DO NOT trust this girl... Danganronpa

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welcome back my scrubs to another episode of danganronpa come on you guys deserve a clap like it deserves to be celebrated you guys have smashed 30k likes every single episode like I don't even know what episode this is but either way I'm super excited you guys have no idea like how fun it is for me to come in here and record this game every episode you guys just smash it so without further ado if you guys want to keep the series going make sure to hit that like goal of 30 K likes I usually don't like asking for like goals but it's I think it's a great way for us to be accountable to each other you hit the like goal I'll keep making the episodes because I tend to stop a series in the middle because you know I just don't see the support but I feel it I feel the support never underestimate the power of the weebs and danganronpa because here we go last episode was absolutely ridiculous alright now it's time for some support of the territory fee if you haven't seen it go check it out last episode ladies and gentlemen Chihiro is now dead but how did she die is what we need to find out this episode this is insane it's freaking crazy man but I don't know how long it took for me to fully comprehend the reality of what I was looking at but as soon as I did appropriate reaction a wild almost primal scream a preprint from me my hit pregnant printable private I've never heard that word escape from my mouth they definitely like what so the chapters not over I've never seen that before I tried to suppress my screaming but it was useless it surged out of me like water from a spring gushing out of the ground well of course you would byakuya on the other hand is probably laughing most unusual don't you think okay so he was laughing but yeah he was totally calm almost like he'd been watching this all unfold in front of a TV screen he's so heartless Bianca I do not like to look chihiro's corpse had been suspended somehow yeah they did go through a lot of trouble to do that didn't they and something's been written on the wall blood bloodlust such a brutal way to kill someone no this is beyond brutal wouldn't you agree they killed her how could it not be brutal no that's not my point this murder is far too bizarre for any everyday amateur to have committed it okay alright this is the part of the episode where I give it two predictions because it's like I want to see how correct I could be it how good of a detective I am all right I think it's really cool you guys disgust at the comments I try to have to read them though cuz it spoilers but just the fact that bfdi said it was too brutal and kind of crazy that she was suspended like that think about it there's only two options either Sakura who was strong enough to lift her up and tire there and it's at the girls locker room or it was actually two people working together to do that now who I don't really know I felt bad for the girls cuz soccer is gonna get them all I like with Sayaka this murderer was out a crime of passion or necessity it's almost as whoever did this did it for fun you see what I mean don't you what my hand was swimming I was still really too confused to understand what he was trying to say and before I could even begin to clear my head hey I heard screaming just oh my god huh what a what I seem to walk yet hon right bing-bong bing-bong once again alright let's see what the bear has to say about it no crime mark of a time which you may use however you like the class trial will begin same just jumping right into it yes I like how the game is finally picking up now that we actually know how the class trial is going everything so it's gonna go a lot faster I believe the heck was that that's right you were unconscious during Sayaka so you don't know about it you just heard the body discovering announcement apparently went three or more people discover a body or natsot plays or discovered a body and announced a place to let everyone know I imagine it so that the search for the culprit can proceed fairly for everyone involved proceed para leave the body discovery announcement then she hero really is dead yes yes restart scream your head off go around every go right everyone up it seems another game has begun again like I get it it's crazy but this is what was gonna happen I just didn't expect this to happen like that let's find out Inspector Gadget mode activated oh wait wait a minute soccer I think soccer was actually like Craig's with her I couldn't keep her safe I just still I don't know like I think I feel like she wouldn't be the one to do it though so there's another victim which means we are now in the same position once again yeah we got like two heartless characters in this game that's one of them that girl that is David he has a heart and he's like awful it's a dream this is a dream with all the dream oh third third three could also be possible that you know someone got in there right one of the guys because they kind of I kind of like pictured that happening as well all right well it's let's examine okay oh my god well there's a dumbbell with clear pink paint on here no there are more important things to worry about right now okay wait so what is this phase again I just want to figure out who did it yes that won't me to talk to everyone all right the word bloodlust is written all over the wall I don't think this is any kind of dying message it's just too strange but you know that thing about writing bloodless in blood doesn't it sound kind of familiar oh the Horde nah I'm sorry not the hora novel but the mystery novel that he was reading Oh okay so like quite a few episodes back it out they did mention a a serial killer they were thinking that maybe a serial killer actually Gant got into the school and was killing people and not in any of us and apparently he would write bloodless on the wall so that's really weird that they would do that whoever he got you over killed her but