Bluey Just Did Something Incredible...

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I I think blue just peaked legit I think they might have just made the best piece of Television media for kids and families uh ever at least in the last decade or so but okay uh let's back up here first Bluey if you haven't heard of it Bluey is an Australian animated series that if you're in the US like I am airs on like Disney Channel and Disney plus if you don't know anything about it and just see a few Clips on the internet you might think it's one of those silly cartoons for preschoolers like Peppa Pig or D the Explorer yeah and it is but believe it or not it's a lot more than that Bluey has become a massive phenomenon over the last few years with people of all ages kids teens and parents alike because this is not just a show meant for kids I've argued that it's likely more for the parents in general being a show more about parenting than anything else the show follows Bluey healer her sister Bingo and her parents Chile and Bandit as they just kind of do their everyday thing they play games they go to the movies they go to school they sleep you normal anthropomorphic dog stuff but where other preschool cartoons might cover topics like you know sharing waiting your turn and I don't know shapes blue he focuses more on teaching lessons that are more emotionally resonant for both kids and parents yeah how many times did D the Explorer's Adventures turn into an allegory for the creation of Life an evolution of society ending in dying and passing on to the afterlife did Caillou ever focus on the mom's insecurity with her parenting they probably should have and even as a dedicated Blues Clues kid back in the day that dog never learned a life lesson about how sometimes you can't have children no matter how hard you try and you just have to learn to be okay with it these are all actual things that blue tackles I'm I'm not kidding now obviously this isn't the entire show there's still plenty of episodes that are almost entirely light-hearted and just fun for the kids watching I mean there's a whole episode where the healers hold a family meeting like it's a court case and it's all over just the dad having farted but even in simpler episodes like these where say Bluey and bingo are on FaceTime call with their cousin the show manages to work in a b-plot about their cousin's parents having a disagreement over their parenting styles that leads to an argument in the background not played for Laughs either they do this 100% straight these aren't things that kids in the show's Target demographics are necessarily going to pick up on so they are absolutely making the show just as much for the parents and because of that Blue's become popular with basically everyone and if you've been watching my channel for the last year or so you'll know that this isn't new I said basically all the same things in my first video about Bluey but something happened recently that has been kind of a culmination of all of this into what I genuinely believe is not only the peak of the bluey Series so far but possibly the best piece of television in this like genre or demographic the sign and this isn't just any episode they have been subtly building up to this for a good chunk of the show's third season it all starts in season 3 episode 41 stick bird where the family all head to a a shockingly empty beach for a day of fun but while Chile teaches es blue and bingo how to throw sticks or something Bandit is constantly distracted sort of Lost in thought dissociating even when he snaps out of it he eventually finds himself back in the void and at no point in the episode do we ever learn what's worrying him and this bothered me so much I mean sure maybe there's a poignancy to not knowing exactly what's on his mind and maybe it's more accurate to how a kid in real life may see a parent who's dealing with their own anxieties but I am nosy I want to know and a few episodes go by like normal you know there's an episode where everyone just draws pictures and we get an off-hand mention of Bandit's Elementary School classmate Bucky dunon who insulted Bandit's drawing skills and killed his motivation to keep going Bandit also mentions how he grew up to be a real estate agent can't imagine that will be relevant at any point and a bit later while at the pharmacy or as they call it the chemist Australia we see some of blue and Bingo's friends parents start to mingle in the background not important in the slightest episode after that Bingo saves a caterpillar from getting squished so it can go want to become a butterfly purely a one-off I'm certain of it and then we get to the episode Ghost basket it's a pretty normal episode where the family just play a game where Bandit pretends to be a real estate agent okay weird coincidence and he's trying to sell their house to Chile but Bluey and bingo are pretending to be two grandmas who refuse to let the house be sold it's a standard fun Bluey story but then right before the credits we see this shot from outside of the healer's house zoom out to reveal the sign a for sale sign sign a real one and now we're getting to it the sign is as far as I know Blue's first ever fulllength special clocking in at over a half hour and that's saying something when most episodes of blue are like it's 7 minutes long so clearly this is the big one and the ending of the previous episode wasn't kidding in the sign the healers are looking to sell their house and move to a new city apparently Bandit here got a big new job offer one that pays a lot more money than what he's currently earning by uh hm you know what don't really see either of their parents working much I know they have jobs because clearly they're