The First Class Trial - Danganronpa 2

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Plus trial-type Shh it's Judge Judy time once again but this time is the very first trial of dog and rapid you are you confused why how how do we get here well you musta missed some episodes then I tell you maybe you go check out the last episode it's like this look I said like a broken record worth a 30 key life State guys just thank you for smashing like please continue to do that I appreciate it is a threat remember that the heck secret entrance all right we gotta go to Jabberwock park uh who did it I'm going all scooby-doo mystery gang on this I really am guys you better cast your votes now who did it right I think I know I said this last episode but I really truly think that it could be me Khan she's a prime suspect it could be Kazu eg it could be Pekka Pekka Yama because you guys you guys know after all right I'm the ultimate intuition that's what that's my power I have ultimate intuition when it comes to down the route but we all know this I'm like always right good night like 90% of the time I also think this someone could be working together because ok for instance right my big man over here at neck oamaru it totally left in a very very weird time so it's also possible the two performers and you keep working together because there's no way than be Khan standing in the position that she was if she was the she there's no way she could have moved Bianca over so byakuya man he liked coffee - I didn't know he liked coffee we shared that in common and I never even spent any time with him seriously some jacked-up crap man you gotta make me spin an entire game with somebody then killed them it was my pleasure boy it only gets sadder this game only gets it it's just so much despair I swear I don't I I try to make sure my pet didn't die but yet here it is dead all right we have to meet here I wonder where this would be but I didn't think we'd do the class trials here okay thank you sad man what did I get here well it's been here dude have you not been walking around I have that story might be true after all there might be an enormous organization involved in all this you don't say Pyaar kiya we still needed his knowledge I still can't believe he's dead right I'm gonna be so mad at you if your ap actually did kill him or you're lying wait gun Dubin fuyuhiko are here what it appears they have it the bribe debts I know they probably ran away there's no way I let them escape you know look I dragged this one back over here first a he would he would never cooperate if you keep acting violent I might just eat you up hey for you Eko what are you doing after all this time nothing I wasn't really doing anything I was just chilling in my room so that's his alibi he's just been chilling okay I don't believe that for one second actually I do I actually do kind of believe it like it's raw waiting for Gundam which was good to begin oh yeah ninja looking guy yeah that guy I am here alright I'm gonna skip this unless they say something important wait a second wait why is she here mana me just what are you doing here nobody asked for you I do you actually want to join in do you want to taste how powerless you are to the class trial you're an even bigger masochist than I thought oh well I'm a big brother who dotes on his little sister I don't know why they have this little relationships buddy I shall allow your special participation I'll go on ahead a way for you guys I still want to know who made her and why is she a thing he told us to come but how did we get there secret entrance guys listen up okay I just clicked it I didn't even know working is it in his mouth Oh what the heck what if someone were standing there could it be easy telling us Androids well that is one flashy way to injure the class trial I must say wow it's almost exactly the same guys keep this in your memories now because you know pretty soon it's gonna be empty I really want to know like well I wonder if more students are gonna die like well they're only be one standing we all know it's not be Aki apparently we just still don't believe boy the person who did it is one of us I hope so I sure hope so or we have things to worry about alright I don't even have any skills it do i I don't think I have anyone skills so I can't set a skill yet alright I don't need it I don't need to read the handbook let's just do this well I'm just like I'm so excited because that is the gameplay the save my to me uh for my to me during the class trial if you've been who done it also says it back and will receive punishment but if you pick the wrong person I will punish everyone besides the blackened and that person will earn the right to leave this island you know what I always say if it ain't broken don't fix it so that's exactly what they've done it so far even though I think he's Makoto it's I don't know maybe maybe I'm wrong about that you think you would know oh yeah right like it was before monami wooded monami do porn me con you don't know you know I mean yes very good point except it's not so simple is it you're really trying to say is that you're not the killer right no [ __ ] you guys went off on your own and started killing each other this has nothing to do with me anyway why don't we try talking about the most pressing issue of mine I know I want to know whether the DLC for doki-doki literature clips coming out too but you know I also want to know when my chemical romance will release a new album but we all we all don't get to talk about the things we want to do alright I don't think we're here to talk about the body it's very strange oh that okay the reason why Bianca his body was discovered under the dining table we could start with that but ultimately we need to find out who murdered him if we can't do that no thinking about if it's a waste of time we have to do this no matter what oh wow it's almost identical okay oh we have a lot of truth bullets so that's a difference okay I can make them do that now all right cool I got it I got this okay so I gotta find the errors they probably move the body there you do they wrapped him in there and stabbed them but no that wouldn't make any sense yes yeah we're gonna if we got off to a good start there we go pepto-bismol was everywhere under the table only a genius idea hey don't say anything stupid ever again [Music] okay that was a little mean I'm so sorry your pink hair is very lovely but if the killer didn't move the body that's what we wouldn't know you was probably killed under the table okay it was obvious he was stabbed through the cracks right but that doesn't explain why the knife was up there I don't know how it got up there so but he was definitely stabbed through cracks just don't know how and maybe they