to revive them that doesn't mean i was lying you know i just didn't make some things clear and even if they're overwritten by my alter ego that doesn't mean they'll be a completely different person i don't care revive pecan anyway even if it's joko mikan the data of everyone who died is stored within me so i'm sure i can convincingly act out their personality don't mess with me in fact i have a lot of data on so i know some things that'll make you happy i can play a version of pekko that's morning you're gonna become mad operation junkify all mankind begins here after uploading my alter ego into everyone who died i'm gonna take over the future foundations headquarters oh my god so many eventually there's gonna be a whole lot of me's all over the world oh yeah our dreams are expanding that messed up plan is your goal then why didn't you just kill all of us if you did you could have taken over all of our pockets wouldn't that have been more convenient for you is that what you want me to do is it still too late to do that no there's a reason juco couldn't do that that's why she made you guys kill each other the reason she wasn't able to do that she was uh the rules the rules she can't break the rules it's because of the school trips rules even a monster like her has to follow the rules of the school trip you know you served through sami's authorities and observer and her role as your teacher however according to the rules of the school trip even usami had to follow up that's why when juko took over her position she had no choice but to follow the rules as well but why because the program i don't know so the rules were protecting us man i was so annoyed i have the authority to add rules but no authorities yeah somebody says the program wouldn't allow it even if i could have deleted rules i was still busy with my whole taking over your body's plan so you made us kill each other cause you couldn't kill us yourself is that how you were able to increase the number of bodies you can take over like i said i personally didn't care about the outcome of the killings how dare you look down on us what about our lives chump [Music] i change forgive you i will never ever [ __ ] forgive you so that's your trap make us choose graduate so you can take over everyone's body with the graduation program how can you be so cruel because junko and oshima is the true ultimate described that right she doesn't yearn for any kind of future at all she fills every person she meets with despair that's my makoto you understand me so well i mean despair is not a goal or a set of principles or a lifestyle or even an instinct it's what defines me as junko energy you just gotta be awful that's all that's why i'm able to pursue despair with such purity so you're saying you only exist yeah you guys haven't got it yet they've told you this a million times want to hear about a beautiful memory that even i who gets bored easily still remember fondly please let us know picture thousands of fools who are madly in love with me dying one by one like insects doused with bug spray and the best part is they did it to themselves you know thousands of humans falling like dominoes that memory is so beautiful and made my brain melt oh my god you can't even trust computers anymore does that story have a happy ending could it be she talking about them right now uh talking about the reserve corps students i see me are you talking so the reserve of course we get this straight so hajime was a sip for juco that's all it is wow and all of you out there that have their profile picture as junko you're all the same you're only in my comment section to fill my channel with despair i mean probably someone out there is like oh i love despair oh yeah i totally forgot you're a survivor of the reserve course by the way i'm so sorry for your loss [Music] the incident yeah they said they said it you don't have to be that surprised you all look like your parents friends and lovers all tied at once that was so rude of me there's no way you guys even have meaningful relationships like that anymore i mean you're all ultimate despair you guys have already eaten your fill of despair i do not really know what you are trying to say junko robs the futures of everyone she interacts with you ultimate despairs are among her many victims if someone like me is born not this one again this one scares me for despair that's wrong the world isn't yearning for despair that's the reason we can't let you escape but if you do that you guys won't be able to return to the real world right if we choose graduate to get out of here the graduation program will act what if that happens yeah that's bad ego will be uploaded into the bodies of the dead does that mean we gotta stay here to keep her from getting out that sucks what the heck why does it have to be like that it's such a cool fate for you guys but it's awfully convenient for the future foundation they'll be able to keep all the ultimate despairs including me trapped in this game forever that's not it well the ultimate despair is hated worldwide and their lives are no doubt targeted by the future foundation oh well if you don't want to acknowledge that i guess it just can't be helped can't be helped l.o.l about that's my i assumed my favorite lines in this game just to find out that graduating is the wrong choice even though you came all this way to win the game even though you kept sacrificing your friends to win but where's the butt part the goal you guys squirmed to reach was wrong all along isn't that just so [ __ ] tragic stop stop it it was a mistake was this really a mistake what do we do don't give up yet that's what he would say there's a way you guys can get out of here without letting you go out slap her no no there's no way such a convenient there is really really now i didn't i didn't know then it's a way even she doesn't know the way to get out it might be that oh uh of course i know i'm just yeah shut down sequence that sounds like that sounds like a plan if you use this you can override the observer and forcefully escape from the neo that's exact it sounds perfect let's do that are you talking about the shutdown sequence shutdown sequence what is that it's a hidden command i set up in the neoworld program hidden command basically i never believed the neo world program was a perfect solution there was always a possibility that usami's hope might have made things even worse for you guys or hope created more despair it really did shut down the program in case of emergencies as i recall you said it was a command that not even the teacher i have an unfortunate announcement to make class you cannot activate the shutdown you know about more importantly do you know why do you know why you