there's no way that's it they're just trying to be weird about it but I built now I'm suspecting freaking byakuya because that he's the one reading the novel's and talked about it I love it that this game is like so hard to figure out sometimes perhaps is the work of real genocide Jack no it's Don's he's here in the school there's no way yeah I don't really think there is a way at all what is it now toko heat it was pointing towards the interests of the girls locker room ah Tokra was the last to arrive and now she's just standing there know by why oh okay well she's obviously surprised shaken up about this a little bit a little too dramatic for my taste oh okay she baited that it sound good Togo in a rush over to the cloth so Coen tried to shake her awake Chuck are you okay come on wake up oh that's right I just remember what she said about she faints ever touched she sees blood it's this isn't a violation of the rules right it'd be technically she passed out somewhere else besides a room don't think that counts toku oh she actually woke up yeah as if she literally jumped up from where she was laying it was such a strange reaction that was I was at a total loss for words she left straight up into the air changing her stance that she did what the heck is wrong with her holy crap and don't time fly she was just standing up ignoring the physical contorts that she had to go through her emotions were totally haphazard what sorry about that I was just so shocked you know it happens right was I the only one are you okay I'm fine I'm fine well is that a dead body hey are you dead this is so freaky she scares me so much she must have hit her head the role has affronted back atop a Vienna bottom a sea of truth in a web of lies this is quite concerning maybe she's that's completely different no no no everything's fine at least the stutters all gone that's a good thing right it's all clear to me that everything is not fine your eyes seem strangely vacant it might be best if we take her back to our room for the time being oh my god now I have another theory just so many theories sprang up maybe she fainted and did this it could be possible that someone killed someone it did even know it no that's pretty weird that's gotta be a clue or something I don't know guys what do you think okay so monochrome I did I just confirmed that it was by us it wasn't like a random serial killer I don't think it is a bad thing it's just a fact of life because it's a graduation where except we all know that's how that Games supposed to be played okay oh so here's another interesting rule in any one killing game the guilty party may only kill a maximum of two people are you say two people are gonna die in one well I guess it kind of happened with Sayaka and juco but that wasn't really exactly the same but they can only kill two people all right well I don't remember any rule like that I just came up with it I mean if one person went around killed everyone your lovely student life would be all over right the new rule has been added to the regulations menu in that case why not limit it to one person well the good mystery you don't want to miss out on at least the potential of a serial killer angle just one but totally murder that possibility farewell for now like this you guys at the class trial I can't say I understand his BP but if we can kill up to two people then one person's life could still be in danger oh crap would they actually kill someone during an investigation all right it's time for investigation I love this part of the game it's fun makes me feel so smart alright so byakuya is gonna investigate with us I mean you are extremely on thin ice dude alright so you better not do anything suspicious alright first off first of all the dead ball right let's check the dump oh it's a blood stain well I do that already I guess monokuma file which is what we get every time someone dies right there was a blow to the head with a blunt object that's obviously what did it all right so let's read it the victim was Chihiro Fujisaki the time of death is estimated to be around 2:00 a.m. the body was discovered in the girls locker room think that's a weird time why would she go into the girls locker room so late it's on the second floor of the school the cause of death was a blow to the head with a blunt object she was killed instantly all right well a dumbbell would definitely do that but the question now is why why is that posed to have blood on it all right so so she just like got the dumbbells like I just just trying to pick her down all right what about this on the ground here he must have been splattered with blood during the murder okay well that was pointless okay what about her I could feel the life draining out of my body it's a dead body she hero's dead body but the more I look the more strange it all seems this must be genocide Jack's handiwork it's why would he keep saying that well bite but we're still not sure he did it is that what you want to say I wonder about that hmm are you saying that like one of us is him is it him is it you it's probably you is it it may be he's dressed up as Sakura I knew that was it a girl okay there was like nothing else to really examine I think we've examined it all really so sokrati she came here on her own by choice yeah why would you say that she'd been talking a lot lately about how she wanted to get stronger so you're saying that she came here to exercise she did mention the shoes she thought she was weak but according to a monokuma file apparently she was killed around 2:00 in the morning which she really had been exercising that late you know where my support usually in the locker room during the day so she was probably avoiding it then avoiding it although we invited her to join us more than once she never showed up so I can only assume she was trying to avoid this so that's why she was doing it so late at night but she was like embarrassed she did want to start exercising but she specifically mentioned that she