pushed the knife through that's the only thing I could think of why was he under the table as the questions yes surprise us that dude was always a big jokester Vicki wasn't at all you don't even know him I gotta say that was probably one that was what I thought I thought maybe he just like panic and went into the table just gives the power went out just a mini dive under the table the reason why is probably connected to what byakuya was doing during the party don't you think the reason why he dope under the table he must have been somehow scared that something was gonna happen I don't know I don't know why he was actually there it's a giggles no oh my god whatever okay to the presence of dangerous items so I can not deny that was very nice if there was a knife under the table maybe the glowing paints okay okay you know what what does kind of make sense is that maybe the knife was taped under the table and that's why it's hanging because he took it off but how did he get stabbed with it that's what we don't know this is Rosa gets Judge Judy yes yes yeah yeah night-vision goggles let me take them out of the case man I don't believe that yeah he grabbed it because that was something he confiscated that surely and that's why he was able to see he was prepared but yeah he still died but the question is is how did anyone else see in the dark was it the I don't know maybe they were able to see the glowing tape and then they kind of noticed through the cracks that it was covered so they're like oh someone's here we're just gonna start stabbing like I don't know that just sounds dumb yes it's exactly what I'd say I'm sorry why this is no one's ever defied me I mean that is possible Wow I've no one's ever told me no before really surprised by me Hiro said an argument this is a new gameplay mechanic so when this happens you'll go on a one-on-one debate called rebuttal showdown in this mode you have to counter the other person's claim okay so if we don't if we ignore the others person remarks it will skew towards their advantage at the bottom right hand corner of the screen a number that shows the sharpness if your counter is displayed okay what's going on okay this is the number of times you can cut remarks during one round of the debate you will lose counts of sharpness even if you miss so please be very careful I am confused but you know we'll see so instead of a truthful at whitney truth blades to cut the things okay all right I have no idea but we'll find out right I have to stab her all right so she was saying so I think it's something about the the case the case is probably has to be the key to this oh I'm losing ice okay I cut your statements okay that wasn't it no it's nuts Oh God the knife trap the irons in the storage room come on wait a minute okay yeah I don't I don't understand what I'm doing okay everything she says okay no we did it okay all right I've got the hang of that it was a little confusing but okay because he'd be confiscated for everyone yes they were in theirs and you back she's so proud because he had the key yeah never speak up ever again no no it wasn't because he said that it was missing he'd know he did not know where it went well actually there was wasn't there he did put them all in there but no no not the one that he had the one he had the one with the knives in it were in another room which also points which also could point to freaky terror are not sanitary but the other girl Peka Peka we're names in this team okay so the duct tape proves that it wasn't brought because they kept it there yeah I'm right about that there was duct tape left under the table where the body was found duct tape he's probably hid the knife by duct taping it to the underside of the tape but why the color though byakuya was thorough even he couldn't have noticed a weapon taped to the underside of the table ever nagito set that up right why was byakuya acting so paranoid not only did he bring the self-defense but he had night vision goggles inside the case - my name is prepared what applies to the dangerous items he confiscated as well it's one thing to be a little cautious well he did because of the know which I'm sure wants to present I was right I knew it every to the final boss of this game can you please take a look at this spooky monokuma would write such a dumb threatening letter like that I became paranoid because of this threatening letter he probably decided to throw a party because of the letter by gathering everyone in one place he tried to create a situation where everyone can keep tabs on each other doing so he tried to put the writer of the letter in the situation they couldn't act just a little as long as he was determined not to let any of us die couldn't take that risk strong responsible blame it so he tried to do something about it without telling [Music] obviously the killer everyone handwrite something now the killer or an accomplice that is always possible right I wish it was that easy but I still can't believe it well start because you're gonna it's gonna be a lot worse later right hiding me can I see something please what is it miss Soni that I regret that I must return to this topic but I just realized something concerning the night-vision goggles if byakuya was indeed wearing those goggles how did the killer manage to navigate in the dark yeah has something to do with that glow-in-the-dark saddle right they wouldn't have been able to see anything without the night-vision goggles but if the murderer had the goggles when they took the knife but how did yaku you see them even if the knife or some sort of mark it would have been difficult to see it in that darkness yeah days the tape for sure the glowing paint oh yeah well that does make sense right if they were gonna set up a blackout they wanted to make sure they could find the night and then use it to kill someone so maybe they just remember where people would stand and right they would just go close to them they could whoever was in the office with the circuit breaker that was really risky cuz monochrome we could have just turned the light back on at any time and if they didn't you know killed them at that time so I don't know they were very confident and then they somehow got byakuya under the eyes very confusing it was it and I wear glasses too great now I'm suspecting him because usually the one that did it is that one who freakin points it out but Tech was height I don't know I'm reading [Music] yeah that goes the one who tripped the breaker and caused the blackout so yeah we know this someone tripped the breaker right but why how after this debate a blue-colored weak spots will start appearing if we call the weak spots you've seen up until now argue spots the blue color weak spots will be called a green spots when