can't activate the shuttle please enlighten me not enough people oh probably because it's broken probably not enough people i see that's gotta be it because there's not enough people pay attention so you need how many people out of 15 people more than half oh i did read that graduate and repeat at the same time am i correct however out of 15 people including mccoy so was that part of the plan too that's why they wanted us to kill each other even if you want to cheat i won't let ya the shutdown sequence won't activate unless it knows that different people initiated it so it's totally impossible you totally saw through that supposedly hidden command no need to worry even i knew we couldn't activate the shutdown back and forth back and forth the only reason i'm here is because there is a chance please just say explaining it stop talking what is this chance of winning of what you said i like your like background thing moves i can't hear you you gotta speak up since you're so puny i believe in them i believe they will definitely come then yeah then you need to take your time that's what i'm talking about this is what i've been waiting for i wanted to see them from the freaking beginning i hate you but i'm so glad to see you oh god i'm sorry even though it took some time for two people to enter the program simultaneously it appears we made it hey what's going on why are there more people again how exciting i haven't seen these faces in ages it's like opening your high school yearbook 10 years later so happy i must say now that i'm seeing her up close she's much bigger than i remember oh what because she isn't excited by big women once you gain some more experience you'll understand there's a lot of kinky things you can do with big girls all right you're alive but you're so skinny now i feel so bad she doesn't know any other bianchia um are you two also from a future foundation no it's probably not just that the 60 you joined the future foundation because you agree with our ideals right yeah yeah we know they got rescued you guys are the survivors of the killing school life who previously defeated junko right yeah that's right there's three of them here now the former heroes plunging themselves into the game world ignoring all danger jesus stupids making such a move did you really want to see me that badly it can't be helped in order to stop you that move was our only choice kyoko i missed you too there are eight people now we have enough to activate the shutdown sequence [Music] no there better not be something else you guys showed up looking all cool and stuff and now all the ultimate despairs you said it again just ignore them but also like juco wants to lose too right if we activate the shutdown sequence it'll be the end of her in this messed up world hey can i ask you something if we do shut down the program what will happen to us no need to worry we won't let you get hurt it's not just that we want a more detailed explanation please don't forget everything within the program will be deleted it will obviously delete alter ego junko along with your avatars oh so they'll be evil you're saying we're going to be deleted too it doesn't mean you'll be deleted the program will just finish without completing the graduation program what does that mean for us your avatars will not upload so you will revert to your original state before you entered the program is there a reason to tell them all that they have to know everything or else they won't agree to do it hold on a second if we go back to our original selves before we enter the program reverse ultimate despairs that mean we'll go back to being ultimate despair that's right back to being hopelessly there's no way to win when you used to feel despair upon despair are you [ __ ] serious can't you do anything about it i understand your concern but this is the only way to stop junko it might be a painful decision but i know you guys will be able to overcome it that's why in order to defeat despair i want you guys to fight alongside us we still have to fight i i thought we finally reached the end don't worry once you get out we will do our best to support you but i thought the future foundation wanted to kill every last ultimate despair [Music] when you say support do you mean i'll make sure you don't suffer when i kill you or of course not we would never allow that to happen it's gonna be all right your real bodies have just been brainwashed that's why i'm pretty sure you'll quickly revert back to the state you're in right now can you stop saying cheesy stuff like brainwashed washing your brain is like but still even if our brainwashing is undone the memories we've made up till now will be erased right does that mean we'll completely forget everything we did on this island i don't want that it doesn't matter what you want that's the reality every meaningless thing that happened here will vanish from your minds [Music] does that include her too if we lose our memories of this world we're also going to forget she ever existed right if that happens does it really mean that she an existence uh confined to this world that's really going to disappear she risks her life to protect us and we don't even remember she exists memory is not all that'll go back if you've lost a limb like nagito it'll still be gone when please stop going back to reality in that condition that's like a bad joke you're not joking that is your past nobody can escape there yeah tell them we don't know anything about that past hey why why did we become ultimate despair in the first place i asked the same thing in the real world but nobody would give me an answer it seems my teachings were quite thorough however if you ask me people who claim to stuff like hope talent or admiration are truly the weakest huh guys who desperately want to reach the top they don't think about what'll happen when they're pushed off they're probably too concerned with having a really nice view while they condescend to others shoving off guys like that is so easy i happen to know 17 082 ways to do that the point is the moment you cling to talent and help despair is already set in that's not even an explanation what if you think about it like this it turns out that you guys being ultimate despair was just part of the game world and in truth those guys from the future foundation might be part of the game well too they're simply side characters of the game world whose goal is to offer hopeless hope to you guys well after saying all that i don't even know what's real and what's a game anymore i don't either are you kidding around enough [Applause] this ending this long ending is causing me to disappear episodes gonna be like four hours long and your dead friends will never be revived