A Very Important Game... Missed Messages

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right let's do this it's gonna be a fantastic break you MIDI we're gonna make this show good are we got Z let's type it up you like my morale get those eyes open kind of lots of expressions whoa okay that was fast what's up my scrubs welcome to a missed messages okay are you guys ready to get possibly sad I don't know I feel like it's gonna be sad if it's anything like the last game we play by the screener which was you left me when we played that game it was super beautiful okay here's the clip that you guys missed it I love do you know you left me behind I don't blame you for leaving every day I wake up and think about joining you oh oh you know I always feel bad what I missed messages from people okay I'm really really bad at it okay ever since I started doing YouTube you guys have left you know I get a billion messages a day I don't always respond to them all right so yeah I got many missed messages all week this get down below if you want to play for yourself it is free well alright let's do this you guys have been recommending me to play this by the way okay so there is a trigger warning alright I'm just putting this right here perfect for staying inside and finishing my work oh yeah so like when we play these games like that backgrounds always move looks really cool okay laptop okay work stuff ayyy X plus one is so math right here alright I need to work but I'm so bored I can't focus well how could you focus on that goths girlfriend's iphone what's to send you a note got the girlfriend okay my god what is this it's adorable send me back oh yeah of course we're gonna see the means back oh we can actually move the windows around oh that's sick I was just I didn't think of it actually work thank you for dog got the girlfriend's iPhone wants to send you a note okay except you're welcome so pastel princesses MacBook Pro what do you want to I'm working but I can't focus you've done need your last huh what are we gonna do I really to accept every single time how many messages is she gonna send me oh no I feel that I hope I'm not distracting to you I also can't focus I am procrastinating with makeup right now you're not distracting that's what I would say you're working on math right now but don't worry you're not distracting me maybe a little but I am enjoying it it's being nice for saying frickin leave me alone all right could you see I'm up to really really serious business it's more distracting the fact that they asked me to accept it every time except JJ who says that me too actually working on a multivariable program set right now we should study together yes ah miss reckons asking what accept it just is this how having a Mac is hey I'm a Windows fanboy all the way okay let's study together I'm in room 206 come by whenever can I leave oh I can I can't leave let's do that later that night I went out to meet Gough the girlfriend I love that name before I left my roommate opened her door this is freaking me you're leaving what will you get back probably after 9:00 OS is that my goth girlfriend oh why why oh yeah confused by the gameplay on no reason okay bye then I feel like there is a reason wait before the day is happy birthday remembering you remembered no one else remembered I didn't even remember of course I remembered oh she's saying for me sweetly except with the music in the background it sounds like a remix let's really sweet though thank you I know thank you for being my friends why are you telling me this I just thought life is so short oh don't be saying that why not express my appreciation for the people I care about in that case you're also an amazing friends thanks for being my friend too ah I'll see you later I guess goodbye okay I met up with gothic girlfriend oh wait that wasn't my Gus girlfriend she told me her name Amy we laid out a blanket on the roof and started to study oh that we planned on working we ended up getting the losted conversation yeah study yeah okay sounds like there's a lot of things you can do in this game I'm just gonna look at the sky the sky is gorgeous tonight I think we're on shrooms possibly again we are floating through the air so I mean I think it's a fair analysis I know right I'm forever that girl that gets really excited when the sky is pretty colors what do you think of when you look at the sky nothing for once only I filling dang oh dang Dingle dang nothing you know when your mind is constantly noisy I look at the sky and it realized it's so much bigger than me my problems mean nothing compared to it in my mind's quiet that's so poetic Wow you know I know how the feeling is sometimes like you know we're always on social media we're always on her phone that's it's honestly always the phone pretty much and you just got it you really gotta stop sometimes and if you don't like the I can't really explain it but it's something that we all need is to get away from the phone and find something that we enjoy and you know you go outside especially that's a big thing that a lot of people need to do more including myself maybe you see how white the skin is airdrops so how many strangers did you air drop beside me everyone that showed up maybe five did you meet all of them now only you I'm the only one oh so this so she's a random person that air dropped us okay so yeah I don't have a I don't have iPhone but I know you can do that and people like to prank people with air drops and