shooting a green spots with truth bullets you need to flip your way of thinking instead of okay yeah we'll just find find out all right I have no idea what they want from me I have to shoot truth bullets now to agree with people it's so confusing I agree wait how do I used I agree with you [Music] [Music] okay so I don't remember anyone sing where she was right she didn't say she never said where she went and did she go to the bathroom she obviously was in the bathroom right because we all know that my jockeys a jockey oh my god yeah Jackie okay so yeah I must be neck oamaru is the count because she said the door was locked so she must have been in the bathroom so that's what they're gonna say this has gotta be it oh I knew it Wow first try can't believe you guys first try Wow you just want to say that she had [Music] but now I really do think it's her just because we never got to go in the bathroom so we never got to see if there was a secret underground tunnel or something that goes under they said that there was no underground passage from outside so the only room logically that we never got to go in was the bathroom yes so that's how she could have went under there that makes sense right does it not she didn't go do her duty at all she just went to the bathroom and now she's not even talking about I guess that would be no you just want to be a girl oh don't say that I mean come on someone lost our life for god sakes you say if you were taking a crap no I mean come on I need to know all right why did you eat have you been had we had enough fiber [Music] someone is embarrassed really long time as soon as I stepped into the office I felt the same rush of pain in my stomach because of that I was unable to leave the bathroom including the blackout that's very convenient time how did it feel to do your business in the doctor excited seriously stop yeah just us stop it you know stomach really just a coincidence I've never heard in the state anything cool hearings you [ __ ] idiots are out of your element I know all about about them stuff what I mean is is it possible someone slipped through some laxatives yeah well she did take a plate of food they did mention that she did take food with her when she left but does she eat any she had said that you could have tripped the breaker as soon as that girl left the office don't you think what they have to say but did you eat it all laxatives would ruin the taste how would you know that have you done that party dishes that's probably gonna be a no that was it cool kind of guest but all right so it's party things on the laxatives wasn't the only one who ate that food Akane some of it - that's right the dishes are innocent don't go making weird accusations hey me Khan Missy you're still suspect we don't you don't say to do anything all right tell us God so mean all right she made me a waifu candidate but i am on the side of law all right in order as long as the murder weapon murder happened during the blackout than the blackout itself is what's actually important so we need me we need to make it clear how the blackout occurred it was obviously by the tripping of many themes actually irons in the storage room okay that would be it I don't know which one you want me to repeat that's the one thing one BC okay I could have done any of it I feel like any of the things I said would have worked that's what's so confusing the irons that AC yeah that's what they're gonna say yeah oh he's countering me why come on man don't make this longer than it has to be you were taking a crap the entire time what do you say okay rebuttal showdown rebuttal all of this stuff okay I'm pretty sure AC time Apollo he'll probably be the answer yeah I got it I cut your crap okay what am i doing what am i doing what the heck is this rule why are they gonna make it so good few things advanced doesn't mean they're not a suspect G but the people in the dining I'm not even listening to what he's saying I can't how could you the irons were responsible for the blackout but that shouldn't be the only reason okay so AC AC oh there oh my god I wasn't doing it right I'm so sorry okay I get it now I was it so confusing I wish you guys knew if you if it's our first time playing it you would know I know I'm smart I knew what I wanted to do it yeah well no that's not that's obviously a day they timed a because the time someone asked monokuma by energy you know so you've implied you died before I mean this is gonna be I mean for a first class trial this is way better than the first one it was so obvious they literally had his name written on the wall because they can't defeat symbols of hope like you guys look just be white talk so slow there's no way everybody will lose now this little incident will just be a stepping stone for you all why is he talking now in the end hope always wins that's what I believe Nagato what happened to you huh what do you mean well you have been saying this whole time that there's no way a killer could be among us oh is that so well let's just put that minor detail aside for now and talk about the incident for now we found out how the blackout occurred but the question is who caused it right that was really weird wasn't it that was pretty freaky weird and if oh my god if he's the killer maybe bro I think there's a big conspiracy going on now because like I said he looks like Makoto and beaten by aki at this important character dies maybe it's fake I don't know again that could be that's a major conspiracy theory but it comes to a rope but for me but I mean at this point who knows he's been he was talking to you very strange right now setting up the irons in the storage room could have been done before byakuya set foot in the old building after all this time [Music] we arguing for so long that we've discussed this already we don't have to find out who the killer is can't stand this anymore I don't want to do this to my friends I don't want to do this either what is this it's something about his voice is the voice acting cuz it just sounds off to me he's talking like he's like on something like there's no way one friend would murder another why is he talking that way who cares let's just give up already - the killer anyway yes there is the Sheldon in the picture Oh is she actually gonna do it wait no I played I've played games I played the first dong karappa I can tell you just just played the actual game herself okay yeah well um she asked me how the killer got close to the table even if they had to obtain the night by relying on the glow from the pain towards to do that they need to get close to the table while I was so dark [Music] [Music] then it is nagito Nikita was right next to it now they're gonna suspect him I mean he was acting weird right holy crab spot a suspicious