couldn't do it by herself she needed support from others so you're saying she could have come in here in the middle of the night to training a secret but that also is she could have become with someone else it's a possibility I think that's a it's a little conflicting but what do you have to say dude had a real complex about being weak you heard cheero talk about it right I did indeed get stronger yeah I do remember she said that more than once sure did which I guess explains the trip down here but did she really need to get stronger that badly you already mentioned it but she was a girl after all most girls are aren't all that strong I don't know man haven't really thought about a lot of stuff but tell you see soccer I can't help but think of what it might be why why would she like that now I believe it's about time for us to move on already new clues will magically appear by standing around here ok good I like the game business directing us where to go at least this places relates to the investigation uh figure it out for yourself it's no fun if you don't write well she didn't get shot we know that much all right is there anything unusual here don't see let's take a look at this if I remember right the card reader is meant to work with our hand books right you have an issue with it is so you should take it up with monokuma you said that they quickly and sharply clapped his hands together he has to be has he been domesticated assistant Makoto has a question for you what's up well it's just about this card weird the card readers have all been designed to interface with each of our hand books your hand bugs you can only judge the locker-room corresponding to the gender listed in your individual handbook and it's impossible for two people in a Rhodes to go through while the door is unlocked right if there was some sort of erotic terrorists on the prowl the silly mounted galley could we kill them yeah and this was regulations prohibit anyone from lending someone else's handbook right ok so they couldn't do that so then that means they said lending no one said anything about stealing just saying that means only girls can go in the locker room and only boys can go in the boys locker room in other words she rose buddy big found in the girls locker room means that a girl did it so crap maybe it's not byakuya hey Mikoto I can see right through you see you right through me allow me to tell you what you're thinking since Cheryl was found the girls locker room the killer must have been able to get in there and it's one of the girls did I get it right good lord your simple well yeah I mean that's obvious what am I wrong though you should pay closer attention to the regulations the answer has been in front of you the entire time loaning your handbook to another student is strictly prohibited but the act of blowing your handbook is for everyday borrowing someone else is perfectly fine you mean stealing that's it that's essentially what I said can we agree on that okay so what guy could have done it alright let's head to the main hall the main hall that'll help you understand what's going on all right we came to the main hall so what are we looking for here does that mean I have to figure it out for myself of course put their basic thing aside oh it's a knee handbook wait there's three of them but what are they doing here so you finally found them did you know these were here I happened to find the by a chance of myself did the day seems like there's a system in place where the handbooks of dead students could deliver to this mailbox Oh Sayaka and JUCO never had a chance to use their handbooks so someone just came in and took it they were dead so they didn't break the rules they just took their handbook easy easy that's strange one of the handbooks won't turn on is it broken whose is it the other hand books show giucose name when I started it up then the one that won't turn on must be Leon's right it would make sense yes after all he did get pombal it does it does it's a baseballs fumbles with baseballs okay yeah that's right the memory of it came flooding back the cruel punishment which led to Leon's death the execution that we know we remember oh he's angry why what Betty Hamburg is central to student life here crucial integral its remit a super big deal there's no way you could break that easy but it did if I said it wouldn't break you would it break it break it could withstand up to ten tons of pressure and it's waterproof to 100 meters okay I don't care how many baseballs you would hit it with it wouldn't do crap but even my amazing handbook does have one single weak point it does but it's a secret all right valina must have broke into somehow without realizing it is what its weakness was right hard to say you know what i think i think you this handbook isn't actually broken but you might say how could that be living the question hagen in the air is it not charged I mean I would assume if something has electricity needs to be charged he's talking about genocide Jackson he really thinks it he's around here Rho H I think it's you then you really think you truly believe that he is actually here or a kilt chair oh absolutely I have no idea that Janet I have no doubt that genocide jack is the corporate in this case I will reply reaction the murders fiend is genocide Jack right there's no one else that could be a murderous fiend who kills again and again using a bizarre brutal method there like a ghost attack II suddenly this slipping away before the police can catch up to them and what nickname did the internet give to this mysterious lyrically yeah they say use kill thousands of people but that's gotta be nerve or legend still could one of us really be a demented psychotic killer like that you're not wrong to consider but words been little right now I'll tell you who's psychotic right now it's a freaking gothic girl she's obviously crazy but on the other toko right toko the girl yon dairy girl is also very weird I think I have actually boiled