and the embodiment of despair aka p will be erased thereby preserving hope in the real world now then will the hope of the future foundation wins or will my despair win all right no not this one this isn't a game you know how comes rare this is a game the game of hope and despair that started with your killing school life that explains why these chumps who weren't around last time have been reduced to mere side characters you called us trumps again only because it's true most importantly the killing school trip wasn't just for your sake there was a more important goal there the goal of luring a specific group of people since now's a great time why don't we make that the question question as long as we're in the game world then we'll say i gotta ask questions every now and then so who did i lure and how did i do it the hint is we get bored easily so the same outcome as the killing school life would be a pain in meow okey-dokey let's all think about it together the same outcome as the killing school life do i just have to remember what occurred there the people juke allure the method okay oh logic drive again all right question one when did uh who did you go inashima what's a lure oh god i'm gonna say future foundation i don't know yes uh what bait was used to lure the future foundation a glitch the killings the killings the killings the killings i don't know i'm really guessing here if you couldn't tell what wow i'm good i'm good all right question three why did you go you support them to watch the killings the surveillance caramel what the heck it was the surveillance caramel yes got it you use the surveillance cameras you were trying to lure the future foundation by showing them the footage you were recording weren't you concerned that's what they were being used for now we're finally now killing school line the surveillance camera footage was broadcast outside of the school you use the cameras that were placed throughout the entire island for the same purpose i was broadcasting the killing school trip live to every member of the future foundation the photos you recorded with the surveillance cameras what shall i do i did a lot of disgraceful things in front of those cameras i like whites always he saw but the virus within the program blocked us at every turn okay not only that the neo world program stopped accepting shutdown commands from the outside as a last resort we considered cutting power to the program but we didn't know what would happen to the subjects if we cut the power while the program was still running there's no way we'd jeopardize your safety by taking such a gamble even so we kept trying over and over again until it was finally possible for us to enter the program just a short time ago and you came all the way here when you knew it was a trap i get it you couldn't just leave them alone if you saw people dying one by one with your own eyes by the same killing game you guys played prank dictates that you act all high and mighty and say oh i'm definitely gonna stop at this time right hey don't tell me that's the reason you made us go through all this of course we made you do it for that reason we orchestrated this game instead of killing you outright solely to show it off to the future foundation we were forced to solve puzzles and riddles just so you could show it off to the future foundation that's why you guys are chumps you're just the bait i use to catch a big fish called the future foundation but it's not my fault you know this game is a fight between the future foundation and me you guys were just instigators in the background but you guys already knew that when you chose to play this game right just one second please that sounds so weird as though we wanted to come to this world of our own free will but that's precisely the truth you guys chose to be instigators and you were willingly taken into the neoworld to provide the opportunity i needed to push this battle between hope and despair into overtime that's right the reason the ultimate despairs began killing each other was set up by the group itself that's just your imagination oh naive makoto totally fell for the trap oh and now your face is filled with a lovely shade of just beer you're here to rescue the [ __ ] to set this up in the first place don't go blaming us for this thank you it's all thanks to you guys this time around i might be able to fill these guys with mites but you will nuts cause hope wins even if this was all a trap we will never regret coming here and this is the only thing we could do to stop here but nevertheless it's all over we will shut you down then do it please oh but you won't because of this i'm 1400 steps ahead of you but i'll wait i'm also 1401 steps out of you oh if you don't initiate the shutdown those future foundation [ __ ] wits are gonna be trapped here forever trapped why would that happen didn't i yes explain it ah [Applause] there are two graduate repeat right so yeah you have to pick repeat if you don't pick graduation that's not all right in order to pass the graduation exam there was one more requirement oh become the black in an escape is that it i don't remember nah that's not it is it pressing the button oh there's collect the whole fragments the heck what did i miss oh teacher's final decision [Music] as i recall we also need the teacher's final decision oh yeah he did say that well she obviously there's no way i'd let the members of the future foundation graduate so if you can't activate the shutdown the foundation will enter the endless that's only if the shutdown sequence doesn't activate right but that's impossible everyone here understands how dangerous it is to release you into the real world we know that all too well i mean she's been bad-mouthing us this whole time oh it looks like you shouldn't have talked so much out of the mouth comes evil so they say it's true that we fell for this trap and that we run the risk of not being able to go back but what's wrong with that thinking we'd back down because of something like that is a huge mistake that's my mind thinking your little shutdown plan will succeed is a huge mistake huh you're totally overestimating those jumps over there there's no way they'll start the shutdown sequence why not look upon their faces they look like piglets who were forced to watch their mom roasting on a spit there's no [ __ ] way to initiate the shutdown just to go back to being ultimate despair that is juco i don't care what you say i've decided to believe in everyone tell them it's true that they walk the wrong path before but that's all in the past now yeah you don't have to be the city person with their futures no matter what you see what she wants i will never fall into despair no wrong wrong