spot that maybe it's the lamb you just talk you so slow they don't they can't turn on line they can't use electricity oh they use the power cord they just went along the wall maybe and just followed the power cord ah I didn't even think of that but that makes sense they could have felt their way to that table using the power cord right by doing that the killer was able to move to the table [Music] nagito oh I have to pick somebody well according to the diagram I think it wants us to pick Nicky look it up what the eggs look at this what is this like everyone space and then him we don't have to find out who the killer is because I'm the killer but what about me I thought maybe she would have been I [Music] don't know window oh yeah when he was cleaning yeah duh yeah I even I said that I just here Ichigo out of him yeah that's true yeah what do you have to say for yourself just a coincidence I wonder [Music] did you give yourself cleaning duty on purpose so you could hide the knife under the table and it seems so nice byakuya oh crap yeah I didn't even think of that yes he knew which one the OKC okay but it can't be this simple right yes yeah I like that I like that that strange speech you made earlier was party or maybe the fact that you did Nagato tell me you object to this frankly I don't wanna believe it well it just it makes the most sense because if he cleaned it he would know how to get under there like he put the carpet there he knew that there was cracks in low in the floor it makes sense say something I don't know so we're at the voice direction of this game is throwing me off I feel like they should be more like you know say something you know light now like say something I don't know that's just me just me it really was in row was I right those eyes at that moment nikitos eyes the darkness soon as I shone brightly as if a layers upon layers of darkness for folding into each other as I've hoping to spearhead be crudely mixed together we're doing guys could have done it without me I know before the party started okay to find my way to the table in the dark but why is he admitting to this so Italy didn't put up a fight he was always nice never expected no way everyone's favorite character nagito is dying this is the same thing this is exactly the same thing okay I know you know what we should just continue with the story but I don't think he's gonna die it doesn't make sense everyone likes this guy doesn't he it's the same thing it's just like Junko but what about the gaps under the table that doesn't make any sense but it was lucky - arrogant to have dreams or cling to hope oh you freak - I'm not sure about this girl this guy is he is he the real thing you don't know you - if you were behind all of this then did you also send that threatening letter yep there's nobody else is he saying this Oh well I bet if that really was my reason yeah he said the old Licking building near the hotel it all makes sense but does it yep that's true too I didn't need to rig the drawing then how did you convince for cleaning duty is ultimate luck there's no way I'd expect you to remember the Guinness talents it was lucky yeah we all know that was that what rip wood him Wow was that what it really was that's right it was trusted my luck I trusted I'd be picked for cleaning beauty and what if you did it [Music] it's true my talent sucks but I'm still the ultimate lucky student you know at the time Hajime said I wasn't lucky but it was actually the opposite that's why I got paid for cleaning too just like I want but if you were lucky you wouldn't have been caught right I don't care about that anymore why did you kill Bianca okay that sounds like something monokuma would say maybe Nikki knows possibly doing something what soccer what it's ER what no no no no what uh how he wanted to do and maybe have us all killed just so yeah maybe from this point on lines of white noise will appear to disrupt your reactions truth bullets will disappear if they touch these lines so okay so I know it's from last game [Music] that bastard Nagato he'll be off here with the Nike head no seeds she doesn't see it [Music] all right so something about the crime scene oh hey I was right I like being right might not be the murder with what you wanted to say the hell are you talking about yeah let her talk okay so it was the Stewart thing boom why the night [Music] what do you say no one else can be the killer it has to be you hey don't play me make up someone said it water sea is during the blackout did something happen between you and Yahoo yeah that we don't know about knows after all this what else do you intend to fight geez the moment your backs against the wall you get all silent you piss me off what happened during the blackout oh if you cross your eyes like this it gives you trouble vision thank you whose life is at stake seriously take for you to understand the damn rules nobody can see in the dark no matter how hard you think about the truth is beyond your sight don't you think that's a pretty clever metaphor despite the fact that it came for me okay I think what they want is the gaps in the floorboard feel like that's that's it no that's a oh okay okay so so the answer was it booty because she can hear yeah don't act so surprised everyone was shouting during the blackout yeah okay we don't need a recap we all know such perceptive hearing impressive I'd expect no less from the ultimate musician it's a good thing your ears are awesome because your face style figure and personality totally suck you've got me deep with your knife of truth however after hearing what byakuya and Nagato said in the dark what the hell what's going on here this is no nagito set out as a sign of respect for rebouças talent I have a small confession to make I was actually shoved out from under the table by BIA shoved her out just as the black out of her my herida duck under the table grab the knife oh so he tried to kill him but he's not the one that actually killed him shove me right out from under the table that's right I'm so incompetent but he definitely there's blood on it after getting shoved out from under the table plot thickens [Music] setting up the plan but who else to say this the miqo'te but doesn't make sense suspended what is it a recess who called the recess now then the clash trial has reached its climax but okay here's the question for you what's this so those you who figured out who it is about how about you try and guess the killer challenge well repels to guess the right killer will have their save data melt away like butter but if you get oh my god really no way they wouldn't do that but if you guess right I'll reward you with ten billion dollars and million of course for those of you who don't know who the killer is you could