things like that so I'm so if if I said if I seem stupid earlier because I don't have an iPhone okay just know that you're also the only one to send something back why did you reply I don't know bored wanted to meet people meet people yeah I have a lot of friends but I want more especially close someone's now you don't have enough right now well I used to have close friends but we grew apart I feel like you it's always sad when someone you share close personal moments with grows distant yeah it's left a void in my heart you know I try to fill it by meeting new people talking dating sleeping around that's yeah that's the thing you can do but no matter how many people I meet I'm still lonely filling the void is that what you're doing right now trying to fill the void with me maybe yeah close friends who you can trust Anytime Anywhere are the best but there's gonna be times where do you have none during those times I try to improve myself I learn to love the version of me that is now alone oh wow that that hit me right here oh because I feel like you know I feel like I've been through this I really do learning to love yourself is hard yeah I let time pass time flew in a blink of an eye night fell it's getting late yeah we should head back this was fun text me or airdrop me huh later okay I turned my phone off to save battery on my way back home I checked my phone oh wow why is she scared when I came back home I felt cold nervous but I didn't know why oh no no no no no well I mean it's kind of obvious kind of what was gonna happen from the beginning but you know okay don't come in call the police don't know what to do are you kidding me call the police okay alright it's just right the same thing again don't come in the room of course I'm gonna open the door well okay use not open the door the door felt heavier than usual as I open the door don't be what I think it is oh my god I saw the body hanging the smell the sights there was no blood but I felt blood on my hands I felt myself looking down on the scene myself her the police that eventually came bade disks and body filling and heard myself scream into them endlessly it's really sad but I kind of expected it because it was like super obvious but it's still you know it's still super sad because you know crap like this happens my disembodied self watch me move and talk like an actor in the serial circus I found myself in I overheard strangers and friends alike talk did you hear what happened know what someone committed that so that's so sad who we're second floor you probably don't know her me know but that sucks most pity the way she went but didn't miss her but I remember her smile her laugh the way she'd be kind in small ways I couldn't forget her when new people came to life I searched for her in them I couldn't help it I hope she was still here it was only during the funeral that they really that the reality really sunk in at the funeral I heard her singing now sad and slow oh crap dang I don't know why but I like she sounds deeper than that I remember her sinking when everyone else forgotten her not being there anymore to remember as I listened heard of my disembodied self crashed down to reality the paint hid this time without the anesthesia of shocked this was real she was dead and we were putting her in the grounds the end missed so I guess I missed messages should I have like cut things short is that what I should have done no one saw it coming could I have was there a message I missed well judging by the title I think so I'm hoping we can savor that's the goal because it's a game right it's great it's a game we can go back in time and hopefully savor that's that's what I want to do but yeah I mean it's a pretty serious topic and I think at the end of the video I'll probably get a little more deeper but I just want to play the game have you Blizzard stretch on for miles and the distance I saw a figure Oh what the heck me it's not safe here me is that you come back she just smiled looking Catana myths the dangerous hail as if she's going somewhere better as if she hadn't heard my voice lost in the blizzard don't go please don't go alone she disappeared into the snow I'd missed my chance oh this is like a dream it sounds like a like breathing hard I wake up in a cold sweat fearful but not sure why what was that about oh okay that kind of gave me chills a little bit okay never mind that I should start working screw work go to the door my roommates door she used to keep it open now it's usually closed I remember that dream I had my roommates doors she used to keep it open oh shut up yeah I know oh we could go to the bathroom okay let's do that I know I didn't even look at the time before I do what I gotta do then go back oh well that was really pointless she went out sighing big gay books with titles like multivariable calculus to let people know that I'm capable member of society well I don't know calculus what does that make me oh I am a youtuber after all okay all right I just get books and put on my shelf to look smart but I never actually read them I have never written about see told you everything tells you okay I need to work but I'm so bored I can't focus I know I have those days okay we actually listen if I okay nevermind decline okay so that we're gonna decline them all obviously we'll just keep working I used to work you start wondering when I'll ever have to use this in real life where's bill night when I need him to answer my important questions getting