i'm not the one who's gonna make you fall into despair that's the mastermind's job and they'll be appearing very soon mastermind mastermind someone else is coming that can't be it's just a bluff you should never make the last character who appears in a detective story turn out to be the mastermind they always fall into that pattern so i was kind of worried about that enough already what are you talking to another person let's bring them out with lots of energy it's mr izuru kamakura i knew it was this freaking person they talked about it right that person was the founder of the academy or the a dog dave of destruction a member of the future foundation uh there's the founder i think i think i see yeah cool yeah the founder yeah that's what we just said it was written on the placard beneath the portrait of that's not him it's like a son or something watch does the founder have the same name as that ultimate hope guy is that kind of coincidence even possible the future foundation might know something right how about it kyoko even within hopes peak academy there's very little information about a person called izuru it's a mystery if such a person ever really existed and not just that the matter was closed without ever being settled because of that incident if you do not know then please allow me providing hopelessly skilled explanations is a quirk of mine the reason izuru's existence continues to be such a mystery is because the academy hit it did they now the academy hide his existence without recall they were trying to protect their superior talent they even called it mankind's hope correct however that prodigious student ended up killing 13 student council members at hope's peak academy yeah the killer responsible for helping favors yep they were the bad ones the one who set it up information about the zuru completely banished after that incident we thought shinko killed them izuru kamakura is very much alive i assume that was the one talking okay you know they kind of gave that a hint but what huh how doesn't even exist if you don't understand i'll explain it to you till you do understand you're ready you're easier you're easier oh my god that's what the thing was in yandere simulator oh god hold on seriously what are you talking about lawyer i seen a massive spoiler without even knowing what it was that ultimate help right but is that's right it's supposed to be part of the reserve he is one of those reserve course dropouts and has no talent whatsoever but the fact that he's really is zuru kamakura makes all this much more helpless i am izuru what do you want what do you say to this make your argument the vision of nagito that's gotta be it good news even though you were not for being a reserve he had a talent all along ultimate hope how can someone from the reserve force have such an amazing talent like that in order to hide his identity was he hidden in the reserve course and hajime's name is bank there's no doubt i'm hajime hinata i've always had that name ever since i was born then easily hey you weren't lying to us right i do not want any more last-minute plot twists please i can't agree more anymore okay [Music] created hope are you talking about the hope cultivation plan hope cultivation plan what is that a while back i saw a file kept by the future foundation for many years hope's peak academy was researching a breakthrough plan to cultivate personal talent it's true it was a breakthrough plan after all it was a plan to create the perfect genius create for the longest time the hope cultivation plan was the earnest wish of hope's peak academy in fact that's why the academy was established part of that plan was researching the talents of ultimate because the plan was so important they adopted the name of the academy's founder and called it the izuru kamakura project just a little while ago they were finally able to reach the experimental stage of that plan from there they set their sights on the reserve course dropouts to use them as lab rats why did they use the reserve course as lab rats a plan to create talent artificially requires test subjects that are holy lacking in talent from that group of reserve course students the one who was finally chosen was claudia who stands before you now why me because you admired hope's peak academy more than anybody else this is that coming you don't get it you were used by the academy they exploited your feelings of admiration toward hope and talent just to use you as a lab rat what see didn't i tell you the moment you bring the talent in hope despair has already set in lies that's definitely a lie after many surprises was transformed into 1.0 can you say transform what did they do to him unless you're willing to go to extremes it's impossible to change a normal person into a perfect genius so naturally they went to extremes the operator's interfering with his brain hope's peak academy transformed hajime hinata into a completely different person whose specialty is talent itself known as izuru kamakura eventually izuru became an ultimate despair thanks but all i did to his uru was simply break his spirit that's nothing compared to what hope's peak academy did to him not even close seriously it's scary how determined the researchers were to mess with the human brain that much doing such inhumane acts that nobody else is capable of with such a calm mind and a steady hand i admire it so much it makes my mind film so who's good at who's bad then you're just a simple avatar right now so even if you touch your head you won't feel the scar did they really do something like that but if you think about it he's gonna be a super genius right like i said he's not hajime he's a completely different person whose specialty is talent itself different person how is he doing all of the senses emotions thoughts and hobbies that interfere with acquiring talent have been exiled all of his memories of the past have been forcefully suppressed into the darkest recesses [Music] he doesn't even have a memory it sounds like he is a completely different person so that's why it's so surprising that hockey may even exist here at all even if he's just an avatar the neo world program must have dug up those memories and rebuilt his old personality from data from the past i cannot help but feel impressed that the neo world program was able to accomplish such a feat so this is what he used to look like it is for hajime he probably would have been better off if he stayed a race then when hajime returns to his original state after the shutdown he'll disappear disappear all that will remain is a zuru kamakura an entirely different personality created by hope speak academy he will no longer be hajime hinata i'm going to disappear what's happening