extremely rich they live in a huge multi-story house that sits on top of a hill but going just by the show they mostly just kind of hang out with their kids I mean there was one episode where Bandit had to fly away for work I think it had something to do with archaeology maybe I don't know anyway not important bandit has a new job offer he wants the best for his family so he and Chile are planning to sell the house and move to a new town and while it's never like outright stated or confirmed this has to be the thing that was on Bandit's mind in the beach episode thinking about this new job offer and how he might have to uproot his entire family to go to a new town like that's really going to weigh on your mind that has to be what was going on there right right I have to know but anyway yeah and at the start of the episode we actually see them leaving their house for a bit so their real estate agent Bucky Dunston huh can show some potential buyers around the place the couple likes the house so it's looking like the sale's going to go through really the only thing they don't like is that that the house doesn't have a pool privileged yeah obviously Blue's not really taking the news great and why would she I remember what it was like being her age and having to move house or dealing with literally any change to your status quo it sucks change is weird and scary at that age so I totally relate to BL here and even as she tries to help BL understand and accept the change it's clear Chile's not in love with the idea of moving either weirdly though uh bingo doesn't seem phased by any of it she seems fine look she's even doing the thing that we all used to do when we were kids like playing the little running game with the car window that's cute I totally used to do that later at school blue tells her teacher Calypso about the whole thing so Calypso reads the class a story to teach them that despite the good things or bad things that come their way everything will work out the way it's supposed to Good Luck can lead to unforeseen circumstances and bad luck can have unexpected Silver Linings you just have to wait and see and Bluey doesn't get it she's seven but as if this wasn't enough and uh yes I'm really doing a Bluey lore recap right now that's the video you clicked on as if this wasn't enough the healers are also throwing a wedding ceremony at their house for Bandit's brother rad and his fiance frisky who we actually got to see meat and originally get together in previous episodes blue is still soaking about the whole move when her cousin muffin suggests just pulling the sign up out of the ground so the house quote won't be for sale anymore and luckily Frisk wants to pull the sign up anyway so it won't be there during the wedding so from Blue's perspective her problem's about to be solved but there's trouble in Paradise as someone lets it slip that rad was planning to move out west with frisky without checking with her first this throws everything out of order as frisky calls rad and gets so upset that she's ready to call off the wedding entirely frisky hops into her car and speeds off causing Chile to go into a panic trying to save the wedding and causing Bluey to also enter a panic because she needs frisky to pull the sign out of the ground so with that the chase is on with things constantly flopping back and forth between bad luck and strangely convenient coincidences as if the show were attempting to teach a moral of some kind coincidences including no joke the butterfly from the water slide episode accidentally flying inside the car causing muffin to freak out which forced Chile to pull over right in front of a road sign that helped her realize exactly where frisky would have run off to so once they all find frisky at this Lookout Point the real heart-to-heart starts frisky says that all the change is becoming too much for her you know with Chile and her family moving away and rad wanting frisky to move away too that's a lot but here Chile admits to frisky and Bluey that she doesn't actually want to move and gets genuinely very sad about the whole thing uh meanwhile a few feet away Bingo and her cousins are just absolutely pulverizing these Lookout binoculars they want to look around but they need a coin to operate it luckily Bluey found one on the floor of a shop they went to while hunting for frisky she gives it to her sister and they immediately get it lodged in the wrong slot so now it won't budge oh well after the heart-to- heart as Bluey chilly and frisky all sit in their uncertainty rad shows up he he and frisky manag to reconcile and the wedding is back on and during the reception the couple announced that they're no longer moving away hooray and so the next day the sign goes back up the deal is done and the house is sold the family packs up their stuff and gets ready to head out well except for Bingo Bingo's been pretty unaffected by all of this so far that is until move out day when she sees people moving all of their furniture out of the house Bingo didn't realize that selling your house meant you had to you know not live there anymore so that fear and dread that Blue's been feeling for who knows how long all Just Hits bingo in an instant so Buie tries to help her sister by telling her the same story Calypso told her earlier in the episode meanwhile back at the Lookout Point the two dogs who bought Blue's house just happen to go up to that same pair of binoculars you know they want to look through them and see if they can spot their new house and sitting right there in the wrong coin slot is Blue's coin from yesterday they managed to get the coin unstuck and put it in the right slot take a look through and find of all things another house for sale and it has a