goth girlfriend no okay now it just makes so much more sense than it's an airdrop and that's what you have to accept it okay that's weird I hear voices the heck some weird sound of voices go back seems like they're coming from my roommates room yeah go the room the door my roommate may getting closer I hear voices listen although my Chinese was bad I can still detect an angry Chinese mother when I heard one oh it's about her mother too lazy why don't you her mother's fast luxury Chinese sometimes pasta firm a soft murmur of affirmation that continued I felt like I was listening to something I shouldn't have so I did I distance myself from the door I'm being nosy that's my job as a gamer okay I want to be noisy are nosy and noisy no let's not respect their privacy how do you expect me to not invade her privacy after what I've seen okay okay got the girlfriend's phone you need to stop with your stupid memes decline I'm just gonna keep working hmm planes yeah after some time after some time I start to lose focus okay well just you go into the door decline okay so the noise has quieted down from my roommates room oh wait okay the door of my roommate me I wonder if I should check up on her knock I hesitated them not for some reason I feared what I might find wait why hello oh god hey she's there alright that isyou know she's here that's all that matters yes um what should I say who I'm looking for a sock that is know let's ask are you okay I just wanted to make sure you okay I heard noises from your room earlier oh thank you I'm fine well I'm kind of sad but don't worry about me do you want to hang out with me in case you don't want to be alone yeah I'd like that but I have work to do take a break screw the work it'll always be that's the thing is that like I always want to do work you know we always want to do work but work is gonna be there tomorrow work she's never gonna go away ever ever okay sometimes you gotta take a break you really do if you don't then it really affects your mental health it really does okay you should take a break besides we haven't hung out in a long time I miss you all I could use a break to be honest and I miss you too okay hold on a sec she went back into a room to get something and she came back we laid on the bed looking out at the Setting Sun let's talk about life what do you up to these days I feel like we haven't caught up in a long time my and also not much a lot sorry I haven't stayed up too updated stamp did it like I'm your favorite TV show don't worry about it I just feel like I don't make enough time for you oh that's okay you're not obligated to you oh yeah it's your birthday right I forgot you remember you remembered of course I did and here we go yeah her voice was deeper before oh so cute though ah thank you for remembering as years flew by my birthday became like any other day no one else had to remembered it either but she had how are you so how you been fine just tired big mood how so I don't know like a bone deep tiredness day after day oh that's okay depressed I feel like that would be a heavy question just to ask someone so let's just it's we don't want to ask you're straightforward right let's say what do you mean yeah like every day I wake up force myself to do something I don't like it then go back to sleep sometimes I look outside my window and see a whole world out there and feel the struggle of being stuck inside all day hmm things you've enjoy it's cliche but why don't you do what you love it's not that easy if I knew what I loved doing I'd be doing it by now but I don't know what I want to do oh god I have so much advice right now you like nothing so you've never enjoyed anything everything you've tried it is boring I like moments like these moments with people I care about I don't feel awkward anxious just content you're gonna make me blush and well I like writing but my parents made me stop okay all right I gotta chime in I'm sorry I'm sorry there's so many things I want to say all right don't let your parents pick that's the thing you I know that it's hard because you really love your parents and your parents you know might think that they know what's best for you but in my experience and most experience and I feel like everyone's heard it but it's really true and it could be cliche but your parents can't make up your decision you're their decisions for you okay and if they think that they can do that then that was probably how they were with their parents all right and they just want to put that on you but in reality you might have to clash with your parents okay which that's why that's what makes it hard for a lot of people but there's there might be a time what do you have to actually go against your parents and I'm not saying that you should always do that but when it comes down deep inside what really is gonna make you happy and he'll make you feel fulfilled in life you you got to do what what's right and you know your parents they're not always gonna know exactly what's right you you're gonna grow up to be an adult to make your own decisions and if you're just listening to your parents and doing what they what they think they want for you rather than what you want to do you're gonna live a very unhappy life yeah luckily my parents didn't know any better and they didn't say to do anything right more why not do more that thing everyone likes writing though anything creative art music writing it doesn't counts that's not true there's plenty successful writers