are we done is it finally over oh oh my god my boy's got some super saiyan 3 hair that's what he looks like he's got charming gun too what the heck is his hair man but no matter what happens it's of no concern to me i will not be able to participate in what lies ahead really i don't really understand but i guess we have to part ways for a while that's disappointing we seem to get along pretty well hey can i see you again there's no reason to meet again after all you're boring your talent your thoughts your entire existence is boring i think that's what i said i kind of skipped it you really don't play along do you [Music] so that's what [Music] the mastermind behind all of this what the heck could it be the one who uploaded you into the neo world program was it's not me just so you know as long as your brain has been messed with you can't undo it no matter how hard you try i have no way to be saved you say but you already know what you must do i already know that i can't be saved submit to junko [Music] choose graduate choose repeat well what do i do choose graduate [Music] i see i just need to choose graduate then [Music] in that case the hajime avatar will be uploaded into his real body so hajime will be safely reborn truly a royal road to a hopeless happy ending is that not what i need to do hold on you can't do that oh but never mind everyone who died oh crap what are you doing like if you guys don't start the shutdown the future foundation will be trapped here i can't allow the future foundation to sacrifice themselves for the ultimate despair we have to protect the world from despair you say okay okay that's getting so old really have to sacrifice yourselves just to protect the world in the first place what if the world's hope is different from your hope even if the world is happy it's meaningless if you aren't happy that's plus the future foundation wants to kill all the ultimate despair they'd be like really spitting facts right now once you go back to being ultimate despair the future foundation's punishment time will activate it would be absolutely dreadful if i don't even like this it's gotten so confusing that i don't even know what i should be doing i don't know what the right move is not just dreadful it's rather [ __ ] hopeless don't you think and can you guys even endure that everything that happened here will just end up being a meaningless game everything you felt aw friendship love there won't even be safe data left of it the girl you love the guy you hate grow weaker and skinnier each day they lay immobilized and in hajime's case his very existence is going to disappear all because of the academy he loves so much will you be able to endure such despair who are you going to endure it for for people you've never met before for people who don't even appreciate you does that sound like hope to you you can't believe her that's how she works that's what she does so she can lure you all toward despair there is no reason to listen to her hurry up and start the shutdown hold on what is it why are we still waiting do you still not understand what's going to happen to the real world if junko escapes no i was just how many victims do you think the biggest most awful most tragic event in human history is claimed right now it's finally started to calm down if junko enoshima makes countless victims will fill the streets the world will regress to an era of bloodshed chaos and worldwide rioting so that's why you're telling them to stop the shutdown sequence to prevent them [Music] yes you're telling them to turn back into ultimate despair and lose all the memories they made in this world even among them there are those who will simply cease to exist and you're telling them to just deal with it he's trying to get in their heads there she is at this point this is the only way no no there is another way oh please enlighten us yeah as long as they choose to graduate they can pass along their avatar's memories and everyone here will be able to hold hands and keep on living well everyone who died will be taken over by me but don't you think that's a better faith than being a vegetable for the rest of their life you guys you can't buy into this think carefully about which is true hope and which is true despair um what shall we do you're asking us you're telling us to decide damn it why'd it turn out like this oh god i don't know we can overcome despair you guys should be able to grasp true hope oh what is that if our memory is up until now what the heck i will not even remember the reason everybody died this is it this is the end isn't it we finally got it really going to let her take over your friends bodies you might think i'm a fool but i want to see pekka one more time if we turn back into ultimate despair the future foundation might kill us right probably won't let them do that this is all the future foundation's fault they're the ones who stuck us in this messed up world for your protection if junko escapes to the real world there will be countless victims again well there's a third game for a reason right i know but everyone's hope is in conflict such despair graduated shut down [Music] telling us to choose to choose between that why okay why do we have to choose oh my god i i i think i messed up i don't know i didn't choose anything i can't do it huh i can't do it i can't choose you guys are telling us the world's going to be destroyed unless we sacrifice ourselves and that i can't decide i can't choose either one shut up this this is just too much why do i why do i have to be a part of this i mean i'm different from the rest of you and i don't even have a talent but even so i got dragged into this and now my existence is going to disappear i just justified that i wouldn't do it i don't know what to do choices are hopeless how much of ourselves do we have to sacrifice this burden don't you dare make us shoulder it there's no way we can handle this on our own everyone get a hold of yourself it's impossible for someone like me it's impossible i can't choose the future hope despair do whatever you want it's not my problem that's and there's no answer so you've chosen to make no choice at all jeez once again this went exactly as i expected i get so hopelessly bored when everything goes according to plan oh well since i have everyone's data i kind of figured things would play out like this that is unless something else hopelessly unpredictable happens i don't even know if i'm on the right track i can say that but the chance of something convenient happening is hopeless after all this is a game a world where everything progresses with predetermined harmony fine except for but that's okay you don't have to force yourself to make a choice a futureless future