just get to the 1 left mouse button continue one be guess the killer challenge being be impressing be out of work be impressing be you know what I'm gonna do it just kidding you can't make a choice there's no way you'd be able to guess who the killer is and there's messed up seriously what some freak young lady was like be I was pressing if it wasn't working okay so that was a little little pause there okay if the knife isn't the murder weapon there's no definitive proof we'll be the judge of that you say you were shoved away but you can't actually prove it right that's right even if a different weapon was used it does not mean Nagato has been cleared of suspicion no it could be Peka Peka it could be her or me Khan one of those two [Music] [Music] Wow neato so he's talking about the blood right are you trying to say something like why didn't knock ito have any bloodstains on him well obviously the sheet okay yeah yeah we're gonna say that you just used something to block the blood didn't you something that might have been used to block the blood Nagato use the tablecloth to block the blood splatter but that was found in the storage room right are you suggesting he hid it there after the murder you mean after the lights came back on what would you have done if we'd seen it that's true so even if you tried to hide it and take it with you wearing a tablecloth going under the table and stabbing it's not just impossible for someone like me you guys to then what does it mean under the table okay we're playing hangman again yay God that's it we've way too long seriously under the flirt like I tried to say million years ago full of gaps and there was no carpet laid out under the table yes who did it who did it already that's what I want to know how'd they get into the four boards one person here should know how to get under the floorboards the only people that talked about that we're Gundam and Chiaki but that's all I know did anyone actually know how to do it okay let's try freaking Gundam then Oh cuz he dropped his ring oh that's what they wanted me to say earring yeah he dropped it so maybe he didn't drop it through the floorboards but he dropped it while he was down there oh sorry I thought I thought the game said that he'd reached his hand or something I grabbed it well I guess that wouldn't be I mean that is impossible right I just thought like yeah that was weird I didn't think too much about that but I have I don't even think about it after all you fools only view the world through eyes of God I thought you got the hamster to do it what did I say guys I told you that there's probably a place in here a secret passage of doom leading to the underground lurks beneath a large assortment of random the Saffir I can't even see that you're securing a lighter from the supermarket I threw caution to the wind market through the floorboards and as a result of that alone some battle I was able to recover the hellhound earring with my own now he's a major suspect it sounds like you can go under the hey we're back to tell you the truth guys I took a break because dude these things are like movies like the length of these class files are so long and I was not feeling it earlier so now I'm revitalized that I'm ready to figure out who the heck this is yes I think it's beacon beacon left the party and Peka Peka did this well and I think as well as big guy cam rivers name right now but he did it also be your case I mean but I don't know mana me over there can be my witness yeah she's innocent if mana me over here is your witness me to discuss this matter further I was enabled to leave with that I was in the kitchen for a long time but I frequently went to the dining hall to deliver my dishes the only person who wasn't at the party from the before the blackout was there has to be it's not him no way good news you are now allowed to use the silencer yay you can do the side serve with the right mouse button as many times as you want okay cool same thing for the last game alright let's hear what they gotta say okay alright so I know what to do but culprit is self-evident chiaki c-- news that's what we gotta say all right oops a chain walk in this game it's counter no fuyuhiko definitely has an alibi isn't that right yeah tell them Chiaki oh you're right they just took a stroll yeah yeah I remember that William people after the party started there's no way you could have been waiting under the floor before then should have said that earlier it's still your yeah like why were you even lurking around the old building in the first place I mean that is very suspicious but yeah makes me mad when they don't speak up like ahead of time they should just say things that are very obvious the beginning to the floorboards through the storage room during the party there's only like two or three possibilities always did the storage room is like trying to make eggs benedict with it's just impossible right I couldn't even see the office in that darkness and that room was much closer really impossible it might be better if we examine that possibility a little bit more make sure you can't see anything but if you know which direction to go you wouldn't need to see anything that's what I think it was super dark you know there's no way you'd be able to find your way to the storage room I can't stop thinking about it I feel like there's something I overlooked for clarity sake once again getting close all right Nicky no you weirdo he's so he's acting so weird the blackened or the spotless which I think this dude's evil because like you speaking like friggin Monaco man make your arguments I don't know exact which argument were neat we need to make the fire door we might have something to do with it maybe what's your guy that way a flashlight why the killer's method for moving in the dark might be the one that the one might be what that one person suggested a lights a flashlight oh my god I guess it I totally guessed it right now I just I I used what did I do a kitchen list the killer had a like with her oh I was right but where could they have found a light there was one nearby for sure see it's written on the kitchens equipment list hey you know I never got to see a good close-up of the kitchen list so I couldn't I couldn't have came up with that conclusion I just really guessed yeah I don't liver today actually I in a place for barbecue and a portable stove for cookie portable stove that was it and it's also small enough to carry oh I thought they said they couldn't abuse that the killer used the portable stove to move from the home to the storage room during the Black Sea I never considered the portable stove but there's a hole in your yugioh anyone [Music] what does he mean battle it sounds like he's enjoying a game or something bro