out there but I'm not them I never be able to make a living out of it and my parents would get so angry poor but happy it's kind of true would you rather live the way you're currently living or live poor but happy besides who says you're not good enough to make it profitable I don't know your parents will go and your parents will be dead in a couple decades anyway I know that's a bad that's probably a bad way to put it I wouldn't have exactly put it that way those are my parents are talking about yeah that was kind of you know not the best way to put it but you know what I mean I had a weird dream Oh what it was about you actually it was kind of wanting oh my god I need to hear this you were in a snowstorm and I called for you but you didn't hear me and I lost you what does it mean I have no idea but it's stuck with me I hope you're okay I hope you're okay to me it's just a dream here if you're still scared by bedtime I'll tell you a bedtime story okay yeah bedtime stories which is better than what we see yesterday or when it from her what do you dream what are your dreams like Oh disturbing someone always dies like my most recent one a feature you actually in a good or bad way good the one there was a massive epidemic it was gonna wipe off the world I got affected I was gonna die then you discover the cure and I was saved wow that's scary I always knew I was gonna save the world yeah a dream you really saved me um okay parents I want to ask more about that oh yeah what were those noises about earlier in your room my mom called sorry did I bother you no she sounded really angry though yeah she and I is everything okay with you two I don't know every time my mom calls I feel sick and angry wanna talk talk about what why she makes you feel that way you sound like a therapist how are you feeling why are you feeling that way I know it's clear shei but even if it's cliche freakin do it I just want to help you yeah I know I was always the golden child when I was young I was good at everything so my parents never pushed me to work harder anything as I grew up I started lagging behind because I didn't put in effort the only thing I would put effort into was writing they yelled at me when they caught me writing writers weren't engineers or doctors writing would never make money now my life is slowly falling apart instead of listening to me and helping me my parents are yelling at me for wasting time playing games Wow thank you for telling me this that's messed up thanks for listening what did you write about before your parents made you stop oh my god it's embarrassing you can tell me if his furry stuff wasn't it you know I Hey yeah that's all right yeah it's a brony fan face she's okay okay you won't laugh I promise Harry Potter fan see oh this guy he's got it closed well not even close in the slightest but it was fanfiction listen I know that sometimes they made jokes about that kind of stuff but literally like do what makes you happy okay like some of that stuff is so creative and I mean people that write fanfiction literally have gotten jobs because of fanfiction and things like that I want to save it like the the artists right now for a Dragon Ball super like I'm talking about the manga for Dragon Ball super that is published it's like super popular you know even if you don't like your whatever I just found out the other day that the person that got the job okay which is an amazing job okay the manga artist would die for he literally just like made fanfiction I think I sorry I heard art he made like fan arts and stuff like that and then he just basically got noticed so you know you never know you said you wouldn't laughs sorry I'm just surprised don't be ashamed that's awesome I love Harry Potter if you say so I do say so what fan fiction what exactly did you write I was breaking on one fake it had like 20,000 words before I had to stop it was Harry Potter if Harry Potter was evil gay and promiscuous so it's basically what JK Rowling already does okay I just I joke that's it I joke oh my god I know embarrassing but back then I was he had character arcs in and main plot and everything no that's brilliant all the hours you must have put into it was mind-blowing if you ever dig it up I love to read sometime oh thanks I've lost inspiration for that one but maybe I'll show you something else I'm working on what's that what are you working on hmm a script for a game that's so close to actually she makes games like a psychological game a relatable game a game where the writing is actually realistic I could dated an anime waifu that i can actually see myself in real life meeting dating and maybe you hauling it with what is you hauling it with but I sound I'm very on board with this idea this is this is a great idea do you need to get this done all right mate you hauling like you ever me someone in the two of you undeniably click it's so much that you you haul your stuff to replace it you can live together okay oh my god yep I feel that to my bones good luck I hope you make that game thanks I'm not sure if I'll ever though it'll be hard I don't know how I'll fund it I'll probably just get a boring but well-paying nine-to-five job like my parents won't meets you and let me just say this as well um if you wants you do something okay I don't care how stupid it sounds to you like like for instance you know May over here she thought that writing fanfiction and making video games was stupid she thought her ideas were stupid well I'm