i think it's fine if that exists too as long as you don't yearn for hope you'll never fall victim to despair that goes for me too as long as i don't yearn for despair i'll never need to hope for it so let's all free ourselves from this curse and stay here as the best of friends let's immerse this must be the other ending the wrong ending oh my god what did i do guys i think i did a bad thing oh what [Music] all right again reset and with this the world will continue to loot the healing utopia sounds like fun what am i doing i don't know an eternal game utopia sounds like i guess it's fine to stay like this for a while young master that is a wise call yay you didn't have to forget yes there's no way i would forget and with this juco's gone all right let's party i'm gonna showcase my full cooking he's back just leave the btf hey can i take a picture to commemorate this what to be odd by the side of my prowess i've prepared you a training regiment if you get hurt let me know should i begin with a brief introduction of myself well it sounds so much different after all this time what was this again oh well there's no need to think about it we could just stay like this all right so i had to get that you guys aren't part of the game right it's still it's still greyed out it doesn't matter all right and with this the world an eternal game oh this world okay i did it i totally guessed who are you oh chucky i'm just a part of the game but you guys aren't right yucky is that you why are you here hmm i don't know does this mean you're my memory of chiaki because you should have already disappeared oh well it doesn't matter anyway don't you think they're messed up telling us the world's going to be destroyed and to sacrifice ourselves there's no way i can choose for someone like me i'm just not able to choose seriously i've had enough tired of being mixed up in all this stuff i don't understand not only was i told that i have no talent at all but if i get out i'll go back to being ultimate despair and on top of that i was told i'm going to disappear too isn't that messed up hey you don't want that either right i mean if we lose our memories there won't be a single trace of your existence left you're going to completely disappear and none of us will ever remember you no i won't even if i cease to exist even if you guys never remember me again that doesn't mean i will completely disappear as long as everyone continues to move forward toward the future we created together i will never disappear so jackie was best girl all along what i lived for fought for and risked my life for will still exist you're right but you're probably just scared right not just of disappearing you're scared of moving toward the future with such a heavy burden right yeah i'm scared i'm obviously terrified flat how much longer are you going to be this indecisive huh didn't you want to become someone with confidence isn't that why you admired hope's peak academy but even hope's peak academy tricked me hajime you've had it wrong this whole time wrong having talent isn't the goal there's something much more important than whether or not you have talent right what's important is that you believe in yourself if you can't do that no matter how much talent you possess you will never be confident in yourself just like how you were in the past you who are you i mean you should have already disappeared right but past hajime is in the past he's not the same hajime who spent time with me and the others in this world so it's going to be all right i think it's time you finally had confidence in yourself ichiyaki can you tell me something [ __ ] which choice should i make my hope the world's hope which one should i choose you guys are the only ones who have the right to decide your future [Music] too so you're saying i should choose for myself but if you can't choose either future why don't you just create one even if this world is just a game you guys aren't part of the game you guys don't have to just choose a future you should be like one as well i can't answer someone like me can do that since you're not part of the game you don't have to worry about talent skill or level you guys have a tremendous ultimate move that can overcome anything i guess what i'm trying to say is if you just do it things will turn out okay if i do it things will turn out okay of course games aren't very fun when they're easy to clear but this isn't a game right hey hajime this isn't for the sake of anyone else you you have to do this for yourself now then it's about time you show me your cool side hajime okay i'll help out to help uh what is she gonna do oh i have no talent at all it's kind of scary i was even betrayed by the academy i admired so much i don't want to disappear bro turn into horror who cares what will happen to the world i want to sacrifice myself which one do i do not like i'll be appreciated anyway there's no way we can be juco it's the future foundation's fault not mine i can't choose the future see if you just do it things will turn out okay you should even be able to create the future i did that is this really me so uncool it's totally uncool create the future okay so i think we have to do that i was even betrayed by the academy i admired so much says i have no future at all or something i can't choose the future create the future yeah i knew it i had to be here you just do it things turn out okay you should even be able to create the future that's what i said oh you have to use it on all of them so i had to look it up like it's really impossible to like figure out some of this stuff i have no talent yeah oh i don't want to disappear i should have known this i think it was in the first game who cares what will happen all your self doubts get him out of here shoot him with the gun it's not like i'll be appreciative shut up there's no way we can shut up even so it's the future foundation just your milk ah i missed even so not mine judgmental even so i i got 45 shells in this four round you guys know what i'm talking about leave a comment if you know what that's from what kind of future it is as long as you guys move toward it i will never disappear no i i can't believe i was blinded i didn't know she was so nice everything that happened here it won't be meaningless if you guys carried the burden of both hope and despair you should even be able to create the future even if it's a convenient miracle if you just do it things will turn out that's why you can't hesitate now resolve to throw everything away and give it everything you got i'll be cheering for you sorry i'm gonna cut her off but that reminds me i forgot to say it again [Music] that's cool all right [Music] i don't know if i had to do all that you might be