pool also are the are are those the parents of bl's friends who we saw mingling in the pharmacy episode a I guess they wound up dating and now the families are moving in together that's sweet so with the house empty and everyone saying they're good buys the healers are just about to pull out of the driveway when Bandit gets a call from Bucky the buyers change their mind and the sale is off Bandit reflecting walks up to the sign and then rips it out of the ground and tosses it into the road the healers are staying in uh wherever it is they live I don't know Australia the family excitedly runs back into their home and the episode ends now okay some of you might be wondering what's the big deal I mean this just sounds like a very nice standard story for families and yeah this isn't the world's most groundbreaking piece of fiction or anything but considering this is a show in the same vein of like Peppa Pig the level of Storytelling here is borderline unheard of there are shows for adults that don't have this level of emot maturity I love how this episode tackles the conflict from basically every possible angle you have Bandit who is unfortunately the instigator of the move you know excited for the opportunity that's come his way but unsure of whether or not uprooting his family is a good idea and feeling guilty for the way that doing what he thinks is best for his family is causing so much sadness for everyone and then you have Chile who really and truly doesn't want to move but wants to support Bandit and wants her kids to be brave so she's kind of putting on an act you have blue who is just totally going through it and then you have Bingo who's just too young to fully process the gravity of the situation until it's too late it's a very well-rounded portrayal of how a family might deal with something like this plus this episode does an incredible job at keeping you on your toes legit the show had me convinced that they were going to move up until that scene at the lookout spot I was fully ready for the status quo of the show to completely change New Town new house new Supporting Cast new set of stories for the family to face the works to some extent I was actually a little excited about it you know from the perspective of what it could do for the show story-wise but the moment it became clear they were going to stay was just so satisfying not only because of how the show had been building things up to this point but also because of the show's incredible presentation see Bluey as a Series has a deceptively simple art style and most of the characters are rectangles with a few triangles and circles it's not rocket science it's simple enough that even my crappy drawings of the characters don't look too far off but these simple characters and pleasant pastel colors are very often used as a springboard for some really beautiful imagery when the show wants to create a more emotional atmosphere you know they'll add fancier lighting more cinematic framing increase the detail on characters or objects or make the animation a little more involved and this episode does all of that and more and it all comes together with a beautiful Montage sequence near the end of the episode as the family all prepares to move only to realize they can stay it's set to this amazing song called Lazarus drug by Meg Washington who is also the voice of calypso the song is very iial and dreamy kind of melancholic it kind of reminds me of the ballad that plays during that one scene from Toy Story 2 you know the one the one that makes literally every human being SOB uncontrollably and for this song to be sung by the same person who taught blue the lesson of the episode it's just such an incredible full circle moment makes cry so much it is insane how much of a tear jerker it is and also what a unique moral for you know not just a kid show Family Show preschool show just in general I mean when you boil it down it's mostly a Twist on the whole whatever will be will be idea but I think the way they take that idea place it into real world scenarios like having to move towns or a wedding going off the rails mix it with Concepts like the butterfly effect literally and show it from multiple different perspectives makes the whole thing just so special and unique for both kids and adults to learn from yes the idea that there isn't really good or bad luck there's just what's happening you don't know what might happen in the future a good thing could turn bad or a bad thing could turn good the only thing you can do is just wait and see I love that but I know you you guys don't want life lessons you want the lore timelines Easter eggs continuity all for a show about dog toddlers okay Jokes Aside there is a shocking amount of continuity and Bluey blore essentially in this episode and when you start digging through it it becomes clear that the writers of this show have been setting up the dominoes here for a while and we've already talked about some of the more obvious ones like the two single parents from the pharmacy episode getting together leading to the house with the pool being put up for sale the heck at the start of the episode we even see one of those kids Winton saying his parents don't live together anymore but then his friend one of the Terriers just goes my mom likes your dad a little awkward but you see they were building this stuff up when I wasn't even paying attention plus there's the caterpillar Bingo save turning into the butterfly that caused Chile to pull over so that they could find where frisky went blah blah blah blah blah Bucky dunon the real estate agent being randomly named dropped six episodes before this one and how the wedding between rad and frisky in General is a payoff from the previous season