sure a lot of people when they first started think that their ideas are stupid but let me look it okay look what I'm wearing you see this bindiya neat machine I mean I would I would be willing to bet that at one point before before there was ever a line of code for this game that maybe the meet leave the creator of bindi probably thought that his idea was stupid or maybe you did it some people some people are just amazing I guess but the point is is that just keep trying okay you have to get over failure like you do you like for me like my put out my videos I thought they were horrible and it was something that I was terrified to put I've never done anything like that like I've never been a public speaker or got up in front of anyone and I knew that I was gonna start making videos that all of my family and friends were gonna be seeing these videos but if I didn't put myself out there if I did it yeah myself the chance to look stupid which I quite often do then you know I wouldn't have what I have now and so I really I'm so happy that I did that so that's my you know do wait just just do it okay so I guess the stare of Sykes that's all one of the only options we have this is relaxing but I'm also getting tired really I'm wide awake I think I'm just tired in general how so do you feel like every day is the same day kind of it's a satisfying sort of monotony a day where I stay inside windows open and tea and a book it's the good that's like that's a good good right there right oh do you not feel the same I don't know I feel like I wake up few things I don't joy go to sleep then do it all over again read this already okay so we haven't said the depressed one so let's say that do you think you're depressed um maybe I took antidepressants a long time ago but for life it didn't work that sucks maybe it's the type of antidepressant maybe you need to try a different one don't take my advice actually I know nothing me neither just not just about this but in general I feel you has it gotten better the tiredness not really by now I kind of just wanna oh okay uh yeah I don't know why I gotta ask right I gotta ask oh my god sorry that was too plain feel free not to answer no no you're good well I mean I I know you are you know I mean I'm sorry I think about it sometimes I feel like we all do though I imagine how it'll go down how to look smell the aftermath whether anyone would care that I was gone and not just about how I went okay this is I I'm not sure how to answer this to be honest I feel like I feel like that's too far in my honest opinion like that when someone starts taking to that like that's that's pretty that's pretty bad but I like just because you do doesn't mean you're bad I just think that when you're in this state of mine they it's important it's it's important to not let it get too far because it's all not well it's not real it's it's it your head it's really in your head okay because we all know if like especially staring the outside the ukís you can look at me you're like okay well you can just do what you want sure you'll be you'll be angry at your parents or your parents will be angry at you but what's worse living miserably or having a small argument with your parents and even if you never talk to your parents again I feel like still it would be worth it because and then they would have to eventually come around so if you're going through that right now all my scrubs out there if you're going through that if you're just watching my channel for the first time I wanted to let you know that like it's not as bad as it seems it's not it really isn't I don't know how else to say I feel like everyone says the same thing but it's so true I don't know how to drill in people's heads and I have to drill in my own time after time again you know we all do go through this moment so but you have to understand that it's not as bad as you think it is we have this crazy ability to twist these thoughts in our minds and that's just not it's not true okay so sorry tangent are you are you serious do you think about it seriously I'd rather not say sometimes I think about it then I'm stopped by the thought of the pain I'll cause others when pain outweighs caring I feel like when you've reached the point of seriously considering it and not just fantasizing the body you really don't give a crap about anything else than your death that could just be me though let's time pass we talked more about everything in nothing from TV shows and memes to our worst fears and biggest desires before we knew evening Dawn's I gotta go I have work yeah good luck I'm always down to Hank again yeah thank you for listening to me it really means a lot although I also had work I didn't regret talking with me one bit yeah I have those moments to bore I have like I'm super busy but even if I just take a break anyway it makes me feel a lot better hey there's us hey oh my god Madoka Magica well that's freaking sweet you guys that watched Madoka Magica you need to go watch it that's such a great anime especially I would say to you if you're a fan of Doki Doki leadership club that would be your like up your ally I'm not saying that it's similar because it's not but like I feel like they would be in the same genre I away I'm serving looks today that I just woke up look oh yeah preach it sister many stores open I wonder where she is she's probably in the bathroom taking a poop oh I hope so oh Jesus Christ oh my god that scared me her eyes I opened the door to my