killed by the future foundation right this is your responsibility since you're the one that's not my responsibility it's the future foundations they're both hope and they're both despair conclusions come on i'm reloading don't read the world of despair the tragedy using my other hand to click into ultimate despair i've never clicked so much in my life killed by the future foundation all right like did i hold it am i supposed to hold it ability i'm starting to lose hope right now i can't click anymore i will not even remember well i think i have to hold it i have to hold it don't i i thought it we don't read the book you're clicking it you just hold it once again oh my god no that's wrong whoa that's that's pretty cool i like that i like that i'll get a haircut super saiyan man futures are ours i won't let anyone take them isn't this exactly what happened to what's in space like in the first game i've decided i'm done running away i will fight for my future i will fight alongside the future that everyone created for me it's not for anyone else's sake but my own don't tell me hey what the heck is going on is this a serious bug or something he turned super saiyan and not in zuru kamakura i'm goku oh i got a showdown now oh it doesn't matter no no i have limited cuts it doesn't matter shut your mouth shut up no no even so i you don't have to work i'll never let anyone choose again there we go oh the final showdown i don't want the final gets our hero battle okay there we go that's wrong that's wrong we hit her with the facts and knowledge boys what the heck is wrong with you why is there a bug like this all of a sudden everyone let's shut this game down huh don't you get it [Music] there's no way i'll allow things to end this way the future everyone has created for us should have more possibilities than that let's leave this place with confidence and from there we can just create it on our own the future that we want to sing this game right now it's going to happen it wouldn't be strange if a miracle oh would you know this is play you know it's going to be the end now we can change the future as much as we want even if you talk big if you leave here you're just gonna forget everything that goes for everyone else um we just have to present no you times at the same time i wonder i do not really understand it myself but i just i just thought when my body felt so heavy that i could not move when i felt as though i was sinking into a deep black sea it was at that moment i somehow heard hajime's voice and though it was just a flush i saw it like a lighthouse beacon shining across an ocean of darkness of course you did the one who shined that light it was probably you saw it too right how'd you make the future we are going to create from this moment on it is also the future that everyone has created right then there's no way we can stop now seriously no you can't decision [Music] i'm well aware it might be an accident there's no telling how this will play out but i can't stand on my own two feet if she keeps treating me like a damn kid you do you kind of look like one but that's the point dude you got this stuff there's someone strong worth fighting i'll fight it's just who i am you know oh there we go that's what it means to be confident right ben i'm gonna choose this man you know he's getting lying again i accused you at every turn but hey we can still do this you're gonna do it there's no way i can back out i wish for your death many times but you know what i'm sorry about that if i don't have any place to go back to i should at least protect this place no matter what my favorite sip why why it's okay you like this anyway don't worry depths of despair because we believe huh we believe in our future that's what makes us different from you we believe that if we try new things even difficult things that everything will turn out okay we believe we can even create our own futures you can't do that that's illegal [Music] what is this he's like i remember this feeling [Music] thank you mama is that the last line what let's hit it with that russian gun huh it's not the end right this is just the beginning right first we need to let this game if this if this game puts me on a cliffhanger i don't know what happens to them we are the ones who are going to create this game is made an ultimate mistake and not tell me where owie is that's all i want oh and big hair forgot about him hero what she's back oh there we go that's her she got her staff and everything [Music] go monavie or usami she's finally useful she never saw it coming the rainbows oh okay oh where was that power before it's because we didn't have hope that was it see we just didn't have hope that was all that looks cool gotta make sure i get that thumbnail man this is absolute despair i feel despair upon despair and despair toward despair yet again how fun once you share this it's all good she likes it she's like turning back thank you have a nice day living in the shadows of past memories that's too sad you know but i guess i no longer i no longer have to hope for despair what was that just now why did usami appear she should have already disappeared that's what i thought i guess it's just as hajime said at least this wasn't the ending prepared for that this was the ending they created are you saying is this the right ending towards such an uncertain future on purpose this seems like the right end so the only thing we can do now is leave it to them this game world is going to end soon there is nothing more we can do regardless there's no need for us to do anything [Music] oh it's happening man it's collapsing you're right um i am sorry to trouble everyone but even if we awaken in the real world and forget about what transpired here it will still have meaning right of course miss sonia i don't know the proper way to say this but i i kind of feel the same way too you're so bad at explaining things now that it's the end you should at least try a little you need to confess those feelings dude change that easily you know well whether it has meaning or not it all depends on us now time's almost up i'm pretty scared i am scared too but it's okay right it makes sense to feel scared right that's the future thanks you guys better remember me too my name is kazuichi soda with your colorful personalities there's no way i'd forget you guys that easily even if i have a feeling they will though i will use all my might and remember if you start talking weird later hajime i'll beat you up till you turn back to normal that's a relief but make sure you hold back as much as you can [Music] so this is the end but it's just the beginning isn't that right i get that thumbnail action it doesn't change how scared i am i can't help