it down to those two people I think could be wrong though oh oh and he says I have a basis to believe that I assure you why there's somebody like to take you this will provide with all the evidence you need clear evidence the genocide jack is one that kills your hero never does does something like that really hey youtube Oh big trouble I need your help oh crap no we're busy living us alone but it's an emergency oh god who's dead I'm sad please you gotta help me she needs doughnuts again last episode she wanted doughnuts okay alright I'll go white food I gotta I gotta stop I'm sorry P okay I gotta stop help white okay let's go John but it's an emergency okay something's wrong with Teleco she's actually super strange well you didn't have to say that I knew that already what why should we do P up here since it's help I must admit I'm intrigued I suppose we could take a second to see what's going on with her this is just making me really like glad that I did not pick her his wife over she was definitely too scary for me I guess I'm gonna go in and see if my work is to coincide some kind of emergency you guys are too slow I think you're just too fast so what's the emergency well after what happened in the girls locker room we left her in her room so she could lay down after a while we came back to check on her you know to see how she was doing but when we did it was weird she refused to come out and she kept saying all this weird stuff weird stuff fine we should try talking to her okay let's talk to her all right let's give it a shot ding-dong the door swung open slowly and silently Oh God okay holy crap an aura of negativity flowed out from behind the door forcing a gasp out of me it was her just split personalities but I thought the same thing about the other girl too so this game's just freakin crazy man's bonkers well broke that just confirms it it's her she did it unless this is crazy I know right but be with me unless someone knew that oh my god Bianchi a knew that so Bo Pia reveals his own plan to throw us off and to prove that it was her because he knew that she was crazy I mean it even makes its cuz last episode she was stalking him and I think he knew this and it was being it was just trying to play a really cool and so he killed her that's what I think he even knew what he even knew that she was dead of course he's the one that did it my theories keep updating I know but come on it's a good theory and just like that she's on the door of my face what was that she's been acting like that this whole time it's just like anime we get flashbacks like when something just happened it doesn't make any sense right oh no it makes sense it makes sense it felt like somebody was holding a shot on the other side I could even budget Tonka was scared enough to even bar her door does she think the same thing is be akkad no no I I think I write all the money I really do are so someone needs to persuade her well I have somebody her boy-toy over here ash kuru man come on do it oh he's gonna do it okay he actually helps you moments later Oh baccala what what I'm sorry I couldn't keep her promise I'm sorry I expect him to serve voice acting they'd really do it randomly but don't worry never again I won't let Judas i jack ever have control ever again on this and with that the door slam shut even be Akio could pull it off there's nothing else we can do let's get back to the investigation yeah what was that promise I have no idea another one of her delusions I'm sure oh you're so late you're so guilty they could have worked together to do it you may have tricked her oh my god oh my god he could have tricked her because he knew Vicki she liked her yes perhaps perhaps he could have manipulated her into killing her and that was the promise maybe she's not actually genocide jack but she believes that she is due to his mind games that he can play I'm still on to this I don't know yet though guys if I say I don't know it means I don't know oh you guys as suspicious dude I don't like you from day one without a reply Bianca sped away oh yeah and I heard to catch up I tried to talk to the service taxes to be blog but he didn't even look back let alone say anything I mean that's super weird finally spiit brought him to a certain room library come on let's go in but it is weird that he per like lead me to all these clues you know it's almost like he's trying to obtain a narrative or a picture that he wants to paint he wants us to see which is why I think he manipulated her um is the evidence that proves it was genocide Jack really in the library okay all right thank you oh is it here we've never been in here this is the archive right hurry up and go inside go is it super weird that he's just directing us everywhere last time we didn't do that wow there's so many books and files in somebody's desk too I would say there's enough value in this place to endure the dust all right so we picked up a file yeah what sharp bite you indeed select that biome huh that's the report on the presidential assassination the original is kept at the National Library it won't be justified for another 30 years are you sure you want to look at it now there's no telling who's crosshairs you might wind up in for peeking at it at this school relation without making you sound I've returned the files of the shelf those documents are dangerous dangerous if they detail all the people who control the world for behind the scenes dangerous truth for a commoner you mean like members of a diet or something but big as that the secret council controlling everything for the shadows if you're ready to be too if you're ready to be disappeared for it take a look there are some very interesting people in there you're just kidding right Am I I'll just let it go for now he's just writing you a simple egg to a certain spot there's a wooden box is empty although judging by the smudges on the dust it looks like something was inside I wonder what it was there was an extension cord plugged in which