roommate me she didn't seem to hear or see me uh me hey are you all right I'm fine I'm sorry why are you apologizing I are you really okay well you have to ask her you don't look okay I need to go no hugger hugger tackle it wait don't go can I hug you she nodded silently of course I hugged her oh that's so freaking sweet I wanted to say something yet I didn't want to break the silence after a pause she spoke thank you I guess I'm not okay I just say I'm okay because it's a gut reaction I don't really feel okay but I don't want to bother anyone especially you you're so kind I made soothing motions on her back wait or why you said I feel like we should wait thanks for being here of course sometimes you'll have to say anything I know this doesn't look good I needed to punish myself I don't deserve your kindness I really don't Hey yes you do you're a good person of course you deserve kindness is there anything I can do hug just hug see I knew it it's been months since that day me and I've gotten closer and I've even considered her a best friend at dark moments we held each other each other's hands although I supported her I didn't want to feel responsible for her I didn't want to be too I didn't want her to be dependent on me yeah of course no one wants that so we drove to every therapist in town until we found the one she liked one night Mae hooked me by surprised me thank you for what I don't know how to say this without saving emotionally constipated thanks for caring about me for listening to me I couldn't tell you before because I was sad but I appreciate you really Oh anytime thank you too for being my friends you teach me to be more kind oh my god no you no you no River gotta have the memes later that night she gave me a note both haunting and touching at read I was buried in the blizzard the snow pelted powerful and unpredictable never-ending I weakly cried for help but no one came my voice lost in the snow but you saw my messages you grabbed a shovel helped and I could finally open the door the end hope there's something to look forward to after all thank you for playing inspired by a real life dang that was good that was good I really liked again the atmosphere in these novels I know that the creator's done a few of them but they has a really really cool atmosphere and like it really like that you you feel it you could fill it in there and that's cool okay monologue time you know when I play this game I can't help but think of Etica and if you guys don't know who Etica is Etica was a youtuber and a streamer well he was a youtuber you did YouTube a lot and he was known for reacting to a lot of Nintendo stuff and you know I've even used some of his memes in my videos and his memes have been used throughout everywhere and he's it was very very well known for his over-the-top reactions that sometimes were so ridiculous but that was what made him so special and I actually would watch his dreams whenever I had the chance whenever he would scream and be really inspired and it would make me sit here and watch and be like man I want to be more like that like I want to be more outgoing and I just seen the way that he connected with his audience and you know he had so many viewers because they loved watching him you know like there's something about watching these people that make these videos online that that especially with YouTube but I said I feel like with YouTube and twitch and you know you you can make this connection with someone that and you can literally save like someone's life because of that and that's just one thing like I just love that connection that you could always get with YouTube and stuff like that I'm sure you guys heard about it but Etica like tragically like horribly you know it's so it's so unfortunate I really couldn't believe it he unfortunately took his own life and when I play this game i can't help but think of that and it's just like in his dreams like he's seem you know a person could seem so happy and so outgoing but you don't know you don't know what's going on in their real life and I know there was a lot of stuff that happened with Attica and did you know I feel like there was definitely a lot of mental issues with him especially you know with the sort of controversy the controversies that happened it just makes me think personally that it just really it didn't have to be that way because in reality staring from the outside which like like he had he had a big following you know he had a really great following a lot of people looked up to him and look forward to him streaming every single day but we get into these twisted thoughts and feelings you know in our in our darkest times you know we have these feelings that can make us feel like a piece of crap they make us feel like we have nothing it makes us feel like that we just like are not good enough and if you just hold on if you really just hold on for a while and and I think it's also worth noting too that while it is normal I feel like to feel sad at times and I know because I go through it that doesn't mean that there's not things you can help or do to help those feelings not be as bad or maybe help eliminate some of those thoughts for your minds like you know I wonder - like what are you surrounding yourself with I feel like I don't even have my phone on me right now but I feel like the freakin phones I just feel it in my heart you know I know there's a lot of studies that the phones have such a big deal to to do with us and while