feeling scared so scared but thank you thank you chiaki i finally said it so we we were able to tell her after all me too thank you i'll never forget about you guys she gets stuck there i'll never ever forget i'll be cheering for you guys from now on from somewhere because we're all friends after all game over that was the longest chapter ever this is the end goodbye academy of despair [Music] there's always gonna be that last scene though but but wait but wait there's more to this than you know [Music] i got a giant cell phone sweet and so the incident is coming to an end the incident riddled with absurdity nonsense was sheer irrationality it's about to lower its curtain an incident smaller than hope speak academy's biggest most tragic event smaller than the biggest most awful most tragic event in his history an incident too so small it doesn't even have a name the world will never know what happened here not now and not in the distant future as long as they remain here apparently they've finished the preparations we can leave any time then i guess we should get going my man does got some real long legs look at bianchi i can see it now my god k makoto is this really okay you're the one who said leave the questions to me so i let you take the lead are they really going to be okay didn't they just turn back into ultimate despair i don't think that's the case i mean if they did turn back they wouldn't have said that they'd stay on this island they stayed perhaps they're thinking about helping their sleeping friends i can't really say for sure but that's what i believe whether they know it or not the fact that they're already clinging to that feeling shows they're no longer who they were in the past so they were on that it seems that there are too many soft-parted people here but in reality the possibility of those who are asleep waking up is close to zero no the possibility isn't a problem so that's what they really look like now they look the same they're just a little bit different hey kyoko still got your gloves to see even if there's the smallest possibility they're still trying to create that future for themselves oh they still got they got look at the pin now their eyes that is the future it sounds like future foundation i'm pretty sure you might as well call it a miracle strangely enough i have a feeling that they'll be able to reach him they've accepted their hopes and their despair and they're trying to create their own future maybe for people like that miracles are inevitable don't you think as cheesy as ever seriously you haven't grown up at all haven't grown up that's the main reason we decided to come with you well who cares i guess i'll respect your decision is that like a pe teacher somewhere like what's going on what comes next is going to be difficult for us leaving them on this island if the higher-ups at hq find out about this it will definitely cause a scene you need to work on concealing that's not a problem and what do you intend to explain to hq um about that i was gonna think about it while i was on the ship good luck i'm not going to help you that much huh why you should at least be glad that we decided to respect your decision fine koto's a good guy then let's go back as well we're not even close to finished yet there's still a lot we must do besides the future foundation the biggest most awful most tragic event in human history is not finished we must end this once and for all for the sake of the future it seems i must fight alongside you all for a little while longer even though i don't want it waiting for you to return don't make me remember something so horrifying no no who then let's go no shelby hurry made our own futures too bring her out that had to have been right and so the ordeal has ended and from here our daily lives have started i never got a hurricane i said are much more absurd nonsensical and irrational than before things are probably gonna be a lot more difficult now there's no such thing as an answered mystery it's doubtful whether or not things will even end well the future isn't a path it's like an endless sea you can try to go anywhere but it doesn't mean you'll get there even so i want to see what he looks like on living i will keep on living as hajime hinata i guess we've kind of seen but my future lies here but that's not really what he looks like right right i don't know i don't know if that was like a symbolism or if that was like what he really looks like oh my god we did it [Music] wow thank you guys thank you guys for being here what way there could be something after the credits right but thank you guys for just just watching like i cannot believe that you watched as much i did not expect this one to be so long the first game was not nearly a song i think the first game was like 30 hours this one was over 40. so guys hats off to you scrubs out there man uh i know you guys what you guys are going to say oh don't forget to play despair girls uh i'll play it i think that's what it's called yeah i don't know if i'm gonna take a break guys smash like you know i want to make sure that people are still invested in it so whenever i do do it i probably will ask i'll bring the like goals back i am interested in it but i don't want to like drag it out if people don't care i hope you care because i want to know and i'd love to play it for you guys but let me know i already bought the games i haven't already if you guys are going to support it i will play it thank you so much guys no script of the day today but assuming let's see if there's any more let's see if there's anything left no no that was it okay i will see you scrubs in the next danganronpa game that we play which is despair girls i think we'll see how it is i heard it's completely different uh kind of game but it should explain more like what happened to toko oh my god i forgot about toko oh that's oh my that's what they were talking about i gotta know what happens to toko all right bye guys
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 286,753
Rating: 4.9804168 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, bijuu mike danganronpa 2, bijuu mike danganronpa, danganronpa 2 gameplay bijuu mike, danganronpa 2, danganronpa 2 goodbye despair, danganronpa 2 goodbye despair episode 21, bijuu mike danganronpa 2 in order, bijuu mike plays danganronpa, danganronpa 2 class trial 6, bijuu mike danganronpa 2 part 22, final class trial danganronpa 2, danganronpa 2 ending, danganronpa 2 ending reaction, danganronpa 2 end, bijuu mike danganronpa 2 end, danganronpa 2 junko
Id: 4VuI764J7oE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 47sec (7967 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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