he used for your lap stupid Hey but this it's a desk lamp oh yes the same one I saw Bianca using in the library what do you have a problem with the lamp it was here before then I moved it over there it's too dark over there so I thought I'd put it to good use quiet you're standing behind me alright Brent oh okay you won't let me you won't let me do it okay so their investigation reports related to difficult cases or police eyes only sorry you beginning to understand the true splinter of this library so genocide jack is oh there's gonna be pictures that like what he did okay okay so to summarize it I've just to make that was that shorter for you guys cuz it's really not I don't want to read every single thing I just think it's boring for you guys he's just he's he keeps going on about how all the files in here are gathered from around the world possibly by monokuma just to provide us with things to do probably for the murder things and I'm sure this one he's saying that they're genuine like really crazy files that like the government doesn't want people to see and he says he reviewed the multiple times but why why would he do that do you think you've read all the documents it more than whites but all this has to be like top secret confidential stuff right my family has a reading room just like this at our home it's a bigger of course and not as dusty members of the togami family have access to parity a variety of government related documents that includes foreign powers as well as domestic how is that possible I already told you there's a secret council that controls the world from the shadows are you saying you're that Council yeah that's exactly what are you saying but why would you tell me all of this and what they made the bloodline that allowed me to one day I've been the world to my will but to become such a ruler I must know all levels of this world backwards and forwards so whichever so whenever I have time I like to review whatever documents and materials that interests me which is why I could proclaim without a doubt that the materials gathered here are the real thing this is beyond believing or believing not believing Bianca is actually starting to scare me more than the actual mastermind yeah and what always interested me was the cold-case police investigation portes reading those have been a hobby of mine since I was little all right so I have a feeling he's gonna be basically talk about obviously genocide Jack yep I see the company it's just kind of obvious when you think about it okay so there's two notable characteristics in his murder thingy the first characteristic is every crime scene that where bloodlust is painted on there what this is all feeling my in my theory of him just controlling all of this and the second is that when the victims are murdered their bodies are suspended in a certain way he knows it very well let's remember that Savior surprise the best parties has to come with a second characteristics where the victims are suspended the only ones who knew about that particular fact were members of the police and other higher-ups by all accounts nobody in the media ever found out in other words no one ought to do is no one online nobody knew about that aspect of each crime except for you the only key officials and the killer himself knew about this act of mounting the victim now if you recall Cheerios Forbes her body was most certainly mounted in this fashion yes so how could the killer I've known about suspending the victim that's the key question but in fact the answer is quite simple the culprit isn't a copycat killer it's the real genocide Jack batten right there is the evidence the genocide jack has himself hinted among us maybe it's him the genocide jack is such a brutal fiendish killer brouilly is walking around among us interesting things are really starting to get interesting are they I never imagined a killer would be with such a reputation whatever become part of our little game now don't you think it would be good for you to take a look at what I've already seen you might just manage the fair to have a clue word see if you get down on your knees a peg I might even show you myself despicable I could see through your stupid lies she loved him so much she would do anything for him which is why they made that promise God is so obvious I'm probably wrong though yeah what oh okay all right so we're asked you we're actually asking to see the file itself feel free to look at it here but you can't take it with you what are you my boss are you my mom yuck you hand me the file and I flip through it with tense nervous fingers it can't be worse than what we've seen already suddenly my head stops I had breached the page where photos from the scene of each crime had all been collected the names of genocide Jack's victims ran on for several pages the one thing they became perfectly clear bread was all the killers countless victims were killed - suspended exactly the same way at the end of the scene every murder the word bloodlust was written on the wall profiling results all the crimes took place either on weekdays at night or during holidays either day or night the most common time for the killings to take place was on holidays in the afternoon based on these facts that could be suggested that the suspect may be a student evidence suggests that the suspect lingered at the scene but when they did leave they were in a panic because an eyewitness has never come forward it's unlikely there was any external reason for this this come this confused behavior suggests the suspect may potentially suffer from dissociative identity disorder you just I knew it it's him it's him it's him - I don't care what no-one says even if I swear it's him all right get this freaking flash trial going already though hey where are we going anywhere but here we finished our business how about we wait byakuya yeah answer my freaking questions man well this is where we part ways I have some things I need to take care of before