why mental health is such a rising epidemic I feel like it's at this point it gets talked about so much you hear every youtuber talking about it here everyone's talked about it and while it is important I can't help but feel that it's social media it's such a blessing but it's also a huge curse I think just staring and watching other people live their lives every single day and not living your own and not paying attention to your own feeling and the things that you care about in your life has such a negative impact and of course it's not always social media in Mays case in this vid in this video it was about her parents and that she wasn't happy doing what she wanted to do and yeah I don't know I I ramble on but I just like to get my feelings out the big point guys is that you are special I don't care what anyone says like you don't realize the the ability that you have to do some amazing things like you know all these youtubers that maybe you watch or maybe the people that you look up to you it doesn't have to be a youtuber but anyone that you look up to they they started with nothing just like anyone else and if you want to do something just go out there and do it you're gonna look like a jackass okay you're gonna look like a big jackass but that's okay everyone's got to feel that way at some times just go out there and do it okay and keep trying no matter how stupid you think you look eventually things will happen for you alright surround yourself with the best people get off the phone sometimes you know it's hard but get off the phone sometimes and just dislike for me just I I can't I can give advice all day but this is what I do I literally get up in the morning I drink my coffee and I go outside and sit where I stare and with the book I have a book and I read it and it's positive it's a very positive book and it reminds me how special I am you know it's a simple thing but reading this book every morning and reminding myself of these writings like I have literally this card right here I wrote on this card and I wrote messages to myself and I read it I don't always read this all the time but I do read the books and things like that it's a great reminder to start my day off feeling happy regardless of what's happening in the world what's happening in my life if there's problems I still decide hey I'm gonna be happy right now in this moment in time because that's all we have is this moment and you know I hope that maybe you guys could take that advice nobody's perfect we all have these problems and I think that's the greatest thing about like YouTube and stuff is that we can connect and I can express you that we all share these problems and you know people have it worse than others but just remember that it's it's not like like you make it seem to be in your head if you're feeling bad just know that that you're you're really amazing and special and that no one no matter how popular or famous they are there no more different than you no one's better than you no one's worse than you in the reality we're all the same we just have skin and bones and poop I just I just want to connect to you guys and like I trying to get cop in the views in the end the numbers and things like that but man I just want connecting you guys so I hope that this video helped you out in some way shape or form the world needs you it really does it's cheesy the world needs you okay the world does need you okay you have something special to contribute to the world now it's your choice to you know are you gonna do that are you gonna get up it's gonna take some effort it's gonna taste you know you're gonna have to try but do you want to contribute something to the world because you definitely can you're amazing just don't ever ever forget that and that's the messages that I always want to convey be happy no matter what's going on in your life right now do what you want to do because you only get one chance at life you only get one chance and if you let yourself be consumed by all the bad things and the negative things in the world then you might miss out on that chance and that would be horrible because we've seen it we've seen it happen time and time again it you know it doesn't have to be that way but anyway I'm gonna show it now I love you guys and I say that because with like empathy because again we're all the same and I really I really care about you guys I've met some of you in real life and I've heard you guys tell me things going on in your life and it it just like it breaks my heart when some of you guys tell me some of the things you tell me but like I just all I do is give you guys hugs when I can like I just want to hug you all because I know that this is such a big problem with people and and you know we all share this thank you for being here and helping me make my dreams come true because I couldn't do without you guys all right go download this game and there's more endings go get them alright and yeah hope you enjoyed this I keep talking I'm gonna shut up now all right bye scrubs bye bye
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 148,025
Rating: 4.969245 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, missed messages game, bijuu mike missed messages, missed messages, angela he, missed messages endings, you left me, you left me bijuu mike
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 35sec (2315 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2019
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