when these two first got together but beyond all that the episode is still full of Easter eggs callbacks and things that further the continuity of the series even if they don't relate to the story directly there's kind of this General theme of growing up throughout this entire episode during the scene where the gang is trying to find frisky blue gets to sit in the front passenger seat of the car for the first time which is treated like a huge deal by all the other kids and later while the kids are attempting to overthrow the binoculars I guess blue is the one who hangs back and engages with the heart-to-heart talk with her mom about not wanting to move and of course when Bingo gets sad about having to move blue sets her own peers aside to help her sister I think it's really interesting how the show isn't just allowing blue to get older instead of just keeping her at 6 years old for the entire show but her character and her role in the family is actively changing as well it's very smart and I'm sure very relatable for the kids watching the show plus it makes this shot of Chile during the Montage at the end hit even harder I mean not only is this scene sad enough already but Chile here is standing in the exact same spot she was in when Bluey took her first steps it's even shown at the same angle man there's some real character growth happening here that's so cool and refreshing to see from this kind of cartoon and they're using the filmmaking and the medium to convey that to the audience in very subtle ways the sign really has the vibe of like a series finale it feels like everything that was being built up over the last couple of Seasons got paid off beautifully Here If This Were the show's finale it would feel totally earned they even bring back one of the show's most iconic storylines for a super brief callback that just hit me like a train earlier in season 3 in the episode onesies we meet Blue's Aunt Brandy if you know the show you already know where I'm going with this this is the episode that many believe to be tackling the subject of not being able to have kids it's one of the most mature and heavily discussed stories in all of Bluey and during the wedding scene we see Brandy for the first time since that episode and she's actually managed to get pregnant this one time tiny detail is just so heartwarming and actually a really great and subtle way to back up the episode's moral you know Brandy believing that she might never have kids only for her luck to turn around by the end of the season is actually a very nice mirror to the way Blue's luck consistently turned around throughout the episode reinforcing that phrase from Calypso's story we'll see it's just so good dude again it all feels like it could have made a perfect series finale but it's not in fact it seems like the show is far from over and actually the show might already be hinting at some more serious subjects they're planning to tackle moving forward like socks socks is another of blue and Bingo's cousins and throughout the episode her parents stripe and Trixie are seen arguing like a lot even during the wedding we see him fighting and at the same time we see Socks playing with the bride and Grom wedding cake toppers and she's making them argue oh my God that's so sad I feel like this has to be them building up to a future story about like a troubled marriage or even a divorce also the next day stripe stumbles out of the bushes clearly hung over I think that it is funny but dude's clearly going through it and that's not all because at the time I'm making this video there's another new episode out already and well spoilers I guess it ends with another bit of continuity from the sign this episode called surprise ends with a Flash Forward into the future where we see bluee now all grown up giving her parents a visit you can tell they're older because Chile is wearing the grandma glasses with the headstrap thing only old people wear those as she walks in blue says the house is looking nice and Chile's like thank you can you believe dad almost sold it oh the attention to detail I love it I love it so much I mean seriously I know I said this at the top of the video but how many shows made primarily for the preschool channels have this level of continuity character growth emotional maturity and like legit lore Lou out here doing more in one episode than some shows do in a season and if the responses I've seen online are any indication the kids and their parents are absolutely balling their eyes out over it and for good reason it's it's re it's really yeah I just don't think I've ever seen a show able to touch so many different people young and old at the exact same emotional level it it's genuinely astonishing so yeah uh I think bluee might have just hit its peak at least so far I cannot wait to see how the show manages to top this episode I got no idea how they'll do it but this show has never failed to surprise me man don't you feel bad for the people who think they're too old to watch cartoons [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: FootofaFerret
Views: 708,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bluey, bluey the sign, bluey sign, bluey the sign full episode, bluey the sign ending, bluey the sign song, bluey the sign reaction, bluey full episodes, bluey theme song, bluey pilot, bluey and bingo, bluey song, bluey intro, bluey episodes, bluey bingo, bluey bandit, bluey chili, bluey serious moments, bluey funny moments, bluey compilation, bluey live show, bluey video essay, bluey analysis, bluey commentary, footofaferret bluey, foafy bluey, footofaferret, foafy
Id: xkB7wtfit44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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