the class trial yeah preparations okay just all the sudden like that come on it up you're annoying miss miss apprehensions did you really think we'd be together the whole time take responsibility for yourself adieu sub Akiva spool who the investigation forward on your own goodbye and just like that he was gone just as quickly as he asked me to join he cut me off in the end I felt like I was just a plaything getting Tufts around at the same time I covered some really important foods to thank him genocide jack he's the one that killed Chihiro and that murderer speed is one of us but who is it I have to find that a part out no matter what it takes and to do that there's somewhere I have to investigate one more time I have to go back to the crime scene the girls locker room and and I should check the boys locker room the others might have come up with some info okay yeah I thought we should probably check the guys locker room well this looks a lot what what why is this been changed wait a minute that looks like something what that looks like something that would definitely be on the other one right this wasn't here before I know cuz like freakin check this poster it's a popular boy bank card tornado and it's yeah that's what we read the girls locker room here's the pit the boys locker room why was that switched over oh my god trying to brainstorm by Jimmy Neutron brain blast this game makes me feel a sometimes but yeah that's weird that's why I was like why is the same poster in that one then it make any sense especially given the nature of the poster it's very odd for the killer to switch it why would they that's the thing I can't figure out oh my god someone took a crap on the floor yeah what is it a strange stain but I'll tell you what it actually probably is it's probably blood that was fried they tried to clean it up but they couldn't exactly clean it but wait a minute why would there be blood in here and what does that have to do with the poster be changed this is a very tricky mystery indeed I haven't figured it out yet but perhaps Chihiro is the one that came in here first and attacked somebody I don't know that's all I know I'm not gonna break through too much you got some evidence alright evidence what did you find I can't have to reveal it just yet it's but I guarantee that what I found will steal the killer's breath from his lungs by a sudden do it the posterior are you sure about that miss luden Berg said that she witnessed something worthwhile - really what did she see she refused to tell me it's like what a girl bullies the boy she likes right right so where's the last now the warehouse went the dorms she was there but at the same time not there what's it gonna be all right let's go talk to her key okay what the heck you have something to do besides the investigation what is it nothing you need to worry about just concentrate on the murder but before I go let me give you one piece of advice you should examine tiras body one more time thoroughly also her handbook is missing you might want to determine its whereabouts that's it I'll be praying for your success gyros & handbook is missing that's definitely worth worrying about okay so it's missing why I thought but it was there there was three handbook so we already know where it was keoki said I should examine the body one more time I know she said thoroughly but I do have my limits well I've gotta give it a shot anyway let's see Karos hands are bound with what looks like some kind of rope the rope was used to prop her up in a kind of crucifix position huh the Rope has a plug an extension cord and pyaar kiya already freakin said he knew that they were in there I don't think anyone else went in their way so it isn't a rope at all but the more I think about it the more that that's not the only thing that concerns me churros fatal injury was the blow to the head which means someone struck her in the head in order to kill her that's right there's the issue of her being suspended in the fatal blow at first I didn't see any reason to think too much about either of them but seeing them again after looking through the genocide jack file something was not quite right what does this all mean the one thing most likely to tie all of these mysterious mysteries together is the true nature of the rope that was used to spin Shiro and if we read to figure out and to figure that out there's a certain place I'll I need to revisit look over again and then we're gonna look over his case blah okay well I already know it's the extension cord we figured that out maybe this blow to the head with this was a cover-up and that's not actually what did it but before we go back to the library let's go down to the warehouse with Celeste oh nevermind I guess I still missed something okay so the poster it reminds me the poster on the other room is that's right there's definitely something strange about this the boys locker room nurse supposed to a popular boy band the girls locker room there's a poster poster of a big bob swimsuit model the posters have been swish okay yeah oh it won't let me leave here either okay what else is it there's something that okay something has been bothering about the locker room you see what you see I like to drink a little protein coffee every time I finished exercising with Saffy of they're staying cause it look like coffee and I did say crap but you know we have protein coffee and the warehouse is at the highest point have a lot of other options I mix protein powder with coffee and down a glass of it after exercising the other day I spilled some on the carpet in the girls locker room in it left a stain okay so the carpets are switched which actually means that the murder took place in the guys locker room confirmed because that's why they switched the posters but they wanted us to believe that it was in here but why was she in the guys locker room that's the thing okay yeah she confirmed that he disappeared okay that's what I was missing all right well that confirms that it definitely took place in there that's very odd though why she would be in there since they're nuts she's not allowed to go in there so she must have took one of the hand books and went in there why I don't know all right through the warehouse okay I've actually never been in here but she's in here she obviously knows something so we gotta find out what she knows what are you doing here this warehouse is amazing it has absolutely everything one might need to live a full life look forward to close to towels there's an endless supply to choose from I see that by Oh did it told you though but have you found anything related to the case I knew you're going to ask me that of course so you found something okay well I will tell you and only you last night I saw her here Chihiro was in the warehouse really this was right before night so what are you doing out this late yeah you know oh no wait wait what's in her bag it's not like a shirt oh it's like workout clothes this looks like are you planning to go exercise perhaps what how did you know because I can see a blue track jacket sticking out of that duffel bag you're carrying but wait a minute wait a minute let's go to the regulations real quick all right so yeah the nighttime is from 10:00 to 7:00 p.m. and you can't leave right it's only sleeping anywhere other than the dormitory okay so they can actually go out but you know we all agreed to not that all the all the students agreed to stay inside but obviously she broke that rule I better get going I'm kind of in a hurry was she in here Ginza protein she stuffed a jack into her bag in her hurry it was almost like she was trying to hide it it's just like that she was gone well that would make sense because she's probably embarrassed usually people when they start working out or embarrassed about it they don't want to really tell people honey I assume that she was merely stocking up to go exercise in the morning but it would appear that she ignored the nighttime rule and headed directly to the girls locker room if she hadn't broken our rule none to this what ever ever happening people need to stop going outside you get what you deserve I suppose so apparently she went to the girls locker room late at night and works exercise without anyone knowing but the strangest thing is there was no trace of the jacket oh wow that's true hon or the duffel bag which would mean that the killer would have gotten rid of it somehow well we probably ought to go the incinerator again where else do you get rid of it at wait who's on cleaning duty ah that's important okay well this time it's off and there's no one here so we can't really do anything all right you know how to check right the extension cord was there before yes okay now we're also gonna take another look at the file as well it's gone whoa he says this specifically not to take it out if someone took it out of the archive but the only one who would but the only one who would do something like that is Bo Kia it's just so painfully obvious isn't it wait a minute the Lance cord isn't long enough to reach the outlet from here the last time I saw it it was definitely on and it was definitely right here oh my god but there's no extension cord here now I wonder if nice was that it that's gotta be the last clue no really - spill the beans is there anything else Sammis broadcast otoko is the same as before she won't come out if she just keeps on mumbly about a jack so I just left her there you left her my head was awesome I mean I was getting pretty hungry don't worry I'm gonna head back as soon as I'm done eating toklas not exactly as pleasant Oh No hey what are you eating by the way I donated of course I told you there's two things I'm sure God created outer space and donuts I gotta say bad donuts are so good I remember me my dad even when I was little we'd always eat donuts together man she was a little bit straight she didn't really hang out with the other girls much it was like she was trying to keep her distance away from us actually soccer says something similar she said they even though you and her invited hero to exercise with you she always refused and it wasn't just us either it was like she stayed away from all the girls that's why why she went into the freakin boys locker room as she stole Leon's piggy eBook whatever I don't know she talked to the boys all the time it's kind of weird to be shy around your own sex but totally fine with the opposite sex wait maybe maybe she's used to guys spoiling her the law says you can't judge a book by it's cover right you think so I just really saw her as that kind of girl all right there sir accounts oh is that it um so I'm getting tired of waiting shall we just plunge right in get worse be awful yeah the moment you've all been waiting for the class trial you remember where to meet right please go through the red door on the first floor of the school [Music] begin the class trial or it's about to begin the right door is right through here I guess we're gonna save for next episode today spoke of the day goes to [Music] Arina [Music] hey thank you for smashing that like it as always guys if you want to see next episode on the clash trial you gotta hit that light gold Derby Cape freakin likes can't we do it I know we can't it's not even a question we can totally do it thank you guys so much for the support love you scrubs and I'll see you in the next episode bye guys [Music]
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 304,806
Rating: 4.9859686 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, danganronpa trigger happy havoc full game, danganronpa, bijuu mike plays danganronpa, bijuumike danganronpa, bijuu mike sayaka, chihiro fujisaki death, chihiro death danganronpa, danganronpa chihiro death reaction, bijuu mike danganronpa 6, toko danganronpa
Id: ZIAIU_Kk9uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 59sec (2399 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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