I can pull out my blue eyes right now what is these messages what are these messages I freakin hate these things they're so annoying who decided this is a good idea right like no one this is awful no I don't care get away God look at windows I thought this guy was all friendly but man he's acting crazy okay I'm still getting the hang of this minigame but I think I can I think we're looking at the kitchen equipment list that's what we need she said earlier What did he say he said the hole was too dark to see the office the light from the stove ignite it contradicts is pestle or are you intentionally down I can't back down yeah come on I don't get it tensional down I advanced out what cuz we she said what are you trying to say yeah what are you trying to see the reason cuz Luigi couldn't see it because the holy was done thoughtful light was shining in such a dark hallway oh maybe it's the fire door yeah let's try the fire door he closed the doors and so that's why you couldn't see it did you forget are you just pretending insolent fool how could you forget what are you talking about it should have been a wall but blocked light I'm talking about the fire door in the hallway yes if you closed it we would form a perfect wall in the hallway plus the hallway rounds a corner just beyond the fire door even if there was a small gap of the door as long as they passed the corner the light still wouldn't peek out that's very good I see actually notice the fired it's wasting all of our time it sounds like nagito actually knows everything about what has happened and he's just like like cuddly byakuya from the first game before he died right he would always just know exactly what it is and then he was just waiting for everyone to figure it out and it's like what are you just like just wasted why are you wasting your time you still don't remember your talent do you I don't know who cares about that right now what are you plotting for someone who insists he's not the killer you are quite nervous I agree sounds so scary if you're that angry why don't you take a deep breath like to piss us off [ __ ] mouth for you it's okay if you guys fight but I won't allow a burly brutal that might offend people more importantly can you hurry up and decide who's the blackened already time runs out when I get bored funny cumin it's okay to kill people when I do it but don't fight you're telling me to pass the torch right pass the torch we're going to ask the real killer not an impostor like me to show themselves you're obviously the killer okay he's not the killer down I really don't mind whatever conclusion you Ultimates arrive at I will accept so you're telling me to cloth the real killer even though I really don't want to condemn that person but there's no other way right how do I let the pick you and only you oh okay who wasn't there again it was her and he was in the kitchen he said he didn't use the portable stove but he had access to it in the kitchen he also seems to be an unimportant character that was probably good I died so you I think you left but you're he's really big I don't think you'd get down there her she I guess was in the blackout so I don't think that the blackout wasn't that long I don't think she could have actually done it there's no way he did it bro you know what I I think it's between these two I think I'm gonna pick I'm gonna pick Tara Tara did it actually work [Music] I'm actually curious as the game is letting me do the wrong thing because that's what I want the game actually give mean he didn't like the fact that be Akio was taking his stuff right we'll be there to support the future of the culinary arts he talks like it's so slow it bothers Vader to buy the future of the culinary arts that's right for the future of the culinary arts you must face this shut up you're right yeah that's totally right yeah why yes I just want to read what's an aspersion anyway why are you interfering let's assume that the killer used a light and that they use the fire presented to the storage room and snuck under the floorboards it's dark under the floorboards - so how would they be able to stab Bianca the glowing paint they would know right you're not gonna say they shine the light of yeah for you right what do you think about that there's no way we can answer right [Music] fortunately there was nothing related to the incident under the floorboards the only thing I found was a strange little bit shiny the darkness okay so yeah it's blowing peat and and that's how they were able to do it they were able to see you know I don't know it almost seems like nagito worked with someone else to do this because you Polly like it was gonna kill him under the table I don't know because if the mark is covered then you can see someone's there that's that's what I thought goodnight I don't know I got something with his liquid stuff like yeah I'm right it looked me right the mark you're talking about is the glowing paint that was applied to the knife right by using the glowing paint as a target they were able to judge where to stab me I didn't what I said that I don't think I was right about it person they just dropped the moment the glowing paint moved oh my god guys I'm Inspector Gadget I am I'm an amazing investigator that would be the moment someone grabbed ahold of the knife so killer used the mark that I prepared for finding the night as a mark for step but how would they know how would they know that he did that the whole time thinking about it if it's so hard to travel in the darkness he was obviously in the kitchen there's no way and he proved that that he was in the kitchen when the blackout happened and so he somehow got to the dining room or wasn't coffee from under the ground he was talking but he was under the floor who shouted from under the floor it should have sounded just like the voices in the dining hall [Music] hold on a second I'm sorry I am sorry is there any way we can decide don't be sad things like that don't make no sense can you Eva [Music] whether or not said whatever was in the dining hall during the blackout in order to for sure a lot oh okay so I gotta prove it oh okay then it's gotta be the embarrassing pose because if he was there during their bears suppose he would have talked about it that's gotta be it I got it I freakin know it kappa heyguys he can't you know the past me yeah he would have even would have mentioned something about that pose what was she doing in the dining hall at that time you should know the answer today got him got him [Music] she Ashley that's like the same voice is need on it too doesn't see I'm disappointed too they were partners weren't they it's lonely watching someone I admire reach the limits of their hope is this like Junko his brother or something cuz he keeps talking like Miriam what are you doing why are you messing with the killer like that like that though but it's already decided [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] got it all right the ultimate Spelling Bee champion the weapon must be the iron Stewart Stewart before the party come on guys we all know this I really do have to show this it's like obvious okay okay okay okay yeah playing guitar hero again okay this is a little different I think I got it [Music] meat meat meat on bone bone bone on bone meat on the bone meat on bone I'm gonna quit die meats on oh my god alright that is so far done meat on what the heck is the answer the your guys are like how what thank is wrong with you bone on the meet me I died it's so it's so confusing I don't know well it's obviously a bone meets the meat on the bone the on the bone meat on the on the meat bone on the meat bone on the meatball okay I had a look up the answer them it's meat on the bone I swear did I not do that this is just so confusing all right okay oh wow oh my god it was a freaking ride Ibuki piece of meat on the boat dangerous items like did he bring you oh he's eating yeah yeah he would do that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we gotta go we gotta go over the incident is it making us do that now happened in this case all right the first race you Yaya has gather in the dining hall at the old building near the hotel he was extra cautious about a murder occurring that night because of a threatening letter he received since he decided to throw a party so he could monitor a circle I always loved this didn't come the rest of us assembled at the dining hall see you guys gonna see you guys we'll see you can't you can't see what I see you I'm seeing it there you go see buddy huh at that time they put three irons into the outlet since torture yeah actually I don't need my face camp for this we'll just so you guys can see it the air conditioners in the office in dining hall they had already set the timers thanks to the irons maxing out the power usage the breaker was tripped when air conditioners kicked on since the windows in the old building were covered the blackout punched the dining hall into total darkness but when that happened byakuya took out a specific item that he brought in his case binoculars what's the night vision goggles akhiya was so concerned about a murder occurring that he brought a variety of security equipment with him when he put on his night-vision goggles byakuya witnessed a certain summon making a suspicious [Music] he saw Nagato guiding himself the desk glanced power so he could get under the table that's right everything up to that point is fall part of Naruto's plan the murder warning to be ocular the source of the blackout it was all night while the blackout was happened with someone else the real killer began making their move in the kitchen the killer probably already knew about not to touch back so they knew a black Elvis country that's why the killer prepared all the items they would need to commit the crime in the dark before Hank they needed a light source which was provided by the portable stove what if they dropped it does he's very dangerous they needed a weapon too this had also been hidden in the kitchen beforehand the long iron skewer used in the Tarasco dish the killer hid that inside that meat with the bone with the weapon first and close the fire door in the home so their light source will be people then guided by the light the killer headed toward the storage room you grabbed a specific item that's right a tablecloth to block the blood splatter they never actually talked about that in the trial at all surprised they did it because it was part of the evidence with this the killer finished their preparations and snuck under the floorboards I know what's going on with that pixel right there they probably turned off the portable cookies down at the floor in the dining hall is full of gas so there's no way they could have safely held a light source but thanks to the glowing mark they painted earlier the killer was able to get beneath the table a little mad about that honestly only he had retrieved he probably wouldn't have gotten killed he had to retrieve that knife the killer lurking beneath the floorboard steps straight up with the iron scoop the killer had been waiting in the dark for the moment when the glowing pain again after they murdered byakuya [Music] and then after hiding the murder weapon in the kitchen they rejoin the group there's a waste of food though there's only one person who would have been able to commit this crime especially if that person is someone who'd think of an unexpected way to hide a weapon inside food there is all shall be revealed that's what happened how about it did I get anything wrong there we go he's gonna go with his accent again this is a mistake he did it no guys take I tell you I would never I would never kill anyone what why would he say that at this point [Music] he's obviously did it I think it would be so cool pick out a wrong it was like if you get it wrong you have to restart the entire thing Oh didn't have to vote okay yeah I don't have to like make this look weird anymore as far as I know unless they just came out with an anime or something oh wow he just said it okay cool all right now it's time to hear his backstory right why does he keep saying it's a mistake do you really not do it I was only trying to save you guys oh he was only trying to stab nagito oh my god he was only trying to kill nagito not from oh no he didn't mean to kill beyond oh crap I didn't even think of that no don't kill him trying to stop what do you mean it's been all the morning in the old building preparing the dishes for the party and then I heard a wheel laughter did the dining hall I want to peeked over there I saw him that's unfair I get it you didn't want to kill anyone on purpose uh Pam I feel sorry for him now he was just grinning to himself the whole time Dave oh you caught me what Hey what are you doing scheming I planted a kill zone of course you would just say that Terry sir I just let you know it's pointless for you to stop me if you stop me now it doesn't matter I will never give up well there's tomorrow the day after tomorrow or the day beyond that I'll definitely start the killing so is he the betray the snitch whatever he called well this isn't just about my survival I just want the killing to start yeah he's it's obvious he's the first to be trained I love everyone here that's why I want to be a good use of what I love all the Ultimates and I admire them for being symbols of hope amazing that's right I in the name of Hope Isle of everyone's talents from the bottom of my heart that's why I don't want them to lose against something like killing I want them to prove to me that hope will never lose no matter how daunting the despairs well what a way to do it I want to prove to everyone that hope will never lose to despair no no I don't understand it all see see isn't a typical that you if you face a strong enemy you will become even stronger yourself which means the stronger the disparity face the stronger everyone's hope will become right I want to see that brightness in order to see it I'm going to become everyone stepping stone I want to make your help shine it's okay this guy's crazy I yearn for a powerful hope that could overcome any kind of despair you understand that's fine I don't really mind I'm just an obsessed fanboy so it's all right that this love of mine is unrequited okay you see if you have a favorite boxer you don't want him to fight against a strong opponent away you better not go Paris to that am i wrong it's a given the trials of necessary to become strong in the harsh of the trial the stronger you become know for me humans killing are simply a tragedy but reward the humans at trial such as this can elevate their status to aid to an even higher level amazing it's an amazing it's amazing to me that someone as untalented as myself can become that trial no there's no point in someone like me surviving it's far more significant for me to die is everyone's trial great there's no greater honor than becoming the foundation that you your values may ascend to brave new heights what's going on so he wanted to be the one that kills him and not Tara Tara and Tara Tara just happened to accidentally kill byakuya that's crazy so byakuya interfering is what caused him to die that sucks oh wow so she disagrees she doesn't think that that's that he was actually trying to kill like nagito Nagato beocca was probably trying to protect Nagato oh really so he would have no wow cuz byakuya said so didn't eat you was like no one died you all ah that even makes it more crazy for the characters gave us life to protect Nagato even though he was trying to take the knife I see the Aki is amazing to keep his promise to protect it he actually did he kept his promise man well not really because now Tara Tara is gonna die but okay such despair that is despair holy crap and how we can ever trust this guy again obviously we're not and second well then again toko right she was a murderer but yet we still ended up liking her so oh and the crazy part about it too is that may be his ultimate luck is what saved him think about it so will he ever dive it seems to be like a really overpowered ultimates thing you know that's why you did it because she's waiting for me Oh his waifu mama always snow is his mom what seemed don't jump to conclusions guys she's waiting all by herself for that day I graduate I hope speech Academy I come home no I don't have a sad back story when I come back I think we should talk again about opening an hour Yama and as abou location accent does not fit this at all oh my you're still talking about that they're obviously Japanese aren't they like this graduates right so I know it's gonna be difficult by yourself but wait for me yes you're right then I'll just have to do my best to keep the Hana more a diner from going out of business until then I'll be fine moms are strong I won't lose to some illness his mom was sick that's awful no I don't want to kill him doll baby do it but if we were told that memories are stolen and that several years have passed since the first day what happened to the Hani mourra diner what happened my mom is she still waiting for me so yeah so you did believe what Monica said you were saying all along it's okay I'll never believe something like this so why I still don't believe it there's no way I can believe it it'll have to be a lie I wanted to go home and confirm it I wanted to make sure it was all just a lie I wanted to make sure that I stopped a place to call home I know it's so sad I like this try a lot better than the first one in the last game though because you know is a lot more complex to it call me chef nose is it gonna be cookies what happened to hardwood what happened to the Hani mourra diner de mama come on at least Ellen before you kill him lies I won't believe it that's not fair man this isn't supposed to make me feel like this okay wow so flashy [Applause] let's put this flashy music of these nice graphics but if you were just standing there watching this it would be absolutely awful are they gonna shoot him with a freakin Gatling gun please give him a cooking punishment that's what he loved okay you just blew him up alright honey [Music] that's excessive weight if whites it food nevermind I guess I was wrong oh my god he's gonna throw him in a volcano is the volcano made of honey - oh he said deep-frying him it's oh my god he's turning him into a tempura that's what he's doing he turned a bit a tempura that's just messed up man well there we have it guys no because I always like stop too early and then is this chapter in we're gonna go to that I mean I don't think they're gonna say anything of value they're just like I can't believe this happened well he's crazy he's like gorgeous Kobe if you really hate me cuz he's like he's not really acting like a human nice he wants people that kill his but I don't think they can because of his freaking lucky isn't this okay so he's staring up at the sky because you know anyone would contemplate what the heck just happened by staring in this guy isn't this is someone watching me that's how what do you know that what the breaking hey now it's counting down says seven hours there it is guys chapter one destination despair alright guys thank you so much for watching if you uh one more please smash like let's get the 30k likes and I'll make another episode but I don't say that cuz you guys already freaking know that but at this point but thank you for showing me so much support and thank you for sitting through this movie because that's essentially what this is like the length of the movie so thank you guys love you and I'll see you in the next episode of Duncan Rob bye - goodbye despair bye
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 456,278
Rating: 4.9743028 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, bijuu mike danganronpa 2, bijuu mike danganronpa, danganronpa 2 gameplay bijuu mike, danganronpa 2, danganronpa 2 goodbye despair, danganronpa 2 goodbye despair episode 5, bijuu mike danganronpa 2 in order, bijuu mike plays danganronpa, danganronpa 2 class trial 1, bijuu mike danganronpa 2 class trial, teruteru execution, teruteru danganronpa